Hastings Primary Schools Choir Concert 1953
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Surnames in this booklet –
Abraham, Agnew, Aldridge, Allen, Anderson, Anstis, Anyan, Ashcroft, Ayre, Baird, Baker, Bakker, Baldwin, Ballantyne, Barcham, Barclay, Barns, Batchelor, Battle, Beattie, Beer, Bell, Bentley, Blake, Blewden, Bone, Boult, Bowman, Boyd, Bradshaw, Brook, Brown, Brunton, Bulled, Burden, Burke, Burling, Burns, Butcher, Butler, Butwell, Cameron, Carney, Carrington, Carson, Catherall, Caves, Chadwick, Chappell, Charters, Christophersen, Circuitt, Clarke, Coles, Collins, Connor, Coombe, Coombs, Cooper, Corner, Corrie-Johnstone, Coutts, Craigie, Craven, Crawley, Croucher, Cummings, Cunningham, Curtis,Davey, Davidson, Davison, Dean, Dillon, Dolbel, Dunstall, Dysart, Edwards, Elsworth, Epplett, Esam, Evans, Fear, Ferry, Fleissner, Forbes, Forsyth, Foster, Fredrickson, French, Frost, Galbraith, Garland, Garton, Garton-Stone, Gibson, Gill, Gilmer, Giorgi, Glew, Godwin, Goldman, Goodall, Graham, Grainger, Grant, Green, Greig, Greville, Grieve, Grover, Guthrie, Hamilton, Hammond, Hannah, Harding, Hardy, Harmer, Harris, Harvey, Hawkins, Haycock, Hayes, Heffernan, Heighway, Henderson, Hickman, Hill, Hirst, Hole, Holland, Hughes, Hunt, Hutchinson, Ingram, Izatt, Jackson, Janson, Jeffs, Jesson, Jillings, Johnson, Jones, Judd, Kale, Kani, Keighley, Kelly, Keys, King, Kirk, Lamberton, Lamont, Land, Lange, Langford, Langley, Lapsley, Lean, Lennox, Leppien, Liddington, Lincoln, Lines, Little, Lloyd, Love, Lowe, Lusher, Lynch, Lynn, Mackie, Manley, Manning , Marriott, Martin, Maultsaid, Mawson, McCormick, McCracken, McDonald, McKee, McKendry, McKenzie, McLean, McLeod, Mclver, McWilliam, Menzies, Miller, Millett, Mison, Mitchell, Mooney, Morgan, Morris, Mudgway, Muir, Mulvanah, Munro, Murray, Newell, Nicholls, Nicol, North, Northe, Nuku, Oldfield, O’Meara, O’Meara, Orsborn, Owen, Park, Parnell, Passey, Paul, Payne, Pell, Penny, Percy, Phillips, Pirie, Pocock, Poppelwell, Powdrell, Preston, Proctor, Pryce, Rainbow, Ramsay, Ransom, Razos, Redgrave, Rees, Richardson, Riggs, Robertson, Robin, Rogers, Rogers, Rollander, Rose, Ross, Rouse, Rowlands, Ruffell, Russ, Russell, Ryan, Salt, Saul, Sawyer, Sayer, Scannell, Scott, Sergeant, Shattky, Sheffield, Sherwood, Silman, Simmonds, Simmons, Simpson, Sivewright, Skittrup, Sleeman, Smith, Sparks, Speers, Spence, Stanley, Stott, Strickland, Stubbs, Sullivan, Symes, Tahau, Talbot, Tapson, Tasker, Tate, Taylor, Tetley, Thaw, Thom, Thomas, Thomason, Thompson, Thomson, Thorp, Tilling, Tindall, Tobin, Tong, Townrow, Townsend, Tucker, Tuohy, Twort, Unahi, Underwood, Upchurch, Vercoe, Vernon, Vigers, Vince, Wait, Walker, Wallace, Walsh, Ward, Ware, Watt, Webb, Webby, Wenman, Wepa, Westerman, Whatarau, Whitaker, White, Whitfield, Whittington, Wilkinson, Williams, Willis, Wills, Wilson, Wilton, Winter, Wise, Wishart, Woodham, Wotherspoon, Wright, Wyatt, Young, Zelcer
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