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- Hawke’s Bay Photo News 1965 – Number 080 July
Hawke’s Bay Photo News 1965 – Number 080 July
There is a good reason why Rothmans is the World’s largest selling – most wanted King Size Virginia. It’s simply that Rothmans extra length, finer filter and the best tobacco money can buy, give you a cooler, smoother, more satisfying taste. Try them yourself and you’ll agree.

Page 1
Vol. 7.
No. 8
July 1965
Editor Philip Moore
39-047 Napier Night 36-936
Postal Address
PO. Box 169, Napier
Published monthly by The Hawke’s Bay Publishing Co. Ltd. on the 4th Thursday of every month
“Photo News” mailed to you on receipt of 12-issue sub. of 33/-
MacConnells Photo Service
Dickens Street, Napier
Batchelor Studios
231 Heretaunga Street W., Hastings
Phone 88-766
Tennyson St., Napier – Phone 7413
Processed and Printed Photo-litho for the Publishers by Swailes, Hurst & Co. Ltd., Napier
Photographs in “H.B. Photo News” may be obtained through –
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Front Cover. Jeanette Shaw of Hastings, modelling one of the gowns to be shown at the Napier Industrial Exhibition.
Back Cover. Surely one of the loveliest parts of Hawke’s Bay is Lake Tutira. A fine windless day, a fishing rod and the tranquil waters of the lake, what more can anyone ask?
Shown here are but five of the forty model garments to be shown at the Exhibition.
“Paris Entertains”. Jeanette models a gold hostess gown with pantaloons to match.

Page 4
ALLEN – TUOHY. Beverly Anne, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Tuohy, Hastings, was recently married to Graeme Karl, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Allen, Waipukurau, at St. Matthew’s Church, Hastings. The group, from left, is: Lynette Hutchins, Barry Campbell, Helen Carrington, groom and bride, Shirley McLaren and Bruce Allen.
Photo by Lovell-Smith
HEATON – HORN. Roslyn Merle, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. C. J. Horn, Tuai, was recently married to Bruce Leonard, only son of Mr. and Mrs. F. L Heaton, Shannon.
Photo by Batchelors Studios
WALLIS – ROBERTSON. Jean Lynette, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Robertson, Bay View, and Arnold Robert, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. Wallis, Masterton, are seen after their wedding at St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church, Napier.
Photo by Hurst Studio
BayCraft Homes now have a wonderfully attractive range of Plan “Specials” for those homeowners who want individuality in home styling.
It pays to be modern. It’s wise to examine the new. So be sure to call on BayCraft Homes, King Street South, Hastings (c/o- Robert Fenton & Co.). Phone 88-773.
A “BAYCRAFT” OF 1175 sq. ft.
“A name for better homes”
P.O. Box 732
Please send me your free illustrated booklet “PLANS IN THE MODERN MANNER”.
Page 6
Hundreds of people, both young and old, visited the flying fields at Irongate Road recently during the Hastings Model Aero Club’s radio controlled rally and watched the vast assortment of beautifully finished planes go through their paces.
Above: A general scene over a range of aircraft.
Below: Jack Godfrey of Hastings warms up the engines on his twin motor Cessna 310.
Page 7
John Clark of Napier stands at the ready prior to launching his gigantic model of a Newport.
Below: Sorting out the pieces. These two Havelock North men, Brian Perry and Bruce Henderson, will have to start from scratch and rebuild their Gee String model. It was wrecked in a spectacular mid-air collision with Mike Kendrick’s King Cobra.
Page 8
A Mustang (top left) sweeps low over the crowd in a delightful exhibition of controlled flying.
Top right: Recognise him? Why it’s Hawke’s Bay golfer Stuart Jones who is also addicted to this fascinating hobby.
Below left: Bob Milne of Hastings prepares to get his aircraft on the move.
Below right: Neville Dawson, who has won the New Zealand stunt plane title for the last three years, about to enthrall the crowd with some stomach turning displays.
Page 10
Two sports which have been attracting both men and women to its ranks for many years are table tennis and badminton, both of which have club nights at the Centennial Hall, Napier. Though the number of female members has declined in recent years as far as table tennis is concerned, there is still a nucleus of enthusiastic women and girls who derive much enjoyment from this game. Shown above is a general view of the stadium with both sports in progress.
Shown action in grade “A” table tennis are (left) Len Sharman (Villa) and Mike Mabbett (Nomads), a former Hutt Valley rep. and former N.Z Junior Champion.
Page 13
The recent Treasure Chest Key-Mania staged by 2Z.C. [2ZC] in conjunction with the Napier Development Association and local retailers, attracted an enthusiastic crowd when held on the Marine Parade beach. Those who found the keys qualified to enter a contest with a chance to win £200. As can be seen above, for those participating it was a case of “Heads down and . . ”
Winner of one of the keys was Mrs. Burgess of Dannevirke
Chatting with announcer Keith Richardson was voucher winner R. J. Dansby of Havelock North.
Page 14
Excellent weather prevailed for the New Zealand Pony Club’s cross country championships held at Maraekakaho recently, which were contested by some 80 young riders. Above: Some of the riders assemble at the starting point for the A.I. Championship.
Below left: All the way from Southland came Donna Menlove (left) and Ngaire Bennett.
Below right: Changing a film to record this great get-together of young horse lovers is Robert Scott of Cambridge.
Page 15
Jackie Talbot of Heretaunga negotiating the road works and drain on her mount Hunters Lodge during the A.I. Cup competition at the Pony Club cross country course at Maraekakaho.
Below left: Charging for the finishing line is Tauranga rider Pat Goodwin on her horse Rum.
Lower right: No need for spurs on this steed, Mr. H. “Toby” Simmonds
Page 16
A few of the young riders in action on the cross country course. Top left: Donna Menlove on Cindy taking the willow.
Top right: Annette Baxter on Delmont Lad taking the water course.
Lower left: Ken Gumbley of Gisborne taking the willow.
Lower right: Fraser Wilson of Wairoa galloping over the finishing line.
Page 17
Reunited after 15 years were these three sisters, Mrs. R. Mullholland, Napier, Miss E. Preece, New York, and Mrs. L. Crompton, Napier. Miss Preece, who is a dietician in a New York hotel, last saw her sisters in England in 1950.
GARRETT – ADAMS. June Caroline, eldest daughter of Mr. J. Adams and the late Mrs. K. Adams, Napier, was recently married to Vernon George, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. B. Garrett, of Sunshine, Taumarunui, at St. Patrick’s Church, Napier. The group, from left, is: Mervyn Adams, Merle Adams, bride and groom, Cherrie Breading and Gus Macintyre.
Page 18
The scene in the St. John Ambulance Hall, Hastings, recently during a contest in the North Island Fencing Championships. Pictured during a contest are Misses M. Crofski (Ohakea) and S. Kersting. Between the two fencers is Mrs. M. Binning of Hastings who finished third in the women’s foil.
Below, some of the women contestants, from left to right: Elizabeth Stanford (Wellington), Merilyn Rowe (Wellington), Greta Firth (Wellington), Wendy Baker (Wellington).
Page 19
Incidents photographed during the North Island Fencing Championships recently. Top right: Keeping watch on the points recorder are David Eccleston and Chris Beeby.
Below: L. V. Hopwood of Wellington prepares for a contest.
Below right: One of the most promising competitors to emerge from the tournament was the Aucklander R. Peterson (left) shaking hands with G. Johnson.
Page 21
Training for the future in industrial safety. Groups of various Hawke’s Bay schools were busy with pen and notebooks recently when they visited the special Industrial Safety Exhibition in Hastings and Napier. A group of Lindisfarne students appear a little apprehensive about this display depicting eye injuries.
Below: Intermediate students note the value of a reinforced toe cap in a boot caught under a heavy load.
Page 22
LANE – JENSEN. Recently married at St. John’s Cathedral, Napier, were Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Jensen, Napier, and Peter, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Lane, Greenmeadows. The group, from left, is: Vivienne Jensen, Neville Thompson, Marion McLeod, groom and bride, Morris Moss, Joanne Jensen, Earl Lindsay and the flowergirls are Catherine Wakelin, Susan Halse and Yvonne Campbell.
Photo by Hurst Studio
Page 23
BLOW – BAILLIE. Mr. and Mrs. Cubitt Blow are seen after their wedding in St. John’s Cathedral, Napier. The bride is Helen Ruth Hamilton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Baillie, Napier, and the groom is Cubitt Michael John, son of Mrs. T. Blow, Napier.
Photo by Hurst Studios
WARDLE – O’CONNELL. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Maxwell Wardle were recently married at St. Mary’s Church, Ahuriri. The bride is Christine Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. O’Connell, Napier, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. P. Wardle, Napier.
MacConnells Photo Service
Page 24
Over 3000 people packed Emerson Street, Napier, when the Napier Lions Club held its Maytime Market. The proceeds from the Market are for a Mobile First Aid Unit for the St. John Ambulance. Here we show the scene as hundreds of bargain hunters throng the various stalls.
Napier’s Mayor, Mr. Peter Tait, refused to show the “White Feather” in the fowl-plucking contest.
Winner of the Treasure Chest was Mr. M. P. Stratton, shown turning the lucky key.
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The popularity of the auctions may be gauged by the size of the crowd shown above.
The Mock Court brought various charges against prominent citizens. A desperate attempt to escape by Vic Viggers only made the “Judge” Wilder ! ! ! Restraining the “accused” were L. G. Nicholson and Ted Gillespie.
“Judge” Jock Stevenson passes sentence on Chief Traffic Officer Alan Smith. The charge laid by the “Clerk of the Court”, Colin Anderson, was That he did Park with the Meter Maids.
Page 26
A highlight of the Maytime Market was the sewing competition between All Blacks Kel Tremain, Ian MacRae, ex-All Black Doug Dalton and Olympic boxer Paddy Donovan. Shown modelling the “muddles” are from left: Nicola Hearn; Robyn Bayliss, Roslyn Earle and Patricia Cummins.
Ian MacRae cuts up the centre and tries to sew the game up.
Winner of the contest, Doug Dalton, whose creation(?) was modelled by Roslyn Earle, displays his award by Neville Lodge.
Proven performance at reasonable cost – that’s the reason for VICTOR Paint’s success. Those that have used Victor Paints know their history of durability. . . . Here are some typical prices that prove their economy:
lst Quality Finishing Paints, 53/6 gallon.
Duralised linseed Oil Finishing Paint, 53/6 gallon.
lst Quality Undercoats, 52/6 gallon.
lst Quality Exterior White Primer, 48/9 gallon.
G.P. 1056 LR. Pink Primer, 52/- gallon.
Bright Red Oxide, 46/- gallon.
Aluminium “Silver Bright”, 37/6 gallon.
Interior Primer Undercoat, 45/6 gallon.
With “instant-on” transistor circuitry. No heat, no hum, or microphonics – pure sound and longer component life. Enjoy radio or your favourite records wherever you are with this stylish portable. In new American Royalite – Coral and Ivory, Blue and Ivory or Grey and Ivory. 8 Transistor radio, 4-speed top quality record player. All controls easily accessible. Uses a long life heavy duty battery. You’ll want it with you wherever you are. £29/17/6.
“Mardi Gras”
Page 28
The Wairoa Little Theatre’s production “Ali Baba” once again up to the high standard set by previous shows, was presented at the Municipal Theatre, Napier. Ladies of the Chorus are, from left: Daphne Coyle, Julie McLaren, Lorraine Dick, Jo Mataua and Emma Chapman.
Shirley Mildon-Ferguson, as Ali Baba’s slave, shown with Shirley Anderson, as the Principal Boy.
Luya Karauria as Ali Baba’s wife.
Page 31
A recent visitor to Hawke’s Bay was the Rt. Rev. Andndarao Samuel of South India, photographed with the Primate of New Zealand, Archbishop N. A. Lesser, with their two wives. Bishop Samuel, who addressed gatherings in Napier and Hastings, is Bishop of a diocese having 92 clergymen and 130,000 congregation.
An elderly Hastings grandmother died a few days after her car (above) collided with a goods train at the Ellison Street crossing just by the Napier boundary. Her three young grandchildren had a narrow escape from death, remaining in their seats after the impact.
Page 32
MULDER – ANDERSON. Recently married at St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church, Napier, were Valerie Joy Anderson and Donald Mulder. The group, from left, is: Glenis Adams, Robert Hargraves, Gail Severinsen, groom and bride, Diane McAuley, Brian Jobson and Kim Mulder.
MacConnells Photo Service
Keith Haswell, youngest nephew of Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Howell, recently celebrated his 21st birthday at the Masonic Lodge, Napier.
Photo by Batchelors Studios
This young lady looks like a future contender for Miss New Zealand. She is Jacqueline Lincoln, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln, Hastings.
Reader’s Picture
Page 33
Thirteen former pupils of Iona Girl’s College recently made their debut at the Iona Ball. The girls made their curtsies to Mr. Duncan Maclntyre, M.P. for Hastings, and Mrs. MacIntyre.
The debutantes from left are: (Back) Susanne Kelt, Judith Thomson, Catherine McKinnon, Ngaire Fountain [Fountaine], Mary-Ann Carter.
(Centre) Prudence Mossman, Margaret Robb, Julie Wyllie, Christine Craig-Smith.
(Front) Yolande Harper, Christine Hardy, Mr. and Mrs. MacIntyre, Mary Paton and Gay Lopdell.
Photo by Batchelors Studios
Shown above is the latest intake of student nurses at the Napier Public Hospital
Page 35
SMILEY – TRISTRAM. Married at St. Augustine’s Church, recently, were Valerie, daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. J. Tristram, Greenmeadows, and Robert (Bob), son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Smiley, Taradale. The group, from left, is: Richard Smiley, Beverley Tristram, groom and bride, Graham Tristram and Judith Hopkins.
Photo by Hurst Studio
KIRTLAN – POWDRELL. Married at St. John’s Cathedral, Napier, were Helen Betty, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Powdrell, Napier, and Flt/Lt. John Dale Kirtlan, only son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Kirtlan, Kaitaia. The group, from left, is: Fl/Off. Milton Wylie, Sharon Kirtlan, groom and bride, Flt/lt. Murray Bond and Ruth Powdrell.
Photo by Hurst Studio
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The Mayfair Free Kindergarten Mothers’ Club recently held a fashion Show with a difference, the model garments were all made from that versatile material “sacking”. Shown from left: Pat Scarrott in a “maternity” frock and Diane Newdick, Marie O’Connor and Judith Charlton, all in the latest beachwear.
Shirley Hook modelling the latest sack look in bridal gowns.
A “model” gown shown by Rosalie Taylor.
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Margaret Rosvall in baby doll pyjamas, Elona Myhill in a smart day-sack, and Doreen Stewart models a nightgown.
The Tigers Indoor Basketball Club recently made a presentation to Mervyn and Ray Forman before their departure for Washington, to represent New Zealand in the Indoor Basketball at the Deaf Olympics. Shown above are Mervyn Forman, Len Johansson and Ray Forman.
Page 38
Sorting out the programme for the evening’s boxing at the Hawke’s Bay Boxing Association’s annual amateur tournament are from left: G. Winsley (Dannevirke), Oam Hay, Bobo Fitzwater and W. Baillie.
Lower left: Woodham’s trainer, Mr. Colin Sturges, bandages Errol Hart’s fists before his bout.
Lower right: Glove attendant Mr. Dave Wilson checks up on his stock.
Page 39
Hawke’s Bay’s New Zealand Amateur feather-weight boxing representative, Ivan Woodham, recently announced his retirement from the ring on medical grounds. However, the boxing association have one tangible piece of evidence to remember him by with the presentation from him and his uncle, Tom Woodham, of this fine trophy which will be known as the Woodham Challenge Trophy. It will be presented annually to the most scientific junior boxer. Ivan is shown holding the gold plated trophy.
Top right: H. Ratama, Wairoa, connects with a strong right to the face of G. Pascoe, Hastings, during their bantam-weight contest. Ratama won the fight.
Lower right: P. Troy, Napier (right), and P. Hutchins of Wairoa, in their three round flyweight contest.
Page 40
This bout proved to be the most amusing of all seen at the amateur contest. It was merely a case of push and shove through the whole three rounds, barely one solid right hand punch was thrown. The high-handed boys are B. Wakely (Greendale) left, and B. Greentree of Napier, in the black. The decision was given to Wakely.
Lower left: A dazed J. McIntosh (left), Hastings, ducks under a rain of stiff rights from Dannevirke’s E. Moore.
Below right; A determined young boxer, E. Hart of Woodhams (right), won his three round bout against J. Augustine of Dannevirke.
Page 41
Jaycees were out in force recently, participating in several projects to assist the community. The annual firewood distribution to pensioners was once again willingly undertaken. Shown bagging wood are Jaycees Roger Brebner, Herb Tayler, Noel Wilson, Ray Reid, Ian Price, Rene Veen, Ian Brown and Jack Semple.
Under construction by Napier Jaycees is this recreation room for the unmarried mothers at Bethany Home. Some of the Jaycees shown assisting in this project are George Gillies, Ian Scott and son Tony, Neville Sceats, Colin Turner, John Pudney, Wray Evans (Convener) and Art Kramer.
Page 42
The Annual Sub Union Day unearthed, with one or two exceptions, very little new talent for Mr. Colin LeQuesne, the sole Hawke’s Bay selector. Here we show B. Sharp, C.H.B., scoring against Taupo in what was generally agreed to be one of the most uninspiring matches played at McLean Park for some considerable time.
Napier carried far too many guns for Dannevirke who never gave up trying. Above, Napier’s All Black, Ian MacRae, shown scoring one of his two tries.
Napier wing Bill Davis had too much pace for his opposite number.
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Twelve selected Hawke’s Bay artists recently participated in a five day art course under the guidance of Mr. William Jones (above), a leading New Zealand artist. The course was organised by Mr. Norman Haig, instructor for the adult education department of the Victoria University, Wellington. Pictured at work on their canvasses near a Te Mata vineyard are Mrs. B. Forde and Mr. Louis Theakstone.
Page 45
The Napier Municipal Theatre has now an electronic organ which has been used during the recent church choirs festival and will be available for visiting artists and also for city functions. Trying out the new Wurlitzer organ is Mr. B. Cox, organist for the Trinity Methodist Church, Napier.
A radio which burst into flames in this apartment house in Hastings recently, caused severe damage to one room and set fire to furniture and furnishings. Hastings firemen are shown removing smouldering kapok from a smoke filled room.
Page 46
The Napier Indoor Bowling season is once more in full swing. The Napier Association, with over 1200 members, held its Opening Night at the Centennial Hall, recently. Here we show a view of the Hall with some of the 300 who turned up for an evening’s bowling.
The Napier Association’s Singles Champion for the past three years, Kere Kirini, puts a bowl down the mat.
Urging his bowl along was well known Taradale bowler, A. H. Knowles.
Page 47
Lorraine Evans, Napier, who was having her first evening of bowls, appears undecided which course to take.
One of the oldest player is Central’s A.J. Campbell, 79, who has been playing for six years.
Jack Roche, Napier, measures up.
W. Walford, Puketapu, appears to be pointing the direction for his bowl.
Page 49
Members of the N.Z.Roto-Craft Assn. gathered at Napier airport for their annual rally. Though there are only 30 machines in the country, enthusiasts arrived from as far apart as North Cape to Invercargill. Above is pictured Alf Crowe of Bulls, Secretary of the association, in flight.
About to take off is Fraser McDonald of Feilding. These machines, which weigh 135 lbs., can be made for approximately £100. So next time you have a free weekend …
Youngest Gyro Glider pilot in New Zealand is 16 year old Graham Mullooly of Gisborne, who soloed at 14 ! ! !
Page 50
GIBSON – BALDOCK. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Graeme Gibson were recently married in St. Augustine’s Church, Napier. The bride is Gay Valerie, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Baldock, Napier, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. K. Gibson, Waipawa.
Photos by Hurst Studio
APPLEBY – BONIFACE. Recently married in St. Augustine’s Church, Napier, were Lyndsay Marion, daughter of Mrs. R. Boniface, Napier, and Leonard Francis, son of Mrs. C. Appleby, Hastings.
Photo by Hurst Studio
Page 51
WHARTON-PATERSON. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Wharton were recently married at St. Paul’s Church, Napier. The bride is Carolyn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Paterson, Napier, and the groom is the son of Mrs. A. C. Wharton, Napier.
Photo by Hurst Studio
KEOGAN – McIVER. Recently married at St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church, Napier, were Mr. and Mrs. Barry Thomas Keogan. The bride was Barbara, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McIver, Napier, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Keogan, Otahuhu.
Photo by Hurst Studio
Page 52
Three Wairoa cyclists cleaned up the top positions in the Leopard seven mile handicap colts cycling race at Havelock North. The winner was Andrew Taylor (centre), with R. Woolf (left) second and R. Cooper third.
In the senior 28 mile event the top honours went to Wellington rider C. Bramley (centre) who also won the 33 mile sponsored race on the Puketapu circuit. Second place went to D. Garrard (right) of Palmerston North and third to Dannevirke rider Des Stephens.
Page 53
Making due preparations prior to a road cycling event involves much work by both riders and officials, shown on this page in some normal duties. Top left: Neville Rogers checks over a bike for safety regulations.
Top right: Assistant starter G. E. Murphy laying the finishing line on the asphalt.
Lower left: Wellington rider G. Bendrey checks on his tyre pressures.
Lower right: Lionel Ravel of Feilding and Kathleen Hopping carry out repairs on a set of handlebars.
Page 55
David Yuile and Stephen Taylor (top left) aid each other in donning their identification numbers.
Announcer Jack Anderson (above right) rallies the riders for the start of a race.
Chatting over their prospects are from left: Allister Guyton (Wanganui), Trevor Craig (Wanganui), Des Thomson. (Auckland) and Maurice Mildenhall (Wanganui).
Page 56
English jazzman Kenny Ball and his band had a rousing welcome when they arrived at Napier recently. There to greet them was Ernie Rouse and his “Trad men” who were warming it up in the airport terminal building as the English boys disembarked.
Top: Kenny reads some late news from home and smiles contentedly.
Below: Meeting Ernie Rouse (left).
Lower right: Kenny has a word or two with Ray Ball about the double bass.
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