Edward Newbigin Marriage Certificate 1882

Form 12


1882.  Marriages in the District of Napier


When and where married
1882  10 May at the Manse, Napier

Names and Surnames of the Parties.
Edward Newbigin   Margaret Willis

26   17

Rank or Profession.
Brewer   Nil

Condition of Parties:- 1.Bachelor or Spinster (or as case may be).  If Widower or Widow -. 2. Date of Decease of former Wife or Husband.
1. Bachelor   2.   1. Spinster   2.

Durham  England   Newcastle  New South Wales

Residence  1. Present   2. Usual.
1. Napier  2. Napier   1. Napier  2. Napier

PARENTS.  Father’s Name and Surname (1),  and his Rank or Profession (2).
1. John Newbigin   2. Farmer   1. Henry Willis   2. Settler

Mother’s Name (1), and Maiden Surname (2).
1. Eliza Newbigin   2.  – Baines   1.  Mary Willis   2. –   Lee

MARRIED, after the delivery to me of the Certificate required by “The Marriage Act, 1880” by David Sidey  Officiating Minister (or Registrar).

This Marriage was solemnized between us, E Newbigin   Margaret Willis

In the presence of us,  Fred. G. Smith, Port Ahuriri, Clerk   Clara Smith, Napier

I CERTIFY that the above is a true copy of the entry in the Register-book of Marriages kept by me,
David Sidey
Officiating Minister (or Registrar)

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Format of the original


Date published

10 May 1882


  • Edward Newbigin
  • Margaret Newbigin, nee Willis
  • David Sidey
  • Fred G Smith
  • Clara Smith

Accession number


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