Centrepoint Promotions Minutes 1975


APOLOGIES:   Apologies were received from Mr. G Bell and Mr. Mills. Mr. Poppelwell was to have arrived at 9 p. m. but was unable to attend.

BUSINESS:   It was unanimously decided that from new on as each promotion came up, two committee members would visit each shop in Centrepoint and discuss how much the promotion was likely to cost, and try and assess what would be a fair sum to come in on the promotion. This would eliminate the levy system which does not suit all firms.

The car promotion which was discussed at the Annual General Meeting was brought up by Mr. O’Connor and he suggested that we contact 2ZC to get an idea how much it would cost to advertise for this venture. However, Mr McNair thought that before we did any more in this direction, it would be better to clear the slate of all debts outstanding. This was agreed to by members present.

ACCOUNTS:   An account for $209 from Lamphouse should be held in the meantime until we write and have it confirmed. We wish to point out to Lamphouse that in the past we have paid $75 for the same service. Many of the tapes were supplied by 2ZC and the records supplied by Mr. T. Halpin.

Accounts from now on are to be paid direct to Centrepoint Promotions, C/- P. O. BOX 1024, Hastings.

MARKET DAY:   It has been suggested that from now on our street days will be called “Market Days” instead of “Boulevard Day” as this sounds, and appears to give an impression of bargains.

Thursday, 16th October, is to be our Market Day subject to city council approval of street closure. We will have to arrange for flags and banners to be put up. One banner to go in Heretaunga Street and one in Russell Street. Mr. O’Connor has agreed to ask Mr. McCormack to paint and decorate the banners.

CENTTREPOINT SIGN:   The City Council are agreeable to inspect the structure of the sign and report back to us what is required to make the sign structurally safe again. While the sign is down, it has been decided to have it painted and redecorated rather than completely renewed. Possibly everybody would be prepared to donate a reasonable amount towards upkeep.

PARKING PROBLEMS: Centrepoint decided to write to Retailers’ Association about parking facilities on the east side of town, for cars and for motor cycles, also we feel retailers should have been notified as to what beautification was to be done at the railway lines.

FUTURE MEETINGS: Minutes of each committee meeting will be taken and a copy sent to each Centrepoint member.

If a Committee member misses three meetings in a row, he will be automatically off and a new member appointed. From now on at least one week’s notice of a meeting will be given, with a phone call as well on the day of the meeting. Meetings will start at 7.30 pm. and will not exceed two hours duration. It was further decided that Tuesday is a better day for meetings, and everybody decided that McKenzies was most convenient to all.

Mr. Halpin suggested we invite the advertising manager from Herald Tribune to the Committee Meetings immediately prior to a Promotion to see what they can offer. We would tell them what space we would like and let them do all the layout themselves.

GENERAL:   Fruitgrowers’ Association, also A. & P. Association may be interested in doing some displays in Centrepoint block in

GENERAL: (Contd)   forthcoming Market Day, Especially with the A. & P. Show coming up the week after our effort.

Another shopping promotion was proposed, whereby customers purchasing a certain amount of goods would receive a ticket in a raffle or something of that nature, all prizes having been donated. This could prove very profitable.

A sample of shopping bags was shown to the Meeting and it was decided that a larger bag was needed and we would look into the cost.


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Business / Organisation

Centrepoint Promotions

Format of the original

Typed document

Date published

28 August 1975


  • G Bell
  • E Campbell
  • T Halpin
  • Mr Mills
  • Messrs McCormack, McNair, O'Connor, Poppelwell

Accession number


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