Hastings Primary Schools Choir Concert 1952
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Surnames in this booklet –
Abraham, Agnew, Anstis, Apatu, Atkins, Baird, Baker, Bakker, Bannister, Barcham, Barley, Bartlett, Battle, Baxter, Beach, Beale, Beattie, Beer, Bell, Bennett, Bentley, Birch, Blewden, Botherway, Boult, Boyd, Bradshaw, Brandon, Briggs, Brodie, Bromley, Brown, Burden, Burgess, Burke, Burling, Burns, Bushby, Butcher, Butler, Butwell, Calnan, Cameron, Caro, Carroll, Cash, Cater, Catherall, Caves, Chadwick, Chappell, Christensen, Christenson, Christophersen, Clarke, Cloy, Cody, Cohen, Coleman, Coles, Collins, Coombe, Copeland, Corbett, Corrie-Johnstone, Coutts, Craigie, Craven, Crawley, Cresswell, Crombie, Croucher, Cunningham, Curtis, Davey, Davis, Davison, Dillon, Dixon, Donaldson, Downey, Drummond, Drury, Edwards, Epps, Esam, Farquharson, Fear, Fergusson, Ferry, Finney, Foote, Forbes, Foster, Fowler, French, Fulton, Gallien, Gardener, Garner, Garton, Gilkison, Gillespie, Giorgi, Godfrey, Godwin, Goldman, Graham, Grainger, Gray, Green, Grieve, Growcott, Hammond, Harding, Harmer, Haronga, Harris, Harvey, Hawkins, Hayes, Haymer, Healey, Heffernan, Henderson, Herman, Hickman, Hill, Hirst, Hokianga, Hollier, Holmes, Horton, Hoskings, Hoskins, Hughes, Hullett, Hunter, Hutchinson, Hutchison, Hutson, Izatt, Jackson, Jans, Jenkins, Johnson, Jones, Kaa, Karaitiana, Keighley, Keys, King, Kirk, Klingender, Lamberg, Lay, Lean, Legg, Lennox, Lincoln, Lines, Little, Love, Low, Lowe, Lusher, Manley, Manning, Marr, Marriott, Martin, Mason, Masters, Maultsaid, McCracken, McCue, McCurrach, McDonald, McDonell, McKain, McKee, McLeod, McMeekin, McPherson, McWilliam, Menzies, Miller, Millet, Mitchell, Mooney, Morgan, Morris, Morrison, Morse, Mudgway, Mulvanah, Munson, Murray, Murtagh, Ngeru, Noanoa, Nuku, Offen, Oliver, O’Meara, O’Meara, Opie, Ormsby, Overend, Paipa, Pakai, Paku, Park, Parkhill, Parnell, Passey, Payne, Pell, Percy, Pere, Pirie, Pocock, Poppelwell, Powdrell, Powell, Pratt, Proctor, Purcell, Rae, Ramsay, Ramsey, Razos, Rees, Richardson, Rogers, Rosenberg, Rouse, Rowlands, Ruffell, Rukupo, Rummery, Rundell, Ryan, Scott, Shattky, Sheffield, Sheild, Shepperd, Sherwood, Simmonds, Sivewright, Smith, Speers, Spence, Stairmand, Stanley, Staples, Stead, Steele, Stewart, Stubbs, Sullivan, Tahau, Talbot, Tasker, Taylor, Thomas, Thomason, Thompson, Thomson, Tindall, Tobin, Tomoana, Tong, Townsend, Tucker, Twort, Underwood, Unwin, Vernon, Vigers, Vince, Wainscott, Wait, Walford, Walker, Wallace, Warren, Wati, Watt, Webb, Webby, Westerman, Whittle, Wilkinson, Williams, Wills, Wilson, Wilton, Winter, Witoko, Woodham, Wright, Wyatt, Young, Younge, Zelcer
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