Hastings Primary Schools Choir Concert 1951
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Surnames in this booklet –
Anderson, Andrews, Apperley, Attwood, Baird, Baker, Barcham, Barclay, Barley, Bartle, Batson, Beale, Beer, Bentley, Bishop, Black, Blewden, Blinkhorn, Boal, Bone, Boult, Boyd, Bridgeman, Brook, Brown, Brunton, Burden, Burns, Butcher, Calman, Cambridge, Cameron, Carrol, Cash, Caves, Chadwick, Charters, Cohen, Coles, Collett, Comer, Connor, Conrad, Cooper, Corrie-Johnstone, Coutts, Craven, Crawford, Cresswell, Crisp, Crisp, Croucher, Culver, Cummings, Cunningham, Davey, Davison, Dawson, Densem, Dillon, Dollimore, Donovan, D’Ott, Dowler, Downey, Drummond, Dyett, Ebbett, Essam, Ewen, Fargher, Farquharson, Fippard, Fleissner, Foddy, Foster, Franklin, Fraser, Galbraith, Gallien, Gane, Garton, Gibbons, Gilbertson, Giorgi, Grainger, Grant, Gray, Green, Grieve, Griffney, Hannah, Hapurona, Harding, Hare, Harmer, Haronga, Harris, Harrison, Harvey, Hastings, Hawkins, Hay, Hayes, Haymer, Heighway, Henderson, Hickman, Hickman, Hill, Hirst, Hole, Holland, Horne, Horton, Hortop, Hoskins, Hughes, Hutchinson, Izatt, Johnson, Johnstone, Jones, Keong, Keys, King, Kirk, Lamberg, Lamont, Lange, Lattey, Lawrie, Le Quesne, Lean, Lennox, Leonard, Leslie, Lethbridge, Liley, Lincoln, Little, Long, Lorensen, Low, Lowe, Lusher, Mackie, Manley, Manning, Marr, Marshall, Martin, McAleese, McCracken, McDonald, McDonell, McEwan, McGhie, McIver, McKee, McKenzie, McLean, McLeod, McPherson, Metcalf, Miller, Mitchell, Mooney, Morgan, Morley, Morris, Morrison, Morse, Morten, Mulvanah, Oliver, O’Meara, Opie, Ormond, Otene, Overend, Paipa, Paku, Palmer, Panapa, Park, Parsons, Pell, Phillips, Pledger, Pocock, Pointon, Poppelwell, Powdrell, Powell, Presswood, Preston, Puna, Purcell, Randall, Ransom, Razos, Redgrave, Rees, Reid, Rigger, Robertson, Robinson, Robson, Rose, Ross, Round, Rowlands, Ruffell, Rukupo, Russell, Scott, Shattky, Shaw, Sheffield, Sherwood, Shuker, Silman, Simmons, Sivewright, Skelton, Skelton, Small, Smith, Spence, Spencer, Stanley, Stowe, Stubbs, Talbot, Tassell, Taylor, Te Aro, Thomas, Thomason, Thompson, Thomson, Thorp, Tindall, Tipu, Tobin, Townsend, Tucker, Twort, Unwin, Vercoe, Vernon, Vigers, Vince, Wainscott, Wake, Walford, Wallace, Ward, Warren, Wati, Watson, Watt, Westerman, Wharrier, White, Whittington, Whyte, Wilkinson, Williams, Wilson, Wishart, Witoko, Wood, Woodhead, Wooding, Wotherspoon, Wyatt, Young
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