District Governor Newsletter 1977




The District Governor’s Newsletter

D.G.:  Leighton Patmore,
R. D. 5,
Tel. 797-442.

Registered at Post Office Headquarters, Wellington, as a Magazine.



It seems difficult to realise that you and I together are halfway through our year of service in Rotary, and that this is my sixth Newsletter to you.

We will have to return to action smartly after the official holiday period which is fast approaching in order that we can accomplish some of the things we have planned for our year.

Remember, your year as leader will be half over, and you and I will not have this opportunity again, so let us be positive in the approach to our task from January onwards.

Shirley joins me in extending to all clubs in the District our very best wishes for a happy holiday season, and we hope for the opportunity of meeting everyone again before too long.

Our World President, Jack Davis, calls on all rotarians this rotary year to “Serve to Unite Mankind”. He reminds us that the phenomenal growth of Rotary has been achieved in the face of what often appeared to be the insurmountable problem of bringing men of widely divergent points of view and of differing backgrounds into a single organisation.  President Jack says to all of us – “Let us during this year build with vision and vigour upon the rich heritage we have received”.

At the commencement of the second half of our year, this is a timely message to we, who are guiding the destinies of our Clubs.

Fellows will be interested to learn that the Wairoa Club has forwarded the final payment on the Paul Harris Sustaining membership in the name of Fred Beattie, who is very well known in Rotary.  A P.D.G. who served in 1962/63, Fred has been active in Rotary for 30 years, as well as serving with distinction the St. John Ambulance Brigade and the Hospital Board.  There are numerous other civic committees to which he has given his time and talents.

This fellowship is a worthy recognition of his varied and unselfish work in the community.

I have also been notified that clubs have recently nominated three more members as Sustaining Fellows.  Both the District Committee and myself are thrilled to be able to report this continuing interest in Rotary Foundation support.

Clubs will have received preliminary notice of the seminar to be held in May next.  Please action the request by the District Committee for the name of your Liaison officer so that R.Y.L.A. material is sure to reach the correct person in your Club.

You will recall the discussions during my official visits on the imposition of a levy for every Rotaract and Interact Club sponsored.  I am happy to announce that the November meeting of the Board of R.I. has rescinded their previous decision.  Those clubs which entered a protest to the Secretariat will feel that the action taken was worthwhile.

W.R.Y. 1977:
This stands for World Rheumatism Year and this disease is receiving an increasing interest from many people.  It is estimated that 2,000 million people suffer in some way.  Rotary in New Zealand is playing a prominent part in the promotion of the Arthritic and Rheumatic Foundation.


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Remember that a professional consultant is available from the Foundation to all Rotary Clubs as a speaker.  So far three clubs in 993 have had these experienced speakers on this subject, and some have organised public meetings to establish divisions of the Foundation through the country.

This is a community service project that has an application to any area, and so something that could be actioned by any Club.

As part of a promotion of contact between Districts 993 and 930, the Rotary Club of Scottsburgh in Natal, which has 22 members, offers a rotarian and his wife from our district, to be hosted for a holiday visit.  The suggested time is April/June.  If anyone is planning to go to South Africa at that time I have further information.  The Club would like to know before the end of December.

As you will know by now, the panel has selected the team members who will be going to District 110, England in 1978.  I feel sure that the team will represent our District, Country, and Rotary with distinction in 110 and we wish them well.

By now, all rotarians in our district will know of Conference details, and have the necessary forms for registration.  Let the Conference Committee know now of your intentions to enable them to finalise arrangements.

I have just received word from President Jack Davis of the appointment of W. E. (Bill) Skelton, R.I. first Vice President, as his personal representative at our Conference.  Vice President Bill is a member of the Blacksburg Club of Virginia U.S.A., and is administrator of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and University.  A rotarian since 1955, I met him at Boca Ratan this year, and am very pleased to welcome his appointment.

Advice has been received that Jack Davis will be in New Zealand from Saturday, January 14 to Friday 20th.  Meetings will be held in Auckland on the 16th, Wellington 17th, and Christchurch 19th, all evening meetings with wives included.

Naturally, I am disappointed that he is not meeting rotarians in our District.  Opportunity is given through arrangements with the other Governors, for our members to be able to attend one of these gatherings.  Each Club President will have a notice with the necessary information.

I give you an urgent reminder of your obligation to see that the data forms for Club President and Secretary are forwarded to R.I. well before January 15.  DO IT NOW.

Also remember the copies for the D.G. and D.G. Nominee.

Action the form for payment of R.I. dues and membership totals for the period January 1 to June 30, 1978.  Some clubs were very lax over this half year.  Please give this your serious attention.  You will have the necessary forms in the Club.

As is normally the case, remits will be accepted for presentation to the business session of Conference.  I will require these to be in my hands as soon as possible.  Absolutely none will be accepted after January 20, 1978.

This was held recently in Napier, when 48 officers and wives attended for three days deliberations.  In attendance was R.I. Vice President Royce Abbey.

Two important matters came out of the discussions and these will need consideration by clubs –
(1)    A four districts conference will be held in Christchurch late February 1980 to coincide with the 75th Anniversary of the founding of Rotary.


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(2)   Clubs will be asked for suggestions on a project worthy of recognising this Anniversary.  It could be either a District or a National promotion.

The best quote from the Institute was by Royce Abbey in his summing up when he said “There is not much wrong with the system; the fault is with the Rotarians who foul it up”.

The Waihi Club meeting of December 19 is put forward to the 17th at a Woolshed venue.  Check with the Secretary.  Their first meeting of the New Year will be January 9, 1978.

I am disappointed that Clubs have not submitted any community projects for consideration as worthy of a Significant Achievement Award by the closing date set.  Clubs have been using the Certificate of Meritorious Service Award for presentation to those community workers deserving of recognition and this shows an awareness by Clubs of what is happening on the local scene.

I draw your attention to the Student Community Service programme of the Council for Recreation and Sport to provide jobs for tertiary students over the summer vacation.  The programme operates till February 28, 1978.  Eligible groups include community organisations and service clubs.  Projects must be in social, cultural and recreational fields.  Must be labour intensive and with costs not able reasonably to be met by the organisation.  Assistance is for wages, materials and essential costs.  This information could assist a Rotary Club with a project currently running or planned.  Time is short, so you would need to apply now.  Applications to Youth Services, Ministry of Recreation and Sport, Private Bag, Wellington.  Your local Department of Labour can give you detailed information.

The December issue contributors include rotarians from Taupo Moana, Onehunga, Rotorua, Mt. Maunganui, Te Puke, Gisborne West, Manuwera [Manurewa].  It is good to see Clubs in our District showing an interest in providing material.  Keep up the good work!  This makes each issue more valuable to us.

Would secretaries note that forms for subscriptions renewals have been posted to you.  Please return the required information promptly.

Ned Holt, a Past President of the Taradale Rotary Club died recently.  He was a very keen Rotarian and served as a Governors Group Representative in 1975/76 year.

Very active in political and farming circles, he will best be remembered as the New Zealand President of the National Party for some years.

A four column front page tribute to him in the Hawke’s Bay newspapers recognised the value of his contribution to his local community.

January 22 – 28   Magazine Week.  Presidents have a kit with ideas.
February 23   Anniversary of forming of Rotary
Return data form on Club Officers to RI, DG, DGN.
Action semi Annual report on Membership and RI dues.
Monthly attendance returns right after last meeting for December.
Return details required on the RYLA form.
Finalise conference bookings .
Remember visit of World President Jack Davis.
Rotary Foundation percentage plateau is calculated on membership at December 31.
Can you host an overseas student?  Let your liaison officer know now.  Names are on page 14 of the District Handbook.

Leighton Patmore.

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Business / Organisation

Hastings Rotary Club

Format of the original

Typed document

Date published

December 1977

Creator / Author

  • Leighton Patmore


  • Royce Abbey
  • Fred J Beattie
  • Jack Davis
  • E D Holt
  • W (Bill) E Skelton

Accession number


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