Hawke’s Bay Photo News 1959 – Number 005 March

Hawke’s Bay PHOTO NEWS
Number 5
MARCH 1959

[Cover photo – Dorothy Barker of Hastings, surrounded by peaches in one of the main provincial fruit orchards.]

Inside cover page

Hawke’s Bay’s Own Pictorial News Magazine
MARCH 1959
Volume l
No. 5

Editor H. D. Hanger

Postal Address
P.O. Box 470, Napier

Telephone Enquiries
4274 Hastings and 3697 Napier

Published monthly by The Hawke’s Bay Publishing Company Limited

Mail Order Service
“Photo News” mailed to you on receipt of 12 issue sub. of 32/-

Retail Agents throughout Hawke’s Bay

“Photo News” Photographers
Batchelors Studios
Hastings and Napier
Hamilton Studios
Max Moverley

Copies of photos published are obtainable from the photographer whose name appears on the photo, or where no name appears, from Batchelors Studios, Hastings and Napier

Hawke’s Bay’s temperate climate is renowned throughout the country, and it can rightly claim the title “The Sunshine Province of New Zealand”.

This climate attracts visitors by the thousand who, once here, find it very difficult to depart. With the cost of living rising yearly, an added attraction of the province is the comparative cheapness of many vegetable and fruit lines.

Visitors and locals alike flock to the orchards in the central area and each weekend sees a continual stream of motorists travelling to and from the fruit districts of Havelock and Pakowhai. On many of the highways signs and stalls are as numerous as shops in a town’s main street.

What better motive than for our cover picture, taken by Russell Orr, of charming Dorothy Barker of Hastings, surrounded by peaches in one of the main provincial fruit orchards


Photography is a field that has a large following and yet the results are rarely seen by the general public. There must be many photographs taken by Hawke’s Bay enthusiasts that would be of great interest to our readers, and to encourage amateurs to have their photographs published in “Photo News” we offer a prize of one guinea for the best photograph, in our opinion, that is published in each issue.

If the response to this offer warrants it we will also give a prize of ten shillings for the second best. Photos other than the prize winning ones will also be published subject to availability of space. Prints submitted must be at least 120 size and accompanied by the negative. Negatives will be returned if a stamped addressed envelope is enclosed.

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As part of the Centennial Celebrations, the Heretaunga Power Boat Club (Inc.) were the organisers of a monster speed-boat racing carnival, the course being between two of Napier’s wharves.

The day started out very poorly for the organisers, with a strong wind blowing and very rough seas, but in the afternoon the wind dropped, leaving calm waters and a perfect surface for the speed-boats. No ships were in the port at the time and both the old and the new wharves were packed to capacity, and it was agreed in racing circles that the meeting was one of the best to be held in New Zealand. It was most unfortunate that the day ended with a tragic accident.

The job of running such a meeting as was held can only be appreciated by those directly concerned, and as races were run with very little delay between events and with such a large number of boats competing in every event, there was nothing but praise for the organisers.

Speed boating is a sport rapidly gaining in popularity in N.Z. and public support and enthusiasm is keeping pace with the enthusiasm of the “boaties” themselves. Boats are getting much faster each year and records for different classes are being created and broken every day. This is the result of the tremendous amount of time that boat owners put into the improving of their crafts. Most of the boats are designed and built by their owners, both the motors and the hulls being modified over and over again. In fact the power plants, both automotive and aircraft engines, are altered and hotted up so much that the makers in many cases wouldn’t recognise their own engines. Some of these alterations are beneficial and some are not, and the amazing thing is that the “boaties” keep trying and spending a great deal of money on their boats, money which they have no hope of reimbursing from prize money, as in the main, prize money is very meagre, showing that boat owners enter the sport only for the sport’s sake and the thrill of racing.

ABOVE. A scene on the slipway in the early part of the afternoon. Aero Wynn on the extreme left is being pulled out of the water as during the time trials this boat, owned and driven by Maurie Dunn of Hastings, hit a submerged object and sank. Maurie Dunn, who had his aqua lung equipment with him, dived into the harbour, tied a rope to his boat, and it was pulled out by willing helpers. This boat is powered by a Gypsy Queen aircraft motor and, needless to say, would have to be completely stripped after its dip in the sea.

ABOVE. Sprite II takes the inner buoy completely out of the water.

BELOW. Avalanche, seen here “prop riding” was the fastest boat of the day and took the honours in the ‘A’ class championship. Owned and driven by Nat Morrison of the Manawatu Club, it is powered by a Ford 6 motor, is about six years old and has been winning races ever since it was built.

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The only outboard skiff in the H.B.P.B. Club is Sprite II, owned and driven by Bill Lownsbrough, a midget class boat that puts up a great performance for its size.

Harold Peters from Palmerston North, owner-driver of Top Flite, is a grandfather and a very well known figure to the sport. He has been racing for over twelve years and it [is] still going strong.

A “V-bottom A class” boat owned and driven by Bill Russell of Hastings with a “hotted up” Mercury motor, Courtlander is considered to be one of the top boats in Hawke’s Bay.

Speed boats, with their owners not very far away, moored at Geddis Wharf awaiting races.

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ABOVE. Flying-By, powered by a Dodge motor, was designed and built by owner-driver Percy Lee of Hawke’s Bay. He has had to alter the hull two or three times, but is now starting to get results.

LEFT. Gerry Beach with his midget boat Quick Step, which he designed and built himself. It has a Consul motor and this is his first season with this boat.

ABOVE. Taken at the finish of a race, this photo shows from left, Dynamite, a ‘B’ class V-bottomed boat, owned and driven by Norman Jones of Wairoa. This is another boat that was built by the owner and has a Dodge motor. This is the boat’s first season and Norman is doing quite well with it so far. Next is Sangaree, also with a Dodge motor, and owned and driven by C. Smith of the Manawatu Club. Another Manawatu Club boat is on the right.

LEFT. Before the start of every regatta all drivers are briefed on the course, known hazards, etc., and given their driving instructions. Here a group of drivers is intently listening to the local club captain Peter Douglas (not in picture).

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On the rifle range and awaiting the order to open fire.

These photos were taken on the day of Brigadier O. L. Pleasant’s  visit to the Hastings Boys’ High School to present the Riddiford Cup, a gold trophy awarded to the best and most efficient unit in the Central Military District. The cup originally contested for on a New Zealand basis fell into abeyance around 1930-31. Brigadier Pleasants [Pleasant] has now made this cup available for competition in the Central Military District and it is competed for by over fifty schools. It is awarded to the unit, or school, which gains the greatest number of points given for efficiency on parade and in training. Points are also gained at the rifle range.

Brigadier Pleasants stressed in his address to the unit that every single cadet plays a part in the competition, and that team spirit is of utmost importance. It is not the first time that the Hastings High School unit has won a prize, as several times in the past the unit’s shooting team has won the Coleman Shield and last year it recorded a record score.

The Brigadier took the salute from a parade of something like 650 boys – all of them play their part as members of the team.
As one schoolmaster put it, “The boys learn through a military organisation the qualities of self discipline and reliability which are the essences of good citizenship.”

Rifles used by the boys pictured on this page are standard firearms fitted with a .22 bore. Boys begin firing in the third form and throughout the rest of their school life they advance from exercise to exercise, while records are kept of their shooting progress.

ABOVE. “Concentration is the thing, and I’m determined to hit that bullseye!”

BELOW. This cadet is very pleased with himself as he points at a hit in the bullseye.

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Photos on this page show some of the stages of training undergone by the boys of the unit.

ABOVE. In the early stages the boys do not train in army uniform.

BELOW. Under the guiding hand of a cadet N.C.O. these boys are being trained on the correct method of using a rifle.

ABOVE. To illustrate how to aim a rifle, one is set up on a tripod correctly sighted on a target. The boys are then able to see how to use the sights of a rifle.

BELOW. On the command “Attention!” the cadets know exactly what is expected of them.

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ABOVE. A fully self-contained unit, it has its own Pipe Band.

RIGHT. Brigadier Pleasant presenting the cup to Officer Commanding the unit, Major M. W. Eade.

BELOW. Brigadier Pleasant during the march past on the saluting platform.

BELOW RIGHT. One part of the training programme that is welcomed by all is the dip in the school baths.

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The hours and sweat spent in training have certainly not been wasted on these cadets and during the march past they gave a display that was well worthy of the honour they attained by winning the Riddiford Cup.

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Wairoa has traditionally observed the last week in January as its festive “Week of the Year” . . . and in the February issue of “Photo News” we included photos of the fancy dress parade held during 1959 carnival week. In this issue are photos sent to us from Hamilton Studios in Wairoa of the “Needle in the Haystack” competition, and shots from the carnival parade showing the six entrants for the queen carnival. In pre-war years hundreds of visitors each year made Wairoa their mecca for this merry week with its show, horse sports and general revelry. Nothing was too much trouble for the fun-makers and in one year, not one but two dance halls were built to house the holiday crowds. 1939 was probably the last of the old style carnivals, when members of the staffs of Wairoa’s shops wore fancy dress to work. The war years, the coming of the railway and the lessening of Wairoa’s isolation all played their part in sounding the death knell of the old style carnival weeks where sleep was a luxury indulged in briefly during working hours.

A little of the past has come back to Wairoa this year as the Carnival Week was closely connected to the Centennial Celebrations.

The Wairoa Highland Pipe Band.

The Kiwi Sailorettes marching team on parade.

Maori Princess, Miriana Cooper, with her attendants, Hine Manuel and Raiha TiPoke.

Jaycee and Tennis Princess, Alice Beale, and her attendants Rayna Nugent and Janis Mitchell.

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The Queen Carnival is really going with a bang, and of the six “barometers” which are displayed in Wairoa’s main street, and which give a day-to-day recording of the Princesses progress, two at least have reached the top. The target of £6000 is fast being reached and nobody will be surprised if it is exceeded, showing that the people of Wairoa are really getting behind their Queen Carnival.

ABOVE. Rowing Princess Marcia Martin, and her attendants, June Bradley and Joyce Rose.

BELOW. Country Princess Jocelyn Glynan with her attendants Carie Bull and Verna Redshaw.

Nurses, Brass and Pipe Band Princess Jocelyn Muir, With her attendants Betty Nehimia and Daphne Korau.

Swimming and Cricket Princess Louise McIntyre, with her attendants Glennis McLaren and June Halpin.

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ABOVE. The Bathing Beauty Contest was in Wairoa, as it is in every other town, a very popular part of the Carnival. The three place getters in the contest were, reading from left, Miss Faye Gollop (2nd), Alexia Shepherd (lst), and Kay Ryan (3rd).

RIGHT. Alexia Shepherd receiving the first prize from the Carnival President, Mr. Charles Redshaw.

This year the Mercantile relay swimming race was held in support of the Swimming and Cricket Princess, and ABOVE shows the second lap getting under way.

RIGHT. Mr. Angus Gemmell receiving the Trophy and Cup from Princess Lois McIntyre.

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Anything and everything that would add to the enjoyment of the Carnival was put on by the organisers, and the “Needle in the Haystack” competition provided many laughs for the participants and spectators alike.

ABOVE. Mrs. W. Campbell triumphantly holds aloft the “Needle”.

ABOVE. Barry Frazer, announcer!

ABOVE RIGHT. In the children’s talent quest, Chairmaine Hema was the winner, and RIGHT, Leone and Jimmy Allen took second place.

Photos by Hamilton Studios, Wairoa

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Wairoa 100 years ago had only a few isolated white settlers and, cut off from the remainder of Hawke’s Bay by lack of communications, was little more than a trading post for the more venturesome Europeans to do business with the Maoris who were still miltiant [Militant]. Now that a first class road and rail link have been established, Wairoa has become one of the larger centres in Hawke’s Bay. It is still progressing rapidly and more and more building projects are being started. On these pages are just four of the projects now in progress.

ABOVE shows about 12 months of progress on the new hospital buildings, the wards of which will have approximately 50 beds. When completed, the old building will be pulled down and rebuilt.

BELOW. Major construction work on the new War Memorial Hall in Locke Street has been completed and the hall is a handsome addition to the town.

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ABOVE. The remains of a tree that had been cut down to make room for the new nurses’ home for the Wairoa Hospital. Shown in the pictures are nurses D. Korau, L. Peebles, H. Herore, R. O’Sullivan and K. Waahia.

BELOW. Started about five months ago, the new St. Paul’s Church, on the corner of Lucknow and Lahore Streets, is a two-year programme and when finished will replace the existing church which is over fifty years old.

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The Te Mata Primary School at Havelock North, although only opened in February last year is soon to have its own swimming pool at a cost of approximately £1000. This school must be one of the few which has such a project started within twelve months of its being opened and says much for the community spirit of this area. The money was raised by donations from parents, with a subsidy from the Education Board making up to the total. The major constructional work was all done by voluntary labour, the foreman in chief being Mr. Wallis Simmons, Chairman of the Te Mata School Committee, the rest of the “gang” being parents and school children.

BELOW. In the foreground is Mr. S. Fergusson and Johnny Wilson working under the watchful eye of “foreman” Tony Fergusson, aged 3.

Johnny Wilson, a real toiler who will have a lot more fun in the pool, having helped to build it.

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From left: Mr. D. Sheppard, headmaster of the school; Mr. P. McKay, teacher at Hereworth school; Sandy Lowe and Wallis Simmons.

ABOVE. Bill Thompson with Ivor Field in the background.

BELOW. Ivor Field taking a turn on the wheelbarrow, and Mr. L. Williams looks very serious as operator of the mixer.

ABOVE. Making sure everything is just right.

BELOW. From left, Messrs. C. Wilkinson, S Fergusson, B. Wison, and F. Hide hard at it.

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ABOVE. A View of the Te Mata School from the baths site. The school grounds are just off Guthrie Road, Havelock North.

BELOW. No lack of willing helpers here: Russell Fergusson with Paul Field behind him, an essential part of the “gang”

Roy Davis, here seen doing a spot of manual work, is an accountant, so he was appointed as “offcer [officer] in charge of P.A.Y.E.” He still had to man the concrete mixer, though.

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The road from Hastings to Taihape is affectionately known as the “Gentle Annie”, and while the scenery is beautiful it is one of the more tortuous routes to travel over. Archie Parker and Robert Bell, however, tackled this road on Zundaps and according to them it was a most enjoyable trip. “Photo News” came across them resting at the Te Mohanga [Te Mahanga] turn-off.

BELOW. One of the judges at the Rangitikei Show, held recently in Taihape, was Mr. Toby Simmons of Hawke’s Bay, and he is seen here tying the First Place Ribbon on Miss Margaret Hamilton’s horse. Miss Hamilton is from Kawhatau, Mangaweka.

BELOW. Overseas tourists spend a great deal of money travelling to the Bay of Islands to try the deep sea fishing, and as often as not have to try many times before they have any luck. Local deep sea fishermen also consider themselves lucky to catch a real big fellow once a year. Last month Mr. Keith Swailes of Napier, who has never been deep sea fishing before, hired a launch, spending a few hours out in the Bay of Islands and came back with the first black marlin of the season and at the time the heaviest swordfish taken this year. Some people have all the luck!

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In February 1913, Lord and Lady Liverpool opened the first Dannevirke Show to be held on the present show grounds, and last month the A. & P. Association held its Golden Jubilee Show. The first annual show to be held by the association was in 1910, on the Domain which had been offered by the then borough council’s domain committee. Last month’s show saw on the second day a special parade, and was a grand success. A record crowd from all parts of Hawke’s Bay and surrounding districts turned out to see the parade and the normal show activities, and from all reports everyone went home very satisfied with the day’s outing.

On this and the following pages are some photos taken during the parade and after.

Although the photos were taken by our own photographers, we have Dave Barrett, a Dannevirke photographer, to thank for the names and information with the photographs.

ABOVE. Mrs. F. R. Lloyd and Mrs. Boulten do justice to the A. &. P. Association’s float.

BELOW. Barry Beatson of Oringi, on Madam, supreme champion pony of the show. Barry led the parade with the Chief Steward of the show. (Not shown in picture.)

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Miss Barbara Webb on Dalgety’s float.

The “wrong and right brothers” piloted this contraption around the show grounds for the Southern H.B. Aero Club.

ABOVE AND LEFT. The Dannevirke Branch of Woolworths must do a roaring trade with the male population if the bevy of beauties who adorned their float are part of the staff. Perhaps it’s just an advertising stunt to boost the sale of swimsuits – anyway, the float attracted a lot of attention.

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ABOVE. Mr. Gilmore and family bring back memories of how people used to arrive at the show in the old days.

RIGHT. Mr. and Mrs. Castlelow of Havelock North with Mr. G. E. Allan, a life member of the association.

Mrs. Castlelow recalled how she attended the first Dannevirke show as a competitor.

BELOW. Two members of the Ross family of Porangahau.

Mr. McCay, Secretary of the Manawatu A. & P. Show (right) on a “busman’s” holiday is here seen with Mr. Dave Walker, a judge at the show, from Masterton.

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ABOVE. TWO winning prints exhibited in the very strong photographic section. Champion print (Top) by Mr. E. K. Bateman.

BELOW. A 1924 Fordson 27 h.p. tractor looks its age alongside its modern counterpart.

ABOVE. Miss Robin Moir on Ginger.

BELOW. George Beatson, five years old, was the youngest rider at the show, Seen here on Darkie.

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Dannevirke and Districts Highland Pipe Band

ABOVE. An unusual feature of the parade was this line of motor cycles ridden by members of the Ruahine Motor Cycle Club.

BELOW. Ruahine Senior Marching Team on parade.

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ABOVE. Another entry in the parade that attracted a lot of attention was this very sensible dress for the type of vehicle being ridden.

BELOW. Mrs. Benson gets in a little practice on an old-time weaving machine.

ABOVE. Mangatoro Young Farmers Club float.

BELOW. Two lovely lassies of the Ruahine Country Girls Club.

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An event that attracted a large crowd of spectators at Hastings recently was the International Horse Jumping Meeting, run by the N.Z. Horse Society’s Northern Hawke’s Bay centre whose President is Mr. G. P. Donnelly of Hastings.

Included in the programme was a team of Australians who were at the time in the course of a New Zealand tour which took them as far south as Dunedin, with their final appearance being in Auckland at the Horse of the Year Show.

The N.Z. Horse Society was formed only recently but already has over 2000 members throughout the Dominion, and this tour by the Australians, the first overseas team of this kind that has visited New Zealand, gave a great boost to the Society.

On this and the opposite page are a number of jumping shots taken during the show.

The riders standing behind this “jump” give an idea of just how high it is. And it’s solid!

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This horse just doesn’t feel like jumping today. Result: Loss of valuable points.

Rider regretfully watches his horse carry away rail, knowing that he has just lost 4 points.

Photos above show perfect co-ordination between rider and horse.

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Members of the Australian touring team examine the l4-ft. water jump pictured on right above. .

ABOVE. Mr. P. G. [G.P.] Donnelly (H.B. President) congratulates Mr. H. J. Thompson, seated on Cassidy, on his winning the Hit-and-Hurry competition, an event run against time.

Miss V. Ross, Hastings, with “Orion”

Among the visitors to Hawke’s Bay were Miss D. Archer of Tasmania, Miss S. Duncan of Hunterville, and Miss J. Stephens, Palmerston North.

Barry Isaacson with Kopaki. You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink!

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Mr. Bruce Hanson, winner of the Flaxmere Champion Jump, which is open only to grade ‘A’ horses, is here seen receiving the trophy and being congratulated by Mrs. Donnelly, wife of the H.B. President.

Gisborne visitors Mrs. J. Bloomfield and Mr. G. E. Low

Australians were greatly tickled by the Kangaroo Jump.

Miss C. Bolger, Dr. W. Racz from Christchurch, and Mrs. C. Bolger.

Miss Gonda Gordon on Pandora.

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By the courtesy of “Gisborne Photo News” we are able to print these photos taken by them at the Hawke’s Bay-Poverty Bay Athletic Championships held recently in Gisborne. Napier and Hastings tied for teams points with 48 each, with Gisborne only one point behind with 47.

BELOW. T. Hansen of Dannevirke (left) won the two mile event after Gisborne’s Donnelly had led all the way until the last lap.

ABOVE. Record breaker Fay Gollop of Hastings threw the discus to the 111 ft. 1 in. mark.

BELOW. Prosser and Wagg of Napier, show concentration during the junior hurdles.

ABOVE. Record breaker S. A. Williams of Hastings, set a new discus record of 132 ft. 1 in.

BELOW. M. Smith of Dannevirke, winner of the 880 yard event.

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D. Mill of Napier (right) winning the final of the women’s 220 yards championship. Others from left are: B. Stubbs, of Waipukurau, 2nd; M. Plows, Napier, 3rd; M. Read and K. Bullen, of Gisborne.

From Mr. P. Rayner of Waipukurau come these two photos of aerial topdressing by an Aerial Agriculture Fletcher aircraft on Mr. B. Worsnop‘s property, Whakarara, Waipawa.

ABOVE shows the loading operation, and BELOW, a dropping scene with the Whakarara Range in the background.

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Mr. Max Mossman of Ngamatea Station, 35 miles from Taihape on the inland Napier-Taihape road, sent along to us these very interesting photographs of mustering “out back” on the Otupae Range. These musterers see scenes of grandeur rarely witnessed by tourist, or by many other New Zealanders. Mustering in such rugged country requires the team work of well trained dogs, horses and men, and to the uninitiated would seem like an impossible task, but to these men it is all in the day’s work.

ABOVE, after four days mustering, roughly 4000 sheep are homeward bound on the main road to the station.

A lonely sign pointing the way to Ngamatea gives an idea just how far from anywhere these photos were taken.

At the top of the Otupae Range, Ken Fraser, Bruce Atchison, Frank Badey and Dave Turner pause before starting the day’s mustering.

BELOW. One of the station camps on tussock country where the men stay during the mustering.

A rising 10-pointer stag shot by Max Mossman while shifting from one camp to another. A very handy contribution to the next meal.

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Photos taken on top of the Otupae Range show, ABOVE, Double Decker woolly ewes mustered and cast. Due to weight of wool these sheep would be unable to regain their feet without assistance. Quite a number of sheep are lost from this cause.

RIGHT, Bruce Atchison starting off to muster the eastern face.

Stores and gear arriving at one of the out back camps.

ABOVE. The operation is completed. Dave Jones and Alan Hewittson loading wool from the station on to this truck which ferries it over “Gentle Annie” and off-loads on to a truck and trailer at Kiripaponga [Kuripapango].

LEFT. A brief spell and refreshment for Dave Turner and Jack Roberts.

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A line-up of the winners in the North Island Championships. Reading from left: Mrs. Donnelly (Marewa, Napier), Handicap Singles; Mrs. Purdy (Auckland), N.I. Championship Doubles; Mr.Crosby (Marewa, Napier), Level Singles; Mrs. Boyes (Marewa), runner-up Women’s Championship; Mrs. Duff (Hastings), runner-up, Level Singles; Mrs. Ritchie and Mrs. Lambert (Hastings), N.I. Handicap Doubles; Mr. A. Ross (Hastings), Open, Doubles, and Men’s Championship; Mrs. McKenzie-Smart (Gisborne), Women’s Championship.

From Mr. C. Crosby of Napier come these photos from the North Island and Gisborne Croquet Championships. The N.I. Championships were held in Napier and Hastings recently. For the uninitiated croquet could be described as lawn billiards, a “hammer” being used instead of a cue and instead of shooting for pockets the idea is to shoot for hoops in a certain order. The game has a large following – over 6000 players throughout New Zealand – and is growing more popular each year.

At the Gisborne tournament, the B Grade Championship was won by Mr. C. Crosby (right) and Mr. McPherson, Gisborne, (left) was runner-up.

Mr. Moss takes the field in Gisborne.

Mr. H. Paynter of England tries a bit of mental telepathy on the ball. Mr. Paynter is a well known figure in the croquet world as each year he sets out from England to follow the sun and croquet tournaments in many countries – which all goes to show that croquet must be a very interesting game.

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Mr. Crosby who, although an amateur photographer, is practically the official photographer at the tournaments he attends and he took the above photo of all the players at the Gisborne tournament.

BELOW. Mrs. Gollon, one of the original founders of the Marewa Club in Napier, receives a small gift of appreciation from Mrs. Lambert, President of the Hawke’s Bay Croquet Centre.

Mrs. A. Ross, Manageress for the N.I. Tournament, with Mrs. Lambert, President of the H.B. Centre.

Gisborne Championship Doubles, Mrs. Brown and Mrs. McKenzie-Smart.

A difficult “hammer” stroke close up to the hoop by Mr. G. Buchanan of United, Napier.

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About two years ago, the Havelock North Borough Council, realising that the cross roads at Havelock North were a potential danger to traffic and pedestrians, decided to build a roundabout at the point where six roads meet. A circle of drums appeared on the scene first for a trial run, then blocks were laid down, and as the island has proved to be a success work has now begun on a more permanent traffic island. Our picture shows a bulldozer making short work of the bitumen surface, which will be replaced by grass with black and white curb stones marking the circumference. The island will be approximately 80 yards round and 76 feet across.

Miss Margaret Wilkins, who already holds the titles for Miss Dannevirke and Miss Hawke’s Bay, and who has appeared on the back and front covers of “Photo News” in previous issues, only just missed chalking up another title and a two week’s trip to Norfolk Island. This was when Miss Wilkins of Dannevirke took second place in the Miss Taihape competition.

This power pole, situated in Heretaunga Street, Hastings, recently snapped off at the base, and workmen are here seen starting on the repair work.

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An event of some importance which took place recently in Napier was the Fire Brigade competitions. The brigades throughout N.Z. are mainly manned by volunteers, and each year they test their skill against the clock and against each other. Every event competed for has its counterpart in actual fire fighting, so that in practicing for the competitions they are improving their efficiency as fire fighting men.

ABOVE. These four men represent nearly 200 years of fire fighting between them, and they are, reading from the left, Chief Officer L. K. Davis, of Huntly, with 47 years of service; Ex-Chief Officer A. Morrison, of Christchurch, 47 years of service; Ex-Chief Officer C. H. Cavey, from Patea, completed 50 years of service; and Chief Officer C. W. Tyler, of Rangiora, has 50 years of service behind him.

BELOW. Taken during the competitions just at the finish of one of the events. The idea being to run out the hoses and knock over the piece of tin at the top of the pole in the quickest possible time.

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other parks users free and not restricted.

This sign erected at the gates of the Eskdale Park meant exactly what it says. Anyone was welcome to go along to the Annual Railway Picnic with their children, sharing in the ice cream and lollies.

One of the larger picnics to be held at Eskdale this year was the Railways Picnic held there last month. Railways staff and members of the public from Waipukurau, Hastings and Napier had a special train laid on. eight carriages leaving Waipukurau, and eight more added at Napier. It was estimated that over 1700 arrived at the park and for the children there was a total of 400 lbs. of lollies and 40 gallons of ice cream. There must have been very few children who didn’t receive something, as they only had to enter in a race to receive a bag of lollies.

ABOVE. A second engine is coupled up at Napier.

BELOW. In a merry mood on the way round the Westshore embankment.

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ABOVE. The truck, meant for transporting ice cream, etc., from the train came in very handy for those people who didn’t want to walk.

BELOW. Frank Chambers distributing ice cream tickets. No charge was made for these tickets.

ABOVE. A day out that the whole family can enjoy, especially the children, young or old, and they are quite happy to have to line up and wait a while for an ice cream as seen BELOW.

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ABOVE. During the obstacle race for the 5 to 6 year old girls.

BELOW. Cherie Stevans enjoys an ice cream.

ABOVE. A popular event with the boys was this chance to really go to town in the pillow fight.

BELOW. Engine driver Neil Lister, from Greenmeadows.

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February is the month for picnics – or so it seems, and Eskdale Park is a favourite spot with firms in Napier. One of the many picnics held at Eskdale last month was that of Robert Holt & Sons Ltd., and the staff of Holt’s mills and branch offices with their families made a total of about 500 people, who thoroughly enjoyed the day’s outing.

ABOVE. The teams relax after their game.

BELOW. Joe Brady, although his foot was in plaster, went along to enjoy the fun. With him is Mr. H. R. Holt.

ABOVE. The Holts v Holts cricket match ended in a draw and a celebration. Figures were not available as to the amount of light refreshment provided.

BELOW. Jack Bainbridge of Hastings at the bat, and Ray Lister of Napier as wicket keeper look like test players, but Mike Taylor at leg slip doesn’t seem to hold out much hope of a ball coming his way. Perhap he knows the capabilities of Jack Bainbridge as a batsman.

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ABOVE. A happy group of picnicers, George Rolls, Fay Fern, Gwenda Wardle, John Boyd, Gail Law, John Brownlie, Margaret Plunkett and Roger Arrowsmith.

LEFT. Mrs. and Mr. R. Leckie, Kevin Brady, Mrs. McMillan and Mrs. Brady.

BELOW. Taken during the Centennial Dinner held by Holt’s last month is Mrs. Harold Holt about to cut the cake.

Mrs. Clinton Holt, Mrs. Les Holt and Mrs. John Holt. Mrs. J. Holt, on the right, is the only surviving member of the second generation of the Holt family which founded the Company.

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Supplied by John Trevelyan, who is the operator of the Roland Offset Press which prints “Photo News”, these photos show ABOVE, a line-up of children for ice cream and drinks at the Tech. Old Boys picnic;

LEFT. At the Swailes, Hurst picnic, Bill Chappel, of Napier, romped home the winner in the married men’s race;

BELOW, W. Dallimore, K. Swailes, J. Knowles, G. Moore and W. Dawson off to a fine start in the sack race. A Riggs, Manager of Swailes, Hurst, and “official starter” in the background.

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Some eighteen months ago an Appeal Committee was formed to provide new instruments for the Hastings Citizens Brass Band. The committee consisted of members from the R.S.A., Greater Hastings, Jaycee, Hastings Retailers Association, and the Havelock North Citizens Association. One Sunday afternoon recently, the climax of the appeal committee’s work was reached when representatives of the town’s business houses and Mr. Kirkpatrick, the Deputy Mayor of Hastings, handed the new instruments into the safe keeping of the band. Much of the money came from donations received from firms and private individuals. £750 was also given by the City Council. At the handing-over ceremony, held in Nelson Park, Hastings, the 25-man band was completely refitted.

ABOVE. The band instruments on display before the handing-over ceremony began.

RIGHT. Conductor Mr. R. W. Lee addressing those present.

BELOW. Rather a large instrument, but nevertheless greatly appreciated by the recipient.

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ABOVE. Mr. Anthony Whitlock presenting on behalf of the “H.B. Herald-Tribune”.

BELOW. The oldest member of the band receiving his instrument from the Deputy Mayor of Hastings, Mr. Kirkpatrick.

A snappy salute by one of the younger members of the band.

Mr. Andy Dysart makes a presentation on behalf of Greater Hastings.

BELOW: As a gesture of thanks the band performed their quickstep display.

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Mr. L. M. Smith presenting on behalf of the Law and Accountants Society to a very pleased member of the band.

ABOVE. Mr. A. Milson presenting on behalf of Fowler, Drummond & Waddell Ltd., and Staff.

BELOW. Mr. H. R. Connop makes this presentation for the Licensed Hotels.

ABOVE. Mr. Bardon, on behalf of Sutcliffes Ltd.

BELOW. A handshake for this young player by the Deputy Mayor before receiving his cornet.

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ABOVE. Larry Griffiths, son of Mrs. Griffiths, Hastings.
Candid Camera Studies

BELOW. Janet McPherson, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McPherson, Timaru. The girls of Dalgety’s turned on a surprise party for Janet.
Batchelors Studios

ABOVE. Allan Kale, son of Mr. and Mrs. Curly Kale, of Oak Road, Hastings, celebrated at the Buffalo Hall in Hastings.
Candid Camera Studies

ABOVE. Robin Drummond. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Drummond, of Hastings.
Candid Camera Studies

BELOW. Robin Martin at a party put on by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Martin, of Avenue Road, Hastings.
Batchelors Studios

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A line-up of some of the team leaders at the championships.

Although rain marred the beginning of the North Island marching championships held at Nelson Park, Hastings, recently, a large crowd turned out in the afternoon to watch marching teams from all over the North Island in action. By the rules of the NZ. Marching Association the three top teams from each centre are entitled to compete in the championships, consequently the marching turned on by the 22 teams who competed was of a very high standard. Vanguards of Taranaki took the honours and go on to the New Zealand championships. The top team from each centre also has a chance at the New Zealand championships which were held this year at Hamilton on the 21st March.

Junior Marchionettes from Waipawa; Leader, Ann Oliver.

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Whenever the teams moved around the grounds as a whole they always marched in orderly single file.

Morrinsville “Commandos” go through their paces. Leader is G. Cooper.

An all-Maori team that took the eye for neatness and drill was Rangataua team from Tauranga. Leader is M. Reweti.

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ABOVE. Barclay Motors Team from Hastings. Leader is P. Black and others in the team are D. Godwin, B. Ward, C, Fox, M. Ryan, G. Trask, P. Hefferman, M. Bulled, L. Shakespeare, and D. Nicol. Coach is Ray Walker of Hastings.

BELOW. Keeping the beat. Drummers in the Hastings Citizens’ Band.

Broadway Bandoliers of Marton (Wanganui Centre), being inspected for dress by Waipawa judge Mrs. Betty Booker, costume judge for the Hawke’s Bay Centre.

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ABOVE. Miss Ann Smith, whose handicap of being totally deaf has not stopped her from being a top-line marching girl. This is a remarkable achievement as she has to memorise the whole sequence of manoevres and exactly when any set movement is going to take place, as she cannot hear the leader’s whistle or the band.

BELOW. Everything must be just right before taking the field.

H.B. Secretary Mr. C. Chadwick of Hastings, in serious conversation with the Dominion President Mr. J. A. Cable of Waipawa, who is also the Chief Judge for the H.B. Centre.

ABOVE. Mr. J. W. Shaw, the sponsor of “Shaw’s Kilties” (Hastings), who were the winners of the 1st N.Z. title in marching, renews old times with Mrs. A. Hutcheson, nee Margaret Wright, who was at that time the “Kilties” leader and also champion New Zealand leader.

BELOW. Miss Judith Webb, H.B. Judge, and Mrs. V. Mountier, Manawatu Judge

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DUNNE – GRAINGER. At the Gospel Hall, Wairoa: Joyce Grainger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Grainger of Wairoa, to Donald Dunne, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dunne of Palmerston North. Future home of the couple will be Hamilton.
Hamilton Studios, Wairoa

At St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Hastings: Beverley Airini Cudby, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Cudby, 820 Ferguson Street, Hastings, to Timothy John Tasker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tasker, 506 Brunswick St,. Hastings. Attendants were Mr. Fred Tasker, Miss Julie Tasker, Mrs. Heather Chapman, and Flower Girl, Diane Byers. The future home of the couple is to be Hastings.
Stuart Johnston Photo

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ABOVE. BRAMWELL – LAND. At the Methodist Church, Hastings: Delma Land, daughter of Mrs. and the late Mr. A. Land, of “Ranui”, Opapa, to Ross Bramwell, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Bramwell, of Havelock North. Attendants, from left, were: Miss Diana Smillie, Mr. Graham Land, Miss Kathleen Phillips, Mr. John McKinnon (Bridegroom and Bride), Miss Joy Bramwell, Mr. John Stawbridge, Miss Shirley Land and Mr. Bardy Bannister. Couple are now living in Otane.
Lovell-Smith Photo

BELOW. EVANS – TAYLOR. At Trinity Methodist Church, Napier: Rebecca Shamrock Cathleen Taylor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Taylor, Nelson Cres., Napier, to Mervyn James Evans, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Evans, of McMaster St., Invercargill. Attendants were Miss N. Skews, Miss J. Gavin, Mr. J. Francois, Mr. G. Robinson, and two flower girls, Ruth and Mary Taylor.
Franklin Shepherd Studios

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SLESSOR – SMALL. At Iona College Chapel, Havelock North: Beverley Margaret Small, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Small, to Michael James Slessor, son of Mrs. A. B. Edwards and the late Mr. W. Slessor, Lancashire, England. Attendants were Mrs I. White (Gisborne), Miss Jennifer Chaplin, Miss Susan Small, Cpt. P. Quall and Mr. Richard Small. Future home of couple will be Wellington.
Lovell-Smith Photo

SCOTT – BLAND. At St. Patrick’s Church, Napier: Miss Marleen Bland, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bland, 6 Seddon Cres., Napier, to Mr. Anthony Scott, elder son of Mrs. Jeseurize, Devizes, Wiltshire, England. Attendants were: Best Man, Mr. Chas. Ladbrook, Bluff; Bridesmaid, Miss Gladys Smith; Flower Girl, Carol Green; and Page Boy, Leslie Bell.
A. B. Hurst Studios

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ABOVE. NICOL – TAYLOR. At St. John’s Cathedral, Napier: Jennifer Ann Taylor, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Taylor of Waipawa, to Noel Alan Nicol, second son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Nicol, 19 Barker Road, Napier. Attendants, reading from left, were Mr. C. Nicol, Miss Lorraine Taylor, (Bridegroom and Bride), Miss Robyn Beattie, Mr. J. Price, and Miss Pam Irwin. Future home of couple is Auckland.
Russell Yeulett Photo

BELOW. MAYHEAD – HEYNES. At St. Aidan’s Presbyterian Church, Clive: Josephine Norma Heynes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. Heynes, Clive. to Robin Glen Mayhead, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Mayhead, Westshore. Attendants were Mary Heynes, Louise Heynes, Les Heynes and Graham McWhirter. Future home of couple is Clive.
Batchelors Studios Photo

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ABOVE. DAVIES – HALL. At St. Luke’s Church, Havelock North: Dorothy Shirley Hall, only daughter of Canon R. T. and Mrs. Hall, Hastings, formerly of Otane, to John William Rees Davies, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Davies, of Takapau. Attendants were Malcolm Davies, Dianne Tod (of Otane), John Klingender, Glenys Lee (of Auckland), Michael Davies and Zita Perley (of Gisborne)._Future home is Takapau.
Candid Camera Studies Photo

BELOW. WRIGHT – MOUNTJOY. At the Methodist Church, Clive Square, Napier: Margaret Anne Mountjoy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Mountjoy of 25 Russell Rd., Marewa, Napier, to Geoffrey Colbourne Wright of Wairoa. Attendants were, from left: Mr. G. Husheer, Miss Janice Beere (of Tangoio), Miss Anne Silson, and Mr. J. Bury (of Taihape). Future home of couple is Wellington.
A. B. Hurst Photo

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ABOVE. Mrs. Pell of Lyndon Rd., Hastings, with her son David on the occasion of his coming-of-age party held in the Buffalo Hall, Hastings.
Candid Camera Studies

RIGHT. Margot Harvey, eldest daughter of Mrs. H. D. Harvey, Havelock North, receives the “Key of the Door” from her mother on the occasion of her coming-of-age.
Batchelors Studios

ABOVE. TACON – ERICKSEN. At St. Matthew’s Anglican Church, Hastings; Jean Barbara Ann Ericksen, daughter of Mr R.F. Ericksen and the late Mrs Ericksen of Brookfields, to William Richard Tacon, son of the late Mr. G.B. Tacon and Mrs T. Dodunski of Hastings. Attendants from left were: Miss Anne Fairey, Mr Bruce Hannah, Miss Elizabeth Ericksen, Mr Colin Hunt and Miss Christine Ericksen. Future home of couple is Wairakei.
Stuart Johnson Photo

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The number and value of the prizes given away at the Selwyn Toogood shows is such that Mr. Toogood very rarely has any trouble getting people to come up on to the stage and have a go.

ABOVE. He certainly didn’t have any trouble when the show was staged in Napier recently, as can be seen by the number of people waiting on the stage.

BELOW. The elimination questions soon narrow the field down to a more workable size.

LEFT. The man himself seems to be having trouble keeping his trousers up. Perhaps it’s because, in endeavouring to stick his chest out for the photographer, the girth of Selwyn has shifted up somewhat.

Printed photo-litho for the publishers by Swailes, Hurst & Co. Ltd, Napier.

An Introduction to Astrology with The Signs ot the Zodiac by “ Red Cloud ”

ARIES – March 21st to April 19th
Those in authority can be unusually rewarding but on a slowly maturing basis, so don’t be impatient. False loves, extravagance and secrets are dangerous booby traps during the last week. Postpone all important matters, signing papers, giving promises or making important decisions until after the 13th. Then you have the green light.

TAURUS – April 20th to May 20th
There’s changes in your daily routine, employment, which could be upsetting. This is no time for rebellion. Inspirational programmes put into work with partners promise lasting good. lst-8th. No extravagance around the 16th, even though affairs move quickly.

GEMINI – May 21st to June 21st
Don’t let changes of a hectic nature upset you. They are clearing the way toward profit and promise. Accomplish before the 20th, when business and communications face a slowdown. Nevertheless some unexpected opportunity in your mental or physical environment can bring you worldly recognition by mid-April. Happiness in your personal and intimate life, linked with obvious progress in all directions, can make this a fine month.

CANCER – June 22nd to July 22nd
Love comes running to you, too. 6th-11th Delay important decisions until next month (April) yet take advantage of a sudden opportunity 20th-30th. Romance and deceptive situations need careful handling during the end of month. April. Think, don’t sink. Even if you do feel you’re being chained, friends are helpful, especially until the 17th. Above all, concede to partners and co-workers; don’t buck them.

LEO – July 23rd to August 23rd
Make haste slowly, 23rd-24th, as domestic and/or professional changes are in the wind; wait until mid April to act. Love could be tricky towards end of month. April. Slow-moving affairs till April 12th may seem dull but should give you time for private planning. Big changes are again accented in regard to travel, relatives and hectic opportunities.

VIRGO – August 24th to September 23rd
Special programmes, ideas, should be put into work before or on 20th. After that prepare for mixups, delays and standstill conditions till mid-April. Postpone financial decisions. Emotional flare-ups are possible. April. Use delaying tactics till after 14th. Changes during first week and career or home disagreements can be upsetting but they clear the air.

LIBRA – September 24th to October 23rd
Accomplish as much as possible before the 20th as delays and obstacles, along with sudden changes in your personal affairs, may temporarily prevent desired advance. Avoid giving or listening to gossip. April. The slow period continues until the 12th and combined with the eclipse on the 8th, advise against premature actions or decisions.

SCORPIO – October 24th to November 22nd
Don’t let hurt feelings or frustrations spoil potentials from the lst to 5th. Work-a-day progress in home or office, along with a particular surprise of delight should be yours. Do your share! Good news, business, opportunities are also yours, but the full picture and potential may be subject to change, delays and obstacles from 21st to mid-April. Plan, don’t push.

SAGITTARIUS – November 23rd to December 21st
Conclude agreements and important matters before the 21st, when Mercury retrograde brings delays, unavoidable upsets in schedules communications. Plan ahead so as to be able to coast until mid-April. April. Postpone important decisions until after 12th. Changes in plans or ways of progress in your special enterprises, ambition or romance should not throw you off balance. Keep alert.

CAPRICORN – December 22nd to January 19th
Old friends or situations may be able to turn obstacles into progress but you will have to dig deeply to find this help. Lucky difficulties abound this month so even if you feel frustrated unexpected events turn the tide in your favour. April. Some idea that you have been thinking of for a long time should be put into operation the first week. Don’t let quarrels or arguments jeopardise Fortune’s foundations during the last week.

AQUARIUS – January 20th to February 18th
Profits can come when glamorous situations and opportunities in your environment are also high. Get things in order, sign important papers, confirm agreements before 21st, when business and communication delays may bring a standstill until mid-April. Watch your step, when sudden events could be deceitful or over-emotional. April: Continue on the alert, the wind is changing to new quarters, bringing you more freedom, but it could be hectic, expensive, and frustrating.

PISCES – February 19th to March 20th
Mercury retrograde may cause unreliable events, delays until mid-April. Don’t be high-pressured by past matters, emotions or money. April. Stick to routine, enjoy friends in quiet ways. Unexpected developments in finances or home may bring expenses (it’s Income Tax time!) but you can manage.

Back cover

An aerial view of Napier City

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Published November 1958 – June 1967

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Format of the original


Date published

March 1959


The Hawke's Bay Publishing Company Ltd

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