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- Hawke’s Bay Photo News 1966 – Number 095 September
Hawke’s Bay Photo News 1966 – Number 095 September
There is a good reason why Rothmans is the World’s largest selling – most wanted King Size Virginia. It’s simply that Rothmans extra length, finer filter and the best tobacco money can buy, give you a cooler, smoother, more satisfying taste. Try them yourself and you’ll agree.

Page 3
VOL. 8.
NO. 10.
Published Monthly by
Telephone 4857, P.O. Box 685
Photographer-Editor BRUCE MacCONNELL
4857, Napier; 4026, night
Sub-Editor RAE McGILL
Hastings Agent
231 Heretaunga Street West
88-766, Hastings
MacConnell’s Photo Services
Top Hat Bldg., Dickens St.,
Telephone 4857
Batchelors Studios
231 Heretaunga Street West
Telephone 88-766
H.B. Books (Wholesale) Ltd.
Telephone 39-479, Napier
(other than Readers Pictures and those credited to other photographers)
“HAWKE’S BAY PHOTO NEWS” mailed to you on receipt of 12-issue subscription of 39/-
PHOTOGRAPHS in “HAWKE’S BAY PHOTO NEWS” may be obtained through:
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Vivacious Miss Colleen Bishop, who was crowned Blossom Queen of this year’s Hastings Blossom Festival, with her two Princesses. From left: Miss Eunice Johnston, Miss Bishop, and Miss Lesley Thompson.
BACK COVER. Line up of Blossom Queen contestants at Bridge Pa Aerodrome after enjoying a flight over Hastings and Havelock North.
Flying to Tauranga to rejoin ship
Left: Mr Rajoo Butt was about to leave H.B. airport to fly to Tauranga where he was to rejoin his ship, the Baron Portland, after a sojourn in Royston Private Hospital, Hastings, for an operation on his nose.
Visit to Palace
Right: Miss Pauline Chatterton, of Napier, but now of England, seen here about to leave for a garden party at Buckingham Palace.

Page 4
The Cabaret Cabana was the venue of the very recent Hairdressers’ Ball, where the prize winners of the Hairdressing Competitions received their cups and certificates. The competitions were held on Saturday, August 27, when hairdressers representing Hawkes Bay and Poverty Bay competed.
Left: Ria Jerphanion modelled for L. Brightwell in the Open Evening Conversion, winning first prize. (Marigny).
Right: Miss Lois Brightwell with Ramon Banks, from Ramon Banks Salon, Hastings.
Lower left: Pictured from left, three lovely young ladies: Misses Robin Fredsberg (Impromptu Model for Cecily Lay who received the Sonata, Zotos, and Helene Curtis 1st prize cups), Colleen Tait, also a model for Miss Lay (1st prize under 4 years), and Miss Cecily Lay.
Lower right: Two of the prize winners with the three judges and Mr Ramon Banks were, from left, back row: Messrs Hurst, Howard Sinclair, Miss Cecily Lay, and Cottle. Front: Miss Lois Brightwell and Mr Ramon Banks.
Winner of the Open Conversion was Miss Lois Brightwell, who received the Marigny Cup.
Enjoying her evening at the ball is Miss Paeta Minton. Miss Minton is a hairdresser at Saretta [Sareta] Salon, Hastings.
Also having a ball is Paeta’s sister, Tammy Minton. Tammy, another hairdresser, works beside her sister at the Saretta [Sareta] Salon.

Page 5
Recently the members of the C. Y. M. M. presented a Mock Wedding, followed by a real wedding breakfast, and concert, in the Red Cross Hall, to raise funds for renovations to the Trinity Church Hall, Napier. When these renovations are completed, the Hall will house a Youth Centre, Coffee Bar, Dance Floor, Games Room and Worship Centre.
The £100 which was raised was given in the form of “Wedding Gifts” to the happy couple, who are pictured at left, with their wedding party. They are from left: Kay Walker (Groomsman), Michael Lister (Best Man), Bruce Windmill (Minister), Leslie Sutton (Page boy), Margaret Chambers (Bridegroom), Michael Brosnan (Bride), Brian Cottle, (Bridesmaid), Joy Wills, (best man), Graeme Schwartfeger (Bridesmaid), Richard Brown (Flower girl), and Susan Walker (groomsman).
Above left: Bride’s Mother and Father (Mr & Mrs. Imatillydripp) – (Mr & Mrs Chalmers),
Above Centre: Also there, “Mr & Mrs Iverpaine” (Mr & Mrs Shieb), as the bridegroom’s parents.
(Above): Judy Edwards made an excellent “Toastmaster”.
Left: Part of the large audience.
Page 6
Coming of Age
Recently at the Air Force Hall, Havelock North, Gay, elder daughter of Mr & Mrs Campbell, Ohinewairua Station, Taihape, celebrated her coming of age. Gay is pictured here with her family.
(Batchelor’s Napier).
The Majestic Ball Room, Napier, was the scene of a combined 21st birthday and engagement, last month. Terence, only son of Mr. & Mrs. J. Saba had a 21st birthday and also announced his engagement to Miss Sonia Bubb.
(Batchelors, Napier)
Windsor Lodge, Hastings, was the venue for the coming of age party of Malcolm, son of Mr. and Mrs. K. I. Rickard.
(Batchelors, Hastings).
Diane Marie, second daughter of Mr. & Mrs. R. Waters, Hastings, to Trevor Morris second son of Mr. & Mrs. H. Osborne of Hastings, were married recently in St. Andrews Church, Hastings. The couple will reside at Havelock North.
(Lovell-Smith, Hastings).
Send a friend a “PHOTO NEWS”
(It will be appreciated)
Page 7
Right: A building within a building – W.Tucker Ltd’s old building is to be replaced by the new one now being erected around it. The original Wool Scour, which was owned by Mr. Tucker’s grandfather, was situated where the Whakatu Freezing Works’ cookhouse is now. When extensions were made to the Freezing Works about the time of the 1st World War, the Scour was moved to its present site, and since that period has been used purely as a Dag Crushing Plant.
Right: Shrimpton Ward at the Napier Hospital is being demolished to make room for the new 7-storey-high block of wards.
Below: The driver of this car was blinded by on coming headlights, resulting in the car running off the road. The damage was such that the car had to be towed away next day. The accident occurred on the Hastings-Napier Highway outside the Fertilizer works.
Right: View of the near completed building in Sale Street, Napier, for Weldwell N.Z. Ltd., which will be the Head Office for New Zealand. Weldwell have branches, etc., throughout the country. The new building will house a warehouse and office block.
All this is part of a large scale expansion programme and a new factory being built in the industrial area is hoped to be completed by Christmas this year.
Below: This car evidently needed more than hands to push it at some stage!!!
Below right: The new Police Station and N.I.M.U. Insurance buildings, being erected on the corner of Railway and Lyndon Roads, Hastings.
Page 8
Recently at the home of Mrs. Kingwell Malcolm of Napier a Furs, Fashion and Jewellery evening was held to aid the Y. M. C. A. Fund. The models were introduced by Miss U. Calson, who is a very well known figure at this type of function.
Above: The reflections in this Louis XIV mirror belong to, from left, Mrs Erica Toomey, pinning a brooch on Mrs Olive Taylor, with Mrs Mary Twigg, and an assistant from “Jan Maree Salon” looking on.
Left Top: Mrs Taylor models a delightful Aqua Crochet Cotton two-piece suit, adorned with a beautiful cameo brooch, and fawn and white pill box hat.
Left: Mrs. Erica Toomey is wearing a grey, slightly draped strapless chiffon frock under a cowl neck Squirrel Stole. Setting off these garments is a crystal necklace and an unusual marcasite watch.
All photos by Burt Colley Napier.
Page 9
Mrs Twigg is seen here modelling a flecked tweed suit with contrasting silk paisley blouse. Her outfit is set off by a very lovely sapphire and diamond brooch.
Mrs Shirley Reading looks casual but very smart in black slacks with black sweater trimmed with white. Her white fur hat sets off this delightful skiing, or after-ski, outfit.
Below: A line-up of lovely models. From left, Mesdames Shirley Reading, guest, Mary Twigg, Ngaere Bradwell, Erica Toomey, Joyce McLeod, Margaret Taylor, Joan Pritchard and Carol Direen.
Right: Mrs Toomey models a nigger brown “A” line two-piece suit which is trimmed with a darker brown velvet collar and an emerald and diamond bar brooch. Her hat is black fur trimmed with lucca lamb in shades of off white with brown tips.
Page 10
The Te Pohue C.W.I., which was originally started about 40 years ago, went into recess just on 20 years ago. About six months ago the institute was formed again under the Presidency of Mrs D. J. Priest. The institute so far is proving very popular. Photo News was present at the 31st birthday celebrations, and below are some of the members who attended the function.
Left: Eight of the members gave a Minstrel show. They are, from left, back row: Mesdames D. Guillemot, H.Stansfield, W. Ross, and Z. Cooper. Front row: Mesdames D. Molring, M. Pidd, J. Peters, and E. Wright.
Below: From left: Mrs L. Hughes, who was a Foundation member of the C.W.I. when it was formed. Mrs D.J. Priest, president of the newly formed Institute, and Mrs C. Orviss, who is the treasurer.
Below left: Mesdames C. Gilder, O. O’Emcke, J. Govan, and M. Bitters, all Foundation Members, cutting the 31st birthday cake.
Ten elderly women from Resthaven attended the Birthday celebrations as guests of the C.W.I. They were accompanied by two of the Resthaven Nurses. The amazing thing is the total ages of these ten ladies is 813 years. All of them were extremely gay and spritely. They are, from left, back row: Captain V. Medland, Miss M. Judo (87 years), Mrs. R. Sparrow (81 years), Mrs. E. Munro (77 years), Mrs. Trigg (84 years), Major M. Johannis. Front row: Mesdames E. Church (91 years), K. Allen (71 years), L. Trigg (91 years), H. Heath (77 years), Miss K. McKenzie (68 years), and Mrs. M.Cullen (86 years). A fine lineup.
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Major D.W.V. Frykberg, who is in charge of the Secondary School Cadet Unit at Hastings Boys’ High School, was awarded the Cadet Forces medal for 12 years continuous service to School Cadets. The medal was presented by Brig. General Bullot, the O.C. Central Military District.
Left: The N.Z. Long Service and Good Conduct Medal was awarded for 18 years irreproachable conduct to Warrant Officer, Second Class G.S. Parsons of Greenmeadows. Medal was also presented by Brigadier General B.R. Bullot.
Below and Bottom: Cadets on parade.
Page 12
The Mayfair Townswomen’s Guild, celebrated their 11th Birthday at the St. Aidan’s Hall, Hastings. They put on a variety concert, which was attended by a large crowd of people who thoroughly enjoyed the whole hilarious show.
Below: Mrs. Duncan MacIntyre pictured cutting the 11th Birthday Cake.
All photos by Lovell-Smith, Hastings.
“They’re off!” The Olympic Cycling Team captured while making their finishing dash across the stage.
The comically realistic costuming added to the gaiety of these Guild members as they did an action mime of the Pop Tune “Puha & Pakeha”.
This member of the Guild is about to take the plunge while another looks on somewhat puzzled. These two members were performing the mime, “In the Park”.
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Recently in Taradale a Preview of Spring Fashions sponsored by the Retailers of Taradale and Roswitha [Rosewitha] Robertson, was held in aid of the Bledisloe School Funds. The parade was compered by Kathleen Beamish. Below are some of the lovely models wearing the equally lovely spring fashions. All pictures were taken by Gassons Photos, Taradale.
The models are, from left, Maureen Caves, the latter again, Lauris Varney, Mary Anne Barry, and Jeanette Shaw.
From left: Jeanette Shaw (bride), Jenny Taylor (flower-girl), and Marie Guthrie. At intervals during the parade the audience was entertained by, from left, Elizabeth Gibbs, Beverly Tynan, and Cathy Magnussen (Bledisloe School pupils).
Extreme right: model Joan Barry.
Also entertaining were the “Hi-lights”, who are ex-pupils
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These children, who belong to the recently-formed Children’s Dutch Folk Dance Group of the Hawkes Bay branch of the Netherlands Society “Oranje”, make a picturesque and charming group. The children are: Boys, Nico Snoek, Alexander Van Dam, Peter Rebers, Bram Van Berkel and Michael Van Dam. Girls, Wilma Snoek, Cecilie Kampkes, Ivonne Mulder, Irene Van Den Bosch, Joanne Veen, and at front, Marcelle Slagter.
(Photo by Batchelors).
Photo News arrived at the home of Mr Terry Kelly while he was deeply engrossed in one of the art pieces he is painting for an exhibition. He hopes to hold this art exhibition when he returns to Auckland. This 23-year-old talented young man is completely self-taught. Most of his work as yet is experimental, the reason being that Mr Kelly is looking for a suitable “type” of art to specialise in. All his work is done in oils, and one which we saw had been painted on velvet this giving a most unusual effect. Mr Kelly admitted that this type of painting was extremely difficult to do.
Below: Mr Kelly as we found him, engrossed in one of his pieces.
Left: “Madonna and Child”. This painting, which he has hanging, is quite marvellous.
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At the monthly meeting of the H.B. Japan Society recently, the Napier Gym Club gave a demonstration. The highlight of the evening was when Mr Toshikata Tagawa who has been taking members of the Napier Gym Club for extensive coaching, gave a demonstration. Mr Tagawa’s precision, grace and ease of movement were a pleasure to watch.
Mr Tagawa is seen here warming up on the rings, and (far left) continuing his warming up process, with a forward roll, (left) Parallel Bar exercises.
Bottom left: This movement is called a “Crucifix”.
Centre: Using rings – Sitting Position, and the last in this series of ring movements is called the “Upside Down” position, these three being some of the most difficult to do.
Below right: Neil Crosby, who is a former winner of the N.Z. A Grade Champonships, is the Assistant Coach at the Napier Gym. He is seen here doing exercises on the Parallel Bar.
Left: Miss Willis was the Girls’ B Grade New Zealand Champion. She is seen here in the Rhythmic Ball exercise. She belongs to the Napier Gym Club.
Above: Mr Tagawa with Miss Mikako Kawase, a student at Napier Girls’ High School. Miss Kawase acted as interpreter.
These two pictures are of Miss Joanne Clark, who is only 15½ and is competing in the A Grade Section of the National Champs. Miss Clark has been doing gymnastics for 18 months and it is believed she may be a likely candidate for the 1967 Olympics.
FOR YOUR NEW 1966 12′ 6 ”
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At St. Augustine’s Church, Napier, on 18th June, Robin, daughter of Mr and Mrs Davey, was married to Robin Stuart, son of Mr and Mrs R.G. Carthew. Their future home will be in Taupo.
(Batchelor’s Studio, Napier)
Coming of Age
Colleen, daughter of Mr and Mrs G. Caccioppoli, celebrated her 21st birthday recently at Davis Road, “Longlands”, Hastings.
Wedding Bells
WARD – WALLACE. Heather, elder daughter of Mr and Mrs G.Wallace, Wairoa, was married to William (Bill) James, elder son of Mr A. W. Ward, Waikare Hotel, Putorino, and the late Mrs Ward, in St. Peter’s Catholic Church, Wairoa. They were attended by, from left, Ian Grant, Barbara Tringham, Jock Grant, Jocelyn Wallace, Pat Hayden, and David Janes.
(Batchelor’s Studio, Napier)
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For the first time in the history of the N.Z. Post Office, a local company has been given the contract to assemble electronic equipment for them. Le Quesne Electronics of Napier is the company assigned to this large contract. They are to assemble 1200 “Inter-com” systems for the Post Office. The deadline for these Intercoms is March ’67 – quite a massive undertaking to fulfil for a local business firm.
Above: Shows the four stages of the “Inter-coms” assembly, from the shell of the construction, or as it is technically known, the “Bare Chassis”, through the wiring-up stage to the last picture which shows the completed article.
Below: Mrs Clarke, formerly of Newcastle-on-Tyne, England, is seen here welding one of the 50 components into the chassis of one of the Inter-coms. Before coming to N.Z. Mrs. Clark did electrical work on light bulbs.
Right: Miss Anne Reid of Napier is another young lady assembling the articles. She is seen here cutting a “Potentiometer”, a metal rod which connects to the sound knobs on the Inter-com.
Lower right: Close view of the intricate work which goes into the wiring.
(Bottom) An array of components used in the making of “Inter-coms”.
Page 19
The “Impact” Show had just that effect on the huge audience which attended, late last month. The show, produced by Benny Levin, introduced a swinging group of shining young performers: these you will see below, on stage during their performances.
The “Chicks”, who have just returned from wowing the Aussie audiences, kept the place jumping.
Far left: Benny Levin.
Left; The dynamic 16-year-old vocalist, well-known Allison Durbin, captivated the crowd. She was backed by “The Rebels” (two members pictured below).
Above left: The versatile Jerry Merito in one of his humorous skits….he is a performer who can move his audience with a sentimental ballad or have them rolling round their seats in hysterics.
Above right; This sensational new vocalist, Warren Lambert, was among the most popular performers during the evening, and he also was backed by “The Rebels”.
Extreme right: Though the artists must have been quite exhausted, they still had time to sign autographs for avid fans who flocked backstage after the show. Here Allison Durbin is seen signing an autograph book.
Right: A few of the cast awaiting their turn to go on stage.
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As part of the Blossom Festival Activities, the H.B. and East Coast Aero Club gave all the Blossom Queen contestants a flight over Hastings and Havelock North, the big thrill for the girls being the flight over each of their homes in turn. They went up three at a time with Herb Maxwell, the pilot, in a Cessna 180. The Aero Club also put on a lovely afternoon tea for the girls and the judges, etc., who were present.
Left: Miss Irani Waihi, fastens her safety belt, ready for takeoff, as does her fellow contestant (right), Miss Gloria Beach.
Below left: Five of the girls waiting beside the Cessna, before the flights began.They are, from left: Pam Flanders, Heather Flack, Patricia Rielly, Diane Smith and Karen Stevenson.
Below right: Miss Christine Hall, Dorothy Boxhall, Christine Bishop and Herb Maxwell, ready for take-off.
Below Left Centre: Three happy smiles after a flight come from Eunice Johnston, Leslie Thompson, and Pauline Gestro in the background beside Herb Maxwell.
Bottom left: Mrs H. Maxwell, Mrs A.Sievers and Mrs H.Bull prepared the afternoon tea.
Bottom right: The group of girls sitting outside in the sun.
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The audience which filled the Municipal Theatre to witness the crowning of the 1966 Hastings Blossom Queen, was agog with excitement. Later when the Queen was chosen – a great roar of approval went up from the crowd. This year vivacious Colleen Bishop is the Queen of the Blossom.
Left: Miss Colleen Bishop is being interviewed after the crowning ceremony by Bryan Bell of the N.Z.B.C.
We wondered if perhaps the strains of “Knees up Mother Brown” were playing in the background as these photographers prepared to catch some shots of the Blossom Queen. They were, from left: Derry McLauchlan, Russel Orr and Ferg. Graser.
Left: A happy moment when Miss Toowoomba (Australia) presented the Blossom Queen with a Koala from Toowoomba.
Left: Mr John Minty, looking quite harassed while trying to organize the procession at Queens Square.
Lower left: The jubilant crowd receives a big smile and wave from the Blossom Queen.
(Below) Miss Toowoomba completes a very lovely setting on the Carnival of Flowers Float.
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From the Procession – A Looksee At What Else Went On
The T.V. cameras were whirring, recording the events of the day.
Left: Little Douglas McCleland, aged 3, of Napier, looked a little apprehensively at the huge floral pig, which was one of the many beautiful displays outside Hastings shops.
Bottom left: Stephen’s mother, Mrs. Clegg of Hastings, decorated this trike. Stephen is only five years old.
Bottom Centre: This swinging group called “The Company” were entertaining in Civic Square during Blossom Week.
Bottom right: Miss Sue McGill of Wellington is Drum Major with the Wellington Ladies’ Highland Pipe Band. She is one of the very few woman drum majors in New Zealand.
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Top left: Members of the Salvation Army Band and the Timbrels enjoying lunch.
Right: The Rosebuds of Hastings entertaining at the Civic Square during Blossom Week.
Below left: Y.M.C.A. exhibition is watched by a large crowd.
Below Centre Left and Below Right: Marching teams preparing to go through their various marching squences [sequences].
Below Centre Right: Also watching the entertainment at Windsor Park were the Hastings Blossom Queen and Miss Toowoomba.
Bottom: Crowd of spectators at Windsor Park.
Page 26
Left: “And the race was on!” A Trolley Derby that is, in Emerson Street Napier, during Shopping Week.
Lower left: These two boys were the winners of their group. The driver was Wade Smith and the pusher Dennis Smith. Think I know which job I would have preferred.
Below: Another attraction during shopping week, was a Boyscouts’ Shoeshine Stand, also in Emerson Street during the school holidays. They were raising money for a trip to Fiji. In the chair having a “Shoe Shine” was Malcolm Chambers aged 11 of Hastings, standing, Michael Browne, aged 15 of Clive and giving the polish, Robert Browne aged 13 also of Clive. They were watched by quite a crowd all during “Business hours”.
This beautiful entry won first prize in the Floral Courts, Champion Court. Entered by St.David’s Ladies’ Club.
(Lovell-Smith, Hastings).
Page 27
The Wildlife Exhibition which visited Napier recently drew a tremendous crowd of both children and adults. There one could find something of interest to suit the taste of each individual visitor. Hours were spent merely looking and learning.
Left: Mr Reg Williams, organiser of the Wild Life Exhibition, is feeding potato chips to a “Rhea”.
Lower left: Mr Morris Maindonald of Taradale examines a bullet which he had marked before handing it to one of the “Lavengro Gypsy Sharpshooters”, who then loaded it into a rifle and fired it at his assistants. The latter caught the bullet between his teeth. Morris removed the bullet from the assistant‘s mouth and swears it was the same bullet!!! Not my idea of earning a living.
Below Centre: Part of the 5 tons of display unit showing Wild Life in Russia. These units were air freighted to Napier from Russia especially for the Exhibition.
Below Right: Unfortunately vandals had their little bit of fun by slashing many of the photos sent from Russia. This close-up of a photo of a “Sable” shows the extent of the damage.
Below Centre Right: The crowd which came to see one of the star attractions of the Exhibition – the Chimps’ Tea Party. The Chimps are seen (second bottom left and bottom) with their trainer, Mr Frank Coles, of Wellington, and during the Tea Party.
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Left: Members of the Salvation Army Band are being served tea by Mrs Vera Clapperton, at Windsor Park, after the procession.
Left: A group of family, friends and wellwishers were at the Hawke’s Bay Airport to see Miss Colleen Bishop, 1966 Hastings Blossom Queen, off to Australia.
Below: This print taken from the files of Lovell-Smiths of Hastings, is a Carnival Week Procession outside Roaches Ltd. in Heretaunga Street in “1923”.
Page 29
Over a period of three days, the Havelock North Squash Rackets Club held the 1966 Watties Open Classic Squash Tournament at the courts, Anderson Park, Havelock North. There were 130 entries from 17 various Clubs throughout the North Island. Pictured below are some of the prizewinners from Men’s and Women’s A, B, C, D, and Junior games. The prizes were presented by the wife of the Havelock Club’s President, Mrs. Newbigin.
These three young ladies were prize winners in the Girls’ Junior Championships. They are, top left: Winner, Miss B. Lett, (Right) Runner-up, Miss C. Horton and (Left) Plate, Miss D. Russell.
President of the Havelock Club, Mr Newbigin, is seen having an earnest chat with Mr E.A. Carne of J. Wattie Canneries Ltd.
Right: Winner of the Women’s C Grade Plate was N. Dunning, (Hawke’s Bay)
Left: Runner-up of the Men’s Open was A. Ward of Henderson and (Above) Winner of the Women’s B. Grade Plate, O. Rolston of Wellington.
Below: A group of enthusiastic spectators and players watching one of the games played during the three day series.
Page 30
100th VISIT
Recently, Photo News visited the wharf which was alive with activity; there was a clanging of machinery, creaking of cranes and the roaring of numerous trucks loading up with phosphate from the “MS Vingrom”. This ship from Norway had just completed her 100th voyage to N.Z. from Nauru and Ocean Islands, which lie approximately 2,000 miles north of N.Z. Both these islands are just two of many which supply phosphate rock. The “Vingrom” carried an average cargo of 12,700 tons of phosphate on each trip. The ship’s company consists of a crew of 43, including officers and three stewardesses.
We spoke to Captain H. Karlsen from Sandefjord, Norway, who kindly escorted us over his ship.
Left: “MS Vingrom” berthed in the port of Napier.
Centre left: View of one of the many feed hoppers alongside the ship
Below left: Mr. Noel McCormack of Napier was making his eighth trip that day, with loads of phosphate.
Below centre: Workman supervising the loading of a truck, from the feed hopper.
Far right: This photograph was taken from the roof of the bridge, looking down onto the deck. You will see the two men operating the cranes, and the “grab” which loads and unloads the phosphate. The three bottom pictures show the grab in action.
Page 31
The interior of the ship is a pleasant surprise after one emerges from the clouds of dust and gritty surfaces caused by the cargo on the exterior.
Right: View of one of the officer’s desks in his quarters.
Below: Beautifully furnished officers “roykesalon”, or, in English, “smoke room”.
Below centre: One of the six passenger cabins. The ship takes passengers to and from the phosphate islands.
Per Gaarder of Oslo is the chief cook and has been with the ship only a month.
Below: Second cook Steinar Rimstad, also of Norway, was preparing a meal of “Middagspolsen”….in other words, Norwegian sausages.
Once again lovely decor….this time the Captain’s and Chief Officer’s messroom.
Officers’ Messroom.
Page 32
After leaving the ship, Photo News decided to follow up the process of the Phosphate Rocks’ at the East Coast Fertilizer works at Awatoto. We followed up the whole process of the Sulphur and Phosphate eliminations, from the unloading of the trucks into the separate hoppers, of both the raw materials until they were eventually amalgamated and stored in the Fertilizer Stores. Here the compound now known as “Superphosphate”, was left to mature.
Top left: One of the many directory boards distributed throughout the Fertilizer Works grounds.
(Above) One of the intakes for raw material goes through a grill onto a conveyor belt.
(Left) View of one of the three enormous Acid Plants.
Bottom left: The Hot Gas Filter and converter where the sulphur is converted to sulphuric acid.
Below centre: An Acid plant engineer Mr. M.K. Haye, taking readings from the control panel.
(Below right) Mr. J. Wetherilt controls the closed circuit T.V. which is connected to No. 3 Acid Plant, enabling engineers to take readings without leaving the control room.
Page 33
Top left: View of Simon weighing feeder which meters flow of ground phosphate rock to Mixer Dens, and (right) Mr. F. Wise at the control panel of the superphosphate Mixers.
(Left second top) Inside view of the Mixer paddles where the ground phosphate rock and sulphuric acid are mixed, and (Above) Mix Den discharging superphosphate onto main conveyor belt.
(Picture mid left) shows part of the conveyor belt taking superphosphate from Dens to Store. The next pictures will give readers an idea of the extent of the massive superphosphate store, where the material is left to mature.
Left: Bucket of the huge despatching crane in Store.
The Super mixtures passing from the mixer into the Dens is formed into a huge “cake” which then passes through large knives and onto conveyor belt. The super store holds approximately 32,000 tons.
Page 34
A view of the conveyor belt discharging the product into the store. The Fertiliser Works are completely self-sufficient, having their own mechanics and carpenters on the premises.
Below left: Mr E. Tazey, of Taradale, and Mr Max Lauchlan, of Napier, two of the carpenters.
Below: Mr Neville Pope, of Whakatu, using a lathe in the fitters’ shop.
All personnel wear hats on the site as a safety precaution. There are water showers around the inside area where acid is being used.
Left Second Bottom: Loading superphosphate into a truck.
Bottom left: Derek Johnson, of Taradale, weighing railway trucks full of super, at the weighbridge.
Bottom right: Mrs Pat Marshall in the Fertiliser works laboratory doing a filtration job.
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Page 35
Picture From The Past
The horse power in this modern day and age has advanced somewhat since the days of the “horse teams”, such as these fine teams from Graham & Geddie’s [Gebbie’s] Livery Stables, which were photograpped about 1910 outside the Hastings Post Office. This photograph from Lovell-Smith’s files shows Mr Geddie [Gebbie] standing in front of his team (left centre). These particular teams were used to pull the mail coaches to Napier, Haumoana, and surrounding districts.
Page 36
With the recent issue of health stamps in the offing, perhaps we should give some thought to the function of health camps.
Built to provide the best facilities for the improvement of body and outlook on life, the King George V. Memorial Health Camp in Gisborne is typical of the camps in New Zealand.
Children from Hawke’s Bay can also reap the benefit of the Gisborne Health Camp – at present there are quite a number of Hawke’s Bay children there.
Cleanliness, a balanced diet, fresh air and regular sleep are the primary factors in a stay in the camp. Children soon settle down and enjoy life for their seven-week stay.
Above: Left to right: John Eharaima, Napier, Graham Manning, Napier, Wayne Hesketh, Napier, and Ben Hakiwaia, Taradale, typify the spirit of the improving child.
Self reliance and a sense of participation are encouraged through games, free play, organized walks and making their own beds as Rangi Tawha of Napier is doing in the boys’ Dorm.
The daily diet includes fruit, cod liver oil and milk at specified intervals other than meal times. Carol Darrymple takes her afternoon milk from Kathy Matanga.
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Schooling is not neglected and is conducted under the supervision of Mr. G. Smythe who is seen here with a group of children.
Below left: These girls sat up for a few moments to have their photo taken before having their afternoon nap.
Below centre: Health and happiness is radiating from the faces of all these children, playing on a slide. From the bottom: Kay Caulous; Napier, Puti Hakiwai, Taradale, and Vivian Rice of Hastings are the Hawke‘s Bay children seen here.
Below right: Miss B. Wheeler, who is the Supervising Matron at the Health Camp.
Bottom Picture: There is plenty of playing space with fresh air, sunshine and trees to make a happy healthy environment for the children.
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The James Lounge was the venue for the Napier High school Old Boys Junior Grade end-of-season windup. Numerous boys were presented with trophies by Kelvin Tremain.
(Left) John McKenzie, 7th grade, being presented with a Trophy for best all rounder.
(Right). Neil Tilton-Mist receives a special trophy, for punctuality, general enthusiasm at practices and matches.
(Below left) A proud moment for Douglas Martin, who is the youngest player, as Kelvin Tremain pins a Fern Leaf badge on him.
Group photo of the 9th Grade – White.
(Second top right) Another special prize-getter is Russell Walsh, 8th Grade, for keenness and enthusiasm.
(Above right) 8th Grade player, Mark Anderson receiving his presentation for the most improved player.
(Right) Ian Sayer, most improved player, 8th grade.
Group photo of the 10th Grade White.
(Above left) Most improved player 9th Grade: Richard Karn.
(Left) Another group photo of 20th Grade Blue.
Right: These boys are the Colts, 10th Grade. With the boys in this group is Mr. Timms, who is the 8th, 9th and 10th grade coach.
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On the evening of Friday, 9 September, the congregation of St. Peter’s Presbyterian Church, Onekawa, made the presentation of an electric frypan and a transistor radio to the Rev and Mrs I.A. Hewson, who have been transferred to the First Church in Martinborough. Mr. and Mrs. Hewson have been in Hawke’s Bay for nine years, three of which have been spent at St. Peter’s.
Above left: Mrs Betta Jacka, president of St. Peter’s Women’s Club, is shown presenting flowers to Mr. and Mrs. Hewson.
Mrs Hewson is having a spray presented to her by Mrs Marion Fell, president of the Young Women’s Fellowship Group, pinned on.
Right: Mr and Mrs Hewson receive the official presentation from Mr D.U. White, who is the session clerk of St. Peter’s.
Below: These women all belong to the Young Women’s Fellowship Group, who attended the presentation
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During a recent visit to Haumoana School we were to witness the finale of their “Road Safety Week”. The children and teachers organised a parents’ afternoon, and the latter were entertained with a play written by Mr. Webber, a schoolteacher from Haumoana School, with accompanying music all done by the children of Forms 1 and 2. The children mimed the play to a dialogue which had been prerecorded on a tape-recorder. The theme was a girl who had been knocked down on her way to school by a careless driver. The props were most impressive, cars, ambulances and police cars were made by the children, as well as the various signs which were placed around the playground to give the idea of a “road scene”. Apart from the play, visiting Traffic Inspectors organised obstacle competitions to test children’s cycling abilities and a film for both the children and parents.
Above left: As the play began, children were riding to school obeying all road codes and watching for signs, etc.
(Above right) Cyclists surveying injured girl, Isobel Pearce.
The crash! Due to negligent driving on the car driver’s part.
Below: “What shall we do?” was the question asked by Robbie Jones, Renny Hantler, Phillip Hansen and Ian Aikman. These boys carried the “bad car”.
The answer came with the arrival of the “Hastings Ambulance”.
Above left: Ambulance attendant Brian Thompson helped the victim into the ambulance with the assistance of Christine Grey.
Left: Then came the Traffic Officers to record the accident. The officers were, from left, Warrick Bishop and John Davies.
Right: After the play and other activities, parents were able to buy helpful pamphlets and the School Safety Magazine compiled by children from the primers to Form II.
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Above: Inspector C.M. Young giving the children instruction on care and maintenance necessary to keep their bikes safe.
Above right: Children who are entering in the obstacle competition to test their cycling skill are being first instructed by Inspector R.J.V. Caddington. [Coddington]
The three pictures below, from left: Some of the children going through their paces. An excellent standard of cycle manoeuvring was set that afternoon.
Right above: A very moving picture. A shrine built to a small boy in Morrinsville who was killed by a train when the front forks on his bicycle broke and threw him off. The broken forks may be seen on the small coffin replica.
Below: These children are victims of drivers who just did not comprehend these signs which are normally seen in everyday driving.
Below right: Just one of the delightfully imaginative paintings done by the children from all classes, depicting “Safety and the lack of, etc.”
Bottom: Interest flashed from almost every child as parents’ afternoon got under way.
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Please send me your free illustrated booklet “PLANS IN THE MODERN MANNER”.
Page 43
Wedding Bells
At All Saints Church, Taradale, on 10th September, Eileen, youngest daughter of Mr. & Mrs. T. P. Creighton of Taradale, was married to William Roy, eldest son of Mr & Mrs. Scoon of Wairoa. They were attended by, from left: Gordon Scoon, Peggy Scoon (Bride & Groom) Kathy Redward and Jim Dunn.
(Gasson Studios. Taradale).
Christine, second daughter of Mr & Mrs E. J. Kelly of Hastings, was married to Bryan, only son of the late Mr. & Mrs. R. James of Palmerston North, at the Sacred Heart, Hastings, on the 27th August.
(Lovell-Smith, Hastings).
The marriage of Lynette Margaret, eldest daughter of Mr. & Mrs. J. C. White of Taradale, to Daniel Fletcher, son of Mrs. Thompson of Napier, took place on the 27th August at St. Augustine’s, Napier.
(MacConnells Photo Services, Napier).
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Hastings Light Opera Company held a Fashion Parade in the Assembly Hall Hastings, to raise funds for the Company to enable them to produce future productions. Fashion garments were supplied by numerous Hastings Fashion Houses, including Poppellwells [Poppelwells] Men’s and Boys’ Outfitters, Hairstyles by Ramon Banks Salon and demonstrations and a prize for the Mother and Daughter contest, by Ovation, beauty products.
Left: Is Mrs. Sadie Brown of Hastings, who compered the Parade.
Below: Four of the Ovation Hostesses with Mrs.Crawford and her daughter, who won the £20 Mother and daughter contest.
Bottom left: Kevin Duck strolls down the platform looking confident and smart in casuals.
Above and right: Are models from Ramon Banks Salon, who modelled “Fantasyland” Hairstyles by Ramon Banks. The models were (above) Lois Brightwell of Hastings, and (right) Cecily Lay of Hastings. Both girls work at Ramon Salon.
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Top left: Michael Poppellwell [Poppelwell] strides down the platform looking very casual and smart in sports clothes.
Above: Margaret Hellyer wears a very slim but elegant bridal gown. She is attended by Christine Minty and Jeanette Murray both in very pretty party frocks.
Left: Kevin Duck wearing this super bathrobe would feel even better than normal as he walked from his bathroom or to the changing shed at the beach.
Below Far left: Pauline Gestro wearing a terribly “thing” Mod outfit, and again Pauline, Below left: looks beautifully elegant in a black frock with pale blue evening coat.
Centre Below: Marcia Walden is set for the beach, a hike, almost anywhere in these smart Jamaican shorts and casual top.
Below right: “Off to a party?” Christine Minty looks pretty enough for one.
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Wairoa hit a gay mood on 15 September when they began their fundraising campaign for the Wairoa and district War Memorial Park Development Project. Entertainment included the film premiere of “The Sound of Music”, at which patrons were served a “Chicken in the Basket” supper from the Wairoa nurses. The nurses were assisted by the Wairoa Jaycees, who acted as stewards. There were a Carnival Queen Contest, displays by the Army and Wairoa Fire Board, and the Pipe Band marched through the main street to the Regent Theatre.
Three pictures at left: During the Army display, a group of soldiers demonstrated to the large crowd watching, how they could disassemble and reassemble a jeep in a matter of seconds – a quite awe-inspiring sight.
Centre Below: Miss Jackie Lewis and Mrs. Nigel Shields.
Below: The Pipe Band marching to the theatre.
Below Centre right: An enthusiastic group of children examining the howitzer, which was part of the Army display.
The chassis being attached to the wheels.
The motor is lifted into place.
The completed article, in only a few seconds!
Below: The second Wairoa Company of Girl Guides, forming part of a guard of honour at the theatre. They were from left, Wendy Harvey, Janet Simpson, Jeanette Musgrove, and Wendy Osborne.
Bottom: Henry Smith and Phillip Smith watch Wairoa fireman Ian Redshaw operate a searchlight, which was part of the Fire Board’s display.
Left: “Citizens’ Princess” Miss Kay Allan, and her escort, arriving at the film premiere.
Right: Mr Joe Ingley, advertising manager of the N.Z.B.C. with Miss Joy Pedersen, a technician.
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Above: A section of the crowd outside the Regent Theatre.
Below Right: Fifteen of the nurses who served “Chicken in Basket” suppers.
Centre Bottom Left: A Guard of Honour, formed by Girl Guides and Cubs, in the foyer of the theatre.
Above Left: Another group of children watching the searchlight display, and (Right) Brigadier General Andrews, Quartermaster General of the New Zealand Army, arriving at the film premiere.
Bottom Left: The official party on stage prior to the premiere.
Bottom Right: Jaycees bringing in the supper.
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Ron Anderson, Gary Vincent, and Bill Peach carrying in more goodies to guests at the premiere.
Right: Robert Timu, Mrs S. Robinson, Don Maynard, Mrs. and Mr. Robinson….all enjoying supper.
Below and Below right: Nurses serving supper to guests.
Above left: These nurses are obviously enjoying their supper.
Above right: Bruce Frazer’s antics as a clown during supper were much appreciated.
Mr John Minty introduced and interviewed the three princesses.
Bottom left: Here he is interviewing the A.B.C. princess, Miss Raynor Nugent.
Centre: The Sports Princess, Miss Harrieta Thompson.
Right: Mr Minty then interviewed Miss Kay Allen, who is the Citizens’ Princess.
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Recently the Napier Tech Old Boys held a Smoke Concert at the Tech Gym in Whitmore Park. Those attending witnessed many presentations during the course of the evening.
Left: A portion of the men attending.
(Below right) Snr. Back, Garry Kivell, receives the Annan Cup from Mr. Brian Lloyd, who assisted the Clubs’ Patron, Mr Ivo Venables, with the presentations.
(Below centre) Snr. Forward, Ray Wilson, receives the Bishop Memorial Cup.
(Below left) Eddy Watts receiving the McAuslin Cup, for the executive doing the most for the Club.
Below left: Jnr. player doing most for the team was Warren Hatton who received the Gattsche cup.
(Below right) N. Rowe receives the Bowman Cup for most improved player.
(Bottom left) 3rd Back, R. Lineman receives the Bishop Cup.
(Centre bottom) The player who did most for the club was Dave Roddick who received the Arthur Bishop cup and (Bottom right) Barry Siddell received a book for outstanding work.
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Was held at Cabaret Cabana on Saturday, 3rd September, (Blossom Parade Night). It was a most unusual type of entertainment, and was greeted with wild enthusiasm from the audience. The evening featured dinner, with numerous Polynesian dishes included, dancing and entertainment, with a delightful supper to round off a good show.
Entertainment was provided by the Polynesian Troupe who were here to give a concert in Hastings during Blossom Week, a local group from Bridge Pa, “The Moonglows”, Charlie Chase and a number of other well-known performers. During the evening the Elder member of the Polynesian Troupe went through the ceremonial ritual of preparing “Kava”.
Below: Members of the Troupe look on with interest.
Right: The Blossom Queen, Miss Colleen Bishop is offered “Kava”. The V.I.P’s at the Social were offered first sip.
Below right: Mr Vic O’Brian, proprietor of the Cabaret Cabana, receives his Kava, and Below, far right; Miss Toowoomba is about to take her sip.
After the celebrities had been served, the audience was invited to sample the Kava.
Above: Miss Jeannie Hartley, who is well known for her recording of “The Gonk Beat”, composed by Ernie Rouse, was a little apprehensive at first, but by her big smile, obviously enjoyed her sip of Kava. Other members of the audience line up for their turn.
Blossom Queen and Escort Andrew Easton, after being presented with Leis by members of the Polynesian Group.
Left: The local group “The Moonglows”, gave a well-received item. They are, from left: Joe Mhere (Guitar), Lydia Poto (Contralto), Rose Puriri (Contralto), Jim Puriri (Tenor), Mary Reid (Mezzo-soprano), and Camelia Hapi (Mezzo-Soprano), and second guitarist Maru Hapi
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The Polynesian Troupe performed “the “Tamoure”.
Below right: Continuation of the “Tamoure”.
Below left: Frankie Chase, who has been extertaining [entertaining] in Auckland Cabarets and Noumea, was much appreciated, particularly his impersonations of well-known singers.
Centre right below: A group of people, including the Blossom Princess, awaiting their Kava, and right of this picture: The Blossom Queen was invited to try her hand at Polynesian dancing. The troupe thoroughly enjoyed her efforts as they had heard of her ability as a Highland dancer.
Bottom left: Little seven-year-old Rewi Chase was the first entertainer, and bottom centre and right: Two groups of the Polynesian troupe.
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Wedding Bells
At St. Andrew’s Church, Hastings, Margaret, only daughter of Mr. & Mrs. N. Morris of Hastings, was married to Kenneth, only son of Mr. & Mrs. Hope, Napier. The couple were attended by, from left: Mr S. Donovan, Miss C. Hawley, (Groom and Bride), Miss N. Stubbs and Mr C. Dailey.
(Batchelors Camera House, Hastings).
Relaxing over a cup of coffee with his mother, Mrs. M. Baddilley of Napier, is Kevin Baddilley also of Napier, but at present touring with the N.Z. Ballet Company. Kevin has been with the Ballet Company for some years now, and was in Hastings for the performance which the visiting Company put on recently.
Hastings boy, Jim Cowan, who won Holeproof N.Z. Ltd’s New Zealand-wide competition is pictured here after receiving his prize, which consists of return air fares by N.A.C. to Christchurch, for himself, mother, father and 2 brothers. Jim’s prize also included an overnight bag from Bon Marche Ltd., where he got his entry form for the competition, Holeproof nylons for his mother and Wool Zealon socks for his father.
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The people of Onga Onga got together recently and formed a concert party to raise further funds to help cover cost of renovations, repairs, and additions to the Onga Onga town hall. The result of this was a concert party with a “Round the World” theme which ran a very successful tour of the Onga Onga area.
Songs of various countries, England, Holland, Dixieland etc, with a colourful array of costumes, dress, and backgrounds, helped to raise the substantial amount of £162.
Half the proceedings of the concert, which was held at the Tikokino Hall, was donated to the building fund for the new Tikokino Undenominational Church.
England: Mesdames Jessie Lancaster (Martha Longhurst) Audrey Moran (Minnie Caldwell), and Nancy Riedy (Ena Sharples) as the “Coronation Street Trio”.
Right: Then comes the removal of the goo! From left: Noel Bartle (pianist), Verna Marshall, Alwyn Watts (producer), and Barry Shaw (barman).
Below: We are now in Holland, with Mrs Joan Thomsen playing the piano accordion whilst the cast enjoys a waltz.
Ooh: La! La! Gay Paree! All of these high-kicking ladies are mothers, with no less than three children each. From left: Fay Rasmussen, Verna Marshall, Nancy Riedy, Juene Parkinson, and Gwynne Rose.
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Above: A lineup of the debutantes who were presented to the Rev J.E. Hodder, of Hawke’s Bay, and Mrs Hodder, assisted by the Rev W.R. Moore and Mrs Moore, at the Presbyterian Ball held on July 15 at the War Memorial. They were, from left, Alison Bramley, Betty Bailey, Carolyn Mabey, Lorraine Schdroski, Mrs Moore, Mrs Hodder, the Rev Mr Hodder, Moderator, the Rev Mr Moore, Andrea Hislop, Annette Schdroski, Margaret Hutcheson, and Sandra Hislop.
Below: A group of people who attended the ball.
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This group of happy nurses graduated at a ceremony held at Hinepari Nurses’ Home on the 15th September.
Back row: Nurses: C.A. Roscoe, K.F. Pennell, E.M. Haraki, A.M. Scott, J.A. McCleland, L. P. Kirk, J.F. McLeod and K.M. Gough.
Middle Row: Nurses: H.E. Dunnett, N.E. Rouse, D.E. Wills, J.M. Kerr, and J.S. Bryant.
Front Row: Nurses: J.M. Galloway, E.A. Fraser, Sister Reed, Miss P. Shaw (Matron) H.J. Luke and S.E. Scott.
Yet another bank has opened in Napier. – Another branch of the H.B. and Gisborne Savings Bank, in Hastings Street, Napier. Mr G. Forster, Manager of the new branch, looks on while Councillor M. George, who was the bank’s first customer, receives deposit books for his children.
Mr T. Horrocks is seen here writing out a Deposit Slip at the new Bank.
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By D. Hanger and Photographer B. MacConnell
The travelling caravaners have, over the last three issues, travelled from Napier to Cape Reinga and back to Kaitaia. David, Bruce, and, the two Margarets, after, a good night‘s sleep, are now ready for the homeward journey – first stop, Bay of Islands.
It is Monday. The journey to the Cape yesterday is now nothing but a memory, a treasured memory, but a memory nonetheless. Happily the rain is a memory too, for this day has dawned fine and clear. The battle of who will get up first has been decided by Margaret H. rolling out and putting on the kettle for a cup of coffee. I had fully accepted by this time that Bruce is the most expert sleeperinner there is. No matter how industriously I feigned sleep each morning, Bruce managed to outfox me every time. In a way, this was a blessing in disguise, for Margaret H. has always vowed that nobody, but nobody, could outsleep me. Now she has first hand evidence that I’m just a babe in arms at this game of sleepmanship. However, once the cup of coffee had been produced everyone miraculously became wide awake and full of apologies for having inadvertently slept in again.
After the coffee came the shower. Now, here is a story all on its own. If you intend to become a traveller around camps, you must be prepared to fight out the battle of the taps every morning, or night, depending on when you fancy your showers. Every camp operates under a different set standard. Some put the hot tap on the left, others on the right. Some go to the trouble of putting in those little labels built into the tap handle which tell you which is which, but more often than not it’s a matter of trial and error. But there is one feature of these showers you can always depend on, the taps will always be on the other side of the shower box, the shower rosette itself being carefully sighted with fiendish cunning and precision so that when either tap is turned on a jet of freezing cold water gushes with deadly accuracy at the extended unclothed arm of the operator. As the entrance to the box is usually about two foot wide there is absolutely no escape, unless of course you travel equipped with a pair of long-handled tongs. (But then such appendage to the soap and bathtowel would be bound to attract considerable attention, a situation usually unlooked for at that hour of morning.)
At this stage of the operation the water pressure will be most satisfactory, thus you bear the unpleasant preliminaries happy in the knowledge that once the hot tap has been painstakingly and minutely adjusted to allow just the correct volume of hot water to mingle with the cold, you are going to enjoy the luxury of a really “wet” shower, one that drenches the whole body with gloriously warm water. But alas, having suffered the extremes of hot and cold, and having stepped boldly under, the pressure suddenly drops with the result that a tiny stream dribbles down the small of the back, leaving the rest of the exposed body to suffer the onslaught of the freezing draft roaring in under the shower room door. Still, you will be able to cleanse yourself in these torture chambers. Too, it is as well to remember that you aren‘t staying in a four-star hotel – and even if you were you would just as likely have had to go through the same harrowing procedure anyway. In fairness to the camp operators it must be said that wherever we went the hot tap, once identified, always produced hot water with adequate force.
A small point: The camper must remember to take along a good pair of galoshes to replace the bathroom slippers; the trip to and from the showers can be quite a journey if it has been raining the night before. It is even more disconcerting to discover that it has started to rain again during the course of your shower.
Breakfast. That made up for the shower difficulties. While the girls washed up the dishes over in the camp kitchen – that’s one benefit of travelling “out of season”, you can always park the caravan close to the facilities – Bruce and I packed everything up and hooked our mobile home onto my car. Just before 9 o’clock that morning we were on our way with Waitangi and the Bay of Islands our objective.
The journey south was relatively uneventful, but nevertheless enjoyable. The roads are superb and the scenery is ever changing; at times we were driving through beautiful bush reserve, at others we were cutting through rolling countryside of lush green pastures ribboned with hedgerows and dotted with sheep and cattle. By now we had become completely
Photo caption – A pint-sized replica of the family nest
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accustomed to the 15-foot Oxford Caribbean and driving with it following along behind had become second nature. In fact, Margaret H., noting something out to one side, quite often swung around to take another look out the rear window only to find herself looking at the front of the caravan. A most frustrating experience after doing the same thing half a dozen times.
With no unexpected holdups to bother us, other than the growing panic that we weren’t going to find another Caltex petrol station before the needle showed empty, we made good time to the Bay of Islands, arriving there just after mid-day after a 70-mile haul and a number of stops to take movies.
(Incidentally, the search for a Caltex station was not caused by any particular love of that brand, it just happened that we had purchased a stack of petrol vouchers before we left, a practise which I would unhesitatinly recommend. Talking about petrol and service stations has suddenly brought to mind the unfortunate experience I had on the way up to Kaitaia. Although entirely out of context, I must tell the story in the hope that it will save others from a similar fate. Those who have been following the story will remember that I drove solo from Whangarei to Kairaia, leaving the rest of the party to follow at their leisure while I attended a conference in Kaitaia. Consequenlty my journey north over this stretch of road was not exactly made at a snails pace. Some 20 minutes after leaving Whangarei I stopped at a petrol station and purchased, with my vouchers, some seven gallons of petrol. Back in the car and on the road again I happily noted to myself that it was full steam ahead without stops until I arrived at Kaitaia. About a quarter of an hour after leaving the service station and half-way there, I suddenly noticed that the petrol gauge was reading half empy again. Now, I always knew that travelling fast resulted in a greater than proporionate consumption of petrol, but I also knew that I was driving a car, not a jet aircraft, therefore why the sudden disappearance of fuel? For the next ten minutes I watched the needle of the gauge with intense concentration – as well as the road. In that time it dropped another quarter section and I was really beginning to get worried. Then the reason dawned on me with sickening suddenness. With my ire beginning to rise I stopped the car, got out, and walked round the back. Sure enough, the clot of an attendant had not clipped the petrol cap down. If I had had the time I would have driven back and demanded another five gallons of petrol, for that was the volume I calculated I had lost. The relatively high speed had created a most effective vacuum which sucked out the petrol in a continuous with the result that five times as much sprayed all over the road as sprayed into the carburettor. From that day I have always taken a look at the cap before driving out of a service station.)
The first sight of the Bay of Islands, as you round a bend in the road just short of the shoreline, is a breathtaking experience. There can be no spot in New Zelaland which engenders the same inward exhiliration as does this beautiful bay. Cradled in the sweep of the shoreline, the offshore islands, and the protecting arm of land on which Russell stands, presents a scene of unsurpassed serenity, giving the impression to the beholder that he is looking at a vast lake instead of the Pacific Ocean. The islands, with their bushclad undulating outlines, are in themselves inspirational; it is very easy indeed to conjure up in the imagination the sheer joy of cruisng around the bay in a luxury launch. Naturally we stopped right there and ran a couple of hundred feet of film,
Photo caption – Winding through beautiful northland bush reserves.
Photo caption – This time I pulled up on the outside. Our argument with the pump is still ahead of us.
Photo caption – The Bay of Islands. One of the most picturesque spots in this country.
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for on this occasion King Sol was favouring us with his attendance.
Later, turning left (north) at the intersection we headed for New Zealand‘s most historic site, Waitangi, just a mile or two from the junction. Being a poor hand at describing scenic or historic localities I will not attempt to describe the tremendous thrill of pulling up outside the Treaty House; walking through the bush-lined path to the wide expanse of the Waitangi reserve, a flat, carefully kept lawn area overlooking the bay, from the centre of which grows a mighty sailing ship mast, with its cross spar stretching out above; of wandering through the Treaty House museum; or gazing in awe on the tremendously long canoe which reputedly brought the first Maoris to New Zealand. History is not one of my great loves, but I, and the rest of us, were thoroughly glad that we had come to this spot where that historic signing of the treaty had occurred back in 1840.
Later we motored back to the “Anchorage” restaurant, which appeared to be an extension of the Waitangi Hotel, and ate a grand lunch (after first inspecting the spacious bar facilities of the hotel itself). This restaurant is situated in just one of the many beautiful and restful spots that line the shoreline here, and its wide landscape windows allow an uninterrupted view of the sea and surrounding land. Even at this time of year, there were the graceful sailing boats skimming along the wave tops, and there were the deep sea fishing launches cleaving through the water with high powered ease. To be anywhere within 50 miles of the Bay of Islands and not take the detour in is madness, for it is undoubtedly one of the most picturesque and historical areas of this country.
Leaving the “Anchorage” we drove back around the bay and on into Paihia where we hoped to spend the night. First of all we sought out the camp which we had selected from an examination of our A.A. Motel and Camp Guide booklet. At the camp the proprietor, in answer to our question if we could get across to Russell, the sight of the famous flag pole incident, told us that not only could we get our cars across, but that the new ferry at Opua, five or six miles further round the coast, would accommodate the caravan as well. With an eye to the taking of our movie film we decided then and there that we would take the caravan across and back that afternoon
After taking a quick look at the caravan sites we headed off around the loop road towards Opua. According to the map, the southern section of the loop was supposed to be just the same as the northern section along which we had already come – an excellent tar-sealed road which branches off the main road at Pakaraka and leads seaward into Paihia.
From there the road continues in a curve back out to the highway joining it at Kawakawa. However, just a half a mile from Paihia the tar-sealed surface gave way to metal. And what metal! Whoever was responsible for selecting the grade of metal that went on that particular stretch of road must own a bulldozer. It was laid on about six inches thick, consisting in the main of chunks rather than chips. Conseguently [Consequently], when we rounded a corner and started up a relatively light grade, we were in trouble. From top gear, to second, to low and then, at five miles per hour we busily went nowhere.
The question then occurred to me that if we now stopped and applied the brakes, would we stay still or commence to sledge down the hill backwards? This thought did not appeal to me one little bit. In fact it scared the living daylights out of me. Still, we couldn‘t just sit there digging our way into the road, so I applied both the foot and hand brakes and prayed. Thankfully we stayed put. About then our luck ran further out still, it started to drizzle with rain. Looking in the roadscope I noticed that Bruce’s Puegoet [Peugeot] had stopped right behind me so there was nothing else for it but for Margaret to get out in the rain and acquaint our companions with the state of affairs. Nothing on earth would have persuaded me to abandon my desperate stranglehold on the handbrake – it’s a wonder I didn’t yank it of altogether.
Bruce, as calm as ever, ambled up beside the driver‘s-side window and made one or two suggestions which I wasn’t quite in the mood to accept, such as: “What are you parked here in the middle of the road for?” and: “Why don’t you, buy a decent car?”
“Why don’t you get your tin can out from behind me? I’m just liable to get tired of hanging onto this brake and back clean over the top of you,” was my less than friendly reply.
Having dispensed with the pleasantries I suggested that the two girls better hot foot it for the fore and aft bends in the road, “otherwise someone is likely to come charging down around the corner and slide straight into us.” This piece of strategy was complied with, which was just as well, for no sooner had Margaret H. made the corner up top than a bus appeared on the scene. At Margaret’s frantic signals he slowed down and judiciously came to a stop well clear of us.
Bruce then drove the Puegoet [Peugeot] up front, hitched a tow rope between us, and acted as anchor-man as I gingerly began the tortuous business of backing down the hill and around the corner onto the flat. Control was a little difficult to say the least, but we
Photo caption – We stop at Waitangi alongside the monument commemorating the centenary of the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi.
Photo caption – A vast expanse of lawn fronting the Waitangi Treaty House.
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made it. During this process we noted that a couple of other travellers had their difficulties in negotiating the rise, without caravans. That cheered me up no end, especially when one little car came to a complete stop, just as we had. The only difference was the occupants were able to add manpower to horse-power sufficiently to regain forward motion – that’s one advantage with a small car, if you can’t drive it, carry it! Nevertheless, molified or not, I was not going to attempt that road any further. All thoughts of making it to the ferry were abandoned, to be replaced by malicious thoughts against the Ministry of Works and the cartographers. It seemed to me that it was just a little ludicrous to have the facility of a caravan ferry at a spot where caravans couldn’t get to. Perhaps the route in from the Kawakawa end is more conducive to vehicle passage. It may even be tar-sealed, but I would certainly advise against towing a caravan from Paihia to Opua.
A quick conference, another examination of the map, and we were off in the direction of Orewa – via Pakaraka and the main highway to Kawakawa. By now it was getting on for 3 p.m., so while Margaret and I headed south, Bruce went back to the camp to explain our change of plans. We had calculated that four hours would see us at Orewa. Eighty miles and two-and-a-half hours later, Margaret and I decided we would stop for a cup of coffee, but first we would fill up with petrol. That was the most unfortunate decision I had made for some time. I pulled into the service station, the attendant obligingly filled the tank, I handed over my coupons, got back in the car, engaged lower gear, forgot completely that I had a very large object trailing along behind, swung right towards the road, and – disaster! The result of my right turn was just as one would have expected, the caravan dutifully followed along, but the end pump did not oblige by moving out of the way. Instead it – the pump – vented its disapproval of being put upon by a hulking great caravan by biting nastily into the latter’s outer casing. It was the horrible ripping sound which brought me back to reality with a heart stopping jerk.
I realised immediately what had happened, but that didn’t make me feel any better. As I sat with head in hands trying to figure out how I ever got past primer four, the attendant casually wandered up alongside. For the second time that day I was subjected to calmly propounded advice: “How about backing up and starting all over again?” said he. Dejectedly I decided this wasn’t bad advice at all. Perhaps if I backed up I would discover it hadn’t happened at all. That forlorn hope was soon shattered with earsplitting clarity when, immediately I started backwards, the superstructure of the pump, including that beautiful expanse of glass fronting the pump indicators, promptly parted company with its mechanism and spread itself all over the immediate landscape to the accompaniment of loud clanging and glass-breaking noises. This of course attracted the attention of everyone within half a mile of the place. We had become the star attraction of the township.
A shamefaced inspection revealed the fact that a two-foot gash had been neatly sliced along the side of the caravan, dead centre. I immediately noticed that the whole side of the caravan was encased in one huge sheet of very expensive looking material, very thin, and obviously unpatchable. Still, that was a problem of the future. My present concern was that our home was no longer waterproof. And we hadn’t brought a tent at all, let alone one large enough to house the caravan as well. But at that moment my guardian angel came to the rescue. I actually thought of the remedy and a quick trip
across to the store on the other side of the road confirmed that there was such a thing as inch-wide adhesive tape. No. They didn‘t have any with quiet shadings. It was all bright red, yellow or blue. Well, it may attract attention, but that was better than attracting the rain, so I handed over my money, went back across the road with my purchase and patched up the damage. From here on in the bright yellow strip along the side of the caravan would proclaim to all and sundry that we had had an argument with a solid object.
By this time Bruce had arrived. He and Margaret M. listened to my account with straight-faced interest. For some reason or other, neither of them seemed to think it was a world shattering calamity, an attitude I found hard to understand. Bruce then suggested it might now be a good time to stop over for some tea, thereby giving me time to regain my equanimity.
During the course of our stop I arranged for Bruce to take over the towing chore for the rest of the night. He agreed with this and the cars were changed over and after another bought meal we were on our way again. While at the cafe we had taken the precaution of phoning ahead to the Orewa Municiple Camping Ground. They had told us they had about 45 vacancies for caravans. As it was only a two-and-a-half hour trip from where we were to Orewa we doubted if there would be any caravan invasion in the intervening time so we accepted the advice of the proprietor that there really wasn’t any need to book in.
Photo caption – A sailing ship mast growing out of the lawn.
Page 62
(Opposite Pie-Cart)
For Your Motor Manual and Technical Book Requirements
Pre-War Manuals and Hand Books, also Post-War in Good Condition.
IF YOU REQUIRE BOOKS FOR YOUR RETAIL SHOP; write call or phone H.B. Books. Retailers from Country are Welcome to Select their Stock.
Hours at present:
3.30 p.m. to 5.45 p.m.
Monday to Thursday
10.00 a.m. to 9.00 p.m Friday
Seventeen debutantes were presented to the Rt. Wor. Bro. Mr A. Dyshart [Dysart], Provincial Grand Master for Hawke’s Bay, and his daughter, Mrs Boulivant, both of Hastings, at the Masonic Ball held in the War Memorial on Friday, September 2. Accompanying Mr Dyshart [Dysart] and Mrs Boulivant were Wor. Bro. Mr B. Richardson, W.M. of Victoria Lodge, and Mrs Richardson, of Napier, who acted as hosts.
The debutantes were, from left: Back, Misses Barbara Hansen, Jacqueline Bowdidge, Vickie Coles, Colleen Russell, Pamela Jeffery, Marilyn Mollring, Margaret Annand, Josephine Grant, Larraine Ulyatt, Beryl Spackman.
Front, Suzanne Bradley, Beth Maultsaid, Dianna Carrell, Eleanor Marie Blampied, Margaret Perfect, Helen Gahagan, and Janice Perfect.
Page 63
A RAISED boot lid or an opened bonnet serves as a good daytime warning that your car is stopped for repairs. Visible a long way off, it gives other drivers time to stop or go around when you are caught on a section of road where it’s impossible to pull off. It also serves to attract the attention of the driver of the breakdown truck. Such drivers have been known to rush past the car in distress without recognising it.
A SAFE battery terminal puller can be made from a turnbuckle. Discard the left-hand eyebolt and hacksaw the threaded end down the middle. Then spread the sides and file off enough from the split end to make hooks that fit under the cable clamps.
IF YOUR fleece polishing pad is gummed up with cutting compound or wax, just turn the machine on and let it run against a clean wire brush. It will finish up combed and clean again.
YOU CAN improvise a piston ring compressor from a worm-gear radiator hose clamp. File off one shoulder from the screw housing, hacksaw the gear band from the gear housing and rivet a strip of steel 9/16″ wide and 9″ long between them. To use the compressor, see sketch.
HOLD a mirror over the cell openings of your car battery to see if the electrolyte levels are high enough. With the vent plugs off, the liquid inside shows up clearly, saving you, with some models, an uncomfortable stretch under the bonnet.
A CORK gasket that has shrunk can sometimes be restored to its original size by dipping in water and laying it flat long enough to absorb the moisture and swell. Don’t soak it for too long, otherwise it may crumble.
Page 64
Wedding Bells
At the Baptist Church, Napier, Lynette Joy, daughter of Mr and Mrs W. Grant, married Peter John Stuart, son of Mr. and Mrs J.S. McGregor. They were attended by, from left, (groom and bride), Lynn Curtis, Robert McGregor, and Wendy Grant , (flower girl).
(Batchelors Studio, Napier).
Coming of Age
Pictured with her parents Mr and Mrs F. Murphy, is Josephine, who was celebrating the occasion of her 21st birthday at the Mayfair Hotel.
(Lovell-Smith, Hastings).
Miss Cherie Lorraine Breading is seen here holding her 21st key which she received at her birthday. It was celebrated at the Bon Estha Lounge.
(Batchelor’s Studio, Napier).
Page 65
The Swing Club Ball held at the Cabaret Cabana really lived up to its name and “Swung”. The evening’s big attraction was the Big Band though. These guests enjoyed every moment of the music.
Right: Front row members of the Big Band are, from left: Owen Knight, Ciril Girvan and S. Camau all on saxaphones.
Below: The Big Band’s conductor was John Maloney. He is about to get his band under way for another number.
Below left: Back row, from left: Nolan Rafferty, S. Boston, B. Dagg, and directly behind these men is D. Apperley,
Front Row: Owen Knight, Ciril Girvan and E. Davies again.
A few faces from the guests attending the Ball.
Below left: Mr and Mrs Ivan Small, (Below) Mr & Mrs John Braithwaite, (Bottom left) Mr & Mrs Owen Knight and (Bottom right) Lesley Foster and partner Ian Munro.
Page 66
An Introduction to Astrology with the Signs of the Zodiac By “Lenah”.
Aries – March 21st to April 19th
Consolidate on activities, and get things done. Don’t find fault with people. Will be at logger-heads with others. Be willing to give affection. It could be a beneficial month if you bring harmonious conditions around you. Let others express their point of view. Some excitement. Put the brake upon your enthusiasms and first impressions.
Taurus – April 20th to May 20th.
Pay as you go! You may be uneasy about the welfare of others, 6th-15th will accent partners, associates and probably a more co-operative attitude. You will find support when needed as conditions should improve. Your appeal and the impression you make upon others, is important. Don’t believe all that is told you, particularly 17th-25th. Some strange information. Check and re-check, don’t move or act through others, make sure you understand orders given from important people.
Gemini – May 21st to June 21st.
Young people – especially students, and those interested in improving should benefit. Romance at places of learning, libraries. Don’t be led astray. Will feel on “top” this cycle. Watch your nerves though – could be on edge. Could have some turmoil within yourself. Do not trust your own or others motivations. Don’t commit yourself while under the influence of others.
Cancer – June 22nd to July 22nd.
The first week should be lucky providing you know how to concentrate. Don’t permit distractions otherwise you will regret opportunity that will slip by. Affairs connected with family – loved ones- residence may take time and efforts. Others will lean upon you. Use your intuitions just now. Will outguess others. Don’t let anyone impose upon you. Be generous. Develop own interests.
Leo – July 23rd to August 23rd.
Some disaster could threaten, but you will be saved from it. Good for dear ones. Your sympathies will be sought. Finish off things. Tie loose ends otherwise distractions will cause later regret, by getting you off the track of a very important issue Some news that could be a blow to you, concerning financial affairs. Keep out of hot water, in-so-far as family or home affairs are concerned. Use tact will come through alright.
Virgo – August 25th to September 23rd.
Lucky endeavours in solitude! Try to make important arrangements in private areas of your life, while others are excited. Some crisis in the air. Make private negotiations that will hold in the future. Any trips you may be taking will be lucky. Young people will find their mind more receptive – especially students. Don’t lose your temper. An excellent time to launch new projects that need private attentiont. Don’t listen to others, information may by wrong. Rely upon your own intelligence.
Libra – September 24th to October 23rd.
Soothe others’ hurt feelings. A secret dream comes to you. A good cycle for meeting people. Chance encounters have a fatalistic meaning. Don’t get involved in other people’s affairs. You would be better off if you apply all efforts to your own destiny and stay out of questions that can have a real significance in your own future. Some disappointment or loss of a financial nature, so be cautious. Don’t upset the foundations of your life. Get out of doldrums.
Scorpio – October 24th to November 22nd.
Clandestine meetings are favoured. You could have to take care of social or other obligations where you owe gratitude. Pay old debts. Both students and research workers will receive vibrations that permit them to win others-over. Social life could interfere with something much more important. Time-wasters will be abundant. Some good ideas may come to you, and should be used. A dream of prophetic notion could be right.
Sagittarios [Sagittarius] – November 23rd to December 21st.
Things are beginning to change in your life. Greater confidence with others. Get on the right road now. It is a splendid time to contact old friends, well-wishers and supporters. Quiet chats with others will pay off. Be modest and resist the inclination to lose your temper or show power, you will gain. Letters, messages are of prime interest. Don’t trust others with private affairs. Watch incidents. keep quiet.
Capricorn – December 22nd to January 12th.
Not an easy month. Could be confused through having feeling of being on tap and then discovering somebody is against you. Be realistic. You will plan in a practical manner for certain hopes and dreams. You could champion good causes. Could find yourself active in special legal or distant matters. Authoritative people may give help, because they admire you. Keep your temper.
Aquarius – January 20th to February 18th.
A changing mood of planets keeps you in turmoil. Don’t quarrel over money or funds with a partner. Have confidence in your self. Honours will come your way providing you show pride and dignity in accepting them. Your magnetism is high and should be used for a good purpose rather than for petty triumphs. Venus is helping you to make wise decisions that ingratiate you, with those in very high places. Use it properly, don’t waste opportunities. The last part of the month brings a complete exchange in the mood and possibly an award of some sort.
Pisces – February 12th to March 20th.
Your intuitions should now be sharpened, and bring certain answers to you. You will have to take some definite stand, you will have an almost magical insight into the minds around you. May have to handle contankerous partners or associates. Others oppose you for no good reason. Argumentative people can get on your nerves. Try to escape them. Build toward some climax and could end in estrangement from one you love unless you are careful about misunderstandings.
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