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Hawke’s Bay Timeline
From our files…
1769: October – Captain Cook sailed into Hawke Bay.
1795: Log book of England’s Glory, a whaler, recorded passing along east coast.
1796: Whaler, Mermaid, sailed off Hawke’s Bay.
1827: February 3 – Dumont D’Urville, in Astrolabe, off Hawke’s Bay.
1829: Ship Nimrod brought Barnet Burns to Mahia.
1834: Thomas McDonnell’s chart of New Zealand showed Ahuriri as McDonnell’s Cove.
1837: Sketch made of harbour of “Hau Ridi” (Ahuriri) by Captain Thomas Wing, master of the schooner Trent.
1839: Captain W. B. Rhodes established trading stations at Ahuriri and Table Cape.
F. W. C. Sturm settled at Nuhaka.
1840: The Rev. W. Williams visited Mahia Peninsula.
1841: Bishop Pompallier visited Mahia twice in this year.
Frederick Hunt visited Hawke’s Bay.
1842: November 16-17 – Bishop Selwyn at Ahuriri.
1843: December 18 – W. Colenso and Rev. W. Williams at Ahuriri.
1844: October 28 – Joseph Thomas and H. S. Harrison at Ahuriri.
December 30 – Rev. William Colenso established mission station at Waitangi.
1846: May 22 – Alexander Alexander recorded at Ahuriri.
1848: Anketell joins Alexander on Westshore Spit.
1849: January 30 – First sheep station in Hawke’s Bay established at Pourerere. (The sheep belonged to J. H. Northwood and H. S. Tiffen and were driven from the Wairarapa by E. Collins, E. Davis and F. J. Tiffen.)
1850: Port Ahuriri at this time was known as “Hourede”, or “Howreedy” as Europeans called it.
August 13 – Colenso recorded an earthquake shock in Napier.
December 10 – First families the McKains and the Villiers, settled at what is now Westshore.
December 18 – Donald McLean arrived at Waipukurau to arrange for the purchase of 600,000 to 700,000 acres of Hawke’s Bay land, which led to the settlement of the Hawke’s Bay province.
1851: January – Catholic Mission established at Pakowhai by Father Lampila, S.M., and Brothers Florentin and Basil.
April 7 – Captain Joseph Thomas joined McLean at Ahuriri.
First public house opened by William Villiers at Ahuriri in what is now lower Carlyle Street.
June 7 – First export of wool from Port Ahuriri.
October 1 – First organised horse race meeting in Hawke’s Bay held at Waipukurau while Europeans waited for completion of land sale.
October 28 – Waipukurau block bought by Donald McLean for £2400.
November 17 – Donald McLean bought for the Government the Ahuriri Block, comprising land bounded by Puketitiri, Tangoio and Awatoto, but not Scinde Island, for £1000.
1852: Napier’s first post office opened at Port Ahuriri.
Estimated that 50 boats engaged in whaling from Hawke’s Bay. John Ormond bought 4000 acres from Maoris and named the settlement Wallingford
First resident in Waipukurau, C. L. de Pelichet.
1853: August 22 – Samuel Revans elected to represent Wairarapa and Hawke’s Bay in Parliament.
August 29 – Sir Charles James Napier died in England.
Sir George Grey came to Hawke’s Bay to persuade chiefs to agree to further land sales.
1854: January – Alfred Domett arrived at Ahuriri as Provincial Crown Lands Commissioner and resident magistrate.
1855: February 22 – First official use of name Napier for Ahuriri area.
April – Streets of Napier named by Alfred Domett.
April 5 – First sale of Napier sections.
H.M.S. Pandora surveyed Ahuriri harbour and approaches.
1856: March – Domett left Napier.
November 13 – Purchase of Scinde Island by the Government completed by Commissioner of Crown Lands, Napier, George Sisson Cooper.
Loyal Napier Lodge founded, meetings being held in a lodge-room in Onepoto Gully.
1857: Shakespeare Road begun, connecting Napier with Port Ahuriri. Not finished until 1859.
May – First steamer visited Napier, S.S. Wonga Wonga.
The Southern Cross became the first wool ship to arrive at Napier.
Clive laid out as towns.
1858: January 30 – Meeting held in the Royal Hotel (Napier), at which Ahuriri Agricultural Society was formed, later to become the H.B. A. and P. Society.
February 8 – Detachment of 65th Regiment arrived in Napier, settled in Onepoto Gully.
Taradale-Greenmeadows district bought from the Government by _ Alley and H. S. Tiffen at 5s an acre. Mr Alley named his purchase Taradale and built the first house there in 1860. Mr Tiffen named his area Greenmeadows.
March – Catholic Mission moved from Pakowhai to Meeanee.
August 19 – Hostilities at Pakiaka Bush, Whakatu, involved Te Moananui, Karaitiana and others against Te Hapuku, Puhara and others. Henare Tomoana was the fighting chief on one side and Puhara on the other. Puhara was killed. Series of skirmishes, which continued until March 22, 1858, led to appeal to Government by Napier people for military protection.
September 4 – Union Bank opened a branch in Napier.
European population of New Zealand, 59,413.
November 1 – Hawke’s Bay proclaimed a province.
John Ormond first Speaker, Provincial Council.
1859: January 1 – Electoral roll for Napier contained 89 names.
March 6 – First church in Napier, St Mary’s Chapel (Catholic), opened at corner of Shakespeare and France Roads.
April 23 – First meeting of Hawke’s Bay Provincial Government, in the Golden Fleece Hotel, which stood on the site now occupied by the Cathedral fountain.
Diocese of Waiapu formed.
1860: January 7 – First Sale of town sections at Abbotsford (now Waipawa). Havelock North laid out as township.
April 8 – Captain J. C. L. Carter elected Superintendent of Hawke’s Bay.
June 16 – St Paul’s Church, Napier, erected.
July 31 – Chief Te Moananui died at Clive.
December – First Waiapu Synod held at Waerenga-a-hika.
1862: April 2 – The Bank of New Zealand opened a branch in Napier.
Scheme to improve Port of Napier abandoned after expenditure of £217,000.
First Money Order Office opened in Napier.
Hawke’s Bay Provincial Council decided to recommended [recommend] the Government to fix a minimum price of not less than 10s an acre for all waste land sold by auction.
August 20 – Hawke’s Bay Club established.
1863: February 1 – First Anglican church in Napier consecrated.
October 14 – Ahuriri Agricultural Society became H.B. A. and P. Society and first show was held in Danver’s paddock, Havelock North. Total exhibits, 73.
Sir Donald McLean, having decided to settle here, became Superintendent of the Hawke’s Bay province, succeeding Captain Carter.
Only three public schools in Hawke’s Bay, with total attendance of 45 pupils.
First settlement at Tikokino.
1864: November 24 – Ship Strathallan, from England, arrived at Napier with immigrants.
Photo caption – “The Den” was the name of this room in Sir Douglas McLean’s house, Napier Terrace, Napier, showing the McLean family’s relics of Maori associations. Sir Douglas was the son of Sir Donald McLean. Most of the weapons and pictures displayed are now in the Hawke’s Bay Museum, Napier.

1865: February 26 – Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions arrived and first convent was in use (Napier).
December 17 – Ship Strathallan, from England, returns to Napier. White population of Hawke’s Bay, 3370.
1866: March 16 – Hawke’s Bay A. and P. Society’s second show, held at Waipukurau.
October 12 – Battle with Hau Haus at Omarunui.
December 2 – Ship Strathallan, again returns to Napier.
1867: February 18 – First artesian well in Hawke’s Bay, at Meeanee.
March 8 – Hawke’s Bay A. and P. Society’s show at Meeanee.
March 27 – Ship Montmorency destroyed by fire three days after leaving Napier.
April 8 – Last of the Imperial forces, a detachment of the 12th Regiment, left Napier.
October 10 – St. Joseph’s Maori Girls’ College opened on Convent Hill, Napier (known as The Providence).
White population in Hawke’s Bay, 5175.
Only 12 schools in Hawke’s Bay, with a total of 300 pupils.
Waipukurau laid out as model village by H. R. Russell.
1868: February 27 – Barque Ida Zeigler, from London, smashed to pieces on Petane beach, Napier, during a heavy gale.
June 16 – First telegraph between Napier and Wellington opened.
July 10 – Hau Hau prisoners escaped from the Chatham Islands and, led by Te Kooti, landed at Whareongaonga, south of Gisborne.
July 20 – Engagement between volunteer forces and Te Kooti’s force at Paparutu. Victory to Te Kooti.
August 8 – Engagement with Te Kooti at the Ruakituri Rivery Captain Carr and Davis Canning killed. Te Kooti escapes.
November 9-10 – Massacre of Poverty Bay settlers by Hau Haus under Te Kooti.
December 3 – Successful attack on the Hau Haus at Makaretu, north of Wairoa. Te Kooti retreated to a strong position at Ngatapa.
December 5 – Unsuccessful attack on Ngatapa by Government forces, mostly friendly Maoris (Ngatiporou) under Major Ropata and Captain Preece.
Chief Karauria Pupu killed in. action against Te Kooti.
Awatoto toll gate erected.
1869: January 5 – Capture of Ngatapa by mixed force of Armed Constabulary and Ngatiporou fighters under the direction of Colonel Whitmore.
March – Te Kooti raided the Bay of Plenty.
April 10-12 – Massacre of Mohaka settlers by Te Kooti’s forces, and attacks on two Maori pas. One captured with much slaughter and the other defended until relief arrived from Napier.
September 9 – Te Kooti defeated in an engagement at Tokaanu by Henare Tomoana and Hawke’s Bay Maoris.
September 25 – Te Kooti attacked Tokaanu and was repulsed by Armed Constabulary and Hawke’s Bay Maoris, including Henare Tomoana, Pene and Kaiwhata. Renata Kawepo of Omahu lost his eye in the engagement.
1870: April 3 – Final engagement with Te Kooti at Te Porere by Hawke’s Bay Maoris and Armed Constabulary, effective military defeat of Te Kooti.
The Hon. J. D. Ormond became Superintendent of the Hawke’s Bay province, succeeding Sir Donald McLean.
“F” Battery of Artillery formed in Napier, under Captain Joshua Cuff.
1871: February 1 – The Daily Telegraph established.
February 24 – Last detachment of British troops left New Zealand.
April 16 – Catholic Church built at Waipawa.
1872: February 14 – Last shot in Maori Wars fired at Mangaone, near Lake Waikaremoana.
April 28 – Tiffen sold sections at Greenmeadows.
April 31 – National Bank of New Zealand opened in Napier.
First coach run, Napier to Taupo.
Meeanee College for boys (boarding) opened.
September 12 – On this date the Hawke’s Bay Agricultural Society changed its name to the Hawke’s Bay Agricultural and Pastoral Society.
September 16 – Arrival at Napier of ships Ballarat and Hovding, with Scandinavian immigrants, who proceeded to and settled at Norsewood and Dannevirke.
November 16 – Ship Excelsior, from London, arrived at Napier.
Ship Chile, from England, arrived at Napier.
First Foresters’ Lodge established in Napier.
Toll gate erected on Taradale Road, dues received being for road maintenance.
1873: July 8 – First Hastings town section sold.
August 10 – Second Catholic Church built on Convent Hill, Napier. It was moved in 1910 to Port Ahuriri and opened on July 31, 1910, as St Mary’s.
October 15 – Hawke’s Bay A. and P, Society’s show held in Mr Reynolds’ yards, Havelock North.
Committee set up by Hawke’s Bay Provincial Council to inquire into the possibility of constructing a breakwater at Napier.
Norsewood District School established.
1874: February 2 – Ship Queen of the North, London, arrived at Napier.
March 8 – Invererne, from England, arrived at Napier.
May 24 – RD Maney cut into quarter-acre sections the Taradale block which he had bought from William Colenso, who had bought it from Alley.
July – Hukarere Maori Girls School opened, in Napier.
July 4 – Ship Halcione, from London, arrived.
October 12 – Railway opened between Napier and Hastings.
Barque Queen Bee arrived at Napier from London. Afterwards wrecked near Nelson.
October 22 – Ship Helen Denny, from London, arrived at Napier.
October – Hawke’s Bay A. and P. Society’s show held at Hastings for first time, in yards belonging to the society.
November – Ship Bebbington, from England, arrived at Napier
November 26 – Borough of Napier founded.
1875: February 12 – Barque Hudson, from England, arrived at Napier.
February 2 – First meeting of Napier Borough Council, with Mr Robert Stuart as Mayor.
May 1 – Hawke’s Bay railway extended from Hastings to Paki Paki and declared opened.
June 8 – Ship Countess of Kintore, from London, arrived at Napier.
September 20 – Ship Helen Denny, from London, arrived at Napier.
Napier Rowing Club started. Mr Spencer Gollan first president.
Tragedy in Napier. Man killed his wife in small cottage in France Road (then Chappell Street).
1876: February 15 – First meeting of Napier Harbour Board.
May 24 – Ploughing match conducted by the Hawke’s Bay A. and P. Society in Mr R. Wellwood’s paddock.
August 12 – Railway through Hawke’s Bay opened as far as Waipawa.
August 22 – Meeting of citizens held at Waipukurau, where it was decided to build a public hospital.
September 1 – First railway train to Waipukurau.
November 1 – Abolition of New Zealand provinces took effect; country divided into counties and boroughs.
December 21 – Ship Waitara, from England, arrived at Napier.
Napier Fire Brigade came into existence.
Union Rowing Club (Napier) started.
December 28 – Hawke’s Bay County Council elected for first time.
First land settlement at Ormondville.
1877: January 5 – Death of Sir Donald McLean.
February 9 – Mr H. S. Tiffen elected first chairman of the Hawke’s Bay County Council.
March 12 – Napier connected with Takapau by railway.
March 20 – Ship Fernglen, from England, arrived at Napier.
May 22 – St Mary’s Anglican Church, Waipukurau, consecrated.
May 24 – Public hall at Waipukurau opened.
November 21 – Ship Waitara, from England, arrived at Napier.
December 3 – Barque Langstone, from London, arrived at Napier.
Free and compulsory education for children introduced in New Zealand.
Napier Working Men’s Club opened, (Name changed to Cosmopolitan Club, October 16, 1927.)
1878: January 10 – School committees elected in Hawke’s Bay for first time.
April 4 – Education commissioners in Hawke’s Bay replaced by Education Board.
April 11 – Bishop Selwyn died in England.
May 5 – Chief Te Hapuku died at Te Hauke.
May 7 – Hawke’s Bay A. and. P. Society held a grain and roots show in conjunction with the ploughing match at Mr William Orr’s, Clive.
October 22 – Immigrant ship City of Auckland, from London to Napier wrecked at Otaki.
November 27 – Hawke’s Bay A. and P. Society purchased 80 acres from Mr T. Tanner and Messrs Knight Bros. and Chapman, Hastings, for a showground. The Hawke’s Bay Jockey Club took over these grounds.
December 10 – Abercorn Masonic Lodge (Waipawa) formed.
School inspector for. Hawke’s Bay. (Mr Henry Hill) arrived in Napier.
Freemasonry introduced in Hastings by formation of Lodge Heretaunga.
Marist Brothers took over Catholic boys’ school, Napier.
Photo caption – Memorial service for King Edward VII was held at St John’s Cathedral, Napier, on May 5, 1910.
Photo caption – Railway station farewells as the 1st Contingent leaves Napier for the Boer War.

1879: January 1 – Lighthouse at Cape Mahia completed.
March 3 – Chief Karaitiana Takamoana died at Napier, buried at Pakowhai.
June 27 – Ship Celaeno, from London, arrived at Napier.
September 13 – Big sale of residential properties at Hastings.
November 7 – Ship May Queen, from London, arrived at Napier.
First patients admitted Waipawa County Hospital at Waipukurau.
1880: January 11 – Ship Adamant, from London, arrived at Napier.
Tomoana Freezing Works started.
Chief Renata Kawepo died at Omahu. [Died 14 April 1888]
First race meeting held on Hastings racecourse.
Hawke’s Bay Lodge opened in Hastings.
1881: Licensing committees formed in Hawke’s Bay for administration of the licensing laws.
1882: April 6 – Great earthquake in New Zealand.
First cargo of frozen meat left Hawke’s Bay for London.
April 16 – Catholic Church opened in Hastings.
Patangata County Council formed.
Catholic Church built at Wairoa.
Napier Chamber of Commerce established.
1883: April 26 – Violent eruption, Tongariro.
September 17 – Ship St Leonard (Captain Todd) arrived at Napier.
December 1 – Public library opened at Waipawa.
1884: January – Waipawa Town Board formed.
January 29 – Napier Girls’ High School opened.
February 4 – Hastings constituted a town board district.
July 15 – Roland Edwards hanged at Napier jail for killing his wife and children at Ormondville.
First lawn tennis tournament in New Zealand held at Farndon (Clive).
1885: January 20 – Poll favours breakwater at Napier.
Telephone exchange opened at Napier with 40 subscribers.
St Augustine’s Church, Napier, erected.
1886: January 4 – Hastings Volunteer Fire Brigade formed.
May – Plans approved for laying out and beautifying Clive Square, Napier.
June 10 – Eruption of Tarawera. The explosions were heard in Hawke’s Bay.
August 19 – Hastings declared a borough.
August 30 – Salvationists jailed for marching through Napier.
September – Napier Cathedral erection begun.
October 11 – Ship Lairia, from London, arrived at Napier.
October 20 – First meeting Hastings Borough Council.
December 12 – Big fire at Waipawa; more than 20 buildings, including the post office, destroyed.
December 18 – Great fire at Napier; £60,000 damage.
Mr. John Collinge appointed first town clerk of Hastings.
Napier Park Racing Club founded.
Taradale declared a town district.
1887: January 5 – Ship Asterion, from London, arrived at Napier.
January 25 – First block laid in connection with construction of Napier Breakwater.
May 10 – Northumberland wrecked off Petane Beach.
Hastings Rifles founded, with Captain (later Sir William) Russell in command.
1888: March – Waipawa Volunteer Fire Brigade formed.
North British Freezing Works built on Westshore Spit.
November 12 – Barque Langstone afire- in the Napier roadstead. Much damage to vessel’s decks and cargo of wool from Hawke’s Bay.
December 14 – Waiapu Cathedral consecrated.
1889: January 14 – Ship Waimea, from London, arrived at Napier.
August 27 – Big maritime strike affected the whole of New Zealand.
September 17 – Ship Orari, from England, arrived at Napier.
October 12 – Barque Langstone, from London, arrived at Napier.
December 4 – Ship Lochnagar, from London, arrived at Napier.
Hawke’s Bay Hunt Club founded.
December 5 – General election; first on one-man-one-vote principle.
1891: January 15 – Ship Lochnagar, from London, arrived at Napier.
February 27 – Ship Pleiades, from London, at Napier. Afterwards beached at Akitio.
Napier Sailing Club established.
European population of Hawke’s Bay 28,506.
1892: May 27 – First child admitted to Hawke’s Bay Children’s Home, Napier.
November 10 – Dannevirke Borough Council formed, first Mayor, Mr A. McKay, installed in December.
November 28 – Barque Langstone, from London, arrived at Napier.
December 6 – Ship Hurunui, from England, arrived at Napier.
December 10 – Ship Soukar, from London, arrived at Napier.
December – Ship Jessie Readman at Napier. Left some days after and was stranded at Chathams, becoming a total wreck.
Norfolk pines planted on the Marine Parade, Napier.
Samples of Meeanee Mission wine sent, at request of French Consul (Comte d’Abbans), to Paris Exposition and were awarded silver medal for excellence.
Hastings Polo Club founded.
1893: February 9 – Great fire in Hastings; 22 shops destroyed; damage estimated at £30,000.
April 17 – Death of Te Kooti, at Ohiwa.
June 12 – First vessel, Taviuni, 910 tons, berthed alongside breakwater to load a circus.
November 28 – General election; first at which women exercised vote.
1894: February 24 – Woodford House, Havelock North, established.
March 22 – First licensing local option poll taken.
April 5 – Serious typhoid epidemic at Hastings.
November 19 – St Patrick’s Church, Napier, opened.
1895: January 15 – Ship Margaret Galbraith at Napier.
October 22 – Glasgow Wharf opened inside Napier breakwater.
December 24 – Ship Canterbury, from London, arrived at Napier.
1896: January 13 – Ship Rangitikei, from London, arrived at Napier.
August 1 – Hastings telephone exchange opened.
August 6 – Mr A. H. Whitehouse licensed to exhibit a kinemascope at Hastings.
Puketitiri sawmill established.
Napier Frivolity Minstrels formed.
1897: April 16 – Disastrous flood in Napier and district. Crew of rescue boat drowned.
July 29 – Wreck of steamer Tasmania on Mahia Peninsula, with the loss of 10 lives.
October – Hawke’s Bay Kennel and Poultry Club established.
Norsewood Co-operative Dairy Factory established.
1898: March 31 – Dannevirke County formed.
1899: February 10 – Rev. William Colenso died in Napier.
October 14 – First Labour Day.
1901: March 31 – New Zealand European population 772,719.
June 2 – End of South African War celebrated in Hawke’s Bay.
October 7 – Hastings City Council took over Hastings Athenaeum for a public library.
Hawke’s Bay Employers’ Association established.
Ihaia Hutana appointed chief of Ngati Kahungunu tribes, comprising Wairarapa, Hawke’s Bay and Wairoa.
1902: April 23 – Hawke’s Bay A. and P. Society’s first autumn show.
1903: Argyll estate cut up for closer settlement.
1904: February – Chief Henare Tomoana died at Hastings.
October – Totalisator purchased by Hawke’s Bay Jockey Club and worked by club officials.
October – Napier Dramatic Students’ Society conducted its first play, “The Magistrate”, in Theatre Royal.
First trotting club formed in Hawke’s Bay. It later became defunct.
1905: March 8 – Wairoa Hospital opened.
November – Waipukurau Town Board constituted.
November 9 – Cornwall Park, Hastings, officially opened.
December 4 – Paki Paki Freezing Works opened.
1906: February 10 – Troopers’ Memorial on Marine Parade, Napier, unveiled.
1907: September 26 – Proclamation of New Zealand as a Dominion.
Waipukurau County Council formed.
1908: April 1 – Waipawa Borough constituted (Mr W. I. Limbrick first Mayor).
Dannevirke County Council formed.
1909: January 27 – Foundation stone of Hastings Post Office laid by Sir Joseph Ward.
September 30 – Waipawa District High School established.
October 19 – Napier Municipal Baths opened.
1910: May 5 – First photographs of Halley’s Comet, taken from Meeanee astronomical observatory.
August – Waipawa Municipal Theatre completed.
November 9 – Waipawa Druids’ Lodge formed.
Lord Kitchener visited Hawke’s Bay.
1911: April 2 – New Zealand population 1,008,468.
June 6 – Gaiety Theatre, Napier, destroyed by fire.
November 8 – Official opening of Mount St Mary’s Scholasticate.
1912: January 29 – Construction of East Coast railway begun at Westshore.
February 6 – Havelock North constituted town board district.
February 29 – Work on East Coast railway started at Waihi end.
June 20 – Windsor Parky known as Beatson’s Park, Hastings, bought by city council for £4000.
November 13 – Napier Municipal Theatre opened.
1913: August Averill, Bishop of Waiapu, became Bishop of Auckland.
September 13 – Napier electric trams began running.
September 24 – Death of Sir William Russell, ex-M.P. for Hawke’s Bay, former Leader of the Opposition.
November 18 – Beginning of big strike in New Zealand.
Waipukurau Borough Council formed.
1914: April 27 – Arrival in New Zealand of General Sir Ian Hamilton to inspect military forces.
August – Britain declared war on Germany.
August 15 – Departure from Wellington of advance guard, N.Z.E.F
October 16 – Main Body N.Z.E.F. left Wellington.
1915: April 25 – The landing at Gallipoli.
June 3 – First military honours awarded to New Zealanders.
December 8 – Waipawa Progressive Association formed.
December 20 – Evacuation of Gallipoli completed.
1916: February 9 – Hastings Municipal Buildings opened.
April 15 – Anzacs landed in France.
1917: October 22 – Fire razed three-quarters of Dannevirke.
Photo caption – Off the rails, near Te Aute, 1925.

1918: March – Great German offensive on Somme repulsed, N.Z.E.F. taking an important part.
November 11 – Armistice signed.
November – Influenza epidemic raging in Hawke’s Bay and rest of New Zealand.
1919: November 11 – Two minutes’ silence at 11 a.m. in memory of the fallen.
£18,000 collected for Fallen Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital in Hastings.
1920: April 29 – Nelson Park bought by Hastings City Council.
May 3 – Prince of Wales in Hawke’s Bay.
1921: January – Central Hawke’s Bay Electric Power Board formed (provisionally).
1922: June 18 – Severe earthquakes at Taupo and Wairakei.
1923: November 1 – Explosion of gas cylinder at Port Ahuriri, with fatal results.
1924: January 2 – Opening of France Home, Eskdale.
January 12 – Port Elliott wrecked near East Cape
February 20 – Central Fire Station opened in Napier.
May 9 – Visit to Napier of H.M.S Hood and other British warships.
May 28 – Napier inner harbour entrance piers destroyed by easterly gale.
September 22 – Foundation stone laid of new Boys’ High School in Napier.
November 9 – Napier War Memorial unveiled.
1925: September 22 – Tragic railway disaster at Te Aute. Two deaths, 20 injured.
October 21 – Hawke’s Bay A. and P. Society new showgrounds opened at Tomoana.
1927: Ebbett Park donated by Mr George Ebbett.
June 3 – End of first Ranfurly Shield golden era (from August 19, 1922).
Hawke’s Bay Aero Club started.
1929: Population of Hastings now 10,600
1931: February 3 – Hawke’s Bay earthquake.
June 19 – First sitting Hawke’s Bay Adjustment Court.
1932: May 12 – Napier development began with election of board.
1933: January 21 – Kingsford-Smith lands at Napier.
January 23 – Napier Hospital replanned following destruction in earthquake.
1934: April 1 – Signing of the Marewa development agreement.
August 15 – Hastings City Council sold electrical undertaking to Hawke’s Bay Electric Power Board.
August – J. Wattie Canneries Ltd. opened factory, re-registered under Companies Act 1936.
September – Former Ahuriri Lagoon area handed over to Small Farms Board for
December 13 – Kennedy Road bridge opened in Napier.
December 19 – Visit of Duke of Gloucester to Hawke’s Bay.
1935: Hastings clock tower built.
June 23 – St. Joseph’s Maori Girls’ College opened at Greenmeadows.
1936: February 12 – Opening of H.B. Art Gallery and Museum, Napier.
June 2 – Tutaekuri River diverted.
1937: May 12 – Hawke’s Bay ce1ebrates coronation of King George VI.
November 24 – Foundation stone of new Napier Municipal Theatre laid.
1938: February 19 – Railway gang at Kopuawhara swept away by flood, 21 men killed.
March 12 – Foundation stone of Napier Government Building laid.
July 2 – 0fficial opening of first State house in Marewa, Napier.
1939: July 1 – Napier-Wairoa railway opened.
September 3 – Britain and France declare war on Germany.
November 18 – W. B. Walker, the first ship to berth at Geddis Wharf, Port of Napier.
December 13 – Battle of River Plate.
1940: January 5 – First Echelon left New Zealand.
February 12 – Anzac Expeditionary Force reached Egypt.
April 4 – Y.M.C.A. opened in Napier.
July 12 – Battle of Britain begun.
1941: April 14 – New Zealand troops in action in Greece.
March 9 – Air raid shelters dug on Napier foreshore.
May 4-8 – Battle of Coral Sea.
May 29 – Rationing of clothing, footwear and household items.
1943: February 1 – Waikokopu-Gisborne section, Napier-Gisborne railway, completed.
September 8 – Unconditional surrender of Italy to Allies.
April 24 – Beacons chosen as central airport for Hawke’s Bay in development of post-war aviation.
June 6 – Allied invasion of France; landings on Normandy coast.
July 12 – Hawke’s Bay’ Catchment Board inaugural meeting held.
1945: May 8 – End of war in Europe.
August 15 – Capitulation of Japan.
September 19 – First kiwi hatched in captivity at Greenmeadows Game Farm.
1946: February 11 – Forest fires cause $1 million damage in Ruahines, Takapau, Taupo and Puketitiri areas.
1947: October 17 – Oil-burning locomotives introduced on Napier-Palmerston North line.
October 22 – 82 recipients at military and civil investiture in Napier.
1950: March 18 – Napier proclaimed a city.
October 6 – First Blossom Festival in Hastings.
1952: April 1 – Havelock North proclaimed a borough.
1953: April 27 – Port Jackson loaded first chilled beef cargo from Napier.
1954: January 7 – Queen Elizabeth and Duke of Edinburgh visited Hawke’s Bay.
June 10 – Holt wing at Hawke’s Bay Art Gallery and Museum opened.
June 13 – Pania statue erected.
October 5 – Hawke’s Bay and East Coast Fertiliser works at Awatoto opened.
1955: February 1 – Hastings Girls’ High School opened.
May 26 – Hawke’s Bay Catchment Board adopted river diversion plans.
December 3 – Napier skating rink opened on Marine Parade.
December 13 – Memorial floral clock donated to Napier by Mr and Mrs A. B. Hurst.
1956: September 8 – Hastings proclaimed a city.
1957: May 11 – Hohepa Home opened at Wharerangi.
December 13 – Hawke’s Bay Aquarium, Napier, opened.
1958: February 5 – Queen Mother in Hawke’s Bay.
1959: February 7 – Colenso High School, Napier, opened.
October 10 – Napier centennial exhibition and wool festival.
October 18 – Hastings War Memorial Library opened.
December 2 – Hawke’s Bay’s first woman deputy-Mayor, Cr Dorothy Lucas, elected at Taradale.
1960: February 24 – New St John’s Cathedral dedicated
May 31 – Higgins Wharf opened.
1961: January 27 – 0pening of Westshore Bridge, Napier.
February 9 – Demolition of Kuripapango Bridge on Taihape Road.
February 11 – Wharerangi Home bought for Hohepa Homes.
March 9 – Escaped petrol alert at Ahuriri.
April 26 – Approval of Hawke’s Bay Catchment Board’s scheme for flood protection of the Heretaunga Plains.
May 15 – New lights along Napier’s Marine Parade switched on by Mayoress, Mrs Tait, as first stage in “Plan to light the city”.
May 18 – Beacons to be Hawke’s Bay Airport site.
September 27 – “Omatua” homestead, Rissington, given to Hawke’s Bay Girl Guides.
October 1 – Opening of old people’s home, Hastings, on behalf of Little Sisters of the Poor.
December 13 – Traffic lights (five sets) turned on in Napier.
1962: July 9 – First use of Hastings’ Railway Station.
1963: June 3 – Flooding of Tangoio, Bay View and Onekawa
1964: February 15 – Hawke’s Bay Airport opened by Air Marshal Sir Hector McGregor.
April 1 – Flaxmere became part of Hastings city
1965: January 27 – First dolphin at Marineland
March 9 – Present Waiapu Cathedral dedicated.
May 12 – Opening of Titiokura deviation on Napier-Taupo highway.
October 9 – St. Columba’s school, Waipawa, opened by Monsignor J. J. Fletcher.
1966: February 4 – First traffic over new Waitangi Bridge, on Napier-Hastings coastal highway.
April 28 – Rahiri home for aged at Dannevirke, dedicated and opened.
May 25 – Wool Exchange, Napier, opened.
November 9 – Completion of first stage of Marineland, Napier.
December 12 – Olympic Pool, Onekawa, opened.
1967: February 20 – North Clyde Post Office, Wairoa, opened.
July 29 – Port Nicholson the first ship to berth at Kirkpatrick Wharf.
September 20 – First cargo of palletised hides from Hawke’s Bay loaded at Port of Napier.
October 7 – 1967 Hawke’s Bay Sportsman of the Year, Kelvin Tremain, captain of the Hawke’s Bay Rugby team.
October 8 – Waiapu Cathedral consecrated.
November 25 – Aquatic Centre, Frimley Park, Hastings, opened.
1968: March 16 – New Fire Station, Napier, opened.
March 26 – Police Station, Hastings, opened.
April 1 – Napier and Taradale amalgamated, making Napier New Zealand’s 10th largest city.
November 16 – Hawke’s Bay Sportsman of the Year, Margaret Hiha (hockey and
1969: June 26 – Holt Planetarium, Napier, opened.
July 12 – Sunken Gardens, Napier, opened.
Porangahau Bridge opened.
July 29 – Professor Christiaan Barnard, world’s first heart transplant surgeon, addressed a subscription dinner arranged by Napier Jaycees in aid of Napier cardiac clinic equipment.
August 18 – Haumoana Post Office opened.
October 10 – 1969 Hawke’s Bay Sportsman the year, Allen Christie (surf life-saving and swimming).
September 27 – End of second Ranfurly Shield golden era (from September 24, 1966).
1970: March 21 – Queen and Prince Philip visit Napier.
August 30 – Church of St Thomas More, Napier, opened.
October 22 – Contract signed for construction of pulp mill in Hawke’s Bay.
October 28 – Clinical services and medical wards blocks, Napier Hospital, opened.
November 13 – 1970 Hawke’s Bay Sportsman of the Year, Dean Hayes (skating).
December 17 – Hawke’s Bay local bodies vote to introduce 3c a gallon petrol tax to assist their finances.
Photo caption – Smoking ruins of the Gaiety Theatre, destroyed by fire on June 6, 1911. The
theatre was re-opened on a section opposite, in Dickens St, Napier.

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1971 Centennial Supplement – from “A Crowded Century 1871-1971”
Surnames in this extract –
Alexander, Alley, Anketell, Averill, Barnard, Burns, Canning, Carr, Carter, Christie, Colenso, Collinge, Collins, Cook, Cooper, Cuff, d’Abbans, D’Urville, Davis, de Pelichet, Domett, Ebbett, Edwards, Fletcher, Gollan, Grey, Hamilton, Harrison, Hayes, Hiha, Hill, Hunt, Hurst, Hutana, Kaiwhata, Karaitiana, Kawepo, Lampila, Limbrick, Lucas, Maney, McDonnell, McGregor, McKain, McKay, McLean, Napier, Ngatapa, Northwood, Ormond, Orr, Pene, Phillip, Pompallier, Preece, Puhara, Pupu, Revens, Reynolds, Rhodes, Ropata, Russell, Selwyn, Stuart, Sturm, Tait, Takamoana, Te Hapuku, Te Kooti, Te , Moananui, Thomas, Tiffen, Todd, Tomoana, Villiers, Ward, Wellwood, Whitehouse, Whitmore, Williams, Wing
Format of the original
Newspaper articleDate published
Daily TelegraphAcknowledgements
Published with permission of Hawke's Bay Today
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