Hastings Primary Schools Choir Concert 1955
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Surnames in this booklet –
Agnew, Aitchison, Aldridge, Allan, Anderson, Ashley, Atkins, Ayre, Banks, Barcham, Barley, Beanie, Beattie, Beeby, Beer, Berry, Bewley, Binning, Bixley, Blackett, Blom, Bloore, Bone, Bowen, Boyle, Brooker, Brown, Brunton, Burke, Burt, Bushby, Callaghan, Cameron, Campbell, Catherall, Chadwick, Chappell, Charters, Christopherson, Clark, Clarke, Coleman, Coles, Corrie-Johnstone, Coutts, Cox, Craig, Craigie, Cunningham, Curtis, Davies, Davy, Donnelly, Draper, Drayson, Duggan, Durand, Ellery, Evans, Fear, Flack, Flanders, Foster, Fowler, Frizzell, Frolich, Galbraith, Garland, Gee, Geenty, Gillespie, Gitmans, Grainger, Grieve, Hale, Hammond, Harman, Harris, Haswell, Healey, Heard, Henderson, Herries, Heywood, Hill, Hodges, Hodgins, Hole, Holt, Horton, Hoskins, Howard, Hunt, Hunter, Hutchinson, Ivey, Izatt, Jackson, Keong, King, Kitt, Knight, Langford, Langley, Lean, Legg, Lett, Linehan, Lloyd, Loader, Louie, Love, Low, Manning, Marr, Marsh, Martin, Masters, Maultsaid, McCormack, McCue, McDonald, McKee, McNair, Mears, Middleton, Miller, Millett, Mitchell, Moloney, Moran, Morgan, Moroney, Morris, Munson, Nash, Neagle, Nichol, Nicholls, North, O’Connor, Oliver, O’Meara, O’Meara, Owen, Park, Pell, Percy, Peterson, Pierce, Pirie, Poulter, Pyne, Ramsay, Rand, Redgrave, Rees, Reeves, Richardson, Roach, Robertson, Rockel, Rollander, Rose, Ross, Rosvall, Rouse, Ruffell, Sayer, Shattky, Sherwood, Simon, Simons, Simpson, Sims, Sivewright, Skeet, Skittrup, Smith, Sparks, Spence, Stevens, Stoupe, Strachan, Struthers, Stubbs, Sullivan, Tahau, Talbot, Tawhai, Thomas, Thomason, Thompson, Tibbenham, Tindall, Tobin, Townshend, Tuck, Tucker, Underwood, Urquhart, Van Asch, Walford, Walker, Wallace, Wallis ,Ware ,Warnes ,Warren , Waterson, Watson, Wattie, Wetherspoon, Whare, Wheadon, White, Whittingham, Wilkinson, Williams, Wishart, Wood, Woodham, Wotherspoon, Wyatt
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