Greater Hastings Annual Meeting Minutes 1966


P.O. BOX 478
PHONE 86-001


Annual Meeting
will be held on
WEDNESDAY, 27th JULY, 1966
in the
at 8 p.m.




All nominations must be made on Official Forms and must be in the hands of the Secretary seven days prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting. Forms obtainable at Greater Hastings Office, Russell Street N., Hastings.


It is indeed a pleasure to present this, our 16th Annual Report, and to be able to record another successful year’s activities. Both our major promotions, Highland Games and Blossom Festival were blessed with reasonably fine weather and successfully staged. The financial returns have been most gratifying, as you will see in our Annual Statement of Accounts.

Much of the success associated with our endeavours during the past year has been due to the great co-operation that has been extended to us by His Worship the Mayor and members of the Hastings City Council, its departmental officers and staff. We also value greatly the co-operation and assistance of the Hastings Retailers’ Association.


Greater Hastings appreciates the interest shown and the continued support given during the Blossom Festivities over the years. Last year’s procession was one of the best seen in Hastings over recent years and with the combining of Fantasyland and Blossom Festival floats an excellent procession was witnessed by many thousands of visitors and local residents. Once again it was proved by the thousands who attended that this is an attraction Hastings must retain. We are indebted to all who entered floats, etc., and also the many bands and marching teams, some travelling many miles to participate in the procession.

The fund raising activities at Windsor Park were conducted by the various Fantasyland Queen Carnival committees. It would be impossible to estimate how much money was raised for the project on this day, however the loss of normal revenue to our organisation from these activities is reflected in the Blossom Festival profit shown in our Annual Accounts.

We are again indebted to Miss Hall, the staff and patients at the Memorial Hospital, members of local organisations and to the many people who were responsible for the mammoth task associated with the prefabricated floral decorations used on the archways. To the many women who worked for six continuous weeks affixing the decorations to the arches go our sincere thanks.

We thank also those young ladies who entered the 1965 Blossom Festival Queen Contest and we congratulate Miss Christine Coleman, our Blossom Queen and her two princesses Miss Ann Littlejohn and Miss Christine Ansell, and convey thanks to them for the capable manner in which they carried out their important duties. At the moment Miss Coleman, is on a world tour which was her prize for winning the contest. We wish to record our thanks to N.Z. Wool Board, Thos. Borthwick & Son and Air New Zealand for making this prize, valued at £900, possible. While overseas, Miss Coleman will visit Hastings, Sussex, to be the official guest at the 900th Celebrations of the Battle of Hastings. Arrangements for this visit to our Sister City have been going on for some considerable time and we are sure that it will further strengthen the ties between the two Hastings.


The Annual Hastings Highland Games is our major activity and has become the Dominion’s outstanding Easter attraction. In the short space of 16 years they have gained national recognition and are the premier gathering of their kind in New Zealand.

We are conscious of the fact that the overall success of the Highland Games is due to the outstanding co-operation and assistance received from many individuals and organisations, and we wish to express our special thanks to the Superintendent of Reserves and his staff for the magnificent job they do in preparing the park.

Entries in all sections of this year’s Games were a near record and the officials and stewards of each section are to be congratulated on the high standard and efficient control exercised throughout the Games. Though the gate takings were down £400 on the previous year this was partly offset by the sponsorship of various events by local business houses and individuals. We would like to thank these sponsors wholeheartedly for their support which is reflected in the overall financial result of the Games.


The Annual Hastings Community Christmas Carols again proved a very important and popular pre-Christmas activity and Greater Hastings was very pleased to be associated with the National Council of Churches in its presentation.

Last Christmas saw further improvements with the decorated lighting in the central shopping area of the City. This was made possible by the combined efforts and financial assistance of the Hastings Retailers’ Association, Hastings City Council, Hawke’s Bay Electric Power Board and members of the Greater Hastings Active General Committee. It is hoped that this year will see a further extension to this decorative lighting scheme. We would like to record our thanks to the staff of the Hawke’s Bay Electric Power Board for the advice and assistance.

Once again the annual visit of Father Christmas to the patients of the Hastings Memorial Hospital proved most popular. Accompanied by his fairy assistants Father Christmas distributed presents supplied by the Hastings Retailers’ Association to every patient in the Hospital. We wish to thank Mr. J. Hannon, Mrs. Joan McVicar and her six lovely fairies, Mr. L.G. Harlen for the use of the fire engine, and Mr. Warwick Shooter, and ideal Father Christmas.

With a record attendance of campers at Windsor Park over Christmas and New Year, our secretary was in daily and nightly attendance at the Information Bureau. This, together with the presentation of evening outdoor concerts, film evenings and the attendance of local bands has made Windsor Park one of the most popular camping grounds in the Dominion. We wish to thank Mrs. R. Johnston for her valuable assistance, together with officials and members of the Hastings Open Air Skating Club.


The financial result of the year’s activities is most encouraging. We look forward to the future with confidence, that given fine weather for our promotions we can carry on providing the City and District with the attractions which have played a major part in putting “Hastings” on the map. Membership provides a certain amount of finance to carry on our work. However, it is only by the financial success if our two major promotions that it is possible for us to continue our work for the community.

At the moment a drive is being considered to bring our membership to a more realistic figure. It is hoped that next year we can report that our membership has at least doubled as a result of this drive.


This section of my report would not be complete if I did not record our sincere thanks to our Secretary/Organiser, Mr. John Minty, for the capable manner in which he has guided the destiny of the organisation during the period under review, much of the success enjoyed having been due to his initiative and enthusiasm.

I wish to place on record our very grateful thanks to our typist/receptionists for the efficient and courteous manner in which they have carried out their many responsibilities during the year.

It is with regret that have to record the loss of one of our executive members through business reasons. Mr. Tony Wane has been a member of the executive since 1955, and was chairman of the Fantasyland Carnival Committee last year. We wish to record our sincere appreciation of the valued services which Mr. Wane rendered our society. I also wish to thank my fellow executive members, Messrs Andy Dysart, Graham Aitcheson, Sid O’Neill, Ray Walker, Harold Robertson, Des Bristow and George Kearns. We also convey our special thanks to Mr. Rex Ingram for the valuable service given as treasurer.

We greatly appreciate the co-operation received from all sections of the community, but it must always be remembered that Greater Hastings is another voluntary organisation working in the interests of our City and district, and the success of the promotions themselves is only made possible as a result of the large amount of voluntary effort contributed by members of the Active General Committee of Greater Hastings. To these boys we say a big “thank you”.


It is pleasing to report that the Queen Carnival held last year at the instigation of Greater Hastings to raise funds for our Fantasyland Project was an outstanding success. To the many individuals and organisations who helped with the Carnival go our sincere thanks. It is now the concern of everyone connected with the project to make it a reality as soon as possible. A planning committee has been formed and meetings are held regularly. Already tenders have been let to local contractors for preliminary development and this work is already under way.


In conclusion we wish to thank the Hastings City Council for providing our Organisation with office accommodation and the services of the receptionist, Mrs. S. Taylor. Although space prohibits the mention of countless individuals, business firms and organisations who have assisted us in so many ways during the year, I know that the knowledge that they too have played a part in making “Hastings Greater” is thanks enough.

We close another year of activity in the knowledge that collectively we have made some extra contribution to the life of the community generally.




1965   EXPENDITURE   1966

£   £ s d   £ s d

1632   To Salaries & Car Allowance    2008 15 4
–   To Travelling Expenses   70 19 0
210  To Postages, Telegrams and Telephones   207 8 7
157   To Printing, Stationery and Advertising   147 7 8
129   To Meeting Expenses   157 15 1
40   To Insurances   51 6 2
44   To Repairs and Maintenance   47 12 9
27   To Audit Fee   35 10 7
76   To Office Expenses   41 8 8
56   To General Expenses   82 15 3
2850 19 1
350   To Donation Fantasyland Project   194 2 10
–  To Christmas and New Year Activities   31 0 4
–  To Balance 1964/65 Promotions   8 19 8
110   To Instalment Written Off Seating   116 10 1
270   To Depreciation   239 3 7
3101       3440 15 7
1677   To Net Income for Year   259 16 0
4778       3700 11 7

1965   INCOME   1966
£   £ s d   £ s d
586   By Annual Subscription    569 3 0
440   By Publicity Memberships   472 17 0
1042 0 0

By Profit on Promotions:-
1269   1965 Blossom Festival   772 13 4
2175   1966 Highland Games   1322 12 6
8   Christmas & New Year Activities – – –   2095 5 10
8    By Interest   40 19 9
22   By Donations   22 6 0
250   By City Council Grant   500 0 0
20   By Sundry Income   – – –
4778   3700 11 7


1965   LIABILITIES   1966
£   £ s d   £ s d
64   Sundry Creditors   315 18 5
165   Fantasyland Project Fund   166 10 4
Accumulated Funds –
Balance at 1.6.65   3421 3 1
3421   Add Net Income for year   259 16 0

1965 ASSETS 1966
£   £ s d   £ s d
Miscellaneous Assets-
At 1.6.65   870 0 0
Add Additions   46 7 11
916 7 1
870   Less Depreciation   183 7 1
733 0 0
Office Furniture & Equipment
At 1.6.65   152 0 0
Add Additions   65 15 8
217 15 8
152   Less Depreciation   43 15 8
174 0 0
Sound Systems   125 0 0
125   Less Depreciation   12 0 0
113 0 0
Portable Seating Contribution
At 1.6.65   328 0 0
Add Additions   138 10 01
446 10 01
328   Less Instalment Written Off   116 10 1
350 0 0
218   Sundry Debtors   213 6 0
1957   Australia & N.Z. Bank   1499 8 7
H.B. & Gisborne Savings Bank   1000 0 0
Stocks on Hand   58 3 0
Prepayments   22 10 3
3650   4163 7 10


We report that the above Income and Expenditure Account and Balance Sheet for the year ended 31st May 1966, are in accordance with the Books and Vouchers of the Society which we have examined.

In our opinion they give respectively a fair view of the results of the activities of the Society during the year and of its finances at Balance Date.

Public Accountants.


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Business / Organisation

Greater Hastings

Format of the original

Typed document

Date published

27 July 1966


  • Graham Aitcheson
  • Miss Christine Ansell
  • Des Bristow
  • Miss Christine Coleman
  • Andy Dysart
  • George Kearns
  • Rex Ingram
  • Miss Ann Littlejohn
  • Miss Hall
  • Mr J Hannon
  • Mr L G Harlen
  • Mrs R Johnston
  • Mrs Joan McVicar
  • John Minty
  • Sid O'Neill
  • H B Poppelwell
  • Harold Robertson
  • Warwick Shooter
  • Mrs S Taylor
  • Ray Walker
  • Tony Wane

Accession number


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Supporters and sponsors

We sincerely thank the following businesses and organisations for their support.