Diary 02 February-September 1892


1891 [1892-1893]






for Mr S Brabazon
July 20th
12 Oct 189[…] £2-15 in bank

Cost of McGreevey’s portion of Dividing fence
old valuation
Sec 148=250
Sec 159=190
Sec 9=259
Reserve   118

Ormondville October 5th 1891
Mr Saml. Brabazon
Dr to John J. Browne
1891    £ s d
Oct 5   To 5 […]  Note Paper   2 0
Envelopes   1 0
Knife   1 0
Axe Hal   B. Hook    5 6
28   1 coil wire   1 6
31   1 Drum oil   1 3 6
5 yds Brown Linen   6 6
Nov 4   2 […] Paint   1 6
6   6  do   4 0
7   3 coils […] 16/-   2 8 0
6 yds […]   4 0
4  Blk goods   4 6
10 staples   3½  2 1
3 ft […]   4 6
£5 9 11

£ s d
To Brt forward   5 9 11
Nov 21   1 coil Barbd Wire  1 10 0
paid Drayage   1 0
23   5½ lbs nails   3 3
1 Bag sugar   11 6
1 yd oil Cloths   2 6
6  ?   3 0
1 coil Wire      16  0
Dec […]  1 Bottle Tar   1 0
4 prs Sox   2 0
1 ? Ruddle [raddle?]   9
1 ditto  6
17   1 pr Riding Gloves   7 0
19   2 yds Ribbon   1 6
2 prs childs sox 1/3    2 6
Dec 22   5¾ ch Rope    5 9
Sail Twine   1 0
£9 18 8
Jan 26   Cash   1 0 0
Paid Jan 26th 92   £10 18 8
John Bouvaird [Bovaird]

Mon 15th   At dip & Scrubbing afternoon.
TU 16th     Scrubbing E & M at Mr Fothingills [Fotheringills]
WED 17th     Mustering. John came.  Went back buggy
TH 18th    Delivered Bengtsen [Bengtson] 100 ewes 2 rams.  Received £35 on account and £5 previously as deposit making altogether  *  £40 0 0
FR 19th    Wet day.  E & youngsters went to Mak [Makotuku]. in Buggy.  Nordbye cam [came] paid him.
Sat 20th    Wet day sheep in house paddock
SUN 21   Fine day
Mon 22   Went to Napier with John. gave August Schaare £20 to Bank.  Stayed at Clive Thompsons picked out 100 ewes & 2 rams.
Tu 23   Went into Napier with Thompson & John.  Made purchases.  Came to Waipawa Saw circus.
24   Came home Saw Story Harker  Spoke to Monteith about sheep

Th 25th   Went for things to railway St with old mare.  Picked out 100 ewes 2 rams with John took them to Makatoku [Makotuku]
Fr 26   Sent cheque to Lascelles very high wind mustered back.
Sat 27   Saw Amundsen got £10 cheque deposit.  Put 111 ewes to rams  Put 4 & 2 tooths in reserve.
Sun 28   Got in 7 more hogs from back.   Put blister on horse’s foot
Mon 29   Sold to H Monteith 122 sheep at 11/-  Received cheque £67. 2.
Mar 1st TUE   Counted sheep.  Mustered lambs.  Amundsen & Co took delivery.  Sent cheque to Waipukurau.  Shore pets at Mak.
2nd WED   Got in ewe & lamb & 2 w hogs  Mary came.  Committee meet at Post Office store.

TH 3rd    Paid 6/- to Petersen shoeing mare carpenters worked.  G Grace called,  Got 5 Gal tar. *
Fr 4th   Engaged G Grace.  Went burning.  Got outfit at Wilson’s  Shifted milk.  Pattulla called left children.
Sat 5th    Shifted milk.  Pattallus [Pattullo?] trap came.  Got in sheep shore ewe & lamb.  Went to Norsewood sale.  Killed wether.
Sun 6th   Hot day.  August Schaare & Miss Holm called.  Pattulla called  All went in buggy to Makatoku  Mr Neale called.
Mon 7th   Went to Mortensen’s got sheep dip
TU 8th   Carpenters finished  paid £4. 0. 0.
We 9th   Painted dip & floors
TH 10th   Finished painting dip  G Cox Judge came E Houseman & family came.

FR 11th   Show & Sports Makatoku
Sat 12th   Burning & Getting in sheep
Su 13th   All hands got in 12 sheep.
Mon 14   Wet.  Making bridge in reserve
Tu 15   Went to Mill paid 10/- to Bob.
We 16th   at dip  Geo had chest
Th 17th   Wet John Bovaird came August Schaare called.
Fr 18th   Do.   E took Ella home got Euchlyptis [Eucalyptus] at Brown paid Brown.  At dip
Sat 19   Wet day. At dip.
Su 20th   G came down.  Paid him  £11. Moist day.
Mon 21st    G went to Hospital  paid him  £1  wet day.
TU 22   Worked at dip Lockhead and Puttallu called.
We 23    At dip.  Loui Schaare called.
Th 24    At dip showery  G Cox came and got his horse for Makatu

E went to Norsewood  got watches Letter from Allice.
Fr 25   At dip  E went to Makatoku
Sat 26   at dip.
Sun 27   Went round big section Saw 10 neals Sheep & 4 hoggets.  Went to Lockheads evening.
Mon 28   G came out of Hospital
Tu 29   Bought 100 ewes at Auction.  John Brab[azon] brought Topsy.
Wed 30   Went to Lockheads got 2 sacks oats 2 rams 1 drake parcel flowers.  Lockheads & Inglis came for dinner  I went to funeral evening.
Th 31st   2 Neals came J Bovaird & J B mustered ewes.  Dipped 120 ewes & 2 rams and sent them to Makatoku.  4 gallons of dip in tin or drum

1st Ap
Fr   J Bovaird came, dipped 100 merinoes 2 long wools 2 rams put them on Widerups.
Sat 2   Went to Neals saw no sheep of mine  left 3. 2. 0. for J Lockhead at Wilsons.  Got shoe on horse got 2 pigs at Lowes for J B went to Ormondville.  Brought Top home
Sun 3rd    Planted blue gum, went to church Ormondville to John B dinner.
Mon 4th   No dip painting Got supply of groceries  etc.
Tu 5th   Finished & hung gate  E went to Ormondville for dip.  G burning
WE 6th   Went early to Mak for ewes  John came dipped 100 ewes  2 rams.  Paid Petersen  1. 2. 0
TH 7th   Dipped Bengsten & Englebretsen’s  Received 8/- & 7/-.  Went to Ormondville got 3 shoes on Cockie  paid 3/- to Olsen Mrs G & Mary.

Fr 8th   Rode to Ormondville.  Got horse & dray in J B’s paddock  got barley at R Station carted to J Bovairds.
Sat 9   Crutching lambs
Sun 10   at home went round sheep
Mon 11   Crutching & dipping lambs
Tu 12   finished put 278 on back
Wed 13  Wet morning  E J & I Makatoku
TH 14   Went with 2 horses & dray to Mak.  Carted manure.  Saw J Thompson & J Newling evening.  Saw first leaves fall from poplar.
Fr 15th   GOOD FRIDAY wet
Sat 16th   Planted gum trees.  Geo digging garden  Went to Norsewood evening Tom came.
Sun 17   Wet all day
Mon 18th   Went to Norsewood  Funeral of child  Paid Wright.  Got1/2 ? Doz match for George  E J T & Tom went to Ormondville  I went to reserve  Topsy calved.

went round sheep.  Stepped fence line 20 chains.  Saw 2 lambs on Petersens put them on big Section – 280  1 hog.  planted wattle trees.  Tom went home  G brought case[?] & sack of Potatoes
TU 19th  Got in cow & calf from reserve  foorotted sheep.
WE 20   Skinned fat ewe on Widerups  dipped 199 sheep  Amundsen commenced to clear line with George   letter from Mrs Houseman
Th 21st    Clearing line  Got 2 pks grasseed  Got Bill from D Grant.
FR 22   All went to Mak.  finished carting manure.  Carted 4 loads gravel.
SAT 23    Logging up on terrace.  E went to Norsewood & to Mrs Smith (5/-)  letter from Mrs Harper.
Su 24    John B came midday  fine day.  Piece of beef from Ormondville

Mo 25   Cross cutting on top (lookout)   Mr Pasley called E Norsewood.  Went to Wilsons in evening.  Sent £30 to Sarah Cox.  Got letter from W A Neale about ton of wire.
TU 26   Wet. Sowed some grasseed.  Went to social evening gave £1. 0. 0. to Cam Well
WE 27   Very wet day.  Creek rising
TH 28th  Wet day  cleaned out shed (cow)  skinned lamb bought ox tongue
FR 29   clearing line in reserve  Sent cheque to D Grant.
Sa 30th    Went to Ormondville dray got ton of wire paid  £1. 8. 2.   Cheque from JHB   ?  Killed pig  Mrs Lockhead came  Mrs Harper & children.
Sun 1st May   Went to see waterfall & round sheep
2nd Mon   Salted pig  sowing grasseed.
TU 3rd    Finished grasseed sowing  logging up track on reserve.  Smith called.
We 4th   Logging reserve track.   Wilson & Co dogs & guns called.  Went around block got acorns from Tom.

Th 5th   finished logging reserve track
Fr 6th   Wet day.
SA 7th   Sawing. Put in strainer.
Mon 9th   Salted pig.  Planted acorns.  bored strainer.  Killed sheep.
Buggy went out.  Brought home turkey cock.
TU 10th   Cross cutting for palings etc
We 11   Wet day grasseed etc
Th 12   Wet day  Wool buyer came.  Garfor?
Fr 13   Wet day  Mrs Harper went.  Carted timber from Makatoku
Sat 14   Wet.  Went to Norsewood.  Paid Wilson £5.10.0  Got list. Wet.
Su 15   Wet all day.  Flood.
Su 16th    Wet  G came  E in bed.
Mo 17   Fine.  J Bovd came  E sick  Geo went killed J’s pig  Went to Ormondville evening.  Meeting (Sugari? R C)  got 10lb nails  paid £2 cheque & 5. 10. 0.

TU 17   Fine day  E better.  let pig out  cleared up pig yard etc
W 18th   Fencing  Mary came.  Went to Norsewood got potatoes.
Th 19   Fencing around garden  Sutherland & Tortensen called about firewood
Fr 20   Fencing round garden.  Went to Browns for staples 10lb hooks
Sat 21   Fencing.  Geo C called brought loaf
Su 22   Fine.  Went with John all round hog paddock.  rested in evening
Mon 23   Crosscutting & hung bacon
Tu 24   Showery made bridge M & F came
W 25   Went to Or [Ormondville] School with buggy Mary & Florrie.  Killed sheep.
T26   Cut up sheep fat & head gone  fencing.  put in axe handle
F 27  Crutched 100 ewes & 2 rams   Wool buyer came took wool & skins  paid £3  Signed for Mrs Martens
Sat 28   Crutched 119.  Paid Ada 1.2  left Neal 3 ewes at  Thompsons.

Sun 29   Went to J ? got seed pd
Mon 30   Drying wool  ? bags seed  E & Ge  digging.  Put in strainer at Fence
TU 31st   G at palings
W 1st JU   G Cox went to Waipukurau shifted Hogs into Widerups  Paid Nordbye £1. 8. 6.
Th  2nd   Fencing sideling sold 3 sks wool
Fr 3rd   Jubilee calved  E at Lockheads  Mrs D Grant & Co called.
Sat 4   Got in calf from reserve.  Sawed log for posts & 2 Strainers
Sun 5   Wet all at home
Mon 6   Went with buggy & George to Mak.  John Bov there  Killed 2 pigs  brought Ella
Tu 7   Went with dray for potatoes to Ormondville none there   Finished paling fence in front
We 8th    Went for potatoes 13 sacks paid Coachman 6d  Ada came

Th 9th   E went to Mak Mrs Friberg  Ormondville Turkeys sick.
Fr 10   Got strainer posts etc
Sat 11   Hauled a few strainers with mare  Paid Skinners bill 1. 3. 8  Shook seed in pigs yd  Mr Friis & son called.
Su 12   Heavy showers shot 2 sparrows   John Bovd came.  Cows ov netting
Mo 13th   Crosscutting  etc  E saw Wilson about butter
Tu 14th   Hung gate (No 2)  Skinned 3 sheep this makes 4 merinoes 8 hoggt
We 15th   Snow in the morning.  putting up paling fence.  Got Ws Bill.
Th 16   Went in buggy to kill J Bov pigs  E took Ella home, got apple trees  Got large leaf very late.
Fr 17th   One dead turkey  3 sick.  Nils Friberg called. E went to N.W. paid cheque £9. 6. 8. to Bob bought scales.
Sat 18th   Waterloo ½ the day at paling fence.

18th June   Waterloo  all hen turkeys die   Sold the first 6lbs of butter to Wilson  Went on to Pattullos.  bought 75lbs of rock salt  home at dark.
Sun 19th    Went with E round sheep.  saw 6 on big section.  found dead merino wether.  *  this makes 5 merinoes.
Th 20th    at Pat fence  shifted hoggets.
Tu 21   at fence forenoon.  Mend wire got in merinoes dagged them  killed wether  E went to Norsewood  gave 6lbs butter to Wilson.  did not milk Jubilee.   no paper (advised?)
We 22   Cut up sheep  paired merinoes  ?
Th 23   Fairy’s horn broken at fence  E went to Ormondville and to Mrs Planks got shrubs etc
Fr 24   At fence.  E went to Makatoku  Willie went.  Florrie came.
Sat 25   Finished paling fence. E washed buggy – oiled it.

Sun 26   Went to Waterfall with Florrie   Signed paper for Black? & Olsen  planted Totara Titoka etc went to Norsewood Cemetery  to Church
Mon 27   Hung & painted 2 garden gates   E went to Wilsons 6lbs butter.
TU 28 planted some box thorns.  Children came from Makatoku brought letter from Bank.  Mrs Grant & 2 children came.  All went in buggy to Ormondville.  E got 2 turkeys & £8 cheque from JHB.   very wet   J Thomson passed with 50 ewes Top stayed at Mak.  Willie & John here
Wed 29 Very wet day.  Enclosed 10£  to Bank NZ  Spliced chains etc.
TH 30   Planted Boxthorns behind pal fence   Geo scraped [scrapped]up rubbish.  Drained garden   Nils Friberg called
1st July   Fr made garden hen proof.  E rode to Mak.  Got in sheep took out rams.  Killed sheep.  found hogget in lawyers.  Gave 6lbs butter to Wilson.   put 92  merinoes on Widerups.

Sat Ju 2nd    Sawed ½ day on lookout found 1 dead merino & 2 hoggets  making 6 dead merinoes  10 hoggets *
Sun 3rd   Very wet all day.
Mon   4th   Wet day.  Took John to Wilsons got him pair of boots spoke to J Lockhead
Tu 5th    Skinned 3 sheep went around Hogt   paid Geo £ 3. 5. 0  sawing    E went with 6lbs butter.
We 6   Making bridge in reserve & clearing passage for cows   E put in peas.
Th 7th    at bridges & at petersen Corner   Saw hoggets on petersens.  fine day.
Fr 8th    Logging up & sawing at G corner  E went with 5lbs butter.  E at Makatoku.
Sat 9th   Finished logging with George made cart track to G. Corner.  Children at Mak.  Charlie & Tom C? went to meeting at Thystrups H?

Sun 10th    Wrote to Bank NZ.  wet day E Tom Charlie youngsters  went to J Bov  brought bitch.
Mon 11   Went to catch train Charlie George G went  Tom returned brought back dead wool.
Tu 12   Wet went to Mak picked up 2 sheets galvanised iron got 13£ from 3 settlers at Com meeting at Petersens bought oil coat at Rob 12/6
We13   John home with cold.  E went with 4lb butter letter from Mr Downes.   burnt strainer
Th 14   Got lost letter at Ericksen’s at sale.  sheep netting fence   Saw Wilson about Sec.   Mr Ries wrote to Tom.
Fr 15th   At wire netting fence E away on Tom’s mare posted letter to Tom
Sat 16th   Planting near house, elder wattle etc  Thystrups Hall meeting  Some signed agreement. at Bull with Jubilee.

Sun 17   Top & John went to Sunday School  went with their mother German Line   I went to see Hogs.   got 4 sh skins
Mon 18   Planting near house got Tom’s letter  E took 6lbs butter to Wilsons
Tu 19   Planting poplars etc
We 20   Mending Alibastard fence planted broom at creek & 2 ribbon wood.
Th 21   Wet at Battens in shed Tom came
Fr 22   Went to Mak brought back 117 ewes 4 Lincoln rams.  Tom came on old bay.  E bought boots at Robinsons   Sent letter to Williams & Kettle.
Sat 23   All went to Wilsons Block & Tackle went to see section  with Tom got 2 cabbage trees 1 ribbon wood  Miss King called.   wettish
Sun 24   Very wet at home all day
Mon 25   Not wet Tom went early
Tu 16   E took butter 6lb to Wilson   Killed pig   got letter from Williams & Kettle & Alice Mr & Mrs Wills called.  very cold

Wed 27   snow  Sent written aggrement to Williams & Kettle   Sent address to R Dobson.   worked at Battens.  Cut up & salted pig.  Sausages
Th 28th   At battens.  firewood.  Saw ewe & twins
Fr 29   Finished battens got Toms letter E went to Mindah’s poplars in pig yard
Sat 30   Planted gooseberry bushes   went round Hog.  One dead  caught in law?   6 merinoes  11 Hoggets.   planted laurals[laurels]
Sun 31   All went through sheep  Top found 1 dead merino making 7 *
AUG Mo 1st   Clipped laurels poisoned wheat  E took butter to Wilson.  got things  Got demand for interest & sheep tax
2nd TU   Put in strainers.  went round sheep  E at Mak got cabbage plants – plucked merino planted Ribonwood
WE 3rd    Pulled down old fence.  Amundson [Amundsen] got sheep cast saw 2 sin lambs  planted plum & apple trees in garden.

Got £55 advance  got Bena[?] letter  Dagged a few Hogs
Th 4th   Sent  £55 to Bank NZ Waipuk  sent rect to Williams & Kettle  Carted stabs.  Ada came  E & Ada went to Ormondville  Sent cheque £8 to J H Bovaird  18/6 Skinner sheep tax 12/-   Parnell Cross came with bill.  Miss King called late.
Fr 5   at fence in front.   paid Cross 6/6
Sat 6   at fence in front  burnt posts    went to Norsewood paid Wilson 3 £ E went to Matamau
Sun 7   Went with John round Hog.  Carried one home.   E & Top went to church.
Mo 8   at fence showery  Topsie Bull
Tu 9   at privet hedge    Norsewood evening
We 10th   at privet hedge signed for C Friz [Frizzell?]  E went to Ormondville   I brought home hogget.

Th 11   Gave last of the hay to cows.  Went round sheep asked Englebretsen about sheep, rams in reserve.  Saw hoggets.  Carried one home.  Shifted gooseberry & currants bsh’s    Skinned Hogt 12 ho. 7 merinos *
Fr 12   Grubbed at stumps in front.  Leveled where shrubs grew.  Minda had tea
Sat 13   put in cuttings in pig yard etc  got in sheep in  Killed one ewe C Friz called childn at Mindahs
Sun 14   Went round sheep  E at church Orm
Mo 15   Cut up sheep  Skinned Hogget 13 hoggets  7 merinoes  *  picked bricks  Spoke to Mr Ries in F. M. Procession – went to meeting at Mr Ries
Tu 16th   Collected money from I J Wilson £5  E Englebretsen £2  W Schaare £3  W Robinson £5  Faulkner Prom   Wet day  Redward backed out.
We 17th   Wet day.  Sawing.  3 hogt caught lawyer  Meeting at night at Mr Ries  paid  £5 cheque.   £103 collected.   Got 2 slates at Browns.

Th 18   Larsen went to Mr Ries.  Mr Ries passed going to Bank with money.   Took out House blocks Petersens.  Grubbing out gooseberry bushes.  Found dead hogt in Bend  skinned him  cut some Lawyers & scrub  John B called, wet night  found Daisy and two lambs.
Fr 19th   E found motherless lamb – 2 dead make 3 dead lambs   Scrubbing up to dinner time  E to Mak  I went with buggy for Flor & Mary  brought in 2 ewes & 2 lambs.
Sat 20th   Found ewe cast brought her and lamb in 1 dead lamb.  4 D lambs went around hogs skinned one  *  14 hoggets  7 merinoes  Cows on flat
Sun 21   Saw sheep.  All went to church.
Mo 22   wet.  Scrubbed face  saw sheep took M & F home went to Brown got dress for Top & wall paper.

Tu 23   Wet.  Cut out gate.  Found 2 lambs caught under log.  Mrs Mickelsen called.
W 24th   Wet.  Found ewe cast,  2 lambs.  1 pet dead (4)
Th 25th   1 lamb dead twin (5) 1 do (6)  Saw 3 merino ewes with lambs 1 long wool.
Fr 26   2 dead lambs (8) merino with twin   raining for a fortnight   grass commenced to grow  *  put up shelf over verandah   shook grasseed all about.
Sat 27   Went with John round sheep to sale afternoon.  Saw Factory bought £3. 9. 9.   P Rasmussen  Fetched
Sun 28   Went round sheep
Mo 29   Went with Jubilee to Bull  at meeting afternoon paid £1
Tu 30   Clearing place in front burning stumps etc   Commenced gate  Miss King called.  Tethered ewe.

Wed 31st   Hung gate skind merino ewe   14 hog  8 merino  8 lambs  went to Meeting at Ormondville.
Th 1st   Sep Wet day.  Fixed milk safe.
Fr 2nd   Went. Round sheep skin 2 hog.  (16 hogs  8 merinos   8 lambs)  Sent Reserve Rent.
Sat 3   Finished hanging gate.  Evening to Wilsons Ries & Faulkner.
Sun 4   Round sheep through bush  E & youngsters at church Miss King & all went to Lutheran Church.
Mon 5   1 lamb dead 9 bush forenoon put in gum & Wattle seed in creek plantation wrote Mr Ries  E took 2 lb butter rode to Kopua
Tu 6th   Killed ewe put 2 lambs on another ewe skinned Hogget.  17 Hogt  9 lambs  8 mers.  1 ewe  E gone to temc. [temperance] meeting  Makatoku.
W7 Skinned ewe went to Smith  John B planted 2 rows pots.  1/- fish paid Brown & Skinner.

Th 8   scrubbing forenoon.  Planting pota etc. * Killed fat ewe.  Posted letter to Ruddock
Fr 9th   Cut up sheep planted potatoes
Sat 10   Took youngsters to bush found ewe (2 tooth) dead in lambing.  Skind her scrubbing.  Came on wet 1 dead merino lamb.  2 ewes   H 17 d9 m8  ML3 *
Sun 11   Fat ewe lambed.  E found M ewe cast.  2 dead lambs  3 dead MLa
Mon 12   Wet day  melted & bagged fat.
Tu 13   Scrub cutting at far corner.  Post card from Horticul. Soc. Sec.  Meeting at McGreeveys.  Siddells called. Also Mrs Smith & daughter.  Tom’s letter  E & youngsters went to Meeting. Norsewood.
We 14   Went to Mak  Killed & skinned ewe  brought back 5 skins wool (dead)  Mrs McNutt letter.  Miss King & E went to Ormondville to Mrs Palmers
TH 15  Salted mutton put in seeds fescue etc.   scrubbed.  Got 2 Horses shod ear marker from Ruddick & fryer.  Letter from Tom & Charlie

16th   E rode to Waipukurau on Tom’s mare   put in seeds (grass) cabbage seeds.  Mr & Mrs Wills called.  J Lockhead left two sheep skins.  Mr Wills letter.
Sat 17   put in 5 Sup  wattle seed, took load to Railway station Met E did not post letter to Williams & Kettle  Saw McGreevey took parsnips pots? Etc
Sun 18th   Miserable day no one went to Church.  Colt(?) Sunday.  The last
Mon 19   went around sheep & rams putting in seeds all day – gums, laurels ash macracarpa accacia sycamore, onions potatoes mangolds
Tu 20   Very showery, did a little gardening
We 21st    3? wandering sheep on road  got in & dagged rams.  P Cross called  sent letter to Editor  Miss King called  E & Top went to S Army.  Skinned 1 hogget.  * Ewe 2  hog 18  L 9  M 8  ML 3.  Peter Rasmussen called with Petition for signature

Feb 25th   100 ewes & 2 rams went to Makatoku
Feb 27th  120 & 2 rams went on Widerups.
Mar 30th   2 rams put to 100 merino ewes
Jun 22  Put 2 rams on Hill from Merinos

Th 27   Fearful squally & wet. Gardening.
Fr 23   E went to Mak  saw Mrs Friberg went with Ada to Cun [Cunninghams]?  Got 2 letters from Williams & Kettle
SEPT Sat 24   Scrubbing.  Went to Mr Glovers lecture.
Sun 25 *   Rained all the afternoon.  1 Mer l dead.
Mon 26   Cutting line.  Thunder & light.  Hev rain
Tu 27   Scrubbing & round sheep.  Top went for cows lost clothes  3 Englebretsen searched.
We 28   Wet. John Br came.  I went to Wilsons  Faulknors Redwards got 5/- from Wilson  paid 10/- to church.  Went to Orm meeting got home at 12 P.M.
Th 29   Sent letter to Tom.  Got letter from Williams & Kettle  £4. 0. 0. to my credit.
30 Fr   Scrubbing.  E crossed to Mak & went with Ada to Mrs Cunninghams.  Mrs Lockhead & Friz called.  Cockie shod & taken by Friz.

£ s d
J H Bovaird    8 0 0
“  “ Skinner   2 5 0
Robert Dobson   21 0 6
I J Wilson   3 10 –
Mrs Harper   1 15 0
Dairy factory 5 – –
41 10 6
Rent 12 5 6
47 0 0
In Bank
at auditor

Drawn   Bank
£ s d
March 1892   114 19 8
9th   Herman   30 – –
10th   Wilson   8 – –
? Ap   S Cox   30 – –
9th   D Grant   2 7 –
May Wm White   1 4 –
May   I J Wilson
May  M R & Co.   13 – –
May   G Cox   2 – –
14th   I J Wilson   5 10 –
16th   Sug R. Comtt.   2 10 –
June   Nordbye Co.   1 8 6
?  Skinner   1 3 8
?  I J Wilson   9 6 8
221 9 6
214 16 6
£6 18 3

Geo Grace

Drawn    Bank
13 9
Jan 23rd 1892   120 0 0
22nd   Robinson   4 3 0
“    S Jessop   27 0 0
23   G Cox   4 0 0
26   J J Brown   11 0 0
26   Harding   7 14 6
1st Feb   Country Cl.   2 11 2
Waste Lands Board
8th Feb 92  2 5 6
16th   M J Skinner 1 18 0
18th   I J Wilson   4 0 0
18th   Robt Dobson   21 0 6
19th Nordbye Co   3 4 6
26th   M Lascelles   9 2 6
8th Mar  E Olsen   4 0 0
13th   I J Wilson   2 0 0
20th   G Cox   1 0 0
114 19 8
114 19 8

Bengsen [Bengtson]   13 0 0
Reserve   2 5 6
Interest   21 0 6
Bengsen   36 6 0
1 19
To pay 38 5 0
M Lacells [Lascelles]
120 13 9
20 0 0
67 0 0
207 13 9
Balance   97 19 8
Last day of February 1892   £109 14 1

From 1 July 1891 to 30th June
£ s
Sold 1 springing heifer   4 0
Sold 6 mixed cattle   11 0
Sold 3 weaners   4 0
Sold 15 bales Wool   125
Sold 1 sack dead wool   12
Sold 100 ewes Bengsen   50 0 0
Sold 2 rams    ditto   4 0 0
Sold 122 wethers H Monteith   67 2
up to 1st Ap 1892   £265 14 0
25th May wool and skins sold to Turpin & Jones Danaverk   2 19
June 2nd   do   1 10
£270 3

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Surnames in this diary –

Amundsen, Bengtson Downes, Englebretsen, Faulkner/Faulknor, Fotheringill, Friis, Glover, Harding, Harker, Herman, Inglis, Larsen, Lascelles, Lockhead/Lochhead, Lowe, McGreevey, Mindah, Mortensen, Neale, Nordbye, Olsen, Pasley, Pattulla/Pattullo, Petersen, Redward, Ries, Robinson, Ruddick, Ruddock, Siddells, Skinner, Smith, Sutherland, Tortensen, Widerup, Wilson

Mesdames Cunningham, Friberg, Harper, Houseman, Martens, McNutt, Mickelsen, Palmer, Plank, Smith; Misses Holm, King; Mr and Mrs Wills

First names –
Ada (niece), Alice, Charlie, Ella (niece), Florrie (niece), George, John (son, brother-in-law), Mary (niece, sister), Tom, Top (daughter Rebecca), Willie (nephew)

Abbreviations –
E (wife Ellen), J (son John), JB (John Bovaird), T (Top)


Format of the original

Hardcover book, handwritten diary

Date published


Creator / Author


  • John Bovaird
  • John J Browne
  • G Cox
  • Sarah Cox
  • Robert Dobson
  • Nils Friberg
  • C Friz [Frizzell?]
  • Geo Grace
  • D Grant
  • E Houseman
  • Sarah Jessop
  • M Lascelles
  • J Lockhead
  • H Monteith
  • W A Neale
  • John Newling
  • E Olsen
  • Peter Rasmussen
  • W Robinson
  • August Schaare
  • Loui Schaare
  • M J Skinner
  • Clive Thompson
  • John Thompson
  • William White
  • I J Wilson

Accession number


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