Cadet Magazine 09 1956



No. 6   1956

Everyone responsible for the publication of The Cadet Jottings take this opportunity to wish all of the Officers, Superintendents, District Staff, Cadets and all our other readers,

The best wishes for the Christmas Season

and a very Happy New Year


(By Foresight)

Taking a look into the programme for next year, divisions in Hawke’s Bay are going to have a busy time as far as competitions are concerned. The teams will have to be putting their hearts and souls towards training. However, members think that this will be time well spent, as, every time they compete they learn something and it is a real treat to them to see the team spirit at all competitions.

In reality we do not enter the competitions with the sole idea of winning but with the idea of gaining that little extra knowledge, and the thought of meeting other St John from the various centres in New Zealand. Then, having achieved this friendship and having perhaps seen another part of the country we aim our skill at winning the trophy of the competition.

And so may the best teams win and may all those that are not quite so successful take their defeat in a good sporting way and realise that without them there would not have been a competition.

A rough outline of the competition programme for next year is as follows:-

APRIL: Hastings cadets are starting a competition that will be open to all Hawke’s Bay-East Coast and any other district that Hastings chooses to invite

MAY: Wanganui are holding their annual competitions so that they can endeavour to win the majority of their trophies back from the Napier and Hastings divisions.

ELIMINATION competitions in June or July.


Dear Sir, – I would like to commend your paper for the good job it is doing among the Cadets of the District. It keeps the young St. John people informed of what is happening in the Order locally, and whenever I am speaking to Cadets I will encourage them to contribute their news for publication.

At this time of the year I would like to take this opportunity of extending to all Cadets in the District my best wishes for a Happy Christmas and a Bright New Year. – Yours faithfully, H.G. BARDEN, Commissioner.


An appeal to all cadets and their superintendents to see if they could possibly spend one parade night practising artificial respiration. As you all know with the summer weather coming on there will be crowds of people going swimming. No matter where you may be, at the baths, the river, or the beach, your services may be required to promote resuscitation to some person. Revision on this will possibly be a great help to you.

I hope superintendents will cooperate as much as possible.

AUGUST: Dominion Championships.

BARDEN & TAYLOR CUPS approximately September.

NOTE: None of these dates are definite.

Our next issue of the Jottings will be published in February 1957 and so we invite any suggestions that you will help improve our magazine. All suggestions will be given every thought and consideration and a reply will be given to each suggestion.

Contributions of articles of interest will also be most welcome. The first of these to be in the hands of the editor ready for publication will be the winner of the first prize to be awarded for contributions in 1957. (You, too, can donate a prize if you wish)

Just enter your suggestions below and post them to us.

I suggest:-

Our Address
511 E. Queen St.,




Early in 1955 one of the Hastings cadets began to work on the idea of printing a magazine of some description for the Hastings Cadet Divisions.

Having first approached the Superintendents of both Divisions, he was unable to find a way in which it could be printed at little cost. So still undaunted he approached Commissioner Barden, who arranged that if the two divisions could form their own censoring committee, and elect an editor he would be able to see about its reproduction. Thus formed a magazine that was sent to the now resigned secretary of the Hastings Sub-Centre, Miss Donavon, who cyclo-styled it for them. The cost of the paper etc. compelled the committee to make a charge of 6d per copy. The articles being contributed by the cadets.

This magazine was to be called the “Cadet Newsletter” but on investigation, this name could not be used as Priory were then issuing a Newsletter. Then in a telephone conversation, Miss Donavon suggested the “Cadet Jottings.” But being overrulled[overruled] by the committee the first was called “The Cadet.” The covers of which were printed and donated by Hart Printing House, Hastings.

However, on the resignation of Miss Donavon, Miss N. Morgan, an acting Cadet Officer, spent hours and hours of her spare time typing the stencils. Unfortunately, after the third issue, Miss Morgan could not continue and as all efforts to find a typist failed, the magazine was abandoned.

But the seeds were sown, and this year one of the Hastings Cadets seized an opportunity to begin again. This time, instead of the magazine being cyclo-styled it was to be printed.

So after a few negotiations, began this magazine. The editor choosing Miss Donavon’s suggestion “The Cadet Jottings” decided that he could ot [not] fall back on the old name “The Cadet” as this was to be a completely different magazine. The first issue was solely for the Hastings cadets and it was because of District cadet Officer Mr. H. Taylor’s suggestion in 1955 that he would like to have seen The Cadet go all round H.B., that this magazine was sent to Napier and other Divisions, and now, it circulates right throughout the District from Gisborne to Takapau. 450 copies are printed and this is a record circulation as well as the fact that we can have our photographs reproduced for us.


An extra special thank you is sent to Commissioner Barden for his designing of the front cover for this Christmas Issue.

Thank you Mr. Barden.


“THERE’S no other way out,” the doctor told the frightened young girl in his surgery. “Your leg will have to be amputated.”

Pretty Harriet Willard sobbed.

“W-will it hurt?” she asked.

The screams of agony and the intense suffering of patients who had gone through similar operations flashed momentarily through Dr. Thomas Morton’s mind.

Then he smiled at his patient and said: “You will be the first person to have a leg amputated WITHOUT FEELING ANY PAIN!”

But Harriet Willard was not reassured. When she was taken into the operating theatre one day in October, 1864, she gripped the sides of the operating table and steeled herself for the agony ahead.

America’s greatest surgeons watched silently as Dr. Morton picked up his box-like equipment in the Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston and placed a rubber tube in the patient’s mouth.

“Breathe deeply,” he said to Harriet Willard. After a few seconds her eyes flickered and closed.

And the assembled surgeons assembled watched the first amputation to be performed without the usual shrieks of agony from the patient. Occasionally she SMILED in her sleep.

Thomas Morton had conquered pain with Ether!


To afford facilities to boys and girls to meet together for practice in First Aid, Home Nursing and kindred subjects with the object of receiving early training in them.

To inculcate the principles laid down in the Cadet’s Code of Chivalry.

To develop the spirit of team work and to improve health and physical vigour by means of games and exercises.

To lay the foundation for ultimate membership of Senior Brigade.


James Johnson occupies this bunk;
He tried to drive while he was drunk.

Close by the brook sleeps Ernest Bass;
The bridge was narrow; he tried to pass.

Here reposes J.H. Kidd,
Who thought he wouldn’t skid – but did!

Here lie the bodies of both the Drakes;
They trusted too much in their four-wheel brakes

Heaven help women like aMrtha[Martha] Marr;
She took one lesson then drove her own car.

O’er Mike O’Toole they’ve now said Mass;
He reached for his brake – but stepped on the gas!

Here lie the remains of Percival Sapp;
He drove a car with a girl on his lap.

Slumbering here is William Blake;
He heard the bell, but had no brake.

Beneath this stone lies Henry Baines;
Ice on the hill – he had no chains!

Here’s Mary Jones, but not alive;
She made her car do sixty-five!

Ed. Smith is lost to earthly wiles;
He took a curve at fifty miles.

Beneath this turf lies Arthur Meek;
He used a match on a gas tank leak.

“Now Minnie, how many more times have I to tell you about those cobwebs? I’ve just had to sweep one off the bed-rails and put it in the fire myself!”
“Good lawd, sir! That’s the missus’s fancy dress for tonight’s ball!”

John: “Professor Smith has given me a ticket for a lecture and I don’t quite know what he means by it.”
Charles: “Why, what is the trouble?” John:
“The lecture is on ‘Fools’ and on the ticket it says ‘Admit one!’ ”

Tramp: “Old lady, spare a copper for a poor old man.”
Lady: “How dare you say I am old!”
Tramp: “If you were crossing the road and saw a worm, would you pick it up?”
Lady: “Certainly not!” Tramp: “’Well, you are not a chicken!”


An inspector was examining an elementary school at the beginning of the year. He asked a little girl “If I lend your father one hundred pounds; and he promises to repay me ten pounds every month from the 1st of March, how much will he owe me on the 31st December?”
The little girl hesitated a second and then replied: “One hundred pounds.”
“My dear child,” said the inspector, “you do not know the rudiments of arithmetic!”
“Oh, yes I do, sir!” she replied. “But you do not know my father”

Old Gentleman: “Remember, my man, hard work is the thing. Begin at the bottom and work up.”
Pat: “It can’t be done in my business, Sir, I’m a well digger!”

Inspector: “That new man will never make a detective.”
Chief; “How is that?” Inspector:
“There was a cwt. box of soap stolen from a railway van and the fool arrested a tramp.”

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Published from June 1955 to August 1959; first two issues known as “The Cadet”, later issues “Jottings”

Business / Organisation

The Order of St John

Format of the original


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