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The “English Electric” Fullagar Oil Engine works on the two-stroke cycle. As shown in the sectional arrangements. Plates I. and II., the two cylinders of each complete unit are arranged as closely together as possible, and two pistons work in each cylinder. The upper piston in one cylinder is connected to the lower piston in the adjacent cylinder by means of two steel rods (oblique rods). Thus the upper piston in one cylinder and the lower piston in the adjacent cylinder, being directly connected, reciprocate together. The method of operation will be readily understood by reference to Figs. 1 and 2, Plate VI., in which Fig. 1 shows diagrammatically a pair of cylinders and cranks from which a complete engine is built up by using two, three or four such pairs; Fig. 2 shows the moving line corresponding to one crank.
Referring to Fig.1, combustion takes place between the opposed pistons A and B and causes B to move downward and A upward. Piston A acts on the right-hand crank through the oblique rods and also draws up piston D in the adjacent cylinder.
Piston B acts directly on the left-hand crank and the shaft thus receives two equal and opposite impulses. The side thrust produced by the oblique rods is taken by the cross-heads F and […] It should be noted that the obliquity of the rods is small and less than the maximum obliquity of the connecting rods so that the lateral forces on the cross-head faces are very small.
The top cross-heads are so designed and enclosed that they act as the pistons or displacers of the scavenge air pumps, an arrangement which avoids complication and reduces the number of parts to a minimum.
As the pressure in the cylinders acts equally on the upper and lower pistons, the forces upon a pair of cranks are equal and opposite at all times, and the main bearings are relieved of load. The pressure between the pistons is taken by such steel parts as the cross-heads, oblique rods, connecting rods and crankshaft, thus relieving the framing of the major stresses. The reciprocating parts are cushioned at each end of the stroke; for example, in Fig. 1, the pair of connected pistons, A & D, are cushioned upon the down-stroke by the pressure under piston A and on the up-stroke by the pressure above piston D.
The scavenge ports are situated at the top end of the liner and the exhaust ports at the lower end. It will be seen that the exhaust ports are uncovered slightly before the scavenge inlet ports, so that when the latter open, the scavenge air sweeps right through the cylinder from end to end.
Forced lubrication is used on all the main parts of the engine. The crankshaft bearings, big ends and top ends of connecting rods, and lower cross-heads are supplied with oil from the main lubricating pump at the compressor end of the engine.
The pistons are oil cooled, the oil supply being taken from the same supply main as that for the bearings, connecting rods, etc.
The oil discharge from these bearings falls to the crankpit and gravitates back to the drain tank under the floor at the compressor end of the engine.
The oil discharge from the pistons is led to a tundish at the back of the engine, and from there flows back to the drain tank above mentioned.
The main lubricating pump draws the oil from this drain tank, and delivers it through strainers and coolers back to the engine. The bearing and piston cooling oil is, therefore in constant circulation.
The lubrication of the compressor, top cross-head pistons, governor and fuel pump electrics is effected by sight-feed, positively-driven lubricators mounted on the front of the engine immediately above the camshaft.
The camshaft bearing […] lubricated. The whole lubricating system has been designed for continuous running, and the capacities of the various lubrications are such that the oil in them will keep the engine supplied for long periods. Nevertheless, strict attention should be paid to the “RUNNING INSTRUCTIONS” (see p. 12). These Instructions have been compiled for the guidance of the Running Staff, and if carefully followed, should greatly assist in ensuring continuity of service.
It is advantageous that the Running Staff should be familiar with the working of the main details of the engine, in addition to the fundamental principle illustrated in Figs. 1 and 2. Plate VI., and described on pages 3 and 4. A simplified description of the fuel and air systems is, therefore, included, with explanatory illustrations.
The fuel is led from the fuel filter tank on the engine room wall to a three-way cock situated under the engine platform adjacent to the fuel pump. The filter tank is arranged with a compartment for paraffin in addition to that containing the fuel all in order that paraffin may be used if desired for starting up and for cleaning the pulverisers periodically, when lower grades of fuel are used.
The three-way cock enables fuel oil or paraffin to be used as required.
From the three-way cock the fuel passes to the fuel pump, the connection being made at point A (Fig. 7, Plate VII.) The fuel pump contains one plunger for each cylinder on the engine. Each pair of plungers is attached to a cross-head, from which a rod E runs to arm C (Fig. 7, Plate VII.). The latter is hinged on a short arm attached to the governor lay-shaft D; therefore; the rod E and arm C reciprocate with the pump plunger. On arm C are tappets E which engage on the ends of the pump suction valves allowing them to close during a greater or less portion of the delivery stroke of the plungers, according to the position of the governor lay-shaft – which varies the clearance between the tappets E and the end of the suction valves. The fuel is delivered from connections F to the fuel valves. The hand flooding plungers are part H.
The action of the governor is simply to turn the lay-shaft E through a small angle, which alters the location of the fulcrum pin of arm C, consequently varying the clearance between the tappet and the ends of the suction valves, as described above.
The compressor is 3-stage; the L.P. piston is shown at Fig. 6, Plate VII.), the L.P. is the annular portion formed by the projection of piston A beyond the diameter of the body or skin B, both these portions being in one piece. The H.P. piston C is a separate part, attached to the L.P. crown by studs. See section through compressor (Plate II).
The valves are all of the plate type, and a study of the large sectional views illustrated on Plates III. and IV. will make the assembly of the various parts quite clear.
The design and arrangement of the compressor is such that the minimum of attention should be necessary to ensure reliable service. A most important factor in the running of air compressors, however is the lubrication. If suitable oil is used, and the correct quantity fed to the various parts, there should be little need for attention other than a periodical examination of the valves and H.P. piston rings. The L.P. and I.P. valves should run longer without inspection, than the H.P.
The state of the valves and piston rings is reflected in the stag pressures, and regular readings of the L.P., I.P., and H.P. gauges should be included in the Drivers’ routine. If it is possible to register these readings in the Running Log, a permanent record conditions is available for reference. (See “DRIVERS’ INSTRUCTIONS. p 13, for range of stage pressures).
If the gauge readings show the stage pressures to be appreciably different from the ranges shown in the “DRIVERS’ INSTRUCTIONS, the cause may be either of the following, or a combination of them : –
(a) Failure or sticking of piston rings.
(b) Valves “blowing through,” or failing to seat properly.
(c) Choking of the holes in the valve seats.
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