Hawke’s Bay Photo News 1962 – Number 039 February

Hawke’s Bay PHOTO NEWS
39th Issue

[Cover photo – With all the lovely lassies around Napier over the holidays there was, as usual, a wealth of material for a cover picture, but once again we have taken the word of the judges of the bathing beauty contest and bring to the readers their choice. More about Valerie Flanders, Maxine Kitt (both of Hastings), and Janet Matthews of Napier, appears elsewhere in this issue.]

[Inside front cover]

Extra length… finer filter…and best of all is the tobacco.

Page 1

Vol. 4
No. 3

Editor and Photographer Philip Moore

39-047 Napier   Night 39-931

Postal Address
P.O.Box 169, Napier

Published monthly by The Hawke’s Bay Publishing Co. Ltd. on the 4th Thursday of every month

“Photo News” mailed to you on receipt of 12-issue sub. of 32/6

Batchelor Studios
231 Heretaunga Street W., Hastings
Phone 88-766
Tennyson St., Napier – Phone 7413

Printed photo-litho for the Publishers by Swailes, Hurst & Co. Ltd., Napier

Photographs in “H.B. Photo News” may be obtained through –
The Editor, H.B. Publishing Co.
P.O. Box 169, Napier

State clearly page number on which photo appears, and a full description of photograph.

Enclose Postal Note to value of –
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Front Cover. With all the lovely lassies around Napier over the holidays there was, as usual, a wealth of material for a cover picture, but once again we have taken the word of the judges of the bathing beauty contest and bring to the readers their choice. More about Valerie Flanders, Maxine Kitt (both of Hastings), and Janet Matthews of Napier, appears elsewhere in this issue.

Back Cover. Mr. T. H. Marshall’s yacht “The Voyager” looking very graceful, under sail, out in the bay.

Navy Enters Port

The Navy Enters Port. The naval launches “Ngapona” (leading) and “Manga” entering the Port of Napier.

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Betty Margaret, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. O’Brien, Kennedy Road, Napier, to David John Usherwood, son of Mr and Mrs. T. C. Drumm, 4 Millwood Street, Wanganui East.
Batchelors Studios Photo

Margaret Fay, twin daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Kayser, to Charles Alan, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Rogers.
MacConnells Photo Service


Lorraine is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs C. C. Crooks, Queen Street, Richmond, Nelson, and Kerry, the only son of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Stevens, Queen Street, Dannevirke.
Photo by Peter Cooper Studio, Nelson

Page 3


The annual Bathing Beauty Contest held in the Napier Sound Shell, attracted twenty-six entrants from all parts of New Zealand. Judging was very difficult, and on this page we present the winner and runners-up. On the following pages are some of the very attractive entrants.

Maxine Kitt, who gained second place.

Eighteen-year-old Janet Matthews, a student teacher, was placed first.

Third placing went to Valerie Flanders. Both girls are sixteen years old and come from Hastings.

Jocelyn McIvor, who was a very close runner-up.

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[Photos of four entrants in the annual Bathing Beauty Contest held in the Napier Sound Shell]

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[Photos of four entrants in the annual Bathing Beauty Contest held in the Napier Sound Shell]

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When Dig Richards, the Australian pop singer, arrived at the Napier Airport recently, he found a large crowd there waiting to greet him.

Dig, seen here with Des Gibson, Miss Hawke‘s Bay (centre), and Misses Valerie Flanders (left) and Maxine Kitt (right).

Definitely Dig Richards fans.

Mr. and Mrs. Matthews of Napier, very kindly made their lounge available, thus enabling Dig to get in some rehearsals with a local band.

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A section of the huge crowd which filled the Centennial Hall.

Leading Hawke’s Bay pop singer meets the Australian.

A view from the balcony of the Centennial Hall showing the enthusiastic crowd who really went wild with delight.

Page 8

MOHI – LYNCH. At Paki Paki Anglican Church, Kerry, only daughter of Mr. T. Lynch, Waipukurau, to Michael, only son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Mohi, Hastings. The young couple were attended by Mr. J. Murray and Miss Karen Gibson.

McCONNACHIE – DUMBLE. At St John’s Cathedral, Napier, Judith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Dumble, Meeanee, to Campbell, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. McConnachie, Irongate Road, Hastings.

GOULD – MILLER. At Sacred Heart Church, Hastings, Beverley Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Miller, Willowpark Road, Hastings to Hilton Wickman, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Gould, Riverside Road, Gisborne.

Photos by Batchelors Studios.

we’ve got the pick of the DON range
Transform your living room….comfort, guaranteed wear and a master touch in styling make these DON suites the most exciting we’ve ever seen. Choose coverings from exclusive imported fabrics in wonderful textures and colours. Call in and see for yourself today.
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Comfort at its ultimate best is the keynote of the “de Brett” suite. – Available in a wide range of lovely coverings. Pay cash or use Plan “D” Terms.
As modern as tomorrow but designed for today, the “Kentucky” suite is a popular choice. For good design plus real comfort it cannot be beaten.
Make certain to see our range of Don Nite’n’Day Bed Settees for comfort day and night. See them and test them – you can’t go wrong with a Don product from the Rees Furnishing Co.
the Rees Furnishing co. (h.b.) ltd.

Page 10


Long Reach. Napier City Council inspection chair being used to fit new lights in Hastings Street.

The Wycliffe School Hall provided ample space for an end of year exhibition of work. Here some of the children prepare for the display.

Photos by A. W. Colley

An Unusual Sight. Mr. Tuck’s yacht leaving the Napier Harbour. We don’t know her present name because when the picture was taken she had just been repainted.

New traffic lines recently painted at Kennedy Road, Georges Drive intersection, found the heat a bit too much and started to “move off”.

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During the holidays the Hastings Skating Club‘s Rink proved a great draw to locals and visitors alike. The picture above was taken from the control tower. We even noticed three St Trinians old girls tearing around .

Kristina Siberson, a young visitor from the Hutt, getting around quite well on borrowed skates.

Every night exhibitions were given by various club members and here we see a dance pairs solo by Kay and Raymond Hayes of Hastings.

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This year the Hastings St. Johns Christmas Party was a little different, because instead of Santa Claus, they were visited by a Fairy Queen, in the person of Miss Helena Hannah.

The children were delighted with the Fairy Dance performed by Fairy Gillian Brodie.

Above we see the Queen surrounded by her Fairies.

The Fairy Queen distributed the presents and here, Ambulance Driver Gary Mulvanah, receives one on behalf of his infant daughter, Sharon.

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The residents of the Little Sisters of the Poor Home for aged, really enjoy a Christmas Party.

Children of the Seventh Day Adventist Church thoroughly enjoyed a visit from Santa.

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Boys were very much in evidence at the M.O.W. party.

The youngsters at France House enjoyed their visit from Santa

Young and old had fun at the C.T.S. Club Party.

The M.E.D. held their party in the Faraday Street office.

The staff of Harris Hats held their party in the Old Folks Hall.

Page 15

Hospital Laundry Party

Every year about Christmas, the Supervisor of the Napier Hospital Laundry organises a party for the staff which is always a great success.

Members of the staff dressed in costume and each representing a section of the department. Left to right: Fay McGregor (Laundry), Joy McKay (Sewing room), Dulcie Hannah (Bedrooms), Lita Rawlings (Dining room), and Olive Cunningham (Bathroom).

The Hospital Ballet Group receiving expert instruction from Mrs. V. McLean.

Mrs. Jean Kenworthy, Supervisor, pauses in the act of cutting the cake.

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Santa Visits Taradale

Santa arrives in Taradale complete with Sleigh, Fairies and of course Bambi.

An official welcome by the Mayor, Mr. A. W. Miller.

He then proceeded to his cave and met two rather apprehensive kiddies with their special requests for Christmas Day. We hope that their wishes were granted.

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At a recent sand castle competition conducted by the Waimarama Surf Club, the kids really enjoyed themselves, digging up the beach and getting something for it (all competitors received a prize) not just being told to go and dig in the sand while Mum and Dad have a laze or go for a swim. In the picture above we see all the busy builders at work, surrounded by the Mums and Dads.

Peter Hebden consults Grant May on the quality of the building materials.

Brian and Peter Walford seem to be enjoying themselves.

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The ten-mile road race held by the Napier Skating Club proved to be more of an endurance test than a speed race, when quite early in the event nearly half the competitors had dropped out. The picture above shows the field during the first lap.

Peter Oliver (Hastings) leads Basil Galway (Petone) around a marker barrel. Basil (the winner) and Peter held the lead between them for almost the full race and drew steadily away from the rest of the field.

Basil Galway puts on a sprint to win the five mile trophy.

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Saint David’s Presbyterian Church on the move down Nelson Crescent. The church was being transferred to a new site in Georges Drive and arrived quite safely but not without some difficulty, all power lines had to be disconnected on the way as the church was too high to pass beneath them.

The interior of the Bank of New Zealand was a very pleasing sight for the customers. The bank had been “dressed out” for the festive season.

Page 20

Dogs Show Their Paces

While entrants were being judged in the Napier Kennel Club’s annual Ribbon Parade, club members gave obedience demonstrations with their dogs, where the dogs make certain movements and obey various commands without being influenced by any other dog or person.

Miss M. Bryne of Napier with her Whippet which was judged the best dog on parade.

Miss L. Fowden of Meeanee with her Besenji Ko-Hi-Nor of Clendon, which was 1st in the mid-puppy stakes. An unusual breed the Basenji doesn’t bark but yodels.

Page 21

Three Terriers rather forlornly await to enter the ring. We wonder what a dog thinks of all this business (not much, if canine expressions are any guide).

Miska seems to be grinning happily, maybe because she wasn’t waiting to be judged.


A night view of the Octopus taken at the Mardi Gras. This popular riding device provided many thrills and – perhaps – a few upset stomachs.

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A fitting conclusion to the first part of the success story of local girl, Nyree Dawn Porter, was when, recently the World Premiere of her first full length feature film was held in her home town of Napier. Photo News would like to join with the people of Hawke’s Bay, in wishing her every success in her future work.

The parade as it nears the theatre in Emerson Street. This parade was watched by some 400 people.

Mr. J. Stancombe, Manager of Blythes Ltd., whose firm was first to put Miss Porter before the public as a mannequin. Mr Stancombe has a few words for the 2ZC announcer who was recording the official opening.

Mrs. E. M. Porter, Nyree‘s mother and her sister, Merle, pose with Mrs. A. Shepherd in the foyer of the theatre.

Page 23

Members of Napier’s Theatre World were there and above we see Mr. Ted Collier, President of the Napier Operatic Society signing the Visitor’s book, and below Mr. Wally Ireland, President of the Napier Frivolity Minstrels.

Miss Porter on the steps of Eros, in Picadilly Circus, London

Page 24

Waimarama Surf Carnival

The carnival held by the Waimarama Surf Club on New Year’s Day proved to be most popular and enjoyable for the crowd of almost 2,000 people who attended. The three teams competing were, Waimarama, Wellington and Maraenui Ladies, also from Weliington. The usual events were competed for with great skill and no small amount of humour.

The four-man teams in action, surrounded by the large crowd.

The girls bringing their victim ashore. We say victim because of something that happened out in the surf, thus enabling the girls to bag a male and vice versa.

Page 25

The start of the open surf race (above) and the winner (right) known locally as Bikini Bill Penney. This must have been quite a feat in itself because unencumbered as he was he must have had some difficulty staying intact.

During the afternoon a demonstration of the mechanical resuscitator was given by Peter Hannah and Greg Gordon.

To conclude the carnival the surfboat put to sea and is seen here in a cloud of spray.

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21st Birthdays

Bruce McLaren, only son of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. McLaren, Victoria Street, Hastings, held his party in the Oddfellows Hall. Bruce is seen here with his parents.

Patricia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F.A. Ellis, Taradale Road, Greenmeadows, celebrated in the Taradale R.S.A. Hall.

Noeline Anne, is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs I. R. Coulam, McDonald Street. The party was held in the Merchant Navy Clubrooms, Napier.

Len Hartley, who is pictured with his parents, celebrated his 21st in the Ex Navalmen’s Hall, Onekawa.

Charles Bell, seen here with his mother, held his party at home. He is a son of Mrs. M.J. and the late Mr. H. V. Bell of George Street, Napier.

Photos by Batchelors Studios

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Tents on the racecourse. Note the slips on Sugarloaf which can still be seen today.

The remains of Blythes. Today McGruers stands on this site.

Thirty-one years ago this month a catastrophe struck the province of Hawke’s Bay which has seen no parallel since and we hope, never will. As a generation has grown up since February 1931, it is perhaps an opportune time to publish again some of the pictures taken on that fateful day and the weeks following. We do not wish to dwell over long with words, as the pictures speak for themselves, but it is enough to say that thousands of us would not be living in Napier today, but for the quake. The town as it was could not expand any more.

Gapping road surface.

An F.G. Smith trailer at work in Hastings Street.

Trucks of that era at work filling. This is approximately where Firmans on Taradale Road is today.

Sunken vessels in what is now the Boat Harbour.

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Heretaunga Street, Hastings a short time after the quake. Time approximately 10.55 a.m

The Masonic Hotel. Just after, quake fire started behind the building. Time 11.15 a.m

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The fire coming down Hastings Street about 1.30 p.m.

“Photo News” would like to thank Mr. Munro, Curator of the H.B. East Coast Art Gallery and Museum and Mr. A. W. Colley for making these pictures available. Photographs by Batchelors Camera House, Hastings; A.B. Hurst & Son, Deighton Studios, Napier and R. J. Thomson, Wellington.

Napier burning. Time 2.30 p.m.

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Smoking ruins, after the fire had swept through.

Saint John’s Cathedral. The administration block at the rear still stands today.

The Old Folks Home at Park Island was destroyed and one old gent was rescued from the rubble three days after the quake.

Sailors clearing rubble on the Marine Parade. On the right is the remains of Murray Roberts. The T. and G. still stands on this side today.

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McLACHLAN – WILSON. At St Mathew’s Church, Hastings. Julienne Gail, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Wilson, to Clive Cameron, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. McLachlan. The bridal party from left: Groom, Bride, Bruce Hay, Sally Wilson, Max Pope, Pauline Stafford, Michael Harris and Shirley Davis.
Lovell Smith Photo

21st Birthday

Anne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Sayer, Caroline Road, Hastings, celebrated her 21st in the Harrier Club Hall.

Silver Wedding …

Mr. and Mrs C. F. Hamer, who recently celebrated their silver wedding at their home in Sedon [Seddon?] Street, Hastings. This is a correction to an insertion in a recent edition, when due to unforeseen circumstances, the wrong photo was printed. Our apologies.


Beverley Simmons to Rex Dunn.

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Ni Sa Bula

On their recent visit to Napier, the Adi Cakabau School Choir was greeted with great enthusiasm and the many people who saw and heard them thoroughly enjoyed their concerts. Above, the girls sing to the crowd after the civic welcome at the Sound Shell.

The modern classroom block of the Adi Cakabau School.

Miss Elenoa Raoga, assistant choir mistress is greeted at the airport by Mr. V. Wallis. Other members of the party are Mr. Ken Collins and Miss F. Charlton, school principal.

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After the civic reception the girls were introduced to all the good people who had offered to billet and look after them during their nstay in Napier.

Another happy group Left to right, Janice Garnham, Margaret Chambers, Unaiasi Waqanaceva, Alisin Roanakadavu, with the girl’s host and hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Chambers.

Mr. and Mrs. Scheib meet two new friends.

Nr. and Mrs. Jones meet their charges.

Page 34

CLEGG – MATHEWSON. At St. Patrick’s Church, Napier, Pamela Annette, daughter of Mrs. E. W. Mathewson, Westshore, to John Patrick, son of Mr. and Mrs E. W. Clegg, Whetukura, Ormondville. The bridal party from left are: Ray Falvey, Alison Mathewson (sister of the bride), Groom and Bride, Sonia Durney, and Douglas Clegg (brother of groom)
A. B. Hurst and Son Photo

BOYD – GANNAWAY. At the Methodist Church, Napier, Valmai Frances, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Gannaway, Williams Street, to Allan Douglas, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Boyd, also of Williams Street. The attendants from left, were J. W. Boyd, J. A, Boyd and L. I. Gannaway.
Batchelors Studios Photos


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Misses Sheila Kelly (left) from Derby, England and Jennie Allerton, Castleford, England, two schoolteachers who left England 19 months ago to travel the world in their land cruiser. A third member of the party, Miss Jill Price, is at present staying with friends in the South Island. The girls, so far have travelled 44,000 miles (21,000 on water and 23,000 on land). The lower picture shows the girls enjoying a cuppa in their home on wheels.

Photos by A. W. Colley.

Page 36

Model Railway Opened

The model railway, which was officially opened at Westshore recently, will, we feel sure, be a great asset to the attractions of the beach. There is no doubt that it will keep the small fry well occupied.

The Mayoress of Naper, Mrs. P. Tait, cuts the ribbon to officially open the railway and set the first train rolling.

Two very interested potential customers.

Messrs. W. L. Atherfold and P. Tait seated behind R. Finlay, enjoying their ride behind the J-class locomotive.

in laminex or formica
Phone 8829 TARADALE
De Luxe                                          Standard
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5ft.           £17 5 0                          5ft.         £14 6 0
5ft.6ins.    £17 11 3                        5ft.6ins.  £14 17 0
6 ft.          £18 12 6                        6 ft.        £15 19 0
7 ft.          £21  6  6                        7ft.         £19 10 6
8ft.           £24 13 6                        8 ft.        £22 11 0
9ft.           £26 15 6
10-Year Guarantee
A Fully Guaranteed SLS PRODUCT
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Page 38


The 9th and last N.Z. Grand Prix to be held at Ardmore was run under atrocious conditions, possibly the worst that a Grand Prix could be run under. We present here a selection of pictures taken for us by Marshal McDonagh.

Bruce McLaren being pushed onto the track prior to the race.

Mrs. McLaren, holding Bruce’s helmet, Iooks quietiy on,

John Surtees being pushed out.

Ron, Mrs. Flockhart and Jack Brabham enjoy a quiet joke.

Page 39

Pat Hoare in his forward engined V.12 Ferrari

Stirling Moss (U.K.) in a Cooper.

Lex Davidson (Aust.) in a Cooper.

Angus Hyslop (N.Z.) in a Cooper.

Cars coming out of the College Corner.

Bib Stilwell driving an Aston Martin.

Page 40


The visiting Fijian Cricket Team certainly lived up to its reputation for sparkling cricket during a two day match at McLean Park, Napier. The game ended in a very close win for Fiji.

Dews, Fiji at short mid-on catches D. Burns, H.B. for 23.

The wonderful catch by Sorovakatini of Fiji, given by P. Knight.

R. Small caught in the slips by Sorovakatini.

Almost out! The wicket had gone and one stump was down the pitch but the batsman had made the crease.

Page 41

A DAY at the RACES

Seen at the Hastings races over the holiday period

Mrs. E. Haggerty, Te Awanga and Mrs. E. Raisey, Napier.

Two Gisborne visitors, Misses Margaret Baty and Yvonne Wilson.

This smart lass is Miss Ruth Jenkins.

Mr. and Mrs. E Watson and Mrs. S. K. Singh, who is visiting from Suva.

Page 42


The first day of the Napier Sailing Club’s New Year Regatta opened in fretful weather. Gusty winds and short seas made conditions anything but comfortable. The pictures on this and the following page were taken on the first day.

“Surprise” skippered by R. Gunson, Napier disappears in a trough and the trapeze man looks as if he is not with the boat.

Skipper Kenny Matheson, “flat to the boards”

“Firecrest” skippered by N. Martin makes a fine sight.

Page 43

Boats of all classes beating down the course.

Visiting competitor P. Simmonds in his Cherub Class boat, “Falcon”.

Napier’s new cat “Whisper” skippered by Peter Hartley, really moving. “Whisper” won the open event from scratch.

Skipper R. Street with “Lucy” was another visiting competitor.

Page 44

Fancy Dress Party

The Hastings Memorial Hospital Nurses’ Fancy Dress Party and Dance was held as usual this year in the Harding Hall, which is the staff recreation hall at the hospital.

Kath Terry as “Pepe” and Sue Parker as a Can Can girl.

Rosealina Stanley as an Island Dancer. “Mm Mm!”

Jennifer Tucker and Mary Wishart as the Packet Girls.

Margaret Forbes, complete with “Spook” Loraine Williams.

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Bev Marsh and partner. Lucky man!

These two girls are ready for any emergency.

Janet Dick with one live scalp, Red Injun style.

Matron Down gives Santa “the works”.

Page 46

The Dannevirke J.N.P. Cabarette Committee. Back row from left: M. France, O. Johnson, G. Masters, R. Borlace, S. Guise, E. Stirling and T. Daniells. Front row: R. King, G. Hales (Chairman) and P. Newman (secretary).

The instrument in the new Holt Planetarium, which projects the heavens on to dome above.

Sgt. McGrory of the Army Department, displays some of the ancient firearms which will be fired on the Marine Parade shortly.

IF you wish “Photo News” to cover any function
39-047 NAPIER (Day)
39-931 NAPIER (Night)
These are Our Only Phone Numbers

Page 47


A crowd numbering around 8000, gathered on the Napier Marine Parade, to farewell 1961 and joyously welcome 1962. The couple below celebrated with gusto.

With the traditional ringing of the Veronica Bell, the Mayor, Mr. P. Tait, rang out the old year and then the Mayoress, Mrs. Tait, welcomed the New Year.

A view of some of the revellers, taken just after midnight.

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The Marine Parade was a colourful sight when the Napier Skating Club recently held a Fancy Dress Carnival.

Winners of the senior section were Robin Newton and Barry Parker.

Young Christine Matthews looked very fetching as a horse.

Davy Crockett on skates – Barry Chittenden.

Youngest competitor, David Newton 13 and a half months, a budding All Black on skates.

Kevin Turnbull, who went as an Indian Brave, really looked the part and the judges chose him for the most original costume.

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During the course of the evening, a skating exhibition was given by 14-year-old Elaine Matthews, N.Z. Junior Solo and Speed Champion.


The Napier Intermediate School recently staged a very ambitious display of Physical Education and Country Dancing which proved a great success.

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The Boxing Day meeting of the Napier Amateur Athletic and Cycling Club was held under ideal conditions and attracted a good number of athletes.

The finish of the 2 mile wheel race, with only inches between the leaders. The winner was R. Baker of Wairoa, with K. Grantham, second, and B. Ball Gisborne, third.

The women’s 100 yeards handicap was won by M. Riggs, and L. Noble-Campbell was second.

For the second time running, G. Harris won the Norman McKenzie Memorial Trophy for the mile. He is seen here receiving it from Mr. Neil Farquhar.

Gary Kivell with the Devonport Challenge Cup, presented for the senior men’s 100 yards.

Page 51

Wedding Bells

CLARKE – BYRNE. At Saint Patrick’s Church, Naper, Marion, daughter of Mrs. G. Byrne, Napier, to Eric Rossmore, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Clark, Christchurch. The reception was at the James Banquet Lounge.
A.W. Colley Photo

HARGREAVES – MEEHAN. At the Napier Methodist Church, Adrienne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. L Meehan, to Robert, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Hargreaves, also of Napier. The reception was held in the Old Folks Hall.

21st Birthdays

Carol Shilton, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Larson, Norton Road, Hastings, celebrated her 21st at home.

Diane, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Gilmour, 5 Tom Parker Avenue, Napier, celebrated her 21st at home.

These five Hastings girls left Auckland early in January on board the “Orsova”, bound for England and the Continent on a working holiday. From Left to right: Diana Scott, Juliette Robinson, Anne Sayer, Rosalyn Low and Dawn Boland.

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Early in January a group of Napier and Gisborne Scouts left Napier Railway Station on the first leg of their journey for Dunedin. They were on their way to a Jamboree in Otago. In the picture above we see a group of Napier Scouts about to board the train, and below, a section of the Gisborne contingent who arrived by railcar to join the special train.

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A number of cub masters were included in the official party and from left to right we have, Beth Anderson (Napier), Elisabeth Johnston, Janne Waugh, Patsy Stevenson, Margaret Casey (all of Gisborne), and Pat Railey (Napier).

Parents and friends farewell the boys in the traditional manner.

Page 54


The annual contest for Pavement Artists, which was held on the auditorium floor of the Marine Parade attracted a large crowd of young artists from both residents and visitors. Above Champions of Champions. This was a very fine piece of work depicting a very colourful pirate. The artist was 15 -year-old Graeme Bailey of Napier.

Elizabeth Hughes, aged 5 years, of Khandallah, poses with a bright smile.

Six-year-old Steven Bristow of Napier, ponders on where to put the funnel.

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Brenda Lee Wilkinson (12 months) of Napier is very intent on her abstract drawing.

Joyce McCormick, aged eleven, of Napier, was another lass who competed.

Fifteen-year-old Pat Gould of Napier, with her fine study of a Quality Street girl. Pat took first prize in her class.

Page 56

Six-year-old Diane Thomson of Taradale was a prize winner in her group.

Deborah Turner, who is five and also comes from Taradale, ponders seriously over her efforts.

Eleven-year-old Anthea Somerville of Napier, poses nicely with her prize-winning entry.

The stronger lager
Double L
Here’s the new brew that satisfies the knowledgeable man’s quest for a really fine strong lager – Leopard Double ‘L’. In pint bottles, it’s ideal for the odd spot before dinner, elegant enough to serve the most fastidious guests, tasty enough to order more after the first sip.

Back cover

Next Issue
March 1st

[Back cover photo –  Mr. T. H. Marshall’s yacht “The Voyager” looking very graceful, under sail, out in the bay.]

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Published November 1958 – June 1967

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Date published

February 1962


The Hawke's Bay Publishing Company Ltd

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