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- Diary of JE Beaumont - Original
Diary of JE Beaumont – Original
Joseph Edward Beaumont, born 21st day of September, 1886 in the Parish of County of Salop, England.
Emigrated to New Zealand at the age of 24 years in the year 1909 sailing in the N.Z.S.S. R.MS “Turakina”. (Capt. Weston) landing in Wellington on Nov 16th. My sister Patty who also came out at the same time and we stayed with our sister Molly and her husband until after Christmas 1909.
1910 Jan 8th. I went to work on the Delta Station, Marlborough as Cowboy at 25/- per week and board. The station, about 9,000 acres was owned by Mr W Pollard and I found him a very good employer and the job very easy and the food was the best. I left the Delta on Dec. 10th, as I wanted to get a knowledge of Dairy Farming & the Delta was all sheep farming of which I have not any knowledge in England. On Dec. 12th I took a temporary job harvesting for Mr Andrews at a place named Seddon at the rate of l/- per hour and board
1911 Left Seddon for Wellington Jan 14th and went to Murphy Bros, Featherstone, Wairarapa to milk cows at the rate of 25/- and board. This was a rotten and dirty job and I left on July 12 with a rather poor opinion on dairy farming in N.Z. 0n July 29th I started to work for a Mr Yeoman, a dairy farmer at Opouria [Opouriao] Taneatua, Bay of Plenty at the rate of 30/- per week with board. I stayed at this job until I had saved enough money for me to go to England, and get married. I left Yeoman’s on May 12th 1913.
1913 May 15th. Arrived Wellington from Bay of Plenty.
June 12 Sailed for Home in the S.S.A. Coys. H.M.S. Athenic. Capt. Crossman arriving at Plymouth on July 25th, reached my home in Shrewsbury at 7.30 pm same day.
August 17. Agnes’ father died aged 61 years.
Sept. 17th I was married to Agnes Madeline Blount, aged 23 years, youngest daughter of John and Sarah Blount in the Parish Church, Neenton, Salop, by the Vicar Rev. Warren and we went to Liverpool for our honeymoon.
Oct 8th. We left Shrewsbury for London and stayed at Adelphi Hotel in the Strand.
Oct 10th. We sail for N.Z. in the S.S.& Alby “Arawa” Capt. Clayton.
Oct. 11th At Plymouth. Agnes very sick.
Oct 13th Agnes had the Doctor to her.
Nov. 25. Arrived Wellington N.Z. Big strike on.

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May 25 Took a two year lease of house at Koro Koro, Petone
June 21 Our first child, a daughter was born at Nurse Watson’s Home in Molesworth St Wellington.
July 5. Took Agnes and baby to our home at Koro Koro.
August 4. War against Germany & Austria declared.
Sept. Our First Wedding anniversary
Oct 11. Gwennie was Christened in St Thomas’s Church, Newtown, Wgtn. by Rev. Fancourt.
Nov 3rd. Our second child a daughter (Doris) was born at Koro-Koro, Petone
Nov 15 Anzac Troops landed at Galipoli [Gallipoli] Turkey.
Apr 1ts [st]. Removed to Edinborough [Edinburgh] Terrace, Newtown Wellington.
May 31st Big Naval Battle in North Sea. 17 British, 18 German ships sank.
June 7th Earl Kitchener drowned in HMS Hampshire on his way to Russia.
12th July I volunteered for service but was rejected on a/c discharging e[?]
July Doris was christened in St Thomas’ Church Newtown Wgtn [Wellington].
Jan 12. Agnes’s mother died at Neenton, Salop, England.
March 13 Won £10 in Tatts.
July 3rd Our third child a son (Ted) was born at Edinborough Terrace.
Sept 1st We move across the street to No 26 Edinborough Terrace
Oct 16 I started working for a Mr Clifford, dairy farmer at Wallaceville, Upper Hutt.
Nov 12 Removed to Wallaceville from Wellington.
March 26 Removed from Wallaceville to Napier. Stayed at Bennets at Charles St Westshore.
April 8 Went to work at Mr R. Anderson’s, Poporangi Station, Kereru.
Sept 20 Removed from Poporangi to Copeland Rd, Hastings.
Sept 25 Started to work for Mrs R. Warren on Bread delivery round
Sept 27 Bought house of Mr H. White for £400
Nov. 5 Armistice Day
Nov 16 Finished working for Mrs Warren
Nov 18 Went in with Jim Brown on scrub contract at Onga-Onga
Jan 27 Started harvesting at Ornonds, Karamu Station
March 22 Finished working at Karamu
March 26 Our son Ted was Christened in St Matthew’s Church Hastings by Rev Hall. Patty & John Christie were Godparents
July 19 The Peace Treaty was signed.
July 29 Our fourth child and third daughter (Patty) was born at Copeland Road, Hastings at 8.50 pm.
Nov 1st Our son Ted broke his leg and was taken to Napier Hospital
Nov 24 I started work for the Hastings Boro [Borough] Council.

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Jan 25 Fetched Ted home from Na ier [Napier] Hospital.
March 15 Gwennie started school
April 23 I started work at Fernhill Quarry
May 6th Prince of Wales in Hastings.
Sept 3rd Met with accident at Fernhill and was taken to Napier Hospital
Sept 14 Back home again from hospital
Sept 21 My birthday 34 years old. Agnes had teeth out at O’Meara’s
Jan 3rd Started to work Oppenheimer’s Casing ‘Works, Karamu Creek
April 1st Our fifth child & fourth daughter (Marjory) was born at Copeland Rd. Hastings.
April 16 Our first child & daughter (Gwennie) died after a three day illness and was buried in Hastings Cemetery.
May 6th Finished working Casein Company
May 30 Started hawking draper etc for J.J. Cassin on commission.
Aug 15 William Smithson died and was cremated at Karori, Wgtn.
1922 No record kept.
1923 Our sixth child and daughter (Mabel) was born at Copeland Rd.
Oct 7 Patty was taken ill.
Oct 18 Patty died Napier Hospital with meningitis
Oct 31 We moved to Guthrie Road, Havelock North.
Nov 12 Children started Havelock School.
July 25 Sold house in Copeland Rd to Mr Storer for £460
Aug 14 Our seventh child & daughter (Joan) was born at McHardy Home, Napier
Oct 18 Agreed to purchase house, land in Napier Road, from Mr D.C. McHardy estate for £950
Nov 17 Removed to Napier Road
Sept 22 Napier express wrecked on Te Aute Hill two died & 20 were injured
June 22 Started my first job with Havelock Nth Town Board
March 4 Duke and Duchess of York in Hastings
Aug 6 I started relief work
Aug 31 Drew our first instalment Family allowance
Sept 16 Relief work finished
Sept 24 Started again
Oct 8 Relief work finished. 1927 was a bad year for the “Workers”
Feb 6 Started to work at Tomoana Meat works
March 26 Finished at Tomoana
April 20 Started again with H.N.T.B.
April 25 Memorial Hospital at Hastings was opened

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1928 Continued
May 18 Marjory went to Napier Hospital
June 30 Marjory came home again
Aug 7 A regular job at last. Was appointed Sexton for the N. Nth [H. Nth]? Cemetery
Oct 3 Our eight child & daughter (Eva) was born in Memorial Hospital
Dec 23 Molly, Joe, Hora, Fluff & Jim came by car from Wellington
Dec 25 Christmas day. The jolliest Xmas Day we have ever had
Dec 30 Marjory, Mabel, Joan & Evelyn were Christened in St Lukes Church Havelock North, by Rev Canon McLean. Molly & Fluff were Godmothers
Oct 3 RAOB Lodge was opened in H.N. I was elected Secretary
Oct 29 Doris started earning her own living. She went to work for a Mrs St Laurence at Te Awanga.
Nov 2 Agnes started to clean the Village Hall & St Lukes School
Nov 30 Doris came home from Te Awanga
Jan 22 Mother took Mabel to Napier Hospital to have her tonsils out
Jan 24 Mabel back home
Apr 5 I had top teeth out at O’Meara’s
Apr 12 I had bottom teeth out at O’Meara’s
June 22 Our ninth child & daughter (Betty) was born in Memorial Hosp.
Oct 21 Royal Show at Tomoana Showgrounds
Oct 22 Patty’s daughter (Topsy) died at Gisborne
Oct 24 I attended the funeral
1930 Has been another bad year for N.Z. people
Feb 3 A terrible earthquake occurred at 11.47 am which caused a big loss of life & many hundreds were injured & it caused great destruction to Houses & Buildings in H.B. & elsewhere in N. Z. Th e centres of the towns Napier & Hastings were comppletely destroyed by fire.
March 8 Ted started to work for Mr Gilbertson, Dairy farmer, Te Mahanga at 10/- a week and board
March 11 P.N.[?] Dept started to erect our kitchen chimney. A Mr W. Nye from Foxton was the bricklayer & we made a great friend of him which lasted until his death many years later.
May 2 Got false teeth from O’Meara’s. Cost £10-10-0
1931 was a disastrous year for New Zealand.
Jan 20 Ted left Gilbertson’s and went to Starnes, Haumoana on Oct 2nd.
1932 was a year of hardship & uncertainty
Dec 20 Dr Reeves came to see Mother
Dec 25 Xmas Day & our dear mother ill in bed year which made it a very poor Xmas for us all. 1933 was also a very bad year with thousands of unemployed Govt did not know how to help to relieve their misery.

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Jan 2 Dr Reeve to see Mother
Jan 8 Eva to Napier Hospital with scarlet fever
Jan 10 Betty to Napier Hospital with scarlet fever
Jan 13 Kingsford Smith landed the southern Cross at New Plymouth having flown accross the Tasman Sea from Australia.
Feb 22 Eva and Betty home again from Hospital
April 16 Mum & I went to Wellington
April 17 Niece Norma was married to Ron King. I gave her away
Oct 15 Our tenth child and son (John) was born in the Memorial Hospital
Nov 19 My dear Mother died at Wellington Salop at the age of 79 years.
1934 was no better that 1933 except that a few relief works were started but the pay was so bad that thousands of people had not enough to eat and children were without boots & clothes to keep them going to school.
A new era was born in N.Z. in Nov. 1935 and the old Govt was overwhelmingly rejected by the people at the General Elections. The Labour Party took over the job of Government & immediatley saw about improving conditions of the people. The Govt was led by a great man, Michael Joseph Savage who was a great Humanitarian & understood that what the working people wanted was work & wages, not poverty & charity[?] he straight away put the wages back to the Award[?] levels. This put a lot more purchasing power in circulation & goods badly needed by the people were being bought & trade began to increase & more workers went into their old employment as skilled workers instead of being on relief work.
Dec 25 Xmas Day & what a change from the previous Xmas Day. During the week before Xmas Day The Govt gave a bonus of an extra week’s wages to the[?] Workers[?]… it was to the Mothers[?] Wives to have extra money to buy their children & themselves the things that they so badly[?] needed & a few little extras for Xmas Day. The year 1935 has ended and we are looking forward to the New Year feeling confident that the new Govt’s policy will be the making of a brighter & better future for N.Z. & may God bless & crown their efforts with success.
Dec 1st Mum was operated upon for an internal problem. Dr Wilson did the operation? in Memorial Hospital Hastings.
Dec 4th Mum underwent another operation by Dr Wilson & she came through [on original script version “her condition was serious. But thank God for his Mercy she came through & was out of danger after a few days.
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1936 Continued
Dec 25 Xmas Day & what a sad day it was for us with dear Mum ill in hospital. However I did my best for the children, but eh, we did miss Mum.
Dec 31 The year 1936 has been a better & brighter year for the people of N. Z. The Labour Govt’s legislation is making a marked improvement in the lives and outlook of the people and the poverty of the past is being replaced by plenty in the future.
Jan 6 Mother came home from hospital (temporarily)
Jan 27 Mother back again in hospital
Jan 30 Mother operated again by Dr Wilson and was in hospital until middle of May.
Note Owing to my not keeping my Diary regularly, all items recorded from now on may not be too reliably accurate.
Nov. 7 Mum and Doris went with Mrs Coleman to Taupo.
Dec 31 1937 has been another year of progress & prosperity for the people.
1938 No records kept but was a year of progress & prosperity.
1939 No records kept War against Germany was declared on Sept. 3rd.
1940 Bought Buick car and we all went to see Exhibition at Wellington at Easter time.
March 27 The Prime Minister M.J. Savage died and N.Z. mourns the loss of a truly Great Man & Mr Peter Fraser became Prime Minister of N.Z. All effort is being made to put N.Z. on an organised War footing & to help Old England all we can to win the war.
Jan 25 My eldest daughter Doris was married in St Lukes H. Nth to Albert Charles Hope by Rev. Waymouth.
Apr 12 Mum & I went to wellington to attend Labour Party conference
Apr 25 I went on Parade with Home Guards
Jun 22 Germany invaded Russia
Jun 27 Ted was called up for war service
July 4 Ted went to Trentham Camp
July 23 Eva went into Memorial Hospital
Aug 7 Dr Wright came to see me
Aug 12 Ted came home on special leave
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1941 Continued
Aug 19 Marjory was married to Richard Birch by Rev. Waymouth
Aug 25 Ted went back to Trentham Camp
Aug 29 Fetched Eva home from hospital
Sept 10 Dr Wright came to see me
Sept 10 Marjory went to wellington
Sept 12 Dr Wright came to see me again. I was very ill
Sept 13 Mum & Muriel went to Wellington to say good-bye to Ted before leaving N.Z. for War overseas.
Sept 15 Mum & Muriel came back from Wellington
Sept 17 I was exrayed at Memorial Hospital
Sept 19 Dr Wright informed me that I had gall bladder trouble & an operation was necessary to put it right.
Sept 30 I had a terrible day of agony from severe pains & vomiting & I was taken to Memorial Hospital by ambulance at 7 pm. I wish to place on record my humble sincere thanks to Mr W.H. Anderson for his efforts get me to hospital as quickly as possible.
Oct 13 In side room Surgical Ward 7 pm. They had prepared me for the operation in the morning (Tyler) & before I was put to sleep for the night I thanked God for his goodness in giving me a loving wife & a dear family and then I commended them to His care & myself to His mercy & I was very comfoted [comforted] by the inward voice that came back to me in answer to my prayer which said. I will not leave thee or forsake thee for putting your trust in me.
Oct 14 I was operated upon by Dr Romane Wright & Dr Marshall for the removal of the gall bladder.
Oct 15 Mum and Doris came to see me but yet being doped I was not fully conscious of their presence.
Oct 19 In great pain from wind, Sister Connell worked on me like a trojen [trojan] to relieve me and made me easier for the night. May God bless her for her devotion to Duty & her fine sympathetic understanding of human nature.
Oct 21 Had a rotten night. woke up at 1 am all cold & garments wet from sweating. What a contrast bewtween the night nurse & Sister Connell. When I told the night nurse of my condition she growled at me & ordered me to go to sleep again. Sleep under such conditions was impossible and l suffered in silence until morning. when I told the day nurse about my condition she very quickly changed the bed clothing and garments and made my position very comfortable. May God Bless her in my hope and prayer.
Oct 25 Dr Wright said I could get up for a little while & I was up for 30 mins. which was grand after a month of bed & suffering pain.
Oct 29 Mr M. Bell took me from hospital “Home sweet Home” No place like home & I thank God for restoring me back to my dear wife & family. Amen.
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1941 Continued
Nov 7 The Gov. General Sir Cyril Newall in Cornwall Park Hastings.
Nov 18 Resigned my job as Sexton after 13 years of hard, depressing labour. The H. Nth Town Board gave me a gratuity of £10 for my good services rendered.
Dec l Marjory came home from Wellington
Dec 8 Japan declared war on USA & Brittain [Britain]
Dec 25 Xmas Day. Wrote to Ted. Mum & I have missed our lad who is fighting overseas. He has been in our thoughts all day. May God Bless & protect him and bring him safely home again to those who love him. Amen.
Dec 31 I went to the Army Office to join up with the Home Defence Forces & was posted to the Coast Watching service. Here endeth the year 1941 which has been [?] of grief & anxiety to many people in N.Z. It has been a worrying time for my family in account of illness, but I thank God for His Mercy in bringing me through safely with health & vigour restored & I pray that His ways may be known to all nations a Peace a Goodwill shall be known to all Peoples. Amen.
Jan 3 Went C.[?].D. Camp at Cook’s Farm, Waimarama.
Ept [Sept] 3 Third anniversary of War. Went to Memorial Hospital to see Capt. R. Tapper.
Dec 31 The year 1942 has been a year of sadness & sorrow owing to the war and the danger to N.Z. by the invasion of the Japs and we are awaiting for assistance by the USA Military & Naval forces.
June 15 We were sent to Waikaremoana to guard Hydro stations
Nov 11 I finished Army Service & was posted to reserve.
Dec 31 1943 ended with the Japanese being thrown back, having suffered severe losses inflicted by the American Allied Forces the danger of invasion of N.Z. has been removed for which we thank God & the allied troops, Military ‘ Naval.
1944 No records.
1945 No records.
1946 Paid the final instalment & balance of payment for House to the McHardy Estate. Our Home is our own. It has been a hard struggle to make it so. The war is over & we are looking dorward [forward] to Peace again
July 18 Our son Ted took over Tolley’s form at Twyford
Nov 1 Edward was married in St Matthew’s Church Hastings to Eileen Bel[?] by Rev. Waymouth.
Dec 31 A good year for which we thank God, for His Goodness
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Aug 18 Mother went to Memorial Hospital
Aug 27 Mother came home from Hospital
Dec 31 Sold land to J. C. Lobb.
1949 No record kept
Nov The Labour Govt after 14 years was defeated at the Gen. election.
1950 No record kept.
Sept 17 Our daughter Betty was married to Maxwell Kale in St Lukes Church H. Nth by Rev. Waymouth. This date is the 37th Anniversary of her parents wedding day, Sept, 17 1913.
1951 No records kept.
1952 No record kept
June 27 Our daughter Joan was married to Ivan Biggs in St Lukes Church Havelock Nth by Rev. Waymouth.
Nov 2nd week. I was operated on for the second time for the removal of gall stones by Dr Romane Wright in the Memorial Hospital.
Dec 24 Came home from hospital & found that 1 had won the Xmas raffle run by the Cricket Club.
Dec 31 1952 has been a year of worry for my dear wife on account of my illness.
1953 No record
Ill health has been my lot for most of the year 1953
July In hospital for treatment by Dr Ballantyne for liver trouble. 1 was relieved for a few months but the trouble came back again & I endured a lot of suffering.
Sept 17 Our daughter Evelyn was married to Rex? Bainbridge in St Lukes Church by Rev. Waymouth. This date is also the 42 anniversary of her parents Wedding Day, Sept. 17, 1913
Oct 9. Entered Memorial Hospital for the 4th time.
Oct 18 1 was operated upon by Dr Comrie for the removal of a large stone which had completely blocked the bile duct and was the cause my illness. The operation has proved very successful & I left for home on Nov. 23, 1955.
Dec 31. The year 1955 has ended & although it has been a year of worry to my wife & family & myself on account of my health yet I thank God for his Loving Kindness in restoring me back to health again & my family Amen. JEB.
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1956 No record
Aug. 31 My youngest Son John was married to Jean Robbins in All Saints Church, Nelson by the Rev. Archdeacon Ault.
1958 No record.
1959 No record
1960 April 7th My dear wife was taken to Memorial Hospital on her 70th Birthday for Gall stone trouble and to undergo an operation for their removal. Unfortunately a few days before the operation was due to take place she went into a state of deep coma from which she did not again regain consciousness before she passed away on May 1st.
May 3rd My dear wife’s body was cremated and the ashes were interred in the same plot as contains the remains of our two little daughters, Gwennie and Patty and it is my wish that (God Willing) my ashes will rest in the same plot.
1960 Sept 24. My daughter Mabel was married to Peter Paterson in St Lukes Church Havelock North by the Rev. Wilson.
1960 December. As I do not intend to carry this record any further I wish to give expression to some thoughts and feelings before I conclude.
The loss of my dear one has been a big shock to me and my Family. She was so loved by all of us and no man could have had a better mate and Wife that I have had and I have humbly thanked God for having guided me in my choice and love for her and no children could have a better mother and her children shall rise and call her Blessed.
May God bless and prosper them for their love and devotion to their parents and which have been all that any parents could wish for and I their Dad especially want to thank all of them for their comfort for me during my time of sorrow and loss and I pray God will again unite us all in Heaven in the same Family unity of Spirit like it has existed during their earthly Father and Mother’s life time on earth [.] May God bless you all.
J. E. Beaumont
This record is to be available to any members of the Beaumont Family for reference purposes only.
JEB 31/12/1960
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