Diary 01 1891 – February 1892








January 1891

1st   Returned from shearing in the bush.
2nd   Went to Napier wool sale
3rd   In Napier. Came home
4th   Came home from Napier
4th   Sunday at the bridge
5th   Commenced work.
6   teusday [Tuesday] 7   W 8   Th 9   Fr 10  Sat
11   Sun    12 mon   13 Teus [Tues]   14 wed
15   thur   16 friday wet
17th   Saturday carted gate etc to dip yards.   18th Sunday
19   Monday worked
20   Sent 2 rams in train

21   stripped Barley
22    Ditto    Ditto
23   Mary came and we drove up to Vaughans
24   Sat at Barley
25   Sun  went to Wanstead
26   mon   made gates
27   teus [tues]   Ditto  Ditto
28   worked at farm.
29   Thursday   at straw stack
30   Fr  made Doctors Stack
31   Sat   repaired Drs fence
1st   Feb – Sun.   Wet day.
2nd   Mon  made gate &c
3   Hung middle gate
4th   WED   At farm. ram fair went to Village. got apples   Shoe on mare Augur. nails files shirting at Barries etc

5) 6) 7)   cutting chaff.
8th   Sunday.
9   Mon )10 Tu)11 Wed)      chaff cutting
12   Th) 13 Fr ).   wet. at fence round wattle plantation
14   Sat got vegetables. farm
15   Sun   Mrs McNut [McNutt] came.
16th   Sent letter to Dobson & one to J Br.  hung gate at Woolshed. Ploughmen went to Middleton
17th   at plantation
18   Ditto   19    Ditto   20   Ditto
22   Sunday wet day
23   Monday plantation
24   went to farm in the evening & to the Village

25 26 27 28 29 30    at Plantation
1st   March  Top’s  birthday  Sunday. Cakes Toys etc. etc.
2nd   Mon.  Went to farm in the morning. Plantation evening. Top & John went to school to Mother
3rd   Tu  Put barb wire on Swamp fence.  Alice came.
4   Hung gate at Hungry Gully with G Sampson.  Mrs[?] Knip[?] & Mrs Vaughan called
5th   Hung gate at Lakes.
6th   Hung gate at granary Mount Erin. Rained hard.

7th   Hung gate at 450 –  horse paddock
8th Sunday   Ellen & Mr McN went to Wanstead
9th   Mon. at barb wire  Ellen went to Township
10 11 12 13    barb wiring with G Sampson
14th   Sat. at Plantation.  Saw Mr G.  Pringle called
15th   Sunday  got filly out of the Swamp.
16th   hanging gate cemetery
17th   raised gate opposite Cemetery. Went to Waipawa with filly
18   worked at plantation
19   Ditto
20   Ditto
21   went to bush.

22   Sun   In the bush.
23   Came home   Gave Notice to Mr Gaisford. laid off line.
24   Commenced to divide turnips with J Halpin.
25   wed  Turnips
26   Th  Ditto
27   Fr   Ditto
28   Sat  Ditto
29   Sun
30   Mon  Rains.[?]
31   Tue  With Daly & Halpin.
1st   April   Turnips.
2nd   Th.   Turnips
3rd   Fr 4th Sat   Turnips.
5th   Sunday. 6th  7th  8th  9th turnips.   Saw Butler about house
10th   turnips.   Brought home dray saw chains level wedges plough reins from Barrie  Paid Jones 18.1.6

11th June
June 14th   Sunday went round sections.  Saw sheep.
June 26th   Carpenters started taking down brewery.
1st July.   Carting from the Brewery. Wed.
2nd Th.   Carting.
3rd Fr.   Ditto
4th Sat   wet
Sun 5th   Went round Ewes.
6th Mon.   Carting from Brewery
7th Tue   Ditto  Brick [Bricks?] with Ellen.
8th Wed.   Went to Mill.
9th  Th   Ditto
10  Fri   Ditto
11 Sat   Ditto
12 Sun   Went round lambs.
13th   Carted bricks & gravel.  Wrote to Tom. Sent Cheque to R. Holt.   Gave Englebritsen [Englebretsen] 4/-.    Saw Mary going home.

14th   Wrote cheque for J Sugden.   Went to Mill, for timber.
15th   Wed   Carted bricks   saw steer in pound got 9/- from Wr.[?]
16th   Went to pound for steer. & to Ormondville bread & meat. Got bottle of Ginger wine.
17.   Helped John 2 cows to bull. Signed P O Petition   loaded last load of boards at Br.  Got load of sand in the afternoon.  Got Holts receipt
18 Sat   brought up 450 bricks   planted acorns willows & a few poplars.  Met cattle buyer. Carted load of firewood
19 Sun  Went round ewes.  Greas [greased?] dray
20th Mon   took 411 bricks Willows Gave Olsen 18 planted willows. Wrote Tom & D Godun [?]

Tues 21st  Found Tug.  Went to Mill got 100 ft 4 x 1   2   9 x 2½   4 10 ceiling battens
22nd   wet in forenoon.  Made cattle crib.
23 Th.   Brought load of bricks. Saw smoke coming out of the chimney for the first time. Dug out old strainer. Carted rails. Saw Brennan that evening.
24 Fr.   Went to mill got ceiling boards. Came home German line. Went round sheep. Met young man looking for his Father. Got letter from Tom & N I Co notice.  25th Sat  Carted boiler & youngsters went to Ormondville in the evening

26 Sun.   Went with Nellie to the House & round Hoggets.  Wrote letter to Tom at night.
27 Mon.   Put in strainer and turnpost. Nell and Mary came to inspect mansion.
28 Tu   Laid strainers & posts. Burnt off some log ends. Nellie John & Ella went to W.
29 Wed   Went to Mill. Got last of the house timber   got some sand (8 trips) for Bricky out of the creek bank.  Carried it in 2 buckets.
30th   Rode up to Oakley, yoked up and went to Bais.  Got 200 bricks.  Carted load of sand. Gave Olsen cheque for £12

31 Fri   Snowed in the morning.  John Boiled water to scald pigs.  Did not kill the pigs.  Went round ewes found a dead lamb. Died in the lambing.  Sawed of [off] 2 logs split them for firewood.
1st Aug.   Started bush felling. Saw 3 or 4 cock pheasants.  Nellie and the youngsters came home. Mary came and made the butter.
2nd Sun   Rough day.
3rd Mon   Carted 2 loads firewood   John B came.  Killed 2 pigs.
4th TUE   Cut up pigs.  Sawed some logs. Went to Railway Station for Collar.
5th   Carted 350 Bricks. Put in strainer. Went round sheep.

6th Th   Took Johns ladder home.  Killed 2 pigs.  Got 3 cwt wire  40lbs staples boots for Top  garden seeds.   Carted 250 Bricks 3 cwt wire 40lbs staples  put in strainer.  Saw two lambs.  7th Fr  new moon
8th Sat   Carted up some things from Mosen’s.   Top had ear ache.
9th Sun   Went round ewes with Nell  plucked and opened ewe.  John & youngsters came home.
10th Mon   Loaded box of things on dray at Mosens. Carted 300 bricks.  Made garden  put in onions acorns peas etc.  another ewe died

11th   Went to German line got 463 bricks.  Got sand saw sheep.  Nellie came Ada saw ewes   Saved some brought home ewe lamb in the morning dagged pets.
12 WED   Yoked up 2 horses at Brewery loaded last of the boards. Went round reserve saw young calf
13th   Walked after dog. Walked with John to  Section. Sawed logs. Got gravel found dead ewe.  Brought home H & A.
14th Fr.   Carted things up. Brought Ada J & Ellen.  Put in a few posts
15  SAT   Carted Wattle flowers & Nellie  Top and Willie.  Worked at fence.

16 Sun   Went round hoggets
17  Mon    Wet. Brought in 2 motherless lambs  laid baits
Tue 18th August 1891   Loaded up with things from Mosens  got provisions  young trees etc.  planted some trees, went round ewes.  Worked at fence.  Slept in the House for the first night. 18th Aug 1891
19th WED   worked at fence. Skinned ewe  went to Ormondville. Got pigs lime varnish glue brush one pig got away that night
20th TH   looked for pig loaded up with shrubs. Chairs Churn brought dog.  Nellie came.

21st Fr.   Got up at 5.15.  worked at fence. Showery  Brick layer came.  Heavy rain at 7. P.M. heavy showers all night & up to midday. Nell came. Skinned ewe  found 2 dead lambs.
22nd Sat.
23 Sun.   Shifted sheep on to Waidrop’s [Wardrop?]  dog cleared out.  Tom and Ellen came in the evening. Wrote to Barrie.
MON 24th   worked at fence. Self Ellen & John shifted ewes & lambs on to Widerups paid D Laurvig  £1-7-0  We slept in new house.
25th   Got sand  and Gravel for Bricky.  Bakers boy called with parcel from  Brown’s  Nordbye Called. Patalla [Pattullo?] called. Ell went home.

WED 27.   Kept John.  Went round Waidrops.  Mended bridge went to Mud hole with Cockie and dray.
TH 28th.   Shifted from Mudhole with Top and John Gooseberry bushes etc.  Wet afternoon papering.  All slept in new house
Fr 28th   Wet afternoon.  Nell did some papering she went to Mudhole.  Olsen came evening
29th Sat   Worked at fence  Carted rails lost axe
30  Sun   found axe went round reserve.  Went to Makatoku [Makotuku]

31st Mon.   Went to Mill  took John. Got load battons [battens]. Posted four letters got 2/- stamps.  Sent 21-0-6  and 2.5.6 to Land Office.  Called at Wilsons.  Went round cattle with buyer.
1st Sept Tu.   Book Canvasser called.  Nordbye Hansen  paid Nordbye 14-19-1   paid Hansen 8 – –   paid Ericksen  6-14-1.  went to Ormondville  Got 50lbs flour  went to J  H Bovairds . Got home  at 10 o’clock
2nd Sep WED   got mare shod. 6/-   Commenced fowl house.  Ellen went to Makatoku

Th 3rd   Went for sawdust. Saw Olsen. J HB came about 12 o’clock. J B came picked out our cattle. Went to Ormondville got Potatoes. Bacon parsnips.  Got things at Browns.
Fr 4th.   Worked at fowlhouse. Ellen went to Makatoku
Sat 5th   rained in the morning. E went to Makatoku got 2 small loaves  got 9lb stake from Battalla
Sun 6th   All went to Waterfall.  I went round Hoggets.
Mon   worked at fence etc.
Tues   ditto   8th

Wed 9th   fencing  paid Bai for bricks 3-18-9
Th 10th   Saw Cow & Calf in the morning  all went to Makatoku. Brought Ella back.
Fr 11th   Got in Cow and Calf.  Put in shrubs. Logged up. Ellen Makatoku.  moon light
Sat 12th   Put in shrubs. Saw Pattalla & W Price 7lb beef
Sun 13th   Ellen went to Makatoku. Top John & Self shifted sheep from Waidrops.
Mon 14th   Carpenters came & finished. Wet. Split posts
Tu 15th   Wet day. Did some papering. Got 4 loaves 2 for me

Wed 16th   Wet day.  Mothers birthday. 84 years.  Finished rooms. Olsen came paid him balance of 3: 7: 3.   Coachman brought cabbage plants and pup.
Th 17th   Wet. Put in plants. John H B came at midday  took bull to pound. John took his cattle home.
Fr 18th.   Wet Ellen went to Makatoku.
Sat 19th   Cutting carting rails.  A funeral went by
Sun 20   I went to Makatok [Makotuku]. caught lamb for Olsen.

Mon 21   E went to Grannie Put up pailing fence
Tu 22   Clothes line & carted rails and put up some panels
23rd WED   Went to Norsewd [Norsewood]
T 24   worked at yards
F 25   Got wire Sent cheque to B & ? paid E 3/6.  Wet
Sat 26   At yards paid  Puttalu  9/3  got beef & bread.
27 Sun.   Went round Hogs with Top & John.  Cattle buyer came. Nell went to Makatoku

Mon 28   at yards
Tu 29   Ditto
Wed 30   Ditto N went to Brow [?] & to Makatoku  Cattle buyer came offered  £10-10s  finished yard. Geo Cox came. Got 5 letters
Th 1st Oct 1891   All hands mustered Hogs 158.
Fr 2   Put Hog back  logged up.
Sat 3rd   John came with 2 cows & Willie Puttalu sent beef.  Put in seeds   Ellen went to Makatoku. N Friberg left dog.
Sun 4th   went to Mak [Makotuku].   Mrs Friberg there.

Mon 5th   Went to Ormondville. George Commenced bushfelling  brought Lucy back  Paid J J Brown  Sold 7 cattle for £11.  Saw Pound Keeper   Gave Charlecott a line[?]   Parnell Cross came.
Tu 6th   cleaned up iron  put in strainer Widerups corner   Ellen went to Norsewood
WED .   Wet  made bookshelf etc.
Th 8   Commenced Shed
Fr 9   Worked shed etc.
Sat 10th   Fell & carted uprights  paid Puttalu 7/-     George one week.

Sun. 11th   Ellen went to Mak. I went round Hoggets.
Mon 12th   Went to dock lambs  Neal & McGreevey docked and dagged
87 wether lambs
95 ewe lambs
4 pets (2 of each)
150 ewes
3 rams
1 Hogget
1 doubtful
341  total

Tu 13th   Went with George to Mrs Fribergs to dock 201 lambs
WED 14th   Docked at home  sold 3 w to Puttalu
Th 15   Worked at shed  wet   Ella  F & Chaldecott came
Fr 16th   worked at shed
Sat 17th   Ditto  Tom came  George 2 weeks*
Sun 18th   at home.  Tom G Ellen Top & John went to back
Mon 19th   at shed
Tu 20   Ditto
Wed 21   Got 10lb lead headed nails at wilsons.  E  went to Mak
Th 22   at shed  August? came
Fr 23   E went to Mak. Calf very sick

Sat 24.   Went for rams.  Ada came back. Shore rams George 3 weeks*  August came.  Pattulu [Pattullo?]  saw Chaldecott
Sun 25   Pattalu disappointed.  Fred Gilmore Called.  Went round hoggets.
Mon 26   Worked at wc.  Englebretsen brought netting  N & T & I went to Norsewood
Tu 27   finished wc.  Norsewood man came about reserve firewood.
WED 28   George went to Wilsons for things   E went to Mak.
Th 29   logging up to dinner time

Fr 30   Commenced paint house
Sat 31   Painting house   – got drum of oil at Browns.  George & Ellen rode out 4 weeks*
Sun 1st   John Bovaird Came.  E went to Makatoku
Mon 2nd Nov   Painting
Tu 3rd   Wet. Flooring shed.  George cleaned harness
WED 4th   Ellen went to Ada’s.  I put in cabbage plants
Th 5th   Finished painting  put up wire netting
Fr 6th   Went with both horses to Makatoku  took bottle wine

brought home tank.  Saw Bengtson about sheep .  Was asked by Freetz Ella came
Sat 7th   Took tank to Peterson  Got horse shod  bought boots  Went to Ormondville  got bales.  Got 3 cwt wire 10lb staples etc at Browns.  George 5 weeks*
Sun 8th   Very heavy showers all day. All stayed inside
Mon 9th   POW Birth day  We all worked at bridge
Tue 10th   Wrote cheque for Skinner  showery  finished bridge  worked inside shed.

Wed 11   at shed & crosscut
Th 12   finished flooring
Fr   George bushfelling
Sat   Wet.  Bengtson came  bought 100 ewes at 10/- 2 rams at £2 each to be delivered middle of Feb. Gave £5 deposit.  E went to hear Pairs ? with Puttalu & Mrs.  Worked at pig paddock
G 6 weeks*
Sun 15th   E bad all day with Neuralgia.  Went round Hoggets.

Mon 16th   G bush felling  finished pig yard.  Cut rails found ducks nest & eggs. Paid Englebretsen 5/-   got 5 bales.
Tu 17th   Carted rails  went with youngsters to see ducks nest.  Set fires on terrace.  Got 3lb meat & sausages.  Wrote to Clayton.
WED. 18th   worked at Pig yard.  Geo Cox came.
Th 19   went to Makatoku  bought back pigs  buggy etc
Fr 20   roofed pig stye etc

Sat 21   Put in strainer  log-up.  Went to J H B in Buggy.  George seven weeks*
Sun 22   Went round block
Mon 23rd   logged up Grandfor [Grandford]  went home got 1 cwt wire at Browns  sugar etc
Tues 24th   Sawing etc
WED 25th   worked in shed  wet day.
Th 26   at fence  E went Mak.
Fr 27th   Ditto
Sat 28th   at fence. G 8 weeks *
Sun 29   At Makatoku.  Went to Mrs Fribergs. Called at Newlings  brought Willie back.  John B came late

Mon 31st   Got Ewes and lambs in.  Commenced shearing
Tues 1st Dec.   Shearing.  Petersen came.
WED 2nd   Shearing.  George took lamb to Petersen
Th 3rd   shearing  Petersen took Hogs [Hoggets] in trap.  Hans Mortensen came.   Redward & Fris [Friis].  E went to Mak & Ormon [Ormondville]
Fr 4th   Nearly finished mustered all sheep
Sat 5th   George got rams finished shearing  put mob into Widerup’s ram fence.  248 or so
Geo 9 weeks*.

Sun 6th   All remained home misty.
Mon 7th   Fencing on terrace.  E & Geo went to Mak for ewes & lambs.  Went to meet Geo & John   rained very heavy after getting home.
Tu 8th   finished posts & barb wire on terrace.
WED 9th   E went to Mak   shifted Grannie.  Attended O A & I S.
Th 10   Got in Hogs.  shore some.   Ella F came and Mrs Grant.
Fr 11th   Shearing Hoggets

Sat 12   finished Hogs. [Hoggets].  Rained.  Geo 10 weeks *
Sun 13th   All hands went to muster stragglers got wet through.  Found 6  John came at night.  Went to see Grannie. Stopped all night.
Mon 14th   shore 6 Hogs [hoggets]   pressed 3 bales.  Mare shod  Went and stayed with Grannie.
Tu 15th   Saw J Thompson .  Got in a mob of Ewes & lambs.  Shore some lambs
WED 16   finished lambs in pen.  Run out barb wire.  E went to Makatoku.  Put away Sweep.

Th 17th Dec.
Falling scrub in the forenoon with G T & J.  Shore 2 pet Hoggets & some lambs in afternoon.
Poor Mother died at 10 o’clock or 11 on this night.
Fr 18th   Was shearing before breakfast when Jerry Newling brought word of Mothers death.  Had breakfast and went to see her remains.  Stopped with her that day  E. came  Mrs Friberg & Ella came.

Returned home with Ellen & buggy.  Got in a few sheep
Sat 19th   Geo 11 weeks*
Shore some Ewes   Tom came.
SUN 20th Dec.   Funeral.  Went to John B evening from there to church
Mon 21st.   Shearing lambs  Tom went home at 6 pm.  Took letter to Neale.
Tu 22   shearing  wet  heavy shower in evening
W 23   finished shearing
T 24   Carted wool & pressed some bales

John Bovaird helped to load wool & helped to weigh & load truck at Ormondville.  Paid Railway freight 4-7-6  Called at Benbow’s.  Tom Came
25th  Fr.   C D †.  went in buggy for Mary & youngsters
26 Sat   Holliday [holiday]  G 12 weeks *
27  Sun   wet & stormy
Mon 28th   Sports  Tom went
Tu 29   Went to Nordbyes.  Filled Land Tax form

bought Reserve off Davidson Irvine & Co.  May 12th 1890.  Lease then gone 2 years.  Lease expires 1909.   went John B to borrow rake & fork in the evening   Sarah Cox came
Wed 30th   at bush & hay
Th 31st   E & S & youngsters went to Makatoku  made sledge.
Fr   New Years day wet

Jan 1st 1892.   Went to Mc Greevy’s  George came home from bush in the afternoon. 13*
Saturday 2nd 1892

Sat 2nd   both scrubbing

Sun 3rd   All went to Ormondville and to church
Mon 4th   sawing & shingle
Tu 5th   put 2 wires on Reserve  Sarah went home
Wed 6th   Scrubbing
Th 7th   ditto
Fr 8   Got in Hay.   E Mak.  G scrubbing
Sat 9th   Went to Neils yards for ewe & lamb  lost shears  scrubbed.  Geo went home  Went to Norsewood paid bill  Geo 14 weeks*.

10th   Sunday at home  wet in evening G wet
11th  Mon   G at bush.  Went buggy to Ormondville  2 shoes on Cockie  got turkeys
12th Tu   cut grass in front  G carting hay at Mak
13th WED   G carting hay at Mak.  Working at hay
14th Th   at Hay.
Fr 15th.   Finished mowing.  Geo at scrubbing.
Sat 16th   Carted in all hay.  Geo got tank.  Cows to German Line. 15 weeks*

Sun 17.   Girls brought cows.  Made washing place
Mon. 18th   Wat put up tank. E Mak.  Chaldecott came.
Tu 19th   Chaldecott started for farm.  E Mak.  Geo scrubbing.
WED 20   Cocksfooting
Th 21   Ditto   went to Ormondville. Meeting in Rechabite Hall.  Went to J Bovairds.
Fr 22nd   E. Makatoku.  Wet morning.  Got Williams & Kettle letter

cheque for 124-16-3
Sat 23   Cutting Coxfoot  Ada came.  Went with buggy to Ormondville.  16 weeks*
Sun 24   Went to Mak.  Met John youngsters went to Bovairds
Mon 25   wet all day
Tu 26th   Sawed logs  Greased buggy & dray  went to Ormondville got ram. Paid Brown £11.
Wed 27.   Cutting seed.  John came.  Got large loaf.

Th 28.   Mustering.  Shore 2 hoggets
Fr 29   Mr Friis came  went with sheep to Ormondville.  Geo & youngsters came.
Sat 30th   let sheep go. Shore 4 lambs.  Killed 1 ewe  Cut coxfoot.  G scrubbing  Got letter from Mother.  17 weeks*
Sun 31st   Cut up sheep & salted some.  Went to Mak  Mrs Friberg’s

Mon 1st Feb   Cocksfooting
Tu 2nd   Ditto]
Wed 3rd   Ditto
Th 4th    heading stack thrashing
Fr   Wet all day.  went to J Bovairds
Sat 6th   Sawing & logging.  Nell at Makatoku  Weeks 18*
Sun 7th   Creek going down.  Going for a walk to see the grasseed.  All dry
Mon 8th    George went to Wilson’s.  Cut coxfoot.  Mr Englebretsen wanted to buy ewes & rams.  Nordbye called.   Dip timber at Mill cut.

Got letter from Tom & papers
Tu 9th   Went to Mill got 9x2s  Matai
Wed 10th   Ditto   Got tongued & groved [grooved] etc.   Called at Pub & store  got pick 6/-  wet afternoon
Th 11th   Blasting and splitting
Fr 12th   shorts
Sat 13th   finished Cocksfoot
Sun 14th   Messrs Lockhead Vickery Miss Ingles [Inglis] & Mrs Lockhead.  Showed Bush to Bengtson

Locks   2. 3. 26
14   2. 3. 4

No [number] 3. L   2 .1. 24
10   2. 1.   2
L5   2. 2. 14
4L   2.  2. 15
2   3.  1. 12
one 1.   3. 0. 18
6   2 . 2 . 2
7   3. 0. 12
8   2. 1. 11
9   2. 2. 25
11   2 .2 .11
£12   3 . 0. 20
£13   2 .3. 9

Total Shorn  1891

Total Shorn 1891

463   Fleeces.
290   Lambs

Shorn E & L 14

Wool Description
No 1   47   Hog fleeces
2   47   Ditto
3   47   Ditto   1 less
4   40   Rom.  ewes  good
5   40   Rom.  ewes  good
6   40   Rom.  ewes  good
7   40   Ditto  Partly Matted
8   36   Ditto   matted
9   40   mixed
5   lincoln rams
some good hog
some ewe matted
10   Rom. Wethers good
11  ½ Rom Wether
½ Rom Ewes good
38 fleeces

Lamb   Ewe
18   4
—   12
22   7

No   12   lambs
13   lambs
14   Bellies & pieces

47   Rom.   95
47   Hogs.   5
47   Meri 92
160 + brid   114
36   Hog   256
33   Rams etc   8
15   570   sheep fleeces only
463   fleeces
290   lambs

total Lambs   Wool

Total E & L


Hoggs. Shorn on back sec

1 Hog leaves 21   22

1 Hog   7
I  Hog   10

1 ewe & 1 lamb Thompson


E good   Mid   Culls
5   6   11
3   1   2
3   2   5
4   2   8
6   4   3
2   1   3
3   2   7
1   1   9
7   1   10
4   4   6
38   24   64

243  Sheep shorn  90

Ewe   Culs   Bottle   Wether
6   4   6   6
6   –   3    8
2   1   1   5
6   –   –   3
5   2   1   5
10   –   –   6
9   –   –   2
5   5   3   3
1   1   –    –
seven 7   –   –   3
six  6   1   1   5
7   –   1   3
69   14   16   49

W HOG   Ewes   LAMBS
1   1   11
–   –   21
1   –   10
–   –   10
–   –   22
1   –   9

242 ewes & lambs
Hoggets 4 wethers
246 total

69   248
14   339
16   587

Total   750    to sell
sold   360
left   390
lambs   289

50 acres
100 acres
20 acres
170 2½ sheep

to sell
160 Hog
100 Ada
50  Ewes
50 Wethers

at Makotuku  at home
WL   89   EL   97   Ewes   88
186   E lambs 45
Ewes 150   W lambs 58
hog 1   wethers 52
337   Hoggets 162
total 747   405
2pets   5 rams
1 Doubtful  410


£   s
J Brabazon   10-0-0
Dobson   21-0-6
Land Office   2-5-6
W White   1-10-?
Mitchell & Co.   7-9-?
Living World   1-5-?
Mr P Gow   4-0-?
J Brabazon   7-0-?
Barrie   7-8-?


£   s
In Bank   81-12-11
Wages up 12th   57-19-9
Cracknell   10-0
McCleary   1-0-0

Number of sheep and lambs shorn  1890. Dec.

168 8 Aug   lambs
116 8 Se   ewes
3   8   O [October]   hoggets
3   8   N [November]   rams
8 D [December]   hoggets
490  8   J [January]

2 from Mrs Friberg
2 rams sent up.
494 total

8.  F[?]
8.   […]
8   A   8 May
8   M

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Surnames in this diary –

Barrie, Benbow, Bengtson, Brennan, Butler, Chaldecott, Cracknell, Daly, Dobson, Englebretsen, Ericksen, Friberg, Friis, Gaisford, Godun?, Hansen, Inglis, Jones, Laurvig, Lockhead/Lochhead, McCleary, McGreevy, McNutt, Mosen, Neale, Nordbye, Olsen, Patalla/Puttalu/Pattullo, Petersen, Pringle, Redward, Sampson, Vaughan, Vickery, Wardrop, Widerup, Wilson

First names –
Ada (niece), Ellen (wife), John (son), John B (John Bovaird), Mary (aunt), Nellie, Tom, Top (daughter Rebecca), Willie (nephew)

Abbreviations –
E (Ellen), JB (John Bovaird)

Format of the original

Hardcover book, handwritten diary

Date published

1891 - February 1892

Creator / Author


  • J H Bovaird
  • J Brabazon
  • Sarah Cox
  • P Gow
  • R Holt
  • Hans Mortensen
  • Jerry Newling
  • W Price
  • J Sugden
  • J Thompson
  • W White

Accession number


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