Graduation Address

Graduation address. March 3rd.

Thank you for the honour you have given me today in asking me to speak at this your graduation ceremony. This is a great occassion for you have reached another milestone in your life, another step to bring you nearer taking your place as useful citizens in the community.

Education has progressed over the years and is now for all, and although women cannot take the place of men they both have their important part to play in society. Throughout the centuries many countries have produced famous women, and maybe from your school here will rise one who will do great things for Korea.

From today many of you will be setting out on new adventures. Some will be going higher to further their education others to employment, while some of you will be remaining at home. Wherever you go and whatever you do remember there are certain things to keepin mind and certain virtues to practice. Try and remember these three things.

1. Keep your mind keen. Continue to read and study, and keep in touch with world affairs.

2. Remember to put into practice the principles of hygiene and good health. Dirt carries disease, and good examples of personal hygiene and sanitation are very readily copied.

3. An upright character .You must know yourself, your weaknesses and your strong points. Many people ruin their lives because they do not face up to themselves. Weaknesses have to be recognised, and you must do something about them. Every small victory over your self helps to build your character, and every failure to attempt to improve yourself means a weakness in your character. Know your own strenghth and use it for good.

Then too you must remember the needs of your country. You were for many years oppressed by the Japanese. Then a disasterous [disastrous] war swept over you. You want your country to be independent, strong, free. This will not come about by force and demonstrations. The country is not outside you — YOU ARE THE COUNTRY. — You are an intregral part of it. As your limbs (your arms and your legs) build up your body, so you each one build up your country. If you care about your country, as I am sure each one of you do reformation will begin with every individual member of the nation.

Is laziness in high places? You yourself must be energetic and work hard whatever you do and wherever you are. Is there dishonesty? You yourself must be absolutely honest in small and great matters. Is there a lack of interest in affairs? You yourself must be a student of affairs. If some show a lack of interest you must endeavour to interest them in the welfare of their country. The future, indeed the fate of the nation depends on you each one individually.

Remember that the most important thingsin life are not wealth and power but a well informed mind, a good example, hard work, and sterling honesty. May you each one prove this

Thank you.

This is the address I gave at the High School Graduation: I felt it a great honour to be their guest speaker

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