This License entitles the person named therein to fish for trout and Perch with rod and line, using natural or artificial fly, insect, or fish only, in any waters in the Hawke’s Bay, Waipawa, Patangata, and East Taupo Counties, but confers no right of entry on private lands without the owner’s consent.
A landing net or gaff may be used to secure any trout or Perch caught as above with rod and line; but no unsportsmanlike device for taking fish, with nets or otherwise, is allowed.
This License is not transferable.
Every Trout taken that does not exceed nine inches in length shall be at once returned to the water.
This License must be produced on demand of any ranger, constable, member of the Hawke’s Bay Acclimatisation Society, or person producing a License, and the holder thereof must permit any such person to examine his creel or bag and the bait he is using.
This License does not entitle the holder thereof to sell or catch for sale Trout or Perch.
The breach of these or other regulations of the Society renders the offender liable to the forfeiture of his License, and to a penalty of not less than forty shillings or more than forty pounds.
Men’s and Boys’ Licenses entitle the holders thereof to fish in any district in the colony.
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