Greater Hastings Annual Meeting Minutes 1969


P. O. BOX 478


Annual Meeting
will be held on
WEDNESDAY, 23rd JULY, 1969
in the
commencing at 8 p.m.



All nominations must be made on Official Forms and must be in the hands of the Secretary, seven days prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting. Forms obtainable at Greater Hastings Office, 333E Heretaunga Street, Hastings.


1968/69 has proved to be a particularly active and successful year for Greater Hastings, there having been an extension of our programme to include teen-age dances at Easter, sponsorship of Hastings District Beautifying Society, a vase and television appeal for Memorial Hospital and a completely new Blossom Festival format, these activities being designed to help create a greater co-ordinated involvement of organisations within our community.

During my first year of office because of the complete withdrawal of an experienced Secretary Organiser and senior executive personnel it was necessary to follow established promotional patterns which unfortunately resulted in a substantial loss in that years workings. During the past year Executive adopted remedial measures to correct a critical financial state. Good budgeting and sheer hard work proved most effective so that it was possible to convert a loss of $2700 to a profit of $1000 notwithstanding the fact that in a renewed contract for Sideshow Rights the highest tender was $600 below that of previous years. The Dominion Sunday Times Highland Games sponsorship of $500 was withdrawn because of industrial troubles within that organisation as was $200 Air New Zealand travel sponsorship because of a change of policy whereby sponsorship is now only available if the promotion is a national one. This represented a reduction of $1300 in revenue, Executive would normally have expected to be forthcoming. Therefore financially you could say this year’s workings showed a recovery of $3700+$1300 ($5000) – truly amazing. With a continuation of this policy of strict monetary control I would foresee an annual profit occurring whereby I believe Greater Hastings would be able to fulfil its true purpose in the community – that of assisting to provide city amenities.

Public confidence, I feel sure, must be restored in this organisation after such a sterling effort by 1968/69 Executive who have carried out this work without the services of a secretary organiser. That such public spirited gentlemen are prepared to give of their time and talents to our city, augers well for Greater Hastings. To these men – Russell Robertson, Vice-President; Doug Astwood, Ian Galbraith, Keith Hulena, Jim Grant, Barry Lloyd, Harold Robertson, John Lindstrom, Arch Shaw and Treasurer, Ron King, an especially big thank you.

BLOSSOM Festival, 1968

A complete change of format proved most invigorating. Promotions of a varied character were created to enable each candidate to enjoy herself to the full and at the same time be presented in differing situations that enabled the judges to gain a full appreciation of the complete girl. A pre-festival dinner party to enable candidates and members to meet one another is, I would say, a ‘must’ for the future, while the Ball and Garden Party proved outstanding social occasions. The Static Display proved of interest as did the Hobbies Exhibition and thanks go to all concerned, The H.B. Secondary Schools Science Fair was an outstanding success revealing a potential not before realised at the same time allowing citizens to gain a fuller appreciation of the work of pupils of our schools. Particular thanks for the success of this Fair are due to the enthusiastic Mr. B. Fordyce and the H.B. Royal Society. Ballroom Dancing Championships proved a very popular and profitable innovation thanks to the enthusiasm of Mr. N. Turnbull and Mrs. Guthrie, while the Aero Pageant conducted by the H.B. East Coast Aero Club drew a large Sunday crowd. Unfortunately a pre-pageant rehearsal resulted in an accident in which two Aero Club members were seriously injured – to these two men we express our good wishes for a speedy recovery to good health.

Presentation concerts continue to have appeal but with changed liquor licensing laws, we find today licensees are able to engage local entertainers at attractive fees which as a result make it increasingly difficult to make these promotions the paying propositions they were in former years. The innovation of a Saturday Evening concert at Nelson Park in which the H.B. Stake of the Church of Latter Day Saints presented a production of the highest calibre did not receive the patronage anticipated because of the very cold conditions prevailing. Similarly atrocious weather detracted from a good procession where once again a debt of gratitude is due to all concerned. City decorations proved to be of a particularly high standard and I would record special thanks to Hastings Retailers’ Association for financial assistance on this occasion while too we are also indebted to Mrs. Galbraith and her team of women who do so much to make the decorations the joy they are. Further assistance of the Retailers’ Association in gaining a Court Order to enable Saturday morning trading was a fascinating experience that encouraged a large influx of visitors from surrounding districts.

The Flower Girl contest enabled a television set to be purchased for the Geriatric ward at the Memorial Hospital and a repetition of this promotion is recommended. Our Blossom Queen, Sue Harvey will travel to Japan in August of this year and because of Air New Zealand sponsorship having been withdrawn from provincial promotions this organisation is now committed for a sum of approximately one thousand dollars.

Financially the Festival again showed a small loss. With remedial measures being effected for the forthcoming promotion and being favoured with good weather I would anticipate a profit.

To our particularly enthusiastic and hard working Convenor, Harold Robertson, go our sincere thanks – his intense energy and imagination ensure the continued success of this promotion but I would emphasise the necessity to create continual change if the Festival is to compete in a particularly competitive and difficult promotion field. Undoubtedly the Festival is a wonderful Hawke’s Bay publicity gimmick of which many citizens have a doubtful appreciation. I would suggest foregoing the procession as an annual ‘must’ and substituting on a rotational basis ‘Festival Fairs’ – Industrial, the Arts, Homes, Transport, etc., into which could still be incorporated our Queen Contests and ancillary promotions. Indeed why could we not even consider promotions with our sister Napier Development Association which could only be for the ultimate good of Hawke’s Bay as a whole?


Highland Games continue to prove a great attraction and our greatest source of revenue. Tighter budgeting and gate control, turnstile entry having been introduced, resulted in a Games profit of just on $5000 – a wonderful effort and great credit goes to Convenor Russell Robertson, the Active General Committeemen

and the local sporting bodies who join with us to make this the greatest attraction of its kind in New Zealand. All sections of the Games were again well supported while the introduction of Karate and revitalised Tug-o-war and Axecraft sections proved immense crowd pleasers. I would recommend that assistance rendered the different bodies associated with the Games be revised and greater encouragement be given the more rugged and crowd pleasing sports that are not so often available for public viewing – spectator appeal must be considered and the programme adapted to suit our changing times.

I would feel it my duty to again commend the H.B.A.A.A. for the excellent programme they arrange and the efficient manner in which this section of the Games is conducted. At the same time I would share their concern at the apparent indifference of some of our National athletes who make last minute withdrawals after this organisation has provided assistance, travel and accommodation wise. Greater Hastings support to this section of the Games over the years, has been most generous – this year again we brought three National Selectors here and in co-operation with the local centre were prepared to sponsor and feature overseas and national competitors in invitation events, but unfortunately this did not eventuate.

Greater Hastings participation with a Fun Fair proved profitable and thanks are due to the Mahora Swimming Club on this occasion.

Sunday afternoon activities were rejuvenated and drew a large crowd on a beautiful sunny afternoon. The Leopard Invitation Cycling was the highlight and I would here acknowledge the assistance and co-operation received from local Bands, Marching Teams, Country Dancing Association, Y.M.C.A., Cycling Association and Pigeon Club.

Easter Saturday Evening we became involved in an outdoor concert at Nelson Park but because of very cold conditions drew only a small crowd. On the same evening a teenage dance proved successful beyond our wildest dreams. Great potential presents itself in Greater Hastings involvement on the teenage scene.

To our competitors, officials and affiliated bodies go our thanks. The 1969 Games proved well up to the standard expected of us. I would also express pleasure at having had Sir James Wattie and Lady Wattie as official guests.


Again I would congratulate those associated with these lesser known but very worthwhile projects. To Warwick Shooter, Jack Hannon, Mrs. Pell, Hastings Retailers’ Association, Hastings Fire Brigade for again enabling Greater Hastings to take Father Christmas and his Fairies to the Memorial Hospital Christmas morning, go our thanks – the thrill and pleasure you bring young and old alike I am sure is reward enough.


This service, organised in conjunction with the Hastings Ministers’ Association, drew a very large congregation. The impact of a tableau presented by Hastings Musical Comedy Co., under the guidance of Mrs. Judith Cater was most impressive. Sincere thanks go to all concerned for having made the 1968 Carol Service such a memorable experience.


These annual activities were once more conducted most courteously and efficiently by Mrs. R. Johnston. Hers was the lot of manning the Information Bureau, organising swimming and athletic sports and arranging evening entertainment. I would acknowledge the assistance afforded Mrs. Johnston by Mr. K. Eru, Hastings Orphans Club and the Country and Western Club particularly. The goodwill engendered by these people could not be measured dollar-wise. Again a service has been rendered our city by another band of unassuming civic-minded citizens – thank you.


Greater Hastings arranged two public meetings which resulted in this Society being formed. To President Dr. M. Bostock and his committee go our best wishes in your endeavours to improve and arouse a public consciousness of our environment.


The improvement shown in the balance sheet is without question a credit to our treasurer Ron King. The tremendous amount of work he applied to his duties and his meticulous attention to detail brought the desired results. I have referred to these in my opening remarks. Continued pursuance of controlled and budgeted finance ensures our going from strength to strength and must command a new confidence in Greater Hastings.

Mrs. Draper has carried out Secretarial duties quite capably. While not wishing to detract from her contribution, respectfully I would emphasise that for this organisation to continue its promotional activities without the services of a permanent Secretary Organiser is just demanding the impossible of volunteers. Executive and Active General Committeemen have given unstintingly of their time and talents – for their loyal support and jolly hard work I would express my very personal thanks – many believed we couldn’t do it – thank you.


To the Mayor, Hon. D. McIntyre, City Council, Department Heads and Staff may I extend the very warm thanks of Greater Hastings – the assistance rendered in so many different ways is invaluable.

It would be impossible to acknowledge assistance of individuals, Companies and bodies associated with Greater Hastings – to you all please accept our sincere thanks. Undoubtedly we all believe Hastings worthy of this support – may we all continue working for the benefit of the city.

Finally with some reluctance I am forced to relinquish Presidential duties – could I to all, say, thank you for assistance and courtesies extended to my wife and self during our two years with you. It has been a pleasure to try to give a little of ourselves to you and your community.




Expenses: –

Office –
Salaries   5317   3764.33
Car Allowance      185.28
Postages, Telegrams, Phone   640   575.71
Printing, Stationery, Advert.   671   329.03
Rent   47   52.00
Office Expenses   264   501.51
General Expenses   175   20.68
Audit Fee   50   52
7164      5480.54
Insurance   100   231.17
Meetings   376   95.55
Donations   2   243.00
Presentations   57   31.24
Repairs – Equipment   21   75.92
Depreciation   341   317.75
Seating – Write Off Instalment   200   200
826.1   517.75
Net Profit for Year       1050.25
8261    77.25.42

Income Derived from –   1968
Profits: Highland Games   2335   4927.00
Raffle No. 1   –   864.87
Sundry Activities (Loss 1968)   528   6.03
1807   5797.90
Less Losses:
Blossom Festival (Profit 1968)   504   1040.03
Christmas and New Year Festivities   102   95.46
Balance, 1968 Activities   146   142.91
2063   1278.40
Subscriptions   2244   2034.72
City Council Grant   1000   1000.00
Donations   –   13.00
Interest   165   34.70
Equipment Hire   14   123.50
Net Loss, 1968    2775
8261    7725.42


Current Liabilities –   1968
Creditors   2217   358.81
Fantasyland Fund   542
Accumulated Funds –
Balance 1st June, 1968   6593   3818.07
Plus Profit for Year      1050.25
1968 Loss   2775   3818   4868.32
6577   5227.13

NOTE: Part of the prize for the 1968 Blossom Queen is a visit to Japan in August, 1969. No provision has been made in these accounts for this expense which has yet to be incurred and which cannot accurately be assessed at this date.

6577   $5227.13

Current Assets   1968
Australia & N.Z. Bank   733   2706.70
Cash, Float   20   20.00
Debtors   3875   516.00
Stocks   46   102.43
Repayments   66   15
4740   3360.13
Fixed Assets –
Office Furniture & Equipment   246.00
Less Depreciation   246   196.00
Sound Systems   315.00
Less Depreciation   32.00
320   283.00
Portable Seating   300.00
Less Instalment Write Off   200.00
300   100.00
Miscellaneous Assets   971.00
Additions, September   74.62
Less Depreciation   204.62
971   841.00
Sound Shell   478.13
Less Depreciation (8 months)   31.13   447.00
6577   5227.13


We report that the above Income and Expenditure Account and Balance Sheet for the year ended 31st May, 1969, are in accordance with the Books and Vouchers of the Society which we have examined.

In our opinion they give respectively a fair view of the results of the activities of the Society during the year and of its financial position at Balance Date.

Public Accountants.


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Business / Organisation

Greater Hastings

Format of the original

Typed document

Date published

23 July 1969


  • Doug Astwood
  • Dr M Bostock
  • Mrs Judith Cater
  • Mrs Draper
  • Mr K Eru
  • Mr B Fordyce
  • Ian Galbraith
  • Ian Grant
  • Mrs Guthrie
  • Jack Hannon
  • Miss Sue Harvey
  • Keith Hulena
  • Mrs R Johnston
  • George Kearns
  • Ron King
  • John Lindstrom
  • Barry Lloyd
  • D McIntyre
  • Mrs Pell
  • Harold Roberston
  • Russell Robertson
  • Arch Shaw
  • Warwick Shooter
  • Mr N Turnbull
  • Lady Wattie
  • Sir James Wattie

Accession number


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