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- Hawke’s Bay Photo News 1961 – Number 033 August
Hawke’s Bay Photo News 1961 – Number 033 August
Page 1
Vol. 3
No. 9
Editor Arch. Barclay
Photographer Phil Moore
Telephone 39-047, Napier
Postal Address
P.O. Box 169, Napier
Published monthly by The Hawke’s Bay Publishing Co. Ltd. on the 4th Thursday of every month
“Photo News” mailed to you on receipt of 12-issue sub. of 32/-
Batchelor Studios
231 Heretaunga Street W., Hastings
Phone 88-766
Tennyson St., Napier – Phone 7413
Printed photo-litho for the Publishers by Swailes, Hurst & Co. Ltd., Napier
Photographs in “H.B. Photo News” may be obtained through –
The Editor, H.B. Publishing Co.
P.O. Box 169, Napier
State clearly page number on which photo appears, and a full description of photograph.
Enclose Postal Note to value of –
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(Above prices include Postage)
Front Cover. Former Napier girl, Dawn Unsworth of Auckland, who plays the leading role of Marsinah in the Napier Operatic Society’s production of “Kismet”. Dawn played the lead in the Auckland Light Opera Company’s “Pink Champagne” and has sung several leading Gilbert and Sullivan roles with the Titirangi Light Opera.
On the dramatic stage she recently played the mother in an Auckland presentation of “Amahl and the Night Visitors”.
See pictures of “Kismet” on pages 24-26.
Photos by Phil Moore
Back Cover. An early morning study on a quiet backwater of the Tukituki River near Pukeora.
Photographer, Laurence Abrahams
The strong hands of a potter at work. The craft of potting takes many years to master, but even in learning, those who dabble in it find great satisfaction and pleasure. Hawke’s Bay has a keen group of potters who work as a branch of the Art Society. They find a ready market for their work in the Province. See feature story on pages 28-30.

Page 2
Hawke’s Bay’s only goal against the Indian Wanderers came from this melee in front of the goalmouth in the second half of their match at Nelson Park, Hastings. The game was notable for its speed and the excellent standard of play achieved by the Hawke’s Bay side. Although the final score was 6-1 the game was by no means one-sided. Superior combination and positional play was the key to the Indians’ success.
An incident typical of the game when quick stick work changed the flow of play in a flash. Gurdev Singh broke through here to take a shot at goal.
A Hawke’s Bay player makes a break through the strong Wanderers’ defence.

Page 3
One of the Indian team obliges children with his autograph.
Mr. P. King escorts the Wanderers’ manager, Gurnaran Singh, to the stand. This is his third visit to New Zealand with Indian hockey teams.
Eddie and Gwen Culver, now on a holiday trip to Hong Kong and Japan after a lifetime of service to the City of Hastings. Eddie has spent 43 years of his 48 years of working life as “Daily Telegraph” reporter in Hastings. For 22 years he and his wife conducted the Hastings children’s sessions on both 2ZL and 2ZH – the Hastings and Napier broadcasting stations of the ’20s and ’30s.
Besides his demanding newspaper work Eddie Culver has given much of his time to local charities, and was one of the founders of “Greater Hastings”. He and Mrs. Culver have always had an interest in children – particularly the less fortunate ones in hospitals and homes.
We know all our readers will join “Photo News” in wishing Eddie and Gwen Culver a full and happy retirement.
Send a friend a PHOTO News
The answer to our picture puzzle on page 45.
Page 4
Alison McCormick to Jim McMinn
Alison’s parents own the Spa Private Hotel, Napier. Jim is a son of Mr. and Mrs. F. McMinn, McGrath Street, Napier.
Batchelors Studios Photo
Rona Parsons to Peter Gibson
Rona is a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Parsons. Peter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Gibson, live in Freyberg Terrace, Waipukurau.
Batchelors Studios Photo
21st Birthdays
Douglas Owen, son of Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Owen, Rutherford Road, Napier, with his parents.
Janice Cox and Mason Price who are cousins, shared their 21st party at the ex-Navalmen’s Hall. Janice and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Cox, Hutt City, came up for the occasion. Mason is a son of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Price, Nuffield Avenue, Napier.
Marlene Goodman, daughter of Mr and Mrs Ken Goodman, Charles St., Westshore, celebrated in the Red Cross Hall, Napier.
Batchelors Studios Photos
Mrs. F.E. Ireland, Henry Charles Crescent, Napier.
Page 5
At Sacred Heart Church, Hastings, Sais Maureen Russell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Russell, Grays Road, Hastings to Gary Kemble Wattie, son of Mrs. F. E. Curran, “Red Oaks”, Hastings. The group from left: Nolan Wattie, Colleen Tait, the bride and groom, Elizabeth Fraser and Brian Lynch.
Batchelors Studios Photo
At Nelson Street Hall, Hastings, Gwennith Faith Forsyth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. Forsyth, Te Mata Road, Havelock North, to Douglas John Whitfield, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Whitfield, Hodgsons Road, Pakowhai. The group from left: Valda Donald, Alan Whitfield, the groom and bride, David Whitfield and Pamela Arnold.
Lovell-Smith Photo
Page 6
“What happened to my feet?”
This fellow was most concerned as he paraded at the Hastings Poultry, Pigeon and Cagebird Club’s show at Tomoana Showgrounds. He is a black-red game cockerel, owned by Mr. Wooster and judged best bantam in the show.
Show secretary, Max Mitchell, and Mr. G.E. Moody, a judge, with the winning Rhode Island Red cockerel, standard class.
The winning Plymouth Rock cockerel, entered by Mrs. C.E. Kirkman.
Graham King of Hastings was chief bird looker-after and general handyman.
“WOW’ – Mr. E.D. Vincent’s old English game, spangled hen bantam – best hen in class.
Page 7
“I beg your pardon?”
Red Canary
“What’s he got to pout about? He’s knock-kneed anyway!”
Mr. Les Oman, a judge from New Plymouth, and Dave Wilson, a steward, with the champion Rhode Island Red cock, utility class. It’s owned by Mr. T.B. Holdaway, Palmerston North.
When do the doors open?
Page 8
Graphic Art
This tangle of crane jibs on the waterfront, submitted by D. J. Ramage was judged winning entry in a Graphic Art Competition sponsored by the Wellington Harbour Board during the Festival of Wellington. The theme was a design suitable for an advertising poster. Don Ramage, for some years art master at Wellington College, is an old boy of Napier Boys’ High School. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Ramage, live in Napier
Second place went to this lithograph by Juliet Peter. Both were recently on show at the Hawke’s Bay Art Gallery.
Napier has a Shamrock, a Rose and a Thistle street, but somehow the City fathers overlooked the Welsh!
Another prickly customer who just happened on the back lawn. The Napier City Council would undoubtedly call him a HEGDEHOG.
If it’s a News Picture –
to get a “ Photo News ” CAMERAMAN to COVER ANY FUNCTION
Page 9
The huge tree stamp in this picture crashed through a window of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Channery’s lounge in Plassey Street, Havelock North, when a sudden cloudburst raised the timid, little Mangarau Stream into a raging torrent in a few minutes on the night of June 23rd. There was no time to lift carpets or drive cars to higher ground. Houses were surrounded with water before most occupants realised it.
Volunteers help clear away some of the debris next day.
Several sections like Mr. D. A. Dixon’s in Lucknow Road were pumped dry by the fire brigade.
Somebody was fortunate to have two bottles of milk by the look of the other four.
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Page 11
Water polo was forbidden on the flooded playing field at Greenmeadows school. The six-feet-deep drains on Gloucester Street were unable to cope with the downpour. The school is in the same area as Prince’s subdivision which still gets its (un)fair share of winter flooding. Paradoxically, the large pipes to drain the area better have been sitting on the other side of Gloucester Street for the past year waiting for contractors to get to them. The Taradale Borough Council provided this pump to help move the water.
Local residents feel the fire notice at left is superfluous.
These dogs stayed dejectedly on their island.
Page 12
The Taradale bus negotiates the Pakowhai “dip”. Many people imagine flooding of the dip just happens. In fact, it is controlled by floodgates operated by the Catchment Board to relieve the lower reaches of the Ngaruroro River and thus prevent backing up of water in the tributary, Karamu Creek.
The piers of the Brookfields Bridge bear witness to heavy falls in the back country.
0n October 16, 1959, Birdwood Street, Taradale, looked like this, after 7-8 inches of rain in 24 hours. After three inches in June this year there was no sign of flooding.
At least some of Taradale’s drainage problems seem to have improved.
Page 13
Mrs. M. Bishop, the proprietress of the Clarendon Hotel, Napier, seen with her right-hand man, Reg Stacey, and Jack Ireland, on the closing night of this Napier landmark which has seen much of the city’s history pass before and through its doors. The passing of the Clarendon marks the end of an era – the last wooden building of any consequence in the city area.
For the last time the barman performed his party tricks.
Several patrons of the Clarendon took the opportunity on this closing night to express their views on the matter – something seldom done in public by retiring New Zealanders.
Some of the chief mourners in the public bar partaking of the last sad rites before closing time.
Page 14
Hastings Wedding
At Sacred Heart Church, Hastings: Lois Aline Cooper, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.V. Cooper, Whakatu, to Raymond Owen Wills, son of Mr. and Mrs. O. Wills, Naenae, Hutt Valley. The group from left: Brent Belsher, Faye Jorgensen, the groom and bride, “Buster” Cooper and Iral Wills. The groom is a member of the Royal N.Z. Engineers. Their future home will be at Linton.
Stuart Johnson Photo
At St. Matthew’s Church, Hastings: Norma Hayes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. Hayes, Victoria Street, to Nelson Boag, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Boag, Jervois Street, Hastings.
Batchelors Studios Photo
Napier Wedding
At Baptist Church, Napier: Margaret Ellina McEachen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. McEachen, Waghorne Street, Ahuriri, to Terry George Freemantle, son of Mr. and Mrs. F Freemantle, Goldsmith Road, Napier.
Batchelors Studio Photo
Page 15
21st Birthdays
Malcolm Nash, of Ellison Street, Napier, with his family at his 21st. From left: Tom Brown (toastmaster), Mrs. Nash, Malcolm, Walter, Leslie, Janet, and Mr. L. R. Nash.
Trevor Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Jones, Latham Street, Napier, seen with his parents at the Ex-Navalmen’s Hall, Onekawa.
Batchelors Studios Photo.
Roslyne Earle with her mother, Mrs. W. Earle at her party in the Memorial Pavilion, Haumoana.
Batchelors Studios Photo
Ted Smith with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smith, Marine Pde., Napier. Ted held his party at home.
Photo by Batchelors Studios
Graeme Shaw of Poukawa, held his 21st at the Twyford Hall, Hastings, With him are his father, Mr. F. J. Shaw, and his brothers Barry and John.
MacConnells Photo Service
Page 16
Ambitious Project of Hastings Form I
Children of room 3 at Heretaunga Intermediate School, Hastings, recently put on a display that would have done any class credit and gladdened the teacher’s heart. They culminated their term’s work with a programme of original poetry, prose, drama and song staged in the school’s spacious assembly hall.
Tied in with their social studies, the children performed a play written and narrated by Glenis Read round an Indian theme. From left, the cast were: Leslie Clapcott (Father Wolf), Vivienne Douglas (Baloo), Steven Mitchell (Shere Khan), Jane Rankin (Mowgli), Phillipa Walker (Mother Wolf), Stephanie Norton (Bagheera) and Glenis Read, the author.
Parents, other form I classes, and senior classes from contributing schools were all invited to this special programme.
Static displays in the classroom with many of the children in Indian costume, were also part of the display. Here Virginia Wayne proudly displays her work on the history of India.
These three girls, Phillipa Walker, Shirley Hawkes and Cheryl Boyle, decked themselves in saris, or their equivalent, for the occasion.
Page 17
For his social studies project John Kyngdon took on the far-from-easy task of creating Indian buildings in miniature – a worthy effort.
No less ambitious were Richard Jackson and Robin Hopkirk, with a model depicting hydro-electric power and a display on money in India.
To show their versatility and talents, the class also sang the song “India” – the music composed by the children.The words were written by Grant Thompson, sixth from the right in the back row.
Footnote: Who dares to mutter “They don’t teach ’em today as good as they taught ’em in my day”? – Editor
Page 18
H. B. v WGTON.
Vocal supporters of Hawke’s Bay questioned this first try scored by Pickering, Wellington number 8, in the recent clash between the two provinces. However, they’d have needed to be closer to the play than our cameraman to be sure about it. We’re quite content to leave the decision to the referee, Mr. S. Anaru.
A pyramid of arms and bodies as forwards go up for the ball in a lineout.
H. Maniopoto tries to get the ball away to L. Gardiner as he goes down in a tackle by fullback M. Williment, Wellington.
Davis and other H.B. players race for the ball on defence as Wellington centre J. W. Miller takes a hand in things.
Page 19
Hawke’s Bay halfback, C. Eddy takes up gymnastics as a bunch of buck forwards plough over him.
C.H. Toomey, Wellington hooker, gets lost in a Hawke’s Bay headlock while Eddy waits for the ball – or the head – to come loose.
Five-eighths, A. Johnston (H.B.) gets a good clearing kick away. The final score was Wellington 13, Hawke’s Bay 3.
Page 20
Like a Roman amphitheatre, McLean Park, Napier, is ready for the French tourists. Extra stands encircling the field hold enough studs for about a hundred house frames – to be sat upon (temporarily) by 15,000 human frames each allowed 16 inches on which to spread. The existing stands will hold another 8000.
Quite a story lies behind the erection of these stands. Three mills, including the State Mill at Rotorua, were called on to supply the ten thousand 16-feet 4 x 2s necessary to make the seats alone. It took a team of five men at Fletcher’s timber-yard, Napier, eight days to cut them – all exactly 16 feet so they can be sold afterwards for house studs. It took another team of six or eight men eight days to cut all the supports and braces for the temporary stands – mostly 5 x 4 heart timber. And at that point they hadn’t even started construction!
To the rugby fan who has attended McLean Park’s big games in the past, the sight there on July 29th will be an eye-opener.
The Fletcher Timber Co. Ltd.
through its subsidiary
Tuck Bros. (Napier) Ltd.
First, 16,000 super feet of Heart Matai flooring for the Centennial hall floor, now all the timber for the temporary stands pictured on these pages of “Photo News.
Ten thousand pieces of 4 x 2 treated Radiata, each 16′ long – enough for studs for 100 houses – was one item of this supply.
The Fletcher Timber Co. Ltd.
When YOU have a timber supply problem contact the Fletcher Timber Co. Ltd. or a subsidiary – anywhere in New Zealand.
These Temporary Grandstands, holding some 15,000 people (covered stand seating totals 8000) have been erected by
in only three weeks
Made possible by our hard-working staffs and excellent timber service by Tuck Bros. We hope you enjoy the game, and remind you that you can also enjoy a
built by our organisations, who are grouped to give quick and efficient service in the home-building field.
170,000 ft. of TIMBER
is to be disposed of after the match at attractive discount on new price. Tucks will supply finishings to go with same. All timber is Boric-treated Radiata, square both ends, with no more than two or three nail holes in each piece. Majority in 16′ lengths No. 1 Grade – remainder No. 2 Grade. Choose your lengths.
For Price List apply either contractor
Page 22
Some of R.G. and C. Alexander’s employees cutting the heavy supports, 2000 in all. They are Ben Hall (foreman), Tom Bielby and Peter Nepata, who all assisted in erecting the stands.
To cut the 16-footers after they had been fed through the planer, Fletchers used two rise-and-fall saws set rigidly at the right distance on a special bench. Each length was then placed in position and the saws raised from below by a foot movement of Bob McKay and John Calnan the two operators. A fleet of trucks made about 60 trips to carry all the timber to the park.
Construction of the stands at the park was a major undertaking in itself, even though everything was precut. Alexander’s and Curtis’s men, twelve of them, took about a month on this final stage.
Page 23
21st Birthdays
Judith Burns, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Burns, Hastings
Andrew Giffney, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. Giffney, Karamu Settlement Road.
Photo by Candid Camera Studies
Mel Rogers with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Rogers, Hood Street Hastings.
Photo by B. Raxworthy
Margaret Isabell Mathers, seen with her family at her 21st held in the Raukawa Hall. From Left: Peter, Mrs. Mathers, Mr. A. Mathers, Heather, Margaret, John and David.
Batchelors Studios
Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Smith, Dennett Street, Hastings, have spent 50 glorious years together. They recently celebrated their Golden Wedding.
Candid Camera Studies
Page 24
These voluptuous creatures of the harem could add nothing but glamour to the current Napier Operatic Society’s production of “Kismet” It opens in Napier on August 5th.
Lynette McCutcheon of Hastings, who alternates with Nora Glew as a Balinese princess.
The leading baritone role of Hajj, the wily poet, will be played by the outstanding singer Leo Barnett, who carried the role in the Auckland production. Till his arrival the role has been filled by up-and-coming Napier actor Adrian Burr, seen here in expansive mood.
Page 25
The large cast of this lavish musical, “Kismet”, offers scope for many local actors and singers. Reg Johnson (remembered for his role of Judd in “Oklahoma”) becomes now the villainous Wazir, Controller of Police, while his favourite wife Lalume, not exactly devoted to her master, is played by Jocelyn McIvor.
Robin Helleur is one of the solo dancers in the show, while these three warrior Princesses of Ababu are Lynn Hawley, Heather Bentley and Juliette Robinson.
Page 26
More colourful costumes are displayed in this extravagant show by Chief of the Wazir’s Police, Ian MacLean and his men.
Bernard Reade fills the role of the good and powerful Caliph, and Barry Ritchie his venerable adviser.
Kit Tilton-Mist returns to the stage this year in a straight role as Jawan, a brigand chief. This production of “Kismet” promises to outdo the lavishness of even “Chu Chin Chow” which reopened the Napier Operatic Society’s doors in 1954.
Page 27
Potting FOR Pleasure
Gazing into the maw of the small bench-high kiln built by members of the pottery group of the Hawke’s Bay and East Coast Art Society in their workshop – the basement of the old children’s home, Gordon House, in Priestley Road, Napier. The group puts through an amazing amount of work in its two small kilns. This one is set up as it would be after firing. The grooves in sides and floor carry electric elements.
Enniss Oliver “wedging” clay – that is, kneeding it – to remove air pockets and make it pliable for “throwing”.
Amongst other things, the clay must be free of lime. It is acquired locally, right next to a lime quarry near Havelock North.
This series of shapes shows the various stages passed through when throwing a pot. The finished article is in the centre.
Page 28
Colin Baumfield throwing and shaping a pot on the wheel. It takes three to five years’ experience to have completed mastery of this technique. The motive power for the wheel is provided by a foot pedal.
The same pot as it nears completion. The texture of the clay is varied by the addition of water. Potting clay must be matured until “ripe” then finely sieved before it is ideal for throwing.
A base being turned on another wheel. The solid base of any vessel is made separately and added before firing, just as cup handles are.
Joyce Oliver, another keen member of the group, “press moulding”. Clay is forced into a plaster mould giving a set exterior shape and leaving the potter to create his own interior design.
Page 29
Gwyn Ace turning the base of a pot. The heavy wheel at floor level is a flywheel to keep the potter’s wheel spinning evenly.
Sam Winterbottom “coiling” – building a pot by hand from a series of coils seen on his left.
Joyce Double making a “flop-over mould” This process is similar to “press moulding” but instead gives an interior shape, and leaves the exterior to be finished by hand.
With pestle and mortar Betty Willis grinds ingredients for making glazing solution.
Hilary Thurston applies the glaze to a jug which has already been through the kiln once. A second firing sets the glaze and makes the vessel impervious to moisture.
Page 30
Nothing draws a crowd like the big man of radio, Selwyn Toogood, and the opening of the big new Bon Marche Store in Hastings Street, Napier, proved no exception.
Having squeezed out of his bubble car with a maximum of effort, Selwyn forced his way through the bargain hunters to open the store with a man-size pair of scissors. But the manufacturers had not bargained on his great strength.
Inside the store he set to work as a super salesman – giving away pairs of stockings to all “fibbers” who had birthdays that day.
Page 31
“Little Girl Lost”
The proprietors of Bon Marche Ltd – the Jones boys – very thoughtfully provided a play centre next door for the youngsters. And they loved it.
A view of the interior of the new Bon Marche store as the opening sale got under way. When the ribbon was cut, Selwyn Toogood and a dozen salesmen were swept forward on a wave of eager bargain hunters. However, the crowds which thronged the shop all day were very orderly.
Page 32
Great advances have been made on the Taupo road since the days when five-horse teams dragged a coach across the rock-strewn beds of a dozen streams and rivers. At one time the Napier-Taupo coach forded the Esk River no fewer than forty times. No wonder the passengers got out and walked!
One of the monstrous machines (a 25-ton bulldozer) which are tearing away the hillsides so formidable to our forebears. Site engineer John Parker walks down a cutting ahead of Paddy Butler and his “toy”.
Page 33
Turangakumu Deviation
Hundreds of thousands of pounds are being poured into the streamlining of the Taupo road, for long the Cinderella of our main highways. This view from the Taupo end shows the new Turangakumu deviation, almost completed. It will replace one of the twistiest sections on the route. Only a short stretch remains to be built before this part becomes serviceable.
Page 34
These shots were taken from a car travelling at 55 m.p.h. down the new highway. It has been built for high-speed traffic, with easy sweeping curves.
A sea of mud on the last cutting to be blown for the deviation. This is not far from Gardiner’s Mill at Te Haroto
On the job the engineers discuss the project – Brian Harbidge, construction engineer, Bill Broughton, overseer, and John Parker, site Engineer.
Ron Scorringe stands in slushy mud as he drills ten feet down for explosive charges. With another year’s work on this road, Taupo will be a comfortable two hours’ drive from Napier.
Page 36
Looking down the Napier side to the new Mohaka bridge, only the tops of the soaring piers are visible over the cliff. A great yardage of filling still has to be moved to create this approach.
From the other side of the river this view is obtained of the tallest of the three bridge piers.
Surveyor Jack Lee making a detailed ground survey near the Titiokura Saddle in preparation for the calling of tenders for the new deviation there.
Page 37
Keep It In The Family
Veteran and winner, Arthur Lord, Palmerston North, and his nephew Ray Wilton, Napier who turned in fastest time in the six-mile road race staged by the Napier Harrier Club on Queen’s Birthday.
Alan Horsefield of Hastings and a ship-mate, Bruce Aranga, Te Puke, enjoyed themselves when they visited the Zebra Club at Yokahama, Japan, run by the United States Navy. The boys are both serving in H.M.N.Z.S. Royalist.
Hastings Camera Club
Mr William Tustin with his life membership badge presented by the President of the Hastings Camera Club, Mr. M. F. Leete at a recent function. On the same evening the club received visitors, Irene Cooper, immediate past president of the Photographic Society of New Zealand, and her husband, Russell Cooper.
Young Bruce Baudinet displays the cup he has won two years in a row as winner of the junior road race at Taradale School. Bruce is nine.
we’ve got the pick of the DON range
Transform your living room….comfort, guaranteed wear and a master touch in styling make these DON suites the most exciting we’ve ever seen. Choose coverings from exclusive imported fabrics in wonderful textures and colours. Call in and see for yourself today.
de Brett
Comfort at its ultimate best is the keynote of the “de Brett” suite. – Available in a wide range of lovely coverings. Pay cash or use Plan “D” Terms.
As modern as tomorrow but designed for today, the “Kentucky” suite is a popular choice. For good design plus real comfort it cannot be beaten.
Make certain to see our range of Don Nite’n’Day Bed Settees for comfort day and night. See them and test them – you can’t go wrong with a Don product from the Rees Furnishing Co.
the Rees Furnishing co. (h.b.) ltd.
The stronger lager
Double L
Here’s the new brew that satisfies the knowledgeable man’s quest for a really fine strong lager – Leopard Double ‘L’. In pint bottles, it’s ideal for the odd spot before dinner, elegant enough to serve the most fastidious guests, tasty enough to order more after the first sip.
Page 38
In spite of inclement weather 5000 people turned out mid-week to see England beat New Zealand Provinces 13-0 at McLean Park, Napier, in a great display of football.
R Leakey, Provinces’ goalie, going down on the ball in one of the many excellent saves he made. Another Provinces’ player seems to be shielding him from the onslaught of two of the England forwards coming in fast.
After a short while, only the white shoulders of the England players distinguished the teams. Provinces were not slow to go in on attack but at times were sadly beaten by superior footwork and positional play.
Wanganui player E. Belchambers fights for possession with England Olympic rep. and centre-half, Laurie Brown. An interesting sidelight on the match – all the New Zealand players were born overseas and brought their football experience with them. Native New Zealanders apparently still have a long way to go in soccer.
Page 39
England skipper, and maestro, Tom Finney, away with the ball at his toe and an opponent on the ground,who appears to shake his hand.
Centre half, A Leong, Waikato, watches the ball slip by him off an England player’s boot, but gets his own back as he waltzes away leaving his opposite number spreadeagled.
International wing-half, Michael Greenwood goes into a slide as Manawatu player Andre Polyansky, Provinces’ centre forward, lifts him under the arm with a strong right foot.
Tom Finney dances in front of the Provinces’ goalmouth with the ball “glued” to his boot. Goalkeeper Leakey moves out to meet him, but all in vain. It was another goal.
Page 40
Although horses have disappeared from ploughing matches many competitors still favour the old trailer plough for the fine adjustments it can give. Brian Thomsen, Norsewood, used one at the recent Takapau Ploughing Match.
Judges E. McMillan, Ormondville, S.D. Agnew, Hastings, and F.R. Robertson, Greytown, checking furrows in the Atlantic class.
L. Glenny, Waipukurau, and D. McMillan, Takapau, two old identities who met at the ploughing. They first ploughed against each other in 1913. Mr. McMillan has missed only one Takapau ploughing match since then.
Rex Thomsen, Takapau, winner of the Atlantic class. He will go on to the N.Z. finals at Outram, near Dunedin. Rex has competed in ploughing matches for fourteen years.
Page 41
B.M. Parkhill, Hastings, winner of Class C and four special prizes.
T. Jane, Takapau, winner of Class D.
R.N. Olsen, Takapau, winner of Class A.
Mrs Verna Hooper, of Tikokino, has just returned from a holiday trip to Australia. She brought back this photo taken with Bonita, a pet koala, just to prove it.
Clive Hudson
Page 42
These three girls celebrated their coming-out at the St Mary’s Parish Ball, held in the Memorial Hall, Waipukurau.
Wendy Studios Photographs
Shirley Coles, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.S. Coles, Lindsay Road, Waipukurau.
Jill Williams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.N. Williams, Racecourse Road.
Margaret Shand, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L.B. Shand, Takapau Road, Waipukurau.
Golden Wedding
Mr. and Mrs. “Jock” Halliday of Takapau recently celebrated fifty years of married life – “and never a crossword”.
Page 43
Readers Pictures
This lucky little girl, Diane Cleaver, Havelock North, won the pony “Bluebell” in a raffle during the Queen Carnival. Unfortunately the Cleaver’s front lawn provided insufficient grazing area, but before Bluebell went elsewhere Diane did ride her.
This team from the Napier St. John Nursing Cadet Division won the First Aid Cup at the Wanganui District open competitions this year. From left: Judith Jarvis (leader), Janice White, Aileen Clark and Carol Horton.
Bonnie wee Kerry Burns. of Parke Street, Taradale, with the cup she won as the champion in the Miss Personality Junior Competition. She was fourteen months.
When Russell Allingham of Napier, shot this boar at Taupo he couldn’t resist a photo of six-months-old daughter Christina with the trophy, just for his mother-in-law’s benefit. We wonder if she fainted.
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Napier Weddings
At St Augustine’s Church, Maraenui: Susan Elizabeth Richardson, daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. R.W. Richardson, Ferry Road, Clive, to Gary Charles Walden, son of Mr. P. C. Walden and the late Mrs. Walden, Whakatu. The couple will make their home at Havelock North.
A. B. Hurst Photo
At St John’s Cathedral, Napier: Pamela Jayne Wilton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. B. Wilton, Kennedy Road, Napier, to Peter Alan Wright, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Wright, Waitati R.D., Dunedin. The group, from left: Hugh Moore, Hester Grudnoff, Allen Davidson, the groom and bride, Susan Wilton, Brian Bates and Jocelyn Wilton.
Batchelors Studios Photo
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Randall House Party
There is nearly always one day in each month to which the children of Randall House in Napier look forward with more than usual enthusiasm – the day of the the birthday party. All those whose birthday falls during the month celebrate their birthday together.
Recently our photographer called at Randall House while a party was in progress and caught this happy group with a friend of the home, Mr Rex Redman.
And these were the four children whose special party it was. From left: Norris Black, Con Hague, Rangi Pakai and Mary Cowley.
Picture PUZZLE
Answer on page 3
An aerial view of a paddock in Hawke’s Bay being top-dressed with lime. The spreading truck and a tractor are discernible on the right.
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21st Birthdays
David and John Turnbull, twin sons of Mrs. E.M. Turnbull, Sale Street, Napier, cutting their cake at the Red Cross Hall. With them is their elder brother, Mr. W. Turnbull, and their mother.
Alison Macdonald, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.D. Macdonald, held her party at her home in Hapuka Street, Hastings.
Adele Malcouronne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L.F. Malcouronne, Tom Parker Avenue, Napier, was another girl who celebrated her twenty-first at home.
Pamela Esam is seen at the Windmill Coffee Lounge, Hastings. Her parents are Mr. and Mrs. J.G. Esam, Kaiapo Road, Hastings.
Patricia Francis McLean held her party at home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.J. McLean, Massey Cres, Marewa then followed it with a cabaret dance.
Photos by Batchelors Studios
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Ballad singer William Clauson got an unexpected surprise when he performed to an almost full house in the Napier Municipal Theatre recently. During a song in which the audience joined, the greatest volume came from the circle where these Girls’ High School boarders were sitting. Clauson jokingly suggested they’d better join him on stage, and they took him at his word. Well, what girl wouldn’t. He was able to use them in other songs and as a result has decided to try this procedure elsewhere.
In his dressing room, having laid aside his guitar, he obliged our photographer by taking his wife on his knee for this informal study. Mrs Clauson, who is Swedish, too, is making her first visit to New Zealand.
This trip he brought a replica of a 10-stringed, 15th-century lute, but the damp atmosphere at the time made tuning difficult,. He played only one bracket on the instrument.
Note for beginners: William Clauson changes his strings twice during every performance.
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Napier Weddings
At St. John’s Cathedral, Napier: Dorothy Alice Sigvertsen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Sigvertsen, The Esplanade, Westshore, to Norman Edward Lumsden, son of Mr. and Mrs. N.R Lumsden, Palmerston North, and formerly of Pembroke, Wales. The group, from left: Alan Holt, Gail Bishop, the groom and bride, Mrs. Mike Dobbins (nee Lumsden), and Alex Dobbins. Future home – Napier.
At St. Augustine’s Church, Napier: Adrienne Whitehead, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Whitehead, Latham Street, Napier, to Lex Parsons, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. Parsons. From left: Jeff Burgess, Ronalynn Parsons, the groom and bride, Jocelyn McKenzie and Brian Titter.
Batchelors Studios Photo
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Readers Pictures
We’ll say they were practising fire drill at an undisclosed Hawke’s Bay Hospital!
Mrs. Jack Boatwood, Napier, a keen angler, caught these two beauties at Waikaremoana before breakfast.
Three young Napier people are in this happy group taken in the early stages of one of the Wanganella’s recent rough Tasman crossings. Carrol Sands and Lenore Ryder, left front, and Barry Coxall were returning from six weeks’ holiday. At right are two Australian school teachers, Beverly McGill (sitting) Lenore’s cousin, and a friend Lynette Everette, both from Queensland. The other two girls are Wellingtonians.
When Rita Wildermoth recently transferred to the Department of Agriculture at Tauranga, her friends at State Advances Corporation, in Napier, gave her an agrarian send-off. On her last day she was greeted by half the kitchen garden decorating her desk and room. Members of the SAC typing pool seen with her are, back row: Lynn Jones, Joyce Parker, Doreen Keogh, Diane Stinson, Pat Roche and Shirley Brown; in front: Carol Goldfinch, Rita (sitting), and Valerie Parker.
They’re heavenly, slim, and so, so chic . . . with the sensible, not-really-high heel you’ll love, fresh beauty treatment; and every line intent on flattery . . . plus that gently caressing fit that makes them feel so all-day-wonderful.
Gold Cross Shoes
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One of the highlights of the rugby season so far was the decisive match played at Hasting between Hastings Old Boys and Technical Old Boys, before a record 3500 crowd. Old Boys’ 9-6 win over Tech. gave them a clear lead for the first time in the inter-town competition.
This was one of the fast, loose rucks which developed during an excellent rugby display.
Eddie Watts goes down to a tackle by Davis as Old Boys’ winger, Spencer, shapes up to his opposite, G Wagg, with the ball.
From a scrum in front of the posts the play went out through the Old Boys’ back line for Brown to go over near the corner for their second try.
E. Watts (Tech.) races away with the Old Boys’ pack in hot pursuit. He failed to make the line, leaving Tech. with six points from two penalties.
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The hard-working Old Boys’ pack were consistently up on the ball. They come through fast from a lineout as Tech. half-back Eddy gets the ball out to G. Watts.
Old Boys’ breakaway, T. Hobson, tackles J. Davidson low, but Davidson gets rid of the ball with a long throw to his fellow forwards.
Hastings High School Old Boys scored two tries and a field goal to Tech’s two penalties, giving Old Boys eight wins and a draw in the competition to that stage, and a clear lead on the points’ ladder.
Foggy Napier
Unusually foggy weather over a period of days in late June had the Heretaunga Plains shrouded in wreaths of mist. On the Napier foreshore, normally clear of such visitations the lights and fountain took on an eerie unreality.
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On a hillside at Opapa, beautiful Maori voices blended in harmony in a simple morning service to mark the dedication of this headstone over the grave of Private J. Thompson.
At Te Hauke, Mrs M. Hapuka conducts one of several Latter Day Saints’ Sunday School classes held there. Our photographer found the children absorbing their lessons and sunshine outdoors.
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Glenda Burling to John Newton
Glenda’s parents live in Hastings. John’s home is in Napier.
Candid Camera Studies
Gay Bennington to Alan Davidson
Gay is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Bennington, Christchurch. Alan is the son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Davidson, Hastings.
Margaret Hall to Jon Clarke
Margaret is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Les Hall, Hastings. Jon’s parents live in New Plymouth.
Candid Camera Studies.
21st Birthdays
Peter 0rviss, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs P. J. Orviss, Mangateretere near Hastings, held his party at St John’s Hall, Waipukurau.
Wendy Studios, Takapau
Ian Hanna, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Hanna, Jellicoe Street, Hastings, seen at Casa Blanca with his parents and sister, Mrs. Brown.
Candid Camera Studies
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This series of photos shows Jim O’Brien and his son Trevor in an exhibition of jigger chopping at the wind-up carnival of the Hawke’s Bay Axemen’s Club, held recently at the Taradale camping ground.
In a jigger chop the block is fixed to the top of a 12-foot trunk. Using felling boards or platforms the axeman must climb his own trunk and chop the block at the top. The platforms are steel-tipped and hooked into the chops made in the trunk.
In the last of the series Trevor O’Brien’s block can be seen on the way down.
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David Lamberton of Te Pohue takes his last mighty swing in the 11-inch chop which he won. At the last Sydney Show Dave carried off £200 in prizes, winning the 30-inch standing and the 15-inch underhand chops.
Nick Hodges, Greenmeadows, curses his axe as it sticks in his log during the 12-inch underhand.
Cycling JAUNT
Tuition for young cyclists and a chance to get out and explore our country roads is being given over the winter months by members of the cycling sub-committee of the local athletic centre. These youngsters gathered at Taradale Park for the first outing.
Out on the open road under the watchful eyes of the cycling club boys, the children head for Puketapu round the river road. They thoroughly enjoyed the trip.
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Wairoa’s BIG DAY
This is the light that guided the ships that carried the stores that succoured the men who pioneered Hawke’s Bay. It certainly was a great day for Wairoa when the 84-year-old Portland Island lighthouse was officially handed over to the borough. Originally a kerosene-burning light, it guided ships down the coast and into Hawke Bay for eighty faithful years. The flower garden in the foreground is a ship passing the light.
The Mayor of Wairoa, Mr R.E. Shortt, addressing the large gathering at the ceremony.
Another ceremony performed on the same day was the presentation of a model of the sacred Takitimu Canoe, received on behalf of the Naval Board by Rear-Admiral P. Phipps, the Chief of Naval Staff. Before it could be handed over, however, the “tapu” was removed from the canoe by the Reverend Canon R.H. Rangiihu. Seen with him is Miss Rawinia Carroll-Paku, a descendent of Sir James Caroll who brought Wairoa so much fame.
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A close-up of the lighthouse, showing the prisms of the light through the outer windows.
Rear Admiral Phipps who also addressed the gathering on Wairoa’s Marine Parade as well as acting in the canoe ceremony. Other distinguished visitors were the Minister of Internal Affairs, Mr. F.L. Gotz, and the Mayor of Napier, Mr. P. Tait.
To cap off a day of official functions, Wairoa excelled itself by opening the attractive new public library adjoining the recently-opened Memorial Hall. For the small town that it is, Wairoa can be justly proud of its civic achievements.
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