Hawke’s Bay Photo News 1962 – Number 045 August

Hawke’s Bay PHOTO NEWS
45th Issue

[Cover photo – Miss Maureen Kingi, Miss New Zealand 1962, chosen to represent New Zealand overseas in the Miss World and Miss International contests, two very important events.]

Extra length … finer filter …

and best of all is the tobacco.

Page 1

Vol. 4, No. 9 AUGUST 1962


Philip Moore

39-047 Napier   Night 39-931

Postal Address
P.O. Box 169, Napier

Published monthly by The Hawke’s Bay Publishing Co. Ltd. on the 4th Thursday of every month.

“Photo News” mailed to you on receipt of 12-issue sub. of 32/6


Batchelor Studios
231 Heretaunga Street W., Hastings
Phone 88-766
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Printed photo-litho for the Publishers by Swailes, Hurst & Co. Ltd., Napier

Photographs in “H.B. Photo News” may be obtained through –
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Front Cover. Miss Maureen Kingi, Miss New Zealand 1962, chosen to represent New Zealand overseas in the Miss World and Miss International contests, two very important events. Part of Maureen’s job will be to publicize our country, and help dispel some of the quaint ideas that some people have about us. Maureen is 19 years old and a student radiologist, a career she hopes to resume in 1963.

Back Cover. Napier from the air. Photograph taken from 8000 feet by Mr. A. W. Colley shows the complete layout of the City. It reminds us at this stage of a gigantic arrow head with Taradale in the distance acting as the tail.
Photo by A. W. Colley

Miss Julie Owen, a talented young dancing teacher of Napier.

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Papa . . . there is a man in my bedroom. Monsieur Martin (Trevor Cardo) and his four daughters (Vicky Barton, Jill Salmon, Mary Colwill and Gillian Davies).

Napier Repertory’s second major play of the season is in complete contrast to the work they have been doing of late. “Hotel Paradiso” is a typical French farce which could be quite interesting.

“Here is the key Monsieur”. The ardent Boniface (John C. Thomas) and the timorous Marcella (Priscilla Ball) are interrupted by the hotel manager, Anniello.

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“How can you study passion from a book”. The obliging maid Victoire (Marianna Magdelinos) and the studious Maxime (Terry Coyle).

A nude woman is the most natural thing in the Hotel business. Anniello played by Bill Corfield and Georges by Allen Madden.

“I think this is a delightful little Hotel”. The apprehensive Marcella (Priscilla Ball) and the bolder Boniface (John C. Thomas).

Keep them up-to-date with the old home town

To keep wedding photographs in proportion to other material in Photo News, we ask you to send in a 3 x 4 glossy print of the couple only.
However, for those who particularly want a 6 x 4 wedding group, Photo News will publish such groups on receipt of a ten shilling postal note with a 6 x 4 glossy print.

Page 4

Le GEYT – HEWSON. Mr. and Mrs. William John Le Geyt, pictured after their recent marriage, which was solemnised at the All Saint’s Church, Taradale. The bride was formerly Andrea Carol, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Y. Hewson of Taradale. The future home of the couple is to be Hastings.
Batchelors Studios Photo

HALL – BARLOW. The double wedding took place at Columba’s [St Columba] Church, Havelock North, of Margaret Joyce and Jennifer Anne, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. J. Barlow, Havelock North, to Allan Clarence and Donald Richard, sons of Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Hall, Mangateretere. The bridal party from left are Beverley Houston, Noel Hall, Nancy Barlow, Judith Barclay, Ron Carlwood, Colleen Hall, Phill Orvis.
Batchelors Studios Photo

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ROBERTSON – MILLER. The wedding of Glenys Rita, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Miller, Gisborne, to Baron Lourie, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Robertson of Hastings, was solemnised at St. Andrews Church, Gisborne. The attendants from left are, Nigel Ross, Judith Lowe, Ngairie Miller, Ian Miller, flower girl Bronwyn Robertson, page boy Michael Watson.
Photo by Mayfair Studios

JACKSON – WOODERSON. The marriage took place at St. Lukes Church Havelock North, of Marjory Heather, eldest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. L. Wooderson of Walton, to Colin Cameron, only son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Jackson, Wairoa. The bride was attended by Nancy Hull and two junior bridesmaids, Lesley Forest and Marion Downey. The best man was Mr. N. Doneghue of Wellington. The young couple left for Norfolk Island and on their return will make their home in the Wairoa district where the groom is farming.
Photo by A. W. Colley

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The New Zealand Premiere of the Danish classical Ballet “Napoli”, held in Napier, was a wonderful experience. The audience at times bringing the show to a stop with their applause. The ballet itself is most colourful and entertaining.

The New Zealand Ballet Trust is a far cry today from the time only a few short years ago, when Mr. Poul Gnatt used to appeal for subscriptions across the footlights to half empty theatres. It is mainly due to the efforts of Poul Gnatt and a few believers in the future of New Zealand Ballet, that today the New Zealand Ballet Trust can look forward, with hope, to an assured future. To Mr. Gnatt and his small band – Congratulations.

Gennaro (Fredbjorn Bjornssen) presses his suit, but Veronica (Mary Herbert) does not approve.

Teresina (Kirsten Ralov) flirts with Peppo, a lemonade merchant (Kevin Baddiley) while Gennaro tries to win her back.

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Gennaro in his search for his lost love, finds the Blue Grotto and tries to win her back. Only the power of the crucifix restores Teresina and spares them both from Golfo’s wrath.

The quarrel patched up the lovers row to sea where Genaro’s [Gennaro’s] boat is overwhelmed in a sudden storm and Teresina is lost.

Teresina is brought captive to the Blue Grotto where Golfo, the sea sprite, falls in love with her.

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Scenes from the third act. The rejoicing at the reunited lovers, Gennaro and Teresina.

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Teresina and Gennaro joyfully lead the villagers in celebrating their happiness.

Pas de six and Tarantella: Christine Smith, Tara Neville, Kirsten Ralov, Valerie Whyman, Jacqui Oswald.

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Members of the Napier Companys of the Girls’ Life Brigade, who have just celebrated their 15th birthday which coincided with the Diamond Jubilee of the movement.

Foundation committee members, Mrs. Virtue and Mrs. Brown, cut the birthday cake.

Young cadets, the 6-9 group, stand round a table they have just laid, this is part of the training given by the Girls’ Life Brigade.

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Our picture from the past this month, taken in 1933, shows part of the new Napier Celebration floats leaving the Marine Parade.

It can be seen that the soldier who fell from his plinth (centre left) has not yet been replaced and also good progress appears to have been made on the laying out of the parade as we know it today.
A.B. Hurst Photo

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Roving Camera

This happy group of smiling faces, are known to a number of people as the “Be Bops”. They were singers at a concert organized by the Takapau and Rakautatahi Maori Womens League. They are from left, top row: F. Russell, Sue Sharples, Ybelle Heperi. Bottom row: Yvonne Sharples, Huia Churchward, Maureen Snee, Muriel Rupaha, Arita Rupaha, Rita Heremia, Maudy Churchward.
Wendy Studios, Takapau

SHOT OF DANCERS. Dance organised by parents of Woodford House pupils and held at St. Mary’s Hall, Waipukurau.

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An occasion of special interest, was the enrollment of twenty-four Brownies at the Majestic Ballroom. The first St. Patrick’s Packs, Napier. Present were Mrs. Kay, Commissioner and Father Spring, guest of honour.

Closing of Takapau Bowling Club and presentation of Trophies by Mrs. F. Morton, to L. R. Davies, Reverend I. Hewson and G. White. It was also a farewell to Mr. and Mrs. Morton. who are leaving Takapau to live at Tauranga.
Wendy Studios, Takapau

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The annual dinner of the Hastings branch of the New Zealand Deerstalker’s Association, was held in the Assembly Hall, Hastings with the Mayor, Mr. Giorgi, as guest of honour. The Deerstalker’s Association must be one of the few associations where, before one can be presented with a trophy, one has to acquire a trophy. Small section of trophies acquired, above.

Mr. Ray Shine of Tutira, with his two trophies, the one he got for the one he shot.

John Fraser being piped around the hall with the traditional boars head carried aloft.

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An exhibition of the work of Mr. J. Fowler, in the art of wood carving, was held in a Hastings Art Gallery recently. Pictured here are four of the many carvings on display.


Maori Maid

Wood Nymph


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Pam Larsen cuts her cake during her 21st party, recently held at Westshore.
Photo by Batchelors Studios

Another wish made: Graeme, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hale Hastings, recently celebrated his coming of age party held at his home.
Batchelors Studios Photo

Barbara Hodson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Hodson, of 227 High Street, Dannevirke.
Photo by Barretts Studio

Pat, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. Affleck, Napier, is seen here before she is pesented [presented] at the recent Charity Ball which was held at the War Memorial Hall.
Batchelors Studios

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There was a party at the Clive Football Club Hall, to mark the occasion of Noel McDonald’s 21st. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. McDonald, Haumoana. He is seen here receiving the key from his brother, Pat.
Photo by Batchelors Studios

Michael Duke, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Murray, Hastings, celebrated his coming of age party at Maraekakaho. He is seen here with his Mother and Father.

Bob, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Catherall, Hamilton, celebrated at the Old Folks Hall, Hastings.
Batchelors Studios Photo

Pictured with her parents, Dorothy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. V. Green, Hastings, on the occasion of her 21st held at the Buffalo Hall, Hastings.

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At a special evening organised by the Hastings Jaycettes husbands were entertained by the girls. This is the Jaycette version of the Can-Can. Note: A Jaycette is a Jaycee’s wife.

Wellington Provincial Fire Brigades Association Championships were held at Pahiatua during Easter. Eighteen teams from Hawke’s Bay and Wellington provinces competed. Nine events were run over two days, with the Napier team gaining four wins and five thirds to win the championship with Hastings as runners-up and Haumoana third. In addition to the Championship Aggregate, the team also won the Motor Events Aggregate and the Trailer Pump Aggregate.

Team members and coaches from left to right: Back row, Coaches Sub. Officer J. T. Brock, Station Officer W. H. Single, Third Officer F. Thompson. Team members: Senior Fireman G. Woodhouse, Fireman M. Redshaw, Sub. Officer A. White (Captain), Chief Fire Officer D. W. Anderson.
Russell Spiller Photo

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Nurses training class end of exams party, held recently at the Hinepare Social Hall, Napier. Above: Whole class in opening item

Below: Island Canoe Dance.

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Napier’s new Police Station is officially opened. Mr. Tait, Mayor of Napier, speaks at the opening ceremony.

After declaring the building officially open, Mr. Eyre, Minister of Police, pauses to read a plaque he has just unveiled.

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Young students of tap dancing, wait to be examined by Miss D. Plummer of Sydney, travelling examiner for the British Ballet Organisation.

Young students having a last minute run through before exams.

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Debutantes who were recently presented at the combined Colleges’ Ball held at the Assembly Hall, Hastings.

Wendy White of Hastings, and her Mother.

Jill Baron of Hastings, who was presented by her Mother.

Diana Train of Waipukurau, with her Mother.

Joan Renton of Hastings and Mrs Renton.

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Ron Coleman, pianist winner of the Sutcliffe Cup, the Hawke’s Bay Swing Club’s annual competition for musicians under 21. This competition was held on the 24th June at the Casa Blanca. Others in group are Geof Pell, drums; Fred Girvan, bass. There were seven entries in this year’s competitions.

Derek Fitzgerald, bass, who won the Novice Bowl, 1962 Sutcliffe Cup Competition. Eric Coombes on piano, and Gavin Mather on drums, backed Derek.

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MAHONEY – INGHAM. The wedding of Carole, daughter of Mrs. E. Corry, Napier, to Dennis, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Mahoney, Auckland, was solemnised at St. Patrick’s Church, Napier. The bridal party from left were, Dick Graham (Best Man), Barbara Pettigrew, Lois Sullivan, Gerald Mahoney. The future home of the happy couple is to be Petone.
Photo by Hurst Studio


Four Generations. Our photo shows from left, Mrs. Pam Hurford, Hamilton, formerly of Napier, Alan Hurford, Mrs. C. J. Heaven, Hamilton, Great Grandmother, Mrs. J. Ford, Timaru, Grandmother.
Candid Cameras, Hamilton

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The Annaul [Annual] exhibition of the Hawke’s Bay – East Coast Art Society provided no shocks this year, but showed steady progress by most artists and a marked change in style by a few. The pottery group seems to be making good progress as skill is acquired. Some fine work by this group is on display.

Sunlit group by Joan Trollope, oils.

Parahaki by nightfall by J.E. Christie, oils.

Exercise misty morning by M. Lynn Gurney, oils.

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A group of four portraits by P. E. Smith.

Portrait by O. Anderson, oils.

Metal Sculpture, by guest artist, Don Driver, reminds us of a crayfish.

Anti H-Bomb rally by F. I. Young, oils.

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Two fine examples of our young peoples work.

Above, a painting by C. N. Prebble and below, a water colour by M. von Dadelszen.

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Marion Watts does the splits supported on the hands of Heather Stevenson.

It is with pleasure that we have learnt that the Simmond’s Acrobatic Troupe will be carried on by his daughter, Mavis Simmonds. We would like to dedicate these pictures to the memory of a truly great man, Charles Simmonds.

The whole troupe form a pyramid.

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A double cartwheel by Barbara Prince and Marion Watts.

Jennifer Langley balances on a chair supported by Lynette Jones.

Little Marie Jones, the youngest member of the troupe, looks quite happy up there.

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Kindergartens! A lot of people must wonder why we need them. So we went along to find out what it was all about, and we think these pictures will tell the story far better than words. A child who goes to kindergarten learns to became self reliant at work and play as a member of a group before getting down to the serious business of going to school.

Artist Judy Whittleston, lost in a make believe world.

Carol Forman, Helen Montgomery and Sandra Nicholson playing with blocks.

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Marion Van-Beusekom pauses for a moment.

Learning to grow up, Ann Scott, Johanna Campbell, and Suzzanne Wigmore wash their hands at specially scaled down wash basins.

Future cooks, Neil Polly, Stephen Hodgson, Jennifer Bagget and Chris Low, busy with rolling pins and imitation dough.

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Chris Bunke and Wendy Parslow, getting a lot of fun out of a rocker.

Little boys playing at being big boys.

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Karen Cornelisse gets down to the serious business of washing up.

Little Linda Rodda tucks dolly up for the night.

With heads down and tails up the boys get to it in the sand pit.

The children completely absorbed under the guidance of their teachers.

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Angela hangs by her heels.

Highlights from the recent Miss New Zealand Show taken during their recent visit to the district.

Clive Lohta gets close to the ceiling of the Municipal Theatre.

The Lohta family provide all the thrills.

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The Gardiner Sisters of Napier, who stood in at the last moment.

Maureen Kingi entertains with the triple poi.

Miss Maureen Kingi with members of the Waiputu concert party, who entertained at the official welcome to Miss Kingi by the Maori peoples of the district. Held at the Carabet [Cabaret] Cabana.
MacConnells Photo Service

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Napier Marching Teams form intricate patterns to the music of the combined Napier Pipe Bands.

St. Joseph’s Maori girls, performed poi dances and songs.

Colenso girls perform rythmatic ball movements.

The “Festival of Sports” presented at the Centennial Hall, in aid of the Maori Foundation Appeal, drew a capacity house. A wide range of sport and activity was demonstrated, many events being staged simultaneously.

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Trampoline demonstrations by members of the Napier Police and Citizens Youth Club.

Gymnastics by the Wycliffe Intermediate School.

Archery, Richmond Club.

John Hood and Selwyn Smith size each other up.

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Boy’s High School give a display of mat work.

Hockey demonstrations by senior men’s seven-a-side teams.

Karate, how to ward off a knife attack.

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Basketball, Hawke’s Bay representative side versus New Zealand representative side.

All together boys, Joe Arden from Texas, has the ball. Joe played for Hawke’s Bay.

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Margaret, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Waterhouse, Hastings.

Patricia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Brady, Clive, seen here with her Mother and Father, on the occasion of her 21st.

Another wish made: Kevin, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. P. Ryan, Hastings, cutting his cake during a recent party celebrating his coming of age.

Geoffrey, receives the key from his Mother, Mrs. Pell of Hastings.

Janice, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Williams, Tutira, cuts her cake, on the occasion of her recent 21st.


Mr. and Mrs. Manning, Hastings, recently celebrated 50 years of happy marriage.

Mr. and Mrs. S. A. O’Neil, Hastings, recently celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary, seen with them is their daughter Yvonne.

All photos on this page taken by Candid Camera, Hastings

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McKENZIE – WILTON. At the Trinity Methodist Church, Napier, the wedding took place of Patricia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. Wilton, to Ian David, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. McKenzie, Marewa.

LANE – JOHNSON. The wedding took place at St. Andrew’s Church, Ahuriri, of Janet Ashley, daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. C. Johnson, Napier, to Kerry Gordon, son of Mr. and Mrs. K. Lane, Napier.

O’NEILL – DONALDSON. The wedding of Pauline, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Donaldson, Hastings, to Gary, second son of Mr. and Mrs. P. O’Neil, Wanganui, was solemnised at the Presbyterian Church, Fulham, London, recently. The happy couple will be returning to New Zealand some time next year.
Waverley Studios, London

HANNON – KAY. The wedding took place at St. Andrew’s Church, Hastings, of Margaret Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Kay, Hastings, to Donald Lawrence, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Hannon, Napier. The attendants were, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Moore.
Batchelors Studios Photo

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The nine debutantes presented at the Annual Masconic [Masonic] Ball recently held at the Napier War Memorial Hall. Pictured with the official party. They are from left to right: Vicki Dell Wallis, Robyn Margaret Schaw, Sandra Joan Dolbel, Faye Suzanne Martin, Heather Mary Jensen, Ann Bowdidge, Coral Ann Longney, Glenys May Wharton, Ettry Anne Hearn. Official Party from left to right: Mrs. W. R. Pirie, wife of Worshipful Master of Lodge, Napier, Right Worshipful Brother A. J. Ellingham, Provincial Grand Master; Mrs. Ellingham, Worshipful Brother W. R. Pirie Master of Lodge, Napier.
Photo by A. W. Colley

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The Rev. R. Dudley blesses the new building.

Mr. J. G. Edwards, M.P., officially opens the new Mary Richmond kindergarten. With him is Mrs. D. K. Malcolm, president of the Napier Free Kindergarten Association.

To mark the opening, children planted trees in the kindergarten’s grounds.

After the ceremony, morning tea was served to the guests including the small fry.

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Top dressing from the air, lime being dropped from a Venture aircraft at a recent demonstration at Takapau.
Wendy Studios Photo

Rock climbing is becoming quite the thing these days, particularly among the crews of overseas ships. The latest addition is “Bardic”, not quite complete, the effort of the ship’s Second Officer, Mr. Bernard W. Bradley. Top picture shows Mr. Bradley descending in a bosun’s chair. In the lower picture we see Mr. Bradley coming down the rope after losing his bosun’s chair (tangled in a bush). The almost complete name “Bardic’” can be seen above him.

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Two very pleased young men, Peter Farrington, Napier, and David Pell, Hastings, who have just been made Bachelors of Civil Engineering. Best of luck boys.

Keep them up-to-date with the old home town.

Miss B. Williams (H.G.H.S.) breasts the tape in the 75 yards intermediate girls race at the Provincial Championships, held in Gisborne recently. Miss Williams equalled the record set by Miss M. Stuart (H.G.H.S.) 12 years ago.

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McKENZIE – MILLER. At St. Mark’s Church, Takapau, Elizabeth Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. Miller, Takapau, to William John Hall, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. McKenzie of Hastings. The reception was held at the Buffalo Lodge, Takapau.
Wendy Studios, Takapau

BANKS – WAWATAI. The wedding took place at St. Mary’s Church, Tikitiki, of Tawhiti, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Wawatai, Tikitiki, to James Victor, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Banks, Hastings. The attendants from left are, Kathleen Collier, Auckland (Cousin of the bride), Kuao Wawatai (Brother of the bride), Hiria Wawatai (Sister of the bride), Martin Kerley (Best Man), Joy McIntyre, Bruce Parkhill, flower girl was Venice Wawatai (Niece of the bride). Future home – Elsthorpe.
Photo by Mayfair Studios, Gisborne

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SUDFELDT – COOPER. At St. Andrew’s Church, Hastings, the wedding took place of Loraine, younger raughter [daughter] of Mr. and Mrs. Cooper, Hastings, to Mason Allan, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Sudfeldt, Featherston. The bridaI party are from left, Lohenet Cooper (sister of the bride), Ray Chaplow (best man), flower girls, Vanessa Rae Cooper (sister of the bride), Ruth Clara George. The future home of the couple is to be Hastings.
Lovell-Smith Photo

GODWIN – BURROWS. The wedding took place at St. Andrew’s Church, Hastings, of Marcia, daughter of Mrs. M. Burrows, New Plymouth, to Allan, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Godwin, Hastings.
Batchelors Studios Photo.

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Mr. G. L. A. Donald, Takapau, winner of the Takapau heat of the Atlantic Silver Plough competition, keeps a keen eye on his furrow.

The 1962 Provincial Ploughing Championships, held recently on the property of Mr. A. D. Fraser, of Takapau, drew a large crowd of country folk to watch the contest and see who would represent the Province at the National Contest.

Mr. G. M. Scott, Wellington, and Mrs. G. L. A. Donald, enjoy a quiet joke. Mr. Scott is the retiring president of the New Zealand Ploughman’s Association.

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Regular faces at all Takapau Plough matches H. and A. Nelson, Takapau, D. Glenny, Porangahau, and W. Nelson, Takapau.

K. Clough, Hastings, third place getter, being carefully watched by the judges.

Miss J. Kingston boils up for afternoon tea.

A regular face at all Takapau functions, Mrs. J. Grant.

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Featured on these pages are the eight semi-finalists in the Hawke’s Bay section of the N.Z.B.C. Mrs. New Zealand quest. The eight semi-finalists were chosen from a field of 22 on a written essay on the Ideal Husband and Father.

Mrs. Tipene, Porangahau

Mrs. Bostock, Hastings

Mrs. Clayton, Norsewood

Mrs. Dawson, Havelock North

Page 51

Mrs. Munro, Napier

Mrs. Cotter, Napier

Mrs. Janes, Waipukurau

Mrs. Robertshawe, Hastings

Page 52


One of the largest crowds ever to turn out on a weekday representative match saw Hawke’s Bay go down to Auckland by 11 points to 6.

The Hawke’s Bay forwards, who played a great game, had the edge on their opponents, but unfortunately, the local rearguards were not up to the standard of the Auckland backs and that was where the game was lost. After reports of Auckland’s open game against Wellington, just four days earlier, their performance here in Hawke’s Bay must have been a great disappointment to local fans, as most of the match was fought out in forward struggles, with line-outs and scrums the order of the day. The penalty conceded by Gary Watts, directly in front of his goal posts, was undoubtedly the painful moment of the game for Hawke’s Bay supporters.

Hawke’s Bay fullback, Frank Jones, is well and truly caught by Auckland’s winger, M. Dick.

Hawke’s Bay fullback Frank Jones just manages to clear as an Auckland player comes at him.

R. Rangi, Auckland centre, sends a flick pass over his shoulder straight into the arms of Hawke’s Bay centre Bill Davis. Pat Walsh seems upset about it too. Tom Johnson (left) coming up in support as usual.

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Tom Johnson takes a rest, or appears to do so at the expense of Auckland’s Tony Edgar. Hawke’s Bay players, from left, Gary Watts, Ron Stone, Bill Davis, Neil Thimbleby, Colin Craike, Kelvin Tremain (partly obscured) and David Bone move in for support.

Tom Johnson was there to receive from Tony Small, Kelvin Tremain (No. 9) and Graham Stone (partly obscured on right) move round in support. Bill Davis, far right.

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Bill Davis tries without luck to sidestep his Auckland opposite. Pat Walsh and A. R. Patterson are ready and waiting just in case Davis gets through.

Neil Thimbleby in a determined bid in stop Auckland’s B. Thomas. Auckland’s captain, Bob Graham, watches (far right) from a sitting position.

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A. Pryor (with ball), always a hard man to stop, breaks away from a Hawke’s Bay tackle. Auckland’s Barry Thomas calls for a reverse pass.

M. Dick brings down his Hawke’s Bay opposite, Roger Spencer, ball and all.

Roger Spencer again, tussels with M. Dick, who in the early stages of the game alluded [eluded] Roger on more than one occasion.

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Mr. A. Hope of Hastings with his champion new colour canary.

The Hawke’s Bay Cage Bird Club’s Show, held in the Red Cross Hall, Napier, drew an encouraging entry, more than 400 being received from all parts of the North Island.

Mrs. Marjory Edwards of Gisborne, holds her champion Norwich.

Mr V. J. Edmunds and “Pretty Boy”, a sulphur crested Cockatoo. Mr. Edmunds is attempting to breed these birds.

Mr. T. Whitehouse, best novice new colour.

We stock Pedigree, Perky, and Thompson’s Prams, with all accessories
Pedigree and Laloli Cots
Ask to see our Popular R-Plan Cot which is priced to suit your pocket
Pushchairs and Strollers, High Chairs, Pram Bags, Blankets, and a wide selection of Mattresses
Bassinets and Playpens

Back cover

Next Issue
23rd August

[Back cover photo – Napier from the air. Photograph taken from 8000 feet by Mr. A. W. Colley shows the complete layout of the City.]

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Published November 1958 – June 1967

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Date published

August 1962


The Hawke's Bay Publishing Company Ltd

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