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least 48 hours notice of Committee meetings shall be given to each member of the Committee. Four members personally present shall be necessary to form a quorum at any meeting of the Committee.
16. The President, or one of the Vice-Presidents, or in their absence one of the Members present, shall take the chair at all Committee Meetings, and the Chairman shall have both a deliberative and casting vote.
17. Any member of the Committee absenting himself from three consecutive meetings, without permission of the Committee, shall at their option, cease to be a member thereof, and the Committee may elect a substitute for his unexpired term of office.
18. The Committee may from time to time at their discretion borrow for the purposes of the Club from any person, Company, Corporation or Bank, any sum or sums of money, either under legal mortgages or charges with powers of sale and other usual powers and authorities, or by Bank Overdraft, or by the issue of Debentures or Bonds, of the Club, and on such terms and conditions and at such rate or rates of interest or otherwise as the lender and the Club shall arrange.
19. The Committee shall have power in the corporate name of the Club to enter into any agreement or agreements it may think necessary or expedient in the interest of the Club, and to execute any transfer, lease, assignment or mortgage of the Club’s Assets, or any of them, for the purpose of carrying into effect the objects of the Club or any of them. Any such agreement transfer, lease, assignment, mortgage or other document shall bear the Common Seal of the Club.
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