Cathedral Connection December 2007


Cathedral Connection


Dean Helen comments …

Cathedral Link
is a group of local business and community members invited by the Bishop to explore how the wider community can support the Cathedral as a tourist site and music and events venue. Robin Nairn is the chair of the group who recently gathered for the first time.

Tourist Guides
As we move into the tourist season we are keen to strengthen our small team of Cathedral guides. We often have feedback from disappointed tourists who find the Cathedral doors closed at the weekend. We have a simple tour which guides can take visitors on, or they can just be a welcoming face at the Cathedral. Alison Thomson is taking on the task of coordinating the guides roster. Leave a message at the Cathedral office if you are interested.

Parish Reflection
In August the parish undertook two reflection meetings where we thought about what we are doing well as a parish and areas we wanted to focus our energies on.

There was a strong desire to strengthen our spiritual life as a parish community. Ideas for developing more prayer ministry and the opportunity for study and learning were evident. As a result some people have volunteered to explore options in these areas and will be working with Jan Tarrant and others in their development. Please speak to Jan or Helen if you would like to know more.

EIT student
For the last 3 months EIT social work student Fiona Bell has been on placement at the Cathedral.

Fiona has undertaken a research project to help the Cathedral parish examine what kind of social outreach work we might move into. Given that the Family Centre has moved on and we may not be able to deliver our holiday programmes in 2008, it was time to ask the question “what next?”

As we go to press Fiona is writing up her research and will be presenting it to Vestry in November. Copies will be available to parishioners.

Fiona has also accompanied members of the ministry team on pastoral visits, marriage and baptism preparation and funeral visits and planning.

It has been a pleasure to have Fiona on our team and to reflect on the many questions a social worker in the making brings to each day.

Fiona returns to EIT in January to complete her third and final year of her degree.

Stations of the Cross
Local artist Phyllis Simmonds has painted a series of Stations of the Cross for the Cathedral. This wonderful gift of striking paintings will be hung in the Cathedral during Lent. The paintings will be received and blessed on Sunday 3 February at 5pm.

Faith Formation
6 members of the congregation have begun our second year of the catechumenate, a faith formation process for adults which runs from October to May. The group members will have the opportunity to be confirmed or renew their confirmation on Holy Saturday.

Alongside them a group is also running for younger people with teenagers from the Cathedral and other parishes.

It is encouraging to see so many people serious about their commitment to faith formation and development.

Children have many opportunities with Cathedral Kids, the Ormond All Age worship and our holiday Programmes – see the advertisement for “Crafty Christmas Capers”.


Pastoral Letter from Bishop John

23 September 2007

You may have already heard from your Synod delegates of my intention to begin a process of handing over Episcopal leadership in Waiapu.

I outlined my plans to the Synod in Gisborne on last weekend (15 Sept) and I trust your delegates will share with your parish something of the spirit of that Synod and the way they responded to my proposals.

I have made the decision in order to let my successor attend the Lambeth Conference in the UK next July, and even more importantly to be in a position to deal with the consequences of Lambeth nationally and locally.

In a transition process worked out with Standing Committee and our Chancellor over the last seven weeks, the diocese will hold an electoral synod on 9 February and an ordination and installation in early June. I will continue to offer Episcopal ministry leading up to the preparations for next year’s Synod in the Bay of Plenty.

This is not a time for farewell speeches to each other. We have much to do together to keep up the momentum we have created in our mission as a diocese. There is a full range of programmes and gatherings still to deliver on, not least the regional meetings and electoral synod that I hope you will support with your imagination and prayers.

Yours in Christ +John

Search underway for new bishop

The Episcopal Over-sight Committee has arranged opportunities for all parishioners to have their say in the search for the next Bishop of Waiapu.

The Bay of Plenty, Eastland and Hawke’s Bay Regions have each held a consultation meeting based on the “appreciative enquiry” model. Representatives reviewed the Diocese by asking the questions “what is it we value in this Diocese?” and “what aspects of ministry need developing or strengthening?” – before considering “what ministry gifts and skills do we want the new Bishop to have?”

The results of each regional consultation will be collated and from this profile will come the questions to be put to the candidates.

The Episcopal Synod will be held in Havelock North, with Bishop John Patterson as the commissary, commencing on Saturday 9th February 2008. Only delegates elected at parish AGM’s may attend and vote at this Synod.

New Administrator – Welcome to Margaret Thompson

At the end of August the Cathedral farewelled Lyndsay Cameron as Parish Secretary. Lyndsay has retired to Tauranga. We then welcomed the Rev Margaret Thompson as Cathedral Administrator. Margaret had already worked in the office while Lyndsay was on leave earlier in the year. Margaret was until recently Vicar of Opotoki [Opotiki] and has an administrative background. As Margaret is a priest, she will also be seen on occasions participating in worship leadership, but her prime focus is the smooth running of our parish operations.

From the Registers…

Welcomed in Baptism

At Ormond Chapel:
12 August –
Rochelle Marie Bryant
Ella Louise Bryant

At the Cathedral:
21 October
Danielle Erin Moana Norman

Joined in Marriage
7 July – Kelly Maree Williams and Stephen Joseph de Lautour
21 July – Paul Taylor Watson and Haylee Anahera Pearcey
29 Sept – Sarah Christine Olsen and Paul Bruce McMaster
5 Oct – John Mark Holloway and Tanya Karen Schmid

Funeral Farewells
23 June – Irene Florence Ball
30 June – Desmond R G Harwood
5 July – Elizabeth Weston
10 July – Bruce Mantell-Harding
4 August – Margaret A Robertson
3 August – Oswald Henry Waters
30 August – (Jack) Neil D Mitchell
12 Sept – Geoffrey James Taine
2 Oct – H Raymond Matthews
1 Nov – Michael David Eaton

Cathedral Op Shop
Open Tuesdays – Fridays
10am – 4pm
and Saturdays 10am – 2pm
Hastings St, Napier
(opposite Cathedral fountain)
Bargains galore – good quality men’s, women’s and children’s clothing; household items; books; produce; stamps; Christmas gifts


Top Parish ’08

Remember “Top Town”?

Top Parish is even better and in 2008 the Cathedral is to be the host parish!!

Teams of young people will be coming from all over the Diocese to compete in crazy games for the coveted trophy. The dates are 7-9 March next year. The games will be held at the Riverbend Camp in Havelock North.

Later on we will be looking for marshals for the games, and a team to make 200 filled rolls for Sunday lunch …!

Now we need an administrator to receive and process registrations and this person (or people) needs to be at the event on the Friday night and Saturday morning. Most of the work will be in January-February. All of the Napier parishes are pitching in to help with other tasks.

Please talk to Dean Helen if you can help.


Fifty years ago … do you remember?? Contributed by Joan Rogers

I have left the major happening of all to the last – the building of the Cathedral. Now we have the thrill of seeing the Cathedral actually rising before our eyes.

Most people are delighted with the rapid progress. It is now possible to see the general design taking shape.

Before building started, quite a few people said they would give financial assistance, but not if we only went on talking. Very little money has come in, in the last 12 months. We hope the new fundraising system will give the same result as e.g. in Auckland and Wellington cathedral rebuilding.

The tender price is for building only – there is still the furnishing to provide e.g. the organ dismantling and re-erection will cost some three thousand pounds.

We have put our hand to a great task. I am convinced we can achieve something for ever worthy of God and His Church and add much to the well-being, prestige and beauty of Napier.

Recently there has been a very obvious growth in congregations – a new start.

Let us determine to go forward strong and of a good courage for the months and years ahead.

Dean Gibson.

Redevelopment Plans…

Hall Update

Following our parish meeting on 15 July the Vestry have recommended to the Diocesan Trustees that we proceed with the demolition of the parish hall. The hall is an earthquake risk and well beyond being suitable for our needs for hospitality and gathering.

We are in the process of seeking the City Council approvals and hope to go to tender on the project soon.

In the meantime we are gradually moving into the spaces vacated by the Diocesan Office move to Raffles St.

The choir are well established in their new space upstairs and plans are underway for the remodeling of the downstairs area.

Once we have a date for the demolition of the hall we will hold a farewell party and a commissioning of the new spaces.

Prayers …and Pray-ers!

Dean Helen has reported on the emergence in our recent Parish Vision project of a desire to strengthen our spiritual life as a parish community, and she has invited further conversation with herself or with me about this.

The basis of any spiritual life, individual or community is prayer. We are called to pray together as a Christian community every time we gather for worship, and we are called to pray alone. Individuals who are not able to join the community for corporate worship (age/ health/transport/work commitments) can actively minister to our cathedral community (and the world beyond) through their prayer life.

We are in the process of forming a prayer chain in the cathedral community (which will link a variety of individuals praying for the same person or situation on a short-term or need basis). Training on the process and issues that arise (such as confidentiality) will be part of its instigation.

It may be that we develop along-side this “at home” ministry, an intercessory prayer group who meet together and pray together.

We are currently looking at options in the vacated diocesan Office (the old Lady Chapel) to set aside some space as a prayer room.

Please do respond to Dean Helen’s invitation to discuss this further with her or me. The Cathedral Connection is a way we can bring this ministry to the attention of those confined to home or rest home, less physically active at this stage of their life, but often with a very active and vibrant prayer life.

Please PRAY for this developing ministry in our community.

Jan Tarrant, Cathedral Pastor


“Help Build a Better Future”

This year’s theme draws together the themes of the past three years: “Plant seeds, plant hope”; “Save the earth-save its peoples”; and “Water, the gift of life”.

The partners featured this year are CEPAD (Council of Protestant Churches) in Nicaragua; the Sudan Council of Churches in South Sudan; the Community Development Trust in Tonga; and the Church World Service in Cambodia; and their stories are typical of those of the 32 partners around the world. Money raised in this year’s appeal will help support these projects and others in 21 countries in Asia, Latin America, Africa the Middle East and the Pacific.

Throughout the Advent season, the church notice boards will feature posters with information about the projects. Appeal envelopes will also be available and may be offered at any of the Christmas services.

This CWS Christmas Gift Appeal is supported by the Anglican, Presbyterian, Methodist, Salvation Army, Uniting and Quaker Churches.

Parachute ’08

Parachute is a Christian music festival with daily seminars, programmes for children, sports and recreational activities held yearly at Mystery Creek, Hamilton. Planning is underway for a group of Anglicans from churches in the HB Region to attend.

There are two options for tickets (both include 3 breakfasts & BBQ tea) – with bus fare $185; meals and entrance ticket only $150.

Contact Angela Eagle (at All Saints, Taradale) for more information or to book your tickets, or contact Angela by email on ang.eagle[@]

Connecting with Kids
Saturday 15 December
10.00 am – 3.00 pm
in the Cathedral Hall
$7.00 per child (includes morning tea and sausage sizzle lunch provided) for primary school children aged 5-11 years.
Enjoy a day of crafts, games, music and hearing the Christmas Story.
Early registration recommended – limited to 80 children
Enquiries and Registrations to
Jan Marrington
Cathedral Office 835 8824


The Parish Office will be closing Friday 21 December and re-opening Monday 7 January but the answer-phone will be checked regularly for messages.

27 January 10.00 am – Napier Civic service hosted by St Paul’s Presbyterian Church (there will be no 10.00 am service at the Cathedral this morning)
3 February 5.00 pm – Commissioning of the “Stations of the Cross” paintings for the Lenten season
6 February – Ash Wednesday – services at 8.00 am and 7.00 pm; during Lent at the Cathedral there will be a Eucharist service on Thursdays at 12.15 pm followed by lunch; and Sunday evening prayers at 5.00 pm focusing on the “Stations of the Cross”; check weekly newsletters for Friday lunch-time music options
Friday 8 & Saturday 9 February – Episcopal Electoral Synod in Havelock North
10 February – Bishop John Paterson at Cathedral
17 February 5.30 pm- Art Deco “Swing and a Prayer” Service
9 March 10.00 am – Diocesan Top Parish service


Dean:    Helen Jacobi   [personal phone numbers withheld]
Cathedral Pastor:   Jan Tarrant
John Sanders
Jon Williams
Dorothy Brooker
Richard Spence

OFFICE   Monday-Friday 9.30 am-3.30 pm
Priest-Administrator:   Margaret Thompson
Phone: (06) 835-8824; Fax: (06) 835 8854
P O Box 227, Napier – email: office[@]

Pastoral Asst:   Elisabeth Paterson
Lay Ministers:   Jennifer Harris
Jan Marrington

Director of Music:   Gary Bowler
Children’s Community Programme Coordinator:   Jan Marrington
Verger:   Malcolm Smith
Monday 8.30 am -12.30 pm
Tuesday to Friday 1.00 pm – 5.00 pm

Waiapu Cathedral of St John the Evangelist, 28 Browning Street, Napier, New Zealand

Original digital file


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Business / Organisation

Waiapu Cathedral of St John the Evangelist

Format of the original


Date published

December 2007


  • Irene Florence Ball
  • Gary Bowler
  • Dorothy Brooker
  • Ella Louise Bryant
  • Rochelle Marie Bryant
  • Stephen Joseph de Lautour
  • Michael David Eaton
  • Dean Gibson
  • Jennifer Harris
  • Desmond R G Harwood
  • John Mark Holloway
  • Dean Helen Jacobi
  • Bruce Mantell-Harding
  • Jan Marrington
  • H Raymond Matthews
  • Paul Bruce McMaster
  • Neil (Jack) D Mitchell
  • Danielle Erin Moana Norman
  • Sarah Christine Olsen
  • Elisabeth Paterson
  • Haylee Anahera Pearcey
  • Margaret A Robertson
  • Joan Rogers
  • John Sanders
  • Tanya Karen Schmid
  • Malcolm Smith
  • Richard Spence
  • Geoffrey James Taine
  • Jan Tarrant
  • Margaret Thompson
  • Oswald Henry Waters
  • Paul Taylor Watson
  • Elizabeth Weston
  • Jon Williams
  • Kelly Maree Williams

Accession number


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Supporters and sponsors

We sincerely thank the following businesses and organisations for their support.