Conference 1991


Honour Rotary
with Faith and



21st, 22nd, 23rd June 1991


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From District Governors Jim and Betty Judd.

Betty and I extend to all Rotarians, their partners and guests a very warm welcome to this the 21st Annual Conference of District 993. We have had since our birth a fast learning curve and we have now reached the age of 21 with a proud history to look back on.

We are honoured indeed to have with us this year President Paulo Costa’s special representative, Past Director James Lacy and his wife Claudine to represent him at this our 21st Conference.

Our key note speakers have been carefully chosen to put before you the basis of our theme of this Conference and that is “Towards Rotary 2000 – Green Theme”. This is in line with President Paulo’s own theme “Preserve Planet Earth”.

This year six clubs Hastings, Hastings Karamu, Stortford Lodge, Havelock North, Waipawa and Waipukurau have all contributed to the Conference organisation and they have worked extremely hard to ensure that this Conference will be one to remember.

To all those new Rotarians who are attending their first Conference please take the opportunity to get to know Rotarians from other clubs and to learn of some of their ideas and appreciate the fact that we all have common aims of friendship, fellowship and sharing.

Betty and I extend to you all our thanks for the very kind way in which we were received in all clubs in District 993. Our year as Governors will always be remembered for the hospitality, friendship and fellowship that you extended to us.

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To all those attending the

District 993

We wish you a
Great Conference
in the
Fruit Bowl
New Zealand


paper + plus

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Your host clubs extend a warm welcome to all conference delegates, partners and guests. Should you have any problems please contact any of the committee members who are easily identified by the coloured ribbon name badges.

Please wear your name badge at all times. Official guests and officers will wear coloured ribbons.

Please carry the programme with you. It is a guide to all conference activities.

The programme has been carefully timed and we will keep strictly to the time shown.

As a courtesy to speakers and delegates we ask you to be seated early.

All partners are warmly invited to attend all conference sessions.

Smoking is not permitted in the Conference venue.

HOST CLUBS:   Stortford Lodge, Hastings, Hastings Karamu, Havelock North, Waipawa, Waipukurau.


Jim Judd – Stortford Lodge – Governor
Ron Free – Stortford Lodge – Chairman
Max Grainer – Stortford Lodge – Secretary
Peter Jackson – Stortford Lodge – Treasurer
Ian Cameron – Hastings
Ross Prebble – Hastings Karamu
Cliff King – Havelock North
Brian Gibbs – Waipawa
Robbie Robson – Waipukurau
Don Pattison – Hastings

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The largest Pet Food manufacturing company in HB, welcomes the Annual Conference of Rotary International District 993 to Hastings.
Hawke’s Bay is the home of the famous “MEATY MEAL” 3kg pet food roll sold in every town in this
Rotary District
“Your pet will just love it”

S.J.E. Stephenson Ltd.
Phone (06) 857-8170
Compliments Rotary for its community service

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As President of Rotary International for 1990/91, it is my pleasure to extend my most cordial welcome to the participants in the Conference of District 993.

Your presence at this meeting is a clear indication that you have accepted the challenge to HONOUR ROTARY WITH FAITH AND ENTHUSIASM. While you are here, you will have an opportunity to evaluate the growth of Rotary’s programmes and to share in the fellowship and friendship that are the hallmark of this organization.

The distinguished Rotarian Past Director James Lacy and his wife, Claudine, have agreed to represent Rita and me at this conference, and I am sure that you will derive the full benefit of their company and their strong background in Rotary.

I urge every Rotarian here today, and each and every one of our “partners in service,” to take the time to thoroughly HONOUR ROTARY WITH FAITH AND ENTHUSIASM. I also encourage you to devote your attention to our new programme, PRESERVE PLANET EARTH, which has been so well received throughout the Rotary world.

Finally, I would like to thank you all for the support you are providing to Governor James E.K. Judd in achieving the goals we have proposed for this year.

Rita and I send you our warmest regards, and our best wishes for a successful conference and a successful year.

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Make the right move!
More Hawke’s Bay people choose the Herald-Tribune as their newspaper.
More people who have discretionary purchasing power, to choose what, and where to buy.
It makes sense, when you want to get your message to more Hawke’s Bay people, make the right move use the medium they choose.
The Hawke’s Bay
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Past RI Director, James Lacy, has been an active Rotarian since 1964, with a perfect attendance record for the last twenty years. He has been president of the Cookeville Rotary Club, leader of a Group Study Exchange Team to Great Britain, District Governor, President’s Conference Representative, International Assembly Instructor, International Assembly Moderator Instruction/Discussion Group, a member of the Committee for Assistance to Rotary Clubs with Non-standard Constitutions, a three year member and chairman of Rotary International’s Extension Committee, a National Coordinator for the PolioPlus Campaign, and a delegate to the Council on Legislation. He is currently serving as vice chairman of the Special Service Committee, Chairman of the Communications Improvement Committee, and Assistant Moderator for the 1991 International Assembly.

Jim is president of James Lacy & Associates, Inc., a real estate development and investment firm in Cookeville, Tennessee; and Chairman of the Board of Gilliam Candy Company, Inc., a candy manufacturer with plants in Paducah, Kentucky and Johnson City, New York. He is a member of the Chamber of Commerce, the National Confectioners Association, and, the National Candy Wholesalers Association. Throughout his business life, he has been effective in local government, having served on the Cookeville Planning Commission, the Putnam County Quarterly Court, and two terms in the Tennessee General Assembly.

He enjoys meeting people, music, reading and sports. For over 15 years he found time to be a manager and a coach in Cookeville’s Little League’s baseball programme.

Jim and his wife, Claudine, both Paul Harris Fellows, are members of the Presbyterian Church where he has served as Chairman of the Board of Deacons. They have a son Bill, and a daughter-in-law Susie. Bill is a political consultant with offices in Washington D.C.

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There will always be those who stand out.
They achieve more.
Succeed where others fail.
They try just that bit harder.
We find people who think like that, usually get together.
The thoroughbred among banks
A registered prospectus may be obtained from any branch of The ational Bank of New Zealand Limited.

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Born Wellington, New Zealand. Educated at St Mary’s College and Victoria University, Wellington, graduating with B.A. in History and English. Then attended Trinity College, London, graduated Fellow in Speech and Drama. In 1972-74 attended University of Kentucky School of Communications as a Rotary Graduate Awardee and graduated M.A. in communications.

Employment History: 1963-67 Talks and Features Producer – NZBC; 1967-68 Public Affairs Producer, Television NZBC; 1968-72 Producer, Spoken Features – NZBC; 1974-75 Executive Producer, District Current Affairs – Wellington, NZBC; 1975-84 Controller of Programmes – Radio NZ; 1984-88 Director General, Radio NZ; 1984-88, Radio NZ; Concurrently, Acting Chief Executive – BCNZ; Dec 1988 Appointed Chief Executive – Radio NZ Ltd.

Current Commitments: Member, Board of the Australasian Academy of Broadcast, Arts and Sciences; Member, Board of the Institute of Policy Studies, Victoria University; Board Member, Australia/NZ Foundation. Chair, Music for Youth NZ. Trustee, National Youth Choir. President, Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union. Trustee NZ Drug Foundation

Professional Honours: Elected Council Member, Royal Society of NZ Wellington 1970, and re-elected for 1975-76; P. EO International Scholarship; 1974 – Altrusa International Scholarship; 1974 – Teaching Assistantship, University of Kentucky 1973; NZ Government grant for participation in U.N.; Graduate Intern Programme 1974; I.B.M. Fellow at Massey University 1986; Grand Pater Award, 1988 for outstanding contribution to Broadcasting in Australasia, Broadcaster of the Decade, 1989.

Personal Honours: Awarded C.B.E. Queen’s Birthday Honours, 1990.

Community Interests: Member, Rotary Club of Wellington. Life Member S.P.C.A.

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2.00pm   Registrations and information – Municipal Theatre
4.30pm – Business Assembly – Conference Room,
5.30pm   Angus Inn, Railway Road
7.30pm   Opening Session
Delegates Assemble
Conference Chairman Ron Free
Master of Ceremonies – Ross Prebble
7.45pm   Official Party Enter
Flag Party Enter
National Anthem
Introductions and Welcome D.G. Jim Judd
Mayoral Welcome to Rotarians
8.00pm   Conference Opening – Hastings M.P. Jeff Whittaker
8.10pm   Greetings from other Districts
D.G. Don Speirs D.994
8.15pm   Australian Matched Student Exchange
A.M.S.E. Chairman – Neil Andrews
8.25pm   R.I. President Paulos Representative
Past Director Jim Lacy
8.45pm   Key Note Speaker – Beverley Wakem
Introduction Napier Club President David Sewell – Vote of Thanks, D.G. Rep. Graham Steere
9.20pm   Announcements Conference Master of Ceremonies
Ross Prebble
Official Party Withdraw
9.25pm   Move to Assembly Hall
9.30pm   Finger Food and Drinks


8.30am   Assemble in Municipal Theatre
8.45am   Key Note Speaker— Wyatt Creech
Introduction D.G. Rep. Wayne Wright – Vote of thanks Sir Richard Harrison.
9.15am   International Youth Exchange Chairman Alan Flaus
9.35am   Roll Call – Clubs, Conference Chairman Ron Free
9.45am   R.Y.LA. Chairman Rod Bryant
9.55am   Rotaract Chairman Bruce Small
10.05am   Morning Tea
10.35am   Rotary International Representative Address
Past Director Jim Lacy
10.50am   Peer Support Chairman Noel Vickridge
11.00am   Remits – Report from Business Assembly
D.G. Jim Judd
Financial Reports – Peter Jackson
Election of Trustee
11.10am   Legislative Proposals 1993
P.D.G. Brian Burmester

11.30am   Rotary Foundation and Scholar
Foundation Chairman Ross Needham
11.45am   Preserve Planet Earth
Chairman Doctor Mike Godfrey
12 noon   Group Study Exchange; Chairman Peter Malcolm
12.05pm   Group Study Exchange Inwards; Chairman Des Jack
12.10pm   World Community Service – Chairman Stuart Ruck
12.20pm   District Report, D.G. Jim Judd
12.30pm   Announcements – Master of Ceremonies; Ross Prebble
Conference Ron Free
End of Session

Saturday Evening – A. & P. Showground Stadium
6.30pm-7.15pm   Fellowship
7.15pm   Dinner
8.15pm   Towards Rotary 2000 – Green Theme Festivities   Commence
Clubs compete for the best dressed club
District Governor’s Prize
11.30pm   Buses Commence Back to Motels
1230am   Closedown


8.45am   Delegates Assemble
Musical Interlude – Lindisfarne Orchestra
9.00am   Havelock North Village Choir
9.15am   Church Service
Reverend Neville Williamson
9.45am   Keynote Speaker John Hickman
Introduction D.G. Rep Jack Knight – Vote of Thanks D.G. Rep. Tony Crosbie
10.15am   Morning Tea
Move to Assembly Hall
10.50am   Conference Resolutions – Business
11.00am   New Zealand Summer Science School
P.D.G. Tom Ryan
P.D.G. Chas Woolley
11.06am   Membership P.D.G. Jack Marshall
11.15am   District Awards
11.40am   Acknowledgements – D.G. Jim Judd
Introduction of D.G.N.N. Peter Parr and Jeannie
Introduction of D.G.N. Des Price and Elaine
Induction of New District Governor Des Price
12.10pm   Rotary International President Paulos
Representative Jim Lacy
12.30pm   Closure
God Defend New Zealand
Now is The Hour

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District 993
Members and their Wives to Hawke’s Bay for their Annual Conference
We trust your stay in the Bay will be pleasant and rewarding
‘Where Everyone gets a Bargain’

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The Hon. Wyatt Creech was born in Oceanside, California in October 1946. His parents had met in Masterton when his father was posted there as part of the U.S. Marine contingent deployed in New Zealand during World War Two. They returned to the Wairarapa when he was an infant. Mr Creech has lived in his electorate, the Wairarapa, ever since.

He attended secondary school in Wanganui. On leaving school he worked on his family’s farm in the South Wairarapa before going to Massey University where he gained a Diploma in Sheep Farming.

Mr Creech travelled extensively, including an overland trip from Calcutta to London, taking in such exotic places as the Khyber Pass and Northeastern Pakistan. Upon returning to New Zealand he gained a BA in Political Science and International Politics at Victoria University. His degree includes Economies [Economics] to Stage Two level.

After further overseas travel he returned to the family farm before setting up a vineyard in Martinborough and working in accountancy in Masterton.

He entered Parliament in 1988, overturning the Labour candidate following a celebrated case which he took to the Electoral Court. It was the first time anyone had challenged an opponent in court about breaking the strict rules against overspending during an election campaign. His final majority was 34 votes.

In opposition he was associated spokesperson for Revenue and Regional Development.

Following the successful outcome of the 1990 election, a win in the Wairarapa for National by 4,141 votes, Mr Creech was appointed to the offices of Minister of Revenue, Minister of Customs, Minister in Charge of the Public Trust Office and Minister in Charge of the Government Superannuation Fund.

He also became a member of several key cabinet committees including the Prime Minister’s Committee on Reform of Social Sector Cabinet Committee, Legislation Committee and Enterprise, Growth and Development Committee.

Mr Creech and his wife Danny have three school-age sons, Nicholas, John and Jacob.

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Who’s pleased to support the Rotary District 993 Conference
Who Else But…

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Born in Wanganui in September 1927 and spent early childhood north of Auckland. After secondary schooling at Sedden Memorial Technical College, Auckland, and competing an apprenticeship as carpenter and joiner, graduated in mathematics from University of Otago.

Joined the New Zealand Meteorological Service in 1951 and worked in several positions including weather forecasting in New Zealand and Fiji, research and training. Director of Meteorological Services from 1977 until retirement in 1988.

Career-related appointments included:
Permanent Representative of New Zealand with the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) 1977-88;
Vice-President WMO Southwest Pacific Regional Association 1982-86

Other activities include:
Member Clear Air Council 1980-86 and Chairman 1986-1991.
Member Ross Dependency Research Committee 1977-83 and Vice-Chairman 1983-88.
Convenor New Zealand Climate Committee of the Royal Society of New Zealand 1988-present. Since 1988, have provided occasional meteorological consultancy service within New Zealand and to the World Meteorological Organisation (Geneva).

Published works on weather forecasting, tropical storms, Antarctic meteorology, air pollution and climate change.

Married, since 1952, to Joyce – one daughter, a psychologist, and one son, an army officer.

Recreational activities include woodworking (always renovating something around the house); gardening and learning small-lot farming on a property near Levin; occasionally fishing and golf.

Awards: Queen’s Service Order (Q.S.O.) for Public Services, 1989; Degree of Doctor Of Science (DSc), (honoris causa), by Victoria University of Wellington, 1990.

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Des was born in Napier in 1926. It took an earthquake to shift him from there to Primary School in Waipukurau. The family transferred to Tauranga, where Des was a pupil at the old Tauranga District High School. Leaving school, he entered Teachers’ Training College in Auckland qualifying as a teacher in 1948, and attended Auckland University College completing a M.A. degree in 1955. Later as an extra-mural student at Massey University he completed a Diploma in Education in 1968 and a B.Ed. degree in 1974.

Des has taught a wide range of Primary and Secondary schools. He was the Headmaster of the Mangakino District High School in 1962, the Principal of Rangitahi College in Murupara from 1965 to 1971 and Foundation Principal of the Rotorua Lakes High School in 1971, from which he retired in 1987. An interest in School administration has seen him acting as Secretary or Chairman of numerous School Committees. Service has also been with the R.N.Z.A.F., including 17 years active leadership in the Air Training Corps, retiring with the rank of Squadron Leader.

A rugby enthusiast, Des has been the Secretary of a rugby sub-union and has been a senior rugby referee, controlling matches with both the Waikato and the Bay of Plenty Rugby Referees’ Associations, and has prepared referees for their Senior Examinations. In the communities in which he has lived, Des has always been an interest and active participant, including being a dance band pianist for many years, Chairman of the Arts Society, a Borough Councillor in Murupara, Chairman of the St John’s Ambulance Association, and a member of the Civil Defence Police unit.

Des was invited to join the Rotary Club of Rotorua Lakes in 1971, and  became the Club President in 1982-83. As a member of that club, he was a member of the steering committee which established the Lifelink-youthline Organisation in Rotorua, a founding member of the Rotorua Clean Community Committee, a member of the Te Wairoa Trust concerned with providing camping facilities for young people, and of the Rotary Farm Trust, being the current Trust Chairman. Des transferred to the Rotary Club of Rotorua North when it was established, and has held most Club positions, as well as serving on the District Vocational Committee, and the District Peer Support Committee.

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Elaine, too, is a teacher who has been active in community affairs. She was foundation President of the Rotorua Inner Wheel, has just completed a term as District Chairman of Inner Wheel District 293, and is a speaker for New Zealand and the Pacific on the Scientific and Cultural panel at the Inner Wheel World Convention to be held in the Hague. They live in semi-retirement on a 12 acre property where they raise pedigree cattle. They have one daughter and five sons and nine grandchildren.


Means good food

Imagine how much you’d get fined…
if you were our next BIG Lotto Winner!
Are you prepared to take the risk? Why not!
With over $8 million dollars paid out so far, we’d love our 10th really big winner to be a Rotarian!
Welcome to Hawke’s Bay. Just ask anyone at the hotel where New Zealand’s luckiest Lotto Shop is…or Phone us at 878 9812 to find out where we are.
Peter Dunkerley
at Stortford Lodge.
Amcal Chemists.
We’re open any night you like until 8.30
Stick your car out the back.

Page 19


Like Rotary, the Trust Bank Group was set up to help serve the community it is part of.
Every year, we return a part of our profit back to the community by way of donations, grants and scholarships.
It’s our way of thanking the community that supports us.
So doesn’t it make sense to support the bank that supports your community?

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Means good food

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Business / Organisation

Hastings Rotary Club

Format of the original

Computer document

Date published

21-23 June 1991


  • Neil Andrews
  • Rod Bryant
  • Brian Burmester
  • Ian Cameron
  • Wyatt Creech
  • Tony Crosbie
  • Alan Flaus
  • Ron Free
  • Brian Gibbs
  • Mike Godfrey
  • Max Grainer
  • Sir Richard Harrison
  • John S Hickman
  • Des Jack
  • Peter Jackson
  • Betty Judd
  • James (Jim) E K Judd
  • Cliff King
  • Jack Knight
  • Claudine Lacy
  • James (Jim) Lacy
  • Peter Jackson
  • Peter Malcolm
  • Jack Marshall
  • Ross Needham
  • Peter and Jeannie Parr
  • Don Pattison
  • Ross Prebble
  • Des and Elaine Price
  • Robbie Robson
  • Stuart Ruck
  • Tom Ryan
  • David Sewell
  • Bruce Small
  • Don Speirs
  • Graham Steere
  • Noel Vickridge
  • Jeff Whittaker
  • Reverend Neville Williamson
  • Chas Woolley
  • Wayne Wright

Accession number


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Please note we cannot verify the accuracy of any information posted by the community.

Supporters and sponsors

We sincerely thank the following businesses and organisations for their support.