Hawke’s Bay Photo News 1959 – Number 006 April

Hawke’s Bay PHOTO NEWS
Number 6
APRIL 1959

[Cover photo – OUR COVER GIRL and rising Cabaret Star is Jeni Wells, an 18-year-old typist with all the necessary eye appeal of an entertainer and the vital statistics of 34-24-34.]

Inside cover page

Hawke’s Bay’s Own Pictorial News Magazine
APRIL 1959
Volume 1
No. 6

Editor H.D. Hanger

Postal Address
P.O. Box 470, Napier

Telephone Enquiries 4274 Hastings and 3697 Napier

Published monthly by The Hawke’s Bay Publishing Co. Ltd. on the 4th Thursday of every month

Mail Order Service
“Photo News” mailed to you on receipt of 12 issue sub. of 32/-

Retail Agents throughout Hawke’s Bay

Highlights of this month’s issue


Prize winners in the Readers’ Pictures section:
For his series of photos on outback mustering, in the March issue, Max Mossman of Ngamatea Station receives one guinea; and Roy Veira [Vieira] of Napier receives the one guinea prize for his photos appearing in this issue.

Photos of the occasion can appear in this magazine – just contact your local photographer.

OUR COVER GIRL and rising Cabaret Star is Jeni Wells, an 18-year-old typist with all the necessary eye appeal of an entertainer and the vital statistics of 34-24-34.

Jeni (right) and Jill Ellis, also from Napier, are making a name for themselves in the entertainment field as a bright and breezy dance team.

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Each year, for the past nine years now, the Hastings City Council and Greater Hastings, the official Public Relations organisation for Hastings City, get together to organise one of the biggest sporting fixtures to be held in New Zealand. Easter Saturday morning dawned bright and clear, and dead on time the Hastings Highland Games got under way, and with the continuing bright sunshine it proved to be one of the most successful first days of the two-day meeting that the Games have had. Thousands of spectators completely surrounded the sports oval, and standing or sitting, at times six deep, saw the grand parade, highlight of the day’s programme. Came Easter Monday morning, and the weather had completely changed, bringing showers and a cold wind. Although many other outdoor activities in the district were cancelled, the Games organisers decided to keep faith with the hundreds of competitors and carry on. They were well rewarded, because after lunch the skies cleared and again seating and standing room were packed for the afternoon session.

LEFT. Champion piper of the two-day fixture was Mr. W. Boyle of Christchurch, who was presented with the McKenzie Shield and was placed first in the Highland Games Championship March ‘A’ Grade; North Island Championship March; ‘A’ Grade March; Jig and Hornpipe ‘A’ Grade; and the New Zealand ‘A’ Grade Championship Strathspey and Reel. This impressive list of top class championship wins must make Mr. Boyle the champion piper of New Zealand.

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The Games were officially opened by Mr. Francis H. Russell, United States Ambassador to New Zealand, and our photo shows (left) the Mayor of Hastings, Mr. W. E. Bate, who introduced the Ambassador (right).
Photo by Lovell-Smith

Pipe band drummers during the march past.

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Competitors from all over New Zealand took part in the Games, and our photo taken by Peter Hammond of Lovell-Smiths, shows just a few of them.

BELOW. Place-getters on Board 1 of the Sword Dance event for 12- and under 14-year olds. From left: Zuzane Dobbs, of Rangiora; Sandra Wright, Pokeno; Lorraine McEvedy, Waimate; Merylin Holden, Palmerston North; Barbara Nairne, Palmerston North.

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ABOVE AND BELOW. The Grand Parade was led by Mr. J. Seaton, of Hastings, and two of the girls from the dancing section, Eve Galloway of Papatoetoe (left) and Eunice Holland of Clive (right).

Press photographers took over the judges’ stand during the march past to get those high-angled shots seen in the daily papers.

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With the American flag flying in the background, Highland lassies step out during the grand parade.

Eyes closed, and with an expression of utmost concentration, drummer D. Laird of Auckland gives of his best in the ‘A’ Grade Solo Drumming contest.

Pipe Major Angus McAuley, from Whangarei, tuning the pipes of John Graham, of Okaihau, a ‘B’ Grade Piper.

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ABOVE. Dick Thomas, an official of the Hastings Amateur Athletic and Cycling Club, was the official announcer for the two-day meeting, and when the rain came on the Monday everyone else shifted into the tent, but he stayed out in the open and carried on in an overcoat. Photo shows Dick Thomas, officials of the Games, and members of the Press.

The services of the St. John Ambulance are called on by Miss Pat Hurdle of Lower Hutt.

Even the loudspeakers were suitably decorated for the occasion.

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A feature of the Games was the Grand Massed Display of Scottish Country Dancing. Although these dancers came from far and wide they gave a faultless demonstration of team work that gave the impression that they had danced as a team for months.

ABOVE. No preliminary “dressing off” as in a military parade, but a perfect line nevertheless.

LEFT. Mary Leversedge of Auckland seems to be enjoying her part in the display as she holds out a hand to her partner.

Scottish Country Dancers taking part in the march past.

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Elizabeth Faulkner, Invercargill, and Jeanette Miles, Palmerston North.

BELOW. 9-year-old Lenore Livingston, of Oliphant Road, Hastings.

Lynnette Evants of Miro Street, Hastings.

BELOW. Lynnette Clout, of Woodville.

Brian North, Ashburton, with the Scottish flag in background. Taken during Reel O’Tulloch.

BELOW. Jeanne Campbell, of Hastings, in the Sword Dance for under 8 years.

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Another event that attracted a lot of attention was that of Tossing the Sheaf.

ABOVE. Arthur Smith of Waipukurau, who won the event on the second day at 134 feet.

Seeing is believing. Even though that bar is over 130 ft. up, one “sheaf” landed on top, and the photo shows another apparently sitting end-on on the bar.

Vic Watkins of Hastings watches his “sheaf” go over the 135 ft. bar to win the event on the first day. He was second to Smith on the second day. Vic has won this event for the last three years as well as winning the Throwing the Caber event five years out of seven.

Lovell-Smith’s Studios
Russell Orr
John Trevelyan
and Batchelors Studios

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Conditions were ideal on the Saturday for the Archery Section but had to be abandoned on the second day.

ABOVE LEFT. Miss Joyce Flaws, of Masterton, takes aim.

ABOVE. One of the targets used by two women competitors shows that these ladies know how to handle a bow and arrow.

Mrs. N. Hill, of Oliphant Road, Hastings

Tossing the Caber. A typical Highland sport requiring strength, timing and agility. The caber or pole weighs over l00lbs. and the competitor needs a helper or two to get it into position.

RIGHT. E. Churton gives G. McGregor a helping hand.

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Tug-o-war teams travelled at a cost of over £400 from the South Island, and the Cave team from South Canterbury were well rewarded by winning the heavyweight section.

ABOVE. Anchor-man of Tuckers Woolscouring Workers team takes the strain.

The leader of Tucker’s team, Mr. A. Harris of Clive, really knew how to inspire his team for that little extra effort.

BELOW. For the three minutes it took to decide the winner of each event, teams had no lack of vocal support from the large crowds who were there to watch.

Cave team from South Canterbury – H/wt winners

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LEFT. Judith Leppien, of Hastings, who cleared 4ft 11in., and ABOVE, R. A. Escourt, Hastings, during the women’s high jump event.

Mr. E. Keating, M.P. for Hastings, presenting the cup to Arthur Hoskyn, a 49-year-old grandfather from Omakere Station, Central Hawke’s Bay, who won the Waipukurau-Hastings Marathon.

J. J. Julian, of Auckland, second place-getter, shown in the centre.

A. Bridges of Auckland puts everything he’s got into throwing the discus.

RIGHT. An event that is coming back into its own again is the walking event. Our photo was taken during the one-mile walk handicap for colts under 16 years.

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Led the Cycling Section during the march past.

RIGHT. N. Robinson, of Gisborne (left), and W. Sharrock, of Wanganui. Robinson won his heat of the one-mile Highland Games Handicap, but was unplaced in the final.

Muscles strain as cyclists travel down the back stretch during the 2-mile ‘B’ grade H’cp.

BELOW. B. Benson, of Rotorua, leading from J. Galbraith, of Hastings, during the 1-mile handicap.

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A group of Hastings athletes pose for “Photo News”; From the left, sitting: J. Dillon, M. McDonald, K. Powell and B. Lawson, Standing: D. Faudneau and A. Isatt.

BELOW: Peter Norris of Auckland, the New Zealand junior record holder for throwing the discus. This throw went to the 122 ft. 7 in. mark.

E. Bennett of Hastings in the hop, step and jump.

Norman Read, an Olympic title holder, in the walking event, being interviewed by Joe Barry a well known local radio announcer. Norman Read won the marathon walk which took place just after this photo was taken.

Norman Read (centre) scratch man in the event, also won the one-mile walk handicap. The Australian M. K. Keagh (left) took second place and R. Vixon (right) came in third.

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At the Hastings West Swimming Club’s novelty stall Mr. A. D. McDonald had the first victory, and aims for a second throw at the “little round hole”. He did it again, and down goes a club member for another dip in the canvas pool. This fund-raising stall was one of the most popular of the side shows.

Inclement weather didn’t stop the competitors, and Ian Lee, of Gisborne, and Julie Sparks, of Hastings, shelter beneath umbrellas as they await their events.

Aucklander Paddy Nabney, star at the weight-lifting ring. Won the open weight event. In a straight lift Paddy lifted 585lbs. and attempted 600lbs. but just couldn’t make it. If he had, it would have been an unofficial N.Z. record.

S. Wong, Hastings, 3rd in open weight.

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ABOVE. Two pretty Auckland athletes, Julie Davis and Doreen Porter, take it easy on a leopard skin rug.

Teddy Bear goes along with Janet Dyer of Hastings in the grand parade.

RIGHT. A day out for the Scots. Left, a well known Hastings identity Mr. M. S. C. Gordon, chats with Mr. L. McKinnon of Wellington.

BELOW. The Auckland Ladies’ Pipe Band gave a stirring display.

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A day to be remembered. That’s how the centennial celebrations held in Wairoa on the 14th of March are best described. As the northern outpost of Hawke’s Bay, Wairoa was not to be outdone by other centres in the province, and the parade of progress, held in the morning, set the standard for the day’s entertainment. The parade was only the start, children’s races, a bathing beauty contest, a baby show, an historical re-enactment, and the Queen Carnival closing function, provided a feast of top class entertainment that was enjoyed by many thousands of residents and visitors. “Photo News” photographer Roy Batchelor had a host of subjects to choose from, and on the following pages we give a glimpse of the attractions seen in Wairoa that day.

ABOVE. Fire appliances have certainly changed since this one was used. Razors are more plentiful now, too.

RIGHT. The camera catches this imposing shot of a Maori warrior on guard; on the Maori float.

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Nurse Banks, who travelled from Paraparaumu to take part in the parade, became the first district nurse in 1926, and a bicycle was her means of transport in those days. Miss Banks was on the Wairoa Hospital float.

RIGHT. An 1859 family depicted by Suzanne Dowler (mother) with Bruce and Dianne McCulloch.

Back to the good old days when it took half a day at least to get to the job, with the rest of the day spent in coming back again. Mr. W. Hati at the reins.

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Mayor of Wairoa addressing the public during the official opening ceremony,

BELOW. This fellow was NOT listening to the Mayor at the time this picture was taken!

The men do the paddling while the maidens have a rest.

Beauty (Miss June Bradley) and the Beast (?)

A characterization of the dress and machinery of a century ago.

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Queen Carnival Jaycee and Tennis Princess Alice Beale sits atop a Jaguar car. Another candidate for a glamour advertisement.

BELOW. A row of eye-catching lovelies who adorned the Woolworths’ float, obligingly pose for the “Photo News” photographer.

Parade of Progress! The Fire Department has progressed in leaps and bounds. Just how far in the hat line has civilization progressed since this hat was worn?

BELOW. An old-time gent with modern-type refreshment (or budget-type refreshment!)

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A scene on the Combined Churches’ float of an early missionary bringing the Gospel to the Maori people.

If the makers of Coca Cola ever want a glamour girl to advertise their products they would be well advised to get in touch with Gloria Trask, here looking cool and relaxed on Christie’s float.

BELOW. The girl with the lovely smile and dressed in the “glad-rags” of days gone by is Ann Horton, of Wairoa.

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Graeme Spackman and Noel Lingman provided a touch of comedy to the parade.

BELOW. Elizabeth Richards and Yvonne Burgess.

Misses M. Dykes and R. Herrick, of Woodville.

Mrs. College and Mrs. Bolton of Woodville, depicted a part of farming life in earlier days.

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Just two of the many beautifully decorated floats that made the parade such a success.

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The big event of the day was the re-enactment of land purchase in 1865 by the Hon. Donald McLean (as played by Tom Powdrell) on behalf of the N.Z. Government. Mr. McLean, who was the Government Land Purchase Commissioner, had been invited to Wairoa by the local Maori chiefs to discuss the sale and purchase of land.

ABOVE. Mr. McLean, accompanied by two Maori chiefs, Hapuku (Dick Te Nahu) and Ihaka Whaanga (Horace Whaanga), Chief of Nuhaka-Mahia, Major Frazer (Bernard Teague), Mr. E. Fitzgerald, and Mr. E. Hamlin.

BELOW. Maori warriors give a haka of welcome to the commissioner.

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A gift of a Maori maiden is made to the commissioner, who accepts by token of placing his blanket around her shoulders. However, he explains that he already has a wahine and returns the Maori maiden to her tribe.

ABOVE RIGHT. A surveyor from Napier, Mr. E. Fitzgerald (as played by Mr. Jack Prebble) explains through the interpreter, Mr. E. Hamlin (centre, as played by Mr. Syd Carroll) the boundaries of the land to be purchased.

BELOW. Another group of pretty Maori maidens, but this time everyone is happy. It was almost impossible to get a picture of the Maori lassies on their own as there was always a young Maori warrior hanging around to keep an eye on them.

An action song of thanks is given by the tribe,

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“Photo News” photographers always seem to manage to be present at bathing beauty contests, and this contest, held at Clyde Park, Wairoa, after the Centennial Parade, was no exception. Such contests are usually held on a stage with the spectators a fair distance away, but in this case, as can be seen above, the lovely lassies walked out almost on top of the crowd.

No shortage of pretty girls in Wairoa. On the day of the parade, anyway

BELOW. Kay Ryan is not afraid of all those wolves out there. Mr. Wolfe, organiser, is seen at the mike.

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Miss Raewyn Muir braves the close inspection of the crowd.

Miss Alexia Shepherd (left) who won the Carnival Week bathing beauty contest, took second place. On her right is Miss Raewyn Muir and Miss Fay Gollop, who tied for the title of “Miss Centennial”.

The Centennial Day baby show attracted over 60 babies, and ABOVE winner Tracey Walker is held by grandmother Mrs. Gray. On left is Mr. Wolfe and Mrs. McBride, Judge of the contest.

RIGHT. Another baby contest winner, Adrienne Ansett, held by mother. This baby show was in aid of the Maori Princess during the Queen Carnival.

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On January 29th, 1884, the first pupils were enrolled in the Napier Girls’ High School, and on Easter Saturday of this year over 500 ex-pupils who have enrolled since that date attended the 75th Jubilee of the School. Arrangements were started over twelve months ago, and over 1200 invitations were sent out to as far away as Australia. Two ex-pupils did in fact travel from Australia especially for the Jubilee. The programme started off on the Saturday with the calling of the Roll-call, then a drill and swimming display in the afternoon. A dinner on Saturday night proved to be a great success and on Monday the cavalcade of fashion, modelled by ex-pupils, included a parade of bathing belles from yesteryear.

ABOVE is a picture of ex-pupils who attended the school in the first 20 years of its existence. Reading from the left – Back row: Mrs. M. H. Ringland, nee Monteath; Miss O. Ellison; Mrs. A. Hutchinson, nee Large; Pat Buchanan (present-day pupil).
Front row: Miss E. Pasley; Miss H. Pasley; Mrs. A. Rodie, nee Corneford; Mrs. E. S. Breda, nee Banbury (Mrs. Breda was the first pupil to enrol in the school and was the oldest ex-pupil present); Mrs. A. Jane, nee Mortensen; Mrs. M. Davis, nee MacFarlane; Mrs. J. Scrimgeour; and Mrs. W. Lawrence.

1895-1905 pupils

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1906-1916 pupils

1917-1927 pupils

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ABOVE AND BELOW: 1928-1938 pupils

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ABOVE AND BELOW: 1939-49 pupils

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At the Jubilee Ball held on the Monday night at the Assembly Hall six debutantes were presented to the present principal of the school, the president of the Old Girls’ Association, and the immediate past principal. They were, reading from left: Misses Christine Carney, Diana Gooch, Leith Kenderdine (Miss A. Naumann, present principal; Miss P. Spriggs, president Old Girls’ Association; Miss E. M. McCarthy, of Dunedin, past principal), Misses Diane Miller, Jillene Olsen and Beverley Wooding.

Ex-pupils from the last decade

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At the Cavalcade of Fashion, ex-pupils of the school put on a show that professional models would have found hard to better and which was thoroughly enjoyed by the capacity audience. The manner in which these girls modelled the dresses which dated back to the earliest days of the school was such that a show for the general public would not be too ambitious.

Cheridah Malcolm
Jocelyn Spriggs
Shirley Dunstall
Pauline Russell
Shirley Vogtherr
Cheridah Malcolm

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Joan  Irvine
Joie Little
Jocelyn Spriggs

And the bathing belles put on quite a show. Even in the old days these swim suits must have caused quite a stir.

Ex pupils modelling here are, from left, Jocelyn Spriggs, Pauline Russell, Shirley Vogtherr, Joie Little and Beverley Pratt, all of Napier.

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An enthusiast of the Napier Deerstalking Club, Roy Vieira of Napier (pictured below) sent along these photos taken on one of the club’s many trips into the Makino area. From Napier, the club’s hut, situated in the Kaweka Mountains above the Markino [Makino] River, is a distance of 45 miles by car, via the old Taradale Road and Pukititiri [Puketitiri] Road, with a five-hours tramp into the bush after that. Setting off at 7 p.m. on a Friday night from Napier the usual time of arrival at the hut is 3 a.m. in the morning. This, after a normal day’s work! With over 100 members at present, they hold meetings once a month with the showing of colour films and discussions on previous months’ trips into the back-blocks. One of the more energetic members, Roy Renick has been out nearly every weekend over the last two years and is now one of the most experienced members in the club.

ABOVE: A far cry from the normal everyday life of a city.

A 79-year-old Boar [Boer] War Veteran, Mr. Jim Fleming is still an active member of the club. The roofing of the club’s bivvy had to be carried in by the members.

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ABOVE. A party of the Heretaunga Tramping Club at the Markino [Makino] hut built by the N.Z. Forest Service and the Napier Deerstalkers Club. Large parties of the N.D. Club and H.T. Club opened up this area by cutting a six-foot track from above what is known as the “frame”. A 70 x 30 yard area of 12-foot manuka was cleared for parachute dropping purposes, and a Cessna aircraft dropped building materials in the latter part of last year, the hut being completed two weeks after the “drop”.

BELOW. The official opening of the but took place on the 25th of January this year and those present included Mr. B. Thorpe, N.Z. Forest Service; Mr. R. Chapman, President of the Heretaunga Tramping Club, with eleven members of that club; Mr. D. Johnstone, National Secretary of the N.Z. Deerstalkers Association, with fifteen members of the Napier Club; and Dr. Barthgate of the Forest and Bird Protection Society.

BELOW. Carrying a 70-lb. pack of venison and with a two-hour tramp still in front of him is Bruce Gemmell, holding. Ken Mudgeway’s dog “Butch”.

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Sent to us by Fenwicks Photographers, Taupo, the above photo shows the champions of Taupo District High School’s sports day, recently held in the school grounds. Reading from the left: Senior Boys, Winsbury White; Senior Girls, Lorna Levin; Intermediate Boys, Jim Seymour; Intermediate Girls, Pat Desmond; Junior Girls, Rosemary Smith; Junior Boys, Victor Seymour.


LEFT. Taupo Wedding.

ATTWOOD – DEAN. At the Methodist Church, Taupo: Durella Marian Dean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Dean of Taupo, to Peter Harry Attwood, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Attwood of Taupo. The future home of couple is to be Taupo.
Photo by Fenwick Photographers

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Lesson begins. First roll some boulders into the backyard and build a very large fire on top of them. (Fire permit required during the summer months.) While the fire is burning, cut up a pig or two. When the fire has burnt itself out, remove any smouldering logs and place the cut-up meat on the red-hot stones. The use of pitch forks will avoid any chance of the fingers being burnt off.

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Get your family, or someone else’s if you haven’t any yourself, to prepare the vegetables (potatoes, kumara, and corn). Ensure that your helpers do not eat too much of the corn. The “helpers” in our picture above are Ken Graham, Rennie Wolfe, Gary Nicvholson [Nicholson] and Brian Holley, of Wairoa.

Now that the veg’s have been prepared and the meat nicely seered [seared], take the meat off the stones (pitchforks again come in handy here) and place it and the veg’s in a wire basket, spreading the corn around the base. (Continued over page . . .

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When the meat and vegetables have been properly arranged as shown on last page, cover with a wet cloth (keeping clear of steam, or you won’t be able to see for the rest of the operation) then cover the lot with clean dirt. You may have to employ labour for this task as it is quite heavy work.

Now your patience is put to the test, as you have to leave your work hidden by this mound of earth for 2 to 3 hours. Then, and only then, may you remove the earth to see how it’s going. It will be cooked and will prove to be the tenderest meat you have ever tasted. Do not use a knife and fork as this spoils the flavour.

The foregoing method of cooking pork is usually referred to as a hangi, and was and still is used by the Maori race. The hangi photographed and here used for our “Housewives’ Corner” was prepared in Wairoa in aid of the Maori Princess during the Wairoa Queen Carnival.

BELOW. Eagerly waiting to purchase a portion.

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When the Hohepa Home for Intellectually Handicapped Children was built, the grounds were more or less left in their natural state. This came to the attention of the Napier Branch of the Junior Chamber of Commerce and it was immediately decided by them that something should be done about it. Within one month a labour force of approximately 30 Jaycees was organised, and on the 21st of March at 8.15 a.m. work was started. Four hours later 60 yards of top soil had been spread, 200 square yards of lawn had been sown, and 30 square yards of concrete had been poured. A highly commendable effort for a very worthy cause.

ABOVE. In the early part of the morning, this is what the grounds on one side of the building looked like. Working in the foreground, from the left, are David Skews, Noel Toomey, Trevor Roach, Ian Price, Bryden Thorpe, and Bob Boston.

BELOW. In just a matter of hours the scene had completely changed.

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The National Hairdressing Competitions held in the Napier War Memorial Hall and organised by the Hawke’s Bay Ladies’ Hairdressers Association, attracted over 400 spectators to both the afternoon and evening sessions. A fashion parade of dresses supplied by Elizabeth Horne of Napier came on while the hairdressers models were under the driers, and after that came the judging.

ABOVE. The competition was carried out in the middle of the hall, with seating accommodation arranged around the outside of this area.

From the fashion parade: ABOVE, Valere Dyett of Napier models a “Lantern Line” gown.

Anne Burnell of Napier and compere of show, Mrs. C. Harbidge.

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Junior and Senior Championship winners with their models, reading from the left: Patricia Merrick (model); Dawn Wilson, senior championship; Margaret Funke (model) and Elizabeth Brown, junior championship.

Mr. Raymon Banks, of Chards, Napier, sets the hair of model Nola Moorcock.

Dawn Wilson styling the winning entry. Model is Elizabeth Brown. Both are employees of Chards Beauty Salon, Napier.

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Woodville, the southern portal to and from Hawke’s Bay, celebrated its centennial in no uncertain fashion recently when more than 50 floats took part in the grand parade. And almost the entire population of the town and district followed the floats through the main street and on to the race course, where sporting, marching, piping and many other events took place. Such wholehearted enthusiasm in the Woodville area is not unusual, as the Hon. E. T. Tirikatene, Minister of Forests, pointed out when he told how in 1896 each would-be Woodville farmer was granted 30 shares in a small farmers’ association, and immediately 2500 acres were taken up. The Centennial programme commenced with the unfurling of the N.Z. Ensign and concluded with a grand ball in the evening.

“Photo News” here presents pictures of, in the main, personalities who took part in the celebrations.

BELOW. Dannevirke, closely connected with Woodville, was well represented in the parade which included the Dannevirke High School Pipe Band, here seen marching at the race course.

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On the Woodville Maternity Hospital float, Sister Golley is here pictured with Margaret West, Rosemary Downard, and Janice Mountford.

RIGHT. Margaret Walker and Carol McIntyre, of Woodville.

BELOW. A vintage car, a hat, and Mr. and Mrs. R. Dodd of Woodville depict the age of safe motoring.

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Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Beagley, of Woodville,

Maria Jackson with Roselyn Nelson, both of Woodville, plus one small lamb, go to make this picture of peace and tranquility.

BELOW. Girls of the Woodville Marching Team look equally as good on this float as when they are marching. They are J. Hoten, J. Duncan, R, Marshall, A. Hoten, D. Kinani and P. Henderson.

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ABOVE. A group of Woodville ballet girls make a charming study. They are K. S. Lyons, J. Crompton, M. Rivers, V, Rivers,  P. Hooper, C. Craig, L. Walker, H. Cook and B. Baldick.

BELOW. On a bicycle built for two, and with a back-seat driver, is Mr. R, Skinner and Mrs. J. Griffiths, of Woodville.

The Belle of the Parade! Mr. (or is it Mrs.?) Graeme Beale, of Woodville.

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BRISKIE – DALZIEL. At the Hastings Presbyterian Church: Catherine Dawn Dalziel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Dalziel, 13 Nuffield Avenue, Napier, to Graham Ford Briskie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Briskie of Tollemache Road, Hastings. Bridesmaid Kay Briskie and Bestman Ken Richards. Future home of couple is Napier.
Stuart Johnson Photo

STENT – SMITH. At the Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Hastings: Maureen Smith, to Robin Stent. Attendants from left are: Peter Hannah, Rose Donovan, Annette French (flower girl), (Bride and Groom), Ephrem Hannah and Jacqueline Smith. Future home of couple is Hastings.
Stuart Johnson Photo

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WATTS – CAMPBELL. At the Trinity Methodist Church, Napier: Jill Velia Campbell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Campbell, Nuffield Av. Napier, to Edward John Watts, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Watts, Russell Rd., Napier. Attendants were, reading from left: Miss Patt McRae, Mr Tom Chalmers, (Bride and Groom), Mr. Fred Watts, and Miss Judy Campbell. Future home of couple is Arnold St., Napier.
Russell Yeulett Photo

BERGMAN – PLUMBER [PLUMMER]. At the Trinity Methodist Church, Napier: Ngaire Joan Plummer, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. Plummed, [Plummer], Napier, to James Bergman, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Bergman, of Levin. Attendants were Miss J. Lambert, Mr. D. Denholm, Mr. D. Single and Miss R. Hallgarth. Future home of couple is Hastings.
Russell Yeulett Photo

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PARKHILL – ARRELL. At St. Andrew‘s, Hastings: Robin Mary Parkhill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Parkhill, of Mayfair Av. Hastings, to John Alexander Arrell, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Arrell, Fredrick St., Hastings. Attendants were Glendys Petterson, Yvonne Deed, Luke Wilson and David Robb, Future home of couple will be Maraetotara.
Lovell-Smith Photo

BELOW, WICKER [WICKEN] – LOWE. At All Saints’ Church, Taradale: Jennifer Anne Lowe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Lowe, Pakowhai, to Walter Alexander Wicker [Wicken], son of Mrs. W. A. Wicker and the late Mr. Wicker, of Hastings. Bridesmaids were Patricia Lowe and June Braken. Future home of couple is Hastings.

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MORRISON – COKER. At St. Matthew’s Anglican Church, Hastings: Clare Elaine Coker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Coker of St. George’s Rd., Hastings, to Peter William Morrison, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Morrison, 21 Towers St., Paeroa. Attendants were Miss Pamela Sheild, Miss Mary Parkhill, Mr. Philip Ware, and Mr. Gary Coker. Future home of couple is Hastings. Lovell-Smith Photo

BEGLEY – FLEMING. At the Sacred Heart Church, Hastings: Janice Fleming, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Fleming, to Larry Begley, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Begley. Attendants were: Best man, Douglas Begley, Groomsman, Maurice Begley, Chief Bridesmaid, Anne Fleming, and Bridesmaid, Betty Shefford. Future home of couple is Hastings.
Lovell-Smith Photo

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ABOVE. At the Red Cross Hall, Napier, the 21st birthday of Miss Joyce Hannon was celebrated on the 21st of March. Joyce is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. Hannon, of Napier.

TOP RIGHT. At her home last month, Miss Judy Whittaker, of 30 Enfield Road, Napier, celebrated her coming-of-age party and is here seen cutting the cake.

RIGHT. At the Ex-Naval Men’s Hall, in Onekawa, on the 13th of March, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Grapes entertained friends on the occasion of the 21st birthday of their eldest son, Robert Donald Grapes.

Photos by Batchelor Studios

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Mr. J. M. Bull, of Terry Road, Clive, sent in this photo of the Hawke’s Bay Rowing Club’s junior four. This team has been unbeaten in all starts at regattas held at Clive, Gisborne and Wairoa, and to cap it all off they won against crews from Wellington, Wanganui and Hamilton at the H.B. Centennial Regatta held in Wairoa recently. The crew, from left, is Gary Peter, J. Bull, J. Griffiths, A, Williams and B. Williams.

The star attraction at the Napier Hastings Street School gala day, held on the 21st March, was a ride on this donkey. The donkey looks rather small to be carrying both Carol McCallum and Elisabeth Hood.

RIGHT. Preferring modern transport is Kathleen Rieper of Napier.

Copies of photographs produced in this magazine may be obtained from the photographer whose name appears under the photo or from

Page 54


Held in conjunction with the Wairoa Queen Carnival was the running of a King Carnival, a novel addition to the fund-raising contest, which proved to be very popular. Each of four Wairoa hotels was represented by a King and Committee, each King trying to outdo the others in the amount of hard cash they could raise.

Three of the Kings were associated with two of the six Queens, while the fourth King (Frazertown Hotel) has the good fortune to be associated with the whole six. Each King was credited with the money he raised, but it was handed over to and shared equally between the Queens allotted to his Committee, or Hotel. This King Carnival greatly assisted in the raising of a total of nearly £9000 towards the building of a Centennial Memorial Library.

The four Hotels and Kings were: Clyde Hotel, Allister Dewar – King Al; Ferry Hotel, Bert Davidson – King Bert; Wairoa Hotel, Thomas Delaney – King Thomas; and the Frazertown Hotel, Doug Price – King Doug.


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“KING DOUG (the Frazertown Kid)

Page 56

New Zealand Players


Appearing in the Municipal Theatre at Napier on the 28th and 29th of April, Waipukurau Municipal Theatre on the 30th of April, and the Municipal Theatre in Hastings on the lst and 2nd May, is the play “The Importance of Being Earnest”, presented by the New Zealand Players Theatre Trust.

An evergreen favourite written by Oscar Wilde in 1894, this is a play that is sure to draw capacity houses wherever it appears.
Three of the principal actors from a total cast of ten are pictured on this page. Left is Antony Groser in the role of Rev. Canon Chasuble, and BELOW a scene with Lady Bracknell as played by Barbara Leake, and Roy Melford in the role of John Worthing, J.P.

Printed photo-litho for the publishers by Swailes, Hurst & Co. Ltd, Napier.

An Introduction to Astrology with The Signs of the Zodiac by “Red Cloud ”

ARIES – March 21st to April 19th
April: Don’t fritter away time or give in to temporary frustrations. Instead, further personal business and domestic affairs. Entertain at home. May: Keep your personal plans, business, and home situations on a steady, progressive tack until the 12th. Don’t let a disappointment or setback interfere.

TAURUS – April 20th to May 20th
April: The eclipse of the 8th could bring a big change in your psychological outlook, freeing you from past inertia and limitations. Home matters improve so avoid quarrels, misunderstandings. May: Community doings, short trips, communications can mean money especially through contacts and these people or situations at a distance.

GEMINI – May 21st to June 21st
April: Quarrels or arguments should be avoided as should unwise financial expenditure. Even if a disappointment on the job or in the home indicates a return to the routine of last year, this is only temporary. Don’t let friends or social events throw you off balance. May: Social events can fulfil some delightful wish of yours by the month’s end. Attend to business, for activities can be profitable.

CANCER – June 22nd to July 22nd
April: The more time you spend in serious planning and analysis of important issues the greater will be the new openings after this trying month. May: It should be merry! Your popularity and charm, social and romantic chances are high, wide and handsome, particularly after the 16th. Avoid quarrels.

LEO – July 23rd to August 23rd
April: Resolve to faithfully move forward, despite frustration or opposition. Avoid quarrels. May: “Business first” your motto, even though love, friendship and society woo you. Schedule your private affairs for the future, while holding steady to the daily job.

VIRGO – August 24th to September 23rd
April: Fine impetus releases to a new start for happy making news, progress. Watch your step socially with old friends, elders, business, romance. May: Accent is on social affairs all month. Don’t neglect business for you may have to give in order to receive some favour.

LIBRA – September 24th to October 23rd
April: Wait for the dust to settle before making promises, financial or emotional, especially 14th-16th. Guard against impulse and anger for next month brings worldly honours and acclaim. May: Stimulated partnership, business, professional advancement and new popularity should make this a high month, especially from the 8th onwards.

SCORPIO – October 24th to November 22nd
April: Easy does it as the month opens, especially on the job. Changes, but you don’t have to be the dynamite. The pace quickens after the 13th. Extravagance in mood, cash and love should not be permitted to detract from personal accomplishments. Watch, when belligerent people could cause trouble. lnspiring distant matters can offset the daily drudgery of duty. May: A trip or mental voyage to new horizons can be romantically loveworthy, personally or in the love of adventure.

SAGITTARIUS – November 23rd to December 21st
Keep alert, roll with the punches for lasting contacts. Marriage or business and other important developments at a distance can be sudden and extraordinary. Concede to others, don’t let past situations, old contacts cause trouble. Pay attention to what you say and write. May: A fine month for steady, conservative progress. Reach agreements for lasting benefits.

CAPRICORN – December 22nd to January 19th
Domestic events and the rambunctious actions of children can be wearing unless you deal firmly. Residential changes may be hectic but they enable you to reorganise. May: Even if the home front continues hectic, business and personal partners can be most helpful, so call upon them as you would be well advised to let others manage the show.

AQUARIUS – January 20th to February 18th
Don’t let foolish activities or people get you into a fix at work or in your intimate life. No quarrels. May: There’s a lot that’s brewing. Use your intuition as a geiger-counter. Keep your eye on the affairs of daily routine at work or home.

PISCES – February 19th to March 20th
April. Don’t let extravagance or private worries cause you to blunder in important matters. Those in authority may be critical. May: Well, here’s a welcome change full of promise for fun and romance. It is also a fine time to promote your talents, special enterprises, the affairs of children.

Back cover

Mary Vance, Waipukurau Carnival Queen
Photo by Max Moverley

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Published November 1958 – June 1967

Names in this issue

Format of the original


Date published

April 1959


The Hawke's Bay Publishing Company Ltd

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