Hawke’s Bay Photo News 1962 – Number 046 September

Hawke’s Bay PHOTO NEWS
46th Issue

[Cover photo – Maria McKnight and Libby Bawles, both of Hastings. Maria is the Secretary of the Hastings Youth Club and Libby is a committee member.]

Inside cover page

Extra length … finer filter … and best of all is the tobacco.

Page 1

Vol. 4
No. 10

Editor Philip Moore

39-047 Napier   Night 39-931

Postal Address
P.O. Box 169, Napier
Published monthly by The Hawke’s Bay Publishing Co. Ltd. on the 4th Thursday of every month.

“Photo News” mailed to you on receipt of 12-issue sub. of 32/6

Batchelor Studios
231 Heretaunga Street W., Hastings
Phone 88-766
Tennyson St. Napier – Phone 7413

Printed photo-litho for the Publishers by Swailes, Hurst & Co. Ltd, Napier

Photographs in “H.B. Photo News” may be obtained through –
The Editor, H.B. Publishing Co.
P.O. Box 169, Napier

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Front Cover. Maria McKnight and Libby Bawles, both of Hastings. Maria is the Secretary of the Hastings Youth Club and Libby is a committee member. Maria, apart from her Club duties, is a keen skater and is fond of music of all types. Libby is more the out-door girl being fond of hockey and softball.

Back Cover. Snow has been quite rare in the Hawke’s Bay back country this year. Looking towards the Kaweka Range from the Napier hills.

Mrs. Susan Clayton (Mrs. Hawke’s Bay), Mrs. Joan Coates (Mrs. East Coast) also Mrs. New zealand, and Mrs. June McBride (Mrs. Bay of Plenty), pose by their aircraft at the Beacons before their departure for Wellington and the Mrs. New Zealand finals.

Page 2

Mr. and Mrs. Tait and Mrs. Giorgi, Mayoress of Hastings, accord Mrs. CIayton a civic farewell on the steps of the Napier Council Chambers.

Mrs. Clayton’s family wave farewell at the airport.

Page 3

GRAY – JANE. The wedding took place at St. Augustine’s Church, Napier, of Rose, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Jane, Greenmeadows, to Barrie, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Gray, Hawera. The attendants were, from left, Russell Knight, Yvonne Martin, Lynette Stephens, Joan Robottam, Roo Edwards.
MacConnells Photo Service

HOLLIS – MCCALLUM. Wedding Bells for Richard Hiron, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hollis, Hastings, and Greda Ina, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. McCallum, Napier. The ceremony was held at St. Augustine’s Church, Napier.
Photo by A. W. Colley

McKAY – HEWETT. The wedding took place at St. John’s Cathedral, Napier, of Dorothy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hewett, Napier, to William, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. O. McKay, Eskdale.
Batchelors Studios Photo

Page 4


The Girls’ Life Brigade was formed in 1902 in England and in New Zealand in I938. The movement has 1,900 members in this country, 550 of whom are in Hawke’s Bay. Throughout the years the movement has adapted its programme to meet the changing outlook of youth. The movement has a close association with the church and is an integral part of the life of the community.

Janice Jeffares learns how to fix a nappy.

Phyllis Hunt measures the Karilac for Alice Finnamore. Both girls are being taught mothercraft.

Page 5

A group of girls, who are studying for a Pet’s Badge, watch Miss Margaret Reid groom a pony. Margaret is Junior Instructor of the Taradale Pony Club.

Mr. Ed Baillie instructs a class who are studying for their Cycle Badge.

Page 6

Physical fitness is a part of Girls’ Life Brigade activities. Dawn Jamieson performs a stride vault.

Judith Briggs and Helen McKay balance on the vaulting horse, while Janice McKay performs a dive roll between them.

A group of young girls making soft toys for distribution to hospitals and children’s Homes.

Page 7

Country dancing, another fact of Girls’ activities.

A happy group of Girls’ Life Brigade.

Page 8

Three Hastings Girl Guides received their Queen’s Guide Badge at a function in Hastings recently. The Guides, all members of the Frimley Girl Guide Company are, from left: Lorraine Talbot, Lorna Heyward and Pamela Watson.

Fourth former Stephanie Frizzell (centre) holds a kauri tree for the Mayor of Hastings, Mr. R.V. Giorgi, during an Arbor Day planting. ceremony held at the new Karamu High School recently. Watching are the principal of the school, Mr. N. Wilde, and the superintendent of Parks and Reserves in Hastings, Mr. J.G.C. Mackenzie.

Page 9


Lei Oleen Nuia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vaikai, Whakatu recently celebrated her coming of age, in the Buffalo Hall, Hastings.
Batchelors Studios Photo

Mrs. R. S. C. Evans, Napier, celebrated her coming-of-age at Barnard Avenue, Napier She is seen here with Mr. R. W. Taylor and Mrs. Taylor.
Batchelor Studios Photo


A happy pair, Rodney Clewley and Lois Meussow, who recently announced their engagement. The function was held at Lois’ home, Nelson Crescent, Napier.
MacConnells Photo Service

To keep the wedding photographs in proportion to other material in Photo News, we ask you to send in a 3 x 4 glossy print of the couple only.
However, for those who particularly want a 6 x 4 wedding group, Photo News will publish such groups on receipt of a ten shilling postal note with a 6 x 4 glossy print.

Page 10


A new project by members of the Napier Sailing Club, the building of five yachts of the Flying Dutchman class.

These yachts are new to Hawke’s Bay and are extremely fast; 20 ft. long, with a 5ft. 7 in. beam 8 in. draught carrying 162 square feet of canvas. The shell of the hull is built in a mould and is made up of laminated veneers, four of white pine and one of mahogany.

John Workman and Bill de Garis gluing and stapling. 60,000 staples are used on these hulls and all have to be withdrawn when glue has hardened.

Lyall Wiig and son Graham, staple laminations to the bow.

A finished hull off the mould.

Page 11

Some of the past and present players who attended the 25th Jubilee celebrations of the N.H.S.O.B. Soccer Club.
Russell Spiller Photo

Among the guests at the Jubilee dinner was Mr. C.J. Nicholson, the Club’s Founder. The Reverend J. Chambers (left) and Mr. N. Harvey (rlght) both foundation members.
Batchelors Studios

Page 12


From the top are the Mad Hatter (Denis Marshall), Clown (Bradley Miles) and a Turk (Robert Marshall).

A quaint smile from a five-year-old Jack-in-the-box. Cassie Cameron, a tiny tot of the school.

A quartet of attractive maids – from left: Judith Hape, Joyce Manley, Janet Hape and Marina Trautvetter.

Page 13

Faces and costumes taken at the Raureka School Fancy Dress Ball held in the Assembly Hall, Hastings, on Thursday 2nd August. Black and White cats are Josephine Hicks (8 years) White cat and Glen Esam (7 years).

Chinese chatter between Kevin Harrison, left (9), and Kerry Cameron (8).

From Robin Hood to Dick Turpin, some of the 10 year olds and their disguises. From left: Stephen Cummings, Kevin Lamberton, Brian O’Sullivan. Michael Davies, and Garry Phillips.

She came as an angel. Stephanie Newman

Page 14



In issue 45th August, the wedding GODWIN – BURROWS, on page 47 should have read GODWIN – SKLENARS. Our apologies to all concerned.
The Editor

Working in the rain. Young Craig and Derryn Watson of Masterton, don’t seem to mind. Sent in by Mrs. Janice Bradshaw.

A small section of the work now being carried out bY the Napier City Council, at the Botanical Gardens.


We are always pleased to receive photographs from our readers for publication, but anyone sending us pictures should realise that we reserve the right to publish them or not. Many pictures sent in are not of sufficient depth or quality to reproduce well in Photo News, and of course there are times when space is limited. However, when it is at all possible, we will publish newsy pictures sent to us.

Page 15

Havelock North Fire Brigade Gold Star Presentation, for 25 years service, to Station Officer S.W. Cunningham, who receives his Gold Star from Chief Officer L. Harlan
Batchelors Studios Photo

Members of the Havelock North Fire Brigade

Gold Star members. Back row: Ex-Officer R. North, Station Officer S. Cunningham, Ex-Officer W. Marven. Front Row: W. Vermon, Station Officer; L. Harlan, Chief Officer; N. Donkin, Station Officer.

Mr. J.D. Pollock of Havelock North, is presenting the Allen Pollock Memorial Trophy to Chief Officer Harlan of the Havelock North Fire Brigade. The trophy is in memory of Fireman Allan Pollock, who was killed in an accident. The trophy will be competed for annually between Havelock North and Hastings.

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A gigantic plume of spray plummets over the Napier Breakwater during the unusual high tides this week. Hundreds of Napier residents flocked to the port to see the display. At left is the Napier Harbour Board’s dredge “Whakariri”.

Cleaning up operations after the phenomenal tides caused minor damage along the length of Hawke’s Bay, Here the curator of the Aquarium, Mr. G.I. Dine, shovels away gravel sea-bed rubbish from the approach to the Aquarium.

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The new Madison Baths. Members of the reconstruction committee pause for a moment in their efforts of demolishing the main stand. The baths are being reconstructed up to Olympic standards, which is going to take a lot of money and effort. (That’s just a gentle hint folks!)

Artist’s impression of the new baths.

Page 18

Mr. Jim Bissell, being presented with a Certificate and silver cigarette case in recognition of 25 years association with Frigidaire. Making the presentation is Mr. Ian Stace, New Zealand Manager. Standing behind are members of the staff of Bissells.

Mr. Klinkhamer of Hastings, receiving first prize in a national competition, a Phillips Radiogram. Mr, Klinkhamer guessed correctly, the number of shavers in a shop window. Mr. A.D. Hughes is presenting the prize.

Page 19

Mrs. Petherick, on the occasion of her 90th birthday, with her son and two daughters, Mrs. Edna McKay, Mrs. Belle Charles and Mr. Ron Petherick.
Batchelors Studios

At the Presbyterian Church, Foxton, Barbara, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Carter, Foxton, to Melvin John, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Hirini. Hastings.

Mr. and Mrs. Stansfield, seen after their marriage was solemnized at the Trinity Methodist Church, Napier. The bride was formerly Judith Anne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Graham, Greenmeadows. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Stansfield, Napier.

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The recent raid by members of the New Plymouth Savages on the Hastings Orphans Club provided the usual fun and games we have come to expect when any of the clubs get together. Above: Hastings haka chief greets the New Plymouth chief in the traditional manner.
Batchelors Studios

Haka chief Any Laing doesn’t seem to think much of his warrior efforts. The boys are Alex Watson, Wally Lambie, Gordon Harding, Tom Woodham and Maori Maiden Joe Woodham.

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Archie Morris complete with tar brush bowler and prisoner on chain.

New Plymouth chief Bill Hutchins, complete with chain and warder.

Examples of local orphan talent.

Page 22

Audrey Pedersen, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Pedersen, Waipukurau, shown before she was presented at the Charity Ball at Napier.
Batchelors Studios

Glenys, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Wharton, Napier, who was recently presented a! the Masonic Ball held at the Napier War Memorial Hall.
Batchelors Studios Photo

Mr. Arthur Lowe, Pakowhai, is seen here with his children and grandchildren, on the occasion of his 80th birthday.

Page 23

Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Greer, celebrated their Golden Wedding recently, with a function at the H.H.S.O.B. Gymnasium, Hastings.
Batchelors Studios Photo

Mr. and Mrs. G. Moody, Napier, are seen here cutting their cake on the Anniversary of their Silver Wedding, which was held at the T.O.B. Gymnasium.

Lesley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Murphy, Taradale, who are seen with her, held her 21st party at the Labour Hall, TaradaIe.

Batchelors Studios Photo

David Robens gives his Christening cake a hungry look at his Christening party held at the home of his Grandmother, Mrs. T. Maaka of Takapau.

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Back to school with the dwarfs. Four of the seven dwarfs paid a visit to the Central School, Hastings, and fun and frolics was then the order of the day and did the small fry love it.

Bashful, Happy, Sneezy and Dopey, join the upper primers.

The children and the Dwarfs join in “whistle while you work”.

Page 25

Bashful signs a Snow White book, while little Margaret Westhall makes friends with Sneezy.

Bashful has just been presented with a bunch of flowers.

Sneezy joins Elaine Ray and Christine Deutice, while Dopey does a little checking for himself behind.

Page 26

Happy administers a little discipline to Dopey.

Alice Johnson happily watches Dopey autograph her book.

A class with the little men in charge.

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Louise Bignell being very closely questioned by the Dwarfs. Louise comes from England and the Dwarfs were interested and asked her all sorts of questions.

The Dwarfs pose with the Headmaster, Mr. McMurray, on the school steps, before leaving.

Page 28 and 29


The scene at the Centennial Hall during a recent Family Pairs tournament. 64 mats were down and even then the hall was not big enough, a number of mats being laid on the Mezzanine Floor.

Page 30

Clary Smith, who is disabled, enjoys a game of bowls.

Indoor Bowls, a game for all ages. The Napier Bowls Association was formed some twelve years ago and started playing in one of the wool stores at Ahuriri. Today the Association has 1,230 registered players and is still growing.

Lauren Ansell, who is 12 years old, took up bowling a year ago.

Neal Blennerhassett of Taradale, a disabled ex-serviceman and very keen bowler.

Mrs. Johnson of Napier, and her daughter Ngarie. Mrs. Johnson is 83 years old, which proves age is no bar to the game.

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Rex Kenah, another keen player. Rex usually plays with his young son.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dawe, who together make a class team. Fred is a Past President of the Napier Association.

Mr. Jack Kelliher demonstrates how bowls are measured when in dlspute. For very close balls a feeler gauge is used, for the not so close callipers and tape.

Page 32

Graduate Nurses seen here with the Matron, Miss Hall, on the occasion of the Hastings Hospitals annual Staff Ball. They are from left: M. McNeil, G. O’Brien (triple Honours), L. Littleworth, Miss Hall, M. Palmer, R. Stack, Nurse Hodgson and D. Boese.

Nurse Rosalina Stanley entertained the guest with a Samoan knife dance.

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Yvonne Williams cuts her cake during her 21st party held at the Old Folks Hall, Napier.
McConnells Photo Service

Just presented with his key is Alan Reid, seen here with his parents. Alan celebrated his 21st at the Miniature Rifle CIub HaII in Hastings.

Seen cutting her cake on the occasion of her 21st birthday is Mary, shown here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.W. Lucas of Napier.
Batchelors Studios

Lesley Anne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Carswell of Eskdale, has announced her engagement to Selwyn, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Robert of Napier.
Batchelors Studios Photo

Page 34


The official opening of the Hastings Youth Club went with a bang, more than 500 teenagers crowding the Hall in the first two hours. It must have been very encouraging to the committee to see such a wonderful, and positive response after the criticism of the recent weeks. This magazine wishes both the Hastings and the Napier Club every success for the future.

Miss Marie Mears leads the Hawke’s Bay Scottish Pipe Band along Heretaunga Street, carrying the Club’s Banner.

Mr. Kirkpatrick, Deputy Mayor declares the Club open. Mr. Duncan McIntyre also spoke at the ceremony.

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This was the scene a few minutes after the Club opened.

David McKnight and Linda give a very polished performance of the twist.

Francis Lardelli and Mike Purcell of Hastings get down to some serious twisting.

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Table tennis and draughts proved to be very popular.

The Trebletones provided some first class music.

Page 37

It was most encouraging to see so many parents along.

The kitchen and soft drink bar was kept flat out, an S.O.S. being sent out for more supplies.

The organising committee of the Hastings Youth Club. Back row from left: John Hogg (Chairman), John Stratten, Gary McArthur, John Cunningham, Ruth Watson. Centre row: Elizabath Bawles, Molly Hume, Maria McKnight (Secretary), Athol Munro (President) Janice Foote, Sally Purcell (Vice-President) Front: Terry O’Brien, Keith Wilson, Mike Cunningham.

Page 38


Hawke’s Bay scored its biggest win in representative rugby for many seasons, when they convincingly defeated East Coast by 38 points to 6 at McLean Park, Napier, on 4th August, 1962. Six tries were scored by the Bay and Tony Small added the balance with 4 conversions and 4 penalties, a personal tally of 20 points – probably a record since the Shield days.

The first points came after 30 minutes of the first spell, which ended with Hawke’s Bay leading 11-0. East Coast gradually lost more and more possession and with the Bay much faster to the loose ball some delightful tries were scored. Coast, however, rallied in the final 10 minutes to score two well earned tries.

Rod Stone, an experimental first five-eighths which payed off, goes down under an East Coast player and the ball hovers above David Bone (left) and Eric Hogge (right).

At left, Miles Percy, Hawke’s Bay winger, unloads the ball to Barry Neale (centre background), seen before going down into tackle. Tony Small on right.

Page 39

Kelvin Tremain, who is backed up by Bill Davis, is under pressure from Bruce Watson, and East Coast player, but passes out to Miles Percy, who scored in the corner.


Eligible for membership of the Polar Bear Club. These three hardy Napier lasses ignored the weather recently and took a half hour plunge in the sea off the Marine Parade, Napier. The girls are Karen White, Kay Allen and Dawn McGreevy.

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A scene from “The Room”, a play by Harold Pinter, which won the divisional finals of the British Drama Leagues’ Festival of one act plays in Hastings. Nancy Leathem as Rose, is talking to the landlord Mr. Kidd, played by Ronald England. Seated at the table is Bert Hudd, played by Ivan Tippett. The cast were the Hawera Community Players.

Alf Simpson, Neville Couch, Harry Stamper and Bill Riley in Miles Malleson’s “The Bet”, which won second place for the Peter Pan Players, Wellington.

Page 41


Miss Beverley Lett
Napier Youth Club

Miss Kerry Wyndham
H.B.G.Q. Midget Speedway Club

Miss Noeline Rigby
Napier Free Kindergarten
Onekawa Residents Association

Miss Dianne Dakers
Napier Deerstalkers Association

Miss Olive Stephens
Maori Women’s Welfare League

Miss Margaret Reid
Combined Highland Pipe Bands

Miss Elaine Matthews
Napier Wrestling Association

Page 42


As Shopping Week is with us again, we managed in find some old pictures from past Shopping Weeks. We believe these pictures were taken in the 1930’s. Things haven’t changed much over the years, except that Shopping Week is bigger and better that ever today.

The winner coming home at a steady gallop.

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The Pram race, it was a longer course in those days, this appears to be part way down Carlyle Street, perhaps the mums were tougher then.

An old Napier tram, all dolled up, “Sunshine and Business”.

Page 44


Can-Can art, put on by wives of Hastings Jaycees at a Cabaret Evening held at the Memorial Hall, Waipukurau.
Wendy Studios, Takapau

Wide eyed with curiosity are these five Siamese cats, snuggled up close to their mother. Seen at the Hastings Cat Show.
Batchelors Studios Photo

Page 45

Being built at Awatoto at present is a fishing trawler of no mean dimensions. Above is a view at approximately deck level. The length of the vessel is 70 feet.

Des Pointon and Ron Black, cutting out at keel level for the ribs.

Looking from the bow down through the ribs gives some indication of the size of the vessel.

Page 46

HOOPER – HUNT. At St. John’s Church, Upper Hutt, Anne Colleen, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. N. Hunt, Wanganui, to Peter Christopher, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Hooper, Tikokino, Waipawa. The attendants were from left, Bill Catenby, Jackie Lewis, Ronald Hunt, Egypt Waihi, flower girls Judith Heddly-Brown and Clare Verran.
Allan Mitchell, Upper Hutt

PUDDLE – HEAVEN. The wedding took place at St. Aidans Anglican Church, Hamilton, of Jeanette Lilyan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Heaven, Hamilton, to Warwick William, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Puddle, Napier. Attending the bridal couple from left: Dave Ryder, Barbara Puddle, Elizabeth Carter, Ashley Delugar. Future home is to be Hamilton.
Candid Cameras, Hamilton

Page 47


Mr. and Mrs. Donald Edgar Paterson, after their marriage. The bride was formerly Miss Elizabeth Dora Lesser, only daughter of the Most Reverend and Mrs. N. A. Lesser, Primate of New Zealand.

Page 48


Figures and statistics of farm production increases give little indication of the great amount of pioneering work which is still being done in the back country. The first step in changing scrub-covered land to green pastures is usually by means of heavy tractors and giant discs. The driver of such a machine must be constantly alert to the danger of stabs and blows from breaking sticks.

This is not recommended for beginners! The tractor driver, though only in his mid teens, had spent most of his spare time on tractors since he was seven or eight years old. He says that his machine here was almost past the point of balance; the slightest bit steeper, and he would have left his seat in a hurry. Note that he is workig without headlights or exhaust pipe in place, as these are the parts most likely to be damaged if the machine should roll over.

The slightest misjudgement, even on quite gentle slopes, can upset a tractor in a fraction of a second

Page 49

Often underground cavities, almost big enough to swallow up a whole tractor, are covered by oniy a foot or two of soil. Suddenly breaking through into one of these holes can be a rather unnerving experience,

A concealed hole in almost flat ground caused this upset. The driver was surprised at his jumping ability. The cost of this episode – a couple of hours digging, and a new headlamp, but it could easily have been a life.

Page 50


Water from nowhere – Victor Paints are wondering where it is coming from. If it goes on they will get it in the paint. This new lake has even got ducks on it.

Riding through Heretaunga Street, Hastings, are members of the team of riders who have just completed a five weeks course of training under Mr. Coleman [Coloman] Bolgar, Instructor to the New Zealand Horse Society. It is likely that New Zealand’s next Equestrian team will be chosen from the course.

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A surprise homecoming following their honeymoon is in store for Mr. and Mrs. Keith Taylor, Pakowhai, who were married in St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church recently; Their home has been adorned with many slogans and decorations.

How to cross the railway crossing in Heretaunga Street, Hastings (at the gallop). Customers can get some pretty good training in on this stretch especially when it is raining.

Page 52


Hawke’s Bay’s Paddy Donovan (right) leads with a strong right during the fight with New Zealand lightweight champion Dennis McKenna, New Plymouth. Donovan. won on a technical knockout in the third round.

One apiece! Australian boxer Buster Weir grimaces as his face is flattened by Samoan Sam Lennii’s glove during the professional contest at the Hastings Municipal Theatre. Weir’s glove lies beside the Samoan’s face. The contest which lasted the ten rounds was won by the Samoan on a split decision.

Page 53

I. Woodham (right) Y.M.C.A. lands a heavy blow to the head of A. Kale (Lingmans) during their bout on Saturday. Woodham won the bout on points.

C. Orbell (Napier Police Club} and L. Callaghan (tallest) during their preliminary bout at the Municipal Theatre, Hastings. Orbell won on points.

Page 54


Under the baton of deputy bandmaster Mr. B. Parkinson, the Wellington Citadel Salvation Army Band play to patients at the Napier Public Hospital. The Band, one of New Zealand’s best, was paying a short visit to Napier.

Patients and staff appreciate the band’s efforts.

Page 55

The scene at the Breakwater on the Sunday afternoon.
Russell Spiller Photo

Page 56

The Hastings team who were runners-up at the Wellington Provincial Fire Brigade Championships held at Pahiatua during Easter, seen here with their trophies. From left: Fireman P. Fraser, Fireman A. Coombes, Chief Officer L. R. G. Harlem, Station Officer I. Hunt, Fireman G. Pyne and Fireman Griffiths.

Haumoana four man team who were placed third in the recent Wellington Championships. From left: Station Officer B. Emerson, Fireman M. Hope, Fireman J. Whare, Sub-Officer, A. McLaren.
Lovell-Smith Photo

PHONE 8952   AFTER HRS. 4206

Back cover

Next Issue
27th September

[Back cover photo – Snow has been quite rare in the Hawke’s Bay back country this year. Looking towards the Kaweka Range from the Napier hills.]

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Published November 1958 – June 1967

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Date published

September 1962


The Hawke's Bay Publishing Company Ltd

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