It is indeed a pleasure to present this, our 16th Annual Report, and to be able to record another successful year’s activities. Both our major promotions, Highland Games and Blossom Festival were blessed with reasonably fine weather and successfully staged. The financial returns have been most gratifying, as you will see in our Annual Statement of Accounts.
Much of the success associated with our endeavours during the past year has been due to the great co-operation that has been extended to us by His Worship the Mayor and members of the Hastings City Council, its departmental officers and staff. We also value greatly the co-operation and assistance of the Hastings Retailers’ Association.
Greater Hastings appreciates the interest shown and the continued support given during the Blossom Festivities over the years. Last year’s procession was one of the best seen in Hastings over recent years and with the combining of Fantasyland and Blossom Festival floats an excellent procession was witnessed by many thousands of visitors and local residents. Once again it was proved by the thousands who attended that this is an attraction Hastings must retain. We are indebted to all who entered floats, etc., and also the many bands and marching teams, some travelling many miles to participate in the procession.
The fund raising activities at Windsor Park were conducted by the various Fantasyland Queen Carnival committees. It would be impossible to estimate how much money was raised for the project on this day, however the loss of normal revenue to our organisation from these activities is reflected in the Blossom Festival profit shown in our Annual Accounts.
We are again indebted to Miss Hall, the staff and patients at the Memorial Hospital, members of local organisations and to the many people who were responsible for the mammoth task associated with the prefabricated floral decorations used on the archways. To the many women who worked for six continuous weeks affixing the decorations to the arches go our sincere thanks.
We thank also those young ladies who entered the 1965 Blossom Festival Queen Contest and we congratulate Miss Christine Coleman, our Blossom Queen and her two princesses Miss Ann Littlejohn and Miss Christine Ansell, and convey thanks to them for the capable manner in which they carried out their important duties. At the moment Miss Coleman, is on a world tour which was her prize for winning the contest. We wish to record our thanks to N.Z. Wool Board, Thos. Borthwick & Son and Air New Zealand for making this prize, valued at £900, possible. While overseas, Miss Coleman will visit Hastings, Sussex, to be the official guest at the 900th Celebrations of the Battle of Hastings. Arrangements for this visit to our Sister City have been going on for some considerable time and we are sure that it will further strengthen the ties between the two Hastings.
The Annual Hastings Highland Games is our major activity and has become the Dominion’s outstanding Easter attraction. In the short space of 16 years they have gained national recognition and are the premier gathering of their kind in New Zealand.
We are conscious of the fact that the overall success of the Highland Games is due to the outstanding co-operation and assistance received from many individuals and organisations, and we wish to express our special thanks to the Superintendent of Reserves and his staff for the magnificent job they do in preparing the park.
Entries in all sections of this year’s Games were a near record and the officials and stewards of each section are to be congratulated on the high standard and efficient control exercised throughout the Games. Though the gate takings were down £400 on the previous year this was partly offset by the sponsorship of various events by local business houses and individuals. We would like to thank these sponsors wholeheartedly for their support which is reflected in the overall financial result of the Games.
The Annual Hastings Community Christmas Carols again proved a very important and popular pre-Christmas activity and Greater Hastings was very pleased to be associated with the National Council of Churches in its presentation.
Last Christmas saw further improvements with the decorated lighting in the central shopping area of the City. This was made possible by the combined efforts and financial assistance of the Hastings Retailers’ Association, Hastings City Council, Hawke’s Bay Electric Power Board and members of the Greater Hastings Active General Committee. It is hoped that this year will see a further extension to this decorative lighting scheme. We would like to record our thanks to the staff of the Hawke’s Bay Electric Power Board for the advice and assistance.
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