Hastings Primary Schools Choir Concert 1950
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Surnames in this booklet –
Agnew, Aitchison, Alderman, Apatu, Apperley, Baker, Bale, Ball, Barcham, Barclay, Barden, Bartlett, Batchelor, Batson, Beattie, Beer, Bell, Bentley, Bishop, Blewden, Blinkhorne, Bone, Boult, Boyd, Bracken, Briggs, Brook, Brown, Burnett, Burns, Campbell, Carr, Carrie, Caves, Chadwick, Charters, Christie, Cohen, Coles, Connor, Coombe, Cooper, Corbett, Corner, Coutts, Craigie, Craven, Crawford, Crisp, Crombie, Croucher, Croucher, Culloty, Culver, Cummings, Cunningham, Curtis, Davey, Davies, Davis, Davison, Delmonte, Dillon, Donovan, D’Ott, Drayson, Drummond, Duncan, Eastwood, Ebbett, Ecsourt, Elliott, Evans, Everex, Ewen, Ewen, Farquharson, Fergusson, Flight, Foote, Forsyth, Fowler, Franklin, Frew, Frizzell, Gallien, Garton, Gay, Giorgi, Glover, Goodall, Grainger, Grant, Green, Greenfield, Gutterson, Hannah, Harmer, Harris, Harvey, Hastings, Hawkins, Hawley, Hayes, Heard, Heighway, Helleur, Henderson, Hewitt, Hickman, Hill, Hirstitch, Hole, Holmes, Horton, Hoskins, Hughes, Hullett, Jeffs, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Kale, Kelly, Kerr, Kilpatrick, King, Kirk, Lamberg, Lamont, Lange, Lawrie, Lean, Legg, Lemon, Leonard, Lett, Lewis, Liley, Lincoln, Lines, Low, Lowe, Lusher, MacDonald, Mackie, Manning, Marr, Marshall, Martin, Maultsaid, McCracken, McCurrach, McDonell, McKee, McKenzie, Metcalf, Miller, Mitchell, Morgan, Morley, Morse, Mulvanah, Newbold, Northe, Nuttall, Oakley, Oliver, O’Meara, O’Meara, Openshaw, Ormond, Ormsby, Osborne, Otene, Packer, Paipa, Paku, Palmer, Parkhill, Passey, Paul, Paviour, Pell, Phillips, Pinfold, Pocock, Poppelwell, Porteous, Potter, Powdrell, Powell, Presswood, Puna, Purcell, Rainbow, Ransom, Raymond, Razos, Redgrave, Rees, Reeve, Rennie, Richards, Riggir, Riley, Robb, Robertson, Robin, Robinson, Robson, Roe, Rogers, Rolland, Rose, Ross, Rosvall, Rowlands, Ruffell, Sargent, Sayer, Scannell, Scott, Shattky, Shaw, Sheffield, Sheild, Sherwood, Shuker, Simmons, Simpson, Sivewright, Small, Smith, Spence, Spencer, Stanley, Stewart, Stringer, Symes, Symonds, Tahau, Talbot, Tassell, Taylor, Thomason, Thompson, Thornton, Thorp, Timu, Tindall, Tipu, Tobin, Todd, Tucker, Twort, Unwin, Vercoe, Vickers, Vigers, Wainscott, Walford, Walker, Wallace, Ward, Warren, Wati, Westerman, White, Whitten, Whittington, Wilford, Wilkinson, Wilson, Wilton, Wishart, Wood, Woodhead, Wooding, Wyatt, Young, Zelcer
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