Cashbook 1967-9


June 30   Sundry Debtors.   10.   1421 8 .
To Subscriptions   8   1421 8 .
For transfer of their subscriptions for year.

June  30   accumulated Funds.  L.1.   110 0 9
National [?]   l.21.   40 2 9
Conference Fund   L.6   70 .  .
Transfer as per minutes of 13th June 1967.

Decimal Currency Seminars   L.20   5 .  6
Printing & Stationery   L.25   1 12 .
Meetings & Travelling   L.23   7 .  .
Audit Fees.   L.31   11 11  .
Sundry creditors   L.32   25 3 6
For creditors as below.
Red Cross Society   2.0.0
Timms Typewriter   1.12.0.
CW & M Hislop   3.0.6
C.R. Davis   7.0.0.
R.L. Ellingham   11.11.0.

June 30   Subscriptions   8   1421 8 .
Interest   18   37 5 8.
A.G.M & Dinner   19   46 12 4.
Decimal Currency Seminars   20   397 6 1
Retailers Window   22   193 15 .
Travelling & meeting Exs   23   131 11 2.
Fathers Day Parties   24   1 11 6
Printing & stationery   25   187 2  2.
Secretarial Salary   26   300 . .
Levy N.Z. Fedn   27   374 . .
General Expenses   28   54 10 5
Postages Telephones etc.   29   49.11.7
Presidential Visits   30  48 1 10
Audit Fees   31  11 11  .
Accumulated Funds.  1   457 12 9
Closing Entries Y/E 30/6/67


July 1   Sundry Creditors.   32   25 3 6
D/C Seminars   20   5 . 6
Printing & Stationery   25   1 12  .
Meeting & Travelling Exs   23   7 . .
Audit Fees.   31   11 11 .
Reversal Entries.

July 1   Decimal Currency Seminars   20   30 18 .
Sundry debtors.  10   30 18 .
Reversal Transfers

July 1   H.B. & Gisborne S.B.  Invest. a/c   14.8   200.00
H.B. & Gisborne S.B. account   14   200.00
Accumulated Funds   1   200.00
Conference Fund   6   200.00

1968 Transfer as per minutes
June 30 (Fathers Day Posters) Not measured   21   67.  52
(Fathers Day Posters)   24   67.   52
Transfer to correct account

June 30   Audit Fees   31   .10
General Expenses   28   .10
Transfer of Balance

June 30   Audit Fees   31   23.00
Creditors 32  23.00
Provision for 1968 year

June 30   H.B. & Gisborne S.B.  14.  2.60
Interest account   18   2.60
For interest to 31/3/68

June 30   Accumulated Funds.  1.  43.76
Conference Fund   6   43.76
Transfer as per minutes 9/7/68



June 30   Subscriptions   8   2632.11.
Interest   18   83.49
A.G.M. Dinner   19   134.05
D/C Seminar Costs.   20   120.22
National Menswear Week.   21   35.82
Retailers Window   22   377.50
Travelling & meeting exs   23   311.00
Printing & stationery   25   267.23
Secretarial Fee   26   600.00
Levy. Federation   27   748.00
General Expenses   28   65.32
Postings Telephones etc   29   175.85
Audit Fees   31   23.00
Council meetings   33   130.78
Dividends   34   20.00
Accumulated Funds.  1.  253.17.
Closing Entries

July 1   S. Creditors   32   23.00
Audit Fees.  31   23.00
Reversal Entry.

June 30   Audit Fees.  31   23.00
Sundry Creditors   32  23.00
H.B. & Gisb Savings Bank.  14   2.31.
Interest.  18   2.31.
Being adjustments as 30/6/69

June 30   Council meetings   33   351.66
Council meetings.  33   132.80
Travelling & meeting Exs   23  218.86
Being Transfers to correct account.

June 30   Accumulated Funds   1.  200.00
Conference Fund   6.  200.00
Transfer as per minutes.

Original digital file


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These cashbook pages are samples only – there are many more in the Knowledge Bank archives

Business / Organisation

Hawke's Bay Retailers' Association Incorporated

Format of the original

Handwritten book

Date published



  • C R Davis
  • R L Ellingham
  • CW & M Hislop

Accession number


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