Hawke’s Bay Photo News 1966 – Number 090 May

Hawke’s Bay PHOTO NEWS
90th Issue
MAY 1966

[Cover photo – Introducing this issue is the Joan Leonard School of Dancing, Hastings, quartet. From top, Karen (left) and Shona Thompson, Heather Lomas (centre), and Joy Mitchell, in the costumes in which they presented their “Hullo Dollies” item at the Napier Competitions last Easter.]

There is a good reason why Rothmans is the World’s largest selling – most wanted King Size Virginia. It’s simply that Rothmans extra length, finer filter and the best tobacco money can buy, give you a cooler, smoother, more satisfying taste. Try them yourself and you’ll agree.

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Vol. 8
No. 5
May 1966

Published Monthly by
Telephone 4857, P.O.Box 586

Photographic Editor BRUCE MacCONNELL
4857, Napier; 4026, night
Hastings Agent

231 Heretaunga Street West
88-766, Hastings


MacConnell’s Photo Services
Top Hat Bldg., Dickens St.,
Telephone 4857

Batchelors Studios
231 Heretaunga Street West
Telephone 88-766

H.B. Books (Wholesale) Ltd.
Telephone 39-479, Napier

Printed Photo-Litho by Swailes, Hurst & Co. Ltd., Napier


Napier’s Vulcan Foundry, one of the cities oldest buildings (it was at least 80 years old), has disappeared from its site on the corner of Hastings and Vautier Streets, Napier. Soon there will spring up a brand new and modern bus depot for the N.Z.R. buses that ply between Hastings and Napier. Eventually, Napier’s new Civic centre will be built right alongside it.


Now here’s a man who is having a smashing time, and he believes in living close to his work too. Jim Newman, who is helping to destroy this landmark, has digs right next door.

Presenting – For Your Entertainment, H.B. Photo News. Better, Brighter, and more interesting than ever before. Now, in its eighth year, under new management. Introducing this issue “is the Joan Leonard School of Dancing, Hastings, quartet. From top, Karen (left) and Shona Thompson, Heather Lamas (centre), and Joy Mitchell, in the costumes in which they presented their “Hullo Dollies” item at the Napier Competitions last Easter.
Photo by Bruce MacConnell

Back Cover: Communion at St. Mary‘s, Ahuriri
Batchelors Studios, Napier

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The local Kindergarten Association achieved one of the its stated ambitions with the opening of the Onekawa Kindergarten, Napier, the fourth to be opened since the association was formed many long years ago.

Among the platform guests at the opening were, above, from the left: Mr. Mannering, Mr. and Mrs. Edwards, M.P., Mr. Bell, Inspector of Schools, H.B. (partly obscured), Rev. Rowe (standing), Mr. J. Price, Secretary Napier-Taradale Free Kindergarten Association.

Below; Kindergarten Assistant Director Jill Dickson speaks to the assemblage from the audience.

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Once the local dignitaries had had their say, it didn’t take long for the long suffering small fry to take over their Kindie.

Above: Grant Franklin, Mark Crabtree, Bridget O’Connor, Deborah Powell, John Van Voorthwisen, Gregory Crabtree, Mark Jones and Kay Findlay make like they’d never seen a drink of milk in their lives. The Cookie Jar didn’t stay full for long either.

Left: Elizabeth Hamilton tried to make a date with the cameraman – he accepted and played tiddly-winks for the rest of the day.

Home was never like this, or if it was Mum was always breathing down our necks. Lana-Marie Hogg and Derek McGovern show they know all about the mixing game.

Left: Mark Crabtree demonstrated the right-hand cover-defense technique.

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A hive of industry as Napier Jaycees set about yet another project on behalf of Napier’s young citizens. This time they are engaged in setting what was thought to be an immovable object into concrete. It seems the local he-men of Maraenui spent most of their spare time trying to make off with an old tractor which had been placed in the local park for their enjoyment. From left, above, are Jaycees Ralph Ward, Jack Semple, Ian Dodd, Robin Wilkinson, and Malcolm Hunt. Below: Two of the locals watch proceeding with interest. It appears to us that it would take a bulldozer to shift that tractor, but it’s surprising what a 100-child-power push will do, even if the object is sinking from sight.

The big pour: David Marshall, Mike Fagg, and Malcolm Hunt. Wonder how they managed to get the tractor, right, in there before the concrete set? Below: Plenty of advice was available to tell the Jaycees how the job should be done – and that they’ll still shift it anyway!

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In presenting our readers with this story on “the day in the life of a nurse”, we have tried to depict in pictures the everyday activities of the average nurse. There are many phases we have missed, but it would take a book to cover the lot. We also stress that what we have depicted here is not meant to imply that this is all there is to running a hospital, for there is far more to the complex machinery of keeping people alive in hospitals than is covered by the work of nurses; the story on the administration alone would be a major assignment in itself.

Nevertheless, it is the 24-hour vigil of the nurse which is the basic cause of recovery, once the doctors have straightened out the mess and handed the patient over to the hospital’s care. It is the nurse who must tend to the needs of the oft-times bad-tempered and irritable patient, whether he be baby, adult, or old man. It is the nurse who must look bright and cheerful, no matter what her own personal problems may be, for the needs of the patient must come above all else. Photo News, therefore, pays its tribute, through this article, to the dedicated and hardworking nurse. Perhaps, one day you yourself will be grateful for these very attributes.

We gratefully acknowledge the cooperation of senior nurses and Sisters at both the Napier and Hastings Hospitals.

Left: It all begins on that fateful, and at the time fearful, occasion when the would-be nurse walks through the door of the Hospital Matron’s sanctum for that all important first interview. Re-enacting this scene for us is the charming and lovely Nurse L. Hopkins from Timaru.

Below: Having satisfied all the top brass that the stuff that makes a nurse is there, it’s training, training, and more training, and Alfred Hitchcock is not the show to watch the night before this class.

The Hospital Board considers it advisable to use a dummy in the early stages: Nurses McKenzie, Neall, Tonks, Jones, and Cameron (and two obscured), under the tuition of a trained nurse.

The job includes being a cook and a waitress. Nurse Osborne Hastings Hospital.

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The whispering technique has long since been done away with in the modern hospital. Sister Hunt manipulates the dials as Jerome Carroll experiences one of the wonders of the modern technological age.

Right: The microscope plays an important part in the running of a hospital. Miss Rosemary Butler hunts down some illusive [elusive] bacteria in the laboratory, Napier. Below: A patience-testing occupation for exchange Staff Sister Mitchiko Seki of Japan.

Staff Sister Manning supervises operations as Nurse Wong and Reginald Romans have an eye-to-eye session in the eye clinic.

Below, left: Nurse Boyd stands in for Mum in the children’s ward.

Below, right: A hole in the tum receives attention from Nurse L. Sims. The only reason the cameraman didn’t faint was that the patient was a dummy and the venue a classroom.

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Need we say other than that this is the children’s ward?

Below: A wish-bone no less: a look of envy; and intense concentration on the job at hand.

These things certainly have their uses.

Below: “My goodness, here we go again, Nurse Algar is going to make me eat the lot and I know it won’t do a bit of good turning on a home-like performance.

While we were all breathlessly waiting for Hitchcock’s late-late spine chiller, these girls were just starting work at the Napier Hospital, just as hundreds of other nurses were doing throughout the country.

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It’s all part of the day‘s work for Sister Jenkins of the Napier Hospital.

Left: While Sister Jenkins writes, Nurse A. Barlowe attends a skinned knee over in the Hastings Outpatients Department.

Outpatients patient Don Wheeler gets himself a pair of out-sized shoulder pads as Sister P. Clapham, Hastings, winds on a figure-8 bandage.

Right: Staff Sister Buglass and Miss Nola Russell tend to a Napier sterilisation unit.

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Nurses have to be well up with the play when it comes to preparing special diets. Nurses Begley, Christensen and Osborne put their theory training into practice in the special diet kitchen, Hastings.

Left:They also get time off to eat themselves. Off duty nurse J. Craig helps herself at the hospital cafeteria. On the business side of the counter is Mrs. O. Hodge.

Left: Nurses even get time off when they are on duty and here Hastings nurses oblige with lovely smiles for the photographer. We assume he was asked to stay to lunch as well.

Below: Strangely enough our reporter turned up at morning tea time too, but this time he is over in the Napier hospital cafeteria. What with diet kitchens, lunches and cups of tea Photo News will probably be receiving a bill from the Hospital Board.

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Occupational Therapy is an essential aspect of any hospital. Here patients, under individual supervision and assistance, go about the trying and frustrating task of getting injured limbs to function as they used to.

Left: Hydro Therapy is an invaluable weapon in the battle against incapacity. Assistant Charge Physiotherapist Miss Mellis and Charge Physiotherapist Miss Johnstone supervise re-educational exercises in the Hastings Hydro-Therapy pool.

The Outpatients’ Department, this time in Hastings, requires a great deal of experience and a high degree of efficiency. Sisters L. Evans and P. Clapham attend to the injuries of the moment as and when they come in.

Left: Another aspect altogether is that of the work of the District Nurse. Sister Pitcher receives a message from telephonist Nance Keeble of the Napier switchboard.

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Miss Grieves, on the way to recovery, works in the rehabilitation kitchen unit at the occupational therapy department in Hastings.

Left: Nurses and Sisters go out of their way to see to the comfort of the aged as they live out their lives in the hospital ward.

All manner of equipment is brought in to facilitate a patient’s recovery. Here Ward Sister C. McColl chats with Mr. A. Timbin in the Napier Hospital.

Below: The Hospital, via a car and voluntary workers, supplies meals to outside patients. Here “Meals on Wheels” volunteer Mrs. Cawston, Napier, loads up for another delivery.

Another useful contraption, under the guidance of Mr. Ruddles, helps Mr. Holmes to regain the walking habit.

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Left: We had to be very quick on the job to record this happy feature in the day in the life of a nurse – that of bringing life itself into the world. This ten-minute-old mite could well end up a nurse herself, one day. Nurse M. Culloty handles with care.

Above: Where there’s babies, there’s nappies, and someone has to fold ’em. It’s 500 at a time for Nurses P. Shanks and D Phillip at the Hastings Hospital.

Left: Nurse M. Culloty, Sister E. Kirkbride and Nurse L. Williams, were there for the happy moment, 20 minutes after birth, when Mrs. Shona Allen, Hastings, held her baby for the first time.

Below: They sure have some mighty humorous books in the hospital library. It seems our photographer just couldn’t get these girls to act like he wasn’t there.

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The average housewife would have a difficult job setting up this “ironing board” in her kitchen. Here, in Napier, these huge ironing machines cater for both the Napier and Hastings Hospitals.

Left: Mrs. Alexander stacks the ironed sheets in the central linen store. Below, right: Shirley McMillan checks the ward supplies. As can be imagined, there’s a mountain of sheets to keep track of.

And there’s plenty of towels too. Here Miss Bradley hangs towels out to dry.

Left: Mrs Wiffin operating the outsized tumbler driers.

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Relaxation. It’s all part of the modern nurse’s life and hospital boards of today ensure that the facilities are available. A glorious Hawke’s Bay day, a swimming pool, a diving board, and 5 lovely nurses – out of uniform.

Left: The tennis courts are right there for the more athletically minded. Our photographer used a camera instead of a racket for this game but opponent Nurse Franz played on just the same.

Above, left: Sister Jackson catches up with her knitting in the Hastings Nurses’ Home.

Above, right: Hospitalised in the Nurses’ Home. Nurse Grant recuperates after a slight illness and takes the opportunity for a spot of study.

Below: Mail from Males? Nurses Dobson, Barlowe, Bell, Thomas, Connor and Anyan collect mail from Sister Sadie Brown.

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OVEREND – HILL. At the Trinity Methodist Church, Napier, Phyllis, daughter of Mrs. N. Hill, Napier, to John Overend, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Overend, Colenso Avenue, Napier.
MacConnells, Napier

Celebrated at the Meeanee Hall, the 21st Birthday of Clive, second son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Bush, Napier.
Batchelors Studios, Napier

At the Air Force Hall, Havelock North, the 21st Birthday of Ngaire, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Sims, Havelock North. With Ngaire are, from left, her mother, and sister Janet, and father.
Batchelors Studios, Napier

At the High School Old Boys’ Gym., Hastings, the 21st Birthday of Arnold, son of Mr. and Mrs. G.A. Lincoln, Hastings.
Lovell-Smith, Hastings

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The annual Napier Competitions proved, this Easter, to be just as popular as ever, both with the spectators and the competitors. Photo News went along on the final night when only the winners of each section put on a concert for the public.

Above: The “Redskin Ritual” dancers of the Marewa School of Dancing, from left, back, Dianne Duley, Justina Sweetapple, Lynne Pirie, and Kathryn Stevens. In front, Christine Williams, Judith Garrett and Anette Green.

Left: Young Kathleen O’Rourke in a striking pose.

16-year-old Shirley Kauter, Napier, came away laden down with cups and prizes, a reward for her dedication and love of singing since the age of 5. Shirley was awarded four awards for speech items and one for singing.

Left: Deborah Whitehead and Helena Howell re-enact their dance routine for Photo News.

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The Deepdene Choir, Napier, entertained with an audience pleasing item.

Left: Glenys Murphy also obliged our photographer with a re-enactment pose.

Below: No, we haven’t made a mistake, this shot should not have appeared in the hospital story, but it might just as well have for all the use it was to the artists of the Napier Competitions. Having wheeled the veteran performer, Napier’s Grand Piano, on stage, one of its vital components gave up the ghost and parted company from the business end of the works, and that was that.

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A tent, a direction-fixing transmitter, a man, his pipe, and his dog. That’s about all you will find out at Clifton Beach these days, but that man, John Van Lear, a communications technician who hails from Vancouver, Canada, is engaged in a job which could help to bring untold wealth to Hawke’s Bay. His transmitter is one of four situated from Mohaka to Young Nick’s Head. Their purpose is to enable the oil survey ship working out in the Bay to fix its position within 18 inches if required. John’s job is to stay put and make sure his equipment is functioning during the hours of daylight. At night he changes over to his “Ham” radio and finds his company among other amateur radio operators. And there’s always Sam, a keen connoisseur when it come to mealtimes.

Below: The sign on the road says N.P., but John has no trouble at all, now that Clifton Beach has been deserted for the fireside and the T.V.

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Equestrian enthusiasts were out in force to witness the annual H.B. Jumping Show at the Tomoana Showgrounds. An added attraction was the presence of an Australian team.

Below: Julie Walsh, Masterton, lifts Apache over the double jump.

Apache performed well for Julie throughout the jump. Below: Australian visitors to the fixture compare notes. From left: Helen Murchison, Tamworth, N.S.W.; Wayne Roycroft, Victoria; Mrs. Donnely of Hastings; Margaret Forgan, Adelaide; Judy Rymill and Peter Rymill, South Australia.

As always there are behind-the-scenes workers. from left: Glenda Williams, Mrs. Olsen, and Mrs. Woodham.

In mid flight “Grey Mist” paused to ask our photographer what he thinks he’s doing. Rider: Glenn Dudley, Napier.

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The children thought it was great fun, the teachers were proud of them, and the Mums positively glowed, when the young actors-of-tomorrow from Hastings Central Kindergarten entertained with a professional-like musical. Above: The Four Goblins (at back and right) Rochelle Reizer, Helen Newrick, Kim Evans, and Barbara Hunt, surround Fairy, Jenny Brain (left, on toadstool), and Pixie, Wendy Ross.

Below, left: Robert Brown had a wow of a time with Mum’s saucepans.

Above, left: William Doak was just a little bit serious about being a clown.

Above, right: Now there’s a part every young man would give his lollipop for, that of a Cowboy, and Roger Gillies thoroughly enjoyed it.

Left: Debbie McPherson, as lovely a Fairy as ever there was.

Below: Joan Kelly, a bonny chicken.

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Noddy, Ross Campbell, is under arrest, but there seems to be a slight difference of opinion between soldiers Wayne Boyde (left) and Mark Palmer as to who should be in charge of the right arm. Encouraging Noddy to face the camera is soldier Peter Hirst, then comes soldier Robert Cotton, and upholder of the law, Stephen Hobbs.

Left: There’s so many captions that come to mind to describe Jennifer Brain, that we’ll just tell the truth – she is singing to an unseen pixie and begging for a dance, Looks more like a housewife’s command to us, though.

Above: Pixie, Wendy Ross with “The Powder Puff”, Donna Griffiths.

Left: Baby Fairy, Suzanne Jones, looks like the star of the show. And then there are the children who did so much for the show whom we missed out altogether: Ken Mertens, Carolina Vogels, and Erica Sutcliffe.

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The children of Taradale were willing helpers in an advertising gimmick to publicise a new Innes Tartan Ju’cy drink. It wouldn’t have made much difference to them even if the donors had come along on a scooter, but a touch of the bad old days of the West made it just that more interesting. Sheriffs David Green and Glynis Hooper are now the heroes of the Taradale junior vigilantes.

The weather did not smile kindly on the 40th Anniversary celebrations of Napier’s St. David’s Presbyterian Parish. Nevertheless, it was a most successful and happy weekend for the participants.

Above, from left: Rev. W. A. Carmichael, Rev. J. Sands and Mrs. Sands, Mrs. and Rev. W. R. M. Hay, Mrs. and Rev. E. E. Dyason.

Left: Outdoor afternoon tea during a break in the weather.

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KITCHEN – HOWELL. At St. Augustine’s Church, Napier, Beverley, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. Howell, Napier, to Edward, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Kitchen, Feilding. Attending the couple were, from left, Carlene Leadbetter, Brian Kitchen, Alvia Hendry, Noel Kitchen, (groom and bride), Alan Pretious, Pamela Howell and Kerry Howell. (Incorrect photograph printed last issue. Ed.)
MacConnell’s Studios, Napier

HILL – WHYTE. At St. Patrick’s, Napier, Langia, eldest daughter of Mrs. Whyte, 14 Beverley Road, Napier, to Charles Trevor, only son of Mrs. C. T. Hill, 60 Welesley [Wellesley] Road, Napier.
MacConnell’s Studios, Napier

Celebrated at the Napier Sailing Club, was the 21st Birthday of John Workman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Workman, Onekawa, Napier.
MacConnell’s Studios, Napier

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While the New Zealand Swimming Championships, featured in the last issue of Photo News, may have been considered successful, they didn’t exactly go off without a hitch. There were one or two problems experienced in this the first ever National Championships held in Napier’s Olympic Pool. One was the havoc the wind played on the “flush with the top” water surface, another was a touch of tummy bug among the competitors, another was the late arrival of Mr. Peter Cox, standing in for Napier’s Mayor, Mr. Peter Tait. When it was all over the competitors decided to have their say – in silent and humorous protest.

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A common sight these days on the Auckland – Wellington highway are the car transporters which have come into vogue as the method of getting new cars to their point of sale. In Napier we came across this transporter unloading, and found out how they get those cars off the top deck They simply unhook the trailer, back up to it, and drop the back of the trailer top deck. Only drawback that we can see is that there must always be a trailer in tow.


We believe Mrs. S. Robson of Kiwi Place, Hastings, with her unusual hobby of collecting miniature jugs, is unique in Hawke’s Bay, if not in New Zealand. In her home are displayed something like 150 jugs, all in miniature and strictly for show purposes only. These jugs have come from all parts of the world, and nearly every country is represented, jug-wise. And why does Mrs. Robson follow this hobby? “I just love miniature jugs and won’t be happy until I have at least one of every type and design made,” was her answer to our question.

If its NEWS
PHONE 4857
NIGHT 4206

Now we know that the Hawke’s Bay coast line looks like what the maps say it does. This is a photograph taken of a ship’s radar screen when it was some distance out at sea – the ship was there too.

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LIDDY – DUNCAN. Koa Yvonne Duncan, Waipukurau, to Barrington Jerrold Liddy, Hamilton. Attending the couple were, from left, Mr. Neville Herbert, Hamilton, Miss Heather McKay, Waipukurau, (bride and groom), Miss Roslyn Liddy, Hamilton, and Mr. Perry Cope, Hamilton.
Batchelors Studios, Napier


Miss Josephine Parahi, second daughter of Mrs. N. Parahi, Essex Crescent, Whakatu, celebrated her coming of age at the Whakatu Hall.
Batchelors Studios, Napier

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Back to School

It was back to school for Colleen and Valerie O’Connell (Napier), Mary Koorey, Patricia Barnes (Hastings), Mary Coyle, Jan Hayes (Napier), Colleen Maloney (Hastings), and, in front, David Martin (Hastings) at the St. Peter Chanel Club social held at the Premier, Hastings, late last month.


It’s an honour that comes to very few, in fact in the whole history of Napier’s St. John Guide Company, there has been only two. Now there are three, for last month Margaret Buchanan, centre, became St. John’s third Queen’s Scout [Guide] and here, flanked by her fellow Guides, she pauses during the “lighting of the candles” ceremony.

BayCraft Homes now have a wonderfully attractive range of Plan “Specials” for those homeowners who want individuality in home styling.
It pays to be modern. It’s wise to examine the new. So be sure to call on BayCraft Homes, King Street South, Hastings (c/o- Robert Fenton & Co.). Phone 88-773.
A “BAYCRAFT” OF 1175 sq. ft.
“A name for better homes”
P.O. Box 732
Please send me your free illustrated booklet “PLANS IN THE MODERN MANNER”.

Page 29


Came Easter Saturday, and there they were – the sun, the spectators, and the competitors. Once again 40,000 people were proving that the Hastings Highland Games could still out-pull any other organised family entertainment in Hawke’s Bay. They come each year, the competitor and the sportsman, from all over New Zealand; Mums, Dads, and their offspring, the pipers, dancers, athletes, archers, cyclists, axemen, dog trainers, weightlifters, and sheaf tossers, to what has become a glamour fixture of New Zealand, and a tribute to the Greater Hastings organisers.

On these pages, Photo News brings you what our reporters tried to capture through the camera lens of that which goes to make up the spirit of the Highland Games. It has been rightly claimed, that no where else will the family find such a variety of action and entertainment wrapped up in one package.

At Easter, Windsor Park Hastings belongs to Scotland, and woe betide anyone who says different.

Douglas Thoresen, Hastings, won the top piping event of the games, the Piobaireachd. (We can’t pronounce it either.)

40,000 invaded Windsor Park on Easter Monday. Here a section of the crowd line the oval.

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Jock Seaton leads the grand parade and is followed by guests of the Games, Miss Brooklands, Judith Phillips, New Plymouth, and Blossom Queen Christine Coleman.

The National Dancers – a colourful contingent.

The Dancers of the N.Z. Society of Scottish Country Dancing.

Archery competitors.

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They come from all over New Zealand to take part in the Scottish Country Dancing displays. Here they take time off for a stroll round the fairground. From left, Mr. B. Ede, Hastings; Mrs. I. McFadyen, Hastings; Mr. G. King, Wellington; Mrs. R. M. Jacob, Levin; Mr. Joe Constable, Lower Hutt; Miss Dorothy McFadyen, Hastings; Mr. W. Jacob, Levin; Miss L. Massie, Hastings; Miss H. Neil, Wellington; Miss E. McFadyen, Hastings, and Jill Anderson, Hastings.

Right: A bag of popcorn is no distraction to Joanne Tibbenhan, Havelock North visitor to the wonderful world of the fairground.

Below: Waiting their turn on the Irish Jig Board, from left, Jeanette Percy, Tauranga; Cynthia Robins, New Plymouth; Leta Heron, Oamaru; Sharron Brabender, New Plymouth; Pauline Lord, Waipukurau; Larena Booth, New Plymouth; and Mary Lemon, Dunedin.

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The two National Dancing boards were very well patronised throughout the Games. Here four young contestants receive their prize winning certificates: Vanessa Tonge, Margaret Fleming, and Inglewood’s Pauline Fabish.

Below: A hard task for National Dancing judges Mrs. Adeline Hobbs, Wellington, and Miss Glenice Lister, Lower Hutt.

Above, left: Eyes closed in concentration, Heather Haymon, Masterton, goes through her paces in the energetic Highland Fling, 14 and under 16 event.

Above, right: Miss Rosemary Armstrong of Christchurch takes a more casual attitude.

Below: 15-month-old Donald Bakie came all the way from Motueka, and, taking things seriously, got all dressed up for the occasion.

Out in the Oval, Track Judges Elizabeth Crowley of Hastings, and Mrs. J. Dillon, Hastings, were kept busy sorting out the cycle event winners.

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W. Grantham (centre) of Masterton had a tough battle on his hands to beat local cyclists K. Sparks (right) and T. Aitcheson in the Invitation One Mile Scratch event.

Left: Hastings’ K. Sparks made up for it in the Fruit Bowl of N.Z. Invitation Scratch Race by romping home a winner.

Below: A tightly bunched field in the first heat of the Half-mile Frimley Handicap.

Competitors relaxed in the centre ring between events.

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B. Mollier, Hutt Valley, breasts the tape a clear winner from T. Quax, Hamilton, in the City of Hastings Handicap Mile event.

Miss M. Commins, Hastings, in the 80 metres Hurdles.

B. Joseph of Hawera on the way back to earth as she intently watches the discus’ landing point – it measured out at 90′ 3″ on this throw.

Tom Lamison, Rotorua, hasn’t let the physical handicap of being a spastic slow him down. He came in first in the Saturday’s Mile Walk and competed in the 20,000 metre event.

Above, left: Intense concentration, Levin’s Brian Casey in the Jigger Chop.

Left: Over on the Weightlifting boards D. Oliver, N.Z. Champion Heavy Weight, skied 320 lb. on this lift.

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Above: A steady hand and a straight eye, C. Zuppicich, Hastings, lines up for a 60-yard shoot.

Left: The ladies can hold their own in this sport. Mrs. Win Rapsey (left), Napier, and Mrs. M. Hill, Hastings, of the Richmondvale Club, take aim on the 40-yard mark.

Below, left: “I’ve been coming to the Games ever since they started, but I haven’t won a darned thing yet. I’ll be back again next year though,” – C Latta, Gisborne.

At 60 yards that inner circle looks mighty small, but a remarkable number of arrows end up there.

Vic Wallace, Hastings, has been “Tossing The Sheaf” at the Games for the past 12 years, and winning more often than not. This year he missed out to Gordon Ashenhurst, Hastings.

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It was like an all-in wrestling match when the tug-o-war organisers invited the local he-men to fight it out on the board. Seems like one of the local Dads jumped in to lend a hand. From left, Richard Rowe, Havelock North and Clive representatives Robin Dawson, Don Munroe and Steward Kurn, put in a do-or-die effort.

Below: 15-year-old Briony Smith of Auckland, clears the last hurdle in grand style to comfortably win the 80 metre Junior Women’s Hurdles. The cycling events provided many exciting finishes with large fields entering for every event. Here 10 riders line up in a scratch race.

Left: A test of skill, strength, and balance, the “Tossing The Caber” contest attracted a surprising number of entries. Here “Tossing The Sheaf” winner, Gordon Ashenhurst, tries his hand.

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Champions all: Prince (left), seen here having a chat with owner Norman Jones, Taradale, and Freda (right), owned by Mrs. D. O’Dwyer, Greenmeadows, are both Obedience champions. Kim (centre), is just a beginner, but under the loving instructions of owner Pauline Picone, Napier, took off the novice prize.

Left: A record breaking moment. Light-Heavyweight F. Kaiser lifts 211 lbs. to break the current New Zealand record.

Below: The pressure’s on and the chips fly. Dennis Organ, Huntly, in the 12″ Standing Chop.

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A strong voice and plenty of energy were needed at the Hastings Orphan’s Club stand. Joe Woodham (left) and Wally Lamby had just the right qualifications.

Below: Miss Shirley McGannachan responded to their exhortations and tried her luck at throwing the horseshoe.

Sooner or later everyone visited fun-alley, either to watch or to participate.

Below: Miss J. Willis of Raumati found it somewhat hair-raising on the motorised dodgems. Pilot Alan Murray of Paekakariki had everything under control.

Astronaut material: R. Gilbert, Auckland and Vicki Wolfe, Napier.

A more sedate ride for 3½ year old Christine Bensemann and Sandra Webby of Hastings.

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On Easter Sunday, after a massed bands display and displays by individual Pipe Bands from Hastings and Napier, a team of young Hastings Y.M.C.A. gymnasts delighted the grandstand crowd with an exhibition of skill and grace. Above, the girls of the team perform to music, a graceful “Skipping Rope Ballet”.

Below: The team formed a pyramid as a grand finale.

A perfect walking stance – up-side-down.

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Above: Miss Kathy Hopping had completed her running events and was relaxing in the centre ring.

Left: Attractive Miss Judith Phillips, 1966 Miss Brooklands from New Plymouth, was guest of Greater Hastings for the duration of the Games.

Below left: Bruce Talbert, Hastings, romped home a winner in the beginners race.

Below: These three will not forget the Games in a hurry.

At 5 p.m. on Easter Monday, Greater Hastings Secretary/Organiser John Minty was pleased to see the Games drawing to a successful close. Next year? “We have already invited Ron Clarke of Australia and we think he’ll come.”

Left: Miss Robyn Fox, Hastings puts the final touch to our story.

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Napier’s famed sunshine is a strong drawcard at Easter and at Kennedy Park motor camp our photographer found – Above: Mrs. Holland, Gisborne, Mrs. Cuthbert and son, Wellington, Mr. Bob Holland, Gisborne and Mr. G. Cuthbert, enjoying a quiet cuppa before heading off for home.

Left: Jennie Goss of Fielding most attractively gave the lie to the glorious sunshine.

Below: Phillip Stratford came with the Parkes family of Lower Hutt. From left, Phillip, Jenny, Stan, Jill, and Mrs. Parkes.

Lynda Hansen and Karol Easton of Dannevirke also believed in the sweater and slacks look, regardless of the temperature.

Left: Light reading for Mr. and Mrs. P. Mimmack, Palmerston North, as they relax outside their caravan.

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Right next door to the Highland Games grounds the caravan advocates took over. Above: Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Clarke, Miramar, Wellington, paid a neighbourly visit on fellow Wellingtonians Mrs. P., Diane, David, and Mr. R. Smithers, Island Bay. They were asked to look as if they were enjoying their stay in Hastings, so they did.

Below: Lynette Jones, Hastings, obligingly provided the motive power for Anna Larson, Pahiatua.

Fiona Clark, Inglewood, was in a big hurry to change into her Horn Pipe outfit and dash back over to the Games arena.

Below: A ride on the camp river for Yvonne Douglas (front) and Deidre Edwards, Hastings.

Below: One lonely tent in a caravan wilderness at the Hastings Windsor Park camp.

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LINDSAY – NICOLLS. At St. Mary’s Anglican Church, Waipukurau, Olive Barbara, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Nicolls, Waipukurau, to John Carlton, second son of Mr. D. Lindsay, Timaru, and the late Mr. Lindsay.(sic)
Lovell-Smith, Hastings

LUKEMAN – PETERSON. At St. John’s Presbyterian Church, Hastings, Anne, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Peterson, Hastings, to Thomas Craig, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Lukeman, Dunedin.
Lovell-Smith, Hastings

Janet Williams, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Williams, Taradale to Stephen Smythe, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Smythe, Gisborne.
Gasson, Taradale

Celebrated at the Norsewood Fire Brigade Hall was the 21st Birthday of Joy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. Swan, Norsewood.
Reader’s Photo

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Napier’s Mayor, Mr. Peter Tait, venturing out on Easter Monday, found the town to be deserted – they were all out at the Hastings Highland Games, so, he consoled himself by taking it out on a golf ball on the Council’s Putting Green. We hope that he kept in mind that there is currently a chronic shortage of golf balls. Son David presided over operations, while companion Warwick Smith directed the line of fire.


Napier Sealion, Sammy, was distinctly unimpressed at the presence of visiting dignitaries who had come along watch his aquatic antics. The visitor was, top right, the National President of the New Zealand Jaycee organisation, Mr. Jack James, Dunedin. Acting as host was Mr. Charlie Andrews, Jaycee Regional Governor, Taradale. Any confusion as to who is in, and who is outside the cage is purely coincidental. Sammy certainly has the attention of his younger visitors anyway.



Young Phillip Hogan certainly had things well organised when he decided it was time he took a boat ride on Napier’s boating lake, A quick calculation of man (or girl) – power available resulted in sister Barbara (right), and friend Marie Vile, being press-ganged into service. Happily for Phillip, his two crewmen were willing slaves and enjoyed the ride as much as he did.

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As much as anywhere else in New Zealand, the beaches of Hawke’s Bay are the mecca of thousands of pleasure seekers week-end after week-end. To protect the lives of the foolish and the unfortunate, there is invariably a life-saving team of young and enthusiastic surfers who voluntarily commit themselves to standing by on all the major beaches. Theirs is a sport which not only provides enjoyment for them and entertainment for the public, but also provides a vital public service. They deserve much more support than what they get. The H.B. beaches will now be practically deserted for the winter months, but the surfers will carry on training, and will be on the spot when next you take to the water. Remember this, when the Life-savers call for your support.

Above: Competitive endeavour with these young men is not just a game, it’s a means to an end, for it gives them the incentive to keep in top physical trim and the discipline to handle any emergency. Championship events, such as the H.B. Surf Life Saving Association championships held at Westshore at the close of the summer season, have a deadly serious objective, that of impeccable efficiency.

Left: This could be you one day, and you can depend on this Kiwi team to know exactly what to do and you will live to swim another day.

Above: A Westshore Club competitor comes home first in the water-ski event.

Left: The race for the beach.

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A momentous occasion in Scouting circles took place in Napier when the man responsible for Scoutmaster Training throughout the world, Camp Chief John Thurman, on a visit to Hawke’s Bay, conferred on Waiapu Area Commissioner John Holderness, the first Commissioner’s Wood Badge ever presented anywhere in the world.

Left: The Centennial Hall was just high enough for the Napier Central Venturer Scout troupe to show their visitor their prowess in erecting a signal tower.

A big moment for a Napier Cub as he has his photo taken with the “Big Man”.

Scouts from all over Hawke’s Bay came along for the combined meeting and obliged their visitor with a camp-fire sing-song.

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Autograph hunters. Taradale and Greendale Cubs.

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WICKEN – BATTERSBY. At the Napier Merchant Navy Rooms, Joyce Ireta, daughter of. Mrs I. and the late Mr. M. Battersby, Kettle Crescent, Napier, to Brian Leslie, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Wicken. In attendance were, from left, Wayne Hewart, Elaine Michie, (bride and groom), Gail Battersby, and Fred Thomson.
Batchelors Studios Napier

Celebrated at the Labour and Trades Hall, Hastings, was the 21st Birthday of Margaret, eldest daughter of Mrs. E. Watt, Hastings.

Above: Mrs H. A. McCutcheon is seen with her daughter on the occasion of Esme’s 21st Birthday at the Labour Hall, Dannevirke.
Barrets Studios, Dannevirke

Left: The Key of the Door was presented to Faye Janice, daughter of Mrs. G. N. Tabernacle, Hastings, at Windsor Lodge, early in March.
Batchelors Studios, Napier

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New Zealand’s latest star to rocket to the top in the Pop world blew into town over the Easter week-end and took the Top Hat Ballroom fans by storm. This young singer has been making a name for herself up Auckland way, but this was her first visit to Hawke’s Bay and she must have been well pleased with the local reaction. The usual pre-publicity ballyhoo of “Miss Emotion”, Haunting, Unforgettable, and what-have-you, were for once right on target, for this girl could sing.

Above, and left: Miss Allison Durbin places no strain on the eye, whether close up or full length. With all her attributes she should go far.


Napier came second to Upper Hutt in the H.B. & East Coast Rifle Championship shoot held at Roys Hill last month. Organised by the H.B. Rifle Association, the championship offered a top prize trophy which is described as being the most valuable shooting trophy in the world. Valued at £1000, the Collins Shield could well qualify.

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Ninety years dedicated service is a long time to serve God’s people and Napier’s Trinity Church celebrated the event in fitting style with a gathering of parishioners who had met and become firm friends over the years.

Above: The Trinity Choir gave a number of vocal items during the evening concert.

Left: Before the special anniversary Church Service, Circuit Steward Mr. A. G. Smith, past minister (now of Christchurch) Rev. H. C. Mathews, present minister Rev. C. G. Brown, and Mr. N. Pearce, faced the camera for an historical photograph.

Below. right: Shona McCutcheon entertained at the concert with a guitar and folk song item.

A musical recital by pianist Beverley Johnson, violinist Mrs. A. Rae, and cellist Mrs. G. Dine.

Below: The girls of the Trinity Youth Group entertained at the concert with a novelty orchestral performance. From left, B. Spackman, E. Vivian, Ruth Symes, B. Whitaker, C. Chisholm, C. Simpson and R. Brown.

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The Rev. Canon Rangiihu, Wairoa, presented the cups at the combined Young Farmers Club and Country Girls dinner, held at Napier’s Top Hat Ballroom late last March.

Above: Carol Holmes was rewarded for being the most efficient member of the Waipukurau Country Girls club.

Below: Chairman Tina Ericksen collects the Most Efficient Club trophy on behalf of her club, Meeanee.

Allison Wooding deputised for Jill Rolls, the most efficient member of the Meeanee Club, and who was unfortunately unable to be present.

One of the many Young Farmers Club members to receive the cups and trophies presented during the evening was Bryan Jule, Eskdale Club: The Fat Sheep & Fat Cattle Cup, presented by Rev. Canon Rangiihu.

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GRIFFIN – NEILL. At the All Saints Church, Taradale, Kay, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Neill, Taradale, to Murray Griffin, eldest son of Mrs. L, Martin, Wellington, and the late Mr. M. Griffin. Attending the couple were from left, (groom and bride), Dianne Neill, Jack Wilkes, Marlyn Dodd, and Rangi Naylor.
Glasson, Taradale

STLYES [STYLES] – WILSON. At the Salvation Army Hall, Hastings, Janice Patricia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, Hastings, to Gordon Robert Styles, eldest son of Mrs. Hunt, Hastings, and late Mr. Styles. The reception was held at the Old Folk’s Hall, Hastings.
Lovell-Smith, Hastings

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New Zealand’s Maori Battalion earned a reputation second to none and the members of that unit are proud of it. About a month ago 2000 of them got together for a re-union that covered the whole gambit of thoroughly enjoying themselves, and solemn rememberance (sic) of their fallen comrades.

It was an occasion for a debutante ball, among other things.

Above, back, from left: Sandra Kemp, Whakatu; Rebecca Mansfield, Haumoana; Margaret Wanoa, Tikiriki; Huia Tawhai, Hastings; Sandra Logan, Waipatu; Hine Timu, Dannevirke; Caroline McLutchie, Hastings; Carol Manaena, Whakatu; Anne Dixon, Taradale; Margaret Dixon, Taradale; and Pat Lanigan, Wairoa. Front: Winnifred Rowldands (sic), Hastings; Janice Wilson, Havelock North; Catherine Eru. Havelock North; Anne Pene, Taradale; Joan Mcllroy, Waipatu; Ann Purata, Levin; Rasini Matthews, Omehu; Pauline Smith, Hastings; Deborah Rarena, Fernhill; Naomi Smith, Bridge Pa; Patricia Lambere, Hastings; and Martha Pineaha, Fernhill; made their curtsies to Brigadier and Mrs. G. Ditmer.

Left: Brigadier and Mrs. Ditmer receive Sandra Kemp, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cunningham, Whakatu. Escorting Sandra is Mr.Cunningham, president of the Heretaunga Branch of the 28th Battalion.

It was a major task in the kitchen: Mrs. Reremoana and Mr. M. Walker helped out.

Left: Came the solemn moment when the old soldiers, in slow time, filed through the Hall of Memories in the Hastings War Memorial Library, passing beneath the magnificent Western Desert battle scene painted by war artist Peter McIntyre.

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At the Cenotaph a memorial service was conducted in memory of fallen comrades. In foreground are, from left, Mr. Bennett. Maori Affairs Dept.; Mr. D. McIntyre, M.P.; General Ditmer, original O.C. of the Maori Battalion (holding wreath); and Mr. R. Giorgi, Hastings Mayor.

Right: Could there be a Maori re-union without a football match?

Below: The girls from Napier’s Hukarere School were at the Cenotaph service and Church Parade to lead in the singing of hymns in Maori.

Left: 2000 guests were catered for at the official sit-down dinner. In a huge double marquee set up for the occasion, guests lined up along the table and employed the human chain system to get dishes to their rightful place.

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BIXLEY – NEWCOMB. At St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Hastings, Dixie Leigh Newcomb, youngest daughter of Mrs. E. M. Newcomb, Gisborne, to Trevor Eric Bixley, third son of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bixley, Twyford. Attending the couple were Mr. Ivan Woodham, Hastings, and Miss Paulene Martin, Hastings. The couple are to make their home in Hastings.
Candid Camera, Hastings

Celebrating her 21st Birthday at the James Banquet Lounge, Napier, was Miss Betty Hayes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. B. Hayes, of 7 Gebbie Road, Taradale.
Batchelors Studies. Napier

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“All right! You can go, but keep warm and don‘t get your feet wet.” It’s a fair guess that this is what the Mums said when the banes of their lives asked if they could go “Bush” with the A.T.C. on an Adventure Training Week-end. And look what happened – they all got their feet wet! But it was all in a good cause, that of character building and learning a sense of independence. Twenty-eight cadets of the No. 11 A.T.C. Squadron, commanded by Flt. Lt. G. H. Tate, learned a lot about independence on this trip, for the week-end included such items as instruction in map reading, first aid, bivouac building, construction of traps and snares, river crossing a confidence course and a .22 shoot. What young lad of sound character and a little ambition wouldn’t give his eye-teeth for such an exciting week-end?

Above: George Medalist Cpl. L. G. Walters, B.E.M., instructs his fascinated audience in the art of river crossing, by rope.

Below: And if anybody fell in, there were 27 others on hand to save the day. With the aid of an ingenious mechanical “manikin”, they had all taken part in an Artificial Respiration session under the guidance of Cpl. Walters.

Page 57

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2nd June

[Back cover photo – Communion at St. Mary’s, Ahuriri]

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Published November 1958 – June 1967

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Date published

May 1966


The Hawke's Bay Publishing Company Ltd

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