Hastings High School Jubilee 1904-1979



Hastings Boys’ High School Jubilee


M. G. MONK, Esq.
P. C. SINGLE, Esq.
C. J. TRASK, Esq.
C. A. YOUNG, Esq.

W. F. CRIST, Esq.

Jubilee Magazine Editors:

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Personal memories of the last days of World War I bring to mind a small and somewhat insignificant District High School which only had a small impact on the Borough of Hastings and its surrounding district.

Following a brief period as Hastings Technical High School (technical being an unfortunate term) the foundations of the Hastings High School were well and truly laid in 1926 on the site now occupied by the Boys’ School. These foundations were not merely in the material sense, but also in the aesthetic sense.

The Administration Block is an architectural feature designed and supervised by the then principal’s cousin. It is to be sincerely hoped that by structural strengthening, this feature can be saved. It would be cheaper to do this than to demolish and rebuild. More modern buildings have been designed by department achitects [architects] in a manner which harmonises with the original concept.

Ground development and maintenance have always been of prime importance to the principals, certain members of the staff and to successive Boards of Governors. Surroundings which delight the eye play a subtle, but nevertheless important part in the development of one’s’ mental, as well as moral, nature.

In the past 60 years, the school has been fortunate in having only three principals, all of whom were humanists of the highest calibre.

The Girl’s High School started in 1955 with the Third Formers only, and it was officially opened in 1956 by the then Minister of Education. The transfer of senior girls – Form V upwards – in 1956 to the new Girls’ School has meant that the girls on transfer have the distinction of being old pupils, both of the Girls’ High School and its predecessor the co-educational School.

It may be of interest to mention that the abandonment of co-education was a matter of sincere regret in many quarters. It was, however, a political decision, based on economics.

During the School’s history, very many different members of staff have played his or her particular part in the development of the School. Administrative bodies have also taken a keen interest in the progress of the School, as have the Old Pupils’ Associations. Both have encouraged various extra curricular activities in the School. All these factors have combined to bring the present School to the high standards of today.

Those who are privileged to attend these Jubilee Celebrations will doubtless enjoy the opportunity of renewing friendships of years gone by and also of delving into their particular storeroom of memories.


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Let me extend cordial greetings to all who gathered at our 75-year Jubilee. It was a time for warm handshakes; and there was some searching of memories, for seventy-five years is a long span.

If, in the Hastings of 1922, you came to put new life into the High School which had just been established over the good old District High School, how would you set about it?

The first need was “esprit de corps”, the uplifting spirit in a body of people working together. For an inspiring motto we asked the help of a leading Maori, and he gave us that stroke of genius, “Akina”. Then at another Maori’s suggestion, we took for our badge the huia, the bird honoured by the Maoris as the noblest creature that old New Zealand knew. Then came more attention to personal appearance and dress, and details of the School uniform. These matters helped to form a truer discipline, and a higher opinion of ourselves. Every boy and girl was drafted into one of the four “Houses” for participation in outdoor activity.

To all this organizing there was a military feeling for the years of the Great War had influenced our minds. In that war one hundred of our Old Boys’ took part and sixteen were killed. In the Second War (1939-1945) one thousand served overseas, and one hundred did not return.

In these grim tests our boys responded bravely. Nobody can now say the School has “no traditions”. From its small beginnings its influence has been carried forward by the Greater School, as former pupils, now men and women, spread out widely and influence others in their ways of kindly reasonableness.


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After more than a year’s planning the 75th Jubilee Celebrations commenced on Saturday, 20th October. The original intention had been to hold the function over Queen’s Birthday week-end, but due to the unavailability of the Showgrounds and the high cost of alternative accommodation ($6000 for a marquee to hold 1200 people) it was decided to postpone the Jubilee until Labour week-end.

In the event this was a happy decision, as the weather remained fine, although a little cool on the Saturday: but some 3000 old pupils gathered for the opening ceremony, which was held in front of the Administration Building at School.

The proceedings were opened by the School Maori Club, one member of which issued the traditional challenge, which was accepted by Mr. Penlington. Obrana Huata, a pupil, then welcomed the assembly in Maori and English, after which the boys sang and finally performed a haka. Mr. R. Shakespeare, chairman of the Jubilee Committee, introduced the principal guests, these included the Mayor and Mayoress, Mr. W. A. G, Penlington, principal from 1922 to 1949, Mr. S. I. Jones, first assistant 1926-49, Miss C M. Miller, first principal of the Girls High School, Mrs. V. M. Tier, Mr. Allan Jones, a first day pupil In 1904, his brother Colin, who enrolled in February 1905, Mr. A. Berry, Chairman of the Board of Governors, and Mr. and Mrs. Crist.

Mr. Crist then gave a brief account of the School’s history and also stressed that the theme of the celebrations was to be togetherness and meeting and talking to old friends. He was followed by Mr. Berry, who announced that in future the double storey building would be known as the Tier Block and the new Senior Studies Complex as the Penlington Block. Finally, the Mayor, Mr. J, O Connor, welcomed the gathering to Hastings and formally declared the Jubilee open, after which all sang the School Song.

Old pupils then dispersed through the School, which was open for inspection. An excellent collection of old photographs, which were mounted in the Senior Common Room in the Penlington Block created a great deal of interest. Photographs of the various decades of Old Pupils were taken and those present soon became involved in innumerable meetings with old school friends. Lunches and refreshments were provided, and every where groups were to be seen enjoying lunch and happily trading reminiscences. At 4.30 p.m. more than four hours after the finish of the opening ceremony, there were still hundreds of people in the School and in the grounds.

In the evening a most successful cocktail party was held at the Showgrounds: some 2300 people packed both the huge space under the main grandstand, and the produce hall.

The Jubilee Church Service on Sunday morning was particularly well attended. In all about 1000 people filled the hall to capacity and a further 100 were seated in the foyer. A Salvation Army Captain and four ministers, all Old Pupils, together with Ron. Shakespeare and L. Thomas, the Head Prefect, conducted the service. Prayers were led by Capt. Jewel Robb, the Rev. Barry Doig and the Rev. John Currie: Ron Shakespeare and the Head Prefect read the lessons; the Rev. E. E. Trask delivered the sermon, the Rev. Michael Thawley pronounced the Benediction and the Hastings Citizens’ Band provided the music. After the Service lunch was available and on a beautiful day groups sat in the courts and quadrangles or under the trees and thoroughly enjoyed their reunion with their old School.

The Dinner at the Showgrounds in the evening attracted some 1600 guests and completed a truly memorable week-end.

No record of the Jubilee celebrations would be complete without a tribute to the Committee who organised all the functions, together with the design and sale of the attractive souvenirs, and to Mr. G. Thomas, the School’s Deputy Principal, and his small but willing band of pupils, whose work enabled events at the School to proceed so smoothly

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1904 – Hastings District High School established. Secondary Division of Hastings (Central) School. Mr. L F. Pegler was appointed secondary teacher. The roll of pupils numbered 43.

1907 – Mr. Pegler was appointed headmaster H.D.H.S.

1908 – Secondary division moved to a new brick building (destroyed in 1931 earthquake).

1914 – 4th August, war with Germany began.

1918 – Roll of Honour erected with names of 92 Old Boys who served in war, of whom 16 were killed,

1921 – District High School disestablished and Technical High School established.

1922 – In April Mr. Penlington was appointed headmaster. Inaugurated school Anzac commemoration. Adopted badge and motto, designs for hatbands, caps and prefects’ badges. Established “house” system for games. Held first annual sports. Blue House won. Roll number 131.

1923 – Roll 182. Commenced evening classes in commercial and general subjects. Day school offers four courses – general, commercial, domestic and agricultural. Government grant of £I6,000 towards new school buildings. Protest made against non-inclusion of Assembly Hall in plans.

1924 – Roll, 208. Old Pupils’ Basketball, Football and Cricket Clubs formed.
7th October, Old Pupils’ Association established. “Honours Certificates” instituted. Art Club and Science Club formed. Building of new school commenced in October.

1925 – Roll, 199. Infantile paralysis epidemic – school opened 20th April. New school being built. Pupils do preliminary work on the grounds. Basketball team won the Roach Cup, and First XV won 4th grade competition,

1926 – Roll, 252. New School occupied in February and officially opened as a “High School” by the Hon. C. J Parr, Minister of Education on 3rd March. Technical High School dis-established. First Old Pupils’ reunion held. Erection of bicycle sheds and front fence. Front “lawn” ploughed and planted in potatoes. No. I ground ploughed.
First Board of Governors constituted.

1927 – Roll, 249. Gift of piano from parents and friends. Hard times due to financial slump. Front planted in lawn, road way and concrete chanelling formed. First issue of “The Heretaungan.”

1928 – Roll, 302. H.H.S. League formed. Held first Garden Fete to raise funds. Planted 100 trees and shrubs. Received pictures and books from H.H.S. League. Library contained 400 volumes. School orchestra formed. Three classrooms added to boys’ wing.

1929 – Roll, 376, Two classrooms and a third science laboratory added. Classes temporarily used two marquees and borrowed furniture. Obtained a triplex mower. Old Pupils’ social functions celebrated 25th anniversary of H. D. H. S.

1930 – Roll, 403. Need of Assembly Hall greatly felt. Cookery room provided in a temporary building. Visit of the Governor-General, Lord Bledisloe. First Rugby match v. Gisborne H.S.
School won 19-5. Glass case of N.Z. birds presented by Mr. J. A. Donne.

1931 – Roll, 408. Earthquake on opening day, 3rd February, 10.48 a. m. One pupil killed in town. Little damage done to school except to central building. School re-opened on 16th February with outdoor classes and spent winter term in 14 tents and two temporary
iron buildings. Re-occupied buildings in September. Played first XV Rugby match against Napier Boys High School 1st XV. School lost 26-3.

1932 – Roll, 461. Two workshops completed, also Art room and two classrooms in wooden wing. H.H.S. League held second Garden Fete, raised £196. Owing to widespread unemployment, pupils allowed extension of free places. Hockey team first entered Saturday

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competitions. “Midsummer Night’s Dream” scenes performed in theatre. Old Boys held first re-union dinner. 120 present. Relief workers on grounds levelled quadrangle, built seats, pergola, bicycle sheds etc.

1933 – Roll, 459. A quiet year with no changes in the staff of 17, and little acquisition of equipment owing to general financial restrictions. Girls won inter-secondary school basketball and 2nd XV won Hastings 4th Grade Competition. This was the first year the School had an Upper Sixth Form.

1934 – Roll, 475. King’s Theatre purchased by M. S. League for an Assembly Hall. A Garden Fete realised £113. An Old Boy, S. G. White, flew solo from England to Australia. Played first cricket match against Napier B.H.S. 1st XI and lost. Held flower show and exhibition of antiques and travel literature.

1935 – Roll, 497. Re-erection of Assembly Hall in quadrangle completed. School concert held in Theatre in July. Scarlet Oak tree planted on lawn to commemorate Silver Jubilee of King George V by the chairman of the Board of Governors, Mr. E. J. W. Hallet. School Stamp Club formed. Girls form “Akina Club” for recreative activities, weekly meetings,

1936 – Roll 482. H.H.S, League held Garden Fete, raised £125. Standard 6 Proficiency Examination abolished. Assembly Hall now in daily use, seating installed. First “Break-Up” held in the Hall. Wellington Branch of Old Pupils’ Association formed. Government grants
boarding and conveyance allowance. First XV won Hastings Third Grade Competition. Akina Club produced Historical Pageant. Held Geography Exhibition. New cap for boys (larger shape).

1937- Roll, 453. Infantile paralysis epidemic. School closed during February and from 15th March to 26th April. Government granted £800 for completion of School Assembly Hall. Art Club formed. Auckland branch of Old Pupils Association formed. Carved oak table and chair presented by Old Pupils’ Association. Gift of concert gramophone and 600 records from Carnegie Corporation. Planted trees round sports grounds. Newspaper exhibition held. Daily milk ration commenced in third term.

1938 – Roll, 484. Quadrangle concreted by Public Works Department. Bitumen tennis courts laid down and fenced. Miniature Rifle Range built. Water supply laid to cricket areas. Two additional classrooms erected. Girls wear new summer uniforms. Old Pupils’ Association presented carved lectern. First H. B. inter-secondary school athletic sports held at Dannevirke. Seven pupils pass in subjects for B. A. degree. School choir (mixed voices) formed. Evening classes formed in July with 192 students. “We feel that the School
is now securely established and well equipped!” A good progress year.

1939 – Roll, 517. Engineering machinery installed. 18 pupils pay instructional visit to Wellington. World War II begins. Gymnastic Club active, 70 boys. Obtained sound amplifying equipment. School made film for Centennial Exhibition, showing outdoor activities. New organisations formed—Gramophone Club, Junior Red Cross and Crusaders.

1940 – Roll, 526. Three masters on war service. Two years’ supply of new science apparatus lost through enemy action. War Efforts Committee formed and over 100 Old Boys on war service. Library furnishing and numerous books obtained. H.S. League Garden Party realises £52. Air Force classes at school, 49 trainees.

1941 – Roll, 461. Carved oak seats received for stage (donation from Old Pupils’ Association). 270 Old Pupils on war service overseas. School Air Training Corps formed. Girls’ Akina Choir performed Cantata. Apples-in-school scheme began.

1942 – Roll, 454. Newsletter and Heretaungan sent to Old Boys overseas. War Service Corps formed. The war caused shortage of supplies and delay in proceeding with new buildings.

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1943 – Roll, 423. A further decline. Re-union of 24 Old Boys in Cairo, 565 serving overseas. Visits from Old Boys on furlough and from
U.S.A. troops.  Last year of the “Old Matric” exam.  Akina Choir annual concert from Mozart’s works. The Governor-General, Sir Cyril Newall, presented the prizes.

1944 – Roll, 512. High School Association formed. A. T. C. building erected.

1945 – Roll, 582, Recovering fast. The war ends. Evening classes fell to 120 students. Two ex-army huts as temporary classrooms. Government purchased 8½ acre block as addition to the school grounds.

1946 – Roll, 593. Endorsed and Higher School Certificates introduced. Girls “technical block” (“Alamein”) and new engineering workshop being built. Two Iron buildings joined to form gymnasium “Tobruk”. H.H.S. Association held gala raised over £1000.

1947 – Roll, 596. Official opening of Alamein by Minister of Education. 5 acres levelled and resown for cricket fields. Old willow trees and historic horse-trough removed. New Triplex mower purchased. Obtained new piano, stripfilm projector, gymnastic apparatus, cookery and dressmaking equipment. At Inter-school athletic sports our girls established seven records. Performance of scenes from Shakespeare.

1948 – Roll, 587, War Memorial dedicated. Board of Governor’s office located at the School and Principal returns to his original (pre- earthquake) office. School performed “H. M. S. Pinafore,” and sent 252 food parcels to Hastings, England, with the proceeds. Obtained
Ferguson tractor. Film projector established in hall. A. T. C. building moved to workshops and fitted for plumbing classes. Equipment for welding and motor mechanics arrived. Staffrooms re-furnished. Paths, etc., laid down in bitumen. Sixth formers present “The Rivals”, Government makes substantial increases in salaries of teachers and in the Board’s regular income for running the school. Evening classes comprise 465 students.

1949 – Roll, 608. In May Mr. Penlington retired (Principal 1922-49), Mr. J. E. Tier appointed principal. Old Boys’ Football Club’s 25th Jubilee, Mr. S. I. Jones elected M. P. for Hastings. Prizes presented by Dr. I. A, Gordon, Vice Chancellor of the University of New Zealand.

1950 – Roll, 627. Dr. Morton, of Leeds, took a short coloured film of School in March and in September Mr. Marshall took films of the School for television circuit in U.S.A. Party of Australian Anzacs visited the School. Three performances of “The Mikado”. Former “Parents’ Association” enlarged in scope to become “The High School Association”.

1951 – Roll, 691. Big increase in roll. Two prefabricated rooms. Outstanding event of the year – Gala Day on which H.S. Association raised approximately £800 for Baths Fund. “Eliza Comes to Stay” successfully presented at School. Dr. Beeby, Director of Education, Mr. Dent, Editor of “The Times” Educational Supplement, Mr. Bostock, British Council Representative, and Mr. Parkyn, of the New Zealand Educational Research Council visited the School. 610 enrolments in Evening School.

1952 – Roll, 784. Cabinet approved of the Board’s application for a separate Girls’ School on the corner of Pakowhai Road and Frimley Avenue. Plans for 1954 Jubilee under way. “Pirates of Penzance” played to full houses for three nights in the Municipal Theatre, and staged a fourth night at the request of the Deputy-Mayor, to help the District War Memorial. February 7th School closed. Death of His Majesty the King. Hon. Mr. Algie visited the School. Water pipes laid for baths. Girls’ new bicycle sheds completed; Tomoana Players stage “Charlie’s Aunt,” proceeds to Baths Fund, Foundation of Charles and Sarah Briggs Scholarship. Five new prefabricated rooms. Death of Mr. T. S. Atkinson on November 14. Staff and senior pupils attended funeral service in Napier.

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1953 – Roll, 913. School took part in march past at Cornwall Park before the Governor-General. Coronation Day Parade included Senior Cadet Companies. George Lowe’s letters from Everest read to School and later George Lowe visited School and spoke of his experiences on the expedition. Two more prefabricated rooms erected. Junior workshops promised. 1954 School roll expected to exceed 1020.

1954 – Roll, 1022. Golden Jubilee Celebrations brought 1800-2000 visitors to School. “Yeomen of the Guard” in Municipal Theatre for 3 nights and repeated at the Mayor’s request for Harry Squire’s Memorial Fund. Evening School had 49 classes.

1955 – Roll, 1144 (916 at the old school, 226 third form girls at the new school). Working bees on baths surrounds. Baths completed and used for first time. “As You Like It” on Municipal stage. Design approved for boys’ blazer and “walking-out” uniform established.

1956 – Roll, 582. Hastings Boys’ High School, Cooking room dismantled and reequipped as a library. New heating system and boiler house. First Winter Field Day v. Napier Boys’ High School involved 11 Rugby teams with Ist XV boys refereeing. Principal and Head Boy represented the school at Civic Dinner to mark Hastings’ reaching city status.

1957 – Roll, 589. Evening school with 60 classes had over 1000 enrolments. For second year all sporting activities brought into one over all competition for Top House. In Swimming and in Athletics, competition against standard times and distances. School choir and orchestra performed at Assembly,

1958 – Roll, 578. School Cadet Unit wins newly resurrected Riddiford Gold Cup – Best Unit in Central Military District. Members of school Rugby teams providing referees for primary school games on Saturday mornings. “Journey’s End” staged by Upper Sixth in School Hall. Government announced free text-book scheme. Buying in second-hand text books.

1959 – Roll, 673. Free text books. Staff shortages with rising rolls. Record score in Coleman Shield Shoot: 1250 out of 1400 possible. Fourteen teams involved in Field Day versus Napier Boys’ High: 11 Rugby, 3 Hockey. Leavers’ dinner. Sixth formers and fifth form leavers invited. 150 present. Meal prepared by staff and wives. School cadet unit on Battalion Parade for Parents’ Evening. Evening School has 70 classes,

1960 – Roll, 739. All refereeing of Saturday morning primary school Rugby now done by Hastings B.H.S. players. During the winter the school fielded 21 teams each Saturday: 17 Rugby, 2 hockey, 2 soccer. Severe staff shortages, especially in Maths and Science, make replacement of staff difficult.

1961 – Roll, 847. Third form roll 321. Academically and in sport a very good year. After 1st XI match v. Napier B.H.S., I Woon presented by the board with a bat, and J. Smith with an enscribed ball to mark record performances of 189 runs and 10 wickets tor 35 runs respectively. Cadet unit demonstrated an “Advance in Review Order” on Parents’ Evening. Mr. R. J. Fowler, First Assistant, retired after 16 years at Hastings Boys’ High.

1962 – Roll, 843. Opening of Karamu High school reduced third form roll to 262. Retirements, country service obligations and 6 men moving to Karamu on promotion, meant many new faces on the stage. Rooms I I and 13 in the Science wing were combined to provide a fourth laboratory. Cadet unit again won Riddiford Cup. Fielded 26 Saturday winter teams – 19 Rugby, 2 hockey, 5 soccer, and 6 cricket XI s during the summer. Drama Club presented three short plays.

1963 – Roll, 895. February 10th saw the visit of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, and H. R, H, Prince Philip to the school. The front lawn made a perfect setting for the Head Boy, Kim Jarvis, and the Head Girl of Hastings Girls’ High Linda Farrell, to act as host and hostess at an informal afternoon tea

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attended by the royal party and 36 head prefects from secondary schools all over the province. Still severe staff shortages everywhere, but Principal reports that “We have been very fortunate in the calibre of our new masters.” Orchestra combined with Girls’ High and Karamu to form a combined orchestra.

1964 – Roll, 852. Evening school 102 classes. Plans under discussion for new double-storey block. First stage – building a new caretaker’s cottage – is under way. Five performances of “The Devil’s Disciple” on an extended stage in school hall. Combined Schools’ Orchestra played the overture and incidental music and played at the prize-giving ceremony. Mr. J. E. Tier retired at the end of the year, having been Principal for 15 years. Mr. Tier was honoured at a civic farewell in the Municipal Assembly Hall.

1965 – Roll, 862. Mr. W. F. Crist, B. Sc. took office as Principal. Caretaker moved into new house. Old house removed. Department promised a 12-room “Nelson” block, a new Assembly Hall, and (if school could raise £4,500) a new Gymnasium. Fund-raising for gymnasium began in earnest in June. “Morning Departure” played to full houses in the School Hall. In September 800 parents attended a monster vocational guidance evening at school. Sponsored by Rotary, consultants represented 60 occupations. By December £3,000 in the gymnasium fund.

1966 – Roll, 942. Staff quarters in Administration block remodelled. By April gymnasium fund oversubscribed: £4,672 3/7. By June, plans being drawn. “King Henry IV, Part I”, staged in Municipal Theatre, was an ambitious and highly successful production. Mid-term Break enjoyed for the first time. Excitement of seeing foundations begun for new 2-storey block turned to sadness when our caretaker, Mr. Bousfield, collapsed into the foundation trench, was injured, and died.

1967 – Roll, 926. Upper Sixth roll: 46. Our Maori Club boys attended a Hui at Te Aute and performed songs and a haka. Last assembly in the Old Hall held April 14. Demolition, begun two days later, proved to be no mere pushover! Morning Assemblies held on Alamein Quad. In June the Boys’ High and the Girls’ High combined to present “Yeoman of the Guard” in the Municipal Theatre. Great building activity. New Block (D block) occupied in September; new gymnasium completed in October; and by the end of the year the New Hall was taking

1968 – Roll, 951. First assembly in the New Hall in June. Seating for 1024 boys. Attractive seating and amenities a credit to the hard work of boys and staff and the generosity of parents and supporters of the school. Old honours boards and carved stage furniture refurbished and incorporated. Minister of Education officially opened new buildings in July. First play in new hall was combined Boys High/Girls’ High production of “The Merchant of Venice”. Rootes Group gave the school a cut-away “Singer” engine with electrically driven moving parts for instruction of motor apprentices and engineering boys – a magnificent $8,000 gift. Captain N. D. Anderson, commander of R.N.Z.N. frigate “Waikato” visited his old school, landing in his ship’s Wasp Helicopter on the front lawn.

1969 – Roll, 982. Sealing around new buildings and bus bay completed. Very effective production of a new and remarkable play: “The Royal Hunt of the Sun”. Geography tour in August holidays of South Island by 30 fifth form geographers and two masters.  $4,500 raised by end of the year to enable mezzanine floor and study carrels to be built in planned new library. 1st Cricket XI played 6 matches in Australia.

1970 – Roll, 986. Six lady teachers included in full-time teaching staff. Mr. Penlington and Mr. Jones presented large formica school badge for mounting above proscenuim [proscenium] arch. Upper Sixth Form became Form Seven with a roll of 53. The principal, awarded a Woolf Fisher

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Travelling Fellowship, left with Mrs. Crist in March, primarily to visit U.S.A. and Britain, but, naturally, many other places as well. Returned to School in August. National Education Week brought many interesting visitors to assembly and into various classrooms. “Macbeth” presented. Very serious cracking in floor of baths.

1971 – Roll, 975. New library built. Fund raising continued for major repairs to baths and the incorporation of a filtration plant. Many were sad to hear that Ministry of Works investigations had shown that the older parts of the school no longer reached modern standards of safety and that the North Wing, the Science Wing and the Administration block with their distinctive and attractive style of architecture were to be demolished and replaced. Mr. R. J. Fowler, who was First Assistant from 1954 to 1961, died in September. In Drama (with Rattigan’s “Ross”, and a festival of one-act plays produced by senior boys), in Debating, and in the Maori Club this was a particularly good year.

1972 – Roll, 1040. New Library in use and much appreciated. “Land Memorial Prize” instituted. First computer purchased for Mathematics Department. Extensions to Technical Block approved and work commenced in August. Rose Garden established between Double
Block and Gymnasium. Work experience classes commenced for selected pupils in the 4th and 5th forms. This involved the boys working one day each week for various businesses in the community to gain an insight into the skills required. Successful camps were held for 4th and 7th forms at Mahia and in the Kawekas respectively. The School learned with deep regret of the death of Capt. Brian Barley, M. C. (1956-61). Drama was again well served with Cod and Chapman’s: “Billy Budd ‘, and a further series of one-act plays.

1973 – Roll, 1037.  Walking-out dress became optional for 7th formers. Progress on the new Technical Block slower than expected. Mr. T. K. Fallwell died in June after 26 years service to the School. Mr. Penlington presented three of his paintings to the School. Mr. A. A. Thompson made a further gift of $100, which was used for a Map and Chart reference section in the library. Members of the Maori Club visited Australia during the August-September holidays.

1974 – Roll, 1018. All 7th Formers made prefects. The new Technical Block was finally occupied in April after some rather frustrating delays. The Drama Club emerged from a two-year recess with “A Man For All Seasons” which was generally well received. Thanks to a further gift from Mr. A. A. Thompson more books were bought for the Library bringing the total to over 20,000 volumes. Mr. T. G. Hamilton was appointed Senior Master. The 1st XI had a very successful season, losing one match in the second grade competition and beating both Napier and Dannevirke. The 1st XV had its first win over Napier since 1968. Mr. Arthur Lydiard, the Athletics coach, and John Coutts, our “Swimming Old Boy” visited the School.

1975 – Roll, 962. The drop in numbers was due to the opening of Havelock North H. S. The Community College opened in Taradale. Mr. J. E. Tier, Principal for 15 years, died in February. The School returned to the former Prefect system. Work started on remodelling the baths. The A basketball team won the regional final held in Masterton and were second in the New Zealand final at Timaru. A fine effort.

1975 – Roll, 1007. The Sixth Form numbered 130. The columns in the Hall were decorated with kowhaiwhai rafter patterns by the Maori Culture Classes. Mr. R. Shakespeare retired from the Hastings High Schools Board of Governors after 18 years service – 10 of them as Chairman. The School produced the popular musical “Joseph and the Technicolour Dreamcoat” which attracted a total audience of over 3500 and was probably the School’s most successful production to date, being acclaimed by both public and critics alike.

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1977 – Roll, 982. This year the School was well served with sporting visits. Peter Parfitt, the English cricketer, came in March, and three members of the touring Lions Rugby team in June. This latter visit must have inspired the 1st XV as for the first time they conquered all our traditional rivals, Dannevirke, Napier and Gisborne. A fine effort. The School’s huias (these are an extremely valuable collectors’ item) were placed on permanent display in the main foyer. C. Betty and S. Bell were granted American Field Scholarships.

1978 – The Roll remained steady at 986, despite predictions that due to lack of employment there would be a large increase. In December Mr. M. W. Eade, who was appointed First Assistant in 1962 and Deputy Principal in 1967, retired after nearly thirty-two years of outstanding service to the School. His successor, Mr. G. E. Thomas, commenced in January, 1979. The old North Wing was demolished in January to make way for the new Senior Studies Block. The popular camps for 3rd and 7th Formers, begun some years ago and continued annually were again a successful feature of the School year.

1979 – Roll, 982. The new Senior Studies block was occupied in the first week of the school year, despite the late delivery of some of the furniture. In June Mr. L. Gandar, the Minister of Education in the previous Government formally opened the new Technical and Senior Studies blocks. Hopes are high that the Administration block, which has been declared an earthquake risk, can be strengthened, and preserved for many years to come. A new relocateable classroom (prefab.) was erected south of the gymnasium, building
commenced on the new Music Suite, and as this goes to press the School is preparing for the 75th Jubilee.

In 1969 there was, for a period, a serious spate of lunch stealing. Staff were baffled. Lunches were disappearing from cases during assembly when every boy was apparently accounted for. The mystery was finally solved when one of the duty staff saw the old Labrador bitch which frequented the School at the time nosing along a row of cases which had been left in the quadrangle. Where a lid was unlatched up it went, out came the lunch, which was quickly shaken out of its wrappings and consumed. For a time she was a well-fed dog.


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1904 – 1979

In 1904 Edward VII was King. The Victorian era had ended and a young country was soon to become the self-governing Dominion of New Zealand. The average worker’s weekly wage was £1/16/6 ($3.65) and the old age pension had reached 6/11 (70c) a week. In Hastings, side by side with livery stables offering, “Saddle Horses, Buggies, Drays, etc. on shortest notice” stood a rival establishment claiming the sole agency “for the principal makes of both steam and automobile cars”.

A new era in New Zealand education, too, had begun. Mr. Hogben, the Inspector General of Schools, was determined to bring secondary education within the reach of more than just the specially privileged and those who lived in the main centres. In 1901 financial assistance was promised to education and £6 per pupil was granted for each free place. Within ten years 59 district high schools had been constituted. Hastings High School was one of them.


There were 35 post-primary pupils at the Hastings Borough School, now known as Central School, when, on the morning of 22nd August, 1904, the chairman of the School Committee, Mr. W. C. Maddison, formally declared the Hastings District High School to have begun its existence.

This beginning was similar to that in many of our growing young towns. A small number of pupils, instead of leaving school after passing the Sixth Standard remained at school and received such tuition as a senior member of the staff was able to give them. As their numbers grew this “Seventh Standard” was given the status of a secondary department, and the combined primary and secondary departments were known as a District High School.

Mr. J. A. Smith, B. A., was the first headmaster, and Mr. L. F. Pegler, the first teacher of the secondary pupils. In April 1907 Mr. Pegler was appointed headmaster, which position he held until he resigned in September 1921.

A pupil present on opening day recalled that “It was on an August day in the year 1904 that the Hastings High School first had its being, in a room of the old Central School. I see a picture of that room on the first day –  long rows of desks, scholars seated on forms – map-covered walls, old fashioned blackboards, and our new master, the late Mr. L F. Pegler, standing in front of the class saying, “My name is Frank, and I expect you to be frank too.”

“That was the beginning of a very happy two years for those original pupils, and I know that no class ever had a better, kinder or more efficient teacher. He had the love and respect of every one of the first pupils, some of them traveling daily from as far south as Waipukurau, Waipawa and intermediate stations, per train.

“There was no stern discipline in that class – it wasn’t needed, but we had plenty of fun and kindly humour. I never remember seeing Mr. Pegler angry or ruffled. We were kept too busy to get into mischief as shown by the fact that at the end of the second year, several pupils matriculated, and others passed the Public Service Examination.

“We had practically no sport – no swimming pools – no libraries – no music or physical education in our secondary curriculum! We did have cookery, dressmaking classes and woodwork classes: and a master came once a week from Napier to take art, which consisted of drawing and painting symmetrical designs enclosed in a very small space.”

In the very early years pupils spent the lunch hours on race days looking over the racecourse fence and there many of them first saw Desert Gold romp home. However, officialdom finally intervened, complaints were made to the Head and less exciting lunch hour diversions had to be sought. The next year was a cold winter, one pupil recalled, and “many of us took lunch to school and made billy tea on a fire supplied with posts from the back fence. In course of time urgent enquiries were made concerning these missing posts, but no one in authority ever discovered what had become of them.” And no doubt authority sighed and wondered what modern youth was coming to – “no respect for property these days!”

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A new two-storey brick building of four classrooms was officially opened in May 1908, by the Hon. George Fowlds, Minister of Education. Badly shaken in the 1931 earthquake the building had to be demolished. The concrete foundations remained adjacent to the Dental Clinic in Karamu Road until 1952. On the afternoon of the earthquake, Mr. Penlington sketched the shattered building, and the painting he subsequently made from that sketch now hangs in our library.

The roll was slow to increase. In 1910 there were 46 pupils and the following year it had decreased to 33. A new District High School in Waipawa drew some pupils but the main factor was the proximity of older established High Schools in Napier. The bulk of the secondary school pupils travelled daily to Napier. Yet those pupils who preferred to remain in Hastings were proud of their schooling in the old D.H.S.

By the time the Great War of 1914-1918 came there were still only 176 old boys, but by the time it had finished 92 old pupils had served overseas. The war was not long over when it became clear that the time had arrived for a separate post-primary school with its own grounds and governing body.


Preliminary enrolments
1904-23   74
1924-33    368
1934-43    589
1944-53    1003
1954-63    545
1964-79    259

Old Pupils, Teachers, etc. enrolled
for Celebrations   2115
Spouses of above   600

Attendance at Cocktails   2280
Attendance at Dinner   1550
Note: – The 40 to 50 age-group obviously enjoy school re-unions more than any other group.

OCTOBER 1921 – MARCH 1926

On September 30, 1921, the District High School was disestablished (the primary division being known since then as Hastings Central School) and on October 1st the Hastings Technical High School was established. Over four years were to pass before the school left the old brick building. Meantime the school remained under the control of the Hawke’s Bay Education Board. Mr. W. C. Morris, agricultural instructor to the board, acted as supervisor of the School until a Principal could be appointed.

Major W. A. G. Penlington, Director of Vocational Training for disabled soldiers of the 1914-18 war was selected as principal, and in April 1922 he began his service which was to continue for twenty-seven years. His first endeavour was “to give the school a proper self-consciousness and esprit-de-corps” – school uniform, badge and motto, a special Anzac Service, and the House system were all introduced to this end.

The House system, introduced at the 1922 athletic sports, was claimed to be the first of its kind in New Zealand. During the years that followed, House rivalry provided many moments of frenzied enthusiasm, the frenzy probably reaching its peak during the House relays. At other times and as years went by House interest was spasmodic. The system remained a convenient arrangement for organising games, however, for many years. It was not until 1973 that the system finally gave place to an Inter-Form organisation.

The School Uniform.

When the Technical High School was established in 1921 the school colours were red, grey and navy blue. The boys wore red and grey braid on navy caps, grey shirts and the same red and grey tops to their stockings that they still have. The girls wore the usual navy tunics with white blouses in the summer and grey in the winter. Uniform dress, however, was not strictly adhered to, and the new Principal tackled the problem energetically in 1922. Enamelled hat badges were imported, and designs were fixed for school ties, belts, hatbands and prefects’ badges. The three colours were abandoned and scarlet was adopted as the school colour. The boys got a new cap, made of navy serge with

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a broad scarlet band, about half-way up. The cap was perhaps just a little too distinctive – it became known as the “bull-scarer” or “ringworm” cap and in 1926 it was changed for a more acceptable design – a navy cap with the school badge in front and a red button on top. In 1926 the cap was a small “saucer” shape and in 1936 a larger “college” shape was introduced. That design remained school uniform – except that the red button on the top was invariably bitten off the first day a new cap appeared at school – until changing times and changing hair styles led to the dropping of a cap from the uniform in 1972.

In 1926 navy blue shirts, instead of grey were prescribed for boys, a uniform which still remains. In 1938 the girls made an important change when they adopted their attractive light-blue tunic and white sockettes for summer wear.

The Badge and Motto.

The story of the badge and motto is here told in Mr. Penlington’s own words: – “When, on 17th April, 1922, I took charge of the newly-formed Hastings Technical High School no badge had been adopted. It seemed that we might find in the lore of our native people, an emblem more forceful and more appropriate than the type of heraldic devices which had been the general fashion. I inquired for someone who could inform me on such matters and was referred to Mr. Paraire Tomoana. I found him interested and helpful. He would make no suggestion at our first interview, but said he would discuss the matter with certain leading Maoris. After a few days he brought me “Akina” for a motto and I liked it at once. It was the word, he told me, which the leader in a Maori canoe called to his men when the time had come to make a supreme effort and dip their paddles fast. “Strike hard” or “Go hard” was the meaning.

“The proposal was put to the assembled pupils on 3rd May, 1922, and ‘Akina’ was adopted unanimously. The choice of a badge was not easy; several suggestions had been made, and the assembled school were discussing them in front of the building when the late Mr. Dan Ellison, a well-known Maori, happened to pass by. He stopped and listened for a while and then advised us to choose the huia. The old-time Maoris esteemed the huia for its noble qualities; they believed it to be a leader among the birds, and they admired the loyalty with which a huia would stand by a wounded friend – a brave trait which, unfortunately, contributed towards the bird’s extermination. And the huia feather was, as you know, worn by the Maoris as a badge of rank.

“When we chose the huia I believe we chose well. The bird represented on our badge is the female, because her long curved beak is more distinctive than the straight beak of the male. Huias hunted in pairs – the male would break away rotten wood and the female would then insert her long curved beak to get the grubs. A design of the badge was prepared and sent to London to be engraved by an expert. The type was thus fixed.”

By the pupils of the day the actions of the new Principal were viewed with caution. In some things the schoolboy is a conservative creature – he prefers the comfortable security of familiar and unwavering surroundings. The new emphasis on wearing the school uniform is recalled by a pupil of the time, also the introduction of the Huia badge and Akina motto. “These were earnestly discussed with the school by our new Principal but to most of us it was over our heads. We noted a new fastidiousness, an effort towards ’tone,’ and we reserved judgment on W. A. G. P. Then the latter brought along All Black Sam Gemmel to coach our first fifteen; he got full marks for that. We had seen enough to know that a new era had begun.

The Technical High School phase of our history was to prove comparatively brief. On the one hand the shortcomings of both the building and its environs were at once obvious to all – too few and inadequate classrooms, hopeless conditions for both the teaching staff and the Principal, and lastly, only a patch of old river bed on which to coach football and cricket. On the other hand the word “Technical” in the school’s designation had the unfortunate effect of giving the impression of a school with a purely utilitarian curriculum, unqualified to give a first-class education of the cultural or academic kind. Although in point of fact the same academic courses were offered as in any other High School this impression of a “poor relation” remained and many parents sent their children to the older established schools in Napier. At this period about 150 Hastings pupils travelled daily to Napier – this was equal to half the school roll. Prejudice against co-education,

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which policy had yet to become the accepted trend in secondary education, also affected the growth of the School.

As soon as the Technical High School was established in 1922, the local press reported public meetings urging the Government to proceed with the building of a new school. Parents complained about the train pupils’ journey to Napier, the lack of discipline and the long day broken only by a cut lunch. Hastings was a rapidly growing town of over 9000 people and, claimed various speakers, had a right to educational facilities as good as those of any other town. Two thousand people signed the petition.

A large deputation swept off to Wellington to interview the Minister of Education, Mr. Parr. The Minister behaved as all Cabinet Ministers do when confronted by irate deputations. He blandly expressed surprise on learning that 150 pupils travelled from Hastings to Napier. It was impossible to find £30,000 for a new school in the present state of the country. However, he promised to place Hastings third on the urgent list. The citizens remained unsatisfied and every Cabinet Minister visiting Hastings was badgered by the Mayor and others about the non-appearance of the promised new High School.


Standing 39m. (128ft.) high, with a girth of 5.2m.(17ft.), and being probably over 100 years old, the gum tree dominates the School playing fields. It has been a landmark since the School’s inception and has watched over the changes that have taken place down the years. Some, fortunately a very few, have wanted It cut down. One, an Old Boy, was told that he would find “Jonah” sitting at its foot with a loaded .303. Principals and Board members have vowed to protect it at any cost. Perhaps like Yggdrasil, the world tree of Scandinavian mythology, the gum tree binds the School together.

Over the years initiation ceremonies have taken place near its foot, house flags have fluttered from its branches, crows have nested in its head and boys have appreciated its shade. The 1931 earthquake must have been a serious threat to its existence, since one Old Boy, a keen observer under trying circumstances, declares that the tree swayed through an arc of over 90 degrees during the shake; but despite this and the storms which have periodically swept over it, the gum tree still stands.

MARCH 1926 – 1954

In September 1925 Mr. G. F. Roach, chairman of the H. B. Education Board, together with Mr. G. A. Maddison, and the secretary, Mr. W. L. Dunn conferred with Mr. J. Caughley, Director of Education, urging that the School should be constituted as a Secondary or High School. At the latter’s suggestion a public meeting was held to discuss the matter, and at it a resolution was passed requesting that the status of the Technical High School be changed to that of a High School. This change was announced by the Minister of Education, the Hon. C. J. Parr, when he officially opened the new building on 3rd March, 1926.

It was as early as 1920 that the Hastings Borough Council, the Havelock North Town Board and the Hawke’s Bay County Council together contributed £3,500 towards the cost of purchasing 19½ acres as a site for the new school, and with good cause it was claimed that “the people by their own initiative have secured a site which is probably unequalled for its purpose anywhere else in the Dominion.” This area was L shaped with one end fronting on Karamu Road and the other on Murdoch Road. The caretaker’s residence, standing on 2½ acres, was rented until the Board, with the help of a Government grant, was able to purchase it; the property was finally “squared-off” by the acquisition in 1945 of the “Harris block” of eight acres embraced by the two arms of the L. This acquisition was made only just in time to forestall the cutting up of the land for the construction of houses. With its 30 acres of good flat land the school is indeed fortunately situated and the site has been gradually improved to make it as beautiful as it is useful.

Many appeals were made to the Government of the day before funds were granted for the erection of the buildings. In June 1922 a petition signed by some 2000 residents was presented to the Minister of Education, the Hon. C. J. Parr, and at last – in November 1923 – the Minister announced that Cabinet had made “a substantial grant” towards the new school.

The building was designed by the Government architect and, as originally planned, was to cost £40,000. But money was short, the country was suffering, a post-war slump and the cost had to be reduced. By cutting

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out the proposed Assembly Hall, Engineering Department and several other rooms it was whittled down to £21,000.

During 1925 the new school building took shape, and a pupil of the time recorded that occasional afternoons repairing fences and clearing up on the new site provided a welcome break from the classroom.”

When school reassembled on February 9, 1926, the move to the new premises began. All that day an ant-like procession of boys and girls, 242 of them, 126 newly enrolled, moved to and fro carrying furniture and equipment.

The new buildings comprised the present central administration block, two science laboratories and four classrooms on the northern (boys’) wing. Two corrugated iron “temporary” buildings were brought to serve as typewriting and cookery rooms.

These two “temporary” buildings were later moved again and joined together to form, for many years, a sort of gymnasium that came to be known as Tobruk. (Like the Tobruk of North Africa during the Second World War, it long stood the siege!) They were shifted for the fifth time, in 1966, and now stand In the North-East corner of the grounds adjacent to the baths where, as drama room, as store room, as additional gymnasium and as a target for week-end vandals they show signs of becoming permanent.

The grounds were still in the raw in 1926. Three ploughshares were broken in the first day’s ploughing but the front lawn was finally planted in potatoes. Pupils soon discovered that some of the classrooms offered a good view of the racecourse, and on racedays competition for the window seats was fierce. The ancient gum tree was already a well known landmark and on sports day was to fly the House flags which told the progress of the competition.

By 1930 there had assembled at the School as fine and solid a core of teachers as could be found anywhere in New Zealand. They were to bring stability to the school during the trials of the thirties. Long serving teachers Included Mr. T. S. Atkinson (1909-14 and 1926-52), Mr. S. I. Jones (1926-49), Miss M. Steele (1926-46), Miss McMullan (1926-44), Mrs. E. Linyard (1927-46), Mr. A. Aitken (1928-53), Mr. L. Matheson (1930-59) and Mr. E. S. Craven (1930-54).

The Thirties.

Those who can look back that far remember the thirties for three things, each a disaster from which the survivors gained strength. The first was the great earthquake of 1931; the second was the great depression of 1930 to 1936; and the third was the outbreak of the Second World War in 1939.

3rd February, 1931, was the first day of the school year. Almost all the pupils were out on the grounds, when at 10.48 a.m. the earthquake struck.

Though most of the brick buildings in Hastings were destroyed ours withstood the shake very well. The main building suffered most, as the heavy end gables collapsed and fell into the rooms below. All the chimneys in the wings fell off and all the tile roots were bady [badly] shaken. At the time, however, no one was anxious to make a close inspection of the building and fifteen minutes after the shake everyone had left for home. No-one at school had been injured, but one new boy, R. E. Fredsberg, who had gone to Roach’s to buy a cap, was killed, and nine Old Pupils lost their lives.

During the next fortnight many of the boys, and the masters, did their share in community service. Some assisted with the recovery and burial of the dead; others acted as pickets and helped to protect property and control traffic; others assisted in the distribution of food and clothing.

The school re-assembled on 16th February. Only the two “tin sheds” could be used so most of the classes had to be held under trees, in bicycle sheds, or behind canvas shelters. It was expected that the one-storeyed buildings would soon be made fit for occupation but the work of restoration did not begin until August, and the school had to exist for the next six months with such accommodation as could be improvised, without cloak rooms, lavatories or any facilities for the teaching of science subjects.

In September the pupils occupied the two brick wings. Further time elapsed before the main building was declared safe, though it was used by the staff. “The members of the staff,” wrote the Principal in his annual report, “had a most difficult task and they deserve the highest praise. The conduct of the pupils, too, deserves mention. For several months the ordinary rules of the school had to be relaxed, and the usual means

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of enforcing discipline were somewhat in abeyance. We depended to a large extent on the goodwill and common sense of the pupils to keep things running smoothly and we were not disappointed. That we have come through the year so well says a great deal for the character of the boys and the girls who comprise the school.”

The earthquake was not the only disaster to affect the school. The nation-wide slump affected the school in many ways; free places were extended and pupils had little prospect of a job if they left school; buildings and equipment altered little for finance was not available. Relief workers appeared at school, the Quadrangle was levelled, pergola seats, bicycle sheds were the results of the efforts – once more truly “an ill wind”.

The lack of an Assembly Hall, the centre of the corporate life of the school was keenly felt. In 1934 with funds raised by supporters in Hastings the old King’s Theatre was purchased for £200 and moved from the Civic Square to its new site on the school quadrangle. Two of the plane trees had to be temporarily moved to let it come through and old pupils from that time will remember the traction engine that became deeply bogged in the middle of a football field when dragging a section of the hall.

Re-erected on its new site after having served, already, a useful life from 1909 to 1931 as theatre and as emergency relief centre after the earthquake, the hall was to serve the school for another 33 years.

It was during the 1930’s that our School Song came into being. Several attempts to create something of the sort were made, but it was not until 1938 that the right combination of words and music was found. In that year Mr. J. Leggatt interested his sixth form English class in the idea and among them they produced the words we have sung so often, “The huia black and the scarlet band… etc”; a local teacher of pianoforte, Mr. Ernest Hounsell was consulted, and he, with the assistance of Mr. B. H. Wakelin, created an attractive and easily-sung melody that fitted snugly with the words; a school prefect and music student of the time – one Philip Linyard – transcribed the words and music; and Hastings High School had a splendid school song. (Mr. Linyard agrees that he made the original transcription but points out that one of the girls produced the beautifully neat version that was eventually printed – seems logical!)

In 1938 the daily assembly and the musical activities of the school were enriched by a Carnegie Grant – the gift of a concert gramophone with a magnificent speaker and 600 records. The first piece of music to be played was part of a Greig Concerto.

The custom of playing a record to end each assembly has become a school tradition that is still practised.

By 1938 the Principal could report at the prizegiving that “we feel the School is now securely established and well equipped”. His opinion was shared by those in authority, for a film was specially made and chosen for showing at the N.Z. Centennial Exhibition of 1940.

THE WAR YEARS 1939-45.

However, the smooth progress of the School was soon to be disorganised by the outbreak of war in 1939. Pupils who had listened to teachers tracing the course of aggression from Manchuria to Abyssinia and Munich and thought of them only as unhappy far away places were soon to find themselves fighting in equally far away places to defend their country and the traditions of tolerance and liberty of the individual. Before the end of war some 1000 old pupils and masters were in uniform, almost 900 served overseas and 90 of them gave their lives. Memorial tablets placed in the Assembly Hall were presented by the Old Pupils’ Association. Together with other honours boards they were shifted from the old hall to the new hall in 1967.

Of those pupils at school during the war years many were to follow their seniors before the war was to end. Meantime they enthusiastically threw themselves into schemes for aiding the war effort and especially the old pupils overseas. A War Efforts Committee of pupils was formed; copper trains, raffle tickets, the profits of the Sixth Form Dance all went to a war efforts fund. A monster bottle drive was organised entirely by a committee of pupils. The town was zoned, two hundred boys collected, while 70 girls mounted guard over the various heaps till they were removed by the trucks. A total of 36,000 bottles, some wine and whiskey but mainly beer bottles was collected. There were some liqueur bottles, so the local press reported, “which could not be identified even by the High School teachers.”

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Thanks to the devotion of Mr. S. I. Jones, the First Assistant, no school kept in touch with its Old Boys overseas better than did Hastings High School. He wrote and received countless letters and with the aid of senior pupils Christmas cards, newsletters and Heretaungans were despatched overseas. Old Boys did not forget their old school during the war and either before departure or on their return some four hundred and fifty visits were made to the school by old pupils in uniform. The school was proud of them and their deeds and glad to welcome them safe home.

The editorial of the 1943 Heretaungan was written by a Sixth Form youth, a prefect and a member of First Fifteen. Were these prophetic words merely the typical expression of the inner spirit of this youth? Read them again –

“With the horror of war there is contrasted the all conquering power of the human spirit. This power we think is the hope of the world. It is the urge that makes men soar to the limits of the atmosphere, dive to the depths of the sea, defy the tropical desert and the polar blizzard, display unconquerable courage in battle.”

That youth was George Lowe, a friend of Sir Edmund Hillary and, with him, a member of the team of mountaineers whose conquest of Mt. Everest in 1953 was surely one proof of the “all conquering power of the human spirit.”

The war years brought their problems to the school including a drop in the roll of nearly one hundred.

The main cause was the need for labour – boys not yet of military service age were in demand, while girls filled the places of many men who had joined the armed forces.

Staffing problems plagued the Principal during the war years. Members of staff joined the forces, relieving teachers had to be found, and the proportion of women teachers greatly increased. Changing staffs, the general unrest generated by the hectic war atmosphere made discipline a problem which all schools had to face in wartime, along with the homes from which the pupils came; for often the father of the household would be absent in camp or overseas.


The 1945 year began with an increase of seventy pupils after the 1944 roll had just caught up with 1939. Expansion was not limited to numbers; eight and a-half acres on the Murdoch-Karamu Road corner rounded off the school property; the following year a new block of classrooms and a new engineering block were built while the two old “temporary” corrugated iron classrooms were joined to make a gymnasium. A swimming pool was planned (the 1927 Heretaungan had optimistically prophesied that the time was not far distant when the school would possess its own swimming pool). A monster gala day capably organized by the High School Association raised over £1000 for the baths fund. Although it was to be 1955 before we finally had the hole in the ground filled with water, and 1977 before the filtration plant was installed. Certainly, after marking time during the war years the school was clearly on the march again.

The official opening of Alamein, the new block containing cookery, dressmaking, typing and other classrooms took place in 1947. The Minister of Education, Mr. Mason, attended along with local dignitaries. The speakers said all the right things expected on such occasions; but beyond all this speechmaking the people of Hastings were reminded of the growth and increasing stature of their school. A sign of the times was that the school was coming to be spoken of by Hastings citizens less and less as Hastings High School, and more and more as The High School. When people in Hastings speak today of the Boys’ High School or the Girls’ High School no-one has any doubts what they mean.

Not only in buildings but also in equipment did the school make substantial additions at this time. A new movie film projector, gymnastic apparatus, electric ranges, sewing machines, engineering equipment, a new piano – all these emphasised the broadened curriculum to suit the needs of all those now benefitting from post-primary education. Such aids do not make the teacher’s task lighter; they supplement the training. The teacher, like the Infantry soldier in modern war, is still indispensable and victory in education as in war still belongs to these front line soldiers.

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During this period of expansion there was to be seen at work that inevitable process of evolution expressed in the well-known words: “The old order changeth, yielding place to new.”

First Miss Steele, Senior Mistress, retired in 1946. Her place was taken by Miss C. M. Miller. And then, in May 1949, the retirement of Mr. W. A. G. Penlington brought to an end 27 years of service as principal. He laid a firm foundation for our school. His influence is still seen in the beauty of our grounds and in many of our traditions. Old Pupils remember him as a kindly humane person, always courteous and always ready to see the good qualities of adolescents. It is our pleasure still to welcome him back to school from time to time and we pray that he may be spared to join us at the 75th Jubilee celebrations that are due to take place a few months after this is being written. Mr. Penlington’s successor was Mr. J. E. Tier.

Mr. Penlington left us to retire, but Mr. S. I. Jones, who had been his First Assistant from 1926 until 1949, resigned for a very different reason. In the 1949 General Election he became Member of Parliament for Hastings, and his election success undoubtedly reflected the affection and respect that so many old pupils had for him. We hope to see Jonah, too, back with us again at our Jubilee festivities. Mr. E. S. Craven took over from Mr. Jones as First Assistant.

It was about this stage that there began to form at Hastings High School, for the second time, a group of teachers who were to become familiar figures over a long period. Mr. N. Wilde (1938-61), Mr. R. J. Fowler (1945-61 and 1965-71), Mr. T. K. Fallwell (1947-73), Mr. M. W. Eade (1947-78), Mr. T. G. Hamilton (since 1950), Mr. K. M. Barry (since 1953), Mr. D. W. Frykberg (since 1954), Mr. G. H. Mills (1955-76), Mr. R. M. Kidd (1955-76), Mr. P. R. Linyard (since 1956), Mr. K. Meehan (since 1959), Mr. G. Challice (1959-1978): each of these was to serve the school for at least twenty years – some much longer – and perusal of the staff list elsewhere will disclose many others who served almost as long. Such a stable staff as this must surely have had something to do with the strength of the school and with its growing stature. It is, too, proof of a happy relationship among members of the staff that so many teachers have been prepared to remain so long. Visitors have frequently commented on the friendly atmosphere of the staff-room.

The rapid growth of Hastings after the war soon made it clear that one high school could not for long satisfy the educational needs of Hastings, Havelock North and their environs. A public meeting in 1952 discussed what form the inevitable second high school should take. Back in the early 1920’s there had been grave doubts about the worth of co-educational secondary schools, but by 1952 the wheel had turned and some parents and old pupils tried hard to preserve co-education and to have established a second co-educational high school. It soon became clear that Departmental policy, probably based on the wish to avoid the expense of duplicating all equipment, was to create a Girls’ High School and a Boys’ High School. This being accepted, suggestions were made that the second school be built on “Crombie’s farm” across the fence from our grounds where the Akina Park soccer grounds and the Scout Hall now are.

This was not to be, however. In 1952 Cabinet approved a site at Frimley for a new Girls’ High School and building began in 1953.

1953 was the year of the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II and on Coronation Day news broke of the success of the Everest Expedition in which our own George Lowe played so worthy a part. The School’s celebration of the royal occasion consisted of the planting of a “Coronation Avenue” of liquid amber trees along the Karamu Road fence-line.

In the following year, 1954, the school celebrated, in April, its Golden Jubilee. At the end of the year “The Heretaungan” editor commented about the Jubilee that “it was in every way successful; it brought over a thousand old pupils back to renew old friendships; it enabled former pupils to gaze in wonder and pride at the growth and extension of the school; it heightened the sympathetic interest of old pupils and the people of Hastings in the principal school of the district . . . “

The report of events states: –

“When the Jubilee began on Saturday afternoon, April 10, the front lawn and the trees and buildings looked their best in the warm sunshine. Speeches were followed by photos in decades since 1904 and many reunions took place as people strolled around the school.

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“In the evening, one of the largest banquets ever held in Hastings proved a complete success. Over one thousand people sat down to an excellent dinner in the huge Produce Hall at the Tomoana Showgrounds. An empty corrugated iron building was transformed not only by the crowded mass of people, but by the excellent arrangement of the decorations.

“On the Sunday afternoon a large crowd of over a thousand gathered in the school grounds for the Thanksgiving Service conducted by old pupils of the school.

“Monday afternoon saw the finals of the School athletic sports and again hundreds of old pupils were present to enjoy themselves and reflect on the high standard of the present records.

“The Jubilee functions ended in the evening when over nine hundred people crowded the Municipal Assembly Hall for the Jubilee Ball, a function as successful as the rest of the Jubilee.”

While many were sad that the old co-educational era was coming to an end, all were pleased that it had been possible to celebrate the fifty full years before the split came.


No school can operate efficiently without the service of quite a number of people besides the teaching staff. All play their part in maintaining a smooth running institution. As with teachers, long service by this section of the staff makes for stability, and Hastings B.H.S. has been fortunate in this respect.
Those who have served for extended periods include the following :- Mr. C. P. Lowe, groundsman; Mr. E. Wall, caretaker; Mr. S. Ede, cleaner; Mrs. P. Berrigan, text books; Mrs. A. Fraser, laboratory technician; Mrs. B. MacPherson, assistant librarian; Mrs. M. Camp and Mrs. J. Youngson, principal’s secretaries.


1934 was part of the “Heroic Age” of flying. In that year, S. G, White (1926-28), flew a Gypsy Moth aircraft from England to Australia. Mr. White developed malaria on the journey; but despite this handicap, and being held up in Paris for five days by bad weather, and again in India with engine trouble, he still completed the trip to Sydney a distance of 13,081 miles in 159hrs, 30mins. in flying time. No mean performance!


Three men have died over recent years who have left their mark on the School.

Mr. J. E. Tier, Principal of the School from 1949 to 1964, died in Howick on 1st February, 1975.

Mr. N. B. Fippard, Chairman of the Hastings High Schools’ Board of Governors, described Mr. Tier as “a sincere friend, a man of strong but kindly character, and a man with a deep understanding of humanity”. He was a man who put his School before himself and much of what we prize today is the result of that dedication.

Mr. T. K. Fallwell, Head of Social Studies and Chief Evening School Supervisor, died on June 30, 1973.

For 26 years Mr. Fallwell played more than a full part in the affairs of the School. His death at an early age was a sad loss, both to his family, and to the School.

Mr. R.J.M. Fowler, who joined the staff in 1945, was First Assistant from 1954 until his retirement in 1962. He died in September, 1971. During his teaching career Mr. Fowler endeavoured to promote integrity, self-discipline, loyalty and courtesy. He is remembered for his dedication to these principles and for the way in which he strove to encourage them.

So over, all over; the whistle peals “Time!”
The field lies bare to the last of the light.
Too late to tell what you might have done;
The goal is kicked, and a stronger has won.
To you is only the glow of the fight;
To you is only the soreness and grime.

What matter, so long as you played the
What matter, provided you filled your place.
And took the fall, the kick, the blow.
And tackled the foeman clean and low –
Blind sun in your eyes, wet wind in your face –
What matter, so met ye the luck as it came?

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1956-1961 – The School finds its Feet In its New Form.

Although the separation into Hastings Boys’ High School on the old site and Hastings Girls’ High School on the new site did not take place officially until February 1956, in fact the first major step was taken in 1955 when the new intake of third form girls enrolled in the new partially-completed buildings facing Pakowhai Road. There they operated for the year with their own teachers, as a satellite unit of Hastings High School, under the supervision of Miss R. M. Trotter. The rest of the girls remained at the old school for the year.

The transition was completed when, in February, 1956, the remainder of the girls (fifth and sixth formers by then) transferred to the new site. Miss C. M. Miller had been appointed the first Principal of Hastings Girls’ High School and Miss Trotter became her First Assistant. The separation has never, however, been quite complete. Common traditions have stemmed from a common beginning; badges, colours, mottoes have provided a link; the schools share a common board; they have shared responsibility for combined social functions and combined dramatic performances. It is good that this should be so.

This story, nevertheless, now becomes that of the Boys’ High. In December, 1955, the Head Girl had written: “We wonder how the boys will manage without the girls. No flowers will grace the masters’ table, dust will mount thick and fast under unheeding masculine eyes; the masters will have no morning tea – unless 4G boys come to the fore. Indeed the old school will be a neglected establishment, where the kings of football and cricket and chess and science may reign undisturbed.”

She was not entirely right. With Mr. Tier as Principal and Mr. R. J. Fowler appointed his deputy at the end of 1954, dust was not permitted to settle.

To their surprise the staff found the School to be much quieter with no girls; they found that boys now tended to apply themselves much more positively to their studies; and, of course, it became much easier to organise such mainly masculine activities as cadets and inter-school sport. The whole school seemed to accept the departure of the girls as the beginning of a new era and to be prepared to march forward.

This they did, literally, in the Cadet Corps which provided an activity in which the whole school could work together. For a number of years the Cadet Corps became a focus for leadership training within the school and for school pride. The unit’s success in the Riddiford Cup competition, its turn-out on successive Parents’ Evenings, and the extraordinary performance of its Coleman Shield shooting teams did much to foster school spirit.

A number of innovations were made during this period. Some that had a considerable impact on the life of the school at the time are worth recording.

The navy-blue blazer, worn with a scarlet tie and dark-grey longs, which formed the walking-out uniform, was first introduced in 1955 and its smart appearance when worn by team members and by senior boys out of school hours soon drew favourable comment.
The first “Field Day” versus Napier Boys’ High School was held in 1956. Beginning with each of our 12 Rugby teams playing its opposite number from Napier Boys’ High School the scope of the Field Day has expanded during subsequent years until in both winter and summer sports, competitions have been held in almost every conceivable activity and, at times, the majority of the boys at both schools have been involved.

In 1956, too, the House Competition was enlarged so that Swimming, Athletics, Rugby, Steeplechase, Shooting, Tennis and Cricket all counted towards an overall champion Top House. Later Softball and Soccer were added to the list. A new form of competition was introduced into some of the sports at the same time, and the 1956 “Heretaungan” commented:

“The aim is to arouse greater enthusiasm in these competitions by extending the number of activities for competition and also by giving a chance for all boys in each House to contribute to their House points in athletics, steeplechase and swimming. The number of points that an outstanding athlete or swimmer may earn have been thus reduced; in the past a few individuals could win the athletic sports for their house while the other ninety per cent, did nothing towards their victory.”

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Another worthwhile innovation was recorded in the 1960 “Heretaungan”:

“Last year on December 8th, as the result of the contributions in time and money by the members of the staff and their wives, a farewell dinner was given by them in the School Assembly Hall for the boys leaving. Those present were; Mr. Fowler (chairman), Mr. Tier,
Mr. Stringer, President of the Old Pupils’ Association; members of the staff; fifth and sixth form boys leaving; and the remainder of the sixth form. After a most satisfying meal, toasts were given.”

After listing the toasts (The Queen, The School, School Teams, The Staff, The Old Pupils’ Association, Boys Leaving) the report concluded:

“The evening was a success in that both the boys leaving and those who intended to leave in the coming year had something to look forward to, and later to look back on. The evening was also an opportunity for those leaving to say goodbye to the members of the staff and school who have played such a big part in their lives.”

For a number of years the Leavers’ Dinner was an annual event.

By 1961 no boy in the School had known it as anything but a boys’ high school. The transition was complete. Tremendous strides had been made: school spirit had never been higher.

Difficulties clearly lay ahead, however. An acute shortage of staff was developing. Rolls were rising rapidly as children born during the “baby-boom” of the late 1940s reached secondary school and the increased staff to teach them had to come from the generation born during the low birth-rate years of the 1930s depression. That schools like ours could continue to function at all depended upon teachers from overseas. From 1960 to 1965 of the 24 teachers appointed to the staff of Hastings Boys’ High School 12 came from overseas. Even then, the School was rarely less than 3 teachers under staffed.

At the end of 1961 Mr. R. J, Fowler resigned from the position of First Assistant to retire, though he was to return as assistant master several years later. His place was taken by Mr. M. W. Eade.

1962 – 1979. The Years of Rebuilding.

Karamu High School opened In February 1962. From the point of view of the public of Hastings this meant that parents had the choice of single-sex education at the Boys’ and Girls’ High Schools or of co-education at Karamu High School. From the point of view of this school Karamu’s opening was welcome since it gave us some temporary relief from the rapid growth of the roll, but on the other hand, when 6 of the Boys’ High School staff left to become Principal, Deputy Principal and four of the senior staff at Karamu High School, our staffing difficulties were compounded.

Since 1950 many new schools like Karamu and the Girls’ High School had been built throughout New Zealand with little being done to bring older schools’ buildings and facilities up-to-date. The time had now arrived to remedy this.

Some progress had been made. The old cooking room and laundry had been converted into a roomy, airy library, and the dress-making room had been partially refurnished as a geography room. In 1962, rooms 11 and 13 in the Science Wing were combined to form a fourth laboratory (now known as S4), but plans for new buildings remained in the minds of principal and board and in the “you-must-be-joking” filing tray of the Education Department.

Apparently endless correspondence, discussion and argument as to whether new buildings were absolutely essential, highly desirable or even needed at all were in progress when it was learned that Hastings Boys High School had been offered the singular honour of acting as host school to a visit by Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip during which the royal couple were to have afternoon tea with the Head Boys and Girls of Hawke’s Bay secondary schools.

Two alternative sites were prepared; first the beautiful setting of the front lawn where tables, awnings and sun shades were set up and, second, the hall. To prepare the latter site a local firm lent a huge roll of carpet that covered the cracks, patches, blemishes and holes in the old floor; the city’s parks and reserves department supplied a mass of blossom and greenery: and the old hall was furbished and polished till it shone. So

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successful was the transformation that when, a few minutes before the Queen was due to arrive, Mr. Tier and Mr. Eade escorted the Minister of Education and his wife into the hall to show them the arrangements, the Minister was prompted to remark; “Well, there doesn’t seem to be much wrong with this hall!”

He and onlookers must have been startled to see the principal and his deputy leap with one accord to the edge of the carpet and drag it back so as to reveal the true state of affairs. They pointed out the steel tie-rods across the hall that had been installed a few years before to arrest the tendency of the walls to fall outwards and the roof consequently to dip. They talked about how the hall sagged each morning at assembly, so that any shut door was impossible to open and any open door impossible to shut. By the time they had finished the Minister was aware that he had said the wrong thing!

The hall was to have been used had the weather been wet but, in the event, Hastings produced, on 10th February, 1963, one of its most perfect days and the Prefects with their royal guests assembled on the front lawn for a very happy and successful occasion. Our Head Boy, Kim Jarvis, and the Girls’ High School Head Girl, Linda Farrell, had met the Queen and the Duke in Napier aboard the royal yacht “Britannia”, having been invited there for lunch. Back at school they acted as host and hostess and introduced their fellow Prefects to Her Majesty and His Royal Highness. The only adults in the immediate vicinity apart from the Queen and the Duke were the main members of the Royal entourage – the Queen’s secretary and her lady-in-waiting, the Duke’s aide and one or two more. Their easy manner and the friendly warmth of the Queen and the Duke soon put 36 nervous boys and girls at ease.

Subsequent reports of the event tell us that Kim Jarvis and Linda Farrell “later gave one of the biggest Press conferences ever held in New Zealand .. . More than 40 reporters and photographers hammered them for more than 15 minutes with questions and requests for picture poses.”

Whether or not the Minister had been impressed by the reaction to his comment no one will ever know, but by the end of the year plans were under way to replace the rash of dilapidated “pre-fabs” about the place with a new permanent classroom block. The first step was to create a site by removing the caretaker’s old house. By the end of 1964 a new caretaker’s house was being built and discussions were taking place about a double-storey Nelson-type block.

It was at this stage that Mr. J. E. Tier, whose health had been causing some concern, retired. Mr. Tier had preserved and embellished the beautiful environment created by his predecessor. He had seen the School safely through the storms of rapid growth; he had done much to foster its sporting and academic reputation; he had presided over the successful delivery of a healthy offspring, the Girls’ High: and he had seen the Boys’ High School firmly established. He is remembered by parents, old pupils and staff alike for his integrity and his gentlemanly qualities.

The School opened in February, 1965, with Mr. W. F. Crist as its principal. He found himself immediately embroiled in negotiations concerning the future building programme. By the end of the year not only had the Education Department agreed in principle that we could have a new 12-room block, a new hall and a new gymnasium, but also the school had become involved in the process of fund-raising to make it possible. The Department’s approval for the building of a new gymnasium had been conditional on the school’s raising £5000 towards it. The dozens of schemes, big and small, that were promptly implemented probably did a great deal to weld the members of the School solidly together behind their new Principal. By the end of the year he could proudly announce that the Gymnasium building fund stood at £3000 and by April, 1966 – just 10 months after the campaign began – the required total had been passed.

The news was good, too, about the new double-storey block. For over a year the department had been willing to begin work on a standard, wooden, Nelson-type block that would have looked poor alongside the striking architecture and brickwork of the existing school. To get the powers-that-be to modify the design proved very difficult until the Regional Supervisor was prevailed upon to come and have a look for himself. He then quickly agreed to authorise the necessary modifications. The roof line was changed

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slightly to match, and the brick veneer was added. This was a most important “break-through” because it established the precedent that successive buildings would be designed to tone-in with the original styles of the older parts of the school. This design has been followed in the construction of the new Senior Studies Block completed in 1979, which blends in so well with the remainder of the School.

The year 1966 ushered in a prolonged period of building activity. First, alterations comprising a large staff room and two work rooms, were made to the upper floor of the Administration Block, resulting in much more comfortable conditions for the staff. In June work started on the 12-roomed block, which was finished in the following year. 1967 proved to be really hectic, as not only was the double block completed and occupied by September, but the gymnasium begun in April, was finished in October and while all this was in progress demolition of the old Hall began.

This part of the reconstruction saga deserves special mention. Everyone had expected the old building to collapse at the first push; but despite the sagging roof and bulging walls, the old Hall resisted firmly to the last. While tractors heaved and wheels skidded, the ancient walls remained stubbornly upright. In the end they fell proudly; but they left more than a breath of nostalgia behind. However, the demise of the old hall was a blessing. Not only was the structure old and creaking in every joint, but it was totally inadequate for the needs of the School. The new building was indeed well fitted to cater for all aspects of school life. A large foyer and stage with ample dressing rooms, simplified the production of plays, while the attached kitchen made the hall an ideal setting for after-match teas and other similar functions. The Evening School office, located in the foyer, made the area a convenient centre for this important part of the School’s activities. To furnish the Hall to an acceptable standard, $5000 was raised by the boys and the Boys’ High School Association, while the 1966 H.S. Association and the original H.S. Old Pupils’ Association, both made substantial gifts towards the purchase of a new piano. The main stage curtain was the gift of the Jones brothers of Bon Marche.

On July 5th, 1968, the Hon. A. E. Kinsella, Minister of Education, officially opened the hall, the gymnasium and the double block. A major step forward had been made in the reconstruction of the School, to bring it up to modern standards.

While the School was gaining these amenities, it lost one of its most valuable institutions. 1967 saw the end of the Cadet Corps. From 1904 Cadets had played a major part in training boys in discipline and in leadership, besides the more military aspects of drill and the handling of weapons. The beneficial effect of the Cadet Corps on the School over the years has been incalculable; but unfortunately, as is so often the case, it was not fully appreciated until it was lost.

The next step in the reconstruction programme was the Library. This was completed by the end of 1971. In order to have a mezzanine floor for senior study $4500 was raised to help pay for the extra work It is interesting to note that the School and its supporters raised the tremendous total of $I8,500 in a little over three years; the money going towards the Gymnasium, the Hall and the Library. This was a truly magnificent effort by all concerned.

By 1972 the baths were causing considerable concern. 10,000 gallons of water were leaking out each week. Repairs were too costly and were not a viable proposition. So it was back to fund-raising again, to virtually rebuild the baths and install a filtration plant. In 1967 the Boys’ High School Association, in conjunction with the School ran the first Christmas stocking raffle. These raffles, which have been run annually since, have been a major source of extra revenue to the School and indeed, have been mainly responsible for the reconstruction of the baths, which were finally finished in 1976, except for the concrete surrounds which were replaced in 1977.

In August 1972 work started on the new Technical block, comprising two technical drawing rooms, two woodwork rooms with a common machine bay, a completely refurbished engineering workshop, a craft shop and a print room, besides a staff room and boys’ toilets. Due to wet weather and some material supply problems, these buildings were not occupied until April 1974. However, the wait was well worth while; not only were the workshops well equipped, but the quietness of the new draughting rooms made

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teaching a pleasure. Only those who had taught in the old room, with the deafening noise of the workshops on either side, could really appreciate the quiet of the new ones.

1974 saw a bold experiment in appointing all the 7th Form as Prefects. While the scheme had its merits, in that it spread the work load over a greater number of boys, it had the disadvantage of “too many cooks”. Everyone’s responsibility was no ones. In 1975 the School reverted to the former prefect system, but maintained the committees that had been formed.

The new Havelock North High School and the Community College in Taradale both opened in 1975; the opening of the former reduced our roll by about 60 boys, while the latter took nearly all our day-release apprentices together with Mr. G. A. Allport and Mr. K. W. Linscott, Mr. M. F. Leete, who had given over 20 years of outstanding service to the Electrical Industry as an apprentice tutor went to a well-earned retirement.

Initially Havelock North H.S. operated under the Hastings High Schools’ Board which controlled Hastings B.H.S, Hastings G.H.S. and Karamu H.S. However, in 1977 Havelock North decided to have a Board of its own and in 1979 Karamu followed suit.

After four years respite from the disruption of building construction, work started (January 1978) on the new Senior Studies Block. This caused some accommodation problems, since not only was the old seven roomed North Wing demolished to make way for the new block, but the two ancient and dilapidated prefabs on the northern boundary, near the stables, were used as builders’ sheds. However, the old Motor Workshop was moved to the space between the rear of the Hall and the Wooden Wing, and converted into five temporary classrooms, while the long deserted Junior Workshop provided another room. The accommodation was not exactly “Park Lane” but the arrangements saw the School through a difficult period. Fortunately, work proceeded rapidly and thanks to a good spell of weather the roof was on the new building before any significant rain fell. This, together with the efficiency of the contractors, Linnells (Old Boys) saw the block consisting of six laboratories, 3 classrooms, an auditorium, and a large senior common room, as well as offices, preparation rooms and other services, practically finished by the end of the year. It was in fact occupied during the first week of 1979, four months ahead of schedule, despite the late delivery of some of the furniture. The temporary building at the rear of the Hall together with the old prefabs were removed during the 1978-79 vacation; lawns were sown and shrubs planted round the new block and so quickly is the new accepted and the old forgotten, that within a few months, it seemed as though the North Wing had never been.

Currently work is proceeding on the new Music Suite situated at the eastern end of the Alamein Block. This, together with the demolition of the old Science Wing, and the erection of an Audio-Visual and Drama Complex on the site, will, with the exception of any work on the Administration Block (and it is fervently to be hoped that it can be preserved in its present form) mark the end of 15 years of rebuilding.

Much has of necessity been said of buildings; but these are, after all, steel and concrete, wood and brick and have no life unless animated by human occupation. Staff and pupils make a school and over the years build up its traditions. Hastings B.H.S. has been fortunate in the many members of staff who have served for long periods. In this connection it is interesting to note that only four Principals have controlled the School through its first 75 years. Mr. L. F. Pegler was the Secondary Assistant from August 1904 to April 1907 when he was appointed Principal, in which office he served until September 1921. He was succeeded by Mr. W. A. G. Penlington, 1922-49; then followed the late Mr. J. E. Tier 1949-64 and Mr. W. F. Crist since 1965.

Despite an initial lack of local support, the School has, thanks to the efforts of successive Boards, parents organisations and staff, become a solidly established institution of which Hastings can be justly proud. But what of the future? Many of the staff who have provided stability over the years have retired or are near retiring age, and it is to be hoped that teachers can be found to stay and maintain the standards set by those who have gone before.

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Evening Classes are, to-day, a normally accepted part of the School activities; but it was not ever thus. In the early days of the school a number of unsuccessful attempts were made to establish evening classes. In April, 1909, Mr. G. F. Roach, the chairman of the School Committee optimistically reported, “Classes have been (or are about to be) started in the evenings. The subjects to be taken are English, Arithmetic. Mensuration, Wood Carving, Plumbing, Geometrical Drawing, Leatherwork, Stencilling, Bookkeeping, Woolclassing,  Shorthand, Cookery and Dressmaking”. However, in the old School log there is no further mention of them.

In 1923, the year following the establishment of the Technical High School, evening classes were held in commercial and general subjects with a total of 72 students. In 1924 the attendance fell off badly and in 1925 the classes lapsed owing to insufficient enrolments. In July 1938 a comprehensive programme of evening classes was begun with 192 students and this time they were “here to stay”.

During the war years there was, naturally, a fall in the enrolment of young men. In 1941 there were 175 students but there were also 175 Air Force trainees attending our classes for R.N.Z.A.F. entrance. In 1945 enrolments fell to 120 but by 1948 they were up to 465 and have been maintained in excess of this figure ever since,

1948 also saw the start of the present extensive system of apprentice training with evening classes in motor and engineering. Two years later in 1950 the first day-release classes were held for motor apprentices under first, Mr. T. G. Hamilton, and later Mr. R. M. Kidd and Mr. G. A. Allport. These classes were quartered in the old A.T.C. hut, an ancient lean-to tacked on to the east end of the engineering workshop, which had done duty for the School A.T.C. Unit during the war years, and at the time of occupation, housed a rather large Armstrong-Siddley Panther radial aero engine which had been used for some form of instruction. It was in those inadequate premises, with an area of about 400 sq, feet, that day-release apprentice training at Hastings High School began. It was not long before larger premises became a necessity. In 1954 a double “prefab” was erected on the northern side of the old North Wing and occupied in 1955. This was followed later by a similar building. These workshops served the motor industry well, being provided with the most modern equipment available, much of which came through the generosity of the local Motor Trade.

Subsequently cabinetmaking, electrical, fitting and turning and plumbing apprentices attended day-release classes. Fitters and turners and plumbers, the latter for a time at the home of Mr. Hopkins in Grays Road, always had the advantage of a workshop for their practical work; but electricians will remember the years they spent in the old Science Block on Saturday mornings before moving into the new electrical workshops near the gymnasium in 1970 on a full day-release basis. Thanks to the work of Mr. M. F. Leete, these workshops became one of the “showplaces” of the School and ranked second to none In New Zealand.

All the above apprentices together with carpenters attended evening classes, usually on two nights per week. This arrangement continued until 1975 when all classes were transferred to the new Community College at Taradale. Motor and electrical apprentices, however, continued to attend evening classes at Hastings Boys’ High until 1978.

These large numbers of apprentices together with the increase in students taking accountancy, Institute of Management, U. E. School Certificate and other subjects together with the many who enjoyed taking part in the wide variety of Hobby classes, led to a huge increase in numbers. By 1974 there were upwards of 120 evening classes using the School, involving three supervisors and over 80 tutors. Instruction was being provided for nearly 2000 adult students!

With the departure of the apprentices, numbers naturally fell, but there are still over 70 classes with a total of more than 1400 students attending. Instruction is provided in most U. E. and S. C. subjects, besides which a wide range of practical interest and hobbies classes are catered for. Indeed it may be said that instruction can be arranged in practically any subject provided sufficient numbers are interested.

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Extra curricular activities play an important part in the life of the School. These activities, not only involve pupils in healthy exercise, but also assist in training them in self-discipline, co-operation and leadership, besides broadening their knowledge.

No comment on this subject would be complete without an expression of the tremendous debt of gratitude that the School owes to the mothers, fathers and friends who billet visiting players, provide meals and after match teas, assist in dramatic productions, and in every way ensure that our functions are a success, both on and off the field or stage.

Few if any records remain of sport during the period prior to 1926 when the School moved to its present site. It is fortunate, however, that we still have a first day pupil with us, Mr. Allan Jones, who remembers that sport was well catered for in the early days of the School. Mr. Jones’s brother Colin was an outstanding athlete besides being a leading member of cricket and Rugby teams. In 1904 he won a beautiful silver cup which is now awarded to the senior hurdles champion each year.

Sport in the early days of the School seems to have been mainly restricted to cricket, Rugby, athletics and swimming, besides the girls’ sports teams, the School being then co-educational. Today pupils have a much wider choice. In a recent winter sports field day, held with Napier Boys’ High School, over 800 boys took part in 14 different sports; including such exotics as golf and a motor cycle trial, besides badminton, basketball and volleyball, together with the older established codes. This was quite a remarkable achievement, which involved the transport of some 400 boys each way, the playing fields of both schools being fully utilized. While applauding the tremendous participation, which is, after all, the most important part of sport, it is well to remember the teachers’ enthusiasm and dedication, which make these encounters possible.


Cricket has been the principal summer sport since quite early in our history, although the game was sometimes restricted by lack of grounds. In 1926 the School fielded one team which was captained by P. Graham and coached by Mr. S. I. Jones, and the late Mr. T. S. Atkinson. This team played matches against Napier Boys’ High School second eleven and Napier Technical College first eleven.

In 1928 the first match was played against Dannevirke High School First Eleven, a fixture which has been continued annually to the present time. By 1934 the School’s 1st XI had proved too strong for the Napier Boys’ High School 2nd XI and matches were commenced between the first elevens, although it was 1957 before School could record an outright win. The next win came in 1960 and since that time honours have been fairly evenly divided. Annual matches were played with St. Paul’s Collegiate, Hamilton, between 1973 and 1978.

Cricket has been well served by the School coaches over the years. Commencing with Messrs. Jones and Atkinson, those who followed were L. Matheson, N. Wilde, P. Whelan, T, S. Hamilton, D. Anderson, R. Dunningham, R. Anderson and currently Mr. G. P. Gardiner. The captains’ names are listed elsewhere in this magazine.

With the extension of the playing fields in the ’30’s and ’40’s, cricket prospered, so much so, that from one team in 1926, the School was able to field seven in the early ’60’s: although in 1979 we are down to three, due largely to the inroads that other sports have made into the summer programme. While no member of a School team has subsequently made a New Zealand XI, many have gained provincial honours, and who knows, we may yet see an old boy play for his country.

Over the years there have been many memorable and exciting matches. Who of those who were privileged to be in the team, will forget the inter-school fixture when we were bundled out for a miserable 44 runs in the first innings and made 158 in the second; leaving our opponents 123 runs to win, an apparently quite reasonable task. However, as the School magazine report of the time states, “A very determined School team went on to the field” with the result that the opposition were dismissed for 36 runs.

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All of those who have been associated with the game, especially at School level, where probably the best matches are played, will recall such memorable occasions and as the years lengthen, they will find that the recollections of the defeats become as pleasant as those of the successes. Such is cricket.


As with other sports Rugby, too, has grown with the School. In the early days lack of grounds limited the numbers of teams; but as the playing areas were extended and the roll grew, so did the number of those who participated in our principal winter sport. From a single team in 1924 the number had increased to 16 by the late ‘60’s although today we are reduced to 10.

The 1st XV has played in a number of grades in its history. 1922, 4th grade, 1943, senior under 20, 1954, 3rd grade, 1964 Junior, 1973, under 23 and currently Hawke’s Bay secondary schools 1st XV grade. Our oldest annual fixture is with Dannevirke High School, which began in 1927. Gisborne matches commenced in 1930, games with Napier 1st XV in 1931 as previously we had played their 2nd XV. Since 1973 an annual match has been played with Wanganui Boys College.

Matches have also been played against many other schools, one of the earliest being with a Wairoa side. The first encounter was in Hastings in 1923 and the following year one team travelled to Wairoa by sea in the Richardson ship Tangaroa, leaving Napier at 7 a.m. on a Sunday morning. The match was played the next day in pouring rain (Hastings won); but instead of leaving for home that night as intended, the team remained in Wairoa until the following Friday midnight due to the river bar being blocked. The team was particularly grateful to Mr. Wilson, the master-in-charge who financed the boys during their enforced stay, and to the Wairoa parents who billeted them.

Northern trips seem to be fraught with difficulties for Hastings Rugby teams. In 1954, five cars were to take the 1st XV to Gisborne for the annual encounter. The convoy left at 2.15 p. m., but due to breakdowns, heavy rain and slips on the road, two only made their destination by 9 p. m. Two more crawled in some time after midnight and the last arrived next morning. At one stage boulders had to be rolled off the road into a gorge to allow the cars to get through, one being so large that it took eight boys to move it. Some of the team finally arrived after a combination of service car and train travel. In the end the match was played on schedule and Gisborne won a good game by 11-3. Even modern jet lag would have little on an experience like this.

In any sport, the knowledge, enthusiasm and dedication of the coach plays a large part in the success of the team and nowhere is this more true than in Rugby. Over the years the 1st XV has been fortunate in the quality of its coaches, some of whom served for many years. The first to be recorded in “The Heretaungan” was Mr. R. H. Bevin, who took over the team in 1925. He was followed by Messrs. S. I. Jones, E. S. Craven (18 years), R. J. Fowler (13 years), R W. Fargher, S Rockel, T. K. Fallwell. K. M. Barry, H. P. MacEwan, R. J. Booth and R. Dunningham, T. Reid and K. Crawford and J. M. Hensman.

It has been the ambition of every team to complete the treble, a win against each of our three traditional rivals in the same year. Success was tantalisingly close on two occasions in 1957 two wins, with a draw against Gisborne, and in 1967 when Gisborne again proved the stumbling block, running out the winners 24-23 in one of the most exciting matches in the history of the fixture. The result of the match depended on a difficult Hastings conversion attempt from the side line right on time; but unfortunately the ball curled just outside the post. Finally in 1977 a Jubilant 1st XV completed the coveted treble.

Our Rugby teams have been the cradle of no fewer than six All Blacks, a fine record for any school. The first was Jack McNab (1926), who was followed by Hugh McLean (1931-35), Roy White (1947), Bill Davis (1963-67-70), Bob Burgess (1971-72) and Bruce Robertson (1972-79).
Those who are privileged to wear the School jersey in the years to come, have a proud tradition to uphold.


We are grateful to Mr. Allan Jones, our sole surviving first day pupil for the earliest record of any sporting success by the School.
Mr. Jones’ brother Colin (Dinah), won six

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events at a combined schools meeting at Waipukurau in that year, a remarkable achievement at any time! From then until 1927 little if any information is available. A sports day was held at Cornwall Park in 1922 and up until 1928 the venue was either there or at Nelson Park. In 1928, with its own extensive grounds, the School was able to lay out tracks, including a straight 220 yards, which provided a really gruelling test. For 50 years the annual athletic sports were held on our own grounds; but in 1979, with the all-weather track at Nelson Park completed, a very successful meeting was held there and it appears that this could continue to be the venue in the future.

The School was one of the first in New Zealand to run its sports on the house system. This system, with its vociferous partisanship, especially during relays, continued until 1972 when it was superseded by a new order, based on class competition. With the large numbers involved, the four houses had become rather unwieldy. The new type of organisation makes for easier management and involves boys in a wider range of sports, including inter-form competitions held at lunch times throughout the year.

A number of the School’s old pupils have gone on to win National honours and some have represented New Zealand in international competition. An outstanding example was Frank Sharpley, who in less than an hour in 1939 won three N.Z. championships. The 100 yds., 120yds., high hurdles and the 440yds. low hurdles. He repeated the hurdles performance in 1940.

This feat was equalled by Gladys Symes, who in 1940 won the 75, 100 and 220yds. N.Z. championships, and was voted the “Outstanding Athlete” at the meeting. In the following year she again won the 100 and 220yds. and was second in the 75yds. In 1939 Gladys Symes, Rona Tong, Doreen Swayn and Lettie Doole won the 4 x 100yds. relay at the N.Z. championships. Rona Tong represented N.Z. in hurdle races and was placed at a Commonwealth Games meeting. Hurdling seems to have been popular with Old Pupils, as Margaret Stuart, another outstanding athlete at School, represented N.Z. in the 80m hurdles at the 1956 Olympic Games in Melbourne, and at the 1958 Commonwealth Games at Cardiff.

Rex Ward was second in the hop, step and jump in the N.Z. Junior Championships in 1964, and R. J. Bongard, while still at School won 3 and 5 mile events, also in Junior championships. Ken Youngson won the national long jump championship in 1979, and represented N.Z. in Melbourne. And finally, if any have been omitted from the above, who have won National or other honours, we can only offer our apologies.


In the years prior to 1956, when our own baths were opened, all School swimming was held at the Maddison Baths near the Central School. The Hastings High School’s share of the available time was a meagre ten hours per week, so swimming was indeed rather a luxury. Our history tells us that the excavation for the Maddison Baths was commenced about 1906. The pupils of the Hastings District High School assisted in digging the hole, using shovels and barrowing the spoil away. Their efforts were well rewarded, as these baths were to serve the School for nearly 50 years, besides providing swimming for other schools, as well as the local public. In addition the Maddison Baths have been the “home” of the Heretaunga Swimming Club which has done so much for the sport over a period of many years.

The problems associated with the building of our own baths have been dealt with elsewhere: but it can be said again, that without the dedicated work of the High School Association in raising the necessary money, the baths could still be a dream.

School swimming records contain the names of many swimmers who have performed well on the local scene; Dawn Lett was a Hawke’s Bay diving champion, and was second in the national competition. Pat Benson (1970-72) won the N.Z. Marathon Swimming Championship In 1978. Our most successful swimmer has undoubtedly been John Coutts, N.Z. backstroke record holder, long distance swimmer and Olympic and Commonwealth Games representative. The School is proud to number him among its Old Boys.


One of the first tasks to be undertaken after the New School was opened in 1926, was to develop the extensive grounds. In 1927 the front lawn was grassed and the trees planted, providing five tennis courts in a really beautiful setting. These have been in

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continuous use since 1928 and together with the asphalt courts behind the gymnasium, which were added in 1938, have enabled tennis to have a sound base in the School. In April 1968, the Wahine storm blew down the old kowhai tree, which had stood on the site for years before the School was built. This tree had been a thorn in the side of many of the staff who had been in charge of tennis, as it had prevented the formation of a sixth grass court. It is to be “regretted” that the master in charge of tennis on that “disastrous” day, is reported to have smiled, when he discussed the “sad” demise of the tree with the Principal. The upshot of the matter was, of course, a sixth court on the lawn.

Staff v. Pupils matches, which have unfortunately lapsed over recent years, were for long a feature of our tennis year; these games played on the lawn, provided a welcome opportunity for staff and pupils to fraternize in ideal surroundings. These are matches which could well be resumed. Fixtures with Lindisfarne, Colenso and Old Pupils have also been discontinued. However, annual matches are still played with Te Aute, Dannevirke, Napier B.H.S. and more recently Gisborne, besides which we field senior and junior teams in the Inter-Secondary Schools Competition on Saturday mornings. Over the years the School has been deeply indebted to all those masters who have given so liberally of their time as coaches and administrators.


Hockey was recognised officially as a School game for both boys and girls in 1949. The girls’ teams were limited to House matches and to inter-school fixtures: but the boys, besides their matches with other schools, also played in Saturday competitions.

Since its adoption, School hockey has progressed steadily to the stage that over the last few years the 1st XI has reached the quarter-finals on three successive occasions at the National Inter-Secondary Schools’ Tournament, held annually in August. Finally, in 1978 our team was joint winner with Lytton High School in that competition.

Many players have gained representative honours in various grades and one old boy, Phil Cassin (1938-43) has played for New Zealand.


In 1960 Soccer (then listed as Association Football in the Heretaungan) became a School sport, with two teams entered in the Saturday Inter-town competition.

By 1970 four teams were being fielded and interschool matches were being played against Dannevirke, Napier and Gisborne; School winning them all in that year. Old Boys also have an annual game on the August sports day.

Soccer has continued to prosper, so much so that in some years up to seven teams have been entered in competitions and a number of players have gained representative honours in their various grades.


In 1969 the new gymnasium, coupled with the enthusiasm of Mr. Chu provided the School with its first regular basketball teams. In the same year fixtures were played against Napier B.H.S. Karamu H.S. and Wellington College.

From the first, lunch time competitions proved popular and in 1971 teams were entered in the local copetitions at the Y.M.C.A. Since then the School team has enjoyed considerable success in interschool matches; and in 1974 was second in the Regional Qualifying Tournament, losing to St. Pat’s town in the final. In 1975 School won the qualifying tournament at Masterton and then went to Timaru for the National finals where they were runners-up to Mairehau H.S. in the final. A tremendous effort.


Softball has been played by “phys-ed” groups for many years and numbers of boys play for club sides on Saturdays. There are no School teams playing in outside competition at present; but since 1969 interschool games have been played against most of the East Coast Schools, generally with considerable success. It is to be hoped that this popular game will in time become a regular Saturday feature on our sporting calendar.


Tramping was first encouraged and organised by the late Mr. E. S. Craven. One of the first trips was in December 1936 when a four-day trek was made from Kuripapanga [Kuripapango] to Puketitiri via the Kaweka tops. Since that time many similar excursions have been undertaken some to places much further

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afield. Trampers over the years have been grateful to the Heretaunga Tramping Club for the use of their facilities, to parents and others for transport and to farmers in back country areas for their assistance on a number of occasions.


Rowing was introduced as a School sport in October, 1971, a radical experiment as most of the crew members were completely inexperienced. However, by March 1972 the School crews had established themselves as the best on the East Coast and at the National Championships in Christchurch (Maadi Cup), the eight acquitted themselves well, coming fifth in the competition.

Although this first dramatic success has not led to higher placings in national competition, all crews have continued to maintain a high standard.

The School is especially grateful to Mr. Glengarry for his assistance in coaching, to the Hawke’s Bay Rowing Club for the loan of shells and use of facilities, and for the recent gift of a four-oar shell which will materially assist training.


Chess has been a popular indoor pastime for many years. Inter-school matches are played regularly with varying success and on at least one occasion a member of the School has done well in national competitions. In 1955 Ross Barnett won the Pobar-Ross Trophy and came third in the N.Z. Secondary Schools championship.


Mervyn Wybrott (1954-55) won the 20,000m. World Skating Championship at Wettern, Belgium, in I960. He was the first New Zealander to win a world title in this sport.

Dean Hayes (1958-59) recorded some outstanding performances in world championship events. In 1968 in Italy he won a silver medal in the 10,000m and in 1969 in Argentina he won golds in the 5000m and 20,000m and a silver medal in the 10,000m race.


The first record of a school concert was in 1922. This concert was held in the Methodist schoolroom, and was followed in 1923 by an operetta “Alice in Wonderland,” held also in the Methodist schoolroom, at short notice. We read that “the stage was inadequate to accommodate the numbers who took part . . .  the young ladies and gentlemen . . . made no pretence that they were letter perfect, with the result that they prompted each other openly and, gathering relatives and friends into the fun, they all joined in the merriment”

Great progress was shown in 1927 when a school concert was given in the Municipal Theatre in aid of “Musical Appreciation.” The performers played to a packed house, and the funds provided the school with a gramophone and a library of records. In 1930 a school orchestra was formed, under the tutorship of the late Mrs. Whitlock, and lessons in musical appreciation were given by Miss M. A. Steele. The 1931 earthquake caused a short cessation of these indoor activities, but in the following year, the School presented “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” under the direction of Mr. Stanley Warwick. Fairy ballets were taught by Miss Jean Ballantyne, fairy songs by Miss Steele, and Mendelssohn’s beautiful music was played by a School orchestra under the baton of Mr. Harry Cooper.

Three years later, another concert was held in the Municipal Theatre, this one being truly representative of the whole school, for a programme shows us that there were gymnastic pyramids, the singing of old ballads, a play “Tom Thumb”(a burlesque by Fielding), rhythmic dances, Wand and Sword Drill, deportment dances and Russian dances by various groups of girls, and sea chanties [shanties] by boys.

From 1936 until 1948, concerts were given in the School’s own Assembly Hall.

With the hall and the increased interest in music, the enthusiasm for cultural activities grew rapidly. Sixth form pupils began to organise their own concerts; the school choir, now trained by Mr. Wakelin, attained a high degree of efficiency. In 1940, the Dramatic Club, under the direction of Mr. Alexander and Miss Woodhouse, began to produce one-act plays regularly. This was essentially a Sixth Form venture. The “Akina Club Choir”,

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organised and trained by Miss Steele, presented a cantata of Mozart music, and the following year another cantata, “Morning, Noon and Night” consisting of music by Schubert and Schumann. These concerts were a great success and reflected much credit both on soloists and on the whole choir. In the next seven years further progress was made in musical and dramatic activities. The Akina Choir presented a “Mozart Festival” with Miss Steele as conductor and Mrs. Edridge as accompanist. There were now 60 girls in the choir and concerts were always enthusiastically attended. It Is interesting to note that a string group under Mrs. Fox, L. R. A. M. was active in these years and played at the concerts given by the choir. The Dramatic Club now extended its activities to include the whole school, and various one-act plays were performed by both junior and senior groups under the direction of the staff.

In 1949, the girls gave a concert, juniors presenting “The Princess and the Woodcutter,” and seniors “Square Pegs” and the choir a group of songs: and later in the year, the sixth form, assisted by Mr. Alexander and Mr. Thomas, produced some scenes from Shakespeare.

1948 brought a change in the form of school concert. The first venture into the field of comic opera was made when Miss Miller produced Gilbert and Sullivan’s “H.M.S. Pinafore”. Because of the number involved and the amount of stage movement necessary, the opera could not be produced at school, so the Municipal Theatre was booked for two nights and a rehearsal. The performers played to full houses. In the same year, the sixth form produced “The Rivals” under the direction of one of their members, B. B. Carodus, and the performance, given in the school hall, was a great credit to the Sixth.

By this time, audiences were not limited to those who had some personal interest in the School, but included many who simply came to be entertained. “Twelfth Night”, 1949, “Eliza Comes to Stay” 1951. were presented for two nights each in the School Assembly Hall, and “The Mikado 1950, and “Pirates of Penzance” 1952, ran for three nights each in the Municipal Theatre, all to full houses. So far, the School had not been able to provide its own orchestra for the operas, but it had been greatly assisted by orchestras specially formed for the purpose, under the leadership of Mr. Ferbrache.

In 1954, the 50th Jubilee year, Miss Miller produced a further Gilbert and Sullivan Light Opera, “The Yeomen of the Guard” which played for four nights in the Municipal Theatre and was enthusiastically received by the packed houses. The show proved so popular that a repeat performance was requested in aid of the Henry Squires Fund. Finally, in 1955, “As You Like It” was staged in the Municipal Theatre. This proved to be the last coed. production for a number of years. In 1962 Miss Miller, who had produced so many successful shows, revived “The Yeomen of the Guard” as a combined effort. In the interim the boys had produced a number of plays in the Old School Hall, and one very successful Shakespearean drama at the Municipal Theatre, “Henry IV Part I”.

With the opening of the new School Hall in 1968 more ambitious plays were able to be produced at home. The first in the New Hall was “The Merchant of Venice”, in combination with the Girls’ High School; then followed a number of “boys only” productions which included, “The Royal Hunt of the Sun” and “MacBeth”.

In 1976 another combined effort produced what proved to be one of the most successful shows to date, the musical “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat”. In all some 3500 people saw the show, the School hall being packed to capacity on each of the four nights. This production involved over 100 pupils, besides staff, parents and friends, and was a credit to all those involved. In 1978 “The Crucible” was staged by a combined cast at the Girls’ High School. Music and Drama have always held a high place in the list of the School’s activities and with the advent of the new Music Suite, coupled with the excellent accommodation in the Hall; these arts should continue to prosper.


Debating has always been an essential part of School activities. Over the years inter-school debates have been held regularly but within the School, interest fluctuates. The 1976 Heretaungan comments “Debating in ’76 has experienced a mixed response from participants and audience alike. Too few people are prepared to indulge in this cultural pursuit – there is no lack of latent talent

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available. Partly responsible for this apathetic attitude has been the lack of any inter-form debating competition. Audiences, however, especially those at our School, are to be congratulated for their response.” However, debating in the School recommenced in 1978, so there is more hope for the future.


The Maori Club, founded in 1965, was created to promote and maintain the Maori pupils’ desire for education. It has already left a permanent mark on the School. In 1976 pupils of the Club painted the pillars in the hall with kowhaiwhai rafter patterns and later produced two tukutuku panels which were placed on each side of the proscenium. A further major work was the making of a whariki, or floor rug embodying the School motto. In addition the Club has produced a number of fluent Maori speakers who have done well in local and in national competitions. The Club Is an extremely active organisation which has travelled widely studying Maori culture, and recently had the privilege of assisting at the opening of the 75th Jubilee celebrations.


Since 1972 the Crusaders have been known as the Inter-School Christian Fellowship. This world-wide organisation, dedicated to the presentation of the Christian Faith to High School pupils, is one of the oldest groups in the School. The girls founded the first group in 1939, followed by the boys in 1942. Since then pupils have maintained an unbroken record of meetings.


Many clubs have been formed in the School, reflecting the interests of both staff and pupils. Some have prospered for a period, usually failing when the teacher-in-charge moved to other pastures. Looking through past “Heretaungans” some 20 or more clubs are listed which have been formed from time to time: varying from philately to business management and computers. Currently, golf, volley ball and badminton are active, and no doubt others now in recess will emerge again.


Cadets played an important part in the School from its founding in 1904 until 1967, when military training in schools was largely abandoned. During the 63 years of its existence, the Cadet Corps was responsible for the training of many thousands of boys, all of whom benefitted in some way from the training they received. No other school activity gave so many boys positions of responsibility – responsibility which developed the character of the boys themselves, and so, too, of the school to which they belonged. The first record of any major activity was when a number of cadets from the Hastings District High School, went to the Christchurch Exhibition in 1906, as part of a large school boy contingent from the North Island. Included in the Hastings group were Colin and S. I. Jones. The trip proved to be quite an adventure for the local boys, as they travelled in the ship “Te Anau” direct from Napier to Lyttelton. Mr. Pegler was in charge of the Hastings group, who were reported to have looked very neat, being dressed in breeches, jerseys, and glengarries.

When the move was made to the new School, Lieut. Ellicott, the O. C. had command of a company of five platoons. In those days cadets wore the famous “lemon squeezer” hats with a red and blue puggaree and a badge which was a copy of the school badge. Lieut. S. I. Jones took over command in 1927 and merged the company into three large platoons. A field day on the Havelock Hills at the end of the year gave a chance of a mock attack and the expenditure of a thousand rounds of blank ammunition. The umpires ruled that the attacking force under S. S. M.  O’Leary was completely wiped out.

In 1929, by the courtesy of Colonel R. F. Gambrill, officer commanding the Hawke’s Bay Regiment (to which the cadet company belonged) the colours were trooped at the school by the cadet company – this impressive ceremony was performed with credit.

In 1930 the practice of holding a barracks week at the start of the year was begun and proved a great benefit to training as well as providing a useful period for the breaking in and disciplining of the third formers.

In those days physical education teachers were unknown. Physical drill was done on a military basis – ten minutes each day taken by officers and N.C.O.’s of the company.

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By 1938 the battalion was divided into two companies, one, consisting of senior boys, the other of third formers. By the ’60’s, with a School roll of over 800 boys, the Cadet Corps consisted of four main companies, besides a H. Q. Company, an N. C. O. training unit and a band.

The cadet unit on occasions provided guards of honour, as it did for Lord Bledisloe’s visit in 1930, and also took part in public parades as on Coronation Day in 1953. The public appearance of the unit always brought credit to the School. N.C.O.’s sent to training camps generally brought back good reports; in 1965 W.O. Cadet T. R. Hamutana won the plaque for the best cadet warrant officer in New Zealand.

In 1949 Major S. I. Jones retired from command after 22 years of devoted service. He was succeeded by Major R. J. M. Fowler, 1949-54, Major S. Rockel 1955-56, Major M. W. Eade 1957-61 and Major D. W. Frykberg 1962-67.

The school unit had many successes in cadet competitions. In 1958 and again in 1962 the battalion won the Riddiford Cup for the best cadet unit in the Central Military District.

Shooting was always one of the more popular cadet activities, the construction of the .22 range at the School in 1939, materially assisted in the training of the School shooting teams. The 1927 “Heretaungan” records that two members of the company, Cpls. Burton and Tennant, visited Trentham to participate in the National Rifle Meeting. Both shot with some success.” The same issue also reported that the School again entered a team in the Coleman Shield Competition, gaining fifth place.

The Coleman Shield, the premier shooting trophy on the East Coast, was presented for competition among rifle clubs and defence units in 1895; but in 1947 the competition was confined to school cadet units from Dannevirke to Gisborne. Between 1947 and 1967 when cadets were finally phased out, Hastings Boys’ High School won the shield on 13 of the 20 occasions on which the competition was held.

Other shooting competitions in which the School took part, were the Press Shield (.22 rifles), and the Earl Roberts Trophy. The Earl Roberts competition was held annually throughout the Commonwealth. Each military district entered two teams. The School’s team won selection to represent the Central Military District on each of the three occasions on which it entered, and in 1964 was third in New Zealand and tenth in the Commonwealth.

Unfortunately, cadets in the School are a thing of the past; but there are many who would gladly see the unit re-established, not the least of whom are some of the boys themselves. However, re-instatement is most unlikely and like Rachel of old, we can only mourn for that which is lost.


In 1958 the first group of boys from the School volunteered to referee lower grade Rugby matches on Saturday mornings. This service has continued ever since. The boys, who are coached by senior referees, not only gain a better knowledge of the game, but also provide a valuable public service.


Of necessity a magazine such as this is the work of many; information, photographs and records have been freely provided by a large number of old pupils and staff. To all, we tender our most grateful thanks.

Though not always acknowledged, other publications, principally “The Heretaungan” and “The 50th Jubilee Magazine” have been extensively consulted and used.

With the centenary but 25 years away, further information will be required for a more ambitious history of the School. It would be appreciated If any who can contribute in any way, would send available material to the School. And finally, the editors apologise for any errors and omissions that may have occurred in this brief record of the first 75 years.

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The first meeting of the Hastings High School Board was held on 3rd May, 1926. Present were: – Mrs. S. Armstrong, Messrs. G. A. Maddison (acting chairman), E. J. W. Hallett, G. McKay, J. Wright and E. V. Simpson. Until a permanent secretary, Mr. E. A. Murley was appointed, Mr. W. L. Dunn carried out these duties. Subsequently, the following three members joined the board as representatives of the parents: – Messrs. H. Holderness, A. R. Ross and W. J. Rush. The constitution of the Board thus provided for nine members appointed as follows: – two by the Government, three by the Hawke’s Bay Education Board, one by the Hastings Borough Council, and three to be elected by parents. Mr. H. Holderness, elected first chairman on 9th July, 1926, held that office until 1932, when it passed to Mr. G. A. Maddison. Mr. Hallett took office in 1934 and retired in 1947 owing to ill-health. Mr. N. B. Fippard was chairman for twenty years, while Mr. Murley gave eighteen years of worthy service as secretary, resigning in 1944.

In 1948 the Board took the important step of engaging a full time secretary and establishing an office at the School. This has considerably facilitated co-operation between the Principal and the Board.

In 1953 the adoption of a new constitution was found desirable. Accordingly, four members are elected by the parents and one each appointed by the following: – Hastings Borough Council, Hawke’s Bay Education Board, Hawke’s Bay County Council, Havelock North Borough Council and the Government. The only variation to the constitution since 1953 has been the addition of a teachers’ representative, appointed in 1979.

Many members have served on the board for long periods. Mr. N. B. Fippard, who was first appointed in 1937, finally retired in 1966, He was chairman from 1947 until his retirement. Mr. R. Shakespeare was a member for seventeen years, the last ten as chairman.

The community owes much to the sterling qualities and untiring energy of successive Boards of Governors, whose members have maintained an unfailing interest in the affairs of the School.


In 1926 the new school found itself in need of many things – of almost everything in fact, e. g. machinery for the upkeep of the grounds, library books, an Assembly Hall, a piano, a radio, pictures, a gramophone, and furnishings of all descriptions! In September 1927 a preliminary meeting of parents was held to consider what could be done to help these needs of the School; and early in 1928 the Hastings High School League was formed. With prompt enthusiasm, the League conducted a very successful Garden Fete in March. The proceeds were subsidised by the Government, and were devoted to the purchase of a piano, a gramophone and records, pictures and books, and cupboards for the library. Under its President, Mr. F. S. Budd (later Mr. F. J. Hull), and its secretary, Mr. V. A. Thomson, the League continued its efforts to help the School. It organised social evenings to bring parents and teachers together, conducted entertainments to raise funds, and on Parents and Sports Days entertained the visitors to afternoon tea.

In 1929 it contributed half the cost of a triplex mowing machine and continued to organise Garden Fetes and other functions to raise funds which in 1934 enabled a building to be purchased and moved to the School grounds for use as an Assembly Hall.

In 1936 the League organised a garden fete which netted over £650, a considerable sum, when it must be remembered that New Zealand was only beginning to recover from the disastrous depression of the 30’s. Most of this money was spent on improvements to the Assembly Hall.

With the outbreak of war in 1939, all energies were directed towards assisting the war effort, so it was not until 1944 that the League was revived; but under a new name, “The Parents’ Association.” In 1950 the “Parents’ Association” was enlarged, and became “The High School Association”.

Under the chairmanship of Mr. G. E. G. Rogers the new organisation made a magnificent start by holding a huge gala at the School which raised nearly £1000, some of which went towards new mowers, a film projector and a piano.

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In the 50’s swimming baths at both High Schools were the main objects of all fundraising activities; so successful were the efforts that the baths at the Boys’ High School were completed in 1955 and at the Girls’ High School In 1959.

By 1966 it had become necessary to form separate parents’ organisations for the two schools; so in March 1967 the Hastings Boys’ High School Association was formed. This Association continued the work of its predecessors, which have, by their efforts, made a tremendous contribution towards building the School as we know it today; and while the School has the support of the parents, it will continue to prosper.


The Hastings H.S. Old Pupils’ Association was formed in 1927, and for some thirty years was a vigorous institution which was well supported by the old pupils and which catered for their needs efficiently and well. A landmark in the Association’s history was the 50th Jubilee Celebrations in 1954.

With the departure of the girls in 1955-56 some of the enthusiasm disappeared; so much so that by 1961, when the boys decided to go it alone and the H.H.S. Old Boys’ Association was formed, the annual ball and other functions were abandoned. The only social Old Boys’ gathering was a reunion after the annual winter sports fixtures at the School. Perhaps it was the girls who maintained the social interest, or perhaps it became a case of other times, other manners; or perhaps the Old Boys’ Football and Cricket Clubs catered for the needs of old boys generally. Whatever the cause, the Association went into a decline despite the efforts of such stalwarts as the late Gerald Anderson and Roy Dunningham, and it is currently in recess. However, with the example of the successful 75th Jubilee, at which over 100 Old Pupils signified their interest in reviving the Association, it should not be long before a move is made in that direction.

Appended is an edited report on the “Growth and Development of the Hastings H.S. Old Pupils’ Association (Inc.)” as it appeared in the 1954 Jubilee Magazine.


Although the High School in some form or other goes back to the year 1904 it was not until 1927 that Old Pupils of the District High School and, later, the Hastings High School, rallied together to form an Old Pupils’ Association.

Initially, it was named the Old Students’ Association but it was later changed to its present name. Mr. Gordon Roach was the first President, and he had with him the following Committee: – Misses L. McDonald, J. Ballard, Messrs. E. A. Murley, J. Rosenberg and Mr. G. R. Bower, was the Secretary-Treasurer. The membership totalled 110.

A Constitution was drawn up and its aims were: – “To preserve associations formed at School and to support the School by maintaining the interests of Old Pupils in the School.”

At the first reunion of Old Pupils, on November 17, 1927, cricket and athletic events between present and past pupils filled an enjoyable afternoon, and later those present went into the School for “high tea”. This was followed by a social, and the splendid spirit of loyalty to the School and regard for its traditions and its future was manifested by Old Pupils present.

These annual reunions followed by tea and the annual the general meeting, formed the basic part of the Association’s yearly activities, and there is no doubt that they were well received. It was noticeable from 1928 onwards that the Old Pupils who attended the School before 1925 and as far back as 1904 were taking an interest in the newly-formed association, as was evidenced by the presence of Mr. Monty Tickner, a pupil on the School’s opening day.

As usual in the early stages of any organization the finance necessary for the running of the Association was the cause of some anxiety, and the President, Mr. Gordon Roach, stressed the need for increased financial membership. The 1928 meeting debated two notices of motion – one, to increase the subscription rate, and the second,

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to divide the Association into Old Boys and Old Girls. The first was carried and the second was withdrawn. It can be seen that like all growing organizations the Association had its “teething troubles”, but by hard work on the part of successive committees and keen support from Old Pupils, the Association continued to make progress.

In 1929 the School’s Silver Jubilee Year, a very successful Jubilee Ball was held, both from the social and financial point of view. The Principal, Mr. Penlington, made mention at the Annual General Meeting of the necessity for a School Assembly Hall and asked all interested organizations to back up a project which was later to become a reality. An amended constitution of the Old Pupils Association was drawn up after the Annual General Meeting, the principal change being the alteration of the name to the Hastings High School Old Pupils’ Association.

During 1930 the functions at the School were continued and the second Annual Ball was again a great success. The annual general meeting directed a sub-committee to look into the question of blazers and report to all Old Pupils as soon as practicable. A motion favouring the setting up of bursaries to a limited number of School pupils was thought to be a little before its time. Owing to the good work of the sub-committees a very accurate and interesting summary of the doings of Old Pupils was kept, and this remains a source of envy to more recent committees.

Despite a disastrous 1931, the Association continued to consolidate its position and gradually became recognized as the official representative of Old Pupils of the Hastings High School. The membership and financial position reached an all time record and activities in connection with the School were even more enjoyable. The Annual Ball had become a fixture, and it was noted for its social friendliness. The Committee had an official blazer which could be obtained by all financial members and generally it was felt that the Association now had something to offer all those leaving School.

A special “Assembly Hall Furnishing Fund” was set up in that year, and the executive transferred 10gns.[guineas] into a fund which was later to provide the beautifully designed and carved pieces of furniture for the stage.

The years 1932 and 1933 saw the Association make steady progress despite a feeling of caution that was abroad. Acting on a resolution from a previous annual general meeting, the executive held the first annual Old Boys’ dinner in June of 1932. About 100 Old Boys were present and the organizers were very gratified with the result.

The question of life membership then came up for discussion; also the newly created position of Treasurer. Both the proposals on these matters were approved by the meeting in 1933. It was decided by the incoming committee in 1934 that a special effort be made to raise additional funds for furnishing the stage of the Assembly Hall. To this end, a recommendation was made to bring the sum in the Assembly Hall Fund up to £50 if necessary. Other recommendations were that some concession be given to financial members of the Association at various social functions and that Old Pupils, if they so desired, could become life members of the Association by paying a sum to be decided by the Committee. This was later set at £I/I/-.

The conditions relating to membership of the Association were periodically published in “The Heretaungan”, and it is interesting at this stage of the development of the Association to comment on this point. The suggestion in 1934 about life membership was very wisely altered in more recent years. It was considered that life membership of any organisation should be a result of years of service to it and should not be able to be bought.

The Constitution now provided for annual and permanent membership as distinct from life membership. There were only two life members, the late Monty Tickner and S. I. Jones. During the year 1934 various social circles were formed, the Bridge Club proving most enjoyable. It was hoped in 1935 to commence Table Tennis and Badminton Clubs.

The year 1935 saw the permanent membership subscription fixed at £1/1/-, and the annual rate of 2/6. In the same year the Association decided to hold its Old Pupils’ Day in conjunction with the Parents’ Day, and from then on it became the annual Parents’ and Old Pupils’ Day. This proved to be a very popular and wise move. One of

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the major events in the history of the Association in 1936 was the dedication of the memorial tablet to those Old Boys who made the supreme sacrifice in the 1st World War. This dedication and service was held in conjunction with the celebrations of Armistice Day, and all those present were deeply moved.

The finance in connection with the memorial tablet was the result of donations totalling £39/12/- by 110 Old Pupils, and the sum of £51/13/9 placed in trust. There was thus £91/5/9 available for the Association to purchase the tablet. It also ordered a Refectory Table and Chair for the Assembly Hall stage and later the handsome Lectern and Benches. The Association will always be grateful to the late Mr. W. Marquand, who designed, constructed and carved the suite.

Another important event in the Association’s history was the formation of the Wellington branch of the Old Pupils Association by J. G. Donne and his committee. The inaugural dinner was well attended and voted by all a huge success. In the following year, 1937, the Auckland branch of the Old Pupils’ Association was formed by B. I. Fulton and his committee, and they too had a very successful evening. By the formation of these two branches Old Pupils showed that they had not lost their love of the Old School.

At the School break-up ceremony in 1937 the Refectory Table and Chair were formally presented, and at the following Annual General Meeting the recently completed Lectern was handed over. The Principal thanked the Association for the generous and practical gifts and stated they were an ornament to the Assembly Hall. In this way the Assembly Hall Furnishing Fund was brought to a successful conclusion.

At the Annual Meeting in 1938 it was decided to close the financial year on December 31st instead of on October 31st, and so the next Annual Meeting took early in 1940. During the year 1939 both branches of the Association, Auckland and Wellington, held successful evenings and both these branches were able to maintain contact with Old Pupils in the Armed Services.

For the next six years the Association’s activities were of necessity limited, but the doings of Old Boys and Girls overseas were watched and followed with keen interest and pride. It can be truly said that of all the School’s service to the community the most outstanding is the record of its Old Pupils in the Armed Forces in World War II. From a total of approximately 900 who served, 90 made the supreme sacrifice and their names and those of the World War I will be forever hallowed in the School’s history.

The Association will always be grateful for the work done by Mr. S. I. Jones, in keeping in touch with Old Boys and Old Girls overseas and sending them news of the School and its doings. His was a labour of love and in typical fashion he made a great job of it. During the war years the Association continued with the Old Pupils’ Day at the School but confined most of its activities to the maintaining of contact with Old Pupils overseas.

In 1945 the annual accounts presented showed that the net surplus from two dances held during the year amounted to £93, from which the sum of £75 was transferred to the Old Pupils’ War Purposes Fund. This fund was set up for the purpose of assisting the School in the cost of printing “The Heretaungan” and the half-yearly Newsletters, and of sending copies to Old Pupils serving outside the Dominion.

With the conclusion of the war in 1945 the Association held a successful Annual Meeting in 1946, and many recommendations came forward, the chief ones being that the Annual Ball be resumed as soon as possible, and that the future of the War Purposes Fund be discussed. Later a special committee was appointed to confer with the Principal on the question of a suitable memorial to commemorate the 90 Old Boys who gave their lives in the war. The £70 in this fund was to be applied towards the cost of this memorial.

Also at this meeting Mr. S. I. Jones was elected a life member of the Association in recognition of his valued services as an office-bearer since 1928. The Old Boys’ Wellington Branch was revived this year and another pleasant re-union took place. Late in 1946 the first headmaster of the District High School, Mr. L. F. Pegler, died in Wellington. He was appointed in August of 1904 and gave many years of valued service to the School and community. When he took up residence in Wellington he was one of the stalwarts of the Wellington branch of the Association and never failed to attend

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the annual re-union. He will always be remembered in the hearts of the earlier Old Pupils of the School.

The report ended with an account of the presentation to Mr. W. A. G. Penlington on his retirement in 1949, and the final comment; “We feel sure that with the help and enthusiasm of Old Pupils the School will never lack the co-operation of the Association.”

(Prior to 1970 Basketball)

When the Hawke’s Bay Basketball Association was formed in Hastings in 1927, the High School Old Girls’ Club was one of the first to register, and teams were entered in both grades of the Saturday competitions and also for the Wednesday competition, wearing in their first year the navy gym, tunic and white blouse. This club is the only one in Hawke’s Bay that can claim foundation membership of the original H.B.B.A,, and through the years, its members and teams have upheld the high tradition of the school, and its fine sporting spirit.

During the 21st Birthday celebrations in 1948 the club registered names for the various teams, and drew the names out of the hat with the result that the A team became known as “Huias”, A2 as “Robins”, the second grade team as “Tuis”, the thirds as “Akinas” and the fourths as “Wekas”. In the following year membership increased still further and two teams were entered in the second grade, and so “Wrens” were created.

Membership of the club has fluctuated over the years, and in those years when there were six teams to organize, it was truly hard work, and a suggestion was made that the club should be limited to three teams. This, of course, was out of the question, but the problem has since settled itself with the formation of three new clubs in Association competitions. However, H.S.O.G. entered two teams in the first grade and two in the second grade in 1953, this being the smallest number for many years. It is to the credit of the club that six teams are still maintained in the various grades.

In 1977 a very successful Golden Jubilee was held which brought together many of the early members of the Club.

H.S.O.G. club teams have met with many successes, most notable being those of the first grade team, whose name appears on the Hastings and Hawke’s Bay major trophies more often than that of any other club.


Owing to the loss of the very early records of the Old Boys’ Cricket Club, some of the details of the inauguration of the Club remain shrouded in mystery.

Due to the rapid growth of the School in the 1920’s, a need was apparent for a Club to be formed to cater for the needs of cricketers who had been pupils of the School. To this end, a High School Old Boys’ Cricket Club was formed in 1926, with Mr. W. A. G. Penlington, the first Patron, and Mr. H. G. Apsey, as President.

The Club had early success, and carried off the Hastings Local Championship in its second year of life, and in the next year won this Championship, together with the Hawke’s Bay Junior Championship.
Some of the early players who come to mind are Ted Murley, Stan Craven, “Jonah”, Henry Nairn, Ian Brenton-Rule, Jim Symons, Norman Fippard, Philip Graham and Edgar Apsey.

Within a season or two, both senior and junior teams were fielded. The primary purpose of forming the Club was not to win championships. If in some seasons there was no success in this respect, Old Boys have been given the opportunity of keeping up friendships made in School days, and the Club has steadily flourished.

The Club reached its peak of attainment in the 1940/41 season when the Annual Report advised that despite the loss of 11 members to the Armed Forces, the Hastings Senior Championship was won, and for the first time the Hawke’s Bay Senior Intertown Championship came our way. However, before the season had passed, the Club was in difficulty owing to the loss of players. Actually, every member of the senior team was in the Armed Forces in one Branch or another. A Minute, significant of the times at the end of the 1941-42 season reads: – “That the Club go into recess until such time as sufficient players had returned from the Armed Forces,”

Looking over the Roll of Honour, the names of past players appear to a distressing degree: – F. H. Craig, I. G. Dyer, B. A. Gumbley, E. F. T. Mullinder, W. A. O’Malley, P. H. Tritt and S. Watkinson.

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Their names bring back memories of happy associations on the field.

In order to cater for all grades of cricket it was decided in September, 1949, to amalgamate with the Hastings Cricket Club, another club so seriously affected by war activities that it had for a short time to go into recess. The new club was constituted under the name of Old Boys’-Hastings. The move was successful, and four teams were entered In the local competitions.

Mr. N. B. Fippard, who has done so much for Hawke’s Bay cricket, was elected president of the newly-formed club, a position which he still holds.

The Club, which held its 25th Jubilee in 1974, still attracts a good proportion of its members from ex High School cricketers, and continues to hold a high place in Hawke’s Bay cricket.


The seed for the formation of the Hastings High School Old Boys’ Football Club was first sown in the year 1924, when three ex-High School Boys, wanting to play football together, and finding that each had selected a different club, brought forward the idea of forming a team that had some connection with the School, and where they could continue the spirit of comradeship gained there. Mr. Penlington, the Principal, was approached for guidance, and his enthusiasm left no doubt in the minds of the lads to continue the formation, especially as he instructed that the cost of the advertisement for the first meeting was to be charged to him.

A meeting of those interested was held in the old High School buildings on the 7th March, 1924, and although the attendance numbered ten, all were enthusiastic about the project, with the result that a general meeting was called for 14th March, 1924. Mr. Penlington took the chair, and with the attendance a slight improvement on the previous meeting, the seed started to grow. Officers were elected and general business discussed. A lengthy discussion took place on the colours for the Club, and it was only after a very heated argument that the present colours were adopted, although it was not till 1939 that white shorts became part of the equipment. In the first year only a third grade team was entered, and difficulty was even experienced then in getting a full team, as many of the suggested members decided to continue with a club that was already established, rather than transfer to one that may ‘fizzle out”. However, a most enthusiastic core, working hard, carried the first season, without defaulting any of its engagements. This brought results, and the next year membership allowed teams to be junior, third and fourth grades. In 1929 the first senior team was entered in the Sub-Union competition, and since then the club has continued to foster teams in all grades.

All teams on the field have enjoyed success and since World War II, the senior team has proved itself the champion team in H.B. The Club by its high percentage of wins in all four grades have frequently won the Black and White Shield. This shield is competed for by all clubs in Hawke’s Bay.

With the growth of the Club, new official positions were necessary, and in 1929 a treasurer was elected, in 1930, a social secretary, 1936, a record keeper, and in 1947, joint secretary. Also in 1947, the club and its assets made incorporation necessary. A Land and Building Fund was created in 1948, and each year the added amount brought yet another goal to the Club, and by 1952 land was purchased.

By 1958 the basic sections of the club-rooms were completed; these have been added to since, so that now the club’s facilities are the equal of any in New Zealand.

In 1949 the Club’s Silver Jubilee was held. It was a most outstanding event in the history of the Club. Twenty-five years of activities were again lived in the various functions, which were attended by over 300 past and present members.

Since 1955 the Club has held an annual dinner. This function is probably unique among Rugby Clubs and such is its popularity that It continues to attract an attendance of upwards of 200 each year.

Since 1949 the Club has continued to prosper. In 1974 a most successful Golden Jubilee was celebrated, and both on and off the field the Club has promoted sportsmanship and good fellowship.

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Photo captions –


The Old District High School on the afternoon of the Earthquake.

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The Cadet Corps at the Flagpole, 1908

District High School group on a visit to hop fields about 1916

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Marquees on front lawn, Earthquake year 1931

S. G. White at Bridge Pa Aerodrome, November 1934, after his flight from England to Australia.

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Standing: J. W. Drury, E. Garnett, W. Howard, W. H. Gumbley.
Sitting: R. M. Brodie, H. R. Laws, C. T. Taaffe, J. G. Seton.

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(Won N.Z. title in record time)
Gladys Symes, Rona Tong, Doreen Swayn, Lettie Doole.

Frank Sharpley N.Z. Champion Hurdler.

Page 48

Miss H. Shelton (Coach), J. Martin (Captain), G. Evans, A. Edwards, K. Ross, N. Steele, M. Wakefield, L. Nimon, F. Single, A. Rogers, M. Hall.

Front Left: Ko-Ko (H. Patterson), Pitti-Sing (Janet Carter), Nanki-Poo (P. Wright), Peep-Bo (Mareen Grant), Mikado (J. Cousens), Yum-Yum (Beth Oliver), Pooh-Bah (A. Mitchell), Katisha (Janet Smith), Pish-Tush (J. Doig).

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STAFF, 1913
Back: Mr. S. Barnard, Mr. A. R. Culen, Miss G. Gray, Miss A. R. Harper, Miss E. Turnball, Mr. J. T. Daly, Mr. W. W. Jonasen.
Middle: Miss K. King, Miss L. I. Cameron, Miss L. A. Thompson, Mr. V. R. Brittin, Miss H. Stevenson, Miss E. M. Harper, Mr. C. A. Rendle.
Front: Miss V. Hyde, Mr. T. S. Atkinson, Miss W. J. Rosie, Mr. L. F. Pegler, Mr. E. V. Hudson, Miss R. J. Hodgson, Mr. C. Dandy, Mr. W. C. Morris, Miss A. Gorman, Miss E. C. McEwan.

STAFF, 1929
Standing: A. H. Partridge, Miss E. McMullan, G. R. Haldane, J. D. McDonald, A. Aitken, Miss A. L. Grubb, T. S. Atkinson, B. I. Fulton, Miss J. D. Law, H. A. Insul.
Sitting: Miss J. Irvine, S. I. Jones, W. A. G. Penlington, Miss M. A. Steele, Mrs. E. A. Linyard.

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All photographs taken by Mr. Piet van Asch, N.Z. Aerial Mapping Ltd.



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Standing: N. D. Sowersby, N. J. Baumgart, L. M. Masters, J. M. Mitchell.
Sitting: L. M. Thorp, M. W. Gray, J. M. Nimon.

Conductor: Miss M. A. Steele.   Accompaniste: Heather Hunter.

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Standing: W. T. Druzianic, H. K. Huddleston, G. A. Rogers, M. Sullivan, H. G. Pearce.
Sitting: I. Ward, V. Hargreaves, E. G. Sutherland (Capt.) Mr. C. B. Floyd, N. J. Totty, J. B. Downer,
Absent: T. Loach, M. J. Newton.

Standing: A. Mills, J. Charters, W. E. D. Stoupe.
Sitting: G. Kamau, P. N. Wright (capt.) N. B. Church.

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1st XI, 1953
Back Row: A. G. Brown, P. H. Bannister, B. H. Wilson, R. Oliver, V. Briggs.
Middle Row: A. P. Lemmon, M. C. Campbell, M. P. Apperley, M. McK. Kerr (capt.), T. R. Hollis.
In Front: J.P. Jones.

Standing: Cpl. P. Haden, Sgt. J. Rummery, Cpl. J. Pickett, Cpl. B. Pickett.
Sitting: Cdt. B. Batson, Cpl. P. Turner, Sgt. D. Wilde, Cpl. N. Cohen.

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Tier Block, 1967

The last of the Assemblies conducted outside, during the building of the New Assembly Hall, Dec. 1967

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Our Royal Guests about to Depart, 1963

1st November, 1968
Captain (now Admiral) N. D. Anderson Commander of the frigate “Waikato” touching down in the Wasp Helicopter on the front lawn.

Page 58

Back Row: P. Benson, M. Foote, R. Brown, J. Coutts.
Front Row: T. Wyatt, G. Brown, T. Parahi, D. Gledhill, Mr. H. Inomata.

Back Row: R. Bernie, N. Ward, B. Macklow, P. Symons, M. Ward.
Middle Row: E. Burns, B. Sharplin, C. Vernon, R. Carrell, O. Kavana, S. Burnell.
Front Row: P. Humphries, J. McNaughton, J. Ryan, R. Bongard, P. Knight, T. Bacon, W. Murdoch, K. Youngson.

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Winners of all 3 Interschool matches. A feat never before accomplished.

Back row: R. Huata, T. Gorst, W. Murdoch, W. Gray, H. Heather, A. Hunt, M. Erlich.
Middle Row: Mr. G. Greville (Manager), G. Mann, G. Razos, M. Hill, D. de Lange, K. Libby, J. Timu, S. Hay.
Front Row: Mr. T. Reid (Coach), B. Amner, M. Timu, M. Deacon, M. O’Leary, P. Betty, D. Collier, D. Fulford, Mr. K. Crawford (Coach)

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C. A. Young, M. G. Monk, C. J. Trask, P. G. Single
Mrs. A. Roberts, R. Shakespeare, W. F. Crist, Mrs. Z. Wattie.

L. to R.: Mr. W. F. Crist, 1965 –  Mr. J. E. Tier, May 1949-1964 – Mr. W. A. G. Penlington, 1922-May 1949.

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H.B.H.S. STAFF, 1957
Back row: B. G. McFarland, B. F. Hay, D. L. Close, G. F. Fuller, H. K. Huddleston, J. S. Bremner, P. R. Linyard, G. H. Mills, G. Warner, J. Lucas,
K. M. Barry.
Front Row: R. M. Kidd, T. G. Hamilton, M. W. Eade, A. E. Davies, N. Wilde, R. J. Fowler, J. E. Tier, L. Matheson, R. W. Fargher, T. K. Fallwell, P. J. Whelan, D. W. Frykberg, H. L. Christian.

STAFF – 1979.
Back Row: Messrs. S. D. R. Reid, T. McK. Reid, R. O. Perry, J. M. Hensman, D. W. Hall, C. J. Homer, P. H. Dixon, R. F. Roughton, K. Crawford, M. J. Cleary, D. F. Brown, I. G. Cotching, R. Gregory, C. R. Thomsen, M. S. Stothart, R. J. Fowler, N. E. Bouttell, D. W. Martin.
Middle: Messrs. D. Martin, B. J. Herbert, I. J. Heard, K. Sowersby, L. P. de Treend, Mesdames A. Fraser, M. Camp, J. K. Youngson,
B. MacPherson, S. J. Laughton, L. A. Gleeson, H. M. Allen, Messrs. R. A. Timmer, G. J. Stent, C. J. Bowen, I. S. MacDonald, W. Smith, T. G. Allen.
Front: Messrs. J. E. Kelbrick, I. J. Crawford, B. Sanders, G. P. Gardiner, A. K. Trimble, D. C. Everett, P. R. Linyard, T. G. Hamilton (Senior Master), W. F. Crist (Principal), G. E. Thomas, (Deputy Principal), D. W. V. Frykberg, K. Meehan, F. E. Whitehead, F. Chu, D. W. McGrath, K. M. Barry,
B. S. Alvis.

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From Left: R. Shakespeare, Chairman Jubilee Committee (Speaking); S. I. Jones, First Assistant 1926-49; Mrs. J. E. Tier; W. A. G. Penlington, Principal 1922-49; Miss C. M. Miller, Principal H. G. H. S. 1956-67; A. V. Berry, Chairman High Schools’ Board; J. J. O’Connor, Mayor; Mrs. J. J. O’Connor; Mrs. W. F. Crist; W. F. Crist, Principal 1965 – ; Miss C. J. Kelt, Principal H. G. H. S. 1968- ; A. L. Jones, First Day Pupil (1904).


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Members of Board of Governors since 1927

H. Holderness   1927-1932
Mrs. S. Armstrong   1927-1929
E. J. W. Hallett   1927-1946
G. A. Maddison   1927-1933
G. McKay   1927-1930
A. D. Ross   1927-1946
W. J. Rush   1927-1929
E. V. Simpson   1927-1946
J. Wright   1927-1946
Mrs. F. Emmett   1930-1934
H. Brenton-Rule   1930-1932
C. Lassen   1931-1934
F. C. Rush-Munro   1933-1950
F. J. Hull   1933-1936
Rev. R. D. B. Waugh   1934-1936
Mrs. T. A. Hill   1935-1950
H. de Denne   1935-1946
C. A. Hendry   1937-1942
N. B. Fippard   1937-1966
Mrs. H. J. Lovell-Smith   1939-1946
R. P. Tabley   1941-1942
J. Stickland   1943-1944
A. H. Sivewright   1945-1946
E. D. Anderson   1947-1956
J. Hellyer   1947-1954
A. D. M. G. Laing   1947-1949
G. E. G. Rogers   1947-1949
W. R. Warnes   1947-1950
R. A. Yule   1947-1952
Rev. H. A. Mitchell   1950-1956
H. G. Apperley   1950-1952
D. M. Campbell   1951-1952
J. M. Meffin   1951-1952
T. B. McDonald   1951-1954
L. C. Kerr   1953-1954
F. W. Fergusson   1953-1960
R. A. Nimon   1953-1968
Mrs. E. M. Little   1953-1954
Mrs. A. G. McConnachie   1955-1958
E. W. Ormond   1955-1972
Dr. H. G. McPherson   1955-1958
N. R. C. Wilson   1955-1966
Mrs. P. E. Baird   1957-1966
S. I. Jones   1957-1958
Dr. E. H. Clarke   1959-1963
R. Shakespeare   1959-1975
R. Skittrup   1959-1963
J. A. Robertson   1961-1963
I. T. Heath   1964-1975
M. J. Webster   1964-1966
K. D. Wilson   1964-1966
V. F. Boag   1967-1968
H. W. Dysart   1967-1972
K. Nuku   1967-1968
V. D. Plank   1967-1972
C. L. Napier   1970-1972
A. F. Mackenzie   1970-1972
T. F. Kyle   1970-1972
Mrs. F. J. Bignell   1973-1979
L. M. Graham   1973-1978
A. McI. Grant   1973-
D. I. Hawkes   1973-1975
J. Norton   1973-1975
L. A. J. Sawyer   1973-1975
E. W. S. Wilson   1973-1975
M. D. Brown   1976-1978
R. A. Beaven   1976-1978
R. J. Coddington   1976-
N. H. Hardy   1976-1978
P. J. Kane   1976-1978
Mrs. A. Roberts   1976-
W. H. Tetley   1976-1978
H. D. Aitchison   1978-
A. V. Berry   1978-
S. Rarere   1978-
J. Norton   1978-
J. Elvidge   1979-
M. McKearney   1979-
G. E. Thomas   1979-
P. W. Young   1979-
N. D. Pratt   1979-


E. A. Murley   1927-1944
W. L. Gray   1945-1947
H. F. Berry   1948-1950
J. Munro Stewart   1950-1951
Miss I. T. Walker   1951-1955
S. G. Heffernan   1955-1956
J. M. Stewart   1956
H. G. Jones   1956-1969
B. H. Williams   1970-1975
S. G. Musson   1975-1976
M. C. Beverley   1977-1978
B. A. Krebs   1978-

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The staff before 1922 included the following: – L. F. Pegler, T. S. Atkinson, Miss E. A. King, Miss R. J. Hodgson, J. T. O. Stephens, J. W. Tindall.

1922-49   W. A. G. Penlington, M. A.
1922-26   Miss M. W. Burden.
1922-23   Miss R. J. Hodgson.
1922-25   Miss A. L. Jordan, Dip. Dom. Sc.
1922-32   W. J. Tindall.
1922-24   K. Ross, M. A.
1923-25   Miss M. Chittock, Dip. H.Sc.
1923-24   Miss J. Entrican, B. A.
1923-28   V. A. Thompson, A. I. A. N.Z.
1924-25   R. Waghorn, B. A.
1924-25   S. H. Wilson, M. Sc.
1924-28   and
1932-38   E. A. Coxon, M. A.
1925-26   Miss A. L. Grant, B. A.
1925-26   G. M. Pearson, M. A.
1925-28   R. H. Bevin, B. Agr.
1925-26   K. W. Ellicott.
1926-32   Miss. D. Law, Dip. H. Sc.
1926-27   Miss E. C. Patterson, B. Sc., part-time Dom. Sc.
1926-49   S. I. Jones. M. A.
1926-52   T. S. Atkinson, B. A.
1927-29   J. D. McDonald. Dip. Ed.
1927-46   Miss M. A. Steele, M. A.
1927-29   Miss J. Irvine, B. A.
1927-44   Miss E. McMullan, Dip. Bkg.
1927-46   Mrs. E. A. Linyard, M. A.
1928-36   A. H. Partridge, B. Sc., D. Agr.
1928-53   A. A. Aitken, B. Sc.
1928-30   G. R. Haldane, B. Com.
1928-37   B. I. Fulton. M. A.
1929-32   Mr. Wilson, part-time woodwork.
1929-31   Miss Kempthorne, part-time H. Sc.
1929-31   Mrs. Freeman, part-time Art.
1929-38   H. A. H. Insull, M. A.
1930-59   L. Matheson, M. A.
1930-39   Miss E. C. Wilson, M. A.
1930-37   Miss M. G. Wood. M. A.
1930-31   E. W. Bilham. B. A.
1930-40   A. S. Warwick, part-time elocution
1930-54   E. S. Craven, M. A.
1931-39   A. Haley, B. A.
1932-36   Miss M. G. Owen, Dip. H. Sc.
1932-34   Miss J. Lloyd, part-time Art.
1932-33   Mrs. Griffiths, Dip. H. Sc. part-time Dom. Sc.
1933-36   Miss M. G. Fuller, B. H. Sc.
1934-35   Mrs. E. S. Craven, part-time drill.
1935-36   Miss K. G. Nicoll.
1935-43   J. Leggat, M. A.
1936-39   H. N. Bibby, B. Agr.
1936-37   Miss J. Stevenson, H. Sc.
1936-38   Miss A. Black, B. H. Sc.
1936-45   Miss M. G. Miller.
1936-39   Miss C. Thorp.
1937-46   Mrs. H. Norman, part-time home-nursing.
1937-45   B. H. Wakelin, M. A.
1938-61   N. Wilde, B. A., M. Sc.
1938-44   L. W. D. Ball, A.M.I. Mech E.
1938-43   Miss G. M. Avery, M. A.
1938-48   H G. Wall, part-time woodwork.
1939-41   Miss N. A. Brown, M. Sc.
1939-41   Miss M. H. Ingram, Dip. H. Sc.
1939-40   Miss S. Woodhouse, M. A.
1939-45   Mrs. Fisk, part-time Drill.
1940-41   E. Dwyer, Dip. Agr.
1940-55   R. R. Alexander, M. A.  B. T.
1940-45   E. G. Kedgley, B. A.
1940-44   J. K. Bedbrook.
1941-44   Miss G. M. Thornton.
1942-56   C. B. Floyd, B. Sc.
1942-47   Miss O. A. Luke, Dip. H. Sc.
1944-48   Miss M. I. Woods, B. A. Dip. Ed.
1944-47   Miss C. G. Way.
1944-46   Miss M. R. Wallis, M. A.
1944-45   Miss S. N. Thorp, B. A. Dip. Ed.
1945-46   Mrs. Morton, part-time Art. Dip. Art.
1945-46   M. A. F. Campbell, B. A.
1945-47   Miss N. M. M. Bullen, M. A.
1945-61   and
1965-71   R. J. M. Fowler, M. A.
1945-58   A. E. Davies.
1946-47   Miss L. M. Allison, M. A.
1946-47   Miss J. M. Child, M. A.
1946-47   Miss G. M. Slater, Dip. H. Sc.
1946-56   S. Rockel, M. A.  B. Com.
1947-78   M. W. Eade, B. A.
1947-73   T. K. Fallwell, M.A.
1947-55   Miss C. M. McN. Miller, M. A. Dip. Ed.
1947-50   Miss H. M. Shelton.
1947-50   Miss R. D. Guppy, T. A. C. R. D. S. (Lond.)
1947-50   Mrs. Yates, part-time Home Nursing.
1948-61   R. W. S. Fargher, M. A.
1948-53   Mrs. T. K. Fallwell, nee Miss M. J.  Struthers, L. R. S. M., L. T. C. L., (piano), A. T. C. L. (singing).
1948-49   Miss F. M. Farmer, C. Sc.
1948-50   Miss E. N. Luke, Dip. H. Sc.
1948-55   Miss R. M. Trotter, B. A.
1949-64   J. E. Tier, M. A., Dip. Soc. Sc., Dip. Ed.

Page 65

1949-55   Miss J. R. Wallace, P. C. T.
1949-50   Miss E. J. Allan, Dip. H. Sc.
1949-57   R. W. Garrick.
1950-52   Miss K. M. Cherney, B. A.
1950-       T. G. Hamilton.
1950-52   R. E. Purdie, B. A.
1962-63   K. W. Rhodes.
1951-55   and
1951-52   Miss D. M. Cushen, Dip. H. Sc.
1951-55   Miss M. Hane.
1951-54   Miss J. E. A. Aitken, B. Sc.
1951-57   P. J. Whelan, B. A. Dip. Ed.
1951-53   Mrs. Barley, nee Miss C. T. Black, Dip. P. Ed.
1952-54   Miss A. M. Tassell, P. C. T.
1952-54   Miss N. Y. Rust, Dip. F. A.
1952-54   Miss P. A. Sim, B. A.
1953-55   Mrs. Pickernell.
1953-55   Miss J. Green, B. A.
1953-55   Miss V. Dean, B. A.
1953-54   Miss N. Ongley, B. Sc.
1953-55   Miss M. Macdonald, Dip. H. Sc.
1953-57   G. Fuller, Dip. F. A.
1953-55   N. O. Vickerldge, M. A.
1953-       K. Barry, M. A.
1953-55   and
1957-64   W. Hendry, B. A.
1953-63   J. Lucas, D. P. E. (A’dam).
1953-54   E. Steller, M. Sc., Ph. D. (Leyden), F. A. S. (Netherlands).
1953-55   Miss Porter.
1954-79   D. W. Frykberg, B. A. Hons. (Rand.)
1954-57   E. H. Lochhead, B. Sc.
1954-62   H. L. Christian, B. Sc.
1954-61   J. S. Bremner, B. A.
1954-55   Miss K. Harris.
1955-62   D. L. Close, B. A.
1955-76   G. H. Mills, B. A.
1955-76   R. M. Kidd, Adv. Tr. Cert.
1955-61   G. Warner, B. A.
1955         Miss J. M. Wellwood.
1955         Miss A. J.  Hogan.
1955         Miss M. Ward, B. Sc.
1955         Miss S. Waters, B. A.
1955         Miss E. E. Tucker.
1956-        P. R. Linyard, B. A., L. R. S. M., LT. C. L.
1956-58   and
1964-67   B. G. McFarlane, B. Sc.
1957-61   H. K. Huddleston, M. Sc.
1957-61   B. F. Hay.
1958-66   A. H. Benge, M. A.
1958-76   A. G. Hoskins.
1958-76   D. S. Cumberbeach, M. Sc
1958-65   R. F. Williams, Dip. F. A.
1958-59   J. L. Moore, M. A.
1959-60   C. J. Austin, M. Sc.
1959-60   B. D. Smith, M. P. Dip. d’etudes fr.
1959-       K. Meehan, M. A.
1959-78   G. Challice.
1960-62   W. J. Henderson, M. A.
1960-62   J. R. Jones, M. A.
1960-62   I. McNab, B. Sc.
1960-79   J. I. McLachlan, B. A.
1960-77   R. I. Harrison.
1961-66   R. Smith.
1961-64   and
1966-       N. M. McNamara, B. Sc. (Dublin)
1961-68   E. H. Kliskey, A. C. S. M.
1961-        F. E. Whitehead, M. A. (Cantab.)
1961-62   W S. Huckstep, A. C. C. S.
1962-        A. K. Trimble, Adv. Tr. Cert. (C. & J.) W. W. Tech. Cert.
1962-        D C. Everett, B. Sc. (Nottingham)
1962-66   E. Sealey.
1962-65   and
1968-75   W. A. Herbert, M. A.
1962-63   and
1965-70   R. J. McConnell, B. A. (Belfast)
1962-72   G, Middleton, M. A.(Glasgow).
1962-65   D. R. Oldroyd, M. A.(Cantab.).
1963-73   H. W. D. Anderson, B. A.
1963-78   E. C. Fletcher, M. N. Z. I. C.
1963-64   P. M. Gravit, B. Sc.
1963-64   B H. Wilson.
1963-65   C. B. Marshall, B. Sc. (London).
1963-66   D. J. Ogilvie, M. A.
1963-68   R. E. Brassington, B. A.
1963-69   A. C. McDonald, M. A.
1964-66   and
1969-        J. P. McMechan, B. A.
1965-       W. F. Crist, B. Sc.
1966-75   R. Dunningham, Dip. F. A.
1966-79   T. L. Mullinder, B. A.
1966-72   M. J. Lewis, M. Sc.
1966-68   M. H. Kempshall.
1966-68   D. F. Lynch, A. T. C. L.
1966-72   L. A. Child.
1967-76   TeA. Ranapiri (Ransfield), T. Cert.
1967-74   C. J. McKay, F. N.Z. S. R.
1967-74   G. A. Allport, Adv. Tr. Cert,
1967-68   M. J. Andrews, B. A. Dip. Ed.  (Belfast).
1967-68   M. D. Lash, Dip. Tchg.
1968-       B. Sanders, B. A.
1967-70   Mrs. E. M. Anderson, B. H. Sc.
1967-69   J. K. Nevitt, B. A.
1968-       W. Smith, Teachers Cert.
1968-       I. J. Crawford, B. Sc.(St. Andrews) Dip .Ed.

Page 66

1968-75   Mrs. E. McCormick (part-time reading).
1968-69   J. D. Holland, B. Sc. (Birmingham)
1968-       F. F. Chu, B. A. M. Phys. Ed. (Springfield).
1969-73   G. W, Heaton, B. Com.
1969-75   F. Hague.
1969-       Mrs. E. Groves (part-time reading)
1969-71   and
1974-75   L G. Bradley.
1969-73   Mrs. A. Tristram, B. A., nee Miss S.J. Hodgson.
1969-72   Mrs. M. L Moss, B. A.
1969-70   Miss S. L Eastwood.
1970-73   H. Inomata, B. A. (Tokyo)
1970-76   H. P. MacEwan.
1970-73   D. J. Higgins, B. A. (London)
1970 –      R. J. Fowler, B. A. Bt. (Madras).
1970-71   Mrs. T. F. Hodder, B. A.
1971-       T McK. Reid, Teacher’s Cert.
1971-72   J. W. Chaplin, B. A.
1971-74   M. F. Leete, Adv. Tr. Cert.
1971-       D. Martin, Dip. Reading.
1972-       G, Cotching, B. Sc.
1972-74   O. McSwiney, M. A. (Oxon), M. lnst. P.
1972-74   M. Potter, M. A.(Cantab).
1972-75   R. J. Booth, B. A.
1973-79   C. R. Thomsen, Adv. Tr. Cert.
1973-77   D. Maclean, B. A., Dip. Soc. Sc., Dip. Ed., A. C. I. S.
1973-74   C. G. Wrightson, B. A.
1973-77   J. L. Lester, B. Sc.
1973-       D. F. Brown, M. A.
1973-78   R. W. Anderson, BA.
1973-74   Miss G. P. Mardle, M. A.
1974-75   E. J. Insull, B.Com. Dip. Bkg., F.C.A.
1974-       R. A. Timmer, M. Sc. (Delft.)
1974-78   W. G .Smith, B. A. Dip. Ed.
1974-75   D T. Johnston, M. A
1974-77   G. J. Greville, B. A.
1974-        L. P. de Treend, Teachers’ Cert.
1975-76   A. P. Turley, B. A.
1975-       G. J. Stent, Teacher’s Cert.
1975-76   R. S. Sage, B. A.
1975-        S. D. Reid, Tr. Cert.
1975-76   H. K. Carver, LI. B.
1975-  T. G. Allan, Teacher’s Cert.
1976-78   B. R. Winters, B. A.
1976-78   B. V. Travers, B.Com.
1976-79   J. T. Meha, Teacher’s Cert.
1976-78   M. G. Kidd, Dip. F. A.
1976-78   E. E. Davis, B. Ed.
1976-  K. Crawford, Teacher’s Cert.
1976-77  I. R. Burlace, M. A.
1977- G. P. Gardiner, M. Sc.
1977- J. M. Hensman, B. A.
1977-  J. E. Kelbrick, Tech. Cert. (C. G. L.I .)
1977- C. J. Bowen, Adv. Tr.Cert.(Carp.)
1977- P. C. Watt, B. A.
1978- N. E. Bouttell. Tr. Cert. (F. and W.)
1978- C. J. Homer, B. A. P. G, Dip. Arts.
1978-79   I. S. MacDonald, Dip. Phys. Ed.
1978- R. O. Perry, Teacher’s Cert.
1978- R. O. Scott (Akina School), Teacher’s Cert.
1979- G. E. Thomas, B. Sc.
1979- B. S. Alvis, Dip. Soc. Sc.
1979- M. J. Cleary,  B. A.
1979 Mrs. L. Gleeson, B. Ed.
1979- R. J. Gregory, Teacher’s Cert.
1979- D. Hall, B. Sc.
1979- I. J. Heard, Teacher’s Cert.
1979- P. W. Henderson, B. A.
1979- B. J. Herbert, Teacher’s Cert.
1979- Mrs. S. Laughton, Teacher’s Cert.
1979- D. W. McGrath, B. Ec. Dip. Ed.
1979- J. Ritchie, Dip. Pe. Dip. Ed.
1979- B. Roughton.
1979- M. Stothart, Teacher’s Cert.

Page 67


1904 – J. Salmon.
1905 – Eva Burton.
1906 – K. Ross.
1907 – L. Morgan.
1908 – A. McG. White.
1909 – Sarah Donnelly.
1910 – Flora McDonald.
1911 – V. R. Britten.
1912 – Elsie Harper.
1913 – T. W. Stockham.
1914 – A. Bullen.
1915 – S. G. A. Joll.
1916 – M. E. Bullen.
1917 – G. G. Briggs.
1918 – F. Jackson,
1919 – L. H. Briggs.
1920 – L H. Briggs.
1921 – Nora Frizzell.
1922 – R. Kernahan.
1923 – I. Brenton-Rule.
1924 – F. Whimp.
1925 – E. Giles.
1925 – Susan McKenzie.
1926 – G. Griffiths.
1926 – R. Gaustad.
1927 – Phyllis Flowers.
1927 – W. L. Anderson.
1928 – Peggy McKay.
1928 – R. A. Lynch.
1929 – Peggy McKay.
1929 – C. Taylor.
1930- F. M. Rush-Munro
1931 – Dinah Redpath.
1931 – W. Kean.
1932 – W. R. Laws.
1933 – Kathleen Tate.
1933 – C. F. S. Caldwell.
1934 – Mary O’Neill.
1935 – Celia O’Neill.
1935 – D. W. T. Sheppard.
1936 – Grace Thornton.
1937 – M. P.  Williams.
1937 – I. L. Baumgart.
1938 – M. P. Williams.
1938 – I. L. Baumgart.
1939 – Joyce Pratt.
1940 – Enid Westerman.
1941 – Enid Westerman.
1942 – G. S. Tuohy.
1943 – Doreen Dainey.
1944 – Joyce Gigg.
1945 – Shirley Hannah.
1945 – G. M. Will.
1946 – B. S. Liley.
1947 – Norma Brian.
1947 – D. A. Rawlinson.
1948 – Kay Johnstone.
1948 – B. F. Tuohy.
1949 – Ngaire Dudding.
1950 – Esther Foster.
1951 – H. K. Huddleston.
1952 – J. Cohen.
1953 – Janice Hemmingson.
1954 – Patricia Thawley.
1955 – A. R, Barnett.
1956 – P. D. McKenzie.
1957 – D. Cohen.
1958 – D.J. McLennan.
1959 – D. A. Wilde.
1960 – A. G. Black.
1960 – G. C. Wake.
1961 – B. L. M. Taylor.
1962 – D. W. Hill.
1963 – I. F. Boag
1964 – R. Norris.
1965 – A. G. Park.
1966 – L. D. Plank.
1967 – J. E. Quayle.
1968 – A. W. Plank.
1969 – D. J. Bedford.
1970 – P. D. Garland.
1971 – M. R. Fenton
1972 – R. J. Langton.
1973 – P. A. Herbert.
1974 – D. M. Wheeler
1975- B. Lewis.
1976 – R. G. Wood.
1977 – D. L. Bimler.
1978 – R. M. Cullen.
1979 – J. H. Armstrong.



1922 – W. Horton.
1923 – I. Brenton-Rule,
1924 – I. Brenton-Rule.
1925 – C. Colwill.
1926 – F. Bee.
1927 – P. A. Graham.
1928 – R. A. Lynch.
1929 – N. Collinge.
1930 – G. McKinley.
1931 – G. McKinley.
1932 – G. McKinley.
1933 – G. Donne.
1934 – M. de Denne.
1934 – C. T. Taaffe.
1935 – H. R. Laws.
1935 – W. H. Gumbley.
1936 – A. E. Clark.
1937 – I. L. Baumgart.
1938 – I. L. Baumgart.
1939 – D. J. Dickson.
1940 – G. K. Natusch.
1941 – J. O. Melling.
1942 – W. A. Panckhurst.
1943 – P. L. Cassin.
1944 – G. J. Oga.
1945 – G. M. Will.
1946 – J. H. Waymouth.
1947 – R. M. Sturm.
1948 – B. F. Tuohy.
1949 – D. A. Yule.
1950 – P. D. Brian.
1951 – M. A. Collins.
1952 – G. A. Rogers.
1953 – M. M. Kerr.
1954 – W. E. D. Stoupe.
1955 – M. D. S. Jarvis.
1956 – C. W. Bennett.
1957 – C. W. Bennett.
1958 – R. D. McLagan.
1959 – A. M. H. Baird.
1960 – H. T. Randell.
1961 – C. J. Monk.
1962 – G. S. Cumberbeach.
1963 – B. K. Jarvis.
1964 – N. D. Pratt.
1965 – C. R. Knight.
1966 – R. Elvidge.
1967 – M. G. Monk.
1968 – K. B de Ridder.
1969 – D. J. Bedford.
1970 – P. C. Bennett.
1971 – R. M. English.
1972 – R. J. Langton.
1973 – G. R. Brian.
1974 – H. G. McCormick.
1975 – N. G. Poulsen.
1976 – J. R. Dent.
1977 – A. R. Kippaxx.
1978 – M. R. O’Leary.
1979 – L. H. Thomas.

Page 68



1922 – E. Allison.
1923 – M. Flanders.
1924 – M. Flanders.
1925 – I. MacKenzie.
1926 – E. Percy.
1927 – E. Percy.
1928 – E. Percy.
1929 – M. Coles.
1929 – R. Jarvis.
1930 – M. Hopcroft.
1930 – N. Shaw.
1931 – J. Crombie.
1932 – L. Crombie.
1933 – K. Tate.
1934 – G. Howard.
1935 – M. Webb.
1936 – D. A. Haggett.
1937 – N. M. Emmerson.
1938 – C. J. C. Kelt.
1939 – J. M. Pratt.
1940 – M. W. Gray.
1941 – N. J. Baumgart.
1942 – Z. E. Hendry.
1943 – M. D. Rainey.
1944 – M. J. Gigg.
1945 – M. J. Lockie.
1946 – B. U. Sharpin.
1947 – M. N. Hall.
1948 – E. J. Jones.
1949 – M. Ward.
1950 – R. Liley.
1951 – M. Druzianic.
1952 – N. B. Knox.
1953 – P. V. Tier.
1954 – A. Hewitt.
1955 – S. Hickey.



School Champion:

1922 – H. Dujany.
1923 – H. Dujany.
1924 – E. Melrose.
1925 – P. Graham.
1926 – P. Graham.
1927 – P. Graham.
1928 – N. Collinge.
1929 – E. Apsey.
1930 – E. Apsey.
1931 – E. Apsey.
1932 – F. Sharpley.
1933 – O. Ebbett.
1934 – C. T. Taaffe.
1935 – W. Howard.
1936 – E. Howard.
1937 – J. Thorpe.
1938 – J. Thorpe.
1939 – E. Apperley.
1940 – A. Soppit.
1941 – J. Martin.
1942 – P. Cassin.
1943 – P. Cassin.
1944 – N. Herries.
1945 – L. Cassin.
1946 – J. G. Martin.
1947 – B. Wallace.
1948 – B. Tuohy.
1949 – I. MacDonald.
1950 – A. L. Mitchell.
1951 – W. Person.
1951 – G. Rogers.
1952 – N. B. Church.
1953 – B. H. Wilson.
1954 – B. H. Wilson.
1955 – T. Hollis.
1956 – H. Jones.
1957 – B. Tremewan.
1958 – K. Ryan.
1959 – W. Thomas,
1960 – C. Monk.
1961 – C. Monk.
1962 – K. Monk.
1963 – A. M. Simonson.
1963 – D. L. Prestcott.
1964 – A. M. Simonson.
1965 – C. W. Daly.
1966 – W. G. Smith.
1967 – J. M. Berkett.
1968 – N. I. Ward.
1969 – N. I. Ward.
1970 – S. P. Razos.
1971 – G. G. Martin.
1972 – S. L. Potts.
1973 – R. L. Edwards.
1974 – W. N. Robertson.
1975 – D. S. Youngson.
1976 – W. B. Gray.
1977 – W. B. Gray.
1978 – A. J. Dent.
1979 – L. J. Bell.

School Champion.

1922 – F. Clegg.
1923 – V. Gloyn.
1924 – M. Lowe.
1925 – M. Little.
1926 – M. Little.
1927 – M. Little.
1928 – R. Jarvis.
1929 – G. Symes.
1930 – H. Fendall.
1931 – F. Struthers.
1932 – R. Tong.
1933 – N. Henderson.
1934 – N. Lomas.
1935 – D. Swayn.
1936 – A. Taaffe.
1937 – J. Cox.
1938 – J. Taaffe.
1939 – I. Stevens
1940 – J. Taaffe.
1941 – A. Kennedy.
1942 – J. Perry.
1943 – S. McVay.
1944 – J. Cunningham.
1945 – S. Meads.
1946 – R. Roberts.
1947 – R. Roberts.
1948 – L. Nimon.
1949 – L. Nimon.
1950 – E. Martin.
1951 – M. Stuart.
1952 – T. Isaacson.
1953 – E. Hawke.
1954 – J. Powell.
1955 – J. Powell.

Page 69



1927 – F. Gloyn.
1928 – D. Patrick.
1929 – E. Apsey.
1930 – E. Apsey.
1931 – F. Craig.
1932 – J. Redwood.
1933 – G. Wright,
1934 – R. Morley.
1935 – C. Eves.
1936 – C. Eddie.
1937 – B. Tully.
1938 – T. Mullinder.
1939 – A. Soppit.
1940 – H. Campbell.
1941 – C. Goldstone.
1942 – D. P. Lowe.
1943 – S. Marshall.
1944 – L. Cassin.
1945 – L. Cassin.
1946 – S. Woon.
1947 – I. Anthony.
1948 – C. Smith.
1949 – J. Hammonds.
1950 – T. Greig.
1951 – D. Todd.
1952 – B. H. Wilson.
1953 – T. Hollis.
1954 – T. Hollis.
1955 – T. Hollis.
1956 – G. Clarke.
1957 – L. Wilson.
1958 – M. Macdonald.
1959 – A. M. Baird.
1960 – K. Hansen.
1961 – K. R. Crone.
1962 – K. R. Crone.
1963 – C. Knight.
1964 – R. Lyndon.
1965 – C. R. Knight.
1966 – R. J Bongard.
1967 – R. J. Bongard.
1968 – R. J. Bongard.
1969 – P. Symons.
1970 – H. Green.
1971 – W. M. Smith.
1972 – B. G. Thompson.
1973 – B. G. Thompson.
1974 – J. B. Kenyon.
1975 – P. Smith.
1976 – D. J. Bresnehan.
1977 – A. J. Dent.
1978 – A. J. Dent.
1979 – P. J. Black


Boys Senior Champions.

1928 – D. Hagenson.
1929 – F. Kelly.
1930 – H. Ribbands.
1931 – G. Christie.
1932 – J. F. Leedom.
1933 – H. O. Christie.
1934 – C. Eves.
1935 – C. Eves.
1936 – C. Eves.
1937 – No sports – polio.
1938 – C. D. Fergusson.
1939 – G. Hill.
1940 – E. McCracken.
1941 – E. McCracken.
1942 – W. Beckett.
1943 – S. J. Fergusson.
1944 – C. B. Moore.
1945 – L. Cash
1946 – R. D. McLay.
1947 – L. Sivewright.
1948 – R. Blewden.
1949 – R. Blewden.
1950 – R. Frater.
1951 – R. Frater.
1952 – J. Stephen,
1953 – J. Waring.
1954 – L. Cook.
1955 – R. S. Hall.
1956 – R. S. Hall.
1957 – R. S. Hall.
1958 – P. Turner.
1959 – P. Turner.
1960 – R. Sutherland.
1961 – B. Trask.
1962 – B. Trask.
1963 – J. Palmer.
1964 – J. Palmer.
1965 – Q. Tod.
1965 – E. Willis.
1966 – R. King.
1967 – L. Smith.
1968 – L. Smith.
1969 – G. Ballantyne.
1970 – R. Brown.
1971 – R. Brown.
1972 – S. Brown.
1973 – S. Brown.
1974 – K. Bartlett.
1975 – D. Kale.
1976 – J. E. Bone.
1977 – G. J. Hart.
1978 – K. Bone.
1979 – M. Bell.



1930 – Nancy Hickling.
1931 –  T. Eves.
1932 – M. Hull.
1933 – T. Eves.
1934 – T. Eves.
1935 – B. Thompson.
1936 – B. Thompson,
1937 – No sports – polio.
1938 – B. Thompson.
1939 – B. Thompson.
1940 – A. Kennedy.
1941 – A. Kennedy.
1942 – J. Perry.
1943 – L.  Mawson.
1944 – S. Bishop.
1945 – B. Ritchie.
1946 – D. Cash.
1947 – D. Mawson.
1948 – P. Frame,
1949 – B. Chipper.
1950 – L. Kitt.
1951 – B. Lambert.
1952 – B. Lambert.
1953 – J. Sheild.
1954 – N. Shield
1955 – N. Shield

Page 70


Note: – Records have been expunged prior to 1972 when all distances became metric. In 1973 the old House system was abandoned and an inter-form competition substituted.


Event   Record   Holder   Year
100 metres   12.4 secs.   D. Clapperton   1974
T. Fraser   1976
200 metres   25.9 secs.   D. Lambert   1976
400 metres   1 min. 3.2 secs.   H. McKee   1977
800 metres   2 min. 23.3 secs.   A. Hillson   1974
1500 metres   5 min. 8.4 secs.   A. Hillson   1974
3000 metres   10 mins. 49.3 secs.   C. Harris   1977
Discus   30.4 metres   S. Kamura   1973
Shot Put   11.3 metres   McDonald   1978
Javelin   36.15 metres   S. Christian   1977
Long Jump   5.10 metres   Ross   1977
High Jump   1.46 metres   R. Roa   1976
Triple Jump   10.31 metres   R. Wilkie   1976
80 metres Hurdles   14.6 secs.   S. Brannigan   1977


Event   Record   Holder.   Year

100 metres   11.9 secs.   R. Wilkie   1977
200 metres   25.5 secs.   G. Hosking   1976
400 metres   57.1 sees.   K. Rhodes   1973
800 metres   2 min. 13.1 secs.   K. Rhodes   1973
1500 metres   4 min. 50.8 secs.   A. Clouston   1974
3000 metres   9 min. 46.2 secs.   K. Rhodes   1973
Discus   35.7 metres.   S. Kamura   1974
Shot Put   11 .59 metres   Rowlands   1978
Javelin   33.23 metres.   Skipworth   1978
Long Jump   5.37 metres.   R. Wilkie   1977
High Jump   1.57 metres.   R. Roa   1977
Triple Jump   10.36 metres.   R. Wilkie   1977
80 metres Hurdles   13.1 secs.   P. Miller   1977


Event   Record   Holder   Year

100 metres   11.2 secs.   B. Woon   1974
200 metres   24.2 secs.   B. Woon   1974
400 metres   56.3 secs.   P. Jones   1978
800 metres   2 min. 16. 1 secs.   D. Kale   1974
1500 metres   4 min. 42.4 secs.   A. Clouston   1975
3000 metres   9 min. 50.6 secs.   A. Clouston   1975
Discus   37.38 metres   G. Razos   1975
Shot Put   11 .92 metres   G. Razos   1975
Javelin   46.55 metres   R. Childs   1975
C. Selwood   1974
Long Jump   5.55 metres   P. Tahu   1975
High Jump   1.56 metres   C. Hewlett   1974
Triple Jump   11.54 metres   C. Selwood   1975
110 Hurdles   17.0 secs.   R. Childs   1975

Page 71


Event   Record   Holder   Year

100 metres   10.4 secs.   W, Robertson   1974
200 metres   24.2 secs.   P. Blakey   1973
400 metres   53.7 secs.   S. Penny   1977
800 metres   2 min. 08.7 secs.   S. Penny   1977
1500 metres   4 mins. 17.7 secs.   M. Boor   1975
3000 metres   9 min. 48.5 secs.   W, Smith   1973
Discus   45.54 metres   G. Razos   1976
Shot Put   13.75 metres   G. Razos   1976
Javelin   43.90 metres   R. Childs   1976
Long Jump   5.9 1 metres   R. Edwards   1973
High Jump   1.69 metres   D. Youngson   1975
Triple Jump   12.16 metres   D. Youngson   1975
110 metres Hurdles   16.2 secs.   D. Youngson   1975



Event   Record Holder   Time   Year

30 metres Freestyle   K. Bone   18.8 secs.   1974
60 metres Freestyle   G, White   43.2 secs.   1976
60 metres Breaststroke   K. Black   65.6 secs.   1978
60 metres Backstroke   Harmer   53.8 secs.   1978


Event   Record Holder   Time   Year

30 metres Freestyle   B. Flowers   17.2 secs.   1976
60 metres Freestyle   R. Wiles   39.6 secs.   1974
60 metres Backstroke   D. Ross   50.0 secs.   1978
60 metres Breaststroke   D. Ross   58.5 secs.   1978


Event   Record Holder   Time   Year

30 metres Freestyle   G. Hart   16.7 secs.   1976
60 metres Freestyle   R. Wiles   37.7 secs.   1975
100 metres Freestyle   W. Murdoch   1 min. 03.7 secs.   1975
200 metres Freestyle   C. White   2 min. 17.0 secs.   1976
60 metres Backstroke   B. Hape   48.2 secs.   1978
60 metres Breaststroke   B. Hape   52.3 secs.   1978
50 metres Butterfly   R. Wibrow   34.9 secs . 1978


Event   Record Holder   Time   Year

30 metres Freestyle   G. Knight   16.5 secs.   1976
60 metres Freestyle   M. Bell   36.7 secs.   1978
100 metres Freestyle   K. Bone   1 min. 05.5 secs.   1978
200 metres Freestyle   G. Knight   2 mins. 20.2 secs.   1976
60 metres Backstroke   K. Bone   43.3 secs.   1978
60 metres Breaststroke   K. Bone   47.1 secs.   1978
50 metres Butterfly   K. Bone   32.3 secs.   1978

Page 72



v. Napier Boys’ B.H.S. 2nd XV
1927 – Won   16-12
Lost   10-18
1928 – Won   3-0
Drawn   5-5
1929 – Won   11-6
Won – 15-6
1930 – Won   14-8

v. Napier Boys’ H. S. 1st XV
1931 – Lost   3-26
1932 – Won   6-5
Lost   6-10
Won   8-6
1933 – Won 14-3
Lost   6-10
1934 – Lost   5-20
Lost   3-8
1935 – Won   24-0
Won   5-3
1936 – Lost   5-31
1937 – Lost   6-33
Lost   8-29
1938 – Lost   3-20
Lost   6-24
1939 – Won   19-3
Won   6-0
1940 – Won   18-15
1941 – Won   18-9
Lost   8-9
1942 – Drawn   8-8
Won   23-8
1943 – Lost   6-21
Lost   11-17
1944 – Lost   15-16
Won   11-0
1945 – Won   19-0
1946 – Lost   0-21
1947 – Lost   5-23
1948 – No match.
1949 – Lost   9-23
1950 – Won   9-3
1951 – Lost   5-11
1952 – Lost   15-17
1953 – Won   19-0
1954 – Lost   3-9
1955 – Won   16-0
1956 – Lost   0-8
1957 – Won   13-6
1958 – Lost   5-11
1959 – Lost   18-21
1960 – Won   14-11
1961 – Lost   3-12
1962 – Lost   0-3
1963 – Draw   6-6
1964 – Won   19-12
1965 – Lost   9-23
1966 – Won   13-12
1967 – Won   14-9
1968 – Won   12-6
1969 – Lost   8-9
1970 – Lost   15-19
1971 – Lost   0-14
1972 – Lost   4-17
1973 – Lost   7-32
1974 – Won   12-9
1975 – Lost   20-22
1976 – Lost   15-17
1977 – Won  15-3
1978 – Lost   0-3
1979 – Lost   13-35

v. Dannevirke H. S.
1927 – Lost   11- 9
Won   25-12
1928 – Lost   6-12
Won   11-5
1929 – Won   17-12
Won   20-3
1930 – Won   39-4
Won   14-11
1931 – Won   21-17
1932 – Won   11-9
1933 – Won   39-0
1934 – Lost   8-11
1935 – Won   17-3
1936 – Lost   0-3
1937 – Lost   8-78
1938 – Lost   3-47
1939 – Lost   3-11
1940 – Lost   0-8
1941 – Lost   5-16
1942 – Lost   3-14
1943 – Lost   9-11
1944 – Lost   6-8
1945 -Lost   10-29
Drawn   3-3
1946 – Lost   0-5
1947 – Lost   8-11
1948 – Lost   9-14
1949 – Lost   6-29
1950 – Lost   3-24
1951 – Won   11- 9
1952 – Won   9-6
1953 – Lost   0-15
1954 – Won   6-3
1955 – Lost   0-9
1956 – Won   6-3
1957 – Won   18-10
1958 – Drawn   3-3
1959 – Lost   6-11
1960 – Lost   11-13
1961 – Lost   6-11
1962 – Lost   3-11
1963 – Lost   3-6
1964 – Lost   8-17
1965 – Lost   3-11
1966 – Won   14-3
1967 – Won   17-3
1968 – Won   14-9
1969 – Lost   11-13
1970 – Lost   8-14
1971 – Won   26-8
1972 – Won   19-6
1973 – Won   44-20
1974 – Won   18-3
1975 – Won   32-0
1976 – Won   37-7
1977 – Won   14-6
1978 – Won   31-0
1979 – Lost   12-18

v. Church College Hamilton
1977 – Lost   10-11
1978 – Lost   3-20
1979 – Lost   3-22

Page 73

v. Gisborne H.S.
1930 – Won   19-5
1931 – Lost   0-20
1932 – Lost   6-18
1933 – Lost   11-20
1934 – Lost   3-11
1935 – Won   7-3
1936 – Won   13-6
1937 – Lost   3-40
1938 – Lost   12-15
1939 – Lost   3-15
1940 – Lost   11-12
1941 – Lost   6-15
1942 – Lost   3-8
1943 – Lost   8-19
1944 – Won   6-3
1945 – Lost   3-11
1946 – Lost   8-15
1947 – Lost   0-12
1948 – Lost   3-19
1949 – Lost   0-3
1950 – Lost   0-9
1951 – Won   14-13
1952 – Lost   3-12
1953 – Won   16-11
1954 – Lost   3-11
1955 – Lost   8-10
1956 – Lost   3-9
1957 – Drawn   10-10
1958 – Lost   3-27
1959 – Won   9-6
1960 – Lost   0-11
1961 – Won   19-10
1962 – Won   12-6
1963 – Lost   6-11
1964 – Lost   6-14
1965 – Lost   0-30
1966 – Lost   6-19
1967 – Lost   23-24
1968 – Lost   3-11
1969 – Lost   6-21
1970 – Lost   3-37
1971 – Lost   3-19
1972 – Lost   6-26
1973 – Lost   7-32
1974 – Lost   0-18
1975 – Lost   7-8
1976 – Lost   9-21
1977 – Won   18-7
1978 – Lost   3-33
1979 – Lost   6-24

v. Te Aute College 2nd XV
1929 – Lost   6-17
1930 – Drawn   9-9
1931 – Won   20-6

v. Te Aute 1st XV
1933 – Won   22-3
1934 – Won   14-8
Lost   3-14
1935 – Lost 3-6
1936 – Drawn   10-10
1937 – Lost   0- 46
1938 – Lost   0-47
1941 – Lost   6-12
1942 – Won   11-9

v. Waipawa D.H.S.
1928 – Won   12-6

v. King’s College.
1945 – Lost   0-11

v. Thames H.S.
1948 – Lost   6-8

v. Wanganui Boy’s College.
1973 – Won   23-10
1974 – Lost   18-25
1975 – Lost   6-9
1976 – Won   45-0
1977 – Lost   10-13
1978 – Lost   8-20
1979 – Lost   3-37

College Day.
1973 v. Te Aute College. Won 30-0.
1974 v. Wanganui Collegiate. Lost 0-14.
1975 v. Wairoa H.S. Won 17-0.
1976 v. Wellington College, won 13-10.
1977 v. Hamilton B.H.S. won 22-12.
1978 v. Christchurch B.H.S. Drew 12-12.
1979 v. Karamu H.S. Drew 0-0.

v. Old Boys.
1954 – Won   14-3
1955 – Lost   11-19
1956 – Won   19-6
1957 – No game.
1958 – Won   10-9
1959 – Won   24-17
1960 – Won   14-8
1961 – Won   30-3
1962 – Lost   8-28
1963 – Lost   14-15
1964 – Won   24-12
1965 – Lost   8-9
1966 – Won   29-18
1967 – Won   18-16
1968 – Lost   13-19
1969 – Won   14-8
1970 – Lost   6-8
1971 – No game.
1972 – Won   18-14
1973 – Lost   16-26
1974 – Lost   12-23
1975 – No game.
1976 – Won   14-6
1977 – Lost   12-25
1978 – Lost   13-18
1979 – No game.

Page 74

1st XI Inter-School Matches v. Napier Tech College 1st XI
1927 – Won by 28 runs on the first innings.

v. Napier B.H.S. 2nd XI
1928 – Won by 6 runs.
1929 – Lost by 23 runs.
1930 – Lost by 45 runs.
1931 – No game.
1932 – No game.
1933 – No game.
1934 – No game.
1935 – No game.

v. Napier B.H.S. 1st XI
1936 – Draw.
1937 – Lost by 8 wickets.
1938 – Lost by innings and 14 runs.
1939 – Draw.
1940 – Draw.
1941 – Lost by 39 runs.
1942 – Lost by 7 wickets.
1943 – No game.
1944 – Lost by 32 runs.
1945 – Lost by 120 runs.
1946 – Lost by 6 wickets.
1947 – Lost by 104 runs.
1948 – Draw.
1949 – Draw.
1950 – Lost by 8 wickets.
1951 – Draw.
1952 – Draw.
1953 – Lost by 76 runs.
1954 – Lost by 88 runs,
1955 – Draw.
1956 – Draw.
1957 – Won by 7 wickets.
1958 – Draw.
1959 – Lost by 47 runs.
1960 – Lost by 2 wickets.
1961 – Won by 88 runs.
1962 – Won by 233 runs.
1963 – Lost by 2 wickets.
1964 – Lost by 7 wickets.
1965 – Won by an innings and 18 runs.
1966 – Lost by an innings and 21 runs.
1967 – Lost by an innings and 8 runs.
1968 – Lost by 8 wickets.
1969 – Won by 141 runs.
1970 – Lost by 5 wickets.
1971 – Draw.
1972 – Draw.
1973 – Draw.
1974 – Won by 39 runs.
1975 – Won by 82 wickets.
1976 – Won by 37 runs.
1977 – Won by 14 runs.
1978 – Draw.
1979 – Won by 7 wickets.

v. Dannevirke B.H.S.
1928 – Won by 168 runs.
1929 – Lost by 47 runs.
Won by 11 runs.
1930 – Won by 36 runs.
Won by 1 wicket.
1931 – Draw.
1932 – Lost by 9 wickets.
1933 – Lost by 42 runs,
Won by an innings and 15 runs.
1934 – Lost by 82 runs.
Won by 25 runs.
1935 – Won by I wicket.
Won by 210 runs.
1936 – Lost by I wicket.
Won by an innings and 90 runs.
1937 – Lost by 8 wickets.
1938 – Draw.
1939 – Lost by innings and 131 runs.
1940 – Draw.
1941 – Lost by 174 runs,
1942 – Lost by 8 runs.
1943 – Lost by 143 runs.
1944 – Lost by 99 runs.
1945 – Lost by 153 runs.
1946 – Draw.
1947 – No game.
1948 – Won by innings and 1 run.
1949 – Won by 113 runs.
1950 – Lost by 9 wickets.
1951 – Lost by 10 runs.
1952 – Draw.
1953 – Lost by 3 runs.
1954 – Won by an innings and 17 runs.
1955 – Won by 8 wickets.
1956 – Draw.
1957 – Rained out.
1958 – Draw.
1959 – Won by 10 wickets.
1960 – Won by 133 runs.
1961 – Won by an innings and 77 runs.
1962 – Won by 3 wickets.
1963 – Won by an innings and 99 runs.
1964 – Won by 98 runs.
1965 – Rained out.
1966 – Draw.
1967 – Rained out.
1968 – Draw.
1969 – Lost by 7 wickets
1970 – Draw.
1971 – Won by 5 wickets.
1972 – Won by an innings and 51 runs.
1973 – Won by 6 wickets.
1974 – Won by an innings and 162 runs.
1975 – Draw.
1976 – Lost by 8 wickets.
1977 – Draw.
1978 – Won by an innings and 3 runs.
1979 – Draw.

v. St. Paul’s Collegiate, Hamilton.
1973 – Won by 8 wickets.
1974 – Draw.
1975 – Lost by 2 wickets.
1976 – Lost by an innings and 16 runs.
1977 – Rained out.
1978 – Draw. Rain.
1979 – No match.

Page 75


1st XI Cricket
1927 – W. Anderson.
1928 – R. A. Lynch.
1929 – M. Dyer.
1930 – M. Dyer.
1931 – E. G. Apsey.
1932 – F. Coates.
1933 – C. F. Caldwell.
1934 – E. Garnett.
1935 – E. F. Mullinder.
1936 – A. E. Clark.
1937 – J. A. McDowell.
1938 – T. L. Mullinder.
1939 – K. R. Dyer.
1940 – R. Davis.
1941 – R. Davis.
1942 – R. Davis.
1943 – P. L. Cassin.
1944 – M. J. Hay
1945 – G. C. Apperley.
1946 – J. H. Waymouth.
1947 – J. G. Martin.
I. S. Macdonald.
1948 – I. S. Macdonald.
1949 – D. A. Yule.
1950 – R. G. Gurran.
1951 – B. McK. Kerr.
1952 – R. Finney.
1953 – M. McK. Kerr.
1954 – A.G. Brown.
1955 – J. P. Jones.
1956 – R. J. Jarvis.
1957 – R. J. Jarvis.
1958 – B. Tremewan.
1959 – D. A. Wilde.
1960 – W. J. Bixley.
1961 – I. D. Woon.
1962 – G. Woon.
1963 – J. Pepper.
1964 – J. Pepper.
1965 – A. Milne-Allan.
1966 – M. Bixley.
1967 – K. Flack.
1968 – N. Kenning.
1969 – N. Kenning.
1970 – S. Kale.
1971 – R. Robertson.
1972 – A. Blair.
1973 – W. Robertson.
1974 – N. Rosenberg.
1975 – M. Brannigan.
1976 – R. Hill.
1977 – G. Harding.
1978 – G. Harding.
1979 – A. J. Rohrs.

1st XV Rugby

1927 – P. Clifton.
1928 – C. Goldsmith.
1929 – C. Goldsmith.
1930 – R. D. Patrick.
1931 – E. G. Apsey.
1932 – G. W. McKinley.
1933 – D. M. Smith.
1934 – W. H. Gumbley.
1935 – W, H. Gumbley.
1936 – A. E. Clark.
1937 – T. L. Mullinder.
1938 – I. W. Maaka.
1939 – I. W. Maaka.
1940 – T. B. Norman.
1941 – E. R. McCracken.
1942 – W. A. Panckhurst.
1943 – W. A. McGavock.
1944 – M. N. Richmond.
1945 – N. V. Herries.
1946 – N. G. Cooper.
1947 – N. G. Cooper.
1948 – B. A. Wallace.
1949 – D. A. Yule.
1950 – R. G. Gurran.
1951 – T. J. Greig.
1952 – G. Kamau.
1953 – A. Lemmon.
1954 – A. Lemmon.
1955 – M. D. S. Jarvis.
1956 – G. E. Clarke.
1957 – P. G. Bark.
1958 – D. G. Elvidge.
1959 – D. G. Elvidge.
1960 – D. A. Painter.
1961 – A. D. Timms.
1962 – D. R. Strachan.
1963 – B. K. Jarvis.
1964 – J. Chadwick.
1965 – C. R. Knight.
1966 – A. Pratt.
1967 – M. Hutchison.
1968 – I. R. Boyd.
1969 – S. J. McGavock.
1970 – S. J. McGavock.
1971 – K. Hall.
1972 – B. Rosenberg.
1973 – G. Toms.
1974 – J. Kenyon.
1975 – R. Brown.
1975 – M. Razos.
1976 – R. Childs.
1977 – M. O’Leary.
1978 – M. O’Leary.
1979 – G. Stephens.



1939 – A. Kennedy.
1940 – A. Kennedy.
1941 – M. Gray.
1942 – A. Kennedy.
1943 – C. McKennie.
1944 – B. Hall.
1945 – O. Tupaea.
1946 – L. Nimon.
1947 – L. Castles.
1948 – R. Edwards.
1949 – R. Edwards.
1950 – R. Edwards.
1951 – A. Breakwell.
1952 – C. Mills.
1953 – C. Mills.
1954 – C. Mills.
1955 – J. Farrell.

Page 76


1939- R. Harding.
1940- G. Roe.
1941- G. Roe.
1942 – T. G. Elliott.
1943 – P. Cassin.
1944 – R. L. Ching.
1945 – K. Le Compte.
1946 – R. Blewden.
1947 – R. Blewden.
1948 – R. Blewden.
1949 – W. Hargreaves.
1950 – J. Smillie.
1951 – P. Edwards.
1952 – A. Mills.
1953 – A. Mills.
1954 – G. Walden.
1955 – E. Hayes.
1956 – J. Thomson.
1957 – M. Wilford.
1958 – B. R. Morley.
1959 – P. Painter.
1960 – R. P. Harrison.
1961 – R- P. Harrison.
1962 – W. J. Farrell.
1963 – R. E. Burgess.
1964 – L. D. McCarthy.
1965 – L. D. McCarthy.
1966 – R. J. Davis.
1967 – L. D. McCarthy.
1968 – R. J. Langton.
1969 – R. G. Goslin.
1970 – R. G. Goslin.
1971 – R. J. Langton.
1972 – M. S. Stothart.
1973 – N. Wong.
1974 – W. B. Gray.
1975 – W. B. Gray.
1976 – D. McKillop.
1977 – S. V. Marshall.
1978 – S. V. Marshall.
1979 – K. G. Stephens.


1941 – P. E. Dunn.
1942 – P. E. Dunn.
1943 – T. J. Roberts.
1944 – P. E. Dunn.
1945 – G. C. Apperley.
1946 – T. D. Quinlivan.
1947 – B. J. Perry.
1948 – H. F. Priest.
1949 – I. S. Macdonald.
1950 – G. A. Rodgers.
1951 – G. Kamau.
1952 – G. Kamau.
1953 – R. Grudnoff.
1954 – R. Grudnoff.
1955 – A. Mitchell.
1956 – P. A. Haden.
1957 – D. J. Bawden.
1958 – P. Turner.
1959 – D. Wilde.
1960 – J. Pickett.
1961 – D. Low.
1962 – P. F. Bixley.
1963 – R. B. McMillan.
1964 – G. Fowles.
1965 – G. Fowles.
1966 – L. D. Plank.
1967 – B. Heighway.



v. Woodford
1927 – Won   18-12
1928 – Lost   11-22
1929 – Won   14-10
Won   15-14
1930 – Won   25-13
Won   20-13
1931 – Won   17-7
1933 – Won   19-10
Lost   15-17
1934 – Won   20-16
Lost   12-15
1935 – Lost   16-20
Lost   22-23
1936 – Lost   8-12
1937 – Won   22-16
1938 – Won   18-16
1939 – Lost   21-22
1942 – Lost   9-20
1943 – Won   23-11
1945 – Draw   21-21
1947 – Won   30-29
1948 – Won   16-15
1949 – Won   25-13
1950 – Won   18-14
1951 – Won   41-7
1953 – Won   14-12
1954 -Won   28-18

v. Hukarere.
1930 – Lost   12-15
1934 – Won   31-7
1935 – Won   35-15
1937 – Lost   18-19
1938 – Won   23-18
1939 – Won   24-23
1940 – Lost   10-20
1941 – Won   21-13
1942 – Lost   6- 9
1943 – Lost   16-17
1946 – Lost   17-26
1947 – Lost   17-25
1948 – Won   21-15
1949 – Won   14-11
1950 – Lost   4-21
1951 – Won   17-15
1952 – Won   25-15
1953 – Rained out.
1954 – Won   22-18,
1955 – Won   22-21

Page 77

v. Iona.
1927 – Won   64- 8
1928 – Won   13- 8
Won   20- 2
1929 – Won   22-12
1930 – Won   22-10
1933 – Won   20-13
Lost   11-12
Won   17- 9
1934 – Won   11- 8
Won   16-11
1935 -Won   18-14
Won   18-13
1936 – Lost   22-24
Lost   23-24
1937 – Lost   15-18
Lost   18-23
1938 – Lost   18-22
1939 – Won   20-12
1939 – Won   35-13
1940 – Won   27-19
1941 – Won   23- 9
Won   28-11
1942 – Won   17-11
Won   19-11
1943 – Won   14-11
1944 – Won   24-19
Lost   18-21
1945 – Won   34-20
Won   35-17
1946 – Won   33-25
1947 – Won   19-12
1948 – Won   35-13
1949 – Won   12-11
1950 – Won   16-11
1951 – Won   31-15
1953 – Lost   12-18
1954 – Won   23- 8
1955 – Won   27-17

vs. Napier Girls’ H.S.
1927 – Lost   8-10
1928 – Won   18-12
1929 – Won   22-21
1930 – Draw   19-19
1931 – Won   16-14
Draw   15-15
Won   11-10
1932 – Won   25-13
Won   19- 3
1933 – Won   23-16
1934 – Draw   20-20
1935 – Won   19-15
1936 – Lost   15-23
1937 – Lost   22-24
1938 – Lost   19-20
1939 – Won   22- 6
1940 – Lost   13-16
1941 – Lost   17-24
1942 – Lost   8-20
1943 – Won   24-12
1944 – Lost   8-12
1945 – Won   19-18
1946 – Won   20-17
1947 – Won   22-13
1948 – Won   29-20
1949 – Won   19- 8
1950 – Lost   18-20
1951 – Won   20-15
1952 – No game
1953 – No game
1955 – Won   26-25

v. Waipawa D.H.S.

1937 – Lost   22-24
1938 – Lost   20-27
1939 – Won   33-18
1940 – Won   29-23
1941 – Lost   26-29
1942 – Won   27-25
1943 – Won   31-17
1946 – Won   37- 7
1947 – Won   25-15
1948 – Won   34-15
1949 – Won   22-7
1950 – Won   19-8
1951 – Won   33-8.

v. Dannevirke H. S.
1952 – Won   27- 4
1953 – Lost   16-21

Page 78


BAIRD, Phyllis (Phyl.), Hastings.
BOAG, V.,  Hastings.
ELVIDGE, John, Napier.
FERGUSSON, F., Havelock North.
FIPPARD, N. B., Hastings.
JONES, S. I., Hastings.
McKEARNEY, Murray J., Hastings.
ROBERTS, Annette, Hastings.
SHAKESPEARE, R., Hastings.

(Maiden Name in Brackets)

ANDERSON, H. W. David, Auckland.
BARLEY, Colleen (Black), Havelock North.
BENGE, A. H. “Alf”, Havelock North.
BIBBY, Hugh Neil, Mt. Maunganui.
CHRISTIAN, H. L. “Hal”, Orewa.
CLOSE, Dave, Morrinsville.
CRAVEN, V. M., Palmerston North.
CRIST, William Frank, Hastings.
FALLWELL, Marjory Jean (Struthers), Hastings.
FULLER, Geoffrey F., Havelock North.
FULLER, Margaret E. (Macdonald), Havelock North.
HAMILTON, T. G. “Buck”, Havelock North.
HARRISON, M., Hastings.
HARRISON, Richard Irving, Hastings.
HEARD, I. J., Hastings.
HOSKINS, Aubury, Havelock North.
HUCKSTEP, Warren, Hastings.
JONES, S. I, Hastings.
KEMPSHALL, Michael, Havelock North.
KIDD, Ron, Hastings.
LEWIS, Judy (Dey), Waikanae.
LEWIS, Merv., Waikanae.
LILEY, P. G., Hastings.
LINYARD, Edith Annie, Hastings.
LINYARD, Phil, Hastings.
MACDONALD, Ivan, Haumoana.
MACEWAN, Hugh Patrick, Hastings.
MILLER, Constance M. M.(Miller), Hastings.
MONK, M. G., Hastings.
MOORE, John Leslie N., Waikanae Beach.
MULLINDER, Trevor, Hastings.
PENLINGTON, W. A. G. “Pen”, Havelock North.
POTTER, Martin, Chatham Islands.
REID, Tori, Hastings.
STEELE, Marion A. (Steele), Havelock North.
THOMAS, Graham, Hastings.
TIER, Veronica “Ron”, Hamilton.
TRIMBLE, Keith, Havelock North.
TRISTRAM, Susan J. (Hodgson), Whataroa.
VAN ASCH, Marion (Miller), Hastings.
VICKERIDGE, N, O., Hamilton.
WALLACE, Josephine (Wallace), Christchurch.
WHELAN, Patrick J., Auckland.
WILDE, Norm., Hastings.
WILDE, Sheila (Woodhouse), Hastings.


Mrs. Alexander, Hastings.
Lady Louise Bate (nee Jordan), Former staff, Hastings.
Ian Baumgart, Wellington.
Cyril Beale, Lower Hutt.
R. H. Bevin (former staff), Wellington.
Marguerite Bond, Hastings.
Martin Brown (Ex Board Chairman), Cambridge (U. K.),
Pat Blackwell, Pokeno.
Phillip Cassin, Mt. Waverley (Vict.)
Julia Cotter (nee Isdale), Springfield (U. S. A.).
Barry Donovan, Melbourne (Vict.)
Major and Betty Eade (D. P. to 1978). Huntingdon (U. K.)
Graeme Elliott, Masterton.
Mrs. Emmett (Ex. Board Member), Wellington.
Ray Fargher (former staff), Wellington.
Nancy Hare (nee Lomas), Tauranga.
Wendy Heald, Wellington.
Keith Huddleston (former staff), Auckland.
Mrs. Hollier, Brisbane (Q’ld.)
Myrtle Lambert, Calgary (Canada).
Elizabeth Lange (nee Macdonald), Gisborne.
George Lowe, Nottingham (U. K.)
Christopher McKearney, Rornes (U. K.)
Helen Miller (Dept. of Ed.), Wellington.
Dan O’Neill, Christchurch.
Margaret Patrick, Ex Staff – nee Wood), Wellington.
Bill Panckhurst, Invercargill.
Lindsay Plank, Pasadena (U. S. A.).
Henry Randell, Kaniva (Vict.).
Mrs. Sullivan, Dunedin.
Doreen Smith (nee Reid), Surrey (U. K.)
T. K. Taylor, Dalkeith (West. Aust.).
Gunter Warner (ex Staff), Auckland.
Bill Young, Paris (France).
Central H. B. College, Waipukurau.
Hastings Intermediate School, Hastings.

Page 79


DECADE 1904 TO 1913
(Maiden name in parentheses)

DROWN, Ronald, Hastings.
JOLL, Sydney, G. A., Havelock North.
JONES, Allan Lisle, Napier.
JONES, Colin A., Howick.
JONES, Sidney “Jonah”, Hastings.
KEITH, Vera Marjory (Britten), Hastings.
MACDONALD, Mary (Pepper), Hastings.
MORONEY, Dorothy (Clarke), Hastings.
POWDRELL, C. “Chrissie” (Watkins), Hastings.
UPCHURCH, Daisy (Marchant), Hastings.
WILLIAMS, Ruby (McCormick), Hastings.

Decade 1914 to 1923
(Maiden name in parentheses)

ANDERSON, Doris Irene (Anderson), Hastings.
ANDERSON, William Luxton, Waipukurau.
BARCLAY, Cyril, Havelock North.
BEAL, Isobel (Beal), Hastings.
BELL, Mary (Collins), Hastings.
BUTLER, Doris (Cooper), Upper Hutt.
COWAN, L. Ray M. (Symes), Napier.
CRAVEN, Coleen (Colello), Hastings.
CRAVEN, Valerie M. (Gloyn), Palmerston N.
CRAWFORD, Ivan Douglas, Gisborne.
CROMBIE, Eileen (Crombie), Havelock Nth.
CROMBIE, Margaret M,(Crombie), Havelock North.
FIPPARD, N. B. “Fip.”, Hastings.
FIPPARD, N. B. “Flo”. (Webb), Hastings.
FRIZZELL, Nora “Friz.” (Frizzell), Bay View.
GOLDSMITH, Louis George, Hastings.
HEENAN, Ivan Bentley, Havelock North.
HENDERSON, E. A. “Buster”, Hastings.
HINGSTON, Dallas (Perress), Hastings.
HITCHENS, Amy Frances (Horton), Hastings.
HORTON, Naomi Vant, (Horton), Hastings.
INGHAM, Rona Merle (Sefton), Taupo.
JARVIS, John Hector, Hastings.
JONSON, Otto, Hastings.
LANE, Zoe (Donkin), Hastings.
LENNON, E. M. “Tottie” (Briggs), Havelock North.
LILEY, Alma (Masters), Hastings.
LINCOLN, J. W. “Elmo”, Havelock North.
MARSHALL, Henry George, Pakowhai.
McCARTHY, Bill, Takapuna.
McKAY, Lorna “Bick” (Bickley),Taradale.
McLAREN, B. R. “Mick’, Havelock North.
MILES, Joe, Taradale.
MILNE May Adeline (Flanders)., Levin.
OLIVER, Alexander N., Hastings.
POLLOCK, Hilda Margaret (Webb), Havelock North.
ROACH, Chris (Grigor), Lower Hutt.
ROSENBERG, Wilfrid Thomas, Hastings.
SCOTT, Phyl (Macdonald), Havelock North.
SIGNAL, Una Nerissa M. (Sefton), Feilding.
SMALL, Stan, Hastings.
SMITH, Edna (Coulson), Hastings.
SMITH, Joan (Lovell-Smith), Napier.
SPENCE, Hector, Hastings.
UNWIN, Frederick V., Hastings.
WALL, Gwendolin Vera (de Frere), Hastings.
WEBB, Eric John, Havelock North.
WILKINSON, Len, Hastings.

Page 80

DECADE 1924 to 1933)
(Maiden name in parentheses)

ALDRIDGE, Arthur Francis, Waipukurau.
ALDRIDGE, Irene Elizabeth (Lovell-Smith), Waipukurau.
ALDRIDGE, Frank, Hastings.
ALDRIDGE, Peggy (Sanderson), Hastings.
ANDREWS, Murray, Gisborne.
ARNOLD, Jean (Elliott), Auckland.
ASHCROFT, Sybell E. L. (Tyers), Havelock North.
BARTON, Ngaire (Roe), Tauranga.
BARTON, Rodger, Tauranga.
BECKETT, Mavis Irene (Harding), Hastings.
BEWLEY, Jessie (Gigg), Hastings.
BEWLEY, Mort, Hastings.
BLAKE, Hazel (Tyers), Te Puke.
BLUMMONT, Ruth (Symons), Haumoana.
BOAG, Victor, Hastings.
BRIDGES, Cecelia M. (O’Neill), Thames.
BROMLEY, Zora (Symons), Hastings.
BURN, Florence (McRobbie), Hastings.
BURNARD, Henry William, Hastings.
BURNELL, Felix Murray, Taradale.
BURTON, Frank “Toby”, New Plymouth.
BUTTERFIELD, K. M. “Betty” (Marven), Morrinsville.
CAMPBELL, Joyce Margaret (Pratt), Hastings.
CAMPBELL, Marjorie Joan (Webb), Wellington.
CAPILL, Mary Georgina (Young), Bunnythorpe.
CARSWELL, Zoe (Ashcroft), Napier.
CASH, Ruth C. “Cassie” (Harris), Hastings.
CATO, Una (McKay), Hastings.
CLARK, Patricia Jean (Jarvis), Te Puke.
CLARKE, W. T. “Bill”, Hastings.
COATES, Frank “Jim”, Rotorua.
COATES, Walter William, Matamata.
COLES, Sidney P., Hastings.
COLLINGE, Norman Gregory, Hamilton.
COMPTON, Ivan B., Wellington.
COOK, Lorna (Thomsen), Lower Hutt.
COOMBE, Rosa (Lloyd), Hastings.
COTTERILL, Gerard Keith, Wellington.
CRAWFORD, Mavis (Burge), Hastings.
CRAWLEY, Evelyn Jean (Ebbett), Taradale.
CRAWLEY, George Alfred, Hastings.
CRAWLEY, Hector Arthur, Taradale.
CRERAR, Laurie, Hastings.
CRERAR, Pat (Young), Hastings.
CROMPTON-SMITH, Percy, Havelock North.
CULLINANE, Joyce Lorraine (Growcott), Havelock North.
DAVIDSON, Noel, Hastings.
DAVIS, R. D. “Dick”, Hastings.
DE DENNE, Bob, Otane.
DE DENNE, Max, Gisborne.
DE FRERE, Allan, Havelock North.
DOBSON, Merle (Weaver), Hastings.
DOHERTY, Florence Ellen (Murton), Hastings.
DONKIN, A. E. “Bert”, Wellington.
DONNE, Lady Fay (Hall), Rarotonga.
DONNE, Sir Gaven, Rarotonga.
DOOLE, Bernard Robert, Wairoa.
DOOLE, Ken, Hastings.
DRUMMOND, Ken “Tiny”, Hastings.
DRURY, John William, Havelock North.
DUIGAN, Nola Mary (Emmerson), Hastings.
DUNCAN, Andrew, Taradale.
DYER, Maurice M., Hastings.
DYER, Neville Noel, Hastings.
EBBETT, Harley (Bates), Napier.
EBBETT, Owen, Napier.
EDWARDS, David, Papakura.
ELLINGHAM, M. W. “Patty” (Morrin), Dannevirke.
ELLIOTT, Alex James, Hastings.
ESAM, James G. “Jim”, Hastings.
EVES, Cyril, Tauranga.
FARGHER, Phil A., Taradale.
FERGUSSON, Frank “Ferg.”, Havelock North.
FIELD, Roland Orton, Ohaupo, Waikato.
FRASER, Marjorie (Everard), Lower Hutt.
GADD, A. W. “Oscar”, Hastings.
GADD, Jack, Hastings.
GARLAND, Keith Owen, Hastings.
GARNETT, Eric James, Otorohanga.
GARRIOCH, E. E. “Betty” (Garrioch), Hastings.
GIBBS, Helen (Linyard), Havelock North.
GILES, E. R. (Barney), Trentham.
GLEW, Ruby (Sargent), Hastings.
GOLDSMITH, Claude “Ike”, Hastings.
GOODALL, R. Ernest “Ern”, Hastings.
GOODALL, Una (Loach), Hastings.
GOODMAN, Amy Jean (Mackay), Hastings.
GRAINGER, B. R. “Trixie” (Eves), Taupo.
GRIGOR, Mary F. R. (Grigor), Lower Hutt.
GROVES, Betty (Usherwood), Hastings.
GUMBLEY, Warwick, H. H,, Hastings.
HAGENSON, D. E. “Don”, Hastings.
HAGGETT, Norma, (Haggett), Thames.
HARPER, Mavis (McLeod), Hastings.
HARRIS, Nola (Harris), Hastings.
HARRIS, Walter V. “Vin”, Napier.
HEATON, Eric C., Te Puke.
HEWITT, Jean (Hill), Taradale,
HIGGINS, Joyce (Higgins), Hastings.
HIGGINS, Ronald Joseph, Havelock North.
HILL, Betty (Lindsay), Hastings.
HILL, Graham McAulay, Hastings.
HILL, I. V. “Barney”, Waipukurau.

Page 81

HILL, Keith, Hastings.
HILL, Norma Morea (Strong), Waipukurau.
HILL, Peggy (Somervell), Auckland.
HIRST, Dora (Hirst), Hastings.
HOCKING, Enid (Lusher), Napier.
HODGSON, Joseph Edward, Te Horo.
HOLLEVER, Anne (Marigold), Takapau.
HOOKER, Derek David, Wellington.
HOPCRAFT, Alice May (Hopcraft), Hastings.
HORTON, Trevor Charles, Rotorua.
HOUGHTON, Mollie (Hull), Manurewa.
HOWARD, Bill, Hastings.
HUGHES, Margaret (Millson), Auckland.
HUNT, John Victor, Te Awanga.
JAMIESON, George David, Waipukurau.
JARVIS, Bundy, Hastings.
JARVIS, Peggy (McKay), Hastings.
JOHNSTON, Jean (Thompson), Wellington.
JOLL, Lindsey (Crombie), Napier.
JOLL, Roy, Napier.
JONES, Mabel Elizabeth (Griffiths), Napier.
JONES, Walter George, Masterton.
KELT, Ian, Hastings.
KELT, Jean (Kelt), Havelock North.
KEMP, Eileen Hilda (Lord), Havelock North.
KING, Margaret (Crawford), Wanganui.
KIRK, Barbara I. (Mackay), Taradale.
KITCHING, Dorothy (Anderson), Havelock North.
KNUCKY, G. P. “Geoff”, Hastings.
KNUCKEY, Irene “Rene”(Hackett), Hastings.
LANGE, F. Carstairs, Napier.
LANGLEY, Doug., Hamilton.
LAY, Winifred Mary (Clark), Hastings.
LEAN, Dalby, Hastings.
LEE, Freda (Martin), Hastings.
LEECH, Madge Evelyn (Wilson), Hastings.
LEEDOM, Caroline Coate (Slade), Auckland.
LEEDOM, Conway Allan, Auckland.
LEEDOM, John Francis, Dargaville.
LESTER, Joan (Natusch), Auckland.
LINCOLN, Sybil Maud (Lincoln), Hastings.
LITTLE, Nola (Carrell), Hastings.
LOVELL-Smith, Rex, Christchurch.
LOWE, Muriel Dorothy (Shaw), Hastings.
LUSHER, Charlie, Hastings.
MACDONALD, Ethel (Burden), Taradale.
MANLEY, Tom, Tauranga.
MARSHALL, Mary R. “Molly” (Lay), Pakowhai.
MARSHALL, Peter, Hastings.
MASTERS, Fred, Hastings.
MAYO, Harold P., Hastings.
MAYO, Mary P. (Mayo), Hastings.
McALEESE, William H., Wanganui.
McCORMICK, A. A. (Mack), Hastings.
McDOUGALL, Lewis Alex, Napier.
McGRATH, Mona (McGrath), Hastings.
MclNDOE, Noeline Ellen (Rogers), Auckland.
McKAY, Jean (Crombie), Napier.
McKAY, Nolan, Waipukurau.
McKENNA, Edna (Morton), Hastings.
McKERRELL, Ethel Mavis (Hackett), Hastings.
McKINLEY, Gordon, Waipukurau.
McLAREN, Eila (Painter), Hastings.
McLEAY, Joyce (Mackay), Hastings.
McMULLEN, Elsie Jean (Dixon), Masterton.
McNAB, Thora Frances (Davidson), Hastings.
MEADS, Joan (Weaver), Feilding.
MELLING, Jean (Priest), Hastings.
MICHAELSEN, Kathleen Mary (Pickering), Greenmeadows.
MILLS, Muriel Gwen (Barley), Taradale.
MILNE, Eni Bertha (Southon), Hastings.
MITCHELL, Nancy Mathews (Wellwood), Hastings.
MORRIN, Joan (Maddison), Havelock North.
MORRIN, Strat, Havelock North.
MORSE, Ruth Katherine (Jarvis), Dargaville.
MURTAGH, Gwen (Giles), Hastings.
MURTAGH, T. R. “Bill”, Hastings.
NATUSCH, Roy, Hastings.
NELSON, Sheila Maud (Russell), Hastings.
O’CONNOR, Norma (Knuckey), Hastings.
O’LEARY, George, Wellington.
OLIVER, Joyce (Loach), Hastings.
O’NEILL, John, Wellington.
ORBELL, Jean Amanda L. (Macaulay), Hastings.
ORMISTON, James “Jim”, Hastings.
ORMISTON, Mary (Ormiston), Hastings.
ORMISTON, Walter, Hastings.
OXBROW, Alfred J. “Jack”, Gisborne.
PAYNTER, Delcie Mary (Nicholls), Hastings.
PERCY, Noeleen (Wellwood), Hastings.
PETRY, Leslie Mitchell, Wellington.
PINDAR, Kathleen C. (Higgins), Hastings.
PLANK, Dudley, Hastings.
PLANK, Rachel (Schofield), Hastings.
POMEROY, Winifred “Winty” (Vyner), Hastings.
PRESSWOOD, Albert Lawrence, Cambridge.
PRITCHARD, Tom, Hastings.
RAYNER, Elfreda (Tims), Hastings.
REDPATH, Sybil Liley (Redpath), Havelock North.
REID, Olive Kathleen (Bixley), Hastings.
REID, Phyllis Edith (McKeown), Hastings.
RICHARDS, Grace Patricia, (Everard), Lower Hutt.
RICHARDS, Iris (Curry), Manurewa.
RIEPER, Marie (Robins), Greenmeadows.
RITTER, Ursula (Nelson), Auckland.
ROBERTSON, Alex “Robbie), Napier.
ROGERS, Cecil William, Auckland.
ROPE, Mary Marjorie (Fraser), Upper Hutt.
ROSENBERG, Dulcie Stella (Howard), Hastings.

Page 82

ROSS, Leslie, Hastings.
ROSSER, Lorna Jean (Clifton), Auckland.
ROWLANDS, Winifred (List), Napier.
RUSH-MUNRO, F. M. “Rush”, Wellington.
SANDERS, Ian D., Palmerston North.
SCOTT, Jim, Papatoetoe.
SEPHTON, Flora Alice (Struthers), Hastings.
SETON, Jack, Hastings.
SHAKESEARE, Ron, Hastings.
SHARPLEY, Frank, Papakura.
SHARPLEY, John F. “Jack”, Nelson.
SHATTKY, Herbert Maurice, Napier.
SHERIDAN, H. M. (Hughie), New Plymouth.
SIM, Phyllis Mary (Bungate), Oamaru.
SIMMONS, Harold “Toby”, Hastings.
SIMMONS, Nereida M. (Hill), Hastings.
SIMON, Betty (Ross), Hastings.
SIMPSON, James Eric V., Gisborne.
SKEWS, Dora (Haggett), Palmerston North.
SKINNER, June (Budd), Tauranga.
SMITH, Dudley, Australia.
SMITH, Ian, Whangarei.
SMITH, Nigel, Havelock North.
SMITH, Sybil (Rush), Hastings.
SOMMERVILLE, Joyce Marie (Spence), Wellington.
SPENCER, Russell “Russ,” California.
STAFFORD, Audrey N. (Biel), Hastings.
STEEDMAN, George, Hastings.
STEWART, Jack, Dargaville.
STEWART, Mavis (Burden), Dargaville.
STREIFF, Audrey (Drummond),Te Aroha.
STRUTHERS, Marion B.(Wilson), Hastings.
SUTHERLAND, Donald F., Tauranga.
SUTTON, Ronald James, Pakowhai.
SYMES, Gladys, (Symes), Havelock North.
TAAFFE, Trevor, Havelock North.
TATE, Geoff, Havelock North.
TAYLOR, Donald M, “Chum” Hastings.
TAYLOR, Kiri (Oliver), Hastings.
TAYLOR, Les., Tauranga.
TAYLOR, Lyndle Audrey (Paterson), Hastings.
TAYLOR, Thelma (Hackett), Tauranga.
THOMPSON, Cyril David, Hastings.
THOMSON, H. K. “Mick”, Hastings.
TOMLIN, Joan “Tommy” (Tomlinson), Auckland.
TOMOANA, M. R. “Tom”, Hastings.
TOMOANA, Tama, Hastings.
TRITT, Fredrick N., Taupo.
TROTTER, John Russell, Hastings.
TUCKER, A. L. “Laurie”, Havelock North.
TUCKER, Rona (Renouf), Hastings.
TUCKER, Una Meryle (Steel), Havelock North.
TYERS, Pauline D. (Tyers), Havelock North.
WALLACE, Barbara M. (Hill), Hastings.
WALMSLEY, Percy, Whakatane.
WATSON, Eileen Mary (Gray), Napier.
WATTERS, D. Rennie, Havelock North.
WEBB, Len, Hastings.
WELLWOOD, Margaret, (Diamond) Hastings.
WERNHAM, Erin (Heenan), Auckland.
WHITE, S. G. “Stan”, Hastings.
WHITLOCK, H. Phillip, Gisborne.
WILKIE, Winifred May (Coates), Christchurch.
WILKINS, Nicholas “Nick”, Feilding.
WILKINSON, Colin, Havelock North.
WILLIAMS, Bessie (McGregor), Napier.
WILLIAMS, Helen (McGregor), Hastings.
WILSON, J. H. N. “Jack”, Hastings.
WILSON, Leslie, Hastings.
WILSON, Noel Henry, Hastings.
WINCHESTER, Mary (O’Neill), Hastings.
WRIGHT, Gilbert (Bert), Gisborne.

DECADE 1934 to 1943.
(Maiden name in parentheses)

ALMOND, Daphne Iris (Cooper), Whakatu.
ANDERSON, Barbara (Wright), Wellington.
ANDERSON, Neil Dudley, Wellington.
ANDERSON, S. R. “Rob.”, Hastings.
ANTHONY, Ronald F. A., Palmerston North.
APPERLEY, Gavin Charles, Auckland.
APPERLEY, Merle D., (Allan), Hastings.
ARCHIBALD, J. A. “Jock”, Auckland.
ARCHIBALD, Joy (Archibald), Hastings.
ARCHIBALD, Peter James, Hastings.
ARGENT, Jean (McCorkindale), Tawa.
ARNOTT, L. J. “Tubby” (Younge), Napier.
ARRELL, Joe, Te Awamutu.
BAILLIE, Betty Lois (Hellyer), Pakuranga.
BAIRD, Joan Margaret (Caskey), Hastings.
BAKER, Jessie (Sampson), Hastings.
BAKER, K. E. “Ted”, Hastings.
BAKER, Wally “Curly”, Wellington.
BARLEY, K. “Kingy”, Havelock North.
BARRON, Ruth (Thompson), Hastings.
BARTLETT, Colleen (Newrick), Auckland.
BARTLETT, Mabel Mary, (Esler), Hastings.
BASTIN, Betty Alice (Vaughan), Hastings.
BATCHELOR, Beryl (Gill), Havelock North.
BAUMFIELD, Leslie, Johnsonville.
BAUMFIELD, Noreen (Rush-Munro), Canada.
BECKETT, William Ormandy, Napier.
BEER, Mary-Jane (Wilson), Auckland.
BEGLEY, Olive, (Battersby) , Hastings.
BENNETT, Fay (Single), Auckland.
BLACK, Gordon, Havelock North.
BLACKMORE, Audrey (Clark), Hastings.
BLACKMORE, Jim, Hastings.
BLAIR, E. “Bessie” (Mitchell), Napier.
BLISS, Hilda M. (Bicknell), New Plymouth.
BOSSELMANN, Shirley Blanch (Single), Hastings.

Page 83

BOUSFIELD, Joy (Mitchell), Hastings.
BOYD, Dorothy I. (Slocombe), Havelock North.
BOYD, Mary (Colello) Hastings.
BOYLE, A. A. “Nancy” (Cousin), Havelock North.
BOYLE, Bruce Gavin, Hamilton.
BRADY, Norman, Hastings.
BREEN, Marion Olga (Spencer), Hastings.
BROAD, Helen Margaret (Crombie), New Plymouth.
BRODIE, Verna (Gledhill), Hastings.
BROOKER, Ian George, Havelock North.
BROOKER, Maureen (Crutchley), Havelock North.
BROOKS, Nancy (Sheppard), Napier.
BROWN, Colin William, Hastings.
BROWN, Rae (Franklin), Hastings.
BROWN, Roly, Hastings.
BUCK, Dorothy (Bascand), Hastings.
BURDEN, Ada (Whitaker), Hastings.
BURDEN, C. B. “Bert.”, Auckland.
BURDEN, Laurie, Hastings.
BURGESS, Lorraine (Holmes-Brown), Napier.
BURNSIDE, Neil William, Te Awamutu.
BURRIDGE, Shirley Joyce (Meads), Hastings.
BURTON, Dick, Napier.
BURTON, Lettie (Doole), New Plymouth.
CARSWELL, Gwenyth Laura (Edwards), Patoka.
CASH, Leo Francis, Napier.
CASH, Pam (Lockyer), Napier.
CATO, Basil, Hastings.
CHAPMAN, Betty Irene (Nimon), Wellington.
CHAPMAN, J, Shirley M. (O’Driscoll), Havelock North.
CHAPMAN, R. “Chappie”, Greenmeadows.
CHARLTON, Leonard F., Hastings.
CHARLTON, Sidney H. S., Rotorua.
CHASTON, Rae (Condon), Christchurch.
CHEER, L. E. “Beth” (Riach), Onga Onga.
CHRISTIE, Ada Ross (McKenzie), Hamilton.
CLARKE, Margaret (Epps), Te Kuiti.
CLOUGH, Claudia (McKennie), Auckland.
CODY, Helen E. (Cody), Hastings.
COLEMAN, Yvonne June (Hinds), New Plymouth.
COLLINS, Marjorie (Geenty), Tokoroa.
COMMON, Barbara Jean (Miller), Hastings.
COMPTON, Margaret (Ramsay), Hastings.
CONSTABLE, Valerie (Maddox), Whakatane.
COOK, William Trevor, Lower Hutt.
COOTE, Shirley (Henderson), Plimmerton.
CORBY, Valerie Hazel (Gardner), Hastings,
COWAN, Dorothy (Austin), Taradale.
CRAIG, Erig, Hamilton.
CRAIG, Helen Joan (Craig), Hastings.
CRAIG, Jean (Burden), Hamilton.
CRERAR, Ralph Nairn, Clive.
CROOK, George Malcolm, Havelock North.
CROOK, Jim, Wellington.
CROOK, John, Hastings.
CUSTANCE, Ray, Havelock North.
DANIELSON, Flora (Maclean), Hastings.
DAVIS, Joan I. (Taylor), Palmerston North.
DAVIS, Eion, Hastings.
DAVIS, Margaret (Fail), Hastings.
DAVIS, Patricia (Tabley), Havelock North.
DAVIS, Ray, Havelock North.
DE MONTALK, Dorothea (de Montalk), Havelock North.
DEAKIN, Ned, Clive.
DEAKIN, Valerie (Farmery), Clive.
DENSON, Hazel (Petch), Tauranga.
DENSON, Trigger, Tauranga.
DICKSON, Ian, Taradale.
DOAK, Earle, Wellington.
DOBSON, Joan Evelyn, (Edwards), Auckland.
DOHERTY, Dorothy (Simonson), Hastings.
DOOLE, Gordon Francis, Blenheim.
DOREE, John Milton, Hastings.
DOWNER, Alan, Hastings.
DOWNER, Maurice, Wellington.
DOWNEY, James George, Hamilton.
DRIVER, Shirley Anne (Smith), Hastings.
DRUMMOND, Dick, Auckland.
DRURY, Hilda (Harrison), Havelock North.
DUNLOP, Leslie Hales (Hutchison), Foxton.
DUNLOP, Robert (Bob), Wellington.
DUTFIELD, Basil Frank, Wellington.
DYER, Lawrence Norman, Hastings.
EASTAUGH, Dorothy (Eastaugh), Hastings.
EATON, Shirley (Taylor), Nelson.
EATON, W. R. “Dick”, Raetihi.
EDDY, Margaret (Cunningham), Hastings.
EDGAR, Jim, Westshore.
EDGAR, Ron, Auckland.
EDWARDS, Aaron Broughton, Fernhill.
EGAN, John R. “Jack”, Dannevirke.
ELLIOTT, Margaret (Tweedie), Hastings.
ELLIOT, Marjorie J. (McNab), Hastings.
ELMS, Bill, Hastings.
EPPS, Jean (Perrin), Lower Hutt.
ESLER, Audrey (Stokes), Upper Hutt.
EVANS, Kenneth Peter, Waerenga.
EVES, Dorothy Fey (Burson), Raetihi.
EVES, Douglas Hooper, Raetihi.
FAIRBROTHER, Nola Joyce (Thompson), Napier.
FAIRWEATHER, Annette (Fairweather), Wellington.
FARMER, June (Berry), Napier.
FARNELL, Herb, Paremata.
FARNELL, Margaret (Davis), Paremata.
FERGUSON, Alexander, Hastings.
FERGUSON, Joan (Boyce), Hastings.
FERGUSON, R.  F. “Bob”, Hamilton.

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FERGUSSON, Bryan Hedley, Hastings.
FIELD, Judith Anne (Perry), Havelock North.
FIRTH, Chris, Te Awamutu.
FLINDERS, Ann,(Rutherford), Hamilton.
FLOWER, Sydney James, Hastings.
FORD, Pat (Chattaway), Hastings.
FRANCIS, Ivan, Auckland.
FRASER, Joyce Margaret (Jessep), Napier.
FRASER, Valerie Dawn (Baldwin), Lower Hutt.
FREEMAN, Pauline Edwina (Freeman), Hastings.
GADD, Thelma (Instone), Hastings.
GAMMAN, Phyllis (Fowler), Hastings.
GARLAND, Helen (Macdonald), Hastings.
GARRICK, John Andrew F., Wellington.
GIBB, Keith, Raumati Beach.
GIBSON, Hedley, Lower Hutt.
GIDDY, Jeannette (O’Leary), Lower Hutt.
GILBERT, Edna (Ross), Hastings.
GOLDSMITH, Catherine A.(Stirling), Whakatane.
GOODALL, Eric, Tawa.
GORDON, Zita Avis L. (Spencer), Auckland.
GORE, Joyce Allison (Cox), Frankton.
GRAHAM, Betty (Graham), Hastings.
GRAY, Betty (Treacher), Napier.
GROOBY, Avis (Miller), Palmerston North.
GUERIN, John Manson, Hastings.
HALSTEAD, Ailsa Elizabeth (Thompson), Auckland.
HANDS, Ngaire (Thompson), Nelson.
HARDING, Gordon Thomas, Hastings.
HARDING, Russell Lowten, Auckland.
HARGOOD, Jackie (Geenty), Dunedin.
HARGREAVES, Beth (Thompson), Mt. Maunganui.
HARPER, Dorothy (Epps), Porirua.
HARRIS, May (Cottle), Napier.
HARRISON, M. “Marney” (McKeesick), Hastings.
HATHERELL, Rodney Hartley, Hastings.
HAY, Morris James, Hastings.
HELLEUR, Cedric, Havelock North.
HELM, Helen (Mason), Hastings.
HELM, Maxwell Rex, Hastings.
HENDERSON, Leonie (Masters), Ngaruawahia.
HENDRY, Ron, Havelock North.
HENSMAN, Trevor, Havelock North.
HERRIES, Alice Maude (Liley), Hastings.
HERRIES, F. W. “Fred”, Havelock North.
HERRIES, Jean Mildred (Crook), Havelock North.
HERRIES, Victor Noel, Auckland.
HIGGINS, Lorna Hazel (Usherwood), Havelock North.
HILL, Ross, Auckland.
HILL, Ruth (Tucker), Havelock North.
HILL, Thomas A., Hastings
HILTON, Isabella Jean (Bicknell), Whangaparaoa.
HODGSON, Donald Ernest, Napier.
HODGSON, Eric A., Lower Hutt.
HODGSON, Leonard Owen, Paraparaumu.
HOLDER, Colin, Clive.
HOLDER, Isobel (Farnell), Clive.
HOLDSWORTH, Ngarita V. (Satchell), Palmerston North.
HOOKER, Brian, Hastings.
HOOKER, Mhairi (Adamson), Wellington.
HOOKHAM, Audrey Mary L., (Cook), Lower Hutt.
HOPE, Kathleen (Griffiths), Hastings.
HORTON, John, Havelock North.
HORTON, Peg (Lamont), Havelock North.
HOWARD, Joyce (Lobban), Hastings.
HUDSON, Audrey Joyce (Robinson), Wellington.
HUGHES, May (Bull), Hastings.
HUNT, Donald Arthur J,, Auckland.
HUNT, Grace Helen (Sampson), Te Awanga.
HYLAND, Desmond John, Hastings.
INGRAM, Edna (Bastin), Hastings.
IRELAND, Shirley (Hearn), Napier.
IRWIN, Maxwell John, Hastings.
JACK, Ian, Linden.
JACK, Margaret “Peggy”,(Libby), Linden.
JACKSON, A. E. “Bert”, Auckland.
JESSEP, Percy “Dishmop”, Napier.
JEW, Zeta (Thompson), Taupiri
JOHN, Allen Joseph B., Hastings.
JOHN, Myra Waugh (McGregor), Hastings.
JOHNSTON, Alan, Hastings.
JOHNSTON, Elsie (Johnston), Hastings.
JOHNSTONE, W. B. A. “Johnnie”, Hastings.
JOLL, B. U. “Bev” (Sharpin), Havelock North.
JOLL, Dudley, Taradale.
JOLL, John Norman, Havelock North.
JOLL, Roland, Palmerston North.
JONES, James Bryce, Havelock North,
JONES, Ross, Hastings.
KAYE, Betty (Flay), Hastings.
KELLY, Mavis (Gray), Hastings.
KELT, Betty (Kelt), Havelock North.
KELT, Gordon, Havelock North.
KEMP, Warwick L., Hastings.
KING, Betty (Fortnam), Havelock North.
KYLE, Thomas A. “Tom”, Hastings.
LADBROOK, Edward G. “Mick”, Hastings.
LASSEN, Stella Phyllis (Sant), Hastings.
LASSEN, William “Dick”, Hastings.
LAY, Douglas Alan, Havelock North.
LEAN, Dudley A., Woodville.
LEAN, Ian A., Hastings.
LEE, George, Wellington.
LEE, Norman James S., Wellington.
LILEY, Bruce Sween, Hamilton.

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LILEY, Peter Garton, Hastings.
LINNELL, John W. “Jack”, Hastings.
LINTON, Nancy (Garrick), Greenmeadows.
LINYARD, Eileen (Kale), Hastings.
LINYARD, Phil, Hastings.
LIST, Owen Leonard, Hastings.
LOBBAN, Norma, (Jones), Hastings.
LOWE, Joan Mary (Hallgarth), Hastings.
LOWE, Thomas B. “Tom”, Hastings.
LOWRY, J. F. “Mick”, Hastings.
LUMSDEN, Doreen E. M. (Geenty), Waipawa.
LYNCH, Colleen Dawn, (Somervell), Auckland.
LYNN, Mary Wentworth (Gray), Havelock North.
MAAKA, Inia Whangapaua, Taradale.
MACAULAY, Doug., Napier.
MACDONALD, Bruce Ian, Hastings,
MACKAY, Pauline (Mackay), Napier.
MACKENZIE, Joyce, (Gigg), Wanganui.
MACKIE, Mufyn Helen (Jamieson) Waipukurau.
MACLEAN, Isobel (Maclean), Havelock Nth.
MACPHEE, Murray Donald, Palmerston Nth.
MAKEA, Frederick P., Hastings.
MANLEY, Nola “Betty” (Manley), Havelock North.
MARDON, Mavis (Mardon), Hastings.
MARJORIBANKS, Alexander James, Hastings.
MARSDEN, Alice Maude (Trask), Napier.
MARTYN, Joy (Rogers), Wellington.
MATETE, Violet (Wairoa), Auckland.
MAWSON, Rex K., Northland.
MAYO, Valda (Tritt), Hastings.
McARTHUR, Bruce, Manaia.
McAULAY, Nancy Elizabeth, (Lamont), Hastings.
McCORKINDALE, Jean (Baumgart), Milton.
McCORMICK, Dawn Joan, (Mudgway), Titahi Bay.
McCORMICK, M. I. “Peggy” (Trew), Hastings.
McCRACKEN, E. R. “Ted”, Hastings.
McFADZIEN, Mary (de Montalk), Havelock North.
McGAVOCK, Gloria (Dewson), Hastings.
McGAVOCK, W. A. G, “Bill”, Hastings.
McHARDY, Audrey (Hildreth), Hastings.
MclNNES, Elsie (Hunt), Hastings.
MclVOR, Cara (Burden), Napier.
McKAY, Derek, Hastings.
McKAY, Jean (Cameron), Hastings.
McLACHLAN, Audrey (Barley), Napier.
McLAREN, Alan, Hastings.
McLEAN, Ngaire (Hastings) Havelock North.
McLEOD, Florence (Clark), Haumoana.
McLEOD, Owen Collins, Haumoana.
McMILLAN, David, Hastings.
MELLING, Oscar, Hastings.
MILES, Leila Ruth (Wilson), Wellington.
MILNE, D. R. “Doug”, Hastings.
MITCHELL, Heather (Thompson), Hastings.
MITCHELL, Reginald Keith, Hastings.
MONAGHAN, Jocelyn Heather (Macdonald), Christchurch.
MONK, H. Alice (Wiggins), Hastings.
MONTGOMERY, Ngaire “Ricky” (Rixon), Napier.
MOORE, Garry Bartlett, Hastings.
MOSSMAN, Eric James, Hastings.
MOTLEY, Ngaire Nolene (Eddy), Hastings.
MULLINDER, Trevor, Hastings.
MURPHY, George Elliott, Hastings.
MURPHY, Jean Chitty (Murray), Hastings.
NATUSCH, Guy K., Napier.
NATUSCH, M. Joan (Taaffe), Napier.
NESBlT, Paddy, Napier.
NETTLEFOLD, Joyce Myrtle (McKeesick), Auckland.
NEWLAND, Ann Rewa (Hunt), Port Ohope.
NEWLAND, Ivan Keith, Port Ohope.
NIKERA, Korotu W, “Dada”, Wellington.
NIMON, John Rodney, Havelock North.
O CONNOR, Isla (Read), Hastings.
OGG, Gerry, Auckland.
OLIVER, Basil Cedric, Bay of Islands.
OLLIVER, Helen Mary (Edridge), Gisborne.
OLSEN, Topsy (Retter), Hastings.
ORR, Jean I., (Libby), Hastings.
PAINTER, Boel, Haumoana.
PANCKHURST, Charlie, Ohope.
PANCKHURST, Kenneth David, Wellington.
PARKER, Fay Mary Isabel (Tunnicliffe), Wellington.
PARKINSON, Eric Charles, Taradale.
PASCOE, Vernon James, Auckland.
PEARCE, Norman Rex, Taihape.
PEPPER, Murray Stuart, Cambridge.
PERCY, Betty (Stewart), Te Awamutu.
PERSEN, Christine (Ryall), Napier.
PERSEN, Eric Victor, Napier.
PERSEN, Maxwell Wattle, Hastings.
PERSEN, Phyllis M. (Persen), Palmerston North.
PETERS, Bruce, Hastings.
PHILLIPS, John, Hastings.
PORTER, Mabel Doreen (Rainey), Auckland.
PREBBLE, Georgina (Bowen), Hastings.
PRESTON, Madge, (Purcell), Havelock North.
PRIEST, Peter Bruce, New Plymouth.
PURIRl, Arama “Adam”, Wanganui.
RAE, Desmond Gordon, Havelock North.
REEVES, Doug., Whangarei.
REEVES, Nancy Margaret (Lord) Westshore.
RICHMOND, Ken Stuart, Tauranga.
RICHMOND, Zeta Ellen (Hendry) Tauranga.
RITCHIE, T. J. Bruce, Hastings.
RIXON, Derek, Havelock North.
ROBERTS, Jean (Mitchell) Havelock North.
ROBERTS, Trevor John, Hastings.

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ROBERTSON, Nola Helen (Holmes-Brown), Hastings.
ROBERTSON, Tom, Auckland.
RODGERS, Henry Mervyn, Hastings.
ROE, Roydon Guy, Rotorua.
ROGERS, Barbara Mary (Hall), Carterton.
ROGERS, Bernard John, Hamilton.
ROSENBERG, Craig James, Hastings.
ROSS, Marguerite, (Janett), Petone.
ROSS, W. K. “Bill”, Hastings.
ROTHERAY, Beverly (Maddox), Awanui.
ROWE, Judith “Judy” (Edridge), Auckland.
RUNDBERG, Norma (Spencer), Hastings.
RUSSELL, Jeff “Huck”, Hastings.
RUTHERFORD, Don, Timaru.
SANT, Ken, Hastings.
SCHOFIELD, Norah (Austin), Taradale.
SCOTT, Grant, Hastings.
SCOT, Heather Gay (Hunter), Hastings.
SCOT, Laurie, Hastings.
SCOTT, Noel George, Putaruru.
SCOTT, Win (Lockie), Auckland.
SHEILD, Jewel (Patterson), Hastings.
SHEPPARD, Olive (Cole), Paki Paki.
SHEPPARD, Dudley, Napier.
SHORT, Jim, Hastings.
SHUKER, Joyce Rita (Halstead), Hastings.
SIMKIN, H. Leon, Hastings.
SIMMONS, Rex Draisy, Hastings.
SIMSON, Isobel Margaret (Tod), Hastings.
SINGLE, Peter “Lou”, Hastings.
SINGLE, Robin Blaire (Orbell), Hastings.
SMITH, A. J. “Jack”, (Wellington), Stokes Valley.
SMITH, Cynthia (Eberhard), Palmerston Nth.
SMITH, Jean (Howard), Hastings.
SMITH, Richard Simson, Bay View.
SOWERSBY, Lyal (Mawson), Hastings.
SOWERSBY, Murray, Hastings.
SPARKSMAN, Jean (Duncan), Havelock North.
SPENCE, R. G.”Dick”, Hastings.
STEEDMAN, Olive (Petch), Hastings.
STEEVENS, Nola Frances (Thear), Hastings.
STEVENS, Frances May (Hendry), Hastings,
STEWART, Jean (Welch), Havelock North.
STINSON, Alma (Cameron), Hastings.
STURM, Roger Morgan, Wellington.
STURM, Trevor D., Wellington.
SUTCLIFFE, Gil, Feilding.
SUTHERLAND, Enid (Westerman), Havelock North.
SWAYN, Peter, Napier.
SWEETAPPPLE, Betty (Janett), Kaitaia.
TATE, Fred, Gisborne.
TAYLOR, Barbara (Webb), Hastings.
TAYLOR, Betty (Harper), Waikanae.
TAYLOR, Beverley C. (Munro), Auckland.
TAYLOR, Constance Mary (Grundy) Havelock North.
TAYLOR, Ivan John, Palmerston North.
TAYLOR, Ralph, Waikanae.
TAYLOR, Thomas Leigh, Waikanae.
THOMPSON, Helen (Tod), Auckland.
THOMSON, Noleen (Love), Napier.
THORP, Leah Mary H., (Thorp) Napier.
THORPE, Graham, Te Awamutu.
THORPE, Jim, Canada.
TICKNER, Arthur “Tick”, Hastings.
TOFT, Jean Wilkie (Sykes), Wellington.
TOOTHILL, Robert F., Feilding.
TREACHER, Colleen Beryl (McKee), Hastings.
TREACHER, Geoffrey Roy, Hastings.
TREACHER, William “Bill”, Hastings,
TRITT, Ken, Levin.
TUCKER, Nita Helen (Prince), Havelock Nth.
TUOHY, Gerald Stewart, Wellington.
UPCHURCH, Maurice, Gisborne.
VOGTHERR, Gordon Ernest, Hastings.
WAINOHU, Artemesia R. (Heke), Hastings.
WAKELIN, Alma (Cox), Dannevirke.
WALLACE, Bruce “Snow”, Hastings.
WALMSLEY, Arthur, Te Puke.
WALMSLEY, Stanley, Hastings.
WALSH, June (Thew), Hastings.
WARD, E. M. “Rita” (Burnett), Hastings.
WATERHOUSE, H. A. “Lex”, Hastings.
WATERHOUSE, Shirley (Garnett), Hastings.
WATKINS, Len, Hastings.
WATTIE, Raymond K., Hastings.
WEAVER, Dulcie (Loach), Napier.
WEBB, Margaret (Tritt), Hastings.
WEDD, Alan “Hori”, Hastings.
WEDD, Derrick James, Hastings.
WEDLOCK, Elva Margaret (Bull), Porirua.
WENLEY, Marie (McCormick), Hastings.
WEST, Doreen Marjory (Swayn), Christchurch.
WHITAKER, Cyril, Havelock North.
WHITCOMBE, Vivien (Leicester), Hastings.
WHITE, Derrick William, Masterton.
WHITE, Errol Douglas, Hastings.
WHITE, Frederick Louis, Hastings.
WHITE, Jack Raymond, Hastings.
WIDGERY, Eric Gordon, Hamilton.
WILKES, Edith Laura (Wilkes), Wellington.
WILL, Graham, Rotorua.
WILLIAMS, Joan (Ainsworth), Hastings.
WILSON, Betty (Matthews), Hastings.
WILSON, Jacquiline E. (Karaitiana), Wellington.
WOON, Beval Miriam (Howard), Napier.
WOON, Robert Leslie, Napier.
WOON, Stan, Hastings.
WRIGHT, Nina (Tricklebank), Greenmeadows.
WYLIE, May (Hill), Auckland.
YOUNG, Bruce Dunlop, New Plymouth.
YOUNG, Clarence N., Christchurch.
YULE, Ralph Gordon, Hastings.

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DECADE 1944 to 1953.
(Maiden name in parentheses)

ALEXANDER, Eileen (Druzianic), Christchurch.
ALEXANDER, John Keith, Wellington.
AMNER, Brian John, Hamilton.
ANDERSON, Cynthia,(Watson), Waipukurau.
APATU, Rei, Hastings.
APATU, W. T. “Terry”, Waipukurau.
APPERLEY, David John, Napier.
APPERLEY, Moss, Bay View, Napier.
ARCHIBALD, Joan Lillian (McLeod), Hastings.
ARRELL, John Alexander, Wellington.
ARRELL, Robin (Parkhill), Wellington.
ASHCROFT, Judith (Thomason), Ithaca, USA.
ATKINS, Brian, Hastings.
ATKINS, Colin Sydney, Hastings.
ATKINS, Norm, Taradale.
AUBREY, Dean, Auckland.
AUGUST, Te Waaka “Brick”, Hastings.
AUSTIN, Marlene (Lett), Taradale.
AYRE, Brian, Hastings.
BAINES, Ted “Charlie”, Napier.
BAKER, H. C. “Harry”, Mt. Maunganui.
BALLANTYNE, Kathleen (Ross), Clive.
BAMBRY, Owen, Te Awanga.
BARBER, Dudley, Hastings.
BARK, John Robert, Havelock North.
BARK, Judith Mary (Paynter), Havelock Nth.
BARNABY, Jennifer (Barnaby), Auckland.
BARNES, Helen Mary, (Hayes) Hastings.
BARRIBALL, Donald Joseph, Hamilton.
BARTY, Jocelyn May (Apperley), Auckland.
BASHER, John Sydney, Hastings.
BASHER, Len, Hastings.
BASHER, Robert Samuel, Rotorua.
BAXTER, Eleanor Marion (McCartney), Napier.
BAYLIS, Brian, Hastings.
BAYLISS, Peter, Hastings.
BEACH, Edward “Ted” Hastings.
BEGLEY, Glenys Eva (Brown), Hastings.
BELL, Robert, Hastings.
BENNETT, Joan (Bennett), Havelock North.
BENSEMANN, C. R, “Bob.”, Hastings.
BERKAHN, John Lawrence, Havelock North.
BERKAHN, Pamela Elaine (Evans), Havelock North.
BERKAHN, Peter Norman, Hastings.
BERKAHN, Rex Owen, Hastings.
BERRY, Alan, Havelock North.
BERRY, P. Ian, Havelock North.
BERRY, P. D. “Pat” (Bixley), Havelock North.
BIRRELL, P. “Patty” (Sturrock), Hastings.
BIXLEY, Ian “Roger”, Hastings.
BIXLEY, John Derek, Papakura.
BLACK, Noeline (Doherty), Havelock North.
BLEWDEN, Russell John, Hamilton.
BLUCK, Isobel D., (Thompson), Napier.
BOAG, Beth, (Stewart), Hastings.
BONE, Joylene M. (Curtis), Palmerston North.
BOTT, Arthur Fredrick, Hastings.
BOTT, Audrey Joan (Lincoln), Hastings.
BOULT, Colin Wilfred, Hastings.
BOULT, Muriel Anne, (Stanley), Hastings.
BOURGEOIS, Dianne Madge (Leech), Northland.
BOURGEOIS, Graeme Jules, Northland
BOWATER, Julianne Noreen (Burgess), Hastings.
BRAZIER, Keith, Hastings.
BREWER, Lex (McGregor), Hastings.
BRIAN, Audry (Semmens), Hastings.
BRIAN, Jack, Hastings.
BRICE, Derek, Gisborne.
BRIDGEMAN, Alan J., Hastings.
BROOMHEAD, Angela Margaret (Horrocks) Hastings.
BROUGH, Gay, Huldah M. (Price), Hastings.
BROWN, Lorna (McNaughton), Havelock North.
BROWN, Alan, Hamilton.
BROWN, Lorna (McNaughton), Havelock North.
BROWN, O. M. “Brownie”, Hastings, Havelock North.
BROWN, Prue (Brain), Hastings.
BROWNLIE, Lesley Myrtle (Cody), Auckland.
BURGESS, Gordon L. “Don”, Havelock North.
BURGESS, Margaret (Wood), Havelock Nth.
BURGESS, Pamela E. “Pam” (Wilson), Havelock North.
BURNETT, Neil “Barn” Hawera.
BURNS, Barry H. W., Hastings.
BURNS, Betty Jean (Crawford), Hastings.
BURNS, Carmel Leah (Cohen), Auckland.
BURNS, Derek John W., Hastings.
BURNS, Robert John, Wellington.
BURNS, Valerie J., (Prior), Lower Hutt.
BUTCHER, Ken, Paekakariki.
BUTWELL, Ron, Wellington.
BYGATE, Alicia, (Williams), Lower Hutt.
CALDWELL, Diane (Purves), Hastings.
CAMERON, Graeme, Taradale.
CAMPBELL, Joan M. (Scott), Hastings.
CAMPBELL, John Neil, Hastings.
CAMPBELL, Lassie “Esther” (Rutherford), Napier.
CAMPBELL, Malcolm, Napier.
CAMPBELL, Merle (Westerman), Napier.
CARDO, Ethel (Batson), Hastings.
CARSWELL, Alan Rae, Napier.
CATER, Judith Helene (Webby), Hastings.
CELS, Nancy G. (Hagen), Te Puke.
CHAPMAN, Heather (Smith), Napier.
CHAPMAN, Joyce (Taylor), Greenmeadows.
CHAPMAN, Ray, Napier.
CHARLTON, Judith Anne (Parkhill), Hastings.

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CHEER, Dorothy, (Dunn), Hastings.
CHILTON, Richard K. (Ken), Wellington.
CLAPPERTON, Edward Albert, Palmerston North.
CLAPPERTON, Leslie (Beer), Auckland.
CLAPPERTON, Mark, Auckland.
CLARK, David Maurice, Hastings.
CLARK, Eva May (Burns), Hastings.
CLARK, Janet Carollyn (Dunnage), Wellington.
CLARKE, Graeme, Hastings.
CLEARWATER, Judith “Shirley”, (Garratt), Wellington.
COATES, Heather (Farquharson), Timaru.
COHEN, Daniel “Dan”. Palmerston North.
COKER, Gary, Hastings.
COLE, Noeline (Warren), Hastings.
COLE, Rosaline (Mitchell), Hastings.
COLLINS, Laurel (Spencer). Hastings.
COMPTON, James Jesse, Hastings.
COMRIE, Rob, Hastings.
CONGDON, Elaine Mae (Wake), Hastings.
CONWAY, Derek Neville, Roxburgh, Otago.
COOK, Lyn “Lyndon”, Havelock North.
COOKE, Lawrence E., Hastings.
COOPER, Larry, Hastings.
CORLETT, Morris, Hastings.
COTTERILL, Jenny (Gane), Napier.
COTTON, Rodney John, Napier.
COUCH, Rae (Liley), Havelock North.
COUCHMAN, Jo (Talbot), Hastings.
COUSENS, Graeme Charles, Havelock North.
COUSENS, Margaret Rose (Tate), Havelock North.
COX, Neil Robert, Havelock North.
CRAVEN, Valarie Ann (Craven), Hastings.
CRAWFORD, Barbara Joyce (Andrews), Taradale.
CRAWFORD, Douglas Ian, Hastings.
CRESPIN, Jackie (Lay), Havelock North.
CRISP, Les, Te Awamutu.
CROOK, Eunice Margaret (Proctor), Hastings.
CROOKS, Gerald, Rotorua.
CRUDEN, Lois (Nicol), Lower Hutt.
CULLEN, Denis Luttrell, Hastings.
CULLEN, Janet Rachael (Bromley), Hastings.
CUNDELL, Ngaire Joan (Collins), Christchurch.
CURRIE, John, Hastings.
CURTIS, Athol, Napier.
CURTIS, Jessie Isabel, (Burns), Hastings.
CURTIS, Ronald Bruce, Hastings.
CUSHING, Selwyn, Hastings.
DAVIDSON, William, Hastings.
DAVIS, Janet (Bonnington), Hastings.
DE BERRI-WHARRIE, Leona Pamela (De Berri-Jeffs), Haumoana.
DE LANGE, Mary Anne (Godwin), Hastings.
DIGGLE, Jennifer Anne (Herbert), Hastings.
DILLON, Peter, Wairoa.
DILLON, Tena Elizabeth (Isaacson), Putaruru.
DIXON, Maxwell Keith, Te Kuiti.
DOIG, Alan Bruce, Taradale.
DOIG, Barry Thomas, Lower Hutt.
DOIG, John Everton, Hastings.
DONALDSON, Valda (Hall), Hastings.
DOONEY, Margaret (Cook), Auckland.
DRINKWATER, F. I. “Fay” (Wyllie), Hastings.
DROWN, Bruce, Hastings.
DUFFILL, Ngaire (Flowers), Hastings.
DUGGAN, Marjorie “Midge”(Musson), Hastings.
EBBETT, Dave, Havelock North.
EBBETT, Dixie May June (Conway), Ormondville.
EBBETT, Elizabeth Anne (Laking), Napier.
EBBETT, Lois Adrienne (Robson), Havelock North.
EDE, Ngaire Cletys (Dudding), Otaki.
EDE, Shona Frances (Duncan), Hastings.
EDEN, Gay (Lennox), Auckland.
EDGAR, Dawn (Cash), Westshore.
EDHOUSE, Patricia, (Evans), Otaki.
ELLIOTT, Margaret F. (Dagg), Hastings.
ELLIOTT, Morris J., Hastings.
EMMERSON, William John, Hastings.
EVANS, Graeme, Dannevirke.
EVANS, Margaret Clare (Isaacson), Waerenga.
EVANS, Rex Eric, Norsewood.
EVETTS, Irene Lesley (Rich), Taradale.
EYLES, Alan Charles, Levin.
EYLES, Geoffrey A., Wellington.
FARGHER, Kathleen June (Burfield), Hastings.
FENTON, Beverley Lu, (Parks), Hastings.
FIELD, Margaret (Hope), Hastings.
FINNY, Richard “Dick”, Auckland.
FIRTH, Joan (Roberts) Hastings, Te Awamutu.
FLACK, Bernard Thomas, Hastings.
FLACK, Margaret (Fletcher), Hastings.
FLANDERS, Loma Yvonne (Mather), Hastings.
FLEMING, Bob, Waipukurau.
FLETCHER, Claire (Tate), Hastings.
FOLEY, Robert, Australia.
FORBES, Grace Ellen (Campagnolo), Hastings.
FODDY, Kathleen Mary (Foddy), Hastings.
FORD, Malcolm “Pom”, Ashburton.
FORDE, Jean (Ritchie), Hastings.
FOSTER, Bernard John, Wellington.
FOSTER, Jean (McKinlay), Hastings.
FOSTER, Owen, Hastings.
FOWLER, Florence May, Havelock North.
FRANCIS, Marjorie Ann (Fraser), Hastings.
FRATER, Bon, Havelock North.
FRIZZELL, John Alexander, Waipawa.

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FULLER, Josephine Ann (Gilbertson), Hastings.
GADD, June (Crisp), Hastings.
GANNAWAY, Margaret “Peggy”(Frame), Napier.
GARRATT, Keith James, Upper Hutt.
GASKELL, Joan (Fraser), Auckland.
GAY, Suzanne (Gay), Hastings.
GEBBIE, Peter A, Auckland.
GIBSON, P. M. “Trish” (Russell), Hastings.
GIFFNEY, Andrew, Hastings.
GILMOUR, Dianne (Edgecombe), Havelock North.
GLEW, Ronald John, Hastings.
GODFREY, Jack, Hamilton.
GODFREY, Pamela (Therkleson), Hamilton.
GODFREY, Valerie (Dyett), Hastings.
GOLDMAN, Denis, Havelock North.
GOODALL, Gary Wyn, Clive.
GORDON, Ian A. F., Hastings,
GRAHAM, Jan (Hingston), Hastings.
GREENE, Ann (Lambert), Tikokino.
GREENFIELD, Annette (Foote), Rotorua.
GREENFIELD, Ken, Rotorua.
GREIG, B. W. “Barney”, Havelock North.
GREIG, Tom, Te Aroha.
GREVILLE, Marion (Pedersen), Hastings.
GREW, Lorna Alice (Pocock), Havelock Nth.
GRIFFIN, Jean Ann (Huddleston), Taupo.
GRIFFIN, Norah Edith (Glew), Westshore.
GRIFFITHS, Shirley (Rees), Papakura.
GROVER, Ian, Hastings.
GURRAN, Maurice, Kaikohe.
GURRAN, Ray, Edgecumbe,
HAGUE, Sybil (Hickey), Hastings.
HALL, Ronald Stanley, Hamilton.
HAMILTON, Marjorie (Eves), Hastings.
HAMMOND, Allison A. (Dorreen), Hastings.
HANSON, Alison (Wright), Havelock North.
HANTLER, Stella Jean (McKeesick), Hastings.
HARDING, Judy (Powdrell), Gisborne.
HARGREAVES, Cy, Papakura.
HARGREAVES, Neville Francis, Opotiki.
HARPER, Eric, Auckland.
HARRINGTON, Anne (Heaps), Napier.
HARRIS, Janice Marjorie (Eyles), Havelock North.
HARRIS, W. R. B. “Bob”, Napier.
HARRISON, Raymond, Hastings.
HART, Clint, Taradale.
HART, Pamela May, (Russell), Hastings.
HARWOOD, Isla (Macdonald), Taradale.
HASTIE, Shirley (Crawford), Hastings.
HAWKES, Dudley Ian, Havelock North.
HAY, Ian William G., Havelock North.
HAY, Noreen (Pepper), Havelock North.
HAYCOCK, Robin Leslie, Haumoana.
HAYES, Peter Milton, Hastings.
HEADS, Fred, Hastings.
HEAPS, Ian F., Te Awanga.
HEAPS, Maureen M. L. (Burden), Te Awanga.
HEARD, Ivan John, Hastings.
HEBDEN, Pauline (Sim), Auckland.
HEIGHWAY, Doreen May (Hallgarth), Hastings.
HELM, A. G. “Sandy” Hastings.
HELM, Bevan, Hastings.
HELM, Jean (O’Shaughnessy), Hastings.
HEMBROW, Don, Hastings.
HEMBROW, Joy (McKain), Hastings.
HENDERSON, Ashton, Havelock North.
HENDERSON, Margaret (Powdrell), Havelock North.
HENSMAN, Colin, Hastings.
HENSMAN, Frank, Auckland.
HERBERT, June Guscott (Bracken), Dannevirke.
HEYWARD, Colin B. Auckland.
HICKS, Margaret J. (Hopkins), Hastings.
HICKS, Richard John, Hastings.
HIGHAM, Julia (Shield), Havelock North.
HILL, E. F. “Ted”, Hastings.
HINTON, Cara Jacinthe (Mills), Hastings.
HODGSON, Barbara Ann (Stirling), Hastings.
HODGSON, John, Clive.
HODGSON, Marie Margaret (Persen), Paraparaumu.
HOLDGATE, Shona (Macdonald), Christchurch.
HOLLAND, Barbara (Hewitt), Hastings.
HOLLIS, Trevor Richard, Hastings.
HOLMAN, Ron, Havelock North.
HOLMES, Nathaniel, Hastings.
HOPE, Alan, Patutahi.
HOPKINS, Richard J, “Hoppy”, Putaruru.
HORTOP, Ian Charles, Havelock North.
HORTOP, Mary Helen (Anderson), Havelock North.
HOWLETT, Alan, Napier.
HUNT, Barbara M, (Laidlaw), Auckland.
HUNT, Colin, Hastings.
HUNT, Jean Margaret (Wilkinson), Hastings.
HUTCHINSON, Owen, Hastings.
HYLAND, Jennifer Joan (Chaplin), Hastings.
INGLIS, Ian, Havelock North.
JACKSON, Annette (Shepherd), Napier.
JACKSON, Fred “Spike”, Pukehou.
JACKSON, Maureen Anne (Honna), Australia.
JACKSON, Theo, Hastings.
JAMES, Maureen F. (Taylor), Taradale.
JAMES, Patricia (Scott), Hastings.
JANETT, David Lawrence, Rotorua.
JAQUES, Valerie (Morgan), Hastings.
JARVIS, Mike, Waipukurau.
JEFFERY, D. E, “Don”, Hastings.
JENKINS, Jeanette Mavis (Crawford), Hastings.
JENSEN, Barbara (Purves), Napier.

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JEWELL, Elizabeth Mary (Butt), Havelock North.
JOHNSON, Linley Jennifer (Robb), Napier.
JOHNSTON, Joan Anita (Skelton), Napier.
JOLL, Ian Matthew, Palmerston North.
JONES, Alan Rodney, Hastings.
JONES, John Rodney, Hastings.
JONES, Julie Elizabeth (Farrell), Havelock North.
JONES, Lloyd T. H., Auckland.
JONES, Paul, Hastings.
JONES, Peter Herbert, Hastings.
JONES, Richard L., Havelock North.
JONES-SEXTON, Annette (Little), Tauranga.
JONSON, Gary, Auckland.
KAIO, Beverley May (Young), Hokitika.
KALE, Jack, Tawa.
KARENA, Alan, Hastings.
KARIPA, John Buddy, Masterton.
KARL, Margaret E. (Duncan), Ohaupo.
KAY, Roy, Christchurch.
KEIGHLEY, Bruce, Hastings.
KELLY, Peter Owen, Hastings.
KEMPSHALL, Glenys (Hoskins), Havelock North.
KEYS, David, Hastings.
KIDD, Fiona (Griffiths), Hastings.
KIDD, Peter, Hastings.
KING, Patricia, (Drury), Hastings.
KIRK, Mai, Whangarei.
KNIGHT, Jean Elizabeth (Hallgarth), Hastings.
KNOWLES, Judith, (Knowles), Hastings.
KRAMER, Marilyn Annette (Pulford), Napier.
LAIDLAW, Eleanor Joyce (Harris), Mangakino.
LAIDLAW, Robert John, Mangakino.
LAMBERT, Garry Ronald, Hastings.
LAMBERT, Jocelyn Mary, (Penman), Hastings.
LAND, Graeme, Drury.
LANGDALE-HUNT, Jackie, (Carr), Christchurch.
LANKHAAR, Noeline (Young), Hastings.
LARSEN, Colleen M. (Berry), Havelock North.
LAY, Pauline Ann,(Helm), Havelock North.
LEACH, Barbara Mary (Wright), Wellington.
LEECH, Moira Rose (Brandon), Napier.
LEECH, Russell James, Napier.
LEGARTH, Mary (Dick), Levin.
LEGGOE, Norma (Foddy), Hastings.
LEMON, Celeste (Wall), Hastings.
LIAKE, Colin, Hastings.
LIBBY, R. A. “Dick”, Hastings.
LIBBY, R. A. “Bob”, Havelock North.
LIDINGTON, Beverley (Hale), Dannevirke.
LILEY, Brian “Podge”, Hastings.
LILEY, Garethe (Jones), Hastings.
LILEY, Harry M., Whakatane.
LILEY, Julia (Liley), Hamilton.
LIST, Maureen Janice (Grant), Hastings.
LOACH, Elaine (Pryce), Blenheim.
LOACH, Trevor Wallace, Blenheim.
LOWRY, Pat, (Pell), Hastings.
LOYE, Patricia Anne (Harvey), Hastings.
MACAULAY, Nancy (Nightingale), Hastings.
MACDONALD, Ivan Stuart, Haumoana.
MACEWAN, Flo P. (Hingston), Hastings.
MACINTYRE, Peter R. “Rhod.” Hastings.
MACKAY, Noeline M., (Morley), Hastings.
MACMILLAN, Daniel John, Hastings.
MACMILLAN, Kathleen M (Brown), Hastings.
MADDOCKS, Margaret Ann, (Oakley), Australia.
MAGGIN, Anne Louise (Walters), Napier.
MANNING, Cynthia (Robertson), Hastings.
MANNING, Harold, Hastings.
MARDON, David, Hastings.
MARDON, Philip, Hastings.
MARETT, Shirley “Ric.” (Rixon), Havelock North.
MARQUET, Glenda Rae (Coleman), Hastings.
MARTIN, Brenda Judith (Shaw), Rotorua.
MARTIN, Robert Murray, Rotorua.
MARVEN, Desmond A. W., Port Ohope.
MARYCHURCH, Joyce Irene K. (Crombie), Havelock North.
MATHER, Ann Marlon (Macdonald), Havelock North.
MATHER, Doreen Ellen (McKeesick), Atiamuri.
MATHER, John, Atiamuri.
MATHERS, Andrew John, Taradale.
MATTHEWS, Ellen (Kelly), Fernhill.
MATTHEWS, Elsma Edna (Nitschke), Hamilton.
MAX, Zyla Dawn (Knight), Upper Hutt.
MAYBERRY, Stewart Jack, Christchurch.
MAYNE, Barbara (Druzianic), Auckland.
McARTHUR, Pat (Littlejohn), Christchurch.
McCarthy,  J. A. “Jim”, Hastings.
McCARTY, Leonie (Gray), Auckland.
McCORMICK, Graham H., Hastings.
McCORMICK, Robin, (Mitchell), Hastings.
McEWEN, Dorothy Olive (Petterson), Hastings.
McEWEN, Heather (Reid), Auckland.
McGOVERN, Beryl (Dyett), Lower Hutt.
McINTOSH, Margaret Jean (Anderson), Hastings.
McINTOSH, W. D. J. “Doug.”, Hastings.
McKAY, Dawn Valerie (Lean), Hastings.
McKAY, Derek, Akaroa.
McKAY, Jennifer Dale (Hunter), Hastings.
McKAY, Marjorie (Macdonald), Hastings.
McKAY, Noel James, Hastings.
McKENZIE, Malcolm Stuart, Hastings.
McKINNON, Joan (Lambert), Hastings.
McLACHLAN, Rosemary (Massie), Waitara.
McLANACHAN, Colin Robert, Taradale.

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McLAY, Audrey Mary (Marshall), Hastings.
McLAY, Rex David, Hastings.
McLEOD, Donald Rogers, Hastings.
McLEOD, Edna M, (Brittin), Fernhill.
McLEOD, Lorna Margaret (Nimon), Hamilton.
McLEOD, Rex L., Fernhill.
McNAB, Peter, Hastings.
McNAB, Rowan, Hastings.
McNUTT, Jessie Jean (Goodall), Waipukurau.
McVICAR, Joan Karen (Leonard), Auckland.
MEREDITH, Kathleen Joyce (Hallgarth), Te Anau.
MICHAEL, Ron, Australia.
MILLER, Allen Henry, Havelock North.
MILLER, Austin William, Rotorua.
MILLER, Carole Mary (Cunningham) , Havelock North.
MILLER, Noeline (Leonard), Hastings.
MILLS, Denise (Walford), Hastings.
MILNE, Bob, Waverley.
MILNE, J. “Jackie” (Verry), Hastings.
MILNE, Margaret Jean (Haggerty), Hastings.
MITCHELL, Anne (Barton), Porirua.
MITCHELL, Armour Thomson, Waiuku.
MITCHELL, Athol, Porirua.
MOERAN, Margaret Anne (Oliver), New Plymouth.
MOFFATT, Wynsome Shirley (Barnes), Palmerston North.
MOORE, K. S. “Kay” (Robinson), Auckland.
MOORE, Elizabeth Ann (Goodall), Napier.
MORGAN, Margaret Isobel (Theyers), Manurewa.
MORGAN, Mervyn John, Clive.
MORLEY, Raymond P., Hastings.
MORONEY, Helen Margaret (Hortop), Mangakino.
MORRIS, Max, Taupo.
MOSSMAN, Jean (Sutherland), Hastings,
MOSSMAN, Rex, Hastings.
MUDGWAY, Doreen (Steele), Hastings.
MUDGWAY, Garth, Hastings.
MULVANAH, Garry, Napier.
MUNRO, Gerald, Helensville.
MUNRO, Shirley (Hanna), Helensville.
MURFITT, Nancy (Tate), Hastings.
MURTAGH, Patricia M. (Murtagh), Napier.
MURTON, Peter Lawrence, Hastings.
MUSSON, George, Hastings.
NATTRASS, Josephine (Younge), Napier.
NEIL, Nancy (Smith), Hastings.
NELSON, Diane (Hawkins), Hastings.
NELSON, John, Hastings.
NEWDICK, Leslie Thomas, Hastings.
NIMON, Ian, Havelock North.
NITSCHKE, Ray, Te Puke.
NORWELL, Delcie (Westerman), Havelock North.
NORWELL, Neville, Havelock North.
NUKU, Kuru, Fernhill.
O’BRIEN, Tony Eden V., Wellington.
O CONNOR, Bruce, Wellington.
OLIVER, Norman James, Haumoana.
OLSEN, Leslie James, Auckland.
O’NEILL, Gary, Hamilton.
OSBORNE, Robin, Hastings.
OSBORNE, Val (Brittin), Hastings.
PALLESEN, Brian George, Hastings.
PALLESEN, Molly Gaynor (Ebbett), Hastings.
PALMER, Malcolm Roy, Hastings.
PALMER, Pamela (Coombe), Hastings.
PALMER, Trevor Earl, Hastings.
PANCKHURST, Yvonne (Cook), Ohope.
PARAHI, Hine Marjorie (Barnett), Hastings.
PARKER, Pamela (Sheild), Tolaga Bay.
PARKHILL, Robert James, Havelock North.
PARKINSON, Beryl Vivienne (Calnan), Taradale.
PATERSON, Diane,(McCutcheon), Kerikeri.
PATRICK, Daphne J., (Crombie), Havelock North.
PATTERSON, Irene Helen (Tasker), Wanganui.
PATTERSON, Mary Charlotte (Pell), Rotorua.
PAULIN, Beryl (Upchurch), New Plymouth.
PEARCE, Norma Mary (Druzianic), Auckland.
PEARCE, Thomas  Desmond, Hastings.
PEDEN, Joy (Barley) Havelock North.
PEDERSEN, Maureen Anne, (Draper) Napier.
PEPPER, Margaret (Haycock), Hastings.
PERSON, Margaret (Person), Hastings
PETERSEN, Roger, Gisborne.
PETHYBRIDGE, Shirley Eileen (Manners), Upper Hutt.
PETTERSON, Ailex (Carnie), Havelock North.
PETERSON, Herbert, Havelock North,
PIERSON, Valma (Wilson), Auckland.
POCOCK, Ray, Tuai.
POLLOCK, John Douglas, Havelock North.
PORTER, Bev, (Leonard), Hastings.
POTTS, Barry Edward, Hastings.
POTTS, Graeme Stuart, Australia.
POTTS, Joan Ngaire (Summerfield), Hastings.
POVEY, Rae Alison, (Estcourt), Whangarei.
PRESTON, Athol Henry, Pakuranga.
PRICE, Jan (Glover), Hastings.
PRICE, Patricia V. (Tier), Hamilton.
PRICE, Warwick Stephen, Havelock North.
PRIEST, Hugh, Christchurch.
PROCTOR, Laurie Thompson, Napier.
PULFORD, Eileen (Clare), Clive.
PULLAR, E.  J. “Liz.” (Anderson), Hastings.
PULLEN, Decima (Strickland), Waipukurau.
RATTER, Ellena J. (Hargreaves), Whakatane.
RATTRAY, Hazel, Hastings.
READ, Bruce James, Hastings.
READ, Gilliam (Corbett), Auckland.

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REES, John David, Havelock North.
REID, Barry Neil, Auckland.
REID, Colin, Hastings.
REID, Pamela Janice (Lowe), Hastings.
REID, Robin Bruce, Auckland.
REID, Robyn (Barden), Auckland.
REID, Roseann “Paddy” (Rattray), Napier.
RICHARDSON, Claire “Rita” (Westerman) Hamilton.
RICHARDSON, Graeme, Hastings.
RICHMOND, Elaine J., (McKenzie), Wellington.
RILEY, June Elizabeth (Painter), Waipukurau.
ROBERTS, Annette (Smith), Havelock North.
ROBERTS, Malcolm, Auckland.
ROBERTS, Nanette G. (Steele), Hastings.
ROBERTSON, Ray, Bay View.
ROBERTSON, Shirley (Black), Auckland.
ROBINSON, Lionel Tucker, Hastings.
ROBSON, Graeme, Havelock North.
ROBSON, Ngaire Mae (McLaren), Havelock North.
ROCKEL, Ian Robert, Rotorua.
RODGERS, Leslie “Les.” Nelson.
RODGERS, Neil Hamish, Tuai.
RODGERS, Patty (Thompson), Nelson.
ROGERS, Godfrey Andrew, Havelock North.
ROGERS, Richard, Havelock North.
ROHRS, Joy Ngaire (Eastwood), Hastings.
ROIL, Alex, Hastings.
ROIL, Fay (Driver), Hastings.
ROMANES, Beverley (Densem), Havelock North.
ROSE, Keith, Havelock North.
ROSS, Janice Marlon (Godsiff), Waihi Beach.
ROSS, Flora (Ross), Hastings.
ROSS, Sue (Cox), Kamo.
ROSVALL, Colin, Haumoana.
ROUND, Jan, Hastings.
ROWLANDS, Pamela M., (Rowlands), Hastings.
RUDDICK, John Clayton, Eastbourne.
RUSHTON, Margaret N. (Will), Rotorua.
RUSSELL, Shirley (Land), Christchurch.
RYDER, William G., Hastings.
SALAMONSON, Allan John, Feilding.
SALT, Margaret Ngaire (Hall), Auckland.
SAMPSON, Eileen (Sampson), Hastings.
SCARFE, Margaret N. R. (Lee), Hastings.
SCOTT, Duncan, Hastings.
SCOTT, Isobel (Izatt), Hastings.
SCOTT, Lois Marlene (Scott), Rotorua.
SERGEANT, Arlene (Smith), Hastings.
SERGEANT, lain “Serge” Hastings.
SHAW, Jeanette (McLeod), Hastings.
SHAW, Nigel, Hastings.
SHAW, Valerie (Rouse), Hastings.
SIEGEL, Annette (Hill), Palmerston North.
SIM, M. J. “Mike”, Christchurch.
SIMKIN, Collin, Napier.
SIMKIN, Evie (Farnell), Napier.
SINGLE, Barry Allan, Hamilton.
SLEEMAN, Joy (Spence), Hastings.
SMILLIE, John, Hawera.
SMITH, Bridie (Smith), Hastings.
SMITH, Craig Henry, Upper Hutt.
SMITH, Ray, Hastings.
SMITH, Russell A., Hastings.
SMITH, Russell Robert, Hastings.
SMITH, Terry Ray, Haumoana.
SMITH, William, Havelock North.
SMYTH, Judy, (Gallien), Meeanee, Napier.
SOMMONS, Barry Franklin, Napier.
SOWERSBY, Betty (Chipper), Hastings.
SOWERSBY, Robert, Hastings.
SPARGO, Noeline (Butwell), Hastings.
SPEERS, Alan George, Waipukurau.
SPEERS, Audrey, (Beer), Hastings.
SPEERS, Jim, Hastings.
SPEERS, Natalie J. (Single), Waipukurau.
SPITZ, Ricky (Cohen), Auckland.
STALLARD, Shirley M. (Anderson), Invercargill.
STARTUP, lona, (Jones), Hastings.
STEELE, John, Hastings.
STEPHENS, June (Chapman), Hastings.
STIRLING, Ian, Hastings.
STOUPE, Warwick, Lower Hutt.
STRACHAN, Gary, Auckland.
SUDFELT, Hazel Rosina (Bull), Hastings.
SUGDEN, Cheryl, (McNeill), Taradale.
SULLIVAN, E. M. “Betty” (Wales), Hastings.
SUTCLIFFE, Eric John, Hastings.
SUTCLIFFE, M. J. “Sally” (Paviour), Hastings.
SUTHERLAND, Elizabeth (Boyd), Nelson.
SUTHERLAND, Ernest George, Palmerston North.
SUTHERLAND, Pamela Mary (Thompson),Palmerston North.
SUTTON, Annabelle Joan (Lines), Hastings.
SUTTON, J. C. “Bill”, Hastings.
SUTTON, W. R. J. (Ron), Rotorua.
SZYMKOWIAK, Hilary (Maccox), Wellington.
TAIT, Fay (Davidson), Hastings.
TASKER, Fred, Havelock North.
TAYLOR, Brian Maurice, Hastings.
TAYLOR, Bryan, Hastings.
TAYLOR, Doreen Thomson (Hellyer), Rotorua.
TAYLOR, Jill (Frizzell), Nuhaka.
THAWLEY, Michael, Havelock North.
THOM, Betty (Hill), Wellington.
THOMAS, Ann Verona (Hewitt), Havelock North.
THOMAS, Bruce, Napier.
THOMAS, Claire Yvonne (Thomas), Hastings.
THOMAS, Patricia Janet (Grant), Mt. Maunganui.
THOMASON, W. I. “Bill”, Mt. Maunganui.
THOMPSON, Barrie, Hamilton.

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THOMPSON, Desmond, Havelock North.
THOMPSON, Diana (Summersby), Tokoroa.
THOMPSON, Nigel Anthony, Hamilton.
THOMPSON, Peggy (Geenty), Hamilton.
THOMSON, Rodney Gordon, Hastings.
THOMSON, Dawn Elizabeth (Stewart), Hastings.
TIMU, Michael “Mike”, Christchurch.
TOMLINS, Jean Margaret (Armitage), Auckland.
TOMLINS, Pakaru Rangi, Auckland.
TOMLINSON, A. R. (Ray), Blenheim.
TOMS, Maurice Ivan, Auckland.
TOMS, Rose (Anderson), Auckland.
TONG, Doreen June (Taylor), Hastings.
TONG, Leon, Wairoa.
TONG, Noel Franklin, Wairoa.
TONKIN, Brian Richard, Hastings.
TORSTONSON, Peggy (Morton), Hastings.
TOTTY, Janet (Shaw), Hastings.
TOTTY, Lee, Hastings.
TOXWARD, Shirley (Smith), Takapau.
TRACEY, Colin Sinclair, Tauranga.
TRASK, Charles, Hastings.
TRASK, E. E. (Ernie), Shannon.
TRASK, Maureen (Lambert), Hastings, Havelock North.
TREACHER, Elaine “Shorty”(Shaw), Hastings.
TRAVERS, Colleen George (Apperley).
TUCKER, Leslie Alan M,, Tauranga.
TUOHY, B. F. (Bernie), Foxton.
TURNBULL, Liz, (Tate), Havelock North.
TURNER, Dorothy “Dot” (Lee), Lower Hutt.
TURNER, Enid (Cunningham), Linden.
TWEEDIE, Carol (Lambert), Havelock North.
TWEEDIE, Deirdre (French), Havelock North.
TWEEDIE, Graeme, Havelock North.
TWEEDIE, Jim, Hastings.
TWEEDIE, Matt, Havelock North,
TWORT, Allan Richard, Trentham.
TYLER, Beverley (Steele), Wellington.
UNWIN, John David, Hastings.
VAN DER BEEK, Robin Mary (Little), Hastings.
VAN DER WERP, Judith “Judy”(Lee), Napier.
VARNEY, Lauris (Heighway), Taradale.
VERRAN, Shirley May (Collins), Waipukurau.
VICKERS, Gary Eric, Hobsonville.
VINCENT, Gary, Wairoa.
WADE, Gaynor “Gay” (Birch), Tauranga.
WAKE, Betty (Cameron), Hastings.
WAKEFIELD, Judith (Peters), Hastings.
WALDEN, Gary Charles, Wellington.
WALFORD, Douglas Nigel, Havelock North.
WALKER, Jean Elizabeth (Carswell), Hastings.
WALKER, Ralph, Gisborne.
WALL, Margaret, (Stuart), Havelock North.
WALMSLEY, Margaret J. (Gilbertson), Hastings.
WARREN, Bevan, Hastings.
WARREN, Nancy (Beere), Hastings.
WATERHOUSE, Adrian Winston, Hamilton.
WATI Betty (Williams), Hastings.
WATT, Anne Frances (Davy), Napier.
WEBB Judith Florence (Webb), Hastings.
WELCH, Eric David, Hastings.
WELLS, Joan Marguerite (Southcott), Hastings.
WHEATLEY, Shirley (Wooding), Napier.
WHITAKER, Fiona (Mitchell), Havelock North.
WHITE, Elaine (Reid), Hastings.
WHITE, M. D. “Molly” (Rodgers), Hastings.
WHITTON, Coreen Jean (Drury) Auckland.
WHITTON, Neil William, Auckland.
WHITTON, Ronald J. “Ron”, Hastings.
WHITWORTH, Maxine Norah (Trask), Tikokino.
WICKEN, Jennifer Anne (Lowe), Hastings.
WICKEN, W. A. (Wally), Hastings.
WIGGINS, Elaine (Martin), Hastings.
WILLIAMS, Margaret Jean (Gillespie), Hastings.
WILLIS, William John, Otane.
WILLS, Bill, Napier.
WILSON, Bryan, Wellington.
WILSON, Cliff, Westshore.
WILSON, Desma (Shanks), Westshore.
WILSON, Dorothy (Spooner), Hastings.
WILSON, L. H. E. “Les”, Whakatane.
WILSON, Rex, Hastings.
WILSON, Roslyne E. (Earle), Clive.
WILSON, Thomas “Luke”, Havelock North.
WISE, Joan Roeina (Duigan), Hamilton.
WONG, Merlin, Havelock North.
WOODS, Margaret (Townshend), Christchurch.
WORBOYS, Lois Myra May (Robinson), Woodville.
WRIGHT, Eileen (Petch), Napier.
WRIGHT, Ethne (Wake), Whakatane.
WRIGHT, Judy M., (Spicer), Auckland.
WRIGHT, Peter Norman. Auckland.
YORTT, Peter, Marton.
YOUNG, Colin, Hastings.
YOUNG, Ian, Wellington.
YOUNG, Jeanne (Smith), Hastings.
YULE, Douglas Arden, Hastings.
YULE, Etain Joy (Jones), Hastings.
YULE, Valerie M. (Rosser), Hastings.
ZELCER, Brian, Auckland.
ZELCER, Max, Havelock North.

DECADE 1954 to 1963.
(Maiden name in parentheses)

ALEXANDER, Grant, Wellington.
ALEXANDER, Grant McLay, Wanganui.
ANDERSON, Ron, Hastings.
ANDREWS, Olive (Harbord), Hastings.

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ANDREWS, Ron, Havelock North.
ATKINS, Bob, Whangarei.
ATKINS, Keith, Hastings.
ATKINS, Max, Whangarei.
BADLAND, Kelvin Rex, Havelock North.
BAINES, Gary Andrew, Clive.
BAIRD, David Robert J., Christchurch.
BAIRD, Donald John, Hastings.
BATSON, Brian, Raupunga, H.B.
BAIRD, Michael A, H,, Auckland.
BAUDINET, Phillip George, Wellington.
BAYLISS, Pamela (Oldfield), Hastings.
BECKETT, Brian Gordon, Taradale.
BEE, B. J. “Buzz”, Johnsonville.
BELL, Michael Rintoul, Rotorua.
BELL, Robert John, Australia.
BELL, Robin Joseph, Napier.
BERKETT, James Mervyn, Napier.
BERRY, Craig, Australia.
BIXLEY, Max, Havelock North.
BIXLEY, Paul Frederick, Taupo.
BLAIR, Duncan James, Havelock North.
BOAG, Ian Francis, Palmerston North.
BOND, Murray H., Tawa.
BONE, Murray George, Havelock North.
BOUSFIELD, Bryce Laws T., Gisborne.
BOUSFIELD, David Stewart, Pukemiro.
BOYCE, D. W. “Joe”, Hastings.
BRANDON, Kerry Thomas, Bay View.
BROCKLEBANK, Margaret (Vince), Havelock North.
BRODRIBB, Dave, Haumoana.
BROOKS, Winston Dennis, Hastings.
BROOMHEAD, David John, Hastings.
BROUGHAM, Barry Gordon, Auckland.
BULL, Allan William, Opotiki.
BURDEN, Peter Thomas K., Hastings.
BURTENSHAW, Glynn (Rowlands), Hastings.
BUSHBY, George William, Hastings.
CALDER, Helen Julia May (Burden), Hastings.
CAMERON, Colin Ross, Linden.
CAMPAGNOLO, John, Napier.
CAMPBELL, Graeme, Hastings.
CARPENTER, Dennis, Napier.
CARROLL, Frederick T., Hastings.
CARTWRIGHT, Peter John, Hastings.
CARTWRIGHT, Raymond, Hastings.
CASH, Arthur E., Tauranga.
CASH, Ivan Claude, Te Karaka.
CASH, Leon, Hastings.
CAVES, Glen, Palmerston North.
CHADWICK, John T., Rotorua.
CLAPCOTT, Leslie John, Hastings.
CLAPPERTON, Deanne Joan (Tapson), Palmerston North.
CLARK, Alan Geoffrey, Wellington.
CLARK, Robert James, Wellington.
CLARKE, Janet Ellen (Marquet), Waipukurau.
CLARKE, Margaret Rose (Steel), Te Awanga.
CLARKE, Ross Campbell, Waipukurau.
CLARKE, Trevor William, Levin.
COLES, Brian R., Palmerston North.
COLES, Douglas, Havelock North.
COLES, Richard Bruce, Hastings.
COLLETT, Peter, Paremata.
COLLINGE, John Gregory, Auckland.
COOKE, Janice M. “Jan” (Lindsay), Hastings.
COOPER, David Gordon, Hastings.
COOPER, Ian, Hastings.
COOPER, Pat (Esam), Hastings.
COOPER, Richard Thomas, Taupo.
COOPER, Robert, Wellington.
CORBIN, Peter Douglas, Havelock North.
COX, Neville Ian, Geraldine.
CRAWFORD, Geraldine L. (Wills), Hastings.
CRAWFORD, Marion E. (Steele), Hastings.
CRAWLEY, Graeme Douglas, Taradale.
CRAWLEY, Kevin, Taradale.
CROMBIE, Dave, Palmerston North.
CULVER, Ross Allan, Hastings.
CUMBERBEACH, Geoff., Auckland.
CUNNINGHAM, Brian Keith, Wellington.
CURRIE, Glenys, (Powdrell), Hastings.
DALE, Murray, Hastings.
DAVIDSON, James “Jim”, Hastings.
DAVIDSON, Royce James, Lower Hutt.
DAVIS, Gay (Clothier), Hastings.
DAVIES, Richard S., Wellington.
DAVIS, Roy Alan, Hastings.
DAYNES, Russell Lloyd, Hastings.
DILLON, Michael, Hastings.
DIXON, Lorraine G. (Cameron), Havelock North.
DOHERTY, Barry, Matamata.
DONKIN, Barry, Hastings.
DOOLE, M. R., Napier.
DRAPER, Steve, Pukahu, Hastings.
DYER, Colin, Palmerston North.
DYER, Vaughan A. S., Auckland.
ELVIDGE, Robert, Napier.
ESTCOURT, Donn Edwin, Hastings.
EVANS, Dave, Taupo.
EVANS, Douglas John, Hastings.
EVANS, Noel, Napier.
FIPPARD, Ross, Taupo.
FLACK, Bruce, Tawa.
FORSTER, Murray, Hastings.
FOWLES, Gary, Napier.
FRANCIS, Dawn Beverley (Tapson), Hastings.
FRASER, Pauline E. (Boult), Hastings.
FRIZZELL, Bruce, Auckland.
FRIZZELL, Peter, Hastings.
FRIZZELL, R. J. “Dick”, Auckland.
FROST, Roy, Hastings.
FULFORD, Garry, Auckland.
GARRATT, Anna Margaret (Clayton), Upper Hutt.
GEE, Margaret Ellen (Twort), Carterton.

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GEENTY, G. R. “Dick”, Hastings.
GLASS, June Isabel (Ward), Hastings.
GOLDMAN, Allan, Wellington.
GOLDMAN, Barry, Wellington.
GOLDSTONE, Barbara (Powdrell). Hastings.
GOODEVE, Graham, Masterton.
GOODWIN, Rex “Rag”. Hastings.
GORDON, Graeme, Palmerston Nth.
GRAY, Adrian, Hastings.
GREEN, Neville Thomas, Hastings.
GREVILLE, Jillyan Russell (Passey), Hastings.
GREVILLE, Laurie F., Hastings.
GREVILLE, Raymond, Upper Hutt.
GRIFFITHS, Erena (Love), Hastings.
GRIFFITHS, Robert Douglas, Hastings.
GRIFFITHS, Stewart, Kati Kati.
GROVER, Alan Andrew, Gisborne.
HAGGERTY, Dave, Hastings.
HALL, Derek Robert, Hastings.
HALL, Desmond Maurice, Auckland.
HALL, Stuart, Carterton.
HARDING, E, David, Hastings.
HARDING, John, Hastings.
HARDING, Laurence V., Auckland.
HARDING, Margaret (Paterson), Hastings.
HARDING, Pam Priscilla (Davison), Silverstream.
HARKNESS, John Renwick, Wellington.
HARRINGTON, Mervyn Edwin, Napier.
HARRIS, Pauline M. C. (Finny), Hawera.
HARRISON, David, Waiouru.
HARRISON, Hugh Robert, Bay View.
HARRISON, Peter Graham, Tolaga Bay.
HARVEY, Alan, Hastings.
HARVEY, W. J, “Jim”, Hastings.
HAWKE, Paul, Hastings.
HAZELWOOD, Weston, Hastings.
HEDLEY, Dennis Ivan, Auckland.
HENNAH, John A., Napier.
HERBISON, Neville Ian, Waipawa.
HERRIES, Garry Grant, Gisborne.
HERRIES, Lionel Mason, Hastings.
HEYWARD, Gaun William, Wellington.
HEYWARD, Kevin Richard, Auckland.
HICKMAN, E. R. “Robin”, Bucklands Beach.
HICKMAN, Graham L., Blenheim.
HODDER, Judy (Crombie), Hamilton.
HOLMES, Hugh George, Onehunga.
HOLMES, Sam, Hastings.
HOPE, Collin, Paraparaumu.
HOPE, Edward “Eddie”, Hastings,
HOPKINS, Bryan Thomas W., Hastings.
HORNE, M, “Moodge” (Thompson), Hastings.
HORTON, Brian Raymond, Taupo.
HORTON, Graeme John, Rotorua.
HOSKINS, Robert, Havelock North.
HOWARD, John Edward, Hastings.
HOWLET, Judith (Steele), Napier.
HUGHES, David, Hastings.
HULLETT, Mark L., Hunterville.
HUME, Don Peter, Havelock North.
HUNT, Richard, Hastings.
HUTCHISON, Neville James, Auckland.
HUTCHISON, Rob, Auckland.
INGLIS, Suzette (Baird), Havelock North.
IZATT, Ross Alan, Hastings.
JACKSON, Richard Thomas, Waiouru.
JAGO, Sydney Allen, Hamilton.
JANETT, Colin Rob, Napier.
JARVIS, Denny (Strickland), Waipukurau.
JERICEVICH, Mike, Australia.
JOHANSON, Marie Ann (Golds), Hastings.
JONES, Barry, Wellington.
JONES, Brian, Wairoa.
JONES, Douglas, Australia.
JONES, Graeme Allan, Hastings.
JONES, Mark, Hastings.
JONES, Maurice “Monty”, Hastings.
JONSON, Kim, Auckland.
JUDD, Tim, Taradale.
KEAN, Bruce Robert, Havelock North.
KEIGHTLEY, John Wilfred, Hastings.
KEMP, David John, Haumoana.
KENNEDY, Les, Napier.
LANKOVSKY, Alexis E. “Lex”, Wellington.
LETFORD, P. E. “Phil.” Hamilton.
LETFORD, Walter, Hastings.
LINLEY-RICHARDSON, Bernard James, Wellington.
LINNELL, Ivan John, Hastings.
LINNELL, Peter Murray, Hastings.
LITTLEWOOD, Garrick, Hastings.
LOCKETT, Helen Kathleen, (Carrington), Hastings.
LOW, David James, Otane.
LOWE, Lawrence P., Lower Hutt.
LOWE, Raymond Norman, Levin.
MACAULAY, Elizabeth (Macaulay), Invercargill.
MACAULAY, R. J, “Jim”, Otane.
MACAULAY, Rex, Hastings.
MACDONALD, Marcus Arthur, Auckland.
MACKAY, Colin George, Hastings.
MACKAY, David Alexander, Hastings.
MANDEL, Adrienne Mary (Stoupe), Wellington.
MANNERS, Robert K. “Bob”, Havelock Nth.
MANNERS, Terry Gordon, Havelock North.
MARDLE, Don William, Papakura.
MARSHALL, Howard, Porangahau.
MARTIN, Anne (Williams), Auckland.
MARTIN, Brian Robert, Tawa.
MARTIN, Thomas Duncan. Hastings.
MARTIN, Tony, Eastbourne.
McCORMICK, Michael Edward, Hastings.
McGREGOR-MACDONALD, Christopher Ian, Auckland.
McKENZlE, Ian Claude, Upper Hutt.

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McKENZIE, Peter, Wellington.
McLAGAN, Robin Donald D., Plimmerton.
McLAREN, Bruce, Hastings.
McMILLAN, Mark Haswell, Lower Hutt.
McMILLAN, Simon Anthony, Otane.
MEEHAN, Ken Owen, Otara.
MILL, Hugh David, Lower Hutt.
MILLER, Lindsay, F., Hastings.
MILLER, Michael, Gisborne.
MILLER, P. M. “Pat”(Langford), Wellington.
MILLER, Ross, Hastings.
MILNE, Graeme, Hastings.
MILNE, Martyn  Guy, Havelock North.
MICHELL, Allan W. “Bill” Glenfield.
MONK, Alan John, Blenheim.
MONK, Kenneth Ernest, Taradale.
MONK, Mervyn, Hastings.
MORAN, Trevor Wilson, Howick.
MORISON, Hamish McNair, Wellington.
MORLEY, Bruce, Auckland.
MORLEY, Trevor, Wellington.
MORRIS, Thomas Graeme, Havelock North.
MUCALO, Mate Frank, Hastings.
MUDGWAY, John William, Masterton.
MURLEY, Neil, Dannevirke.
MURPHY, John “Murph”, Hastings.
MURTON, Jean Cooper (McGaffin), Hastings.
MUSSON, Marjorie (Lines), Hastings.
NASH, John, Lower Hutt.
NUKU, Bill Pene, Auckland.
O’DWYER, David, Hastings.
OLIVER, Judith Pamela (Andrews), Turangi.
PADMAN, Garth Noel, Rotorua.
PAINTER, Philip Alan, Rotorua.
PALMER, Janet Ann, (Robertson), Rotorua.
PASCOE, Vernon John, Havelock North.
PATTERSON, Ewan, Wellington.
PAYNTER, John, Hastings.
PERCY, Brian James, Hastings.
PONGA, Robin Kaye, Taupo.
POTTS, Dennis, Havelock North.
POTTS, E. Robin, Napier.
POTTS, Len, Wellington.
PRATT, Alan Lawrence, Wellington.
PRATT, Norman Douglas, Havelock North.
PRICE, Frank, Wellington.
PRICE, Janet Margaret (Macdonald), Havelock North.
PRITCHARD, Barry Arthur, Hastings.
PRITCHARD, David James, Hastings.
PRITCHARD, E. L. “Eddy”, Hastings.
PRYCE, Graeme C,, Hastings.
PULFORD, Ross, Hastings.
QUAYLE, John Edward, Wellington.
RAND, Richard Harold, Hastings.
RATTRAY, Les, Gisborne.
REID, Alan, Hastings.
REIZER, Shirley (Zelcer), Havelock North.
RENDLE, Bryce Richard, Hastings.
RILEY, John Edward, Puketapu.
ROBB, Jewel (Wilson), Wellington.
ROBBINS, Roger, Hastings.
ROBERTSON, Craig, Australia.
ROBERTSON, Hugh, Hastings.
ROBERTSON, Tom, Havelock North.
ROGERS, Juliette (Robinson), Havelock North.
ROGERS, Lionel Ronald, Auckland.
ROGERS, Roland “Roly”, Auckland.
ROSS, Ian, Masterton.
ROSVALL, Margaret E.(Fleming), Haumoana.
ROUND, David, Australia.
ROUND, Harvey, Wanganui.
ROWE, Ashley, Waipawa.
ROWLANDS, George, Napier.
RUMMERY, John, Auckland.
RYAN, Kevin James, Dannevirke.
RYAN, Selwyn Collins, Auckland.
SANKO, Richard, Havelock North.
SCOTT, Ian Malcolm, Wellington.
SCOTT, Rosemary E. (Brace), Gisborne.
SETON, Dick, Hastings.
SHATTKY, Derek Graye, Papakura Camp.
SHATTKY, Philip John, Lower Hutt.
SHAW, Alasdair, Hastings.
SHUKER, W. J. “John”, Napier.
SIMKIN, Bryan James, Hastings.
SIMMONS, K. O. “Aussie”, Hastings.
SINCLAIR, Ian Douglas, Hastings.
SINGLETON, Lloyd Robert, Hastings.
SKIDMORE, Beryl Dawn (Hammond), Tutira.
SMITH, Ross, Havelock North.
SNADDEN, Graham Robert, Nelson.
SNIJDERS, Rosalyn (Low), Taradale.
SPARGO, Barry Edward, Hastings.
SPARGO, Kevin Gordon, Hastings.
SPEEDEN, Michael Peter, Havelock North.
SPEERS, Norman David, Hastings.
SPOTSWOOD, Ron Charles, Waipukurau.
STAFFORD, Jon, Hastings.
STAFFORD, Selwyn D., Hastings.
STARNES, Ken, Hastings.
STEWART, Donald Reed, Waitomo.
STEWART, Max, Hamilton.
STEWART, Michael, Hamilton.
STEWART, Trevor Kendall, Taradale.
STRACHAN, Don, Hastings.
STURM, Tony, Upper Hutt.
SULLIVAN, Rosalie (Murray), Hastings.
SYMONS, Humphrey G,, Hastings.
TAMATI, Henry Kingi, Hastings.
TAYLOR, Mairi  (McMeekin), Hastings.
TAYLOR, Rosalie Ann (Poulter), Hastings.
TAYLOR, Trevor Herbert, Hastings.
TEGG, Denis, Thames.
THOMSON, John, Hastings.
TONKIN, Murray, Auckland.
TOOP, David A. Havelock North.
TOPHAM, Michael, Hastings.

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TORWICK Malcolm Ross, Hastings.
TOSH, Ngaire (Rogers) Hastings.
TOWNROW, Peter John, Westshore.
TOWNSEND, Hugh Walter, Marsden.
TRASK, Bruce Arthur, Waitoa.
TREACHER Graeme Neil, Hamilton.
TRIGGS, Melva Anne (Scott), Auckland.
TROTTER, Robert W., Tirau.
TURNER, Peter Colin, Wellington.
TUSTIN, John Ross, Rotorua.
UNWIN Reg., Hastings.
VAUGHAN, Warwick, Hastings.
VAUSE, Jennifer A. (Mudgway), Hastings.
VELVIN, Graham, Hastings.
VERRY, Phil, Wellington.
VINCE, Norman, M. W. Masterton.
WALKER, Keith Clement. Hastings.
WARE, Ian Malcolm, Hamilton.
WARREN, Errol, Orewa.
WARRING, Wayne “Leech’, Hastings.
WATERREUS, Jim, Napier.
WATERREUS, Raymond Leslie, Napier.
WEBB, Nyall, Havelock North.
WENMAN, Peter, Wellington.
WHITE, Neville Reg., Waipawa.
WHITTLE, William Joseph, Hastings.
WILDE, David Anthony, Hastings.
WILDE, Hugh, Palmerston North.
WILDE, Nick, Havelock North.
WILSON, Tony, Hastings.
WILKINSON, Barbara Ann, (Carrington), Havelock North.
WILLIAMS, Kevin John, Hastings.
WILSON, Clyde, Hastings.
WOON, Gavin William, New Plymouth.
WOON, Trevor William, Wanganui.
WRATT, Betty Anne (Beale). Hastings.
YOUNG, Victor Berkley, Hastings.
ZELCER, Frank, Lower Hutt.

DECADE 1964 to 1979.

AMNER, Harold Keith, Taihape.
ANDERSON, E. R. “Ted”. Napier.
ARLIDGE, Robert J. “Bob”, Auckland.
ASTWOOD, Mark, Wairoa.
BADLAND, Wayne Neville, Napier.
BEDFORD, David John, Havelock North.
BELL, Gary Gorden, Wellington.
BENNETT, Craig, Havelock North.
BENSON, John Bernard, Hastings.
BENSON, Simon James, Napier.
BISHOP, Omer Leon G„ Hastings.
BLACK, Brian Stanley, Wellington.
BOUSFIELD, Ken, Hastings.
BOUSFIELD, Laurie, Hastings.
BOYD, Bruce, Hastings.
BOYD, Graeme, Hastings.
BOYD, Ian, Gisborne.
BROCK, Andrew, Mt. Maunganui.
BURFIELD, David Alan, Hastings.
CAMP, Peter Alvin, Hastings.
CARR, David Harley, Hastings.
CASH, Darryl, Wellington.
CLARKE, Cyril Thomas, Napier.
CRAWLEY, Peter Allen, Auckland.
CRAWLEY, Trevor George, Hastings.
CREIGHTON, Anthony Francis, Hastings.
CROMBIE, Stuart James, Hastings.
DAGGER, Lewis William, Papakura.
DANIELL, Michael, Auckland.
DAYNES, Anthony Kevin, Whataroa.
DEYELL, Richard, Wellington.
DOBSON, John, Auckland.
DUNN, John Eric, Havelock North.
EDLIN, Jason K. S., Hastings.
ENGLISH, Ross Malcolm, Wellington.
FAIRLESS, Graham John, Dunedin.
FIELD, Andrew, Hastings.
FORDYCE, Andrew Bruce, Havelock North.
FRASER, John Francis, Lower Hutt.
FRATER, Gregory Thomas, Waipukurau.
FULFORD, Donald Hugh, Havelock North.
GADD, Ross, Gisborne.
GILLIES, Wayne, Wellington.
GLEAVE, Trevor Miles, Wellington.
GLEW, John William, Hastings.
GODBER, Michael Ross, Lower Hutt.
GRAHAM, Rex Gordon, Hastings,
GRAY, A. T. “Tony”, Lower Hutt.
GRAY, Phillip John, Taihape.
GUERIN, Peter John, Hastings.
GUILD, Lindsay, Wellington.
GUTHRIE, Malcolm, Hastings.
HALLGARTH, Gordon, Hastings.
HARRISON, Michael M., Christchurch.
HELM, John Maxwell, Meadowbank.
HERRIES, Graham Noel, Hastings.
HILL, Christopher, Hastings.
HILL, D. E. “Doug.” Hastings.
HILL, Ian Alexander, Wellington.
HYLAND, Christopher J., Wellington.
IRVING, Roger, Tolaga Bay.
JACKSON, Phiip “Jacko” Porangahau.
JARVIS, Peter, Havelock North.
KING, Keith James, Hastings.
LADBROOK, Allen Gordon, Hastings.
LANG, Robert Kenneth, Havelock North.
LINNELL, Stephen Richard, Hastings.
LOWE, Miles Alexander, Taupo.
MACLEAN, Lachie, Nuhaka.
MACLEOD, Robert Colin, Haumoana.
MARSH, Kevin, Hastings.
MARSHALL, Stanley Douglas, Wellington.
MATTHEWS, Peter Hapita, Wellington.
McCRACKEN, Allan, Auckland.
McFARLANE, Norman William, Auckland.

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McGAVOCK, Steve John, Te Awanga.
McHARDY, John Fordon, Wellington.
McLAREN, Ken, Wellington.
MELDRUM, Terry, Hastings.
MONTEITH, Hugh Grahame, Palmerston Nth.
MOSSMAN, Barry, Hastings.
MUDGWAY, Grant Langdon, Hastings.
MULLINDER, John, Hastings.
NEWALL, Alan, Te Kanaka.
NICHOLLS, Richard, Hastings.
OLSEN, Christopher G., Napier.
PARKER, Bruce Clifford, Hastings.
NIMON, W. J. “Bill”, Havelock North.
PASCOE, David, Hastings.
PATMORE, Murray, Hastings.
PINKHAM, Ross Howard, Napier.
POWELL, Duncan William, Hastings.
QUAYLE, Barry Thomas, Havelock North.
RAY, Allan Jeffrey, Havelock North.
RAZOS, Maikis, Hastings.
RAZOS, Spyros Peter, Hastings.
ROBERTSON, T. R. “Tom”, Palmerston Nth.
ROSENBERG, Barry James, Hastings.
RUSSELL, Vyron George, Hastings.
RYAN, John Aubrey, Hastings.
SHAKESPEARE, Michael, Hastings.
SINGLE, Brett Arthur, Raupunga.
SINGLE, John “Jack”, Hastings.
STEVENSON, Paul Maurice, Hastings.
STOTHART, Mark Selwyn, Hastings.
SUTTON, Kenneth John, Napier.
SUTTON, Peter, Havelock North.
TALBOT, Vern, Hamilton.
TAMATI, Mike, Papatoetoe.
TAYLOR, Graeme, Auckland.
TOOGOOD, Chas. P., Auckland.
TREW, Trevor Lennox, Hastings.
TUCKER, Wayne, Havelock North.
VAN PANHUYS, Mark, Hastings.
WATERHOUSE, Craig Douglas, Hastings.
WATERHOUSE, Grant Lex, Wellington.
WENLEY, Michael John, Napier.
WENLEY, Roger, Hastings.
WHEELER, David Mark, Hastings.
WILSON, Maurice, Wellington.
WYATT, Geoff. Colin, Auckland.
YOUNGSON, David S., Hastings.
YOUNGSON, Ken A., Hastings.

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At the time of the 75th Jubilee of the school, the future of the Administration building was in some doubt. Those who attended would remember the remarks of the principal, Mr. Frank Crist, in regards to its future.

This delightful example of architecture of the time and the sight we all remember with affection, I hope has been suitably portrayed in this photograph in a way that will remind you of lunching on the front lawn of the school on a hot summer’s day. The school crest needs no explanation from me, but the 75th logo designed especially for the Jubilee is also incorporated as it was on all printed matter for the whole Jubilee.

Peter Single


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