Hawke’s Bay Photo News 1966 – Number 093 August

Hawke’s Bay PHOTO NEWS
93rd Issue

[Cover photo – Our cover this month features lovely Tuppence (Gail) Webster of Napier, who is a 20-year-old coffee bar assistant. She enjoys hobbies such as yachting, swimming, hockey and music, and is flanked on either side by two rather handsome young officers of the M. V. Quebec, who obliged by posing as male models with Tuppence. They are from left: Mr. David Gillan, 25 years old of Mt. Kuring-gai, Sydney, single, David is the 2nd engineer of the “Quebec”, (Tuppence), and Mr. Bob Allan of Southhampton, England. Bob is 23 years old, single, a registered motor mechanic, now junior engineer of the “Quebec”.]

There is a good reason why Rothmans is the World’s largest selling – most wanted King Size Virginia. It’s simply that Rothmans extra length, finer filter and the best tobacco money can buy, give you a cooler, smoother, more satisfying taste. Try them yourself and you’ll agree.

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Vol. 8
No. 8
August 1966

Published Monthly by
Telephone 4857, P.O.Box 685

Photographer-Editor BRUCE MacCONNELL
4857, Napier; 4026, night

Hastings Agent
231 Heretaunga Street West
88-766, Hastings

Sub-Editor RAE McGILL


MacConnell’s Photo Services
Top Hat Bldg., Dickens St.,
Telephone 4857

Batchelors Studios
231 Heretaunga Street West
Telephone 88-766

H.B. Books (Wholesale) Ltd.
Telephone 39-479, Napier

Printed Photo-Litho by Swailes, Hurst & Co. Ltd., Napier



Our cover this month features lovely Tuppence (Gail) Webster of Napier, who is a 20-year-old coffee bar assistant. She enjoys hobbies such as yachting, swimming, hockey and music, and is flanked on either side by two rather handsome young officers of the M. V. Quebec, who obliged by posing as male models with Tuppence. They are from left: Mr. David Gillan, 25 years old of Mt. Kuring-gai, Sydney, single, David is the 2nd engineer of the “Quebec”, (Tuppence), and Mr. Bob Allan of Southhampton, England. Bob is 23 years old, single, a registered motor mechanic, now junior engineer of the “Quebec”.

Back Cover: Portrays the intricate loveliness of a passion fruit flower.


And Hawkeye, who has been having a little rest in preparation for the great event, is now quite fit and raring to go. Just lately he has been taking off on secret missions each Wednesday and Saturday, and although he knows he will be up against it, against the fast maturing Lion, he figures he is as well prepared as he ever will be. If the mighty Rugby Union can spare us a pass onto the sideline Photo News will again bring a photographic record of the Lions-Hawke’s Bay clash.

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At the Civic Square, Hastings, on 16th July, Hastings Orphans Club challenged the raiding Masterton Savage Club. In the absence of the Mayor, Orphan R. V. Giorgi, Councillor H. G. Little welcomed the party and gave them the freedom of the Flaxmere suburb. The entertainment was carried onto the Orphan’s Hall where the raiding party entertained the Hastings club, after many arrests were made on the Masterton Savages.

A grand weekend all round was wound up on Sunday after a sightseeing trip of the surrounding districts.

Left: A group of spectators watch proceedings, as chief orphan Bill Elms (below left) reads out yet another charge on a member of the raiding party.

Below Right: The arrest of a Masterton Savage Club member, by members of Hastings Orphans Club.

As the raiding party members were found guilty they were thrown bodily into a brush covered wagon – all this was done to the strains of the Hastings Citizens Band. In the “cart” is Masterton’s chief (left) with shield around his neck, along with other executive.

Foreground Left: Messrs Percy Lee, Bill Kyle, and deputy chief Gordon Harding on truck.

Below: Members of the Orphans team after their victory and marvellous defence of the Bay. From Left: Messrs, Brodribb, Arrell, Harkness Bros.,  Lee, Bushby, Haswell, Mair and Kemsley.

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Central Hawke’s Bay Judo Club at Waipawa has recently received a boost, in membership, and are now able to boast two green belts, three orange belts and six yellow belts. Promotion on examination came to most of the members after their examination on Tuesday, 12th July, at the club premises, where a visiting black belt conducted the grading. The club was started by Mr. B. Pattison of Otane (green belt) about six years ago and he has remained with it since, teaching a vast number of pupils.

Above: General group of members.

Right: B. Symonds, Otane, executes his favourite throw (a lift pull loin) against J. Bothwell, Waipawa.

Below Left: J. Bothwell beautifully sweeps B. Symonds off his feet to take him right down to the mat.

Below Right: D. Read, Pukehou, throwing D. Crowley Waipukurau with a hip throw which is mastered in early stages of judo.

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Left Above: Fortunately D. Read, Pukehou, came out of this position safely after being thrown with a shoulder throw by D. Crowley, Waipukurau.

Right Above: Hoorah for the female of the species. Here Miss. H. McGregor after only three months tuition is well able to deal with B. Symonds, Otane.

Left Below: D. Crowley (green belt) demonstrating a side breakfall and

Right Below: D. Roscoe, Waipukurau,  throwing B. Pattison, Otane, with no uncertain terms. This throw is what is called a shoulder throw, a very good counter to a strangle from the rear.

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Her Majesty’s ship Tabard is a “T” conversion class submarine, built in Scotland by Messrs. Scotts of Greenock. She was laid down in September, 1944, and launched November, 1945. This sub saw no service during the war as she was first commissioned for service in June, 1946. She returned to Chatham Dockyard, England, in 1952, where the conversion from an ordinary slow T class submarine with a gun, to the Fast streamlined sub she is now, took place. This was achieved when Naval constructors devised a plan never attempted before in submarine history. Tabard and several others of her class were cut in half and had an extra section of pressure hull inserted. Additional batteries, motors and modern equipment were fitted. After she was recommissioned in 1955 and after a period in home waters, returned to the Mediterranean where she served in the 1st Squadron for about four years.

Tabard was assigned to the Fourth Submarine Division in Australia and she arrived here on the 24th October, 1960,  where she has been ever since. Providing submarine opposition for the Royal Australian and Royal New Zealand Navies in many exercises. In June, 1967, she will celebrate her 21 years of hard work.

Her vital statistics are, displacement 1535 tons, length 292 feet, armament six 21” torpedo tubes, and complement six officers with 58 ratings.

The normal cruising and periscope depth is 45 feet. The Tabard‘s commanding officer is Lt. Commander A. B. Miller.

On Friday morning 2ZC broadcast part of their breakfast session from the H.M.S. Tabard.

Right[Top Left]: Sid Hall (announcer), and Robert Jeffares (technician), shown in action.

Below Left: An hilarious interlude when Michael Cooper, electrical mechanic of London, reads a commercial for Syd Hall.

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Above Left: In this picture we see three young men loading supplies aboard the submarine.

Above Right: Is a view looking up the conning tower from the control room.

Below Left : Chief chef R. (Dolly) Gray is seen here preparing dinner. The cooks work in a very confined space.

Beiow Right: A welcome cup of coffee is being prepared in the pantry by E. Barnett (steward) of Plymouth, Devon, England.

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Above:  A group of Cubs await their turn to look through the Tabard.

Below Left: Lieutenant John Burns, 2nd officer, receives a Napier Scout badge on behalf of the H.M.S. Tabard from Gordon McKeefrey of Westshore Scout Pack.

Below Right: A large crowd makes its way aboard.

This will give you an idea of the extent of the queue waiting to go aboard the big attraction to Napier – the H.M.S. Tabard.

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A group of Sea Scouts also visited the Tabard during her stay in Napier.

Above Left: Trying their hand at depth controls, are from left: L. Smith aged 13, and Wayne Jones aged 12, both of Westshore.

Above: Deborah Page aged 13, of Napier, has a peep through the sub’s periscope, watched by Bob Townsend of Birmingham, England (left), and K. Lacey of London (right).

Centre Left: Roy Neumegan (background) aged 14, of Onekawa, and Peter Ludlow (foreground) aged 14, of Westshore, are completely engrossed in the workings of the main controls of the sub.

Below: Here is yet another portion of the colossal crowd waiting to get their look at H.M.S. Tabard.

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STEPHENSON – PAGE. Recently, Gay Winsome, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Page of Otane, was married to Bruce George, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stephenson of Auckland, at St. John’s Presbyterian Church, Waipawa.

JACKSON – BIXLEY. At St. John’s Presbyterian Church, Hastings, Edith Margaret, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Bixley, Hastings, to Graham Frederick, second son of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Jackson of Napier.

BRIDGMAN – ALLAN. Recently, Marilyn Joy, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Allan, Hastings, to Alan James, only son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bridgman of Hastings, at St. John’s Presbyterian Church, Hastings.

CHITTICK – McLEAY. Sheryn Johnette Ann, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. McLeay, Waipawa, to Robert Herbert, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Chittick, Waipawa, were married at St. John’s Presbyterian Church, Waipawa, recently.

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These young ballet aspirants of the Taradale Ballet School have every reason to smile, all of them passed the British Ballet Organisation’s examinations with honours.

Above: Scholars (from left), Sharon Wakely, Deborah Harwood, (front), Rosemary Kettle and Margaret Fry.

Above Left: Deborah Harwood gained highest marks in the scholars exam.

Left: Grade 1 pupils (from front), Margaret Fry, Sandra Smith, Senga Mitchell and Wendy Mitchell  (Absent at the time the photograph was taken, was Zoe Baker.)

Below: Highest marks in this category went to Sandra Smith.

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On Wednesday, 13th Iuly, the new Balmoral Shopping Centre on the corner of Wellesley and Kennedy Roads was opened to the public. Above:  General View of car park and the enormous queue waiting tor the doors to open.

2ZC’s Mobile Broadcasting unit was also on the  spot, recording proceedings. Keith Richardson,  announcer, is seen left, questioning a group of contestants on one of the numerous quiz contests he had. The winners of each quiz were eligible to run for the big prize which entailed arming oneself with a basket and darting in and out the many alleyways collecting a different item of goods from every shelf in three minutes.

Below: Miss Jean Algar, Napier nurse, was winner of the big prize, she really got down to the “collection” business by removing her shoes for more speed.

Below: 2ZC technicians inside the mobile unit broadcasting direct to the radio public. They are from left: Mr. Robert Jeffares and Mr. David Lindsay.

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Left: Miss Algar, with race completed and.basket full, enters the checkout counter where another woman won a prize for guessing the cost of the groceries. The latter being £12/6/9½, the guesswork answer was very close  being £12/10/.

Our photographer also caught interesting views of the interior of the Shopping Centre.

Below: Mrs. E. A. Saynor and Mrs. K. A. Holder both of Napier together with Mr. B. Mason, Advertising Manager of Foodstuffs Wellington Co-op Ltd., gave out sprays of flowers to the first entrants into the supermarket.

Above: Mrs. J. Rennie, Mrs. J. Duff, and Mrs.A. J. Bottem pack the prepared meat for the freezer.

Above Right: Customers eagerly viewing the meat.

Below: The preparation of the meat is done on. the premises by butcher, Mr. E. F. Ortquist.

Above: Goes to show – even youngsters are bargain conscious. Greg Duley perched in a basket looks with interest at butter reuduced to 1/8d per lb.

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Above:  One of the many alleyways  which were jam packed with prospective customers.

Above: Check out attendants, Mr. Bill Johnson, cashier and Miss A. Hewkins of Hastings, were kept at a gallop all day with the relentless flow of customers.

Above:  Mrs. Jim Foley and Mrs. L. M. Martin, were obviously enjoying their cup of coffee from the automatic dispenser which is a special feature of the supermarket.

Another group of people appreciating coffee, tea and beef tea from the dispenser.

A portion of the crowd outside the Balmoral Shopping Centre awaiting the opening of the doors.


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View of new housing development in Ballantyne Street, Frimley area, Hastings, which now reaches to the orchards (on other side of hedge).

Messrs. John Dallimore, Neil Ferguson [Fergusson], Barry Stephens and Ron Bishop are seen here putting the finishing touches to a concrete floor of a new house.

In this last picture of Frimley area, are some delightful new homes already built.

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Earlier this year, six hardy and adventurous Napier deerstalkers headed south to Fiordland, National Park, and spent some three weeks stalking Wapiti – or as our contributor labels them, Cervus Strongyloceros. One party of three, R. O. Jacobson, N. B. J. Fergusson, and M. D. Hawkins, were awarded, by official ballot, the Lower Glainsnock Valley block, and the other three, O. R, Angen, T. Porter, and J. O’Sullivan, Kotemaori, were awarded the adjacent Upper Glainsnock block. (The reproductions published were taken from colour slides supplied by a member of the party).

Roy Angen and Jack O’Sullivan set off with a hefty load.

Left: “A home away from home”: Mile Hawkin’s and Neil Fergusson’s fly camp on the tops.

Below: The rewards: Neil Fergusson displays the results of a successful stalk – a fine 12-point bull shot from 10 yards.

Below: While on the way home, three members of the party took the opportunity to visit the Havelock Valley in the Southern Alps in search of Thar. Six of these animals, purchased from the Duke of Bedford, were released in the Mt. Cook area in 1904 and since that time have thrived. The scene below is described by our contributor as being: “Typical Thar country above the Havelock Riverbed.”

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A view of Lake Te Anau from the National Park Board survival hut at the mouth of the Glaisnock River whihc both parties used as a base for their operations.

Right: A successful conclusion: From left, O. Jacobson, M. Midgley, M. Hawkins and N Fergusson.

Below: Jack O’Sullivan surveys the Glaisnock watershed from a vantage point at the valley head.

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They say that all ills can be cured if the wish and thoughtpower is strong enough. Perhaps if you concentrate hard enough on this aerial view of Napier’s Olympic pool crowded with sun-drenched leisure seekers trying to beat the heat, you too will forget that it is mid winter.

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JAMES – OFFEN. At St. Luke’s Anglican Church, Havelock North, Kathleen Ann, only daughter of Mr and Mrs D. Offen, Hastings, to Gibb William, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. D.G.W. James of Cambridge.

WINTERS  – HERRIES. The wedding of Merylyn Ann, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Herries of Havelock North, to Terry, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Winters, Fernhill, was at Nelson Street Hall, Hastings.

The home of Mr. and Mrs. Scholes, was the venue for the 21st birthday of their daughter Pamela.  She is seen here cutting her cake.


Proud parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Zelcer of Hastings, are seen here, assisting their son Stephen Harold to cut his birthday cake at his “coming out party”, which was held at the Orphan‘s Hall, Hastings, recently.

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The social clubs of Watties and Birds-eye organised a sports day which was held at Farndon Park, Clive, recently. All proceeds from the day were in aid of the Hohepa Home for lntellectually Handicapped Children.

A great day was had by all and activities included a “Mens and Womens Football Game”, “Mens and Womens Basketball Game”, “Mens Tug-o-War”, “Childrens Lolly Scramble”, and a “Hangi” was provided.

Above Left: Demonstration of a vigorous scrum, during the mens football.

Above Right: Led by Sir James Wattie and Mr. L. E. Harris, the official party make their way off the field after greeting players.

Below Right: Great activity during womens’ football

Eager children during lolly scramble.

The girls are out to prove their scrums can be just as enthusiastic as their fellow players.

PS. To Readers: Watties won the Mens Football, Womens Football and Mens Tug-o-War, while Birdseye took first place in the Womens Basketball.

Combined mens teams showing their strength in a tug-o-war.

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At a ceremony held at St. Luke’s Hall, Havelock North, on 23rd June, presentations were made. This is the only occasion in Hawke‘s Bay when five members of one brigade have been presented with the “Grand Prior” award at one time. The “Grand Prior” award being the highest St. Johns award. Twelve proficiency examinations and a minimum of three years hard work, resulted in the awarding of “Grand Prior” awards to five nursing cadets of the Havelock North Division. Presentations were made for “Proficiency” awards and badges. As well as presentations, there was an Annual Inspection held by District Commissioner H. E. Taylor, Mr. A. I. Rainbow (Knight of the Order of St. John), Sister Reed (District Nursing Superintendent), Mr. S. C. Andrews {District Officer), Mr. A. Kirkpatrick (Vice Chancellor and Director of Associations).

Mr. W. Ashcroft, Mayor of Havelock North, is seen presenting “Grand Prior” awards to Sally Rishworth (above left), Sandra Cook (centre); and Jennifer Hide {above), all are nursing cadets.

Mr. Ashcroft is seen again making a presentation, this time to student nurse Colleen Hibbert, who received the “Grand Prior” award.

Beverley Garnett gives Mr. Ashcroft a beaming smile as she receives her award of the “Grand Prior”.

Heather Flett applies a “Spiker Bandage” for the leg, to Jennifer Hyde. At the Dominion Competitions these two girls won the Home Nursing Shield for New Zealand.

Left: Demonstration of mouth to mouth resusitation.

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Above: SHARP – WILSON. At St. Andrew’s Church, Takapau, Yvonne May, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Wilson, Takapau, to David Campbell, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Sharp. Napier. In attendance were from left: Neville McDonald, John Sharp, Bruce Jury, (groom and bride), Patricia Wilson, Suzanne Wilson and Christine Mullin.

Left: Announced recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nick Razos, Hastings, was the engagement of their only daughter Evangeloula, to Manuel Sideris, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Mareus Sideris, Hastings.

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Celebrated at the Ex-Navalmen’s Hall, Onekawa, was the 21st birthday of Pauline, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hodgson. Pauline is pictured here with her parents.

The 21st birthday of Jackie Berrigan of Napier. was celebrated at the Merchant Navy Hall, Napier, recently.

The Napier Cafeteria was the venue for Trevor Hepburn‘s coming-of-age party. Trevor is pictured here with his parents and sister, from left: Mrs. Hepburn, Trevor, Barbara and Mr. G. Hepburn, all of Napier.

HOOPER – RYE. At St. Columba’s Westshore, the wedding of Angela Rye, to Clive Hooper both of Napier, took place recently. In attendance were, from left: I. Workman, L. Chapman, (bride and groom), K. McCormick and A. Lightband.

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Face lifts and the erection of numerous new buildings around Napier is a staggering sight, one marvels at the new shops, garages and industrial bnildings springing up around every corner.

Here we have selected just a few of the many, to give you an idea oi how Napier is striding forward with leaps and bounds. There have been approximately 33 new retail premises built since November, 1965.

The new merchandise store, showroom and licensed liquor store being erected for Dalgety‘s at Westshore.

Bissell’s Electrical Co. Ltd. new premises being erected in Dickens Street, Napier.

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Above: Baillie Motors, Dickens Street, Napier are well underway with the demolition of their existing offices on readiness to erect new offices and  showroom.

Below: Three of the four shops at Clive Square, Napier, have occupants now, the fourth still unknown. The occupants so far are Para Rubber Co., Redpaths Flooring and the Chef Bar, which is a new eating place.

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After a night at the movies a lot of people rush off home to see “Alfred Hitchcocks Hour” on TV. – others round off the evening with a light supper of some description. But there are the few who, though it is a Saturday, must work.

Above Left: Projectionist, Jack Murtagh, is seen here threading a reel of film during Saturday evening’s screening at the “State”, Hastings.

Below: Our cameraman took this crowd of people leaving the “Regent” theatre, Hastings.

Above Right: Another man who had to work during Saturday night, was Constable R. Dicker, at the Hastings Police Station Watchouse. Constable Dicker is calling a patrol car on the radio  telephone, relaying the address of a prowler complaint.

Those lucky people who were able to relax over coffee, etc., are seen below.

Mr. and Mrs. W. Edwards of Hastings, obviously enjoyed their after-movie “cuppa” at the “Pania”. Mr. Edwards is a truck driver for Watties.

Anyone for a “Bondburger”? Mr. Hugh Bond, owner of the Pania Milk Bar/Tearooms, Hastings, has his hands full filling orders.

Waiting for their supper order to arrive at the “Pania”, are from left: Sally Timu, Turi Jones aged 12, and Mrs. Jones, all of Hastings.

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Our photographers next call was at “Andy’s Tavern”, Karamu Road, Hastings. “Andy’s Tavern“ was a hive of industry, with Mr. G. Hand (right) father of the owner, taking just a few of the many orders that night.

Above Left: Mr. S. N. Hand, chef/owner and his mother Mrs. G, Hand, prepare steaks. hamburgers, etc.

Centre: Mrs. S. N. Hand, the owner‘s wife, was at’ the “Deep Frier“ when our photographer arrived.

Once again we meet a few of those few who had to work.

Above: Fireman driver M. Brown of the Hastings Fire Station, was on duty until 8 am.

Left: The scene of our next call was the Hastings Taxi Office where Phil Hunt, radio telephonist, receives a call for a cab.

Below: Mr. Des Irwin, taxi driver of Hastings, is seen here leaving to collect passengers in answer to the phone, call received by Phil Hunt in the taxi office.

We wondered if these boys, who are from left: Eddy Whatarau, Charlie Raerino, Bill Whatarau and Eddy Hawkins, were the passengers Mr. Irwin was going to collect.

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After a two-year letter-writing courtship and one week after Miss Raelee McDonald of Newcastle, Australia, arrived in New Zealand she was married to Mr. Alistair Haggett Noble of Alva, Scotland, the Chief Engineer of the M.V. Nottingham, at St. John’s Cathedral, Napier, on 12th July, Dean Childs officiated.

Above, from left: Mr Desmond Jones from England, lst officer, Mrs. Charmaine Cooper of Nelson, originally of Essex, England, Captain John Ramsay, England, who gave the bride away, (bride and groom), Mrs. Chris Patterson of Papatoetoe, formerly of Hamstead, England, and wife of the M.V. Nottingham‘s 1st Electrician, Mr. Brian Barry, 2nd Engineer of Liverpool, England, and Miss Barbara Wilson of Napier, was the flowergirl. All the male attendants belonged to the M.V. Nottingham.

Below: The best man, Brian Barry, is seen here with the bride and groom, reading the congratulatory telegrams at the reception held in the main saloon, on board the Nottingham.

Captain Ramsay takes, delight in placing the “Garter” on Miss McDonald’s leg before leaving for the Cathedral.

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Left: Mr. Andrew Gray, 3rd officer of Glasgow, Scotland, piped Mr. and Mrs. Noble aboard the Nottingham for the cocktail party and reception.

Above: A gallant gesture on Mr. Noble’s part, as he sweeps his very new wife across the ship’s threshhold.

Below: The 6,689 ton, 480 foot long M.V. Nottingham, lying in the Napier Harbour.

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Napier traffic officer Ken McLennan (centre), spearheads a group of young men it would be wise to treat with considerable respect. They are all exponents or pupils of the art of Karate which began its existence in Hawke’s Bay some seven years ago.

From Left: Joe Crott (Orange Belt). Bruce Gaudie (Orange Belt), Peter Wood (Green Belt), Ken McLennan (Black Belt and instructor of the Pirimai Club), Kevin Wilson (Orange Belt), Gordon Larking (Brown Belt), and William Wilson (Orange Belt).

A sport which is fast gaining popularity throughout New Zealand, Karate had its beginnings in India. From there it went to China and then to Japan and it was in the latter country that it first gained recognition as a sport.

Basically, Karate techniques consist of blocking or thwarting an attacker followed by countering with blows from the feet and fists to vulnerable parts of the body. Part and parcel of this sport is the hardening of hands and feet, a feature for which it is, perhaps wrongly, better known, for speed of movement and reaction is what the Karate exponent aims tor.

In Karate the hands and feet become deadly weapons and for this reason applicants for club membership are closely investigated, the first requirement being the production of character references. On the other hand membership is not restricted by age or sex; for instance there are men in their fifties and a number of females practicing Karate in Napier. The very nature of the sport demands that participants have reached an age of mature judgment, but for those who do take it up, Karate offers a tremendous challenge as it takes some five to six years to reach the Black Belt stage and even then you have to be very good indeed to make the grade. With the attainment of skill in this sport for both men and women, comes a higher degree of self confidence and independence in ones ability to look after oneself. With it also comes discipline, for should any member use his skills for other than purely self defence he, or she, is immediately tossed out of the club. However, we give fair warnings. Those skilled. in Karate will defend themselves or anyone else in trouble, so don’t be brash enough to try your luck with any of those pictured on these pages.

Above Left: Unfortunately the still camera cannot Ilustrate the speed with which these exponents of Karate move. Here, knife weilder Peter Wood, a Napier policeman, having had his knife thrust deflected by way of a well directed kick, is about to receive a full blooded thump on the back of the head from Ken McLennan’s rock hard fist.

Left: The girls too are no sluggers when it comes to learning the art of Karate. Black Belt instructor Roy Fredrickson of the Napier Club supervises a counter attack on himself by Val Lambess.

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Under the critical scrutiny of instructor Ken McClennan, Peter Wood lunges at Gordon Larking with a double fisted attack. Gordon manages to block the left arm punch of Peters’, but the latter, scores with a strike to the ribs.

Right: A high degree of physical fitness and concentrated effort is demonstrated here by Ken McClennan as he launches a “front thrust kick” attack on William Wilson, who has successfully countered.

Brown Belt Gordon Larking has successfully evaded an attack from Orange Belt holder Joe Crott, and is about to counter with a “bottom fist strike” to the back of the head.

Left: Had this been anything else but a friendly match Joe Crott would no longer be with us, for Gordon Larking having blocked an attack by the former has delivered a lethal strike to the throat.

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Val Lambess (left) and Wendy Morris practice karate techniques under the watchful supervision of Black Belt instructor Fred Coulter. Here the correct method of delivering a side kick, or “Yoho Geri,” is being explained.

Left: Later, Val puts into practice what she has learnt in a simulated counter attack on Black Belt instructor Ray Fredrickson.

Below: Wendy Morris is again the victim in an instructional demonstration by Fred Coulter and Val Lambess of the “shuto” or knife hand blow to the back of the neck.

The full gambit on the use of hands feet and balance are demonstrated in this match by Bruce Gaudie (left) and William Wilson. Both are Orange Belt holders.

Right[Above]: A free sparring match at the Napier club between Val Lambess and Sally Parcel.

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They enjoyed the night’s entertainment: Ann Miller, Judy McGee and her cousin Annette Green.

Below: Many youngsters came along in fancy dress, all of them receiving a prize for their trouble.

Mr. Bruce Ladd, a prominent Roller Hockey player of Napier, had his hands full cutting the cake at the 10th birthday celebrations of the Napier Revue Skating Club. Skaters from Hastings, Dannevirke. Palmerston North, and Gisborne attended the function.

Below: The young skaters who came within our cameraman’s view finder: Lorraine Evans, Karen Corneliesse and Amanda Curle, all of Napier.

A late night cup of tea for Peter Cooper, Palmerston North, Marion West, Napier and Jennifer Wright, Palmerston North. Jennifer and Peter will be  competing together in the National’s early next year.

Below: Happy to be skaters: Billy Heap, Melda Nicholaison, Denise Hook and Maurice Martin.

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McKenzies new supermarket in Heretaunga Street East, Hastings, was opened on Wednesday, 6th July, under the management of Mr. F. Ward.  From our photographers photos of the interior and workings of the supermarket, it appears to be proving very popular.  One of the many features McKenzies have offered is off-the-street parking at the rear of the store.

Above: Here is a general view of the new grocery department.

Below Left: Isn’t she a sweety! Little Sharon Carroll helps her mummy with a parcel, whilst shopping.

Below Centre: Mr. Graham Allan, who is one of the butchers, is about to do a little stitching on a roast.

Below Right: A very popular feature of the supermarket is the very well equipped “Snack Bar”, our cameraman received a very warm smile from assistant Miss Y. Hall.

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Above: Pictured here packing meat in the butchery department are from left: Messrs. M. Wooton and Mrs. Littlejohn.

Above Right: Mrs. Sullivan serving a customer at the Snack Bar makes a very happy scene.

Centre Right: A general view of the interior of the shop, taken from the offices upstairs. This will give readers an idea of the extent of the supermarket.

Below Left: Even Mr. F. Ward, the manager of the supermarket lends a hand at serving customers at the “check out” counter.

Below Right: Yet another happy scene was captured by our photographer; this time we see Mrs. E. Kenny (right foreground) who is the cashier, ringing up the goods which Miss S. Johnson (left background), is packing at another of the many “check out” counters.

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Hasting’s St. Andrew’s Scout Hall was the venue for the local Cub Pack’s 50th Anniversary celebration of Cubbing in this club. Centrepiece was a decorated cake bearing the Cubs motto, a principle which we would all do well to emulate.

Right: Mrs. J. N. Forde, who seventeen years ago started the Hastings group, was called on to cut the cake.

Below: They all lined up for the photographer on this historic occasion.

Well equipped for a long hike – even to the extent of a spare hat;  current Scout Mistress, Mrs. Cowan.

Far Left: Initiative and independence are two of the prime principles propounded in Cub circles. Here eight-year-old Ross Brown, proudly displays the product of his knitting prowess; a pair of bed socks and

Left, 10-year-old Gary Williams holds his do-it-yourself knife and fork set, carved from wood.

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Corner of Dalton and Emerson Streets, Napier – Telephone 7677
Our large range of SOUVENIR GIFTS on display In our shop includes
INLAID WOODWORK of all types


“Great Catherine” a four scene play by Bernard Shaw, was presented by Hawke’s Bay Theatre Guild, with cast members from Colenso Active Drama Class. The play, set in a palace in St. Petersburg in 1776, was well received.

This play was presented in association with the Browning version produced by James Morgan, for Hastings Group Theatre.  Mr. Morgan has recently accepted the assignment to produce “Brigadoon” for Hastings Musical Comedy Co. for presentation during the Highland Games Festival next year.

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At the Gospel Hall, Carlyle Street, Napier, the Every Girls Rally held their 12th Birthday recently. Along with the cake cutting which was done by the youngest member of the Rally, the candles being blown out by the eldest, there were also games and a devotional talk organised for the girls, making a most pleasant evening’s entertainment.


This Green Back Turtle, weighing 165½ lbs was one of N.A.C.’s  more unusual passengers. He is now an added attraction at the Hawke‘s Bay Aquarium, after what is believed to be a freak entry into New Zealend waters. These turtles are a tropical reptile, and authorities believe he may have been carried into these waters by currents. This particular turtle is estimated at being two to three hundred years old. You will notice the semi-saucer shaped hole in the rear of the reptiles shell, believed to be a shark bite, the latter and humans being his only enemy.

This is a view of the interior of St. John’s Cathedral, Napier, on 9th July, where the  Royal Schools of Music Choral Service was being conducted by combined choirs.

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Giglio-Porto, a Mediterranean island off the coast of Italy, is unique in its isolation, for it is entirely dependant on the monthly water and oil boats and it was here that Mr. Eardley Bennett of Napier, went diving for amphore. Actually Eardley had not gone diving for the latter but that is in fact what he found, and he discovered the wreck of an ancient Roman galleon.

Left:  Backed by assorted pieces of underwater fishing gear, Eardley Bennett displays two of the valuable antiques he fished out of the galleon. These amphore were estimated to be some 2000 years old.

Below:  The one that got away. This vessel was more or less spirited out of Italy in many pieces and reassembled by Eardley when he returned to New Zealand.

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The War Memorial Hall, Napier, on the 16th Iuly, was the scene of much “meowing” from the furred and not so furred of the feline species, in actual fact it was the Annual Cat Show. Owners brought their pets from as far away as Palmerston North.

Left:  “Persil White” should have been the name for “Bruno”, pictured here with his mistress Yvonne Hatch of Napier.

Below:  Mrs. M. Dunstall is holding “Teena” who looks on, supposedly at “Bruno” being photographed, with concentrated interest.

Left:  “Yoohoo,” says “Sandy” to “Roley” (right), who returns the greeting with a wink.  Incidentally “Roley” is 18 lbs. and belongs to Miss Maree George of Hastings. “Sandy” is held by Miss Rayna McKee of Napier.

Lucky “Tiddles” being held by two attractive keepers, from left: Lenore Webber (Tiddles) and Miss Judith McGill.

This lovely feline miss called “Tinkerbell” belongs to Miss Cherie Almond of Napier.

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Above:  “Hummph! And I wonder who he thinks he is,” seems to be what “Wanella Regina”, belonging to Mrs. D. Abraham of Pukekohe, is saying.

Mrs. Blows of Palmerston, North, is holding “Illawarra Pretty Penny” which is the winner of eight 1sts, three 2nds, one 3rd and a Challenge Cup prize. Pretty Penny appears a little dubious about our photographer.

No, not a “Panther”, but an equally as beautiful and sleek “Blackie” is lapping up the publicity. He belongs to Mrs. H. McKee of Napier.

“Shall I make a run for it”, which looks’to be the thought running through “Skippies” [Skippy’s] mind.  “Skippy” is held by Mr. Ashhurst of Taradale.

Left:  This very fine specimen called “Tiki” appears to have spotted someone. “Tiki” is being held by Miss Julie Anderson of Havelock North.

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COYLE – SMITH.  At St. Patrick’s Church, Napier, on 2nd June, Patricia Ellen, daughter of Mrs. I. Smith, Blenheim, to Terry, son of Mrs. R. Coyle of Napier.

Recently at Marist Gym, Napier, Sally and Barney Troy, daughter and son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Troy, Douglas McLean Avenue, Napier, celebrated their combined 21st birthdays.

The engagement of Annette Lorraine Cox, to Neville Allan Rowe, was celebrated at the home of Miss Cox on 9th June, in Napier.

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Above:  Greater Hastings will be busy on 27th August erecting the arches for Blossom Parade 1966, our picture shows that the idea of arches is not as new as we may think, this picture was taken by Lovell-Smiths on the 50th Anniversary of the city of Hastings. [1873 – 1923]

Below:  A group of people attending the Regional Scouting Conference at Tomoana Showgrounds, Hastings.

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One day last month our photographer invited along to cover a women’s function in Napier, entered the home of Mrs L. F. England full of goodwill to his fellowmen, and expecting to find a group of ladies chatting over a cup of tea.  Instead he gained the impression that he had entered a torture chamber; some ladies were bending over others sitting an chairs apparently attacking them with a variety of weapons, and the victims appeared to be squirming in agony. However: it appeared all the ladies had come along to learn the art of facial beautification.

Above:  Mrs. Joyce Elstone (centre), a beauty consultant for “Ovation International” was the cause of it all. Enthusiastic participants in the short course included, from left, Mesdames J. Linton, H. Craig (Mrs. Elstone), P. Smith, and J. Marshall.

Left:  This was no sit-and-listen lecture, for the ladies were expected is have a crack themselves, although this looks more like a dentist chair, Mrs. Hill is in fact applying some lipstick to Mrs. Smith.

Below:  Consultant, Mrs. Elstone, closely studies the features of Mrs. McDougal and advises on the type of cosmetics best suited for her needs.

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Above:  Intense concentration by both the subject and the “operator”; Mrs. D. McLean, who applys lipstick to Mrs. D. Mellar.

Left:  A wistful look from Mrs. A. Marshall (right) as she receives the attentions of Mrs. P. England, who is applying brush rouge.

Below Right:  Mrs. Craig (seated) obliges with a smile for our photographer; Mrs. J. Linton is experimenting with a somewhat lethal looking eyeshadow pencil.

Above:  Mrs. Hill (left) looks on with interest as consultant Joyce Elstone (centre) daubs some bottled beauty on the features of Mrs. Smith.  Mrs. Marshall spares a moment for the camera while Jnr. on the far right appears astounded with proceedings.

A delicious afternoon tea followed the varied “Renovations”.

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BURN – ADDIS.  At St. John’s Presbyterian Church, Waipawa, Robyn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Addis of Argyle, Waipawa, to Ralph Burn, son of Mrs. B. Burn of Manchester, England.  In attendance were from left: Karl Grant, Janet Burn and Judith Lowe (flower girls), (groom and bride), Deborah Shepherd and Glenda McCulloch.

ADAMSON – AMNER.  Announced recently was the engagement of Gail, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. Amner, Hastings, to Donald John, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Adamson, Hastings.

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KELLY – AFFLECK.  Recently in St. Patrick’s Church, Napier, Kathy Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. Affleck, Vigor Brown Street, Napier, to Joseph James, son of Mrs. A. Kelly of Dublin, Ireland.  In attendance were, from left: Dennis Mahoney, Patricia Affleck, (bride and groom) and Maree Affleck.  The couple will make their home in Napier.

THOMPSON – BONE.  Left:  At St. Columba’s Church, Havelock North, Suzanne, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. Bone, Havelock North, to Garry, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Thompson of Gisborne. The couple will reside in Gisborne.

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Last month the H.M.Z.S. Inverell, commissioned last August as a fisheries protection vessel and cadet patrol and training ship, paid a visit to Hawke’s Bay. Readers may recall that the Inverell played a leading part in the search for the sunken Kaitawa, being the ship which actually discovered the wreck.

Above:  When Photo News visited the ship, Seaman Peter Cooper of Timaru, one of the 68 member crew, obliged with a demonstration of one of the ships guns.

It was David Fulton’s ninth birthday and as far as he was concerned it was the best birthday he had ever had.

Below:  Six-year-old Gail Miller was a little apprehensive when dad placed her on the “firing seat”.

The ship wasn’t actually going anywhere but again Peter Cooper obliged our Photographer by standing duty at the “wheel” which in today’s modern ships still follows the traditional design.

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Sailors line up for lunch on one side of the galley counter and (right) on the other side cook Hartfield, Wellington, serves out a man-sized meal.

Below Right: Cook Graham Willis has a full time job carving the Sunday roast for the crew.

Full use is made of every inch of space on board a ship the size of the Inverell and here three members have lunch in a section of the ratings mess. Note the television set above right.

Below: Another departure from the traditional sea farers lot; the top bunk swings down and back to make a comfortable settee.

Impressive crest of H.M.N.Z.S. Inverell.

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Utilitarion, but practical; the Inverell’s washroom does not sport any formica panelling but the stainless steal sinks sport hot and cold water faucets.

Left: ‘Tween deck conditions for the modern sailor are undoubtedly far superior to those of the press gang days, but in true navy tradition there is still plenty of spit and polish in the sailors daily routine; Graham Howard, Wanganui.

This unusual looking object on the Inverell’s deck is in fact a life raft which when inflated is capable of carrying twenty men.

Left: The Inverell carries round its own particular brand of welcome sign, a lamp to light the way of the night time visitor to the ship.

Below: To add to the comfort and wellbeing of the ships crew there is, besides T.V. and a movie projector a centrally located radiogram which provides music, from a large range of recordings to every part of the ship via a system of audio pipes.

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Left: When C. B. Builders’ new building at Westshore was officially opened last month, guests found a boat already taking shape inside. That no time was wasted in making full use of this new building was typical of the man who turned a hobby into a full time business.

Although a relatively new enterprise, this boat building enterprise, headed by Mr. R. E. Black is already making quite a name for itself.

Above: The building is practical and unpretentious in design. Obviously Mr. Black is a practical man, for the building was opened on the 13th of July. The Napier Harbour Board Chairman, Mr. A. Kirkpatrick pronounced the building officially open.

Right: It is the people in a business who make it tick. Here, Mr Sebastino Cavallaro (centre) who had commissioned the boat then under construction, is photographed with Mr. Black (second from right) and the staff, from left, John Beevers, Laurie Dentice and Terry Exeter.

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Below: Lyn, seen here with her parents Mr. and Mrs. T. Townsend of Haumoana, celebrated her 21st birthday in the Memorial Hall, Haumoana.

Above: Mr. and Mrs. B. Mucalo pictured here with their son Mate Frank, when he celebrated the occasion of his 21st birthday.

Below: Pictured with her grandmother, is Janice Moody, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Moody of Napier, who Celebrated her 21st birthday recently.

Above: The Ex-Navalmens Hall, Napier, was the venue for the venue for the coming of age party of Daryl, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. O. I. Marshall. “Glenross”.

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By D. Hanger

The story so far: In the last issue we told of our scrambled preparations for departure; of the trip from Napier across the Taupo Hills, past beautiful lake Taupo, through Rotorua, over the Mamaku Ranges and into Matamata, and to the gates of Crystal Springs Motor Camp; that it was dark on our arrival and that this was our first stop-over point on our caravan tour to Cape Reinga and back; and that we had chosen this as our first camp because it was reported to include a hot-pool in its attractions. We pick up the story again at the point where we are standing at the camp office hopefully waiting for a fanfare welcome . . . .

We were more than a little disappointed when the man behind the counter didn’t greet us in accordance with our role of explorers into the unknown. In point of fact, his manner was such, although most polite, as to infer that people like us arrived every day of the week – after a couple of days we got used to the idea that there was nothing extraordinary about hauling a caravan from camp to camp, and that thousands had preceded us. But at this point we still felt like Captain Cook setting out on a history making journey, expecting everyone to lay out the red carpet. As it was, the proprietor, who turned out to be a very nice fellow indeed, said, in answer to our query if there was anywhere in his camp where we could park our caravan: “You’ll want a power point of course?”

We supposed we did.

“Right,” said he, “yours is number 25. Here’s the key.

We said thank you, looked blankly at the key, wondering what on earth it was for. After all, we didn’t expect to be unlocking any doors to get onto a plot of ground.

“That’s for the power point box,” he explained, noticing no doubt my efforts not to look dumb – I had expected him to add: “You nit,” but he didn’t, which says a lot for his powers of restraint.

As we were still standing about looking rather uncertain as to what we were supposed to do next, he patiently explained.

“Yours is just along that road” – pointing into the camp along a tar sealed road which disappeared behind a hedge into an abyss of blackness – “and on the left when you get down to the bottom.”

As he said this with some finality, we hurriedly inquired as to whether the pool was open – hoping  of course that there was a pool and that he knew what we were talking about.

“You’ll have to be quick it you want a swim tonight. The lights go out at 9 o’clock,” was his casual reply.

We were just a little put out at this, for, we reasoned, we had just travelled exactly 201 miles from Napier (Margaret M. had worked it out), just to swim in his pool and here he was casually explaining that he was going to turn the lights out on us. As he didn’t volunteer to leave the lights on, no matter how doleful we looked, we trouped back to the cars.

Right, I thought, here goes nothing, Down past the office, past the hedge, a sharp turn to the left, along past some very comfortable looking, but, we gloated, expensive motels, another swing to the left, a dip down, and – nothing. Just darkness on either side and another hedge with another gap spotlighted in front and through which the road disappeared again. Time for some more exercise and. an investigation into how these camps worked. At this time I offered up a prayer that I had not taken the wrong road within the camp, reasoning, that if I had I would spend the rest of the night manoeuvering a tail end 15-foot unit, backwards, along a very narrow, very dark, one-way road.

As it was a one-way road on which I now stopped, Bruce, following up behind, found himself faced with the rear end of a caravan and no place to go, so he got out and joined me in a two-man, torchlight exploration of the grass expanse to our left. We had learnt our first lesson: Always arrive before dark so you can find your allotted plot.

As it turned out, the man behind the counter had been quite right. 30 yards off to the left and up against a very high hedge we found a small box mounted on a post. On the lid of the box was the number 25. We had found what was temporarily our plot of land. All I had to do was get “home” somewhere near that box and we were set for the night.

The anticipated difficulties of backing a whacking great caravan up against the hedge and alongside the power point did not materialise, for I discovered that

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the very length of trailer unit facilitated backward manoeuver. The assistance of Bruce, standing out on the cold and signalling with a torch, helped a lot. The result of my neck-twisting backward operation was the arrival of the caravan, somewhat askew admittedly, up against the high hedge and within a few feet of the power point box. Next came the struggle, of unhooking, which, by brute force and vocal accompaniment, we achieved without too much trouble. On this night we learnt that the use of brains rather than brawn was far more effective and tat [that] once mastered, this business of unhooking and hooking up was a very simple process indeed. Then, after half emptying the boot to find the power lead, we hooked up to the power point and shed some light on the situation. Immediately our mobile home took on a far more comfortable appearance. It being quiet cold, we had gallantly suggested that the girls stay in the heated cars while we set up the caravan. This latter chore took a little longer than it should have as we had not organised packing with the experience and knowledge of such an operation behind us. Consequently there were many trips backwards and forwards to the cars to find the equipment, but we eventually had the heaters – one  gas and one electric – pumping out heat, the gas to the cooker hooked up, and the tiny 5″ T.V. reproducing an excellent picture.


When the girls were called to come in, the caravan offered them a comfortable and pleasant welcome. However, it dawned on us about this time that the floor was not quite as stable as it might be, simply because we had forgotten “to crank down the “legs” under the back end. The suggestion by one of the girls that we had overlooked this basic requirement was treated with the disdain it deserved. We had left this chore until they had been comfortably settled, we claimed as we trooped outside once again. I then discovered that one did not back a caravan hard up against a dew laden hedge. As we had no intention of going through the process of hooking up again at that time of night, we pushed and scrambled our way in the back of the caravan and managed to get the stabilising legs wound down on to terra firma. A note to the Oxford makers down in Levin: Set up these gadgets so they can be got at from the side too, then amateurs like us wouldn’t get wet through.

Back in the caravan we found the girls getting into all sorts of difficulties. Bruce and I had a hand in packing away the equipment and from comments bandied about it would seem that we had set out to secrete everything we had laid hands on. We decided a dignfied retreat would be in order and announced that we would sacrifice our leisure hours for their benefit by taking a trip into town for some much needed supplies, including a stock of additives for the bottle of whisky Bruce had miraculously produced – being  a Sassenach I preferred whisky to be drowned in a pleasant tasting mollifier. Thus we put off for another hour ther problem of all fitting in to the caravan at once. While no one had raised this interesting question, we were all aware that this was going to be the big test of the project.

On arriving back from our sojourn into town we found that the girls had sorted everything out and that hot soup and toast were awaiting us. After a most enjoyable tea and coffee, followed by a couple of belly warming whiskies we settled down on the surprisingly comfortable divans to watch T.V. and talk over the day’s happenings. We also discovered, that with just a little forethought before moving off in any one direction, there was sufficient room for four adults afterall: certain rules had to be applied, rules which allowed that we weren’t moving around a thousand-square-foot home. For instance, if I wanted to move from one end of the caravan to the other it paid to assess the possible movements of companions before setting off, otherwise it was pounds to a penny we would all end up in a huddle with chaotic results; try standing back to back with someone, then both bend down suddenly and you’ll get the idea.

By this time we were beginning to feel like old stagers at this caravaning business. In fact, the whole thing was turning out to be a very pleasant and enjoyable change from home life, even though we had most of the comforts of home with us. The fact that it was the middle of winter was of no concern, for the effectiveness of the rock-gas heater was such that we suffered no discomforture whatever. We had in fact

Photo caption – Offered a welcome, with the 5” T.V. bringing in a perfect picture to be watched from the surprisingly comfortable divans in the “living room” end

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been forced to turn of the electric heater and to turn down the gas heater. Our only regret was that we had missed out on our much looked forward to swim in the pool. And so, at 11 o’clock, someone suggested it was about time for the sack. Then Bruce opened up a new conversational gambit which dissolved all thoughts of bed: “David, what time did that fella say the pool opened again?” queried Bruce.

“Well, he was a little vague about that,” I answered casually, adding, “something about, ‘as soon as you get up’, I think.”

“Well,” piped up Margaret M. brightly, “why don’t we ‘get up’ now?” Thus this young lady brilliantly sidestepped the suggestion of the proprietor that the pool was closed after 9 pm. All he had said was that the lights would be turned off. And who needs lights to go for a swim?


A quick change, which incidentally, raised its own problems of decorum, and we were ready to set out into the night. The whole idea had been very easy to decide on while wrapped in the warmth of the caravan, but when Bruce stepped outside, and had stepped back in again equally as quickly, doubts were raised as to the likely temperature of the said pool. Another quick censultation, with Margaret M. leading the case for the prosecution, or continuance of the original plan, and we decided to bravely press on, after first fortifying the clothing situation.

With torches flickering ahead of us we made our way through the break in the hedge, across a nearly deserted camping area, and down a bush track to the pool. Fortunately no one else was stirring, it now being close to midnight, so there was no one, to witness the startling results of our garb, especially concerning Bruce and I: towels draped over our dressing gowned shoulders, and bare legs disappearing into socks and shoes – a  sight straight out of a slap stick movie. On arrival we found not one, but three pools. all concrete encased and flanked by neat dressing sheds. Which one was the hottest? A question only answered by scientifically testing each one by way of a dipped finger. A decision was soon reached and we all carefully “felt” our-way down the steps into “our pool”.

There are a hundred adjectives to describe an enjoyable experience, but none could adequately cover the superlative feeling of glorious wellbeing that came with my submersion into the tepid waters of that pool. About 60 feet long and 30 wide, the pool was concrete sided and gravel bottomed with ever varying patterns of bubbling springs emerging from the depths to stir the water and ripple the surface. On two sides, native bush framed heavens sparkled with a thousand winking stars. Here was an idylic spot and we had it all to ourselves. That we made the most of the situation is attested to by the fact that we stayed in that pool for two marvellous hours, at once relaxing in lazy drifting, then cavorting about in exhilarating horse play. It was only the knowledge that on the morrow we must needs press on that got us out of there at all, for while the rest of the world may well have being tearing itself to pieces, we at least were at peace with our Maker and damned glad to be alive and just where we were.

Another cup of coffee back at the caravan, after a brisk rub down in the dressing sheds at the end of the pool, and we were ready for bed and the end of a very satisfying day.

In the morning, which somehow arrived a little later than we had planned, the girls prepared breakfast over in the cook house, while Bruce and I shot off movie pictures in all directions, an occupation which still so filled our thoughts that we inexplicably continued to overlook the necessity to take stills. Naturally our movie cameras and tripods attracted quite a lot of attention from holiday makers, half of whom expressed the hope that they would see their pictures on television that night.

Just before 12 o’clock Bruce and Margaret M. set off for Auckland where he had arranged to have the exposed movie film processed and run through a projector, thus showing him how well or how bad he and his equipment were functioning. Margaret H. and l fussed around ensuring that all was tied down in the caravan until just after midday I went up to the office to settle the bill. That is when I discovered that midday holds a significant place in the day of the camp operator; if you haven’t settled up by that time then obviously you must be going to stay another day. The fact that you are at the gate with your bag and baggage attached is completely irrelevant, you have passed the sacrosanct hour, therefore thou shalt pay. Needless to say I acted very innocent, and indignant, when told I would have to fork out for another 24 hours fee. By talking hard and fast I managed to get off the hook.

At this camp we paid the highest rates of the tour, but the facilities (very clean and adequate). along with the availability of the hot pools justified the higher tariffs. These were: Campsite only, 12/- a night for one or two adults plus 5/- for each additional adult. plus 4/- for the power point. For the rest of the trip we rarely paid over 18/- all in, on one occasion, at Taupo, the rate for all of us was only 12/-, power point and all. (There was never an extra charge for power used.)


After the little difference of opinion over the time barrier I figured it would be wise to move off as quickly as possible, so back to the car and caravan, where Margaret M. was sweeping out the last of the nights accumulated dirt and dust, a quick word to the sweeper, and we were on our way on through the gates and heading towards Morrinsville. From Morrinsville we motored through Tahuna – where we nearly tangled with a fire engine – to the Ohinewai junction with the main north highway, and on along this road until turned onto the 20-odd-mile-long motorway into  Auckland. This journey was relatively uneventful. To motor along good roads which were carrying light traffic, through typical New Zealand farmland countryside of rolling green pastures dotted with sheep, cows, cattle, hedges, and farmhouses is a joy in itself – if you have no desparate need to be at a certain point by a certain time. By this time the caravan out back had become a part of the car. We had found the best speed to travel at, a speed which ate up the miles yet a speed which caused no unpleasant reactions from the car-caravan unit. The day was beautifully clear, the radio reception was good, and if it was outside, we didn‘t know it. All in all it was a great life.

At 2 o’clock we had stopped for a very pleasant lunch at a wayside luncheon room. so, with the good run we had all the way, we found ourselves pulling off the motorway on to the Great South Road. just south of New Market, at around 4 o‘clock in the afternoon. This was rather good timing for I had arranged with Bruce that I would telephone him at this time and that we would then make arrangements for the next stop-over point. Our immediate objective then was to find a telephone. We decided to kill two birds with one stone and find the A.A. office which we knew to be on the Great South Road somewhere. use their telephone and obtain their advice at the same time.

As soon as we turned off the motorway I realised that we had come too far. therefore I would need to

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head south along the Great South Road. This was most unfortunate, for it placed us on the wrong side of the road to the A.A. office which turned out to be about two miles south from the point we had left the motorway. Opposite the A.A. I pulled off the road on to the only available space that would accommodate the unit; a bus stop. While we sat there trying to figure out how to get across to the other side, unit and all, a bus arrived on the scene, naturally. The driver was obviously oblivious to our presence and appeared all set to drive right through us but I managed to convince him. that I was leaving then and there, and off we went again, into the flow of trucks, buses, motorcycles, vans, cars, buses, and more buses which had all shattered our idylic motoring as soon as we left the relatively traffic-free motorway. Now we were more or less caught in the flow of traffic and it was some time before we could swing off on to a side road, turn round, and come back again, but we did eventually arrive back at the A.A. office. From here I rang Bruce, after first being informed that it would take roughly three hours to get to Whangarei, and arranged to meet him later that evening at the Whangarei stop-over.


Back into the car and re-entry into the north-bound traffic flow, our objective: the Auckland Harbour Bridge. The time was 4.25 p.m. Nine miles and 35 minutes later we broke clear after having been almost suffocated in the jampacked traffic lanes of Auckland’s Friday night traffic circus. Unfortunately we could not avoid it. Fortunately I did know where I wanted to go and how I could get there, for a stranger to Auckland looking for the outlet to the “Bridge” could spend a couple of hours going around in circles, forced off course by getting into wrong lanes which are impossible to get out of at this time of evening. Knowing what I was in for, I just set myself in the right lane and sat tight, hoping that everyone around me would do the right thing; towing a caravan through Auckland between 4.30 and 5.30 p.m. is definitely not recommended.

Through Newmarket, New Zealand’s greatest traffic bottleneck, we managed a good five miles an hour without a stop, which in itself is quite fantastic, but then when we turned in Kyber Pass and headed up the hill to Symonds Street at which point we ran into what seemed to be an immovable object, stationed about 200 cars ahead. We just came to a stop and moved forward in low gear hops, two lanes abreast. It took us about fifteen minutes to cover two miles, but we were moving and that was something.

Approaching the top, after having stopped for the same set of lights at least three times, we eventually managed second gear. Three cars away from the lights and they were still green. I was going through this time by hook or by crook, said I with extreme bravado. l was within 10ft of those lights, and just getting up steam, when they changed to amber. “Dammit! I’m going through anyway,” spoke I. I just wasn’t going to submit the clutch system to one more tortuous take off on that hill. Oh dear! Half way across and starting to breathe when a whistle blowing, arm waving traffic cop came bouncing off the curb intent, it appeared, on tearing us, the car, and the caravan into a thousand pieces. I gained the definite impression that this irate gentleman wanted to have words with me. I stopped. Right there in the middle of one of Auckland’s busiest intersections. This effectively gummed up the whole traffic system and did nothing to make me any more popular with the man of the law. For him, the sight of our 40-foot obstruction in the middle of his intersection must have just about caused him to have a heart attack, he looked very much as if he was going to do just that. Still advancing menacingly across the intersection, which incidentally held a remarkable resemblance to Carisbrook on a “Test” day, the Officer now altered the pattern of his gesticulations. Before I had stopped he was obviously signalling: “Where the —- do you thing you’re going?” His message now was: “Get —- the out of here.” I was more than happy to oblige, so off I went, never to see the poor man again. No doubt he prays nightly that he never shall see me again either.


Once clear of the city’s stranglehold we settled down once more to civilized motoring on beautiful roads. The miles quickly slipped away and by 8.30 p.m. had covered another 234 miles of our journey and were nicely settled down and plugged in on our Whangarei Falls Motor Camp site. On piling into our originally planned meeting place, the Opal Springs Camp, we found that. the “Hot Pool” advertised was not only not hot, but empty as well. The proprietor, a very obliging gentleman, suggested that his caravan sites were really for summertime only, that at the moment they were a bit wet under foot, and that we would be better off elsewhere. He telephoned his mate at the “Falls” camp and we were on our way, after having left a note on the front door for our errant companions when they arrived from Auckland.

After a quick tea Margaret and I went to bed for a relatively early night’s sleep – the TV. reception was lousy anyway. Bruce and Margaret arrived some time during the night, for next morning, when I arose bright and early, there they were. Today Bruce and the two M’s were left to tow the caravan behind the Peugoet to Kaitaia. I was off to the same destination by 8 o’clock as I had a conference to attend there that day. At half past five I drove out to the Kaitaia Municiple Motor Camp and found the caravan all set up and everyone ready for a night out on the town. Next day, Sunday, we hoped to be standing under the lighthouse at Cape Reinga.

Photo caption – The spacious kitchen-dining room-bedroom of our Oxford Caribbean

Continued Next Month

BayCraft Homes now have a wonderfully attractive range of Plan “Specials” for those homeowners who want individuality in home styling.
It pays to be modern. It’s wise to examine the new. So be sure to call on BayCraft Homes, King Street South, Hastings (c/o- Robert Fenton & Co.). Phone 88-773.
A “BAYCRAFT” OF 1175 sq. ft.
“A name for better homes”
P.O. Box 732
Please send me your free illustrated booklet “PLANS IN THE MODERN MANNER”.

Back cover

Next Issue
8th September

[Back cover photo – Portrays the intricate loveliness of a passion fruit flower.]

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Published November 1958 – June 1967

Names in this issue

Format of the original


Date published

August 1966


The Hawke's Bay Publishing Company Ltd

Accession number


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