Bulletin 1977-06-28

President of R.I.:
Robert A. Manchester II

District Governor:

District 293

The Fruit Bowl of New Zealand


Weekly Meeting
Farmers’ Tearooms
Tuesday, 12.15 p.m.


Please address all communications to:
P.O. Box 752
Phone 83 241

1000 Rata Street, Hastings
Phone 82 694

Public Relations/Editor:
P.O. Box 66, Hastings
Phone 777 756

P.O. Box 105, Hastings
Phone 85 143

If you are unable to be present to undertake the duty allotted to you please: advise Club Marshall, Bert Eising – Phone 84 130.

TUESDAY, 28th JUNE, 1977.


We are holding an EVENING MEETING on this Tuesday, 28 June, 1977 for the installation of our new President, and the Change-over of the new Club Officers for the 1977/78 Rotary year.
ENTERTAINMENT: Robert Houston and Dawn Unsworth – the stars of song – taking us up the scale of delight.
MR MUSIC – JOHN MULLANY – two hands at the keyboard – pulling out all stops in his inimitable style at the organ.
SING-A-LONG – This is your big moment.
GUEST SPEAKER: This will be the night the roof falls in – when you listen to a very, very humorous Guest Speaker, of the fairest sex (we ‘re not allowed to tell you who) it’s a surprise.

Sgt-at-Arms: “Some Mothers Do Have ‘em” – Bryce Jones would appreciate anything that would strike a chord. (I don’t mean the stuff that holds up pyjamas) but something naughty but nice that’s been happening lately. Give him a ring, – or better still call into the store – there’s a sale on.
NOTE: There is no usual Luncheon meeting on this day, Tuesday 28 June – we are holding an Evening Meeting – it’ s Change-over Night.
DUTIES: There’s no specific list of duties but members may be asked to help in many ways.
TOP TABLE: Guests of the President.

VITAL STATISTICS, 21st June, 1977.
Present   84   Fines: $10.05
Absent   15   Shrapnel: 7.67
Attendance   87%   Total: 17.72.
VISITORS: Mr Robert Fenton, M.P. Hastings (Speaker).

OUR CLUB BOOKLET – WHO’s WHO: Last reminder to members to check our little club booklet to make sure that your name, classification, phone number, and other personal details, are correctly listed. Contact MAX LUTTRELL if you desire any alterations, or if you have suggestions to improve the presentation of our club Booklet for the new Rotary year.

May 12   John McCormack, Karamu
May 12   Len Hoogerbrug, Karamu
May 12   Bryce Jones, Karamu
May 16   Keith Sands, Havelock North
May 16   Ian Snadden, Havelock North
May 17   George Pacey, Stortford Lodge
May 17   Alan Walker, Stortford Lodge
May 19   John McCormick, Karamu
May 19   Lionel Wainscott, Karamu
May 17   Jack Cooper, Stortford Lodge
May 23   Jack Cooper, Mt. Albert
May 23   Noel Louis, Taupo-Moana
May 23   Bob Price, Havelock North
May 25   George Pacey Takanini-Clevedon
May 26   Roy Batchelor, Karamu
May 30   Walter Borwick, Havelock North
May 30   Ray Custance, Gisborne.
Who wants to go visiting. I heard a bloke at another club say they put manure on their strawberries – we put cream on ours.

Fellows; It is difficult to put into words the thoughts of the President in the last bulletin of his year. The finding of appropriate news for the President’s Corner is a very demanding task for somebody who was only very average at English, in fact very average at all subjects in his scholastic years. This week however, my task is easy. I hope that every one of you and your wives will make the effort to attend the Change-Over Night that Don and I promise to be an occasion you will always remember. The main items are in the bulletin this week and I am sure Club Service have arranged for us a very enjoyable and relaxing evening. Robin, Annette, Don and look forward to greeting you all at the door at 6.30 p.m. next Tuesday. I take this opportunity to offer my personal thanks to the Ladies of Rotary, and all members of our club for an enjoyable year in Rotary. Best wishes to Don and his team, for a successful Rotary year. PETER

CHANGE-OVER NIGHT – LADIES NIGHT.   The Rotary Wheel of time has once more turned its full circle, and it’s time for the old clocks to chime out as we wind up the new ones with new faces for this coming Rotary Year 1977/78. It’s all laid on at the H.B. Farmers – commencing in the Blue Room with fellowship, 6.30 p.m. to 7.15 p.m., followed by a sumptuous meal that will have your knife and fork working overtime. First class entertainment for your pleasure and if you want to get wound up yourself, you can even let your two left feet go into a knees-up. This is the night when your presence is a show of appreciation to President Peter and his wife, Robin, allowing us to share Rotary with them during this past Rotary year, and also to give support to incoming president Don and his wife, Annette, as we once more prepare to all walk together under the Rotary Banner, down the path of service. The cost is only $8 single – $16 double, and some Lucky person gets to sit next to me. Ladies, don’t forget to wear your name badge – we like to say hello. Well, that’s it – looking forward to meeting you all at the Change-Over Night, Tuesday evening 28 June.

Birthdays: June 28   Arthur Powell
June 30   Walter Borwick
July 2   Tony Cross
Wedding Anniversaries:
June 26   Margaret & Len Webb
June 26   Eve & Stuart Anderson
June 30   Agnes & Don Wilson. Best wishes to our Nursery Couple.
What else can we say, that hasn’t been said – it’s all being said in the Nursery bed.

Ahuriri   4 July – Colonial Lounge, Tamatea 6.30p.m.
Havelock North   27 June – D.B. Te Mata.
Karamu   30 June – Rainbow Room, Embassy Court, 7 p.m.
Napier   27 June – Napier 6.30 p.m.
Taradale   30 June – Colonial Lounge, Tamatea 6 p.m.
Waipawa   20 July – Waipawa.

DON’T FORGET: District Governor Leighton Patmore’s Installation on Sat. 2 July. Venue in H.B.  Farmers Tea Rooms – commencing 5.30 p.m. – formal business over by approx. 9p.m. then it’s take off the brake and let it go ‘til midnight. Cost $14 per person.

Registered at the Post Office Headquarters, Wellington, New Zealand as a Magazine.


NAPIER: War Memorial Hall – Monday 12.15
NAPIER WEST: Fire Station Hall – Tuesday 6.00
TARADALE: Town Hall – Thursday 6.00
AHURIRI: Napier Sailing Club, Ahuriri-Monday 5.30
HAVELOCK NORTH: St Luke’s Hall – Monday 6.00
STORTFORD LODGE: D.B. Heretaunga Motor Hotel – Tuesday 6.00
GREENMEADOWS: Taradale Town Hall – Wednesday 6.00


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[List of names in this title still to be added – HBKB]

Bulletins from other years held at the Knowledge Bank

Business / Organisation

Hastings Rotary Club

Format of the original

Leaflet (1-8 pages)

Date published

28 June 1977

Accession number


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