Tuesday, 31 January, 1984.

Speaker:  – Mr Peter Van Wyk, South African Publicity Officer – South African Embassy.
Subject:  – South Africa –
Introduction:  Bob Fish
Thanks:   Owen Johnstone

DUTIES:  Dick Watson
Mess:  Roy Batchelor, Colin Blackmore, Derek Burns
Coffee:  Jack Agnew, Hans Andersen
Sgt-at-Arms:  Don Patterson
Rt Hand:  Len Webb
Lt Hand:  Rei Apatu
Lt Hand:  Ed Bate, Roger Bate
Emergencies:  Tony Bone, Tony Brooker, Ian Cameron.
Host:  Dick Spence.

VITAL STATISTICS, 24 January, 1984:
Fines:   $19.70
Shrapnel:   $ 7.74
Total:   $27.04

THE WAIPAWA ROTARY CLUB:  A monster Rotary raffle to raise funds for Rotary Foundation’s 3H programme (total eradication of Poliomyelitis in the Philippines and throughout the world).  Raffle size – 4000 tickets – these will be sold in District 993 – 50 Clubs averaging a membership of 40.  Prizes – 1st, a 1984 Ford “Laser” car – 2nd, $2,000 cash – 3rd $500 cash.  Price is $10 per ticket mainly to Rotary members.  Closing date 18 February 1984 – drawn at Rotary District Conference, 3 1984.
The Waipawa Club desire all Clubs allocated tickets on basis of 2 per member.
Organizer – Mr Robert J. Herrick – Director of International Committee – R.D. 3, Waipukurau – asks for our Club’s support.

Birthdays:  Feb. 5, John Cornelius
Wedding Anniversaries:
Feb. 3,  Pamela and Gary Pike
Feb. 5,  Betty and Bob Fish

Vocational Service meet Tuesday, 7 Feb., at 7.30 p.m., home of Robbie Robson, 42 Iona Road, Havelock North.

HONORARY MEMBERSHIP:  It is with satisfaction we record that Selwyn Begley has been granted Honorary Membership of Hastings Rotary.  Club meeting – 20/12/83.

If you were watching the picture of cricket on T.V. – did you notice the sign on a shed in the background – Men’s Toil.”

Jan. 31,  (Directors’ Meeting) – Rex McLay.
Feb. 1,  (Club Meeting) – Tony Bone.
Rotaract will advise time and date later.

RESIGNATION:  The Directors have accented with regret the resignation of Star Renata.
We will miss his good fellowship.

This week mention must be made in respect of the report last Tuesday by our Convener of the Centennial Committee.
Chairman Brian Gurney has made an urgent request to all Committee Chairmen to please forward to him their reports on the needs of their Committees in respect of the Rotary Gala Day at Fantasyland on 25 February.
These reports will need to be fully discussed before the next meeting.  A meeting will then be held on the 8 February, so that the Centennial Committee and Committee Chairmen can endeavour to finalize arrangements for the Big – Big – Day at Fantasyland.

Just a few notes in relation to financial statements.
The eligible employees of Rotary International assigned to the Rotary Foundation participate in the retirement plan of Rotary International.
Pension expense allocated to the Rotary Foundation was $48,253 in 1983 and $54,000 in 1982.  The organisation’s policy is to fund pension costs accrued . The method of funding the deposit with Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. is immediate participation guarantee contract.  An analysis of accumulated plan benefits and plan net assets as of the latest actuarial valuation date for Rotary International and the Rotary Foundation is as follows:-
Actuarial present value of plan benefits
1 July 1982   1 July 1981
Vested –   $7,529.151   $7,091.960
Non vested –   74,327   138,524
$7,603,478   $7,230,484
Net Assets available for benefits –   $6,918,532   $6,393,964
The assumed rate of return used in determining the accumulated plan benefits was six per cent at 1 July 1982 and 1981.

ROTARY CENTENNIAL 18 HOLE OPEN GOLF TOURNAMENT:  Our Youth Committee are all set for action for this Golf Classic on 5 February – Hastings Golf Course.
If any of our members care to volunteer their services with this ever popular Golf Tournament – contact Convener Sandy Struthers.

I know how to get my family’s attention at our house – I just sit down and look comfortable.

THE “RAINBOW” CONFERENCE:  Our Liaison District 993 Conference Officer, John Holderness, advises that the keynote sneaker at the Rainbow Conference, Taupo, 2-3-4 March, will be Mr Malcolm Fraser.  John has all the Conference forms.

THE “LANDMARK FAMILY:  Landmark advise that they have five girls in their Hastings home.  They need a “Mum” or “Mum or Dad”, an older lady or couple with independent family.  They ask our Club to endeavour to make their need known as widely as possible.


Tuesday, 13 March 1984

Speaker:  MR BERNARD HAGEN Geological Surveyor
Subject:  The Mohaka Hydro Electrical Development (Slides with Presentation)
Introduction:  Roy Batchelor
Thanks:  Keith Sands

Mess:  Ian Cameron, Brian Campbell, Ray Custance, Neil Donaldson
Coffee:  Graeme Clarke, Cor Dames
Sgt-at-Arms:  Jim Hurford
Rt. Hand:  John Cornelius
Lt. Hand:  Murray Davidson
Top Table:  Tony Brooker, Tony Cross
Emergencies:  David Davidson, Frank Darroch, Hugh Douglas
Host:  Dick Spence

Present   66
Absent   17
Attendance   80%
Fines $26.23
Shrapnel $15.89
Total $42.12

Just in case you didn’t hear it; my gorgeous typist couldn’t come to Rotary and see me get the District’s Editor’s Award – she had to go up town and buy a pair of pliers – she’s just discovered her boy friend’s zip is stuck.

All incoming Officers are expected by Rotary International to attend a Zone Forum at H.B. Community College, Taradale on the 24 March.  Incoming Officers cover,
Incoming President – Vice President – Secretary – Treasurer – and Directors of Community Service, Youth, Vocational Service and International Service.

Hastings Rotaract are holding their Change-Over Night on Sat. evening 31 March.
Social Hour:  5.30 p.m. to 6.30 p.m.
Meeting:  6.30 p.m. to 7.15 p.m.
Dinner and Dancing is all go at the Angus Inn.  Tickets only $16 per person and can be obtained from Sandy Struthers, Chairman, Youth Committee.

Peter Young   March 12
Ed Bate   March 12
Alan Walker   March 14
Bill Langford   March 15

March 12 (Directors Meeting)  John Single
March 14 (Club Meeting)  Keith Garland
Rotaract will advise time and place later

Dec. 7   Ally Mackay, Greenmeadows
Dec 20   Roy Batchelor, Havelock North
Jan. 16   John Holderness, Taumaranui [Taumarunui]
Jan. 24   Roy Batchelor, Havelock North

Rotaractor, Graeme Sullivan, proceeds with RITSE, the Rotaract Exchange – spoken as RET.  Graeme goes to Adelaide, Australia in the middle of March this year.  Hastings Rotary is pleased to contribute the sum of $100 towards the visit of this Rotaractor member of Rotaract Exchange Team.

Sincere congratulations to our Bulletin Editor, Max Luttrell, for his very splendid effort for the past year, on being awarded the top Bulletin Editor’s Award District 993, for the second year in a row.
The Club’s congratulations and best wishes on this well deserved win.
Directors will meet on Tuesday 13 March 7.30 p.m. home of Robbie Robson, 42 Iona Road, Havelock North.  It is also time we had some discussion on how we celebrate our Club’s Birthday, this year.

A new Annual Contributions Scholarship Formula governing the allocation of additional Scholarships was adopted in October 1983 by the Foundation Trustees.
For the next 15 years, extra Scholarships based on a per capita giving formula, have been awarded to Districts with outstanding contributions.  But research studies recently determined that such a formula could sometimes result in a foundation commitment to Scholarship expense higher than contributions warranted; also small sparsely populated Districts could receive proportionately more additional Scholarships than larger, more heavily populated ones.  So the Trustees decided to replace the per capita formula with an Annual Contributions Formula.  This applies to contributions beginning in 1983-84 and determines the number of additional Scholarships a District can earn for 1986-87.  Here are the basics:
Every District will continue to receive at least one Scholarship. Additional Scholarships will be allocated to a District according to the following annual contribution schedule.
No additional Contributions (including credit from previous year)
1.   U.S. $42,000
2.   $63,000
3.   $84,000
etc., etc. (multiples of U.S. $21,000.)
Each U.S. $21,000 will provide for a Scholarship plus a share of all other Foundation programs.  No limit will be placed on the number of Scholarships a District may earn annually.  Contributions in excess of one level, but not enough for the year, will be carried forward to the ensuing year.  Club and District plateau recognition formula will not be effected.

LIFELINE (H.B.) INC.:  A Street Day Appeal will be held by Lifeline in Hastings and Havelock North on Friday 30 March, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 4 p.m.
Lifeline hopes many of our members will be willing to spare an hour during the day as collectors.  Derek Burns, Chairman, Community Service, has all details and he would be pleased to forward collectors names to Lifeline.

Wear your Rotary Lapel Pin – and let people know – “Service is your Business”.

MEETING PLACES – OTHER CLUBS:  Please add a new Rotary to your Club Booklet:
Avonhead Rotary Club meets 5.45 p.m. on Mon. At Riccarton House, Kahu Rd. Ch’ch.


Wednesday Evening 27 June 1984

Omahu Lounge D.B. Heretaunga Hotel

EVENING MEETING:  Meeting on Wednesday Evening 27 June 1984 for the Installation of our new President and the Change-Over of our new Officers for the Rotary year 1984-85
DELIGHTFUL VENUE:  The Omahu Lounge – D.B. Heretaunga Hotel, Hastings.
ENTERTAINMENT:  You will enjoy the Entertainment.
FELLOWSHIP:  We meet for Fellowship at 6.30 p.m. – a bar will be available and drinks will be your care – followed by a meal at 7.30 p.m.  There will be a limited amount of wine on the dinner table.
THE SGT-AT-ARMS SESSION:  Our four wise men (we’ve included one extra being election time) will be telling you – what’s happened what’s happening – and what’s going to happen – and what they will take while it all happens.  Jim Redgrave and fellow Sgts. will be taking a few Bills from the house – so long as you tell them what’s going on at your house.  Our Sets. won’t be worrying about interest rates.  Phone in the news to Jim, NOW.
TOP TABLE:  Guests of the President.
IMPORTANT:  An accurate account of members and wives attending this Change-Over Night is necessary for catering purposes.  If you desire to attend – please phone John Mills, NOW.
THE COST:  is only $20 per person for this great night.
NOTE:  There is NO LUNCHEON MEETING on the Tuesday of this week – we meet Wednesday Evening 27 June 1984.
DUTIES:  There is no specific list of duties – although members may be asked in many ways to assist.
LADIES:  Don’t forget to wear your name badge – we like to say hello.

Fines $20.10
Shrapnel $8.72
Total $28.82

THE CITATION PROGRAMME:  If you remember, this is the special Citation programme to be signed by R.I. President Bill Skelton.  Clubs to achieve a net gain of members (according to the Club’s number of members), and also at the same time, meet three of the seven goals so nominated by the R.I. President, in the interest of Sharing and Serving.
District 993 has received the first notification of achievement of the World President’s Citation programme, from within our District.
The Tokoroa Club (size area of 36-65) has had a net gain of 4 members.  They have also initiated neighbourhood watch, as a new community project – have participated in Youth Exchange – have assisted the establishment of a goat herd in the Cook Islands as an international project and have gone one better, by exceeding last years contributions to the Rotary Foundation by more than 10 per cent.

The Rotary Wheel keeps turning and this day has now been reached when the last President’s Corner for the Rotary Year 1983-84 appears in our Weekly News.
Thanks must be said to the Officers of our Club for their dedication to Rotary and a grateful thanks to all the members of Hastings Rotary for their grand support during this now ending Rotary Year.
Thanks must be expressed to my wife, Judy for her grand help in this year and. of course to all the Ladies, a thankful appreciation for their thoughtful contributions during this past year.
Best wishes to Incoming President, John Mills and his wife Sue, who I am sure will enjoy the fruits of warm fellowship, always readily extended by the thoughtful members of Hastings Rotary.

Wedding Anniversaries:
June 26   Margaret and Len Webb
June 26   Eve and Stuart Anderson
June 29   Margaret and Kevin Williams

Just a reminder to the members who will be advertising on our new Club Weekly Bulletin.  It would help if we could receive your advertising copy NOW, to enable our new Weekly News to be placed at our Printers.

CHANGE-OVER NIGHT:  This is the night we see a change over of officers in our Club.  We are very sorry to see them lay down their reins of office, but we are also thankful they have left a wonderful trail for us all to follow.
Change-Over Night is the night El Presidente Pedro ropes in his burro, sends his chaps to the cleaners, ambles to peaceful pastures, where he picks up his Mazda and heads for the Reserve.  Meanwhile, back at the hacienda, the chief of the Parksito, adorns his Camisa with a Chain of Medals, and heads for The Big Wheel.  Carrying the Bandero of Blue and Gold, his Caballeros leave the field of Recreation, and ride on the Trail of Service.
Change-Over Night is the night we say thanks to the good guys who have led us through this Rotary Year 1983-84 in another exciting time in Adventure In Service.
Change-Over Night is the moment for us all to take this opportunity to say Thanks to President Peter, for his spirit and guidance during our 1983-84 Rotary Year.  We express our appreciation to President Peter, and his wife Judy, for allowing us all to share with them another wonderful year of Rotary.
This is the night we give support to Incoming President John Mills and his wife Sue, as we prepare to walk together in another successful year in Rotary Service.
See you all there at Change-Over Night.

COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN (1983-84):  All Committee Chairmen for the past Rotary year are requested to please have their reports from their respective Committees, handed to President Peter before the end of this month, June 1984.

Incidentally, Tokoroa have a membership of 48 members.  Well done Tokoroa.

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[List of names in this title still to be added – HBKB]

Bulletins from other years held at the Knowledge Bank


Business / Organisation

Hastings Rotary Club

Format of the original

Leaflet (1-8 pages)

Date published

31 January, 13 March, 27 June 1984

Accession number


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