Hawke’s Bay Photo News 1962 – Number 043 June

Hawke’s Bay PHOTO NEWS
43rd Issue
JUNE 1962

[Cover photo – Peter Snell and little Glenda Astwood, seem quite engrossed in each other as they make friends over a pair of Peter’s running shoes.]

Extra length …finer filter … and best of all is the tobacco.

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Vol. 4
No. 7
JUNE 1962

Editor Philip Moore

39-047 Napier   Night 39-931

Postal Address
P.O. Box 169, Napier

Published monthly by The Hawke’s Bay Publishing Co.Ltd on the 4th Thursday of every month

“Photo News” mailed to you on receipt of 12-issue sub. of 32/6

Batchelor Studios
231 Heretaunga Street W., Hastings
Phone 88-766
Tennyson St., Napier – Phone 7413

Printed photo-litho for the Publishers by Swailes, Hurst and Co Ltd., Napier

Photographs in “H.B. Photo News” may be obtained through –
The Editor, H.B. Publishing Co.
P.O. Box 169, Napier

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Front Cover. Peter Snell and little Glenda Astwood, seem quite engrossed in each other as they make friends over a pair of Peter’s running shoes.

Back Cover. The one that didn’t get away. At last we got a rope around a ship of the Royal N.Z. Navy, in the shape of H.M.R.N.Z. Frigate “Rotoiti”.

Bill Baillie gets his reward from Miss Alison Pitcan [Pitcairn] “Miss Brooklands”, New Plymouth.

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Anne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Cooper, Te Awa Avenue, Napier, celebrated her 21st in the Manchester Unity Hall.

Lionel Dood, who is pictured here with his fiancee, Miss Jacqueline Cambridge, celebrated his 21st at his home, 53 King Street, Taradale.

Photos by Batchelors Studios

Maraekakaho Hall was where John, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Guerin, “Riverview”, Mangatahi, celebrated his coming-of-age.

Bruce and Peter, twin sons of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Lockart of Twyford, received the key of the door in the Twyford Hall.

Batchelors Studios Photos

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Lynette, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Boyle, Awarua Crescent, Havelock North, has announced her engagement to Robin, son of Mrs. M. Hill. Haumoana.

A combined birthday and engagement party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. Lawrence, Latham Street, Marewa, to celebrate the engagement of their daughter Joan, to Lyndsay, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Martin, Milton Road, Napier.

Batchelors Photos

Joy Thomson and Bruce Lockart announced their engagement at Bruce’s 21st Birthday party.
Batchelors Studios Photo


These two boys, Trevor Fox, Napier, and Rodger Moat, Havelock North sailed from Auckland for Australia, early this year, where they will have a working holiday.
Photo by Batchelors Studios

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Paperhanging without tears, by Allan Baldwin Ltd. of Hastings.

A novel idea by Allan Baldwin, a Hastings businessman has met with an overwhelming response, a course in paperhanging – and free at that – conducted by Mr. Baldwin, himself a master tradesman with a life time of experience behind him.

“Photo News” went along to the Allan Baldwin shop in Heretaunga Street and found it packed to the doors with people anxious to learn how to “do it yourself”.

The following pictures show Mr. Baldwin demonstrating the major points and methods of this art. Space here does not allow us to cover all aspects but we hope that anybody interested in making a first class job of their own home will go along to Allan Baldwin Ltd., perhaps take these pictures with them and we feel sure they will get all the help and advice they need.

The height of the wall is measured, the first length of paper cut and checked against the wall, making sure you have two inches overlap each end.

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Next stage – cut up all the paper into the correct lengths – note that curl of bottom sheet makes a natural guide to cutting.

After cutting comes the pasting of the paper. Pull top sheet to be pasted to the very edge of table or paste boards and apply paste from the centre, brushing out to the edges, never brush back towards the paper’s edge as the paste will seep on to the pattern side.

Following the pasting comes the folding. Here Mrs. Warmsley, a member of the audience, takes a hand. After the paper is folded it is left to soak. Mr. Baldwin would be able to enlarge on this, as soaking time is determined by the type of paper used.

How to shake out the paper ready to hang, catching it as it drops, on the foot.

Do not shake out the full length as it is liable to end up a nasty mess on the carpet.

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Complete control of the paper must be had at all times. If you don’t get it right first time or air bubbles appear, the paper can be pulled off to within a couple of inches of the top and you can start again.

How to cut those narrow strips. Straight edge of paper is placed to edge of table and mark scribed with a rule and tips of scissors – no pencils please.

To cut off selvedge, paper is brushed to obstruction whether it be skirting door or window frame. Scissors run along where paper meets obstruction then paper pulled away and cut slightly full on the line that appears on the back.

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For the fifth year in succession the Wairoa Little Theatre presented its Annual Pantomime in Napier. This is the ninth production, but it was only five years ago that the company started to come to Napier. The Little Theatre has been most successful in this yearly trip to Napier that now the show is looked forward to with great anticipation. The panto this year, “Dick Whittington and His Cat”, was up to the Little Theatre’s usual high standard and with a cast of 62 people it does the company and the people of Wairoa great credit to bring this show to Napier. It must take a great effort and team spirit to transport all the cast, costumes, sets and backdrops for what is virtually a one night stand. We hope this effort will continue for many years to come.

The Fairy Queen (Penelope Dick).

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Dick and Felix sail from the Port of London to seek their fortune.


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Idle Jack and Lizzie the cook, display their new wealth. Played by Lyall Dick and Ian Dickie.

Harem of the Emperor of Morocco.

Dick Whittington and his cat played by Shona Cooper and Barry Fraser.

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A very popular visitor. The “Rotoiti’s” visit was very much appreciated by the folk in the Bay.

Come on folks. How about buying some of this firewood. It’s cheap and good burning. By doing so you will be helping the Lions to help others. Perhaps one day you might need some help – you never know.

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Once again the Hastings Highland Games, the twelfth, became the centre of interest for New Zealand’s top sportsmen, pipers and dancers. This year record crowds made the event an unqualified success. coupled with the appearance of those two greats of the running track, Peter Snell and Bill Baillie. Even rain on the Saturday afternoon did not drive the crowds away. Everybody was determined to see Peter Snell run regardless of the weather,

One of the most popular fixtures of the games was the Scottish Country Dancing. Here we see the dancers carrying on regardless of rain on Saturday.

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Boxing seemed just as popular despite recent criticism.

Archery was more popular than ever.

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Some of the many competitors in the highland dance section. The dancers in this group are performing in the Reel O’Tulloch.

Cyclists riding in a closely packed bunch at speed – jockeying for position.

Ken Sparks, games organiser, takes time off to act as pusher for his son.

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Peter Snell breasts the tape.

B. D. McGonagle of Wanganui, under atrocious conditions, clears 13ft. 9ins. in the pole vault on Saturday. It is a great pity he was prevented from making 14ft. on the Monday when his fibre glass pole snapped.

Bill Baillie wins the Greater Hastings three mile handicap.

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J.B. Miller, winner of the one mile walk.

J.Cartwright leads the field in the 100 yards women’s final.

The Irish Jig, another National Dance which attracts a large entry at the Games.

W. Cruikshank of New Plymouth delights the judge’s ear.

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One of the most popular events of the games is the Grand Parade, this year held on the Monday. It presented a magnificent scene of costume and colour.

Men’s Athletic Section.

Archery Section.

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Women’s Athletic Section.


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Crowd on the stand sit it out despite the rain.

Brian Lincoln finds a dry spot while the competitors pass in the rain.

Three little girls and a brolly.

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Arthur Hoskyns of Wanganui, winner of the Marathon receives congratulations from Miss Merrilyn Hollindale and Miss Alison Pitcan [Pitcairn].

Tuckers lightweight team take the first pull of the day with Mr. N. G. Cooper watching the indicator.

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Finalists in the eleven inch standing chop go to it. The event was won by Eric Paterson.

Ray Graham was just a little slow in finishing in the jigger chop so Jim O’Brien starts to speed things up from the bottom.

Ray beats Jim and away goes his block.

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Vic Watkins winning the caber toss.

Joyce Kapma tries her hand at “tossing the sheaf”.

Roland Bradbury (Hawera), N.Z. Junior Pole Vault Champion, who was runner-up, in open competition to D. McGonagle.

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PHONE 7017
We stock Pedigree, Perky, and Thompson’s Prams, with all accessories
Pedigree and Laloli Cots
Ask to see our Popular R-Plan Cot which is priced to suit your pocket
Pushchairs and Strollers, High Chairs, Pram Bags, Blankets, and a wide selection of Mattresses
Bassinets and Playpens

Page 23


PANIANANI – TE TAU. At Saint Mark’s Church, Takapau, Phylis, foster daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Te Tau, Norsewood, to Va, son of Mr. and the late Mrs. S. T. Panianani of Rarotonga. Best man was Tokoa Taiki, bridesmaid was Florence Russell and the flower girls were Patricia and Kathleen Te Tau. Brownies from Norsewood formed a guard-of-honour for the young couple.
Wendy Studios, Takapau

RICKARD – WRIGHT. At Saint David‘s Church, Norsewood, Patricia, daughter of Mr. and the late Mrs. C. Wright of Christchurch, to Garry, son of Mr. and Mrs. K. I. Rickard of Hastings.
Wendy Studios, Takapau

WALSH – JOHNSTONE. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Maurice Walsh, pictured after their marriage at the Baptist Church, Napier. The bride is Dorothy Marion, daughter of Mrs. E. J. and the late Mr. Johnstone, Woodford, Queensland, Australia, and the groom is the son of Mrs. Z. M. O’Malley of Napier.
Batchelors Studios Photo

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Recently the primers of the Takapau School, staged a play based on the song, “The Wedding of the Painted Doll”. The play, produced by the Infant Mistress, Mrs. Burgess, included the 130 children in the infant department, was an outstanding success and was well attended by people as far away as Napier.

The wedding group from left to right: Jill Mulvaney, Patricia Burgess, Andrew Young, Helen Hobson, Marie Fayen, Bill Parsons (Groom), Natalie Tucker (Bride), Rebecca Partridge, Ranna Renata, Sandra Savage and Mandy Allen.
Wendy Studios, Takapau

Children saying Grace before the Wedding Breakfast.

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Dancers entertaining after the wedding.


Debs at Saint Mary’s Parish Ball, Waipukurau, before being presented to the Very Reverend E. R. Guymer, Dean of Waiapu and Mrs. Guymer. Left to right: Shirley Leipst, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leipst, Edith Price, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Price, Sonia Rogers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs R. M. Rogers and Kay Norris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. S. Norris.
Wendy Studios Photo

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An exhibition of skating, organised by the Revue Skating Club for the Maori Education Foundation was a great success, with exhibitions by Miss Jennifer Lord of Auckland and Mark Lind of Hamilton.

Skating par excellence. Miss Jennifer Lord was a treat to behold. Miss Lord was runner-up to the world title holder at the world championships at Fort Worth, Texas, U.S.A. Seen here are just a few pictures showing the skill of this fifteen-year-old skater.

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Mark Lind shows his skill and speed to the delight of the crowd.

A novel race organised by the club was a horse race on skates.

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Fashions for everyone. A most successful parade of the latest ideas in fashion was shown by Jenny Lee at the War Memorial recently. Creations for both day and evening wear were displayed to the audience and featured here are just a few of the models shown.

This John Barry ensemble modelled by Marilyn is in golden pheasant velour.

Margery in a cocktail dress of silver embossed brocade.

Jenifer models a ballerina dress of petal pink silver embroidered perlon.

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Shy violet chiffon embroidered with deep purple violets was chosen for this cocktail dress worn by Jill.

Marilyn presents a ballerina dress and stole in black lurex embroidered with gold roses.

A royal blue and white “Twist” party dress worn by Jenifer.

Jill models a coat of cream facecloth, double buttoned with Italian Lamb collar and cuffs.

This kingfisher blue, John Barry coat presented by Jenifer has an attractive stole collar.

This coat of forest-green mohair has striped mink collar and cuffs. Modelled by Margery.

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Mr. and Mrs. EDWARD O’DOWD pictured after their recent marriage in Napier. The attendants were Helen Caldwell and Graham Angus. The bride was formerly Miss Faye Russell.

SHAW – PRITCHARD. Wellington is to be the future home of Mr. and. Mrs. T. J. Shaw, who were married recently at Saint Columba‘s Church, Taradale. The bride is a daughter of Mrs. F. E. Pritchard, Elbourne Street, Taradale, and the groom’s parents are Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Shaw, School Road, Gisborne.
Batchelors Studios Photo

JONES – SMITH. At Saint John’s Ambulance Hall, Hastings, Miss D. Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Frater, Beatty Street, to Mr. D. A. Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robinson, Beresford Street. Future home – Kawerau.
Batchelors Studios Photo

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Wedding Bells

NEALE – CROMPTON. At the Methodist Church, Napier, Maureen Edith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Crompton, Maxwell Street, to Barry Robert, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Neale, Carlyle Street. The attendants were: Miss S. Mulholland, Miss P. Young, Mr. G. Lawrence, Miss P. Ford and Mr. K. Crompton. The young couple will make their home in Napier.
Batchelors Studios Photo

FIPPARD – FLEMING. The wedding of Helen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Fleming, Pukahu, and Bruce, son of Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Fippard, was solemnised in Saint Matthew’s Church, Hastings. The Bridal party from left is, Pamela Low, Ross Fippard, Janet Hooper, Groom and Bride, Robert Fleming, Glenys Powdrell and Graeme Reid.
Lovell-Smith Photo

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Janis Durand, the outstanding swimmer of the year who won every title possible in her grade. She also broke many records, some even three times during the season. Presenting the cup is Mr. Ron Shakespeare – Club and N.Z. President – who has been appointed Swimming Team Manager for the Empire Games.

“Tut” Geddes presenting the new “Tut” Geddes Cup to Senior Diving Champion Pat Kerrisk. Tut won the Barden Cup ten times in succession during his career and was given the cup – which is now covered with names – for safe-keeping.

The Heretaunga Swimming Club held their annual presentation of trophies in the Labour and Trades Hall. Above we see the ladies of the Social Club and Committee who were presented with boxes of chocolates in appreciation of their efforts during the season.
Batchelors Studios Photo

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Young Ross Farquhar of Napier South had the bright idea of running a film show in his father’s shed during the school holidays. With a small admission charge – proceeds to be donated to Dr. Barnado’s Homes – the response from the small fry was over-whelming.

A young customer buys her ticket from the cashier – Ross.

The crowded shed, with everybody impatient for the show to start.

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It is with regret that this Autumn Show by the Napier HorticulturaL Society may be the last for same time to come. Due to lack of public support the society is finding it more and more difficult to put on these displays. This magazine hopes this is not the last show, as it has been a great pleasure to go along and see the fruits of local gardeners efforts – particuIarly the childrens.

Prize winners all.

Another prize winning exhibit by Mrs. Wimsett.

Little Helen O’Donnell of Hastings holds an outsize in carrots.

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Mrs. Wimsett holds the Champion of Champions under the admiring gaze of Mr. A. C. Mackie, the judge.

Miss M. G. Spriggs, judge, and Miss Corbett, steward, admire the winning exhibit in the open decorative section.

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In an effort to raise funds for the Maori Education Foundation, a gala and hangi held jointly on Taradale Park recently was well attended by members of the public and it looks as if the Foundation will benefit quite considerably.

The day started with the preparation of the hangi, the stones having been heated and the experts are just covering the food – as only the Maoris know how – to ensure success.

The afternoon started with displays by Taradale’s own marching teams. They have three now and the senior team is shown above.

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Then came the chopping, always very popular, climaxed with that very tricky chop – the jigger chop.

Two young babies, Dawn and Janie Paul of Maraenui, are quite content to take their refreshment from a bottle.

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Graeme Frederikson blocks an upwards blow from Peter Reid and is about to punch the stomach.

Karate, a comparatively new type of sport, was demonstrated at Taradale Park recently under the direction of Mr. Ray Frederikson, organiser of the only full time Karate Club in New Zeaiand. Karate, as a sport, is considered one of the fastest of its kind and as a means of self-defence is almost unrivalled. At no time are blows allowed to fall – all blows being stopped short. This is sound reasoning as serious injury could result.

Ian Jennings makes knife attack. Marshall McDonagh counter attacks with a snap kick.

Graeme Frederikson comes in to attack and is warded off by Peter Reid, using his feet.

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Ian Jennings delivers a chop to the neck. Ken McLennan ducks and throws a punch to the ribs.

Paul Harris blocks a downwards blow and is ready with a punch to the stomach.

Ken McLennan blocks punch by Paul Harris and is about to deliver a back fist strike to his neck.

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Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Martin of 104 Gascoigne Street, Hastings, who recently celebrated fifty years of marriage.
Photo by Russell Orr


TOSCANO – MURRAY. At Saint Patrick’s Church, Napier, Diane Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs. A. F. Murray, Nelson Crescent, to Anthony John, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. V. Toscano, Wellington. Future home – Wellington.
Batchelors Studios Photo

21st Birthday Party

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Miller, pictured with their daughter, Maureen, at her 21st birthday party, which was held in the Buffalo Lodge, Takapau.
Wendy Studios Photo

To keep wedding photographs in proportion to other material in Photo News, we ask you to send in a 3 x 4 glossy print of the couple only.
However, for those who particularly want a 6 x 4 wedding group, Photo News will publish such groups on receipt of a ten shilling postal note with a 6 x 4 print.

Page 41


The Napier Easter Competitions set its usual high standard once again this year and we present here just a few of the 1200 competitors who took part in the festival this year.

Ballet group on stage.

Pretty little Linda Dagg faces the camera just before she faces her audience.

Carol Honeyfield performs a very attractive solo.

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Annette McCutcheon and Lynett Allis who both performed very competent skipping dances.

A group of happy attractive dancers, Carolyn Young, Jennifer Tarplett and Nerida Forward, all of Napier.

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Sharon Brabener of New Plymouth performs another type of dance.

The winning tap group, Lynette Ansin, Murray Owen and Linda Dagg.

Last minute briefing.

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Anzac Day was held this year with very little change. Everywhere in Hawke’s Bay, people assembled at Cenotaphs and Memorials to remember those who left these shores, never to return, but never to be forgotten.

May we not forget our glorious dead. May we not forget the future of our children.

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Paul, third son of Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Lightband. Vautier Street, Napier, celebrated at his home.

Kenneth White chose the James Banquet Lounge for his party. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. F. White, 10 Tripoli Street, Onekawa. Napier.

Photos by Batchelors Studio

Val Jones of Gordon Road, Hastings, is another lass who recently celebrated her coming-of-age. Val, who is now an Air Hostess with N.A.C., is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Jones.

Julie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Hamilton, Fitzroy Avenue, Hastings, had her party at the Casa Blanca.
Batchelors Studios Photo

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Being entertained to tea at the Napier Kindergarten, young members of the Napier Crippled Children’s Society round off a full day, after visiting the Game Farm, Fire Station and Aquarium.
A. W. Colley Photo

Mrs. Annie Thomsen, celebrated her 80th birthday at her home in Burnside, Takapau. All, but thirteen of her family were present. Mrs. Thomsen is in the centre of the front row.
Wendy Studios, Takapau

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The New Zealand Catholic Youth Club’s table tennis championships were held at McLean Park over Easter. Members came from all parts of the country to compete. The competition was played under New Zealand Table Tennis Association rules to which the Youth Clubs are affiliated.

Above: The final of the women‘s doubles (“B” Grade) Y. Fisher (Napier) and D. Rayner (Christchurch) versus A. O’Conner (Gisborne) and J. Sharman (Napier).

Judith Sharman of Napier, winner of the women’s “B” Grade Singles.

Young Pat Toye of Gisborne in action.

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Frank O’Gorman (right) winner of the men‘s “A” Grade Singles and his opponent Lou Sharman of Napier.

The assembled group of players at the contest.

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Grading Day at Ebbetts [Ebbett] Park, Hastings, provided some amusing incidents when the still camera stopped action. Featured here are just a few.
Batchelors Studios



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Wind power. picture showing some of the debris left after the wind had finished with the partly finished, new store of Robert Holt and Sons Ltd., in Ford Street, Onekawa.


IF you wish “Photo News” to cover any function
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These are our Only Phone Numbers

Page 54


Miss Scott holds the interest of her audience.

The use of colour in the home. Miss Valerie Scott, colour consultant to B.A.L.M. Paints, in conjunction with Holts, lectures to a packed audience in the War Memorial Hall, Napier. She demonstrated with the use of fabrics and paintings how colour harmonies and contrasts are achieved.

Colour plays an important part in every home and Miss Scott shows how it can be used to advantage throughout the home.

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At the time of Valerie Scott’s lectures, Holts organised a competition in which, competitors had to place the ten most popular colours in correct order. This was won by eight-year-old Christine Laidlaw of Otane, and above we see young Christine receiving her voucher, for £50 worth of goods from Robert Holt and Sons, and also a large box of chocolates from Valerie Scott.

A study in silhouette. The industrial skyline of Napier.

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A bridge with a difference. On the Waikoau Road that leads in to Holt’s Forest from the main Wairoa Road at Tutira, a bridge is being virtually launched across a gorge on the back of a truck.

The top picture shows the truck with bridge structure ready for launching.

A closer luck at the truck shows it is no ordinary vehicle. The wheels are heavy duty truck wheels and a turntable which carries the bridge is built in the centre of the wheel-base on a very heavy chassis.

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The gorge with the leading girders of the bridge showing on the left.

The old bridge which is being replaced.

Back cover

Next Issue
28th June

[Back cover photo – H.M.R.N.Z. Frigate “Rotoiti”.]

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Published November 1958 – June 1967

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June 1962


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