Havelock North Rotary Club 1982-3

Rotary Club of Havelock North


Frank Cooper
Phone 777-584

Build Bridges of Friendship Throughout the World

MONDAY   6:00 P.M.


63/64   Wilf Leicester
64/65   Ivan Muir
65/66   Harold Bush
66/67   Max Cate
67/68   Neville Davis
68/69   Bruce Baird
69/70   Bob Thorp
70/71   Jack Hickson
71/72   David Curtis
72/73   Vic Constantine
73/74   Scott Padfield
74/75   John Joll
75/76   Cyril Hall
76/77   Maurice Wiggins
77/78   Lionel Ormondy
78/79   Gordon Black
79/80   Bruce McConchie
80/81   Dick Klingender
81/82   John Blake

Is it the truth.
Is it fair to all concerned.
Will it build goodwill and better friendships.
Will it be beneficial to all concerned.

By 11.00 a.m.

Mon:   Havelock North   D.B. Te Mata   6.00
Ahuriri   Napier Sailing Club   5.30
Napier   War Memorial Hall   12.15
Waipukurau   The Gables   6.00
Tues:   Napier West   Fire Station   6.00
Hastings   Masonic Lodge   Hall   12.30
Stortford Lodge   D.B. Heretaunga   6.00
Wed: Greenmeadows   Taradale Town Hall   6.00
Waipawa   Football Club Rooms   6.00
Thurs:   Taradale   Town Hall   6.00
Hastings Karamu   D.B. Heretaunga   5.45


Tonight: – We make a Vocational visit to Grower Canneries Ltd – organised by Vocational Committee.

BIRTHDAYS: Deidre Tweedie
ANNIVERSARIES: Pat and Scott Padfield

Reception: John Joll
Cashiers Assist: Ken Kiddle
Speakers Ord: John Kingsford
Vote of Thanks: Callum Kirkpatrick
Sgts. Rt. Hand: Dick Klingender
Visitors Ord: Shaun Laffey
Reserves: Wilf Leicester, Peter Longstaff, Bruce Downer

Last weekend despite the atrocious weather, Saturday morning saw a number of hardy and dedicated souls braving the elements to maintain progress with the work on the pool surrounds. To those few who turned out, we extend our appreciation.

Last week Pres. Frank thanked all the Fellows for the tremendous support being given to the project. With similar continued support Pres. Frank is confident the programmed work will be completed by the end of the Rotary Year.

PERSONAL: Pres. Frank extended a warm welcome back to Harry Taylor and Maurice Wiggins. It was good to have you both back with us Harry and Maurice.

CRIPPLED CHILDREN’S APPEAL: The Appeal organisers are seeking the Club’s assistance with drivers for the House to House Appeal next Saturday morning (28 May). Pres. Frank asked those of us who are not committed to the swimming pool work, or our ladies (if we are) to act as drivers for the Appeal. If you can help – or can nominate someone who can – contact John Philips [Phillips].

MEMBERSHIP: The District Governor in his April Newsletter writes –

“It is well known that membership lossess [losses] (for the District) occur at the end of each Rotary Year and if last year’s experience is repeated, the District could finish with a nil growth.”

I do hope however that we finish with an improvement in membership numbers but this can only be achieved if Clubs vigorously attempt to seek new members.

23 MAY 1983

MEMBERSHIP: (continued)
And remember Fellows, pay particular attention to seeking younger members. Do not forget to make more use of additional active membership”.

The D.G’s request places an obligation on each of us to seek out and nominate for membership worthy men in our community who qualify and would be an asset to our Club.

LAST WEEK: It was our pleasure to listen to Michael Hocking of Sutcliffes, demonstrating the versatility of a number of electronic organs which Sutcliffes have available. Michael not only demonstrated what the instruments could do, but also his own capabilities as an organist! There is no doubt, in the hands of an expert, these modern organs have almost limitless capabilities, and can be an endless source of musical pleasure.

Our thanks to you Michael for your time in demonstrating these instruments, and Sutcliffes for making them available at our meeting.

VISITING ROTARIANS: Lance Peterson, Stortford Lodge; Charles Weatherall, Dunedin South; Denis Packer, Hastings.

GUESTS: Trevor Smart (Allan Bohm)

MAKE UPS:   John Astley and Cyril Hall. Thank you Fellows for continuing your Rotary commitments while away.

ROTARY DOWN UNDER: Secretary Michael is reviewing the mailing list for those Fellows who have elected to take this magazine. He should be advised without delay if the postal address to which your copy of the magazine is being mailed, is not shown correctly.

INVOLVEMENT WITH YOUTH: From R.I. Newsletter – “Let us keep in step with our Youth”

“Serving youth keeps Rotarians in step with the changing character of the society and community in which they live. Involvement with young people helps integrate club members into their communities. Youth actifities [activities] offer Rotarians an enriching opportunity to spread the ideals of Rotary along all the Avenues of Service… keeping in step with the young helps Rotarians stay flexible and hopeful – two vital qualities that become renewed whenever youth and Rotary meet and work together.”

FOOD FOR THOUGHT:   Membership Development

“We must never apologise for the need to recruit quality new members. When we stop growing, we start to die”. – Past R. I. President William R. Robbins.


PRESIDENT   FRANK COOPER   Senior Active   Kay   Thompson Road   777-584
PAST PRESIDENT   JOHN BLAKE   Motor Retail Admin   Vivienne   Durham Drive   775-194
SECRETARY   MICHAEL THAWLEY   Religion (Pres)   Dorothy   40 Te Mata Road   777-634
TREASURER   DAVID TAYLOR   Banking Services   Lyn   3 Bennelong Place   776-054

CHAIRMAN   MALCOLM WALKER   Electrical Engineering   Rae   38 Chambers Street   775-224
SECRETARY   ALAN BOHM   Automotive Distribution   Anne   38 Iona Road   775-517
CASHIER   HAROLD BUSH   Senior Active   58 Muritai Crescent   777-049
SERGENTS   KEVIN STUART   Grain & Seed Wholesale   Lorrie   50 Greenwood Road   777181
BRIAN WHELAN   Optometrist   Gwyneth   48 Guthrie Road   775-639
BULLETIN EDITOR   GORDON GANDELL   Senior Active   Jill   Lawn Road, R.D.2, HBN   20-757
EDITOR’S ASSISTANT   DES WHITTAKER   Mercantile Management   Fay   22 Muritai Crescent   775-584
PROGRAMME   TONY DALLIMORE   Canned Goods Distribution   Dorothy   27 Duart Road   777 -778
PROGRAMME ASSIS.   SHAUN LAFFEY     Banking Administration   Mary Jean   1 Greenwood Road 775-392
ATTENDANCE   LAURIE LESTER   Office Appliance Retail   Jean   15 Exmoor Street   778-732
ROTARY INFORMATION   DICK KLINGENDER   Senior Active   Judith   3 George Place   778-680
MEMBERSHIP AND CLASSIFICATION   Peter Atkins   Religion Anglican   Rosemary   61 Te Mata Road   778-776
FELLOWSHIP   CYRIL WHITAKER   Aerial Surveying   Fiona   75 McHardy Street   777-247
PUBLIC RELATIONS   MICHAEL POPPELWELL   Menswear Retail   Betty   717 York Street, HBN   67-359
SOCIAL & MUSIC   NORMAN SPEERS   Senior Active   Jan   Longlands Road, R. D. 2, HBN 89-552
CLUB MARSHALL   ROBIN BELL   Hort Glasshouse   Dorothy   83 McHardy Street   777-713

CHAIRMAN   JOHN PHILIPS   Beef Cattle Breeding   Ros   Middle Road   81-026
JOHN ASTLEY   Tanning   Joy   37 Duart Road   776-278
JACK BLACK   Motor Retail   Cynthia   27 Tanner Street   778-286
NEVILLE DAVIS   Senior Active   Mary   P.O. Box 49, H. Nth   777-201
PERCY CROMPTON-SMITH   Registered Valuer   Peggy   Durham Drive   777-129
CEDRIC HELLEUR   Tractor Distribution   Helen   71 McHardy Street   778-275
JACK MACKIE   Social Services   Margaret   29 Lucknow Road   775-141
JIM NEWBIGIN   Beverage Wholesale   Louise   4 Gillean Street   777-640
NOEL SUTHERLAND   Past Service   Margaret   6 Selwyn Road   777-637
GRAEME TWEEDIE   Insurance Assessor   Deidre   53 Te Aute Road   778-706
PETER VIDULICH   Toy & Cycle Retail   Pamela   39 James Cook Street   776-707
MERLIN WONG   Senior Active   Molly   51 Tanner Street   777-306

CHAIRMAN   DOUG DEWAR   Trustee Banking   Vieda   P.O. Box 444 H. Nth   778-337
IAN ABERNETHY   Senior Active   Pat   7 Whikonini [Waikonini] Place   778-200
DAVID BARHAN [BARHAM]   Education Secretary   Lyn   R. D. 2, Hastings   750-684
KELLY BROWN   Furniture Retail   Dianne   23 Kaponga Road   775-463
FRANK FERGUSSON   Senior Active   Claire   20 Guthrie Road   777-226
CYRIL HALL   Senior Active   Shirley   1 James Cook Street   775-052
LES JARDINE   Parks Administration   Barbara   8 Durham Drive   775-657
JOHN JOLL   Senior Active   Bev   Middle Road   778-605
KEN KIDDLE   Apple Marketing   Marion   Te Mata Mangateretere   777-947
JOHN KINGSFORD   Architecture   Betty   15 Greenwood Road   777-114
PETER LONGSTAFF   Mixed Farming   Buffy   R. D. 2, Hastings   777-646
NEVILLE NORWELL   Architecture   Delcie   P.O. Box 292, H. Nth   778-483
JOHN NOTT   Stock & Station M’gment   Debbie   5 Nigel Street   778-115
BOB PARKHILL   Senior Active   Tan   20 Muritai Crescent   778-223

CHAIRMAN   CHRIS MOORE   Canvas Supplies   Pene   9 Simla Avenue   775-927
JOHN BAKER   Solicitor   Betty   P.O. Box 510 H. Nth   778-670
JOHN DAVEY   Sheepfarming   Gail   Te Aute Road R. D. 2, HBN   83-979
ANDY DUNCAN   Chemist   Joyce   68 Simla Avenue   778-360
JIM EWING   Stationary Retail   Yolande   68 Joll Road   775-904
CALLUM KIRKPATRICK   Finance   Glenda   21 Kopanga Road   777-777
WILF LEICESTER   Senior Active   Jo   155 Te Mata Road   777-751
STUART MARR   Grocery Retail   Doreen   31A McHardy Street   777-745
SCOTT PADFIELD   Senior Active   Pat   28 McHardy Street   777-031
KEITH ROSE   Farm Merchandising   Dianne   35 Margaret Avenue   775-932
HARRY TAYLOR   Senior Active   Joan   34 Busby Hill   778-371
BILL TUCKER   Senior Active   Mildred   P. O. Box 460 Hastings, HBN   20-766
GRAHAM WALL   Plumbing   Margaret   47 Guthrie Road   777-626

CHAIRMAN   DAVID PADFIELD   Civil Engineering    Elizabeth   46 Muritai Crescent   775-853
GORDON BLACK   Chartered Accountancy   Noeline   45 Tainui Drive   778-738
WARWICK BULL   Local Body Engineering   Judy   68 Duart Road   775-834
GRAHAM CLARE   Auto Electrician   Maree   Napier Road   778-667
ED GILMOUR   Pharmaceutical Retail   Dianne   63 Simla Avenue   776-691
PHIL HAWLEY   Mushroom Growing   Phyllis   Arataki Road   777-2665
DAN HURSTHOUSE   Senior-Active   Margaret   24 Duart Road   777-841
BRUCE MCCONCHIE   Fruit & Vege Wholesaling   Margaret   15 Carl Avenue   778-102
MALCOLM PRINCE   Premix Concrete   Cynthia   75 Simla Avenue   777-333
KEN PAYNE   Canned Food Distribution   Nola   13 Emerald Hill   777-413
TONY SCOTLAND   Cattle Farming   Jan   P.O. Box 457, H. Nth   776-146
DEREK SNOW   Registered Valuer   Patrica [Patricia]  St. Georges Road   776-597
EUAN WALLACE   Con Services Hort.   Marlene   75 Middle Road   778-669
DAVID WARD   Deerfarming   Betty   Tennents Road, R.D. 2, HBN   750-161
MAURICE WIGGINS   Joinery   Shirley   6 George Place   778-659

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Surnames in this leaflet –
Abernethy, Astley, Atkins, Baird, Baker, Barham, Bell, Black, Blake, Bohm, Brown, Bull, Bush, Cate, Clare, Constantine, Cooper, Crompton-Smith, Curtis, Dallimore, Davey, Davis, Dewar, Downer, Duncan, Ewing, Fergusson, Gandell, Gilmour, Hall, Hawley, Helleur, Hickson, Hocking, Hursthouse, Jardine, Joll, Kiddle, Klingender, Kingsford, Kirkpatrick, Laffey, Leicester, Lester, Longstaff, Mackie, Marr, McConchie, Moore, Muir, Newbigin, Norwell, Nott, Ormondy, Packer, Padfield, Parkhill, Payne, Peterson, Phillips, Poppelwell, Prince, Robbins, Rose, Scotland, Smart, Snow, Speers, Stuart, Sutherland, Taylor, Thawley, Thorp, Tucker, Tweedie,Vidulich, Walker, Wall, Wallace, Ward, Weatherall, Whelan, Whittaker, Wiggins, Wong

Business / Organisation

Rotary Club of Havelock North

Format of the original

Leaflet (1-8 pages)

Date published

23 May 1983

Accession number


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Supporters and sponsors

We sincerely thank the following businesses and organisations for their support.