Flight Log Book Selection

N.Z. 414243


[see K.R. & A.C.I., para. 786.]

1. This book is an official document and is the property of His Majesty’s Government.

2. An accurate and detailed record is to be kept in the log of all flights undertaken in Service aircraft by the individual to whom it relates.

3. Monthly flying will be analysed by aircraft types and inserted in red ink. The stamp will be inserted on the left-hand page appropriately aligned to the ruling.

4. The annual summary and assessment will be completed on Form 414A and inserted in the appropriate page of the log. This form will also be used when a pilot is posted or attached to another unit for flying duties.

125 Airfield HQ


[K.R. & A.C.I., para. 805.] .


Name: Caulton JJ   Rank: LAC  SGT  P/O  F/O  F/LT

(i) Certified that the above-named has qualified as a first pilot (day)
on   TIGER MOTH   landplanes   w.e.f.
Unit:   NO 2   E.F.T.S.   NEW PLYMOUTH   N.Z   Signature:
Date:   Nov 28 1941   Rank:

(ii) Certified that the above-named has qualified as a first pilot (night)   (DAY)
On   N.A Harvard II   landplanes   w.e.f   DEC 4 1941
Unit:   No 2 SFTS WOODBOURNE   N.Z.   Signature:
Date:   DEC 4 1941   Rank:

(iii) Certified that the above-named has qualified as a first pilot (day)
On   Miles Master I, II, & III   Hurricane I   LANDseaplanes w.e.f.   JUNE 5 1942
Unit:   No 5 A.F.U   TERN HILL  Signature:
Date:   JUNE 5 1942.   Rank:

(iv) Certified that the above-named has qualified as a first pilot (night) DAY
On   SPITFIRE I, IIAE, IIB   LANDseaplanes w.e.f.
Unit: No 61 O.T.U.   REDNAL   Signature: [Illegible signature]
Date:   Rank:   F/lt.

Night Vision Test B’Mth.   22-4-42   Below Average

No 2 E.F.T.S.   New Plymouth
Oct 20 1941   First flight with F/O Sievers
DH 82

Nov 2 1941   First Solo. 10 min
F/O Haybittle

P/O Smith

P/O Holdaway

Nov 23 1941   First night flight.
P/O Jones
F/O Congrieve

At No 2 F.T.S   Blenheim
F/O Butcher

Dec 4 1941   First solo on type

S/LD Connolly
F/O Robins

Qualified under K.R. & A.C.I., para. 811 (5), to wear the Flying Badge, w.e.f.
O/C A.T.S.
No. 2 F.T.S.

P/O Bayley
P/O McLean
Sgt. Hancox

Sgt Walton
LAC Tucker

P/O Miller
Sgt. Mayes

P/O Symonds
F/LT Delange

L.A.C Youngs

LAC Lockyer

L.A.C Steed
L.A.C. Youngs
L.A.C Bailey
L.A.C. Kelt

F/O Fitzwater
L.A.C Turner

Qualified as a Service Pilot on Harvard
Aircraft, w.e.f.

To Pupil concerned:-

l. With reference to the pro-forma overleaf, you are required to obtain the signature of your Instructor (dated) in Col. A as and when he considers that you have become proficient in the various items of the sequence of instruction (Normal & Instrument Flying)

2. Similarly in Col. B whenever you complete satisfactorily a test or check dual flight in any particular respect.

3. You will also obtain a detailed report from your current Instructor whenever you are due to be transferred and when your Instructor is permanently changed.

4. The object of the Record, is to ensure that no item of the Sequence is omitted from your training or is unnecessarily repeated; and also to ensure that the attention of all concerned is drawn to your stage of progress and to any faults or difficulties occurring in your training.

5. The responsibility for maintaining the Record rests with YOU.  The sooner Col. A. is completed the sooner you will be transferred to Reserve Flight and so on to Operational Training.


(Signed) M. LOWE.

Chief Instructor.
No. 5 (P) A.F.U.

At No 5 A.F.U.   Ternhill
Miles Master III
Sgt Hubbard
F/O Allen
F/Lt Don
F/O Legrande

At No 61 O.T.U.   Rednal
Spitfire I, II
Miles Master II
F-Sgt Appleton
P/O McKay
P/O Johnston

P/O Walker

At No 61 O.T.U.   Rednal   (Staff Pilot)
Sgt Holliman [Wooliman]
Sgt Schooling
Sgt Shakelton

Sgt Kellor
Sgt Bunt
Sgt Eyde
Sgt Larrenson
Sgt Stevenson
F/Sgt Sykes
P/O Papasek
AC Davis

Tiger Moth
Flt Kemp
W/O Lilburn
Sgt Swanson
Sgt Smith

Sgt Jackson
L.A.C Mellor

L.A.C. Apson


Fired on by own flak – bad show
Dug nose in ground smashed ‘prop’ – bad start!!

Shipping protection
To Manston
To Martlesham Heath

Vapour trail only – could see Holland, Belgium, France & England – very nice

Shipping protection Landed at Bradwell Bay
Search for F/O Hammond
Squadron Balbo

AC Render
L.A.C. Eakins
L.A.C. Wornock
L.A.C. Chilvers
Cpl Howes
L.A.C. Bayne
Spartan Exercise

Grove to Zeals
Army – Co-op V  Tank-busters
Sector reco – Eastchurch – London – Dungeness
Low level Base – Morde – Epsom – Beachy H – Base
Chemford – Matlesham – Hertford
Dog Fighting
Evasion exercise
B.head – Redhill – Lymne – Base
F/O Voyle   To Martlesham Heath
To Eastchurch

To Westhampnett
Close escort & rear cover to Caen
To Eastchurch
Camera gun
Strafing transport convoys
Escort to tank-busters
Air to air
Attacks on gun post
Offensive shipping reco
Low level – Lympe – Mailsham – Penhurst

Only one incient [incident] of note, Yellow 3 shot down by 190, some flak over target
Hit telephone wires – only twelve of them- brought back 20′ to prove it
Had honour of leading yellow section, but we were recalled, – weather u/s.

Low level x. country Base – Rye – Hayward H. – Penhurst – Kenwey
Dog fighting
Squadron Formation
To Martlesham Heath & Return
Westhampnett – W.down – Base
Attack on M.T.
Attack on Ack-Ack convoy
F/O Gaylead To Manston
to Eastchurch
Escort Hurri – busters
Air to air
Shipping protection landed at Trebelsue oil gauge u/s
To Portreath
F/O Burgess
Sgt Armour

bags of panic!!

Shipping protection
Offensive sweep to Morliax
Escort fortresses from St.Naiaire [Najaire]
Escort Venturas to Cherboug
B.A.T Course Wittering
F/lt Meredith
W.O. Cornwell
F/Sgt. May
S/Ldr Kinder
F/O Winton

180 plus Fortresses. Some 190 F.W.’s about. Saw 3 forts go in.
Flak very thick but inacurate. One burst very near! Oil gauge u/s

P/O Cattanach
F/O Thomas
F/O Small
F/O Large

Newchurch (Landing – Sommerfelt Tracking)
Sgt Williams
Escort Bostons to Abbeville
Escort Maradors
Beat up Arm vehicles

Good bombing. 20 plus F.W.190’s attacked bombers.
Stooge job. Half way across channel and back

Close escort Maraders Zeeburgge
Close escort Marauders Triqueville
From Tangmere
Le Trait
Escort Mitchels to Calais

Target well ranged  No Fighter  Plenty of flak
Abortive!  Returned without crossing F.coast.
No flak!  Target pranged.
Plenty of flak.  One bomber shot down  No fighters!
No Flak  Plenty fighter – 15 plus – F.W.190’s & Me109’s Claim one damaged F.W.190
Good bombing  slight flak  Yellow 1 & 2 & 4 returned  R/T U/S
No Flak opr Fighters.  But three layers of cloud. – Not so good
Hood came off   then could not find SQDN.

Abortive Escort to Po1 X – Recalled
Squadron Formation
Escort 36 Marauders Amiens/Glisy
Squadron Formation
Bouncing Section
Formation Flying
Escort Marauders to Rouen
Practice Formation
Escort 24 Mitchells to Eperleques
Escort Venturas to Forêt De Mesuin
Escort Marauders to Serquveux M/Y’s
Canon & A/C Test
Escort 72 Marauders to Lille   A/D
Low Cover to Invasion Barges
S/Lr. Colleredo – M. to Biggin Hill
To Newchurch
F/O Everall to Biggin Hill
To Newchurch

Mild flak. Plenty F.W. 190’s Excellent bombing
Slight flak. Only saw 4 Me109’s in distance
Slight but accurate flak. One bomber shot down by flak
No fighters. Target Pranged. Slight flak on way out.
No flak. Some 109’s. 485 lost their C.O. (Johny Checketts)
Flak. No Fighters. Excellent bombing
Joe’s again
The perfect “24” !!

“Army beat-up”
Escort 10 Mitchells to Rouen
Escort 72 Marauders to Beauvais A/D
Grand Quevilly. Escort 18 Mitchells
Escort cover 12 Mitchells Amien
St Omer A/D
Fighter sweep Poix
Rear support 72 Marauders Rouen
Woeinsdrecht A/D
Sweep St Omer

A little flak
Flak over target intense One bomber down. Lots of F.W.190’s
A couple of burst near. No Fighters P.R Bombing
Slight flak some fighters one bomber went in.
Bags of flak! Bomers got lost. No fighters
A little flak. One bomber hit and went straight down in flames. No ‘chutes
Three F.W.190’s Had squirt. No claim. Flak very accurate.

Sweep Bethune
Le Touquët – Dovai
Escort cover 72 Marauders Eurevx
Fighter cover Cherbourg area
Calis St Omer area
Beaumont Leroger
Merville – Bethune Area
Escort cover 72 Marauders to Cambrai

Escorted Fortress from France Only 6 in 132 Squad
Some Huns reported
Bombing good. P.P. Flak No fighters
Some very accurate flak. No fighters
Bounced some “spits” very succesfully

Fighter cover to “Forts” 6 WBS Ostend to Ghent area
Bethune area
Escort cover 72 Marauders to Amsterdam-Schipol
Close escort 36 Bostons
“0” feet escort 8 Hurricane “RP’s” Abbeville area
Close escort 72 Marauders Abbeville area
Withdraw cover for 20 Mosquitos
Withdrawal support Fortress – Tank U/S
Close escort 72 Marauders Hesdin area
“Scrambled” withdrawal support to Forts Cherboug area
Sweep Cayeaux – Diepae area
Withdraw cover to “Forts” Abortive
Weather reco Calis Bo area

No fighters. Escorted “Lib” from Aeltre right over Dunkirk. Flak!!! Landed at Manston Bad vis.
Plenty of flak over target. 1 Marauder Spit . Shot down in flames. No fight
Scatterd light flak. “Pranged” bofors gun on target. F/O Eskin pranged but O.K.
No Mosquitos. Sqdn Rhubarb & more light flak than you could poke a stick at!
Spinner dented by flying debris.
Tank came off on take-of. Quite lucky it didn’t explode.
Bounced by 14+ F.W.190s F/O Smith got one Destroyed. S/L Colerrdo Mansfield DFC shot down   by light flak & pranged on beach. (Fr[…]
Two 190’s were scrambled from St Omer & bounced us. Claim 1 F.W.190 Dama[ged] (probable given in film assesment)

Tiger Moth F/lt BurgesTo Skitten
Ventura To Inveness [Inverness]
F/O Kelt
Oxford Inveness to Castleton
Dawn patrol

Dusk patrol
Proctor F/O Gilbert F/O Everall To Orem
To Perth
Army support & beat-up
Dawn patrol
Fair wood common armament practice camp.

Escort cover marauders to Beamount le Ro[…]
Straffing M.T Dungeness area
Ashford area
Escort 25 Bostons Charleroi area

Slight inaccurate flak No fighters
Bostons got lost, so did we, Lucky there were no E/A!!
500lb bomb on wreck near deal had hang-up

Escort 72 Marauders Charleroi
Dive-bomb 500lb B. nr Abbeville V.1.
Patrol over mock invasion
Escort to 16 “Spit-bomers” Oisement
Escort Marauders Pas De Calis area
Auster F/lt Smith to Christchurch
Patrol over beach landings
Fighter umbrella 105 marauders
Dive-bombing 500lb B. Target V.1′.s Doullens
Air-sea rescue Returned R/T
Close escort 24 Mitchells Mons area
Close escort 72 Bostons Arras M.

First opp with bombs. No flak. Good bombing
Yellow 4’s motor cut Picked-up 6000ft. Two heavy flak bursts very near!!
Some heave flak near!! No E/A
Pranged an enemy “E” boat on the Seine. Damage shared. Scinge D.Day this E-boat was found to be destroyed.
Lots of light and heavy flak!! Good bombing.
No E/A. Squirted at a petrol wagon near Caen
A little heavy flak No A/E. Led squadron 1st time

Close escort Marauders
Ranger (to Manston)

Shot down in head-on attack with Me110. Injured one year a prisoner. Claim damaged.
26 years later learned from Herr Jabs that his ME110 burned-out on the airfield at Arnhem. Belated claim one ME110 Destroyed!!!
later   damaged only   Geoffrey Page did it!!!  TG Page, Officer Commanding, No 132 Squadron, R.A.F.

287 Squadron (Army co-op) Bradwell Bay
Tempest First solo on type

Forced landing on runway ran off end broke ‘prop’

Engine packed-up landed Hendon


GRAND TOTAL DUAL   All Service Flying   798   20

(i) AS A F PILOT   Above the Average

Date 14 May 40 [?]
Signature S Lenton [?]
Officer Commanding   28 Squadron

No 2 S.F.T.S

[…].12.41   LAC Flute   1   R/Air   SGL Courses Card Pts   .30   .30
[…].12.41   LAC Flute   1   R/Air   SGL Courses Card Pts   .30   1.0
[…].12.41   LAC Pearson   2   R/Air   SGL Courses Quad Pts   .30   1.30



No 5 P.A.F.U.

No 61 O.T.U.



NZ   I.T.W. Levin   28/7/41   18/10/41
NZ   No 2   EFTS New Plymouth   18/10/41   30/11/41
NZ   No 2   SFTS Woodburne   31/11/41   27/2/42
No 3 PCA Bournemouth   1/3/42   2-5-42
No 5 AFU Ternhill   Calverly   6-5-42   26-5-42
No 61 OTU Rednal   26-5-42   26-8-42
No 61 OTU Montford Bridge   26-8-42   13-9-42
No 61 OUT Rednal   SP   21-9-42   18-11-42
616 Squadron Westhampnett   30-11-42   1-12-42
132 Squadron Martlesham   12-12-42
132 Squadron Chilbolton
132 Squadron Zeals
132 Squadron Eastchurch
132 Squadron Perranporth
132 Squadron Gravesend
132 Squadron Newchurch
132 Squadron De[…]ng



DH Gipsy Moth   Gipsy   90hr
DH 82 Tiger   Gipsy Major
N A Harvard   PW Wasp
Miles Master III   PW Wasp
Miles Master I   Kestral
Hurricane I   RR Merlin VI
Spitfire I, II, III   RR Merlin VI & X
Spitfire VI   RR Merlin 47
Spitfire VB   RR Merlin 45 I 46
Spitfire VC   RR Merlin 46
Spitfire VB   RR Merlin 50M
Spitfire IXB   RR Merlin 66
Oxford   Airspeed   Cheetah

Original digital file


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