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- Hawke’s Bay Photo News 1961 – Number 027 February
Hawke’s Bay Photo News 1961 – Number 027 February
Hawke’s Bay PHOTO NEWS
February 1961
27th Issue
[Cover photo – The three finalists in the Miss Hawke’s Bay Contest, held in Napier during the holiday season. From left: Margaret Wilkins, Dannevirke, third – she won the 1958-59 title; Sally Anne Merrington, Havelock North, second. “Miss H. B.”, Alison Gibson of Napier, who won a trip to Tauranga to the New Zealand finals.]

Inside cover page
Hawke’s Bay’s Own Pictorial Photo Magazine
Volume 3
No. 3
Editor D. E. Barclay
Postal Address
PO. Box 470, Napier
Telephone Enquiries
88-766 Hastings and 7413 Napier
Published monthly by The Hawke’s Bay Publishing Co. Ltd. on the 4th Thursday of every month
Mail Order Service
“Photo News” mailed to you on receipt of 12 issue sub. of 32/-
Printed photo-litho for the Publishers by Swailes, Hurst & Co. Ltd., Napier
Front Cover. The three finalists in the Miss Hawke’s Bay Contest, held in Napier during the holiday season. From left: Margaret Wilkins, Dannevirke, third – she won the 1958-59 title; Sally Anne Merrington, Havelock North, second. “Miss H. B.”, Alison Gibson of Napier, who won a trip to Tauranga to the New Zealand finals.
Back Cover. The finalists in the Mardi Gras stakes, Judith Affleck, Hastings; an attractive Auckland girl whose name escapes us; Elaine Ingram, Ashburton, second; Fay Gollop, Pakowhai, “Miss Mardi Gras”; and Pamela Painter, Wellington, third. Pamela seems a little perturbed by the ogling eye of the Mardi Gras man on the screen behind.
Photos by Batchelors Studios
* The Fastest Selling Battery on the Market
* The Only Battery Guaranteed to give not less than three years’ service
* Lowest in Cost – Highest in Quality

Page 1
Miss Hawke’s Bay
Part of the large crowd which turned out on Boxing Night to see the “Miss Hawke’s Bay” bathing beauty contest, staged at the Soundshell.
Sally Anne Merrington of Havelock North, who gained second place.
Alison Gibson of Napier, who won the contest and travelled to Tauranga for the “Miss New Zealand” final. She is a Napier hairdresser, aged eighteen.
The judges confer and find it pleasing – Major R. W. Collins, Commanding Officer Area 7, and Mr. D. O. Haskell, District Commissioner of Works.

Page 4
A family that would be an asset to any country – Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Mijnders and their daughters Joan and Ilse, after they had taken the oath and been sworn in as new citizens of New Zealand. The ceremony took place in the Mayor’s Room in the Hastings Council Chambers.
[Below] Mr. Edward Kowalczyk and his New Zealand-born wife. Both are now “Kiwis” who live at Waipawa.
Another Dutch couple who have taken New Zealand citizenship – Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Dominicus.
During the ceremony the applicants for citizenship were addressed on their obligations and privileges by the Mayor of Hastings, Mr. R. V. Giorgi.
Dr. and Mrs. Racz, from Hungary, relax after the ceremony. With them are a friend, Mrs. Ballantyne, Mr C. Bolgar and their grandson, Coloman Bolgar, standing behind. Mr. Bolgar is the well-known horse trainer.
Page 5
The bad spell of weather experienced in Hawke’s Bay just before Christmas caused problems not only for farmers, market gardeners and river control experts. It also brought mothers of young families their share of showers. To ease the nappy-drying situation Green’s Laundry came to light with an evening nappy-drying service for harrassed mothers.
Janice Curtis and Kay Sime use the big roller driers.
Lower left: Mrs. Cudd brought the big press into action when wanted.
Nappies arrived by the hundred in bundles, bathtubs and barrows!
While customers waited, Herbie Green conducted them round the laundry.
Page 6
A display of parallel bar work was just one of several well-drilled displays staged by Hastings High School boys on their gala day.
These were a few masks – part of an extensive and meritorious art display by the boys.
A mass display of rhythmic “physed”.
Just as at the girls’ school the science laboratory was the scene of numerous spectacular experiments.
In the crafts and hobbies section the boys turned out some very creditable puppets which they manipulated to good effect.
Page 7
A Farewell Dinner tried as an experiment in 1959, repeated last year and now regarded as a fixture, was given to all boys leaving Hastings Boys’ High School. Although a formal occasion, it is one on which the boys can chat to masters on equal terms and feel they will be remembered by their alma mater.
All preparations for this extensive dinner are carried out by the masters and their wives. Mr. Hamilton, Mrs. and Mr. Christian, hard at work in the servery.
H. Randell, head prefect, B. Donovan, and D. Kemp, enjoying the meal, with the masters table seen behind. The function was held in the school assembly hall.
Page 8
Wairoa Wedding
At St Paul’s Anglican Church, Wairoa: Adrienne Janet, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Schwass, Tuhara, to Frank Eustace, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Evans, Mt. Maunganui. This was the last wedding in the old church. The group, from left: Barry Clark, Margaret Cook, the Groom and Bride, Ella Eyles and Cyril Schwass.
Napier Wedding
At St. Paul’s, Napier: Glenys Ann Kivell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Kivell, Georges Drive, Napier, to Trevor Thomas, son of Mr. and Mrs. L.C. Holtham, Battery Road, Napier.
Batchelors Studios Photo
At St. David’s, Norsewood: Lila Rosaleen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M.R. Thomsen, Ngamoko, Norsewood, to Grahame Clifton, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Williams, Guy Street, Dannevirke. They will be farming at Te Uri, Ormondville.
Barretts Studios, Dannevirke
Page 9
21sts . . .
Joyce Smale, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Smale, Sanders Avenue, Napier, held her party at the L.D.S. Chapel, Georges Drive.
MacConnells’ Photo
Bryan Rudd, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Rudd, Rutherford Road, Marewa.
MacConnells’ Photo
Fay Gollop, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gollop, R.D. 3, Napier, at the James Banquet Lounge.
Jim Donnelly, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Donnelly, Mokodeka [Mokopeka] Station, Havelock North, at the Casablanca, Hastings.
Graeme Bowes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alan Bowes, Nelson Cres., Napier.
Batchelors Studios
Alan Grapes, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Grapes, Riverbend Road, Napier, at the Meeanee Hall.
Elaine Wilson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Wilson, Lister Place, Maraenui, in the Orange Hall Napier.
MacConnells’ Photo
Janet and Janice Taylor, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Taylor at their home, Kiwi Road, Wairoa. Janet is nursing at Hastings Memorial Hospital and Janice at Napier Public Hospital.
Page 10
ART Outdoors
The biggest outdoor art exhibition held in Hastings so far went on display outside the Hastings Public Library in ideal weather. The exhibits were all local work done by pupils and night students of Hastings Boys’ High School.
A typical New Zealand coastline scene…
… and one that takes you to the headwaters of any Hawke’s Bay river.
Some English or Dutch influence apparent here.
The exhibition was viewed by a steady flow of people without the utter “‘ush” usually associated with art galleries.
Page 11
Two fine studies of middle-age and youth, which to the casual observer, if not the art critic, suggest a rising standard amongst our part-time artists.
Sculpture and pottery have both gained a strong hold in artistic circles in this country. This part of the exhibition attracted much attention.
Page 12
Nurses Relax
In the pleasant surroundings of their own Harding Hall, Hastings, nurses relaxed for their annual Christmas party. Perhaps appropriately, though rather unconventionally, they were visited by an ankle-length Santa attended by an attractive fairy, Beverly Cowan.
Judith Low and Glenys Miller ready for the scrum.
Whatsarong with these? Nothing that we can see. From left: Colleen Smith, Margaret Williams, Veronica Gallagher, Daphne Modini and Shona Davies.
Page 13
These are the men who put through the colossal wiring job on the Hastings Telephone Exchange prior to the big cutover last year. Many of them worked for 18 months on the job, installing and making hundreds of thousands of connections necessary to give Hastings 8000 lines.
Standing: R. Newton, G. Lowman, K. Cains, L. Cooper, A. Hirtzel, senior technician, B. Kemp, J. Roberts, L. Tassell, K. Stretch, S. Smith, C. Bennett. Sitting: I. Malloch, G. Ewans, J. Hazael, A. Paterson, C. Antis, B. Donkin, G. Thurston and G. Harwood.
Recent expansion of two of the concrete blocks on the Napier-Hastings highway because of the extreme heat resulted in this very sharp bump of about nine inches – the cause of several dozen broken eggs and many startled motorists before the Transport Department took a hand. Although the extreme heat alone was blamed for the rise, “Photo News” has a theory of its own. The road was laid about 1932 or 33, and in all that time this particular piece of roadway has been sheltered by the poplars lining it beside Karamu Creek. They have been topped many times before, but they have never ben [been] cut back almost to ground level as they recently were. This sudden lack of shade has allowed the roadway and the ground under it to dry out as it has never been able to, and thus caused a subsidence and an unprecedented expansion in the hitherto slightly damp-cool concrete blocks.
Page 14
Christmas Parties
There were, of course, the usual round of pre-Christmas parties for both children and adults. In a vain attempt to give you some idea of the innumerable celebrations, “Photo News” has extracted single shots of a few of them. We hope you are included on this or the following pages.
This large group of children enjoyed themselves at the Ex Prisoners-of-War Christmas Party, Community Hall, Napier.
The A. & N.Z. Bank staff in Napier really let their hair down with a skit by the girls and a men’s ballet. We view them from the customer’s point of view – “Wot! No service?”
This is the team that defaces your calendars, books and general reading matter with printing and pictures. The staff of Venables and Willis, Napier printing firm.
Page 15
Taradale retailers take time out to blow up balloons as gifts for children on late shopping night, Christmas Eve. Back, from left: Brian Autridge, Des Stephens, Alan Harford, Vic Watson and Bill Bruce. In front: Norm Compton (exhaling), Philip Scott, Rex Mills, Noel Browne and Bert Scott.
Photo by J. D Scragg
And at Greenmeadows in Taradale, Santa greets young Ann Roberts rather coyly from behind a bow of holly.
Iron nerves! Philip Scott carries on the good work from Norm Compton. He’s still in the land of the living!
Page 17
The Chinese children in Napier had a visit from Santa at the Trinity Hall. Even the Chinese Consul attended.
The party turned on by the shunters of the N.Z.R.
Santa said he thoroughly enjoyed his visit to the Inland Revenue Department, Napier. Well, wouldn’t you!
At the Port School Santa met some doubting Thomas’s. We hope he stuck to his beard!
Page 18
At Havelock North School, the headmaster, Mr. Robertson, who retires this year, was invited to the primers’ party. Infant mistress, Miss Bowman looks on.
Some of the Primer 4 children in their exotic Christmas hats.
The Havelock North Kindergarten Mothers’ Club are always on the ball. While Dad baby-sat at home Mums relaxed at the Kindergarten during their annual party. From left: Mesdames Wiggins, Wiggins (they don’t look the same), Rich and Thompson.
At a private “do” at the Old Folks’ Hall our photographer found these young folk enjoying life. From left: Helen Hill, Richard Harwood, Wellington, Rosalyn Low, Peter Hill, Adrienne Low and Eleanor Harwood.
Page 19
Father Christmas visited Carlyle Kindergarten twice on the same day. In the morning the under-fours entertained their mothers with a percussion band, while waiting on Santa. In the afternoon the over-fours entertained Santa with a song.
Of course, Santa couldn’t stay long because he had other kindergartens to visit, like Maraenui. The children met him half-way at the Marewa “Kindy”.
Page 21
The push start of a B Grade Handicap race won by Keith Halliwell. Members of the club have put in months of work to build up, grade and level their track and build a strong safety fence all round.
Slim Wakelin a local driver beside his midget car.
Graham Bowes sits in his “souped-up toy” which he built himself. Most of the T-Q cars are BIM jobs.
Phil Moore Photos
Page 22
Port Accident
Quartermaster McNeill of the motor vessel “Montreal”, met with a serious accident last month while his ship was berthed at Napier. No one saw it happen but he was found on the wharf with his foot crushed. It appeared he had lost his footing and been caught between the stringer and the ship, which was fairly close-moored. He was taken off the ship by St. John Ambulance men.
The usual inquisitive crowd of children and adults gathered at the gangway all agog. At least one man had the gumption to take his children away.
Phil Moore Photos
Last year’s Sunshine Girl Contest was such a tremendous success that we are holding a summertime contest again. There will be many valuable prizes to be won. A difficulty arose last year with the large number of entries received late in the piece. This year – be in early – get your photographs in if possible during January and February.
This is all you have to do
Send to “Photo News”, Box 470, Napier, a glossy print – size 6″ x 3″ – of yourself in a bathing suit, shorts and top, playsuit, etc. Let your picture depict a happy shot in Hawke’s Bay’s famous sunshine.
IMPORTANT – With your entry send name, address, occupation, age, and photographer’s name. (Top prize-winning amateur photographer will receive £3 of film from Batchelors Studios.)
Tell your photographer that the picture is for “Photo News”. Pictures by professional photographers or amateurs accepted. Photographs received become the property of “Photo News” and are not returnable.
If you are having difficulty in obtaining the services of a photographer, contact us and our photographers will make their services available.
Page 23
Dickens Street – Napier
Emerson Street – Napier
For Souvenirs, Gifts, and Basketware
Market Street – Napier
Emerson Street – Napier
Dalton Street – Napier
Heretaunga Street – Hastings
For Gifts to Suit Everyone
Heretaunga Street – Hastings
Specialists in Studio Photography
A Natural Colour, Framed Portrait
Villa d’Este Buildings Heretaunga Street – Hastings and Havelock North
Heretaunga Street – Hastings
Heretaunga Street – Hastings
from their large range to the value of
to the Value of
1st Prize . . . £60/12/6
2nd ” . . . £29/ 3/-
3rd ” . . . £14/ 9/6
Grand Total. £104/ 5/-
Page 24
You can learn how to save a life!
You never know when the occasion may arise!
Simple rescue breathing can be learned by everyone.
It can be used in all cases where someone has been asphyxiated by drowning, electric shock, or suffocation by smoke, gas, dust, burial, strangulation or an overdose of drugs. In such cases time is precious.
Start rescue breathing immediately.
1. Lay the victim on his back if possible, with head preferably higher than feet. Quickly clear his mouth and throat of food, weed, etc. Dentures should be removed. Drain water out.
2. Tilt the head right back. A towel under the shoulder will help. This tilting opens the air passage to the lungs.
3. Cup the chin with one hand and open victim‘s mouth. With the other hand seal his nose, by pinching. The operator should be taking in frequent deep breaths.
4. Seal your mouth over his and blow steadily till the chest rises. Make the first ten breaths full and rapid, then slow down to 10-15 each minute.
Page 25
5. Turn your head away and take another deep breath. Listen for air coming out and as soon as the chest falls repeat as in figure four. If the stomach fills with air, press lightly. For babies, only a puff is required to raise the chest.
6. This is mouth to nose resuscitation. Firmly close the patient’s mouth and blow into the nostrils. The victim’s mouth should be allowed to open slightly when exhaling to allow air to escape more rapidly.
“Southern Cross” Crowd
The large crowd which thronged to the Hawke’s Bay coastline to see the luxury liner “Southern Cross” were telescoped slightly by “Photo News” Cameraman, Phil Moore, when he took this shot. His telephoto lens not only gave the beach a curve it never had, but also brought Te Mata Peak to Napier’s doorstep. Cars were drawn up all along the main highway.
Page 26
Another school, Hastings Girls’ High, has now got its own swimming pool thanks to the concerted efforts of girls, staff and parents. This attractive pool, built for £6000, should serve the school’s needs for the next generation at least.
Some of the girls test for tepidity.
Mr. P. Perry, representing parents, handed the baths over to Mr. N. Fippard of the High School Board of Governors.
Senior prefect Helen Anderson replied to the official speakers on behalf of the school. The girls raised £1000 towards the pool.
The pool is situated in front of the school, fronting Pakowhai Road.
Page 27
In conjunction with the opening, the girls mannequined (oh dear, what would the English mistress say? – displayed) their own creations to an appreciative audience of parents.
The laboratories were also on display and attracted a good deal of interest.
These lassies are all ready for the court in their own school-made frocks.
A display of rhythmic callisthenics was another feature of this big day at Hastings Girls’ High School.
Page 30
The panoramic view of the Carols by Candlelight service on the two preceding pages was taken for “Photo News” by Phil Moore in the ideal setting of the Napier Botanical Gardens.
Two young lassies who attended the carols – Christine and Cherryl Ansell, of Napier.
This view shows the large crowd seated on the western bank of the natural tree-hemmed theatre. The massed choir and Salvation Army Band are at the upper end of the bowl, on the right.
Trevor James and Susanne Attwell, of Napier.
Page 31
Silver Wedding
Mr. and Mrs. R. Ridding celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary last year at their home in Willowpark Road, Hastings. They were married in Johnsonville, Wellington.
Reader’s Photo
Mr. and Mrs H. G. Wall celebrated their silver wedding recently at their home in Murdoch Road, Hastings.
Candid Camera Studies
Golden Wedding
And down at Tikokino, Mr. and Mrs. G. Moorcock celebrated 50 years of married life at their Golden Wedding. They found refreshment in a good old cup of tea.
Wendy Studios, Takapau
Send a friend a PHOTO NEWS
Page 32
Local Production of CINDERELLA
The footmen make their entrance in the Jean Ballantyne, Hastings production of Cinderella, staged in the Hastings Municipal Theatre before a packed house. The standard of dancing was high and more than satisfied the audience.
In the ballroom scene the clock showed half-an-hour to midnight when this shot was taken. The costuming throughout was most attractive.
The other half of the programme was taken up with the “Carnival of the Animals” which included this group of “fossils”.
The final curtain.
Page 33
Hastings Member
New Member of Parliament for Hastings, Duncan MacIntyre, received a warm welcome from the Hastings National Party following his election by a narrow margin on election night.
A cup of tea is gratefully received by Beverley MacIntyre and her father.
Mrs. MacIntyre as she arrived at the gathering with her husband, receives the cheers of the crowd.
Duncan’s mother, Mrs. A. MacIntyre of “Turamoe”, Hastings, chats with the National Party candidate for Southern Maori, Mr. Rangi Tutaki, and his wife.
Master of Ceremonies, Jack Seton proffers Mrs. MacIntyre a spoonful of his staple diet – haggis – elegantly.
Page 34
The new Napier Anglican Church of St. Augustine, which suffered a serious setback during building (see November issue of “Photo News”) was finally completed and opened for worship on December 10. The dedication was performed by the Bishop of Waiapu, Bishop N. A Lesser.
The Bishop of Aotearoa, the Right Reverend W. N. Panapa, seen leaving the church in his full regalia, following the service.
A view from the back during the service, showing the magnificent 15-ft. cross over the altar which is surrounded by a red glow. The interior of the church is of clean-cut modern design with pastel colours – grey roof, cream east wall and buff surrounds.
Part of the large congregation which filled the church for the dedication service.
Photos by Staff Photographer Phil Moore
Page 35
Enthusiasts from all over New Zealand – over 150 of them – attended a residential Scottish Country Dancing School held at the Napier Boys’ High School over the holiday period for a fortnight. Many camped in the school grounds while others were housed in the hostel.
Members of the school staged a mass demonstration on the Marine Parade, and attracted a tremendous crowd. This is no pastime for weaklings. It’s an invigorating, stimulating, energetic way to pass a hot summer’s day. A cup of coffee, please!
Page 36
Tramping Club Party
A surprise guest and very welcome at the Heretaunga Tramping Club’s annual party was none other than George Lowe, straight from the Yeti hunt in the Himalayas. He sits talking over old times with Norman Elder. The party had a jungle theme, so…
Bob Adams donned his war paint and used female unknown as a totem pole.
The witchdoctor unfortunately cast an evil spell over the gathering but it must have been a fizzer because they still enjoyed themselves.
Jack Landman and Mr. and Mrs. Derek Conway. Derek filled the role of jungle boy to Sahib George Lowe.
Santa on his sleigh drawn by two “fairies” arrives at a Junior National Party Christmas Dance in Hastings.
Page 37
A scene of good fellowship at the inaugural meeting of the Hastings Blind Social Club – a Christmas party assisted by the Parkvale School.
Willing helpers waited on the members of the new club and enjoyed the party just as much as they did.
Visitors from Napier in happy mood: Mr. J. T. Taylor, representative of the New Zealand Foundation for the Blind, and Mrs. Taylor.
The Secretary, Mrs. Currie, who memorises all pertinent matters for each meeting and calls the roll from memory, “reads” out goodwill messages. She is flanked by Parkvale headmaster, Mr. Izitt, and club president, Mr. Marbrook. A staunch supporter of the club, Mr. Paul Barcham is on the right.
Page 38
Operation GANNET
The mecca of thousands of visitors and locals during the summer season, the gannet sanctuary at Cape Kidnappers was this year the destination of one of the largest public expeditions ever made in New Zealand. It was organised by the Hawke’s Bay Naturalists’ Club and but for the threatening weather would probably have drawn twice the number. As it was, 350 people of all ages made the 5-mile trek from Clifton to the Cape.
A stream of people negotiating the hill-path leading from the beach to the sanctuary above.
In a mass start from Clifton, the party set off in high spirits. Several Junior Wildlife Wardens, Reg. Williams’ right hand men, controlled the big crowd and helped wherever necessary. Some of them are seen in the van as the expedition prepares to leave.
The group was soon strung out over half a mile of beach, but was at all times under the watchful eyes of the young and competent wardens.
Page 40
Philip Litter, a Junior Wildlife Warden, watches a cliff face for signs of falling stones. At this promontory the expedition had to negotiate large rocks which required their full attention. The small stones kept coming down in showers every so often.
These organ pipes in the cliffs are played only by the wind.
Page 41
An adult bird sits placidly on a well-built nest of dried seaweed near the top of the main colony. They don’t budge – merely peck at intruders with their strong beaks.
This bird was not impressed by the shutterbugs.
This fledgling with black beak and face and soft, fluffy down, is several weeks old. The chicks grow rapidly and are ready to leave on their wanderings at the end of their first season. The adult birds remain through the winter. The young birds return the following spring. They build their spartan nests just out of pecking distance of their neighbours, hence the fairly regular rows of nests. On land they are clumsy birds that can take off the ground into the wind if need be, but prefer to take to the air from the cliff edge. Male and female birds are indistinguishable and seem to share the fishing duties for their youngster. They plummet from up to 100 feet when diving for their food – mostly small herring, swallowed and regurgitated for the ever-hungry chick.
Tempting fate!
These studies by Phil Moore
Page 42
At St. Matthew’s Church, Hastings: Deidre French, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. French, to Graeme Tweedie, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Tweedie, both of Hastings. The group, from left: Jim Harvey, Robin McCormick, the Groom and Bride, Tony Bone and Judith Langley.
Stuart Johnson photo
At St. John’s Hall: Adrienne Christina Wright, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. T. Wright, and John William Coombe, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Coombe, both of Hastings.
Lovell-Smith Photo
Robin Harrison, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. W. Harrison, Ellison Road, Hastings, to Paul Maxwell.
Lovell-Smith Photo
Page 43
An early-settled clan in Hawke’s Bay and always well represented in the Province, the Clan McLeod has strengthened its family ties in recent years with regular ceilidhs and formal gatherings encouraged by the clan’s supreme chief, Dame Flora McLeod of Skye.
Members of the clan present at the latest North Island gathering, held recently in Napier. From left: Mrs. Grace McLeod and her husband Alfred McLeod of Wellington, Dominion Chief of the Clan, Mrs. K McLeod of Pinehaven, and Malcolm McLeod, Dominion Clan Secretary, of Napier.
Standing beneath the clan emblem and motto are Mr. W. A. McLeod of Napier, Master of Ceremonies, Mr. Donald Eric McLeod of Fernhill, H.B. Provincial Clan Chief, and Secretary Malcolm McLeod.
Descendants of John McLeod, the first member of the clan to settle in Hawke’s Bay. He arrived at Napier in 1876. Above are Mrs. Iris Lean (nee McLeod) and her family of five who are great-grandchildren of John McLeod. They are Ivan, Margaret and Barbara, with twins Jenifer and Kelven in front. They all proudly attended the clan gathering which was thrown open to other clans in the afternoon. The Napier and District Ladies’ Pipe Band, which wears the McLeod tartan, was in attendance.
Page 44
Dannevirke CABARET
The Dannevirke Branch of the Junior National Party held a Christmas Cabaret on election night. Vic Gleeson and Pauline McLean were in attendance.
There’s always a clown at every party. Back row: M. France, A. Buchanan, R. Price, G. Masters and O. Johnson (chairman). Front row: G. Hales, R. Woodley, S. Guise and A. Daniells.
Roberta Woodley and Bill Kew
Gail Masters has a smile worth a million.
Alison Buchanan was another pretty girl there.
Photos by Barretts Studios
PHOTO NEWS Photographers,
Batchelors STUDIOS
Page 45
The annual chore accepted by the Napier Jaycees – the job of dispensing information to visitors from their booth beside the Soundshell – has proved of inestimable help to the thousands of holidaymakers who throng into the city at Mardi Gras time. They were seldom without a customer.
A bright orange coat of priming paint has transformed “Dido” into a demon-engine for all those happy youngsters who play on her on the Marine Parade, Napier. The old engine has proved extremely popular and will no doubt encourage the Thirty Thousand Club to purchase more old machinery for their unusual playground.
These are the culprits! You can blame these gentlemen for the large bump which appeared in Kennedy Road Extension, between Napier and Taradale just before the holidays. They claim they ware improving the district’s drainage, but “Photo News” thinks they just had a snitch on motorists. Anyway, if you want to take it further, they are, left to right: R. Leslie, B. Stanley, T. Waikari and J. Gage.
P. S. – The bump has now been sealed.
Page 46
“South Pacific”
The film version of “South Pacific” had its first H.B. showing at the State in Napier just before Christmas, and ran for three weeks. On the opening night a group of Samoans from Hastings lent atmosphere to the scene with their songs and gaiety.
The Mayor, Mr. Peter Tait, and his wife received leis.
Three of the ushers at the theatre who also enjoyed the evening. From left, Mrs. McConaghty, Miss Smith and Miss E. McConaghty.
Thirty Thousand Club secretary Vic Wallis, and his wife.
Page 47
Norman McKenzie Trophy
At a daylight meeting of the Napier Amateur Athletic and Cycling Club the first race for a new trophy was held. The Norman McKenzie Memorial Cup for an 880 yards open handicap race was won by G. Harris, who won comfortably from the rest of the field off the scratch mark in 1 min. 58.1 secs.
The winners in the women’s 75 yards handicap seen breasting the tape – D. Mill 1, D. Winkley 2, M. Plows 3.
This exciting finish to the two-mile wheel race brought these three in almost in line. Judges’ placings were Les Ralph 1, J. Pothan 2, W. Linton 3.
Phil Moore Photos
Page 50
The Howard Morrison Quartet needs no introduction. Brought to Napier by the Thirty Thousand Club, they acquitted themselves more than favourably in the eyes of the public. Their varied programmes and endless tricks and gimmicks kept their audiences vastly amused. The quartet’s visit resulted in the most successful Mardi Gras ever staged, said secretary Vic Wallis.
Miss P. Geenty of Hastings, who judged the national dancing, found a sunshade an essential.
Three of the organisers of the Mardi Gras Scottish Day, Jeanette Bell, Mrs. Bell and Mrs. Peter Ennor, help guide the smooth running of this highly successful annual fixture now in its seventh year.
Owner Ralph Shaw relaxes while Mopsy makes good use of her scientifically designed ice cream licker.
And when the dog show came along, Mrs. Starnes of Hastings took the top award “Best on Parade – All Breeds”, with her whippet.
Page 51
Another of the activities which drew the crowds to the Napier Marine Parade. Competitors in the “Talent Quest” lined up in the Sound Shell.
The organisers were slightly flabbergasted and temporarily embarrassed for prizes when 300 sometime bathing beauties turned up for the juvenile contest. Susan Cowan (Napier) and Barbara Tucker (Hastings), first and second in the 7-8-year-olds, seen with their close rivals.
How did he get in there? – Quite legitimately. It was a mixed contest.
Brother! Napier was hot that day.
Page 53
In the Intermediate School Assembly Hall, Hastings, last year’s student teachers of the Hawke’s Bay Education Board received their teaching certificates at the annual graduation ceremony.
Some of the graduates, from left: Iona Jacobson, Lorraine Porter, Janis Blewden, Barbara McKenzie and Marilyn Bevan.
Miss J. M. Blewden, one of three who received Certificates of Distinction.
The other two who passed with distinction were Mr. C. G. Menzies and Miss B. L. Oliver.
Parents and friends who attended.
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Responsible CHILDREN
Prefects of the Hastings Intermediate School assembled at their breakup ceremony to receive their badges after proving themselves worthy of the honour and responsibility.
A very proud girl whose parents and brothers paraded with her in clothes she had made for them at school. What have critics of the “play-way” to say about this?
An item from the school choir was one highlight of the break-up at this progressive school. Some of the girls are still in their school-made clothes.
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In a rather unsatisfactory finish to the M.C.C. v Hawke’s Bay match on McLean Park, Napier, rain stopped play on the second day of the match when Hawke’s Bay were 9 wickets down for 60 in their second innings. An innings victory for the tourists was a foregone conclusion.
H.B. opener, Dine, watches his bails fly when he was clean bowled by Larter for no score.
Shrimpton hooks the ball straight into Watson’s hands off the bowling of Sayer. Top scorer in the first innings with 28, this catch put him out the second time for two.
A nice catch by Brian off his own bowling had M.C.C. captain, Willie Watson, headed for the pavilion after his top-scoring 88.
Phil Moore Photos
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