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Heretaungan, The, 1947
THE SCHOOL in 1947 10

Hastings High School, 1947
Chairman – N.B. FIPPARD, Esq.
Mrs. T.A. HILL.
A.D.M.G. LAING, Esq.
R.A. YULE, Esq.
Secretary and Treasurer – W.L. GRAY.
Principal – W.A.G. PENLINGTON, M. A.
S.I. JONES, M.A. (1st Asst.)
N. WILDE, B. A., M. Sc.
S. ROCKEL, M. A., B. Com.
Miss C.M.M. MILLER, M. A., Dip. Ed. (Senr. Mistress)
Miss M.I. WOODS, B. A., Dip. Ed.
Miss O.A. LUKE, Dip. H. Sc.
Miss R.D. GUPPY, T.A.C.R.D.S. (Lond.)
Miss C.G. WAY.
Miss J.M. CHILD, M. A.
Miss G.M. SLATER, Dip. H.Sc.
Miss M.A. CUSHEN, M. HSc.
Mrs. Yates – Home-Nursing.
H.G. WALL – Woodwork.
Mrs. M.E. IRVING – Typiste.
W.C. COLLINS – School Caretaker.
A. RUSSELL – Groundsman.

It frequently happens in the lives of both individuals and institutions that increasing stature brings new problems – a metaphorical dropping of the hem line – and, if development and progress along the right lines are to be fostered, and a feeling of inferiority forestalled, what once were labelled as luxuries become necessities.
The building of the new wing, “Alamein,” now completed and ready for official opening, is an illustration of this truth. With its spacious class-rooms, all equipped for central heating, its dining-room, kitchen and laundry – described by one of the masters as a “housewife’s dream” – it is well designed to meet our increasing growth. Similarly, our new Engineering Block will meet our increasing needs. It is one of the show places of the School; in fact, in the last stages of its completion, it was visited by all of us in turn.
Although Old Pupils will view the new buildings with pride, and consider them a token of the School’s “keeping abreast of the times,” there may, perhaps, be a feeling of envy. We can imagine their saying, “Aren’t the present pupils lucky?” or “Things weren’t made so easy for us.”
Those of us who will soon be leaving, will remember with pride that the additions were completed in their day, and hope that those who are to derive the full benefit will make the best use of their wonderful opportunities.
It so often happens that the smaller the effort expended the smaller the value is place on the result when achieved, but we do well to remember – and this should in some measure console Old Pupils – that the overcoming of obstacles and
difficulties, also the “making do” with inferior equipment, assists the development of initiative and resourcefulness.
Most of our old and respected institutions – and we are proud to include our School in this category – have been built up gradually, but that is not to say that it must lag behind in this quickly moving and changing age. The School must provide the best of which it is capable for all its pupils. They for their part would do well to look upon the School not as something they share as a right, but as something they hold in trust for those who will follow them.
While the world is planning for permanent peace, we all in our own way should try to look ahead and see what is in store for us, both as a nation and as individuals. Now that the ravages of war are behind us, we hope that a serious effort will be made to keep them there, and that the world will live at peace.
It is to the youth, not only of the Allied nations, but also of Germany, Italy and Japan that we must turn if international co-operation and good will are to be achieved. The Youth Movements in these nations are worthy of serious consideration, if only to show the power usually lying dormant in the youth of the world. If such organizations can be made to function in order to glorify brutality, ignorance and deceit, surely they can be made to achieve that which is good and noble.
Faith must be pinned in the youth of to-day. There is no hint of decadence about this generation, as there was about the last. Nor is it that they merely do heroic deeds; many of them are also thinking heroic thoughts. Does not each new generation present a new beginning and fresh opportunity in the life of a race?
Douglas Reed has said, “If youth, the generation of 1914, had ever had its chance in England this war would not have happened. Old men made it, by allowing it to happen.” That, perhaps, is an overstatement of the facts, but Reed was trying to stress the importance of youth being allowed to state its convictions. No one denies that the men who had charge of Britain’s policy between the two World Wars were old, and often clung like limpets to seats of office which they were no longer capable of filling.
Mr. Churchill once said when speaking to the youth of U.S.A. [United States of America] and Britain, “You cannot stop.” How true this is. Youth must see to it that its opinions are not only heard but also acted upon. How these feelings are going to be made known is a problem which youth alone can decide.
(With acknowledgements to the “Herald-Tribune.”)
The School Break-Up and Prize-giving ceremony was held on the 12th December, in the afternoon. The Speaker was Mr. G.A. Maddison, Chairman of the Hawke’s Bay Education Board.
Mr. E.J.W. Hallett, chairman of the Board of Governors, presided. Others on the platform were members of the Board, the Principal, Mr. W.A.G. Penlington, and members of the staff.
Mr. Hallett specially welcomed Mrs. E.M. Emmett, an original member of the Board of Governors. Mrs. Emmett, he said, had resigned from the Board on leaving Hastings some years ago, but she had continued to take an interest in the School.
The Chairman referred to the excellent work the High School Association was doing. The association was assisting the board in every possible way. “I personally appreciate their action and I thank the Association for the work they have done during the past 12 months,” he said.
Mr. Hallett also thanked Mr. Maddison for the work he had done for the district as a former mayor and for his work in education over a number of years.
The School had maintained its usual range of courses, and had introduced a general course which includes no foreign languages. For girls, this general course had superseded the handicrafts course.
“Some 44 pupils sat for the School Certificate examination, and 30 entered for the new University Entrance, 21 being subsequently accredited. Four pupils sat, as exempted students, for units of their University degrees. Two were successful, one in three subjects and one in one. Three girls entered for the Public Service shorthand-typist’s examination and six for the Chamber of Commerce examinations. Two pupils are sitting for the new special bursaries examination, and four for the Entrance Scholarship examination.
“The new certificates, Endorsed School Certificate and Higher School Certificate, were awarded for the first time this year, the number of successful pupils being 24 and 10 respectively” he said.
“The construction of the girls’ science wing and the new engineering workshop is now well advanced and it is hoped that they will be completed by the middle of next year,” continued Mr. Penlington. “We have again this year experienced difficulty in keeping our evening classes open owing to poor attendance. A total of 123 evening students enrolled in 1946 (120 in 1945, 147 in 1944, and 147 in 1943).
“Generally speaking we have had a very good year,” Mr. Penlington concluded. “The war inevitably causes some falling-off from our usual standards, in several directions, but a renewed spirit of progress and confidence has established itself. Materials are becoming more plentiful, the new buildings are progressing, our teaching staff has been stabilized on a more liberal scale, and increased finances are available for the running of the school.”
“The emphasis to-day is placed on the necessity for training for fundamental subjects of reading, writing and arithmetic. I do assert that it is equally fundamental to teach such subjects as art and musical appreciation.” Children who were not so excellent academically, he said, benefited from art and handicraft. The purpose of art and kindred subjects was not only to paint pictures, but rather was it to create better people and a better community.
“The boys and girls to-day are just as good as the boys and girls of yesterday,” said Mr. Maddison. He expressed gratitude to the principal, Mr. Penlington, and the members of the School staff for the service they had given so willingly in building up the character of the children. “The High School occupies an honoured place among kindred institutions throughout New Zealand,” he said.
There was no more important institution in the community than a school, except, perhaps, the home and the Church. Although undoubtedly much might be accomplished in the classroom, the vital factor in a child was a happy home life and good parents.
Mr. Maddison then addressed his remarks to the boys and girls. No society, he said, could proceed without hard work and responsibility. Ambition only could not sustain a career, but it must be buttressed by hard work and character. He urged the boys and girls to keep on playing sport when they left school to fit themselves to enjoy life. Those who had fought
overseas had been the product of the open fields of New Zealand. He also advised the boys and girls to take up hobbies when they left school.
Mr. Maddison concluded by quoting the well-known line from Tennyson, “To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield.” He asked the boys and girls to endeavour to carry out that advice, for by so doing they would become worthy citizens of the great British Empire.
Mr. Maddison presented the class awards and special sports and other trophies as follows: –
Form IIIa – Marion Daniels, 1st Drawing; Lindsay Davis, 1st Music; Peggy Frame, 1st History; Betty Grainger, 1st Book-keeping; Margaret Grave, 1st Science; Patricia Murtagh, 1st Arithmetic; Olive Pallesen and Eunice Proctor, 1st Physiology and First Aid; Audrey Pullen, 1st Science; Shirley Rees, 1st English, 2nd in Form; Rae Liley, 1st Latin, 1st Mathematics, 1st French, 1st Dressmaking, 1st Geography, 1st Science, 1st in Form.
Form IIIg – Beverley Brough, 1st English, 1st History, 1st Mathematics; Dorothy Dunn, 1st Handicrafts; Lois Nicol, 1st Dressmaking; Jill Tindall, 1st Music; Hazel Bull, 1st Geography, 1st Physiology, 2nd in Form; Ruth Thompson, 1st Handicrafts, 1st Science, 1st in Form.
Form IIIc – Eileen Boyes, 1st Drawing; Grace Evans, 1st Mathematics; Margaret Hill, 1st Geography, 1st History; Maureen Lambert, 1st Physiology; Hazel Lowe, 1st Dressmaking; Gladys Painter, 1st Music; Dorothy Bishop, 1st Commerce, 2nd in Form; Jean Carswell, 1st English, 1st Shorthand and Typing, 1st in Form.
Form IVg – Audrey Carrington, 1st History; Joyce Everndon, 1st Dressmaking, 1st handicrafts; Shirley Hanna, 1st Physiology; Lauris Heighway, 1st Music; Claire Knowles, 1st English, 1st Mathematics, 2nd in Form; Jeanette McDermott, 1st Geography, 1st Science, 1st Commerce, 1st Homecraft, 1st in Form.
Form IVc – Shirley Chubb, 1st dressmaking; Fay Knuckey, 1st Geography; Lexie McGregor, 1st Drawing, 1st History, 1st English; Valerie McQuillan, 1st Science; Peggy Murton, 1st Book-keeping; June Hawkes, 1st Shorthand and Typing, 2nd in Form; Dawn Patterson, 1st Mathematics, 1st Drawing, 1st Home Nursing and Physiology, 1st in Form.
Form IVa – Set II – Jean McKeesick, 1st Mathematics, 1st Drawing; Lorna Nimon, 1st Dressmaking; Joy Crawford, 1st English, 1st History, 1st Geography, 1st Science, 2nd in Form; Nanette Steele, 1st French, 1st Arithmetic, 1st Physiology and Home Nursing, 1st in Form.
Form IVa -Set I – Pamela Dyson, 1st drawing; Judith Karaitiana, 1st Mathematics; Joan Scott, 1st Home Nursing; Gillian Tobin, 1st Dressmak-
ing; Marjorie Ward, 1st English, 1st History, 1st science, 1st Arithmetic; Jean Ritchie, 2nd in Form; Heather Reid, 1st French, 1st in Form.
Form Vc – Alma Cox, 1st Shorthand and Typing, 1st Drawing, 2nd in Form; Joyce Martin, 1st English, 1st Geography, 1st Book-keeping, 1st in Form.
Form Vb – Dorothy Short, 1st Drawing, 1st Geography; Isobel Thompson, 2nd in Form; Ngaire Dudding, 1st English, 1st Latin, 1st French, 1st Arithmetic, 1st Mathematics, 1st Home Science, 1st History, 1st in Form.
Form Va – Helen Cody, 1st Arithmetic and Algebra; Dawn Corbett, 1st Drawing; Annette Fairweather, 1st History; Margaret Hall, 1st Geometry and Trigonometry; Fay Single, 1st Geography; Ea Nielsen, 1st English, 1st French, 2nd in Form; Nola Perry, 1st Home Science, 1st in Form.
Form VIb – Norma Brian, 1st Pure and Applied Mathematics; Mabel Esler, 1st English; 1st Geography.
Form VIa – Alisoun Francis, 1st History; Frances Hyrons, 1st English; Beverley Sharpin, 1st Latin, 1st French.
Form IIIe – R.G. Gurran, 1st Woodwork; F.G. Hickey, 1st Engineering; E.F. Hill, for General Good Work; J.A. McCarthy, 1st English, 1st History; B.D. Warren, 1st Mathematics; A.R. Jones, 1st Drawing, 1st Geography, 2nd in Form; C.R. Davis, 1st Arithmetic, 1st in Form.
Form IIIg – G.H. Cameron, 1st Mathematics; R.E. Thomas, 1st Arithmetic; C. Trask, 1st Bookkeeping; G.P. Walford, 1st Drawing, 1st Engineering; J.N. Williams, 1st Woodwork; B.E. Potts, 2nd in Form; H.A. Blyth, 1st English, 1st History, 1st Geography, 1st in Form.
Form IIIc – P.B. Apperley, 1st Drawing; I.G. Johnston, 1st Bookkeeping; G.A. Sankey, 1st General Science; C.H. Stansfield, 1st Woodwork; M.J. Bishop, 1st French, 1st Latin, 2nd in Form; P.D. Brian, 1st History, 2nd in Form; D. Bridges, 1st English, 1st Geography, 1st Arithmetic, 1st Mathematics, 1st in Form.
Form IVe – A.G. Cox, 1st History; W.D. Crombie, 1st Engineering, L.H. Brough, 2nd in Form; A.D. Austin, 1st English, 1st Arithmetic, 1st Mathematics, 1st Geography, 1st Woodwork, 1st in Form.
Form IVg – J.M. Elliot, 1st Geography; J.A. Duthie, 1st English; J.P. Scott, 1st Drawing; A.G. Speers, 1st Engineering; A.A. Morgan, 1st History, 1st Bookkeeping, 1st Science, 2nd in Form; M.M. Morris, 1st Arithmetic, 1st Mathematics, 1st Woodwork, 1st Geography, 1st in Form.
Form IVa – D.J. Barriball, 1st Latin; L. E. Cooke, 1st Woodwork; L.T.H. Jones, 1st Drawing; T.C. Thompson, 1st Mathematics; D.A. Yule, 1st History; E. Harper, 1st Science, 1st Arithmetic, 1st Geography, 1st Bookkeeping, 2nd in Form; S. Goldman, 1st English, 1st French, 1st Latin, 1st in Form.
Form Vb – L.E. Bradshaw, 1st Mathematics; R.D. McMurray, 1st Geography, 1st Drawing; T.D. Quinlivan, 1st Biology; J.P. Thompson, 1st Engineering, 1st Mechanical Drawing; 1st Electrical Science; D.F. Thompson, 1st Arithmetic; R.R. Dobson, 1st History, 2nd in Form; G. White, 1st French, 1st English, 1st in Form.
Form Va – B.H. Barton, 1st Technical Drawing; B.J. Foster, 1st History; P.G. Liley, 1st Freehand Drawing; B.J. Perry, 1st Geometry and Trigonometry; S. Walmsley, 1st Geometry and Trigonometry; R.K. Wattie, 1st Electrical Science; B. Wallace, 1st Arithmetic and Algebra, 1st Geography, 1st Bookkeeping, 2nd in Form; B.F. Tuohy, 1st English, 1st French, 1st Latin, 1st in Form.
Form VIb – M.H. Downer, 1st Chemistry, 1st Pure Mathematics: J.G. Martin, 1st French; B.C. Oliver, 1st History; T.J.B. Ritchie, 1st Latin, 1st Pure and Applied Mathematics.
Form VIa – J.A.F. Garrick, 1st Chemistry; B.S. Liley, 1st Mathematics, 1st Physics; Dux, B.S. Liley.
Special Prizes for Helpful Service – Nola Perry, R.J. Custance, E. Harper.
Girls’ Senior Swimming Championship – Dawn Cash.
Girls’ Junior Swimming Championship – Margaret Rainey.
Girls’ Inter-House Swimming Cup – Purple.
Girls’ Tennis Cup – Lynette Castles.
Girls’ Inter-house Cricket Cup (presented by Miss McMullan) – Blue.
Inter-House Basketball Cup – Green.
Girls’ Sports Champion – Rae Roberts.
Boys’ Steeplechase Cup, Senior – S. Woon
Boys’ Steeplechase Cup, Junior – R. Le Geyt.
Boys Inter-house Steeplechase Cup, Senior – Gold.
Boys Inter-house Steeplechase Cup, Junior – Purple.
Neil Dawson Cup, Senior Swimming Champion – R.D. McLay.
Junior Swimming Champion – R.E. Parkes.
Boys’ Inter-house Swimming Cup – Purple.
Boys’ Inter-house Jumping Cup – Green.
120 Yards Hurdles Cup – J. H. N. Waymouth.
Inter-house Half-mile – Green.
Inter-house Relay Baton – (boys) – Gold.
Boys’ Tennis Cup – R. Blewden.
Dickson Memorial Cup (Inter-house Football) – Blue.
Hastings H.S.O.B. Football Club’s Cup – T.J. Robertson.
Horace Brooke-Taylor Memorial Cup – No. 7 Platoon, Sgt. Ritchie.
Cricket Bowling Average Cup – J.D. Martin.
Champion Rifle Shot – T.D. Quinlivan.
Boys’ Sports Champion – J.G. Martin.
Home Nursing Prizes (presented by Mrs. Norman) – Joan Scott (IVa) and Claire Knowles (IVg).
Dramatic Cup – Heather Hunter.
General Knowledge (Prize presented by Mr. E. D. Anderson) – Alisoun Francis.
Winning Form, Girls’ Drill – Vb and VCom.
Girls’ Drill Champion – Margaret Rainey.
Woodwork Cup – P.J. Thompson.
Head Prefect Plaques – Beverley Sharpin, J.H.N. Waymouth.
Dux of School – B.S. Liley.
Isabella Siteman Scholarship – B. S. Liley (Credit pass).
University Degree – Catherine Stirling, English I.
B. S. Liley, English I, Pure Maths I, Applied Maths I.
University Entrance (accredited) Norma Brian, Betsy Cowan, Mabel Esler, Mavis Gilmour, Janet Hellyer, Heather Hunter, Avery Jack, Dulcie Loach, Beverly [Beverley] Maddox, Lesley Rowson, Shirley Taylor, B.E. Adler, M.H. Downer, R.A. Hern, P.R.S. Howell, J.G. Martin, B.C. Oliver, D.A. Rawlinson, T.J.B. Ritchie, L.M. Rush-Munro, R.G. Yule.
Higher School Certificate – Alisoun Francis, Beverley Sharpin, Catherine Stirling, R.J. Custance, J.A.F. Garrick, J.N. Joll, B.S. Liley, J.R. Nimon, J.H.N Waymouth.
Endorsed School Certificate – Norma Brian, Betsy Cowan, Mabel Esler, Mavis Gilmour, Janet Hellyer, Heather Hunter, Avery Jack, Dulcie Loach, Beverley Maddox, Elizabeth Ritchie, Lesley Rowson, Shirley Taylor, Beryl Upchurch, B.E. Adler, J.N. Bradshaw, M.H. Downer, R.A. Hern, P.R.S. Howell, J.B. Jones, J.G. Martin, D.A. Rawlinson, T.J.B. Ritchie, L.M. Rush-Munro, R.J. Yule.
School Certificate – Helen Cody, Helen Crombie, Annette Fairweather, Margaret Hall, Ea Nielsen, Nola Perry, Fay Single, Nancy Thompson, B.H. Barton, P.I Perry, B.B. Carrodus, N.G.O. Cooper, I.R. Francis, A.T. Howlett, P.G. Liley, R.J. MacIntyre, R.H. Mackay, G.L. Mackersey, G.H. McCormick, C.B. Moore, N.H. Nielsen, B. J. Perry, H.F. Priest, G.J. Scott, R.A. Sivewright, R.L. Stewart, B.F. Tuohy, B.A. Wallace, R.K. Wattie.
Completion of School Certificate – Lynette Castles, Betty Janett, T. J. Robertson.
Chamber of Commerce Examination – Barbara Hare, Shorthand and Typing, Myrtle Lambert, Typing, Lorna McNaughton, Shorthand, Marie West, Handwriting.
Avery Jack – English I.
Beverley Maddox – English I.
D.A. Rawlinson – English I, Latin I, Economics.
B.C. Oliver – English I, French I.
With a roll-number of 596 (306 boys and 290 girls), on 1st March the School had three more pupils than in 1946, and the highest attendance yet recorded. The number of new pupils was 234 (eight greater than in 1946), 84 of whom chose the General (non-language course). We had a large Sixth Form, 26 boys and 11 girls, and it was good to have so many continuing school to that stage.
Our teaching staff did not become stabilized until the beginning of the second term; but, allowing for some of that unsettlement which is inseparable from staff changes, we have done a good year’s work.
Our playing fields are in better condition than most of us can remember them. We have bought a new triplex mower, and sold the remains of the old one; and we have ploughed up an area of five acres, which will be sown next year in fine grasses suitable for cricket fields.
Our most important development has been the completion of the new Engineering Room and the fine new building which is known officially as “Girls’ Technical Block,” and colloquially as “Alamein.” Their equipment is not yet complete, but we have reason to believe that our cookery and dressmaking classrooms will be unexcelled in the Dominion. The additional classrooms have enabled us to develop some of the older rooms for special purpose – a drafting room, a Social Studies display room, a projection room, and “Tobruk” as a gymnasium. The paving of areas on either side of the new wing has added to the neatness and convenience of the grounds.
Prospects for young people have never been more favourable than they are at the present. There are many bursaries and other forms of financial assistance available for higher education, the demand from employers for juniors is so great that everyone can be sure of getting a job, and the commencing salaries offered are high.
The great majority of our young people are proving themselves to be sensible and responsible, and in the inspectors’ report on their recent visit to the School it was gratifying to read their praise of the pleasant and courteous manners of the pupils. I am grateful to the teachers and prefects, by whose efforts the work and tone of the School has maintained a high standard in 1947.
(With acknowledgements to the “Herald Tribune”.)
Staff and pupils of the Hastings High School assembled the morning after break-up in the School Hall to farewell two women members of the staff who are retiring from teaching, Miss M.A Steele, M.A., L.R.S.M., senior mistress, and Mrs E.A. Linyard, M.A. mathematics mistress.
The principal, Mr. W.A.G. Penlington, referred to the wholehearted service both teachers had given to the School. Both had always done their job faithfully and loyally. Miss Steele had joined the staff of the School a few months after the School was established on September 20, 1926. She was now returning to her home in Scotland. “I don’t know whether it was due to her influence or not,” he said, amid laughter, “but the very day after Miss Steele came to this building we started prayers in the morning.”
The following year Mrs. Linyard joined the staff, Mr. Penlington said. Mrs. Linyard would be entering into another sphere and would be residing in Christchurch. “On behalf of the whole School and staff, we thank you both very much indeed for your loyal and devoted service to the School, and we extend to you best wishes for the future,” he said.
On behalf of the High School Board of Governors, Mr. F. C. Rush-Munro expressed the Board’s appreciation to both teachers for all they had done for the School. He especially mentioned Miss Steele’s work for the Akina Choir, and extended best wishes to both teachers.
Mr. Colin Wilkinson, president of the Old Pupils’ Association, also expressed best wishes on behalf of the association to the teachers in their future activities.
Miss Steele, in her reply, referred to the great changes she had seen in the School. She repeated to the pupils what she termed her three watchwords, telling them to “be thorough, sincere and honest.” She would never forget her association with the School, and she wished the boys and girls every success in the future.
Mrs. Lynyard [Linyard] said she would like to endorse the three watchwords of Miss Steele, and to those she would add goodness as one of the ideals of life. She also reminded the boys and girls to be kind always, and help other people. She extended an invitation to the pupils to visit her in Christchurch.
Presentations were made to Miss Steele of a leather writing case, fully initialled, and two books from the School, a handbag and a pair of gloves from the staff, and from her form Va and Vb girls a number of bouquets. Mrs. Linyard was presented with a week-end bag, fully initialled, from the School, a suitcase and a silver sandwich tray from the staff and from Form IIIa a box of handkerchiefs and a bouquet.
Miss Steele left New Zealand early in the year and fulfilled a long-standing ambition, when she returned to her native
Scotland. She has kept in touch with the School, however, and sent interesting letters to us, describing various musical performances she had heard. She likes Scotland very much but is returning shortly to Hastings when, no doubt, she will be able to come to School and tell us more of her travels.
We are sorry Mrs. Linyard has not been able to visit us since she has been in Christchurch, but we realize that her new position has many responsibilities, and that she has been kept busy. We have heard that she is very happy in her new job as Lady Superintendent of the Methodist Deaconess House.
We miss her very much, as we also do Miss Steele, because they have been a part of our School so long and so it is strange to be without them.
The School is indebted to both Miss Steele and Mrs. Linyard for their years of valued service, and we hope that the pleasure they have in their years of retirement is in proportion to the pleasure they gave others while they were at School.
(M.H.D., N.H.N.)
Following the retirement of our Senior Mistress, there has been a lot of re-organization called for on the staff. Miss C.M. Miller came from Christchurch High School to be Senior Mistress, and as such has won our affection and respect in a very short time.
This year we lost some very good friends when Miss Allison, Miss Bullen and Miss Wallis left us. Presentations were made from the girls, the Staff, and from their respective Forms and Houses. Our sports teams owed much to Miss Allison and Miss Bullen, and Miss Wallis unfortunately had to leave unfinished the plans she had for improving our Library.
Mrs. Morton, art mistress, left at the end of last year, after two years’ valuable service. Presentations were made to her from the Staff and the School. We offer her our thanks and our best wishes for the future.
Miss M. McKeesick (an old girl of the School) replaced Miss Wallis, and was also relieving Art Mistress for a time. Miss R.D. Guppy came from Hamilton Technical School at the beginning of the second term as Art Mistress, and the results of her work are the subject of another column.
Miss M.A. Cushen came to us in the first term, but we are very sorry to hear she will be leaving us shortly.
Miss H.M. Shelton came in April to take Miss Bullen’s place as physical education teacher, and has ably assisted our basketball team.
On the boys’ side the position of physical education specialist is a popular innovation, and is now filled by Mr. T.K. Fallwell, an ex-naval officer. Mr. M. Campbell returned to Napier Boys’ High School at the end of the first term, and his place was taken by Mr. M.W. Eade, who has resumed teaching after service with the R.N.Z.A.F.
Mrs. M. Yates has taken the part-time position of Home-Nursing instructress, and replaced Sister Norman, who was with us for several years. There has been another change in our clerical staff. Mrs. M.E. Irving has been in our office this year in place of Mrs. Sunley, who has returned to England.
Mr. J. Devine, our groundsman, left during April, and his successor, Mr. A. Russell, has quickly shown his worth in his manner of keeping our now extensive grounds in order.
To all who have left us we wish prosperity and success. We also hope that newcomers will have a happy time while they are with us.
FORM III A Cl and F.
Arbuckle, Ruth
Beale, Margaret
Bradshaw, Dorothy
Brownrigg, Heather
Chipper, Betty
Coates, Brenda
Crawford, Betty
Eastwood, Ngaire
Edwards, Hinerae
*Epplett, Daphne
Graham, Mary
Grainger, Margaret
Hall, Barbara
Hay, Audrey
Hayes, Verna
Knapp, Dolly
Knox, Norma
Kupa, Polly
Lambert, Carol
Lilburne, Clarice
Little, Margaret
Mihaere, Olive
Mustchin, Nellie
McKay, Beverley
McKenzie, Patricia
McLaren, Valerie
Osborne, Aileen
Parkhill, Judith
Pocock, Alice
Polglase, Shirley
Price, Gay
Rattray, Hazel
Rawlinson, Jocelyn
Snell, Jocelyn
Spooner, Dorothy
Stevens, Anita
Webb, Margaret
Austin, Janet
Bateman, Shirley
Blake, Mary
Breakwell, Anne
Cate, Ngaire
Greenside, Dawn
Hickey, Audrey
Horton, Betty
Huddleston, Jean
Latton, Marguerite
Shaw, Elaine
Taylor, Doreen
Taylor, Jean
Taylor, Valerie
Timu, Wiri
Currie, Shirley
Dickey, Ellen
Dickey, Priscilla
Dorreen, Allison
Druzianic, Eileen
Evans, Patricia
Eyles, Janice
Greenwood, Myrtle
Le Geyt, Joyce
Long, Jean
Martin, Mary
Mawson, Joan
McCutcheon, Rhona
Ogden, Hazel
Paget, Dulcie
Pepper, Noreen
Tong, Margaret
Townsend, Shirley
Ward, Judith
Williams, Alicia
Wilson, Valerie
Woodham, Gwen
*Wyeth, Gloria
Adamson, Nancy
Barnett, Hine
Beere, Nancy
Black, Shirley
Brittin, Valerie
Bousfield, Enid
Callingham, Patricia
*Carter, Dorothy
Christie, Piki
Clark, Margaret
Cooper, Noelene
Copeland, Barbara
Druzianic, Maureen
Duff, Maureen
Edwards, Rahunga
Finlayson, Doreen
Gordon, Phyllis
Hallgarth, Kathleen
Hansen, Ella
Hunter, Doreen
Johnson, Elaine
Kenrick, Moana
Liddington, Verna
Mosley, Anne
Nia Nia, Natalie
Nitschke, Elsma
Parlato, Betty
Phillips, Beverley
Pineaha, Sarah
Rutherford, Anne
Sherwood, June
*Shields, Joan
Smith, Janet
Spencer, Betty
Thayers, Margaret
Thompson, May
Tomoana, Wendy
Ward, Joyce
Warren, Noeleen
Whakaruru, Hine
Wilford, Helen
Wilson, Marion
Aldridge, Mary
Apatu, Winipere
Arnold, Artie
Barton, Anne
Coleman, Bethney
Daniels, Marion
Davis, Lindsay
*Davis, Ellen
*Eban, Beverley
Farnell, Evelyn
Foster, Esther
Frame, Peggy
Graham, Margaret
Grainger, Betty
Grave, Margaret
Harris, Winsome
Hellyer, Doreen
Liley, Rae
Miller, Gwenyth
*Musson, Marjorie
McKay, Janette
Pallesen, Olive
*Pullen, Audrey
Rees, Shirley
Rosser, Valerie
Sim, Pauline
Thompson, Pam
White, Jill
*White, Veronica
*Withers, Ann
*Anderson, Jean
*Arnold, Marjorie
Brough, Beverley
Bull, Hazel
Burden, Maureen
*Burling, Marie
*Cunningham, Connie
Dunn, Dorothy
Isaacson, Margaret
King, Nova
Knight, Dawn
*Le Quesne, June
Morgan, Adair
Murtagh, Pat
Nicol, Lois
*Pilcher, Patricia
Proctor, Eunice
Rich, Helen
Rowe, Margaret
Smith, Annette
Timu, Wiki
Tindall, Jill
Tomoana, Frances
Veresmith, Pam
Walford, June
Williams, Margaret
Apperley, Jocelyn
*Birch, Gaynor
Bishop, Dorothy
Carswell, Jean
Cater, Janet
Dillon, Myra
Edwards, Ada
Hill, Margaret
Kelly, Ellen
Lambert, Maureen
*Liddington, Joan
Lowe, Hazel
Morgan, Valerie
Motley, Patty
*Painter, Gladys
Roberts, Joan
Ross, Kathleen
*Schofield, Doreen
Scott, Julie
Single, Natalie
Smith, Doreen
Evans, Grace
*Fletcher, Nola
*Hall, Lorna
Hayes, Patricia
*McKenzie, June
McLeod, Joan
*Nathan, Shirley
Paget, Valmai
Spence, Joy
Webb, Joan
*Wilson, Eileen
Buckingham, Mary
Caskey, Kathleen
Castles, Dorothy
*Daniels, Margo
Delaney, Norma
Donkin, Valma
Hanna, Shirley
Hastings, Averil
*Heighway, Lauris
Heke, Artemesia
Hellyer, Judith
Hingston, Janice
Karaitiana, Judith
Kay, Iris
*List, Pauline
*Mather, Loma
McKeesick, Jean
Nimon, Lorna
Riach, Gwen
Ritchie, Vivienne
*Roberts, Rae
Robinson, Elaine
Sutherland, Cecily
*Tobin, Gillian
*Usherwood, Ngaire
Wakefield, Reo
Wall, Dawn
Will, Margaret
Barley, Joy
Brittin, Edna
*Brock, June
*Chubb, Betty
Chubb, Shirley
Cox, Alma
Dagg, Margaret
Davidson, Fay
Hawkes, June
Hickson, Mamie
Johnson, Myrtle
Knuckey, Fay
Lowe, Daphne
Martin, Joyce
*Mawson, Dawn
Mitchell, Rosaline
*Murton, Peggy
*McGregor, Lexie
McNab, Audrey
McQuillan, Valerie
*Patterson, Dawn
*Person, Marie
Ritchie, Rosemary
Sutherland, Jean
Tweedie, Jean
Waite, Dorothy
Wales, Betty
Webb, Dulcie
*Wilkins, Nancy
Anderson, Shirley
Bixley, Kathleen
*Bull, Elva
Cody, Leslie
Collins, Shirley
Crawford, Joy
Doig, Valerie
Dudding, Ngaire
Duigan, Joan
Dyson, Pamela
Jones, Etain
Knowles, Claire
McDonald, Shona
McDermott, Jeanette
McNaught, Jean
*Proctor, Shirley
Reid, Heather
Ritchie, Jean
Rogers, Anne
Sampson, Betty
*Scott, Joan
Short, Dorothy
Steele, Nanette
Thompson, Isobel
Wakefield, Molly
Ward, Marjorie
Wishart, Valerie
Fairweather, Annette
Ferbrache, Barbara
Hall, Margaret
Hedge, Beverley
Johnstone, Audrey
Nielsen, Ea
Perry, Nola
Single, Fay
Brian, Norma
Jack, Avery
Maddox, Beverly
Bainbridge, A. H.
Begg, R .T.
Berry, A. V.
Brownrigg, K. F.
Flack, B. T.
Hay, I. W. G.
Heard, I. N.
Huddleston, H. K.
Nimon, I. A.
Proctor, L. T.
Rogers, G. A.
Smillie, J. V.
Burns, D. J. W.
Chapman, C. A.
Collins, M. A.
Cousens, J. S.
Duncan, J. C.
Edlin, R. M.
Liley, H. M.
Milne, J. G.
Mitchell, E. L.
Musson, S. G.
McMillan, H. D.
McNielly, A.D.
Southon, L. V.
Sullivan, M.
Williamson, B. B.
Wilson, R. G.
Yates, M. A.
Yule, A. C.
Barker, P. S.
Campbell, J. N.
Carter, R.
Chilton, F. C.
Clapperton, L. J.
Clark, G.R.
Cotton, B. E.
Donaldson, R. G.
Downer, J. B.
Ebbett, D. J.
*Frear, T. V.
Fulford, K. A.
Gillett, R. W, D.
Gilmer, E. H.
Green, C. V.
Greenfield, D. K.
Grieg, T. J.
Herbison, S. P.
Hodgkinson, J.
Huata, G.
Hunt, C. S.
Moana, T. P.
Mockridge, H. J.
McDougal, M. B.
Orsborn, B.
*Payne, J. C.
*Petersen, G. C.
Pineaha, K.
Potts, G. S.
Robinson, I. T.
Scarfe, W. A.
Single, B. A.
Smith, R. P.
Stevenson, O.
Taylor, J. A.
Wong, R.
Young, C. M.
Zelcer, B.
Baker, R. B.
Brain, T. L.
Chesham, F. H.
Colbert, D. S.
*Collier, D. S.
Cousens, B. S.
Dagg, D.
Davis, N. D.
Duncan, G. R.
Emmerson, W. J.
Evans, R. E.
*Fletcher, R. T.
France, L. E.
Glass, N. A.
Glew, R. E.
Grover, I.
*Hangar, L. I.
Harvey, R. T.
Heaps, F. G.
*Jobey, R. T.
Kamau, J. K.
Knuckey, A. L.
Libby, R. A.
Little, H. N.
McDonald, P. G.
Newton, A. B.
Nicholls, C. S.
Nuku, K.
Prendergast, D. I. J.
Sheffield, G. F.
Sowersby, R.
Thomas, D. V.
*Tolley, B. M.
Wake, G. A.
Apperley, P. B.
Bishop, M. J.
Brian, J. D.
Brian, P. D.
Bridges, D.
Brown, H.
Cochrane, R. C.
Evans, G. R.
Hawthorne, D. E.
Hayes, P. M.
Helm, B. R.
Hill, B. C.
Milne, R. T.
Myhill, D. L.
Pearce, H. G.
Reid, J. G.
Sankey, G. A.
Small, I. R.
Sutherland, E. G.
Blythe, H. A.
Botherway, K. J.
Burling, J. H. C.
Cameron, G. H.
Chapman, L. C.
Clarke, M. A.
Cooper, G. W.
Cowan, A. C.
Hill, T. V.
Hortop, I. C.
Johnston, I. G.
*Josephs, A. F.
Land, G. G.
Lay, B. R.
*Le Geyt, R.
Libby, T. C.
Read, B. J.
Russell, P. J.
Ross, K. D.
*Smith-Pilling, B.
Stanley, B. L.
Stansfield, C. H.
*Taylor, S. R.
Thomas, R. E.
Dillon, B. J.
Dunn, D. W.
*Glenny, D. S. L.
*Harrison, L. H.
Hicks, R. J.
Hill, E. F.
Menzies, M. S.
Morcraft, E. M.
*Orsborn, J. W.
*Petherick, C. E.
*Potts, A
Potts, B. E.
*Thompson, M. E.
Totty, W. A. L.
Trask, C.
Watson, G. R.
Williams, J. N.
*Cameron H. D.
Cook, C. F.
Cook, C. J.
Davis, C. R.
Elliott, M. R.
*Firth, J. P.
Foote, R. A.
Frater, A. J.
Gardner, R. B.
Gurran, R. G.
*Harris, I. H.
*Hickey, F. G.
Honour, B. A.
Jones, A. R.
Leete, E. M.
Martin, J. D.
Monk, R. S.
Mossman, R. S.
McCarthy, J. A.
*Pallesen, D. A.
Parker, W. R.
*Parkes, R. E.
Ross, K. D.
Shepard, W. R.
Sleeman, W. N.
*Tweedie, M.
Walford, G. P.
*Warren, B. D.
Weekes, J. D.
Adler, N.
Anthony, I. A.
*Arrell, S. H.
Baker, K. W.
Bowen, R.
Brough, L. D.
Brown, R. L.
Bulled, B. J.
Burden, K. M.
Carrington, F. R.
Chudley, J. W.
Colvin, E. P.
Conway, D. N.
Cooke, L. E.
Corbin, H. A.
Cousens, A. H.
Cox, A. G.
Crisp, L. G.
Crombie, W. D.
Elliott, I. M.
Elliott, M. J.
*Gillett, R. C.
*Hardy, D. F.
*Huddleston, J. I.
Jones, L. T. H.
Knox. I. D.
Loach, T. W.
*Manning, I. G.
McCutcheon, C.
McLanachan, C. R.
*Ottaway. W. K.
Pocock, C. R.
Price, K. L.
*Pryor, E. J. H.
*Scott, J. P.
*Shaw, N. R.
Smith, C. E. T.
Stanley, E.
Steele, J.
*Sutton, G. F.
*Thomas, K. T.
Thompson, T. C.
*Tomlinson, R. A.
Tong, L. G.
Wilson, H. M.
Apatu, R.
Baker, H. C.
Barriball, D. J.
Bennet, E. C.
Blewden, R. J.
Boyd, E. P.
Bradshaw, L. E.
Brice, D. F. M.
Burson, I. E.
Chapman, R. G.
Comrie, R. J.
Dobson, R. R.
*Dunlop, R.
Duthie, J. A.
*Foddy, B. E.
Foster, B. J.
Goldman, S.
*Hannah, B. C.
Harper, E.
Hawkes, D. I.
*Hodgson, N. B.
Jenkinson, E. B.
Kay, R.
Miller, A. H.
Morgan, A. A.
Morris, M. M.
*Murdoch, B. H.
McDonald, I. S.
McMurray, R. D.
McMurtrie, S.
McNab, R. P.
Payne, C. M.
Quinlivan, T. D.
*Scott, J. S. M.
*Scott, N. G.
Scott, P. J. E.
Sim, M. J.
Spence, C. H.
Thompson, D. F.
Thompson, P. J.
Tomlins, M.
Tweedie, J.
Warren, R. G.
White, G.
Yule, R. G.
Zelcer, H.
Anthony, R. A.
*Bradshaw, J. N.
Mackay, R. H.
Moore, C. B.
Sivewright, R. A.
Stewart, R. L.
Carrodus, B. B.
Cooper, N. G. O.
Francis, R. I.
Howlett, A. T.
Jones, J. B.
Liley, P. G.
MacIntyre, R. J.
McCormick, G. H.
Nielsen, N. H.
Perry, B. J.
Priest, H. F.
Robertson, T. J.
Sturm, R. M.
Tuohy, B. F.
Wallace, B. A.
Shearer, P. G.
Steeds, P.
Downer, M. H.
Jack, I. C.
Oliver, B. C.
Rawlinson, D. A.
Ritchie, T. J. B.
*Yule, D. A.
Nov. 19th – Senior Boys’ Tennis Championships.
Nov. 20th – Girls Speech Competition winners addressed the national Council of Women.
Nov. 21st – The Victoria College Liaison Officer, Mr. A. Thom, visited us.
Nov. 27th – Brooke Taylor Cup Competition.
Nov. 28th – School attended the Olympic film.
Nov. 29th – Girls’ Cricket and Baseball teams plays Napier G.H.S. at Napier.
Dec. 3rd – School 1st XI played Napier B.H.S. 1st XI at Napier.
Dec. 5th – Parent’s Day.
Dec. 12th – Break-up and Prize Giving.
Dec. 13th – Miss Steele, Mrs. Linyard and Mrs. Morton farewelled.
Feb. 4th – School re-opened. Miss Miller and Miss Cushen commenced duty.
Feb. 21st – American and Australian athletes visited us.
Feb. 27th – Boys’ Swimming Sports.
Feb. 28th – Girls’ Swimming Sports.
Mar. 21st – 26th Annual Athletic Sports.
April 1st – Napier B. H. S. 2nd XI played School 2nd XI.
April 2nd – Vocational Guidance Officers visited School.
April 12th – H. B. [Hawke’s Bay] Inter-Secondary School Sports at Dannevirke.
May 2nd – Three of our boys left for the International Scout Jamboree.
May 7th – Prefects’ Dance.
May 19th – Farewell to Miss Bullen, Miss Allison, Miss McKeesick and Mr Campbell.
May 27th – School re-opened. Miss Guppy, Mr. Eade and Mr. Fallwell commenced duty.
June 6th – School photograph taken.
June 10th – Mr. Ziabkin, U. S. S. R. Minister in N.Z. addressed the School.
June 11th – Mr. Anthony Whitlock addressed the senior school.
June 19th – Basketball teams played Iona College at Iona.
June 24th – School 1st XV played Napier B. H. S. 1st XV at Napier.
July 2nd – VI Girls debate against Woodford House at Woodford.
July 8th – Napier B. H. S. 2nd XV played School 2nd XV at School.
July 9th – Napier G. H. S. Basketball Teams visited us.
July 11th – School 1st XV played Dannevirke H. S. at Dannevirke.
July 16th – Waipawa D.H.S. Basketball and 3rd XV played at School.
July 30th – Gisborne H.S. 1st XV played School 1st XV at School.
Aug. 6th – Woodford House basketball teams played at school.
Trees planted at Windsor Park by two Prefects for Arbor Day celebrations.
Aug. 7th – Annual Social.
Aug. 13th – Napier G.H.S. debating team visited School.
Aug. 14th – Rev. F. H. Robertson addressed School on CORSO [Council of Organisations for Relief Service Overseas]
Aug. 18th – Safety First film shown.
Aug. 19th – Fourth and Fifth Form Girls’ Concert.
Aug. 20th – Napier B. H. S 3rd XV played at School.
School A and B basketball teams visited Hukarere College.
Aug. 21st – School 2nd XV played Napier B. H. S. 2nd XV at School.
Aug. 22nd – End of School Term.
Aug. 23rd – Corso appeal for Chinese relief.
Sept. 23rd – First classes held in “Alamein”.
Oct. 3rd – Art Exhibition.
Oct. 13th – Vocational Guidance Officers, Miss Miles and Mr. Clark visited us.
Oct. 13th – Boys returned from International Scout Jamboree.
Oct. 14th – Sixth Form Concert.
Oct. 18th – .303 Classification Shoot at Roy’s Hill.
Oct. 21st – Wing Commander E. W. Tacon, D.S.O., M.V.O., D.F.C. and Bar, A.F.C., Captain of King’s Flight, visited the School.
Oct. 22nd – 27th Show Day and Labour Day week-end.
Oct. 27th – Coleman Shield Shoot among H. B. Secondary Schools.
Oct. 31st – Post-Primary Inspectors, Messrs Cameron, McHarg and Alexander came for three days visit.
Miss M. A. Cushen farewelled.
Nov. 1st – “Alamein” and Engineering Block opened by Hon. H. G. R. Mason, Attorney-General.
Nov. 3rd – Miss D. M. Cushen commenced duty.
Mr. P.F. Sharpley commenced classes in athletic coaching and training.
Nov. 8th – Cricket and Tennis Matches versus Napier G. H. S. at School.
Nov. 10th – Collection at School for parcels for schools in Hastings, England, amounted to £16.
Nov. 11th – School 1st XI played Dannevirke H. S. at Dannevirke. Win for School.
Nov. 14th – Brook-Taylor Cup for Inter-Platoon Competition.
Nov 18th – Mr. C. T. Scarff, Chief Inspector of Secondary Schools in Victoria, accompanied by Mr. E. Caradus, Chief Inspector of N. Z. Post Primary Schools, visited the School.
Again the annual Form Speech Competitions have proved a great success, the high standard of past years being fully maintained.
We offer our thanks to the members of the Staff who acted as judges.
This year the subjects for each Form were chosen by members of the Staff.
The following are the competition results:-
Form VI Boys (Democracy) – N. H. Nielsen 1, A. T. Howlett 2.
Form V Girls (Dress) – Shirley Anderson 1, Kathleen Caskey 2.
Form V Boys (Churchill) – E. P. Boyd 1, R. J. Comrie 2.
Form IV Girls (Modern fabrics) – Evelyn Farnell 1, Hazel Bull and Lorna Hall 2 equal.
Form IV Boys (Montgomery) – R. E. Thomas 1, D. Bridges 2.
Form III Girls (Transport of To-day) – Margaret Beale and Patty Evans 1 equal.
Form III Boys (Transport of To-day) – A. V Berry 1, D. V. Thomas 2.
The Choir this year has been under the baton of Miss Miller. There has been a decrease in the girls’ section, and the addition of a new boys’ section has made the number of the Choir 59. Mr. Fowler has mustered up 20 keen boys, who after intensive practice combined with the girls to give the following four songs on August 17th: –
Requiem – Robert Louis Stevenson – Boys and Girls
Brother James’s Air – Boys and Girls
Barcarole – Offenbach – Girls
Morning Praise – Beethoven – Girls
We were sorry to lose the services of Mr. Campbell, who left at the end of the first term. Thanks go to him for early coaching in the tenor section. We would also like to thank Miss Miller as the choir-conductor, Mr. Fowler, for leading the boys, and Miss Child for her services as accompaniste.
The Choir comprised:
Girls: – S. Anderson, B. Brough, M. Buckingham, K. Caskey, J. Cater, S. Collins, V. Doig, N. Dudding, M. Grave, M. Graham, A. Hastings, W. Harris, S. Hanna, J. Hingston, M. Hickson, D. Hellyer, J. Hellyer, E. Jones,
D. Lowe, B. Maddox, J. McKeesick, R. Mitchell, G. Millar, A. McNab, A. Morgan, E. Nielsen, L. Nimon, G. Riach, A. Rogers, D. Short, B. Sampson, J. Sutherland, I. Thompson, J. Tweedie, D. Wall, M. Will, V. Wishart, M. Wakefield, E. Farnell.
Boys: – G. White, R. Chapman, A. Howlett, H. Nielsen, N. Cooper, R. Sturm, R. Stewart, B. Wallace, E. Boyd, B. Tuohy, D. Yule, D. Brice, C. Spence, B. Jones, M. Sim, D. Quinlivan, R. Apatu, I. Macdonald, T. Robertson, N. Adler.
On Wednesday, 2nd July, the sixth form girls visited Woodford House for the annual debate, the subject being “Racial and class distinctions are inevitable.” The Woodford House team, Marian Clark (leader), Vida Stout and Deirdre Twigg, took the negative, and the School team, Margaret Hall (leader), Ea Nielsen and Avery Jack, took the affirmative.
The judge, Mr. W.J. Mountjoy Jnr., in his summing up, gave us an entirely new and interesting conception of debating. He said that the only prepared speech should be that of the first speaker for the affirmative. The debate was awarded by a narrow margin to Woodford House.
After the debate the sixth form were entertained at afternoon tea by the Woodford girls, who also showed us over the school and grounds.
On the afternoon of Wednesday, 13th August, we were pleased to have as our guests the sixth form and debating team from Napier Girls’ High School.
The subject for this debate was “Doctors should be allowed to put sufferers from incurable diseases out of their misery.” The negative was taken by the Napier team, Shirley Bisson (leader), Judith Kelly and Freda Goodall, and the affirmative by the School team, Ea Nielsen (leader), Avery Jack and Margaret Hall.
The Judge, Dr. W. Reeve, Snr. awarded the debate to Napier. Nola Perry, who was in the chair, thanked Dr. Reeve for judging, and congratulated the Napier team on their success. The two sixth forms, after a tour of the School, had afternoon tea together.
Although this year’s debating teams have not been as successful as those of former years, the contests have been most enjoyable and it is well for us to remember that winning is not everything. We offer our thanks to Mr. Alexander, who gave so much of his time in coaching us.
This year’s Annual Dance, which was held in the Assembly Hall towards the end of the second term, was another great success, and was enjoyed to the full by both School and Staff.
As usual, the first dance was an exhibition by a few couples trying to look supremely confident, but once the ice was broken the floor was always full.
We regret the absence of Fancy Dress. Apparently is not “done” now, but perhaps it will come back with the advent of longer skirts.
The dancing classes at School were held earlier in the year. They were deservedly popular and achieved wonderful results. The sixth enjoyed their task, especially the boy prefects. We are grateful to those who kindly lent records for the practices.
Donations from the senior school made it possible for us to dance to music played by a full orchestra. The extras by Jean McKeesick and Tomlins were greatly appreciated.
As in past years, the important item of supper was a credit to Mrs. T. A. Hill, and her many helpers. We hope we did justice to their efforts.
The photographer was popular during the evening, firstly because of his photos, and secondly because he made the balcony available.
The fair sex were somewhat dismayed by the ban on make-up, but as Thompson said, “Beauty unadorned is adorned the most.”
The Master of Ceremonies of so many other years gave one croak when he tried to announce the first dance, and then he lost his voice completely. By means of some violent sign language he appointed Rawlinson and Oliver in his place, and they kept the proceedings on an even keel during the evening.
Custom demands that we complain of the early closing time. The powers-that-be seem to take an unholy delight in closing the dance just when the fun and frolics are at their height. Yet one member of the Staff has been heard to declare that in his day it did not matter what time one went home.
[We would remind you that hearsay is not evidence – Ed. ]
This year has seen many changes in the organization of the library. Miss Wallis left at the end of February, and her place was temporarily taken by Miss Miller. Then Miss Child and Mr. Eade together took over the onerous task of “running” the library.
Following an appeal in the “Herald Tribune”, many books, including a fine set of the Encyclopedia Britannica, have been donated by Old Pupils and by friends of the School.
Included among the recent new books are some of particular interest to Third Formers: “My Friend Flicka,” and “Thunderhead,” “When Shakespeare lived in Southwark,” “He Went with Marco Polo,” and biographies by Eleanor Doorly, including “The Radium Woman.” Some attractively bound editions of the classics have been placed on the shelves, as well as some works by H. G. Wells. In the non-fiction sections older pupils should look for “The Shoemaker’s Son” – a biography of Hans [Christian] Andersen, “Myths and Legends of Maoriland” by A. W. Reed, and “South with Scott” by Admiral Evans.
Recently some of the books have been withdrawn for mending, and the catalogue has been revised. The sections in the library are being rearranged. Much unnecessary work could be saved the committee if pupils would replace books in their correct positions.
(I.C.J.; J.B.J.)
This year saw the completion of the long awaited Domestic Science and Commercial Wing. This new Wing, known as ‘Alamein,’ is to be used entirely by girls, and has been in use since the beginning of the Third Term.
The additions to the Engineer block have also been completed. This modern block now includes a drafting room, and features worthy of note are the installation of fluorescent lighting, and the modern method of heating and air-conditioning.
Eight acres of ground adjoining the School on the Murdoch Road side have been acquired by the Education Department. This gives the School three more football grounds. A row of trees have been planted along the Murdoch Road boundry [boundary], but latest reports say they are not doing well, owing to the dry weather.
Grounds 4 and 5 have been ploughed, and are being prepared for the sowing of grass next Autumn. This area will be used for cricket grounds.
To the great delight of cricketers, new wickets have been prepared on the remainder of the grounds. That precious space of grass, known as No. 1 wicket, has had much attention this year, and promises to be in excellent condition for this season.
This year, a large area of bitumen has been laid at School on the paths leading to the Girls’ bicycle sheds and on the space between the Domestic Wing and the Science Wing. This gives an air of spaciousness to the surroundings of the buildings.
The Hard Courts, which have been sadly neglected, are to have a new surface laid on them. To the tennis enthusiasts this was a welcome announcement.
A new and popular addition to our buildings has been the gymnasium, which is contained in “Tobruk.” Equipment to this ‘gym’ has been steadily increasing.
This report would not be complete without reference to the Sixth Form boys who ably prepared the grounds for Sports Day. A chance visitor to the school when he saw their “working clothes” would have been pardoned for thinking that an Indian war-party had camped on our fields.
Much credit is due to Mr. Russell, our new groundsman, who has kept the grounds in wonderful condition. The new Triplex mower has aided him in his work.
Mr. Collins has successfully managed, a very popular “tuck- shop.”
On every side the School and grounds have seen additions and improvements, and we pride ourselves that we are now one of the most modern schools in the Dominion.
As School has always been right up-to-the-minute, it is natural that in accordance with all the best theories of education films play a leading part in our curriculum. Modern youth, however, still regard them solely as interruptions, and so their pleasure in seeing them has not yet diminished.
The Shell Oil Company early in the year gave us a long programme of films which were interesting as well as instructive, a combination we have all learned to regard as rare. The Soil Conservation Council’s Film Unit paid us a very welcome visit in May, and in August we saw some Junior Chamber of Commerce Safety First films, which made us wonder how we had managed to stay alive all these years.
Bearing in mind the fact that we are all “learning to be a beautiful lady,” which means “training to be to-morrow’s citizens,” we were, of course, greatly interested in the talks on various current affairs which we heard during the year. The first was by Mr. Anton Vogt, of the United Nations Association. He explained the principles of the U.N.O. so clearly that even if he had not been so good-looking we think the girls would still have enjoyed his visit very much.
In June, we were compelled (through no fault of our own, of course) to skip a day of school, and this unfortunately coincided with the visit of Mr. I. K. Ziabkin, the Russian Minister to New Zealand. Everyone, however, was very ready to furnish commentaries, and we gather that his talk on the
schools in Russia was very enlightening. It even prompted discussions on the possibility of conducting a strike for similar conditions here. We have also heard about his wonderful car, which, more or less, comfortably accommodated a baker’s dozen of girls in the back seat.
Mr. Anthony Whitlock, who is on the staff of the Sydney “Herald,” gave a most interesting account of his experiences in the Pacific and Japan towards the end of the war. His was a particularly appealing talk, since he had first-hand knowledge of the signing of the Peace and the atomic bomb damage.
Lieut.-Commander T. D. Herrick, D.S.C., R.N., told us of adventures with Italian submarines in the Mediterranean, and also of the exacting tests a ship must go through when it is commissioned. If all the nice girls love a sailor, we are all nice girls.
For a few days some of us who had not previously known they possessed more than five senses spoke learnedly of their sixth, the kinesthetic sense. Thanks for this are due to Mr. P. Smithells, Director of Physical Training, who spoke to us on this subject.
Parties from the Napier Boys’ H.S. and Waipawa D.H.S. shared our first interruption of the year. They came to listen to the talks given by the party of American and Australian athletes, who demonstrated training methods, throwing the discus and putting the shot.
Those of us who were not persuaded by this visit to become athletes have had plenty of other occupations suggested to them. At various times during the year we have had talks by Miss Noble, the Matron of Royston Hospital, Miss Menzies, a Karitane Nurse, Miss K. Glen, the Public Librarian, Mr. A. Ingram of the H.B. Education Board’s P.T. staff, and Miss Iris Crooke, the N.Z. Director-General of the V.A.D.
An interruption which was greatly appreciated was a reading of selected poems by Mr. Mountjoy, Jnr. And of course an interruption such as that provided by Field-Marshal Montgomery – a full day’s holiday – made even the Saturday morning seem worthwhile.
During October, the N.Z. Scouts returned from the Jamboree held in France, and two of our boys, Moore and McCormick, gave us interesting talks on their experiences. McCormick said he had hesitated about going, knowing he would be expected to speak on his return. He and Moore gave us such interesting talks that we are glad they decided not to do us out of our interruption.
They both seem to have had a very enjoyable trip, apart from the slight embarrassment the people of Jersey Island caused “Spud” Moore when they said they never wanted to see a potato again.
The School was honoured by the recent visit of Wing Commander E.W. Tacon, D.S.O., M.V.O., D.F.C. and Bar, A.F.C., who is Captain of the King’s Flight. He gave the excited School a very interesting talk on his varied and thrilling experiences as an airman. It was a great experience for us to see and hear such a distinguished Old Boy.
Recently, Mr. Barnet, of Massey Agriculture College, spoke to the boys on the courses at the College, and the relationship between the country and the town.
Until we wrote this article we had no idea that our studies had been interrupted so frequently this year. Not that we are complaining. We can always catch up with our studies. We seem to remember one of our tormentors telling us that we cannot have it all ways, but we welcome interruptions always, and are most grateful to the friends who have eased the burden this year.
(S.M.A., B.F.T.)
Towards the end of the second term two one-act plays were presented in an afternoon, and later an evening, performance.
A group of IVa girls presented the ever-popular “The Princess and the Woodcutter,” by A. A. Milne. Those taking part were: Evie Farnell, Woodcutter; Pauline Sim, Princess; Esther Foster, King; Betty Grainger, Queen; Ann Withers, Blue Prince; Janette McKay, Red Prince; and Peggy Frame, Green Prince. The high standard of this performance was evidenced by the keen attention of the audience.
The second offering was a satirical play in verse, “Square Pegs,” by Clifford Bax. This was a contrast between the love-making of Gioconda, a 16th Century Venetian, played by Shona MacDonald, and that of Hilda, a modern girl, played by Etain Jones. Both girls ably sustained their parts, and the performance was enjoyed by all. Vocal interludes were provided by the Girls’ and Combined Choirs.
We should like to thank Miss Miller for her untiring efforts, and hope that the great success of the production was some compensation.
A month after the beginning of the third term, a series of Shakespearian scenes was presented by the VI Form and others.
I.C. Jack, as Brutus, and T.J. Robertson, as Cassius, enacted the quarrel scene from “Julius Caesar” with much gusto, and by their performance made smooth the paths of those following them.
A solo by Mamie Hickson – Sullivan’s “Orpheus with his Lute,” a duet by Mamie Hickson and Jean McKeesick – Handel’s “O Lovely Peace”, and a character study by Valma Donkin, “Elizabeth,” were well received by an appreciative audience, as was H. Nielsen’s piano solo, “The Doge’s March” – Rosse.
The next Shakespearian scene depicted the downfall of Wolsey, from “Henry VIII,” in which parts of Wolsey and Cromwell were faithfully portrayed by B. F. Tuohy and B. B. Carrodus.
After the interval, “The Raindrop Prelude,” Chopin, and “Water Wagtail,” C. Scott, were played by Nanette Steele.
R.H. Mackay and Kay Johnstone skilfully played the parts of Romeo and Juliet in the balcony scene, difficult roles for school pupils.
“Under the Greenwood Tree,” from Shakespeare, was sung by E. Boyd.
The love scene from “Henry V” was pleasingly interpreted by R. M. Sturm, as Henry, Norma Brian as the fair Princess Katherine, and Nola Perry as the demure Nurse.
“O Wert thou in the Cauld Blast,” by Burns, was sung as a duet by Mamie Hickson and Jean Tweedie.
The final scene was the court scene from “The Merchant of Venice,” in which the part of Portia was taken by Margaret Hall; Shylock by B. A. Wallace; Antonio by A. T. Howlett; the Duke, by N. G. Cooper; Bassanio by P. G. Liley; Gratiano, by T, J. B. Ritchie; Nerissa by Avery Jack, and the Duke’s retinue by all the previous players.
The Chorus, B. Jones, who spoke lines written by B. F. Tuohy, was heralded by a trumpeter, D. Burns.
The success of the plays was due to the skilful coaching of the producer, Mr. Thomas, the keenness of Mr. Alexander, and the assistance of Mr. and Mrs. Kent, who effectively made up the players. R. A. Sivewright was an efficient stage-manager.
The Dramatic Cup was awarded to Tuohy for his portrayal of Wolsey. The judge, Mr. Thomas, also commended the performances of Norma Brian, Sturm and Kay Johnstone, and specially mentioned the work of Nola Perry and Cooper as minor characters.
On October 2nd an Art Exhibition was held in one of the prefabricated buildings, under the supervision of the Art Mistress, Miss Guppy. Contributions from all art classes were on view to a very interested School.
The fine selection of Art included design, posters, outdoor sketches and paintings, and original and copied work.
The design was in two sections. The junior work was contributed by Third and Fourth Form classes, and the senior by Fifth and Sixth Form classes. A large number of junior designs were available, but unfortunately only a limited number could be selected. This work was mainly “all-over patterns” and border designs. In the senior section the designs were contributed by the examination candidates. These consisted of “all-over” patterns, borders and designs in circle and other figures.
The posters were painted mainly by senior pupils sitting School Certificate.
Among the outdoor sketches and paintings were several paintings and drawings of the School, some in water-colour, others in black and white.
There was a fine variety of copied work displayed.
Another board displayed still life and outdoor sketches painted by examination students. These had been made attractive by mounting which greatly added to their appearance.
The work displayed in the exhibition was done mostly during the second term. More than two hundred contributions were hung by the selection committee, and they attracted a large number of appreciative visitors during the two days of the exhibition.
The official opening of the new wing took place on Saturday, 1st November. It was opened by the Hon. H. G. R. Mason, M. A. LL. B., Attorney General, and until recently, Minister of Education. Seated at the official table were Mr. N. B. Fippard, Chairman of the Board of Governors, who presided over the gathering, the Hon. E. L. Cullen, Minister of Agriculture and member for Hastings, His Worship the Mayor of Hastings, Mr. A. I. Rainbow, W.A.G. Penlington, the Principal, and Mr. C.H.D. Faulknor, who built the wing.
There was a large attendance of parents and friends at the ceremony, and had the weather been more favourable it would have been larger.
Mr. Fippard opened the proceedings by welcoming the Ministers of the Crown and other visitors to what was an important occasion for the School. After giving a brief history of the School since its inception as a District High School in 1904 he called on the Principal, Mr. W.A.G .Penlington, who extended his welcome and summarized the growth of the School. The Hon E. L. Cullen emphasized the importance of the school to the community, and these remarks were endorsed by Mr. A. I. Rainbow, who spoke of the advantage to Hastings in having such a well-equipped High School. He also praised the untiring services of Mr. Penlington and his staff. Mr. Fippard then called on Mr. C. H. D. Faulknor, who constructed the building, to hand to the Hon. Minister a golden key with which to open the new wing.
In his speech Mr. Mason referred to the high standard attained by the School. He emphasized its fortune in possessing such fine buildings, and urged the pupils to justify the expense which their parents incurred in the form of taxation by putting their utmost into their work at school. With such modern facilities, he said, that they would go out well-prepared for their future.
He then said what a great pleasure this occasion gave him, and declared the building open, at the same time extending an invitation to the visitors to inspect the building.
Parents’ and Old Pupils’ Day was held in conjunction with the ceremony reported above, and after the opening the visitors thronged the buildings to view the display of pupils’ work. The high standard of work evoked much praise.
Items of interest were the drill displays given by both boys and girls. This was the first time that such a display had been presented by boys, and the teams showed great skill and precision in their movements. The girls’ display of folk dancing and physical drill was warmly applauded.
The visitors were entertained by the Board of Governors at afternoon tea in the Assembly Hall, and this made a cheerful conclusion to a delightful and enjoyable Parents’ and Old Pupils’ Day.
During the past year the Association extended its activities, and although the sum raised for the School swimming baths and amenities fund was not as large as that of the previous year, nevertheless additional funds were raised by the conducting of stalls at the School on Parents and Old Pupils’ Day.
A meeting between members of the Board of Governors and the Executive of the Association resulted in the latter undertaking to provide up to £350 for the purchase of new multiple mowers, a film projector and a new piano. It is now hoped that the Board’s finances will provide the total costs of these very necessary additions. The mowers have been in action since the beginning of the year and the playing areas have never looked better. The film projector has been ordered, and it is hoped a really good piano will be available for the Assembly Hall in the near future.
An innovation this year was a reception given by the Association to welcome new members of the School Staff. Invitations were extended to representatives of local bodies and other community organizations, to parents and to members of the Staff, and the attendance was large and truly representative of the district. In addition to the President of the Association, the Mayor, Mr. A.I. Rainbow, and the Chairman of the Hawke’s Bay County Council, Mr. R. Harding, welcomed the newcomers, and Miss Miller, who was presented with a bouquet of flowers, replied on their behalf.
After an interval, during which the film of the School was shown, the opportunity was taken to make presentations to the retiring members of the Board of Governors, Messrs. E. J. W. Hallett, E. V. Simpson, A. D. Ross, H. de Denne and J. Wright. The Mayoress, Mrs. A. I. Rainbow, presented each of the retiring governors with a silver ash tray embossed with the School Badge. Mr. E. V. Simpson replied on behalf of the retiring Governors, three of whom had been members of the Board since its inception in 1926.
Energetic sewing circles have been busy during the year making gifts for sale for the Association’s funds. In addition to circles in Hastings and Havelock North, the Misses Luke, Woods and Guppy have organized girls’ groups, while the boys, under the guidance of Mr. Wall, have been making toys. Members of the Executive desire to extend sincere thanks to those who have given so much time in the interests of the School funds, and it is hoped that the Association’s Stall at the Royal Show will result in a substantial addition to the fund.
At the annual meeting of the Association, Mr. Penlington gave a most interesting talk to members on careers for secondary school pupils.
The following officers were elected: – Patron, Mr. A. I. Rainbow, O. B. E. [Order of the British Empire]; president, Mr. G. E. G. Rogers; vice-president and Hon. Treasurer, Mr. E. D. Anderson; Hon. Secretary, Mr. R. Shakespeare; Committee, Mesdames Te K. Karaitiana, E. W. Smith and W. A. Totty, Messrs. J. H. Barriball, A. D. M. G. Laing and R. McMurray; Representatives of the Board of Governors, Messrs. J. Hellyer and G. E. G. Rogers; Old Pupils’ Association, Miss G. Symes and Mr. J. G. Seton; School Staff, Miss M. Woods and Mr. E. S. Craven.
APRIL 12th, 1947.
(T.J.R. and B.A.W.)
The Hawke’s Bay Secondary School Sports were resumed this year at Dannevirke after a lapse of five years during the war. The schools taking part were: – Napier Boys’ High School, Napier Girls’ High School, Hastings High School, Te Aute College, Dannevirke High School and the Waipukurau and Waipawa District High Schools.
Though occasional showers and a soft track handicapped performers, 21 records were equalled or broken. We should like to congratulate the Dannevirke High School on their splendid organization, and we hope the success of the meeting compensated them for all their hard work.
Successes gained by our girls were as follows: –
P. Evans, 1st 100yds, 1st 80 metres hurdles (14 4-5 secs – a record), 2nd 75yds. W. Apatu, 1st long jump (14ft. 8½ins. – a record) 1st hop, step and jump (31ft. 3½ins. – a record). P. Frame, 2nd equal long jump.
L. Nimon, 1st 75yds, 1st 100yds, 2nd hop, step and jump. M. Buckingham, 1st 80 metres hurdles (14 sec. – a record), 2nd long jump.
R. Roberts, 1st 80 metres hurdles (13 sec., – a record), 1st high jump (4ft. 6ins. – a record). 1st long jump (15ft. 5½ins, a record).
BOYS – Junior:
N. Glass, 1st 120yds hurdles. P. Scott, 3rd high jump.
R. Le Geyt 1st 880yds. D. Hawkes 2nd 120yds hurdles. D. Conway 3rd high jump.
I. Macdonald 1st 440yds (54 3-5 – a record), 3rd 100yds. T. Robertson, 3rd 220yds. R. Stewart, 1st 120yds hurdles. B. Wallace, 2nd one mile, 3rd 880yds. B. Tuohy, 3rd long jump.
Summary: – Girls: 10 firsts, 5 seconds, 2 thirds.
Boys: 4 firsts, 2 seconds, 2 thirds.
Eight records.
We should like to say that there are no trophies awarded at this meeting to successful competitors, and no aggregate points are kept, the object being to improve the standard of athletics in each school by competition with pupils of other schools. We think this object is being attained. We know that our competitors returned in good spirits after meeting pupils from other schools. Finally we should like to congratulate those boys and girls from the School who equalled or broke records, and to thank the team’s managers, Miss Woods and Mr. Jones.
Margaret Hall (Head)
Norma Brian
Avery Jack
Ea Nielsen
Nola Perry
Fay Single
Etain Jones – Wooden Wing.
Beverly Maddox – Library.
Joyce Martin – Games.
Form Va – Betty Sampson.
Form Vb – Jean McKeesick
Form Vc – Marie Persen*
Edna Britten.
Form IVa – Betty Grainger
Form IVg – Margaret Isaacson
Form IVc – Maureen Lambert
Form IIIa – Gay Price
Form IIIg – Jean Huddleston
Form IIIc – Shirley Black.
Blue House – Ea Nielsen
Green House – Marie Persen* Betty Sampson
Gold House – Joyce Martin
Purple House – Fay Single
A. Team – Joyce Martin (Capt.) [Captain]
B. Team – Betty Sampson (Capt.)
Coach – Miss Allison*, Miss Shelton.
Committee – Miss Woods and House Captains.
Committee – Miss Allison and House Captains.
Miss Child, Beverly Maddox, Norma Brian, Annette Fairweather, Barbara Ferbrache, Margaret Hall, Avery Jack, Ea Nielsen, Nola Perry, Fay Single.
Ea Nielsen, Shirley Anderson, Betty Sampson, Anne Mosley, Valerie McLaren.
Form VI.
(*) Left during the year
The Swimming Sports were held in the Maddison baths on February 28th, and as always, friendly competition was keen among Houses and individuals. Once again our thanks are due to Miss Allison, for all her hard work, and we are very sorry that she has left us.
The successful House was Purple (76 points), Gold was second (56), Blue third (40) and Green fourth.
The Senior Championship was won by Dawn Mawson (Blue), with 19 points, Artie Arnold (Gold) and Mary Buckingham (Gold) with 8 points each tied for second place.
The Junior Championship was won by Peggy Frame (Purple), with 16 points, and Grace Evans (Purple) was runner-up with 13 points.
There was only one record equalled. That was in the Junior 25 yards Breaststroke. Ann Withers, 20 4-5 secs. [seconds], equalled the record of 20 4-5 secs., B. Beaumont, 1945.
The detailed results are as follows: –
25 Yards Senior – First heat: D. Mawson (B) 1, H. Reid (Go) 2, L. Nimon (P) 3. Time 17 secs. Second Heat: M. Buckingham (Go) 1, B. Phillips (B) 2, I. Kay (P) 3. Time, 16 1-5 secs. Final: M. Buckingham 1, I. D. Mawson 2, H. Reid 3. Time, 16 3-5 secs.
50 Yards Senior – First Heat: D. Mawson (B) 1, L. Nimon (P) 2, I. Kay (P) 3. Time 36 secs. Second Heat: H. Reid (Go) 1, B. Phillips (B) 2, A. Rogers (Go) 3. Time, 37 2-5 secs. Final: D. Mawson 1, H. Reid 2, L. Nimon 3. Time, 36 4-5 secs.
75 Yards Senior – First Heat: D. Mawson (B) 1, L. Nimon (P) 2, Time 59 4-5 secs. Second heat: I. Kay (P) 1, A. Arnold (Go) 2. Tim,e 63 1-5 secs. Final: D. Mawson 1, A. Arnold 2, I. Kay 3. Time, 60 4-5secs.
25 Yards Junior – First Heat: G. Evans (P) 1, N. Mustchin (Go) 2, J. Ritchie (B) 3. Time, 16 4-5 secs. Second Heat: P. Frame (P) 1, M. Arnold (Go) 2, M. Grainger (Gr) 3, Time, 17 1-5 secs. Final: P. Frame 1, G. Evans 2, N. Mustchin 3. Time, 16 2-5 secs.
50 Yards Junior – P. Frame (P) 1, N. Mustchin (Go) 2, G. Evans (P) 3. Time 35 4-5secs.
75 Yards Junior – First Heat: H. Rattray (P) 1, N. Mustchin (Go) 2. Time, 57 secs. Second Heat: P. Frame (P) 1, G. Evans (P) 2. Time, 59 secs. Final: H. Rattray 1, P. Frame 2, G. Evans 3. Time, 57 2-5secs.
25 Yards Senior Backstroke – First heat: D. Mawson (B) 1, A. Arnold (Go) 2, I. Kay (P) 3. Time 20 2.5secs. Second Heat: M. Buckingham (Go) 1, L. Nimon (P) 2, S. Proctor (Gr) 3. Time 21 3-5 secs. Final: A. Arnold 1, M. Buckingham 2, D. Mawson 3. Time 21 1-5secs.
25 Yards Junior Backstroke – N. Mustchin (Go) 1, P. Frame (P) 2, J. Ritchie (B) 3. Time, 21 1-5secs.
50 Yards Senior Breaststroke – M. Daniels (B) 1, S. Proctor (Gr) 2, A. Rogers (Go) 3, Time, 50 secs.
25 Yards Junior Breaststroke – First Heat: A. Morgan (Gr) 1, G. Woodham (P) 2, D. Bradshaw (Gr) 3. Time, 23 secs. Second Heat: A. Withers (P) 1, G. Evans (P) 2, B. Spencer (P) 3. Time, 22 2-5 secs. Final: A. Withers 1, G. Evans 2, A. Morgan 3. Time 20 4-5secs (record equalled).
Senior Diving – D. Mawson (B) and L. Nimon (P) equal 1, I. Kay (P) 3.
Junior Diving – G. Evans (P) 1, M. Arnold (Go) 2, A. Morgan (Gr) 3.
25 Yards Senior – First Heat: J. Brock (Go) 1, E. Bull (B) 2, M. Lambert (P) 3. Second Heat: P. List (Gr) 1, L. Mather (Go) 2, R. Liley (Gr) 3. Final: P. List 1, E. Bull and L. Mather (equal) 2.
25 Yards Junior – First Heat: C. Lambert (P) 1. Second Heat: A. Morgan (Gr) 1, D. Hellyer (P) 2, Third Heat: M. Arnold (Go) 1, J. Eyles (P) 2. Fourth Heat: V. McLaren (P) 1, E. Farnell (Go) 2. Final: V. McLaren 1, A. Morgan 2, C. Lambert 3.
50 Yards Senior – J. Brock (Go) 1, L. Mather (Go) 2, M. Lambert (P) 3.
50 Yards Junior – V. McLaren (P) 1, J. Eyles (P) 2, W. Timu (B) 3.
Costume Race – W. Apatu (Go) 1, G. Evans (P) 2, I. Kay (P) 3.
Humorous Entry – W. Apatu – (Go) 1, J. Sutherland (P) 2, M. Little (B) 3.
Medley Relay – Gold 1, Purple 2, Blue 3.
Relay – Purple 1, Blue 2, Gold 3.
Old Girls v. School – Old Girls (S. Bishop, A. Trask, P. Gichard) 1, School (D. Mawson, H. Reid, P. Frame) 2.
Senior 25 Yards – 14 1-5secs., A. Kennedy, 1941.
Senior 50 Yards – 33secs., A. Kennedy, 1940.
Senior 75 Yards – 55 2-5secs., A. Kennedy, 1941.
Senior 25 Yards Backstroke – 18 2-5secs., A. Kennedy, 1941.
Senior 50 Yards Breaststroke – 46 2-5secs., A. Kennedy, 1941.
Junior 25 Yards – 14 3-5secs., J. Fargher, 1941.
Junior 50 Yards -33secs., J. Fargher, 1941.
Junior 75 Yards – 55 3-5secs., J. Fargher, 1941.
Junior 25 Yards Backstroke – 19 4-5secs., C. Thompson, 1942
Junior 25 Yards Breaststroke – 20 4-5secs, B. Beaumont 1945.
A. Withers, 1947.
Open 25 Yards Breaststroke – 19 2-5secs., M. Hull, 1932.
THE Life Saving Examination took place early this year. Although it was such a cold day, most of the girls, who had practised for weeks beforehand, were allowed to carry on to get their medals and certificates. Altogether, two girls gained their Instructors’ Certificate, one girl won her bar to her Bronze Medallion, 16 girls were awarded Bronze Medallions, and seven girls succeeded in getting their Intermediate Certificates.
The examiner, Mr. Ian Snaddon, supervised the land drill on the front lawn of the Central School. The rest of the examination was taken at the Maddison Baths. The water tests consisted of water drill, distance swimming and diving for a brick.
The following girls gained awards: –
INSTRUCTORS: Dawn Mawson, Shirley Proctor.
BRONZE MEDALLION: Allison Dorreen, Rae Liley, Grace Evans, Pauline Sim, Jeanette Mackay, Artie Arnold, Betty Grainger, Ann Withers, Dorothy Castles, Kathleen Caskey, Heather Reid, Ea Nielsen, Wiki Timu, Elizabeth Sampson, Marion Daniels, Anne Rogers.
INTERMEDIATE CERTIFICATE: Nellie Mustchin, Allison Dorreen, Jeanette Mackay, Kathleen Caskey, Heather Reid, Hazel Rattray, Adair Morgan.
We congratulate them all.
Great interest is being taken in tennis this year, and we are looking forward to meeting Napier Girls’ High School during the third term.
In our games against Napier on the 29th November, 1946, our opponents defeated us by seven games to two.
Detailed results are as follows: –
L. Castles and S. Anderson v. [versus] E. Spence and J. Edwards 3-9. E. Sampson and E. Nielsen v. P. Stevens and R. Harland 8-10. M. Hall and B. Sharpin v. M. Mahue and T. Agnew 9-4. L. Castles v. J. Edwards 0-6, S. Anderson v. E. Spence 4-6, E. Nielsen v. P. Stevens 1-6, E. Sampson v. R. Harland 1-6, M. Hall v. M. Mahue 6-8, B. Sharpin v. T. Agnew 6-3.
(School players are mentioned first.)
Senior Singles – Lynette Castles.
Junior Singles – Mary Aldridge.
Senior Doubles – Lynette Castles and Beverley Sharpin.
Junior Doubles – Janet Cater and Jean Carswell.
The following are the results of matches played against Old Pupils on Parents’ Day, 1946: –
L. Castles beat N. Thear 6-3. S. Anderson beat S. Sant 6-5. E. Nielsen lost to J. Curline 3-6. E. Sampson beat B. Hellyer 6-4. M. Hall beat M. Bull 6-2.
L. Castles and S. Anderson beat J. Thear and S. Sant 9-5. E. Nielsen and E. Sampson beat J. Curline and B. Hellyer 9-7.
L. Castles and Blewden beat J. Thear and G. Will 9-5. S. Anderson and B. Jones beat S. Sant and R. Jones 6-5. E. Nielson and L. Jones beat J. Curline and G. Apperley 9-3. E. Sampson and Joll beat M. Bull and M. Cameron 9-2. B. Sharpin and Hern beat B. Hellyer and D. Warren 6-0.
The matches were very interesting, and were enjoyed by everyone. They resulted in a win for Hastings by five games to four. The results are as follows, School players being mentioned first:-
Shirley Anderson and Betty Sampson 1, v. Raema Harland and Francis Haggerty 6. Margaret Hall and Ea Nielsen 3 v. Alison King and Barbara Stewart 6. Ata Heke and Mary Aldridge 6 v. Janet Twyford and Nancy Wood 2.
Shirley Anderson 1 v. Raema Harland 6; Betty Sampson 6 v. Francis Haggerty 4. Margaret Hall 6 v. Alison King 3. Ea Nielsen 6 v. Barbara Stewart 4. Ata Heke 2 v. Nancy Wood 6. Mary Aldridge 6 v. Janet Twyford 3.
We should like to thank Mr. Russell for keeping our courts in such excellent condition.
Last season there was a record number of girls who wished to play cricket, and we were able to pick quite a satisfactory team. The members of the team were: –
Joyce Martin (Capt), Molly Wakefield, Kathleen Bixley, Pam Dyson, Nanette Steele, Dorothy Short, Daphne Lowe, Valma Donkin, Jill White, Myrtle Johnson, Shirley Collins, June Hawkes.
We played Napier Girls’ High School at the end of last year and were successful in both cricket and baseball. The results were: –
Cricket: Hastings 69 runs, Napier 62 runs.
Baseball: Hastings 93 points, Napier 53 points.
In inter-house cricket matches Blue won the competition. Gold were second and Purple third.
Gold won the baseball competition for the season. Purple were second and Blue third.
With promise of good weather this season has opened well. We now have two really good wickets, and they are always occupied. We now have a Third Form cricket team, and some of the beginners among them show great promise.
We hope to play both our teams against Napier Girls’ High School on the 8th November. This will be quite an occasion, as we have not played two teams before. Later in the season we also hope to play Iona College, who have recently started cricket.
We have not played much baseball owing to the interrupted season, but we hope to start again as soon as possible.
We wish to thank Miss Woods for all the time she has spent in coaching us, and also Miss Shelton, who has been helping with the Third Form team. We also wish to thank the Napier girls for the very enjoyable afternoon that we spent there.
Senior Match.
This was played at School on a good wicket and in fine weather. School batted first and were all dismissed for 29 runs (A. Cox 11, N. Steele 8). Bowling for N.G.H.S., B. Addis took three wickets for nine runs, M. Johnson four for six, and D. Boyd three for six. Napier made 166 runs (D. Rawiri 75, J. Stewart 22, N. Wishart 18). Bowling for School K. Bixley took four for 58, and V. Donkin four for 33. B. Rawiri played a very fine innings for N.G.H.S. In the second innings N.G.H.S. made 54 runs (I. Duncan 28 not out, L. Albright 10). Bowling for School K. Bixley took three for 16, V. Donkin two for 13). School made a better showing in their second innings, making 41 runs (J. Martin 23 not out, D. Short 10). Bowling for N. G. H. S. B. Addis took two for eight, M. Johnson three for 11. N.G.H.S. won by 150 runs.
Junior Match.
In this game both teams showed great promise. School batted first and made 48 runs (J. Le Geyt 10). N.G.H.S. batted and made 34 runs (J. Whyte 5). Bowling for School A. Breakwell took four wickets for three runs. School won by 14 runs.
The teams played during the morning and in the afternoon. Lunch and afternoon tea were provided at School. We wish to thank Miss Luke and other members of the Staff who helped to make the day so successful.
The twenty-sixth annual sports were held on the School grounds on Friday, March 21st. It was a fine, clear day, and many records were broken. Many people attended the sports and there was great rivalry among all the contestants.
We wish to thank all members of the staff who made the day so successful; also those who marked out and looked after the sports grounds.
The following records were broken: –
Throwing the Cricket Ball – J. Martin, 62yds 1½ ins., broke the record of 54yds. 2½ ins., E. Bull 1946.
Junior: Long Jump – W. Apatu, 14ft. 10ins., broke the record of 14ft. 5 ins., M. Rainey, 1945.
Senior: Long Jump – R. Roberts 16ft 1in., broke the record 15ft. 11 ins., G. Symes, 1929. This was the oldest record in the book.
Junior: 80 Metres Hurdles – P. Evans, 14secs, broke the record of 14 3-5 secs., M. Rainey, 1945.
Senior: 80 Metres Hurdles – R. Roberts, 13 1-5 secs., broke the record of 13 3-5 secs., M. Rainey, 1946.
The following records were equalled: –
Junior: 75 Yards – P. Evans, 9 3-5secs., equalled the record of C. Thompson, 1942 and L. McNaughton 1944.
Intermediate: 80 Metres Hurdles – M. Buckingham, 13 3-5secs, equalled the record of M. Rainey, 1946.
The results of the championships were as follows:-
Senior: – Rae Roberts, 25 pts, 1st; Valmai Paget and Annette Fairweather, 6 pts equal 2nd.
Intermediate: – L. Nimon and M. Buckingham 19 pts, 1st equal.
Junior: – Patty Evans 21 pts 1st, Winnie Apatu 13 pts 2nd.
Throwing the Cricket Ball – J. Martin (Go) 1, R. Edwards (Gr) 2, E. Bull (B) 3. Distance: 62 yds. 1½ ins. (a record).
Senior: Long Jump – R. Roberts (Go) 1, V. Paget (Gr) 2, A. Rogers (Go) 3. Distance: 16ft. 1in. (a record)
Intermediate: Long Jump – M. Buckingham (Go) 1, J. McLeod (Gr) 2, L. Nimon (P) 3. Distance: 14ft. ½in.
Junior: Long Jump – W. Apatu (Go) 1, P. Evans (P) 2, N. Beere (Go) 3. Distance: 14ft 10ins (a record).
Senior: Hop, Step and Jump – R. Roberts (Go) 1, V. Paget (Gr) 2, A. Rogers (Go) 3, Distance: 29ft. 3ins.
Intermediate: Hop, Step and Jump – L. Nimon (P) 1, M. Buckingham (Go) 2, S. Collins (B) 3. Distance: 30ft. 8½ ins.
Junior: Hop, Step and Jump – W. Apatu (Go) 1, P. Evans (P) 2, P. Kupa (Gr) 3. Distance: 30ft 8ins.
100 Yards Senior – R. Roberts (Go) 1, A. Fairweather (P) 2, F. Single (P) 3, Time, 12 1-5secs.
100 Yards, Intermediate – L. Nimon (P) 1, M. Buckingham (Go) 2, M. Hickson (Go) 3, Time, 12 2-5secs.
100 Yards, Junior – P. Evans (P) 1, P. Frame (P) 2, J. Smith (Gr). Time, 12 2-5 secs.
75 Yards Senior – R. Roberts (Go) 1, A. Fairweather (P) 2, J. Hingston (Go) 3. Time 9 3-5secs.
75 Yards Intermediate – L. Nimon (P) 1, M. Buckingham (Go) 2, M. Hickson (Go) 3, Time, 9 3-5secs.
75 Yards Junior – P. Evans (P) 1, M. Isaacson (Go) 2, N. Beere (Go) 3, Time, 9 3-5 secs. (equalled record).
80 Metres Hurdles, Senior – R. Roberts (Go) 1, A. Rogers (Go) 2, A. Williams (P) 3. Time. 13 1-5secs (a record).
80 Metres Hurdles, Intermediate – M. Buckingham (Go) 1, L. Nimon (P) 2, J. McLeod (Gr) 3. Time, 13 3-5secs (equalled record).
80 Metres Hurdles, Junior – P. Evans (P) 1, W. Apatu (Go) 2, P. Frame (P) 3. Time, 14 secs (a record).
Egg and Spoon race – L. Nimon (P) 1, A. Rogers (Go) 2, M. Little (B) 3.
Obstacle Race – A. Breakwell (P) 1, M. Little (B) 2, B. McKay (B) 3.
Slow Bicycle Steering – M. Hickson (Go) and M. Barnet (P) equal 1, J. Apperley 3.
Three-legged Race – I. Kay and P. Evans (P) 1, L. Nimon and K. Ross (P) 2, J. Mcleod and V. Paget (Gr) 3.
Skinning the Snake – Green 1, Gold 2, Purple 3.
Medley Ball A – Gold 1, Purple 2, Green 3.
Medley Ball B – Purple 1, Green 2, Gold 3.
Stick Relay – Blue 1, Purple 2, Green 3.
Sack Relay – Green 1, Purple 2, Gold 3.
Ball Passing – Purple 1, Gold 2, Blue 3.
House Relay – Purple 1, Blue 2, Gold 3.
Old Girls v. School Relay – Old Girls 1, School 2.
House points – Purple 144, Gold 118, Green 47, Blue 33.
House Aggregate (combined boys and girls) – Gold 233, Purple 209, Green 112, Blue 107.
Throwing the Cricket Ball – 62yds. 1½ins. J. Martin, 1947.
Long Jump, Senior – 16ft. 1in. R. Roberts, 1947.
Long Jump, Intermediate – 15ft 11ins., G. Symes, 1929.
Long Jump, Junior – 14ft. 10 ins., W. Apatu, 1947.
Hop, Step and Jump, Senior – 33ft. 1 in., G. Symes, 1929.
Hop, Step and Jump, Intermediate – 33ft. 1in., G. Symes, 1929.
Hop, Step and Jump, Junior – 32ft 11in., M. Rainey, 1945.
100 Yards, Senior – 11 4-5secs., R. Tong 1933. M. Thompson, I. Stevens, 1939.
100 Yards, Intermediate – 11 4-5secs., M. Thompson, 1939.
100 Yards, Junior – 12 3-5 secs., L. McNaughton, 1945
75 Yards, Senior – 9 secs. I. Stevens, M. Thompson, 1939
75 Yards, Intermediate – 9secs. M. Thompson, 1939.
75 Yards, Junior – 9 3-5 secs. C. Thompson, 1942; L. McNaughton 1944; P. Evans, 1947.
80 Metres Hurdles, Senior – 13 1-5secs., R. Roberts, 1947.
80 Metres Hurdles, Intermediate – 13 3-5secs., M. Rainey 1946; M. Buckingham 1947.
80 Metres Hurdles, Junior – 14 secs., P. Evans 1947.
Once again we come to the end of a successful basketball season. Although the Association games were not as good as in previous years, all the teams have benefited greatly by them, as they showed in all the School matches. We had 10 teams competing in the Saturday games.
We are very pleased to welcome Miss Shelton to the School, and wish to thank her very much for the valuable coaching she gave to the A and B1 teams. The House matches were in the capable hands of Miss Woods, who coached the B2 and B3 teams. We wish to thank all the members of the Staff who gave much of their time to coach the School teams.
v. Iona College (at Iona) – This was the first match of the season. Both teams were equally matched and it was not until the second half that School drew ahead. Score: School 19, Iona College 12.
v. Napier G.H.S. (at School) – This was a very fast and well contested game. The passing and interception of School was remarkably good, and the forwards’ shooting was very accurate. School seemed to collapse for a while, but they rallied later and won the game by a good margin. Score: School 22, Napier G.H.S. 13.
v. Waipawa D.H.S. (at school) – We were very surprised at the ability of the Waipawa team. In the first half of the match both teams were very even. School defence was broken many times by the Waipawa forwards, but they were not so accurate at goaling. School drew ahead in the second half, and won the game by a good margin. Score: School 25, Waipawa D.H.S. 15.
v. Hukarere College (at Hukarere) – This game was the hardest this season. Perhaps School failed to do better because of the unfamiliarity of the courts. School’s combination was poor during most of the game, but towards the end of the game we rallied, but not enough to enable us to even the final score. Score: School 17, Hukarere College 25.
v. Woodford House (at school) – This game was very fast and even. Play in this match was of a very high standard and it was anyone’s game until the final whistle. Score: School 30, Woodford House 29.
Joyce Martin (Captain): – Plays a very fast, energetic game, and is an inspiration to her team at all times.
Grace Evans: – An enthusiastic player who makes up for lack of height by outstanding jumping and interception in the centre third.
Molly Wakefield: – Combines well with other centre players. Footwork could be speeded up, but ball-handling is very good.
Margaret Hall: – Uses her height to advantage in the defence area. Reaction could be speeded up, but interception play is good. Ball handling is Margaret’s weak point.
Kathleen Ross: – Combination work needs improvement, but has played some first class basketball games this season.
Ada Edwards: – Excellent work in anticipating her opponent’s movements. A most promising player with unlimited energy.
Fay Single: – Perhaps the least spectacular player in the forwards, Fay is a most reliable and accurate shoot with excellent field work, and was responsible for a large number of the goals scored this season.
Lorna Nimon: – A new member showing much promise in the goal third. With improved combination play, added to accurate shooting, Lorna should be an asset to the 1948 team.
Anne Rogers: – A player with great possibilities and a pleasure to watch. Accurate goaling and sure ball handling combine well in this player.
Nanette Steele: – Played many games for us this season, always ably filling the required position. Could jump and intercept more frequently.
The B1 team was more successful than the A team in the Association matches. In the school games, the players showed great promise. E. Sampson and W. Timu were the most outstanding players in almost every game.
Results of 2nd IX School matches were as follows: -School 27 v. Iona 10, School 23 v. Napier 19, School 19 v. Hukarere 27, School 17 v. Woodford 25.
The Junior team, which comprised players under 15 years of age, defeated Iona Juniors 22 to 8 and Waipawa B, 14 to 11.
The B team this year was composed of E. Sampson (capt), W. Timu, J. Le Geyt, A. Arnold, P. Evans, B. Maddox, P. Dyson, A. McNab, J. Roberts, D. Short.
Although ten teams were entered for the Saturday matches no team was very successful. We had one in the first grade, two in the second, two in the third, two in the fourth, and three in the fifth grade. Towards the conclusion of the season one D team was broken up to provide players for the other teams.
The most disappointing feature of the Saturday matches was that we lost majority of the games because our teams tired toward the end of the match.
We should like to congratulate the following players on being selected as Hastings Representatives: A. Cox, M. Persen, W. Timu, (2nd Grade); E. Farnell, E. Robinson, J. Long, J. Hellyer (3rd Grade); V. Wilson (4th Grade); M. Martin, J. Eyles, D. Greenside, K. Caskey, A. Barton, N. Warren, A Rutherford (5th Grade).
All the houses played keen basketball for the cup this season. Because of the number of teams this year the competitions have been played in three grades. The winners of the senior grade were Purple, the winners of the intermediate grade were Purple and Gold equal, and the junior grade winners were Purple.
Purple 1
Gold 2
Blue 3
Purple and Gold 1
Blue 3
Purple 1
Green 2
Gold 3
Purple 1
Gold 2
Blue 3
We were very sorry to lose our former drill mistress, Miss Bullen, when she left to be married at the end of the first term, and we wish her every happiness in her new life. We were very fortunate, however, in gaining Miss Shelton as our new mistress. She makes our drill lessons most enjoyable.
This year’s welcome additions to the now very well-equipped gymnasium include Swedish beams, sixteen medicine balls, three sets of braids, a tumbling mat, and a dozen disci. “Tobruk” is still the site of our drill activities, where third formers spend two periods a week, and the rest of the School one period.
DEPORTMENT BADGES, 1947: Shirley Collins, Anne Rogers, Pam Dyson, Shirley Hannah, Alma Cox, Audrey McNab, Mamie Hickson, June Hawkes, Janette McKay, Artie Arnold, Wiki Timu, Adair Morgan, Janet Cater, Grace Evans, Julie Scott.
We congratulate them all.
The annual Drill Competitions have not been held yet, but the results should be obtained before the magazine goes to press.
The activities of the Union have been very successful. Combined “squashes” were greeted with much approval, perhaps more so than the ordinary ones. During the second term we were visited by a representative of the Women’s Christian Temperance Union, who gave us some very interesting N.Z. statistics. Miss Logan, a member of the Crusader Staff in Wellington, came up to give us a talk on Camp, which resulted in three of our girls going to the August camp at Waimarama.
This year badges were awarded to Gwyneth Millar, Winsome Harris, Lorna Hall and Ea Nielsen. Our library is gradually growing and our roll number has remained fairly stable at about 25.
Our thanks go to Miss Way, whose enthusiasm has never waned, although we know it has been sorely tried at times. We hope next year to see our roll number increase and our Leader’s interest repaid with more regular attendance and greater loyalty to the Union.
In past years the “doings” of the Sixth Form often have been discreetly and perhaps purposely hidden from the rest of the school, and as each succeeding Sixth Form came along, the “old stagers” told marvellous tales about what they did in the previous year: This year it was decided to apportion
a section of the magazine to one or two of the activities connected with the Sixth, though it is doubtful whether our successors will be grateful to us for establishing this precedent.
The first happening of importance, at any rate to the Fifth and Sixth, was the Prefects’ Dance on 7th May. This seems to have been a success, although some of us were criticized, quite justly perhaps, as being somewhat neglectful of our duties as hosts and hostesses!
Our next public event was at the end of the second term, when we had the annual basketball match between boy and girl prefects. This match maintained its traditional air, and a good time was had by all.
The “feed” which followed could be described as “luscious,” for it included free ice-cream and fruit salad.
We were very sorry that the annual match of Prefects v. Staff could not be played, owing to the courts all being occupied during the last week of term.
The great event of the third term, for the girls anyway, was the “flitting” to “Alamein.” Many were the deep sighs and heart burnings at the loss of the old Room 3, which has been occupied by the sixth girls for so many years. We wonder if the masters will miss us and/or our noise at the other end of the passage.
The remaining event of the third term, the performance of excerpts from Shakespeare’s plays, is noted elsewhere, but we must mention that the evening did not finish with the plays. The sixth and a few chosen guests adjourned to Alamein, and this was one of the rare times when boys were allowed in the girls’ room. However, the evening was spent pleasantly with speeches, presentations, supper and lastly, washing up. The guests did not stay to help; some of them were husbands. But Wednesday 15th October, will be forgotten by none of us.
Of the many other pleasant and exciting happenings behind our doors it is sufficient to say, that they have to be seen to be believed.
Winner Runner-up
TENNIS No House Competition
BASEBALL Gold Purple
My first part is mightier than the sword
We’re forced to use it, though often bored,
My second part then is a species of fish
Which rhymes with “king” and is served as a dish.
My third part is found in arithmetic tables,
It’s a weight (much detested by Hayworths and Grables),
My whole is the rock on which the School sits
Though flinty in places, we see the soft bits.
-Anonymous. VI Girls.
What fun to be no longer an unnoticed little girl,
Whose nose was snub and freckled, and whose hair just wouldn’t curl,
An unimportant member of that marvellous form IIIg,
To find oneself a prefect and a school celebrity.
Just how the change had happened she couldn’t quite recall,
But ner [her] nose was straight and Grecian and her figure slim and tall.
She had hair in lovely ringlets, she had the tiniest feet,
And never could look anything but cool, grown-up and neat.
For manners and deportment she had won a special prize,
The stately sixth regarded her with fond and loving eyes,
The lower forms with awed respect and deep devotion too,
The head requested her advice when troubled what to do.
One day a mistress loved by all was from the shore espied,
Upon a billow-battered rock surrounded by the tide.
Who else but she was just in time the favourite to reach,
And bring her back while all the school stood cheering on the beach.
‘Twas she who gave the poorer girl the bursary she gained,
‘Twas she who won the tennis match with both her ankles sprained,
‘Twas she who all athletic and scholastic records broke –
But she was in III General, poor darling, when she woke.
Two Genii, IIIa Girls.
We’ve often touched our toes and bent,
To take our corporal punishment,
And after getting ones and twos.
Which drove the dust from out our trews,
We’ve often sat and moralized,
And wished our sterns were vulcanized.
Our Gang, IVe Boys.
And now, if e’er I come to school
And find myself too late,
Or miss the homework I am set
And put it on the slate,
And finally am brought to book
And realize my fate,
I weep, for I can see a lad,
Who came to School so very glad,
Equipped with pens and writing pad,
Who thought hard work was just a fad,
From schoolboy tales he’d heard from Dad,
Alas, his fate was very sad,
His teacher was a frightful cad,
And things soon went to worse from bad,
Harsh treatment well-nigh drove him mad,
And he decided he’d been had –
But still the would be undergrad
Can dimly see that carefree lad
A-walking in the gate.
P. and T. VIb Boys.
An unfortunate sphere
Of our English this year
Is the verse we’ve eschewed
And below have reviewed.
When the class, with a curse
Began reading this verse,
“Sohrab and Rustum”
Jolly near bust ‘em.
When we next read “Hyperion”
Life became rather wearyin’,
For so dull are the feats
That’re accomplished by Keats.
It was also a bore
To peruse Bernard Shaw,
And to note Cleo’s seizure
From the Sphinx, by great Caesar.
“The Deserted (dull) Village”
Wrecked chaos and pillage
In our slow, rusty brains
(Like Stephenson’s trains).
When Byron then carolled
His so lengthy “Childe Harold”
To offended, closed ears,
We were almost in tears.
With the tortures we bear
In the poetry sphere
Our life in the sixth
Doth contain many prickth.
“Kfay” VIb Girls.
Ours is a school for girls and boys,
Where from the classrooms comes no noise,
Except when someone starts to talk,
Then off to detention she’s sent for a walk.
Although the teachers are one and many,
It would be better if we didn’t have any;
For every time we start to chatter,
We are rebuked for making a clatter.
Arithmetic, Algebra, French and Art,
At all these subjects we have to be smart;
We also find it doesn’t pay,
To sit and act the fool all day.
The classrooms are airy, neat and bare,
We each of us remembers to put up her chair;
The teacher is standing behind us now,
We’ll put this away or there may be a row.
“New Chum,” III Girls.
I moan and I sigh, when the tyrant is nigh.
‘Cos he won’t let me crawl out of Latin at all.
Although I beseech and I cry and I screech,
He orders me stop, for listen he’ll not
And when the reason I ask, it’s – “Get back to your task,”
And without a word more he stalks out the door.
He’ll ignore Papa’s letter, (he says I’ll get better)
To Mama he’s polite, a perfect delight,
But he’s as mean with me as he can possibly be.
“Princess” IVa Girls.
A dress of 1890,
The girls thought only fair,
For from the neck to ankle,
Was all that they could wear.
But the modern girl is different,
For she is really wise,
She knows she’ll make a better catch,
With more to meet the eyes.
Sophisti Kate IVe.
(With apologies to J. Keats)
There was a luckless boy,
And a luckless boy was he,
He came along to Hastings
Its High School for to see –
There he found
That its ground
Was as dry,
That the High
Was as cruel,
That its rule
Was insane,
That its cane
Was as thin,
That its din
Was as loud,
That its laugh
Was as proud
That its Staff
Was as stubborn
As elsewhere.
OII. VIa Boys.
One Ford car with a piston ring,
Two back wheels and one front spring.
Has no fenders, seat nor tank,
Burns lots of gas and hard to crank.
Carburettor busted halfway through,
Engine missing, bits in two.
Three years old, four in Spring,
Has shock absorbers and everything.
Radiator busted, sure does leak,
Dry differential, can hear it speak.
Ten spokes missing, front all bent,
Tyres blown out, ain’t worth a cent.
Got lots of speed, runs like the deuce,
Burns either gas or tobacco juice.
Tyres all off, been run on the rim,
A darn good Ford for the shape she’s in.
Mopsy. IIIa Girls.
The Order of Prefects is a long established one. It was, as far as we know, established in the Public Schools of Ancient Britain in the bad and unenlightened days. It has, by some unfortunate oversight, been allowed to persist in this enlightened century, and still rears its ugly head in the secondary schools of this fair young land, New Zealand.
This tyrannical monster was probably introduced in ancient times when the job of school teaching was so rightly despised, and some poor old head-master either was too fat to catch the boys, or had more pupils than he could whip personally each day. No doubt the poor chap was justified, for look what perfect little demons the schoolboys of that day were. Why, some, I believe, even dared to throw ink pellets at one another.
The Institution of Prefects probably aided masters and boys in the early times, but its creator did not realize until too late what a Frankenstein he was releasing upon a world of frightened schoolboys. Nor did he realize how this monster would outlive its usefulness and remain in this golden age of education, when boys cannot get enough schooling, always behave and pay attention, and never dream of playing truant.
It is with great rejoicing, however, that we hear that, in some schools, anyway, the Order of Prefects has come to resemble in some slight form what was probably intended by its founder. In the schools I speak of the Prefects, instead of being feared by juniors and abhorred by seniors, have become the friends of the pupils, their intercessors with the teachers, and the servants of all. Well, so we are told.
By “A Disgusted Fifth Former.” Va Boys.
Scene: Room 14.
Enter X and Y (preferring to remain anonymous)
X. – Say, Y, how are we going to get out of this detention that the darned prefect gave us for shutting that cat in the cupboard?
Y. – Blowed if I know. What about telling them the cat ran in as we opened the door to get out the duster to wipe up the ink we split when we were having that ink fight?
X. – No, that won’t do, they wouldn’t believe us, and if they find out they’d whack us for throwing ink. No, that won’t do.
Y. – Gosh, Yes, I didn’t think of that.
X. – How about wagging it for a week, and when we come back they’ll have forgotten.
Y. – But then we’d have to bring a note.
X. – We could say our grandmothers couldn’t write.
Y. – They’d say to get our parents to write them.
X. – We could say our parents were dead, or in gaol, or in Hongkong, or something like that.
Y. – Yes, but they’d find out in the long run, and then it’s goodbye us.
X. – You’re right, but if we could get the measles or something, we could get a note.
Y. – Oh, yes, I know a boy with something. I think its hydrophobia or something like that, and he’s charging a bob a time to breathe on people so they can get it too.
X. – What a kind person. How much have you got?
Y. – Nothing. How much have you?
X. – Same as you.
Y. – How can we earn some?
X. – Pick up some empties and sell them.
Y. – Yes, and we come to School to-morrow and breathe the germs all over the prefects.
X. – Agreed!
Y. – To be honest we’d better go and do our detentions now.
X. – No, we can miss them by going in the bus.
Y. – That’s right. I never thought of that. Hurry!
Exeunt – Curtain.
R.S. IIIe Boys.
Principal (at Morning Assembly). – There’s a book missing from the School Library. It’s “Gone With the Wind.”
When we were young, four years or so ago,
Our teachers were the objects of great awe.
But testing Time abhors a status quo,
And we are not, as once we were, so raw.
These tender tyrants first bestrewed our way
When we were rookies of the dumbest type.
They ruled us kindly in their gentle way,
By medium of a supple bamboo pipe.
I think it here would be most politic,
To write a stanzas to apologize,
For all the stanzas that will follow quick,
And those that have already hurt your eyes.
One martinet, the strictest of his kind,
Now meets me every morning at the door
With friendly question – “So you felt inclined
To come to school?” – My best excuse is poor.
I cannot understand their attitude
When I arrive two minutes late for school,
With missionary zeal are they imbued
To make a racehorse swift out of a mule.
We still get bits of Caesar from “B.G.”
But coupled with this is another scourge:
In at one end go hardy youths like me;
Decrepit wrecks out of the dark emerge.
“What is this prospect drear,“ I hear you ask,
“This prince of hardships, ultimate of woes?”
It is a difficult and senseless task
To render English thought to Latin prose.
Of course we’ve heard, ad nauseam we feel
In distant years we’ll surely see the fruits;
And Time may even have her vengeance real,
Believe it or not – perhaps we’ll like the brutes.
“Analyticus” VI Boys.
(Irregular Stanza Ode)
A sound of ominous portent,
Came from a distant lair,
‘Twas a soul in hideous torment,
Or Sinatra on the air.
It came from a ghostly churchyard,
It was a ghost that sang,
Sitting on his tombstone,
While the churchbell rang.
I wondered at his vocal deeds,
And saw that his inscription reads.
“Breathes there a man who drank so much,
I doubt it, but if there be such,
Then he too is a drunken sot,
Though now he lives he soon will rot.”
[Inserted by his loving wife.
Who while the poor man still had life
Hit him roughly on the head,
Took a knife, and cut him dead.]
I listened hard and listened long,
This is the substance of his song.
“The curfew tolls the knell of parting day
And from the gloomy tomb I make my cautious way,
The sun dips down beneath the shimmering sea
And leaves the world to darkness and to me.
“I wander lonely with my shroud
Billowing round me like a cloud
I will arise and go now, and go to Innisree
And a small cabin haunt me there
Of clay and wattles made.”
Here the spirits did digress
And said the following, more or less:
“Oh oft when on my couch I lie
In this my humble grave,
There flashes on my inward eye,
The comfort which I crave.
But then my heart with rancour fills,
The Union’s ‘blacked’ all brewer’s stills.”
[Out damned spot – Ed.]
“B” VI Boys.
A is for Algebra, which I just hate,
B is for Book-keeping, which I don’t take.
C is for Cience, ‘cos I can’t spell,
D is for Drill, which I can’t do well.
E is for English, through which I talk,
F is for French, at which I baulk.
G is for Geometry, when a pencil is used,
H is for History, when I’m never amused.
I is for Me, which the Nominative claims,
J is for Jitters, which I get in exams.
K is for Knowledge, to which I aspire,
L is for Latin, a punishment dire.
M’s for Mathematics, a subject I shirk,
N is for NONE, which is my total work.
O is for ‘ot water, I’m constantly in it,
P is for Punishment, which I earn every minute.
Q is for Qute, so I’ve been termed,
R is for Recitation, a task never learned.
S is for Silly, that’s what I may be,
T is for Turkey, we don’t have for tea.
U is for Useless, that’s what I am not,
V is for Voice, and I use mine a lot.
W’s for Window, I see the rest play,
X is for Xtra work every day.
Y is for Yippee! which we yell after school,
Z is for Zany. I think I’m a fool!
“A” IIIa Girls.
He thought he saw a cricket ball,
Go flying from his bat.
He looked again and found it was
The next-door neighbour’s cat.
“I really can’t expect,” he said,
“To play so well with that.”
He thought he saw a radio
Dancing the Highland Fling
He looked again and found it was
His grandma’s wedding ring.
“That it can dance so well,” he said,
“Is quite the strangest thing.”
He thought he saw a racing car,
Its pigtail down its back.
He looked again and found it was
An Indian called Mac.
“How hard it has become,” he said,
“To keep upon the track.”
IIIg Boys.
“We’re off to Latin,” cry IIIa,
Prim and proper, that’s what they say,
To-day there is no test on verbs,
But worse than that, there’s one on words.
Not a sign of a smile on any one face,
On to the door, but it’s not like a race,
Eighteen demure, forlorn little figures
Working and toiling like unlucky niggers.
In stalks the master, out of the whale,
Opens his cupboard, now we’ll all fail.
What’s this? He’s forgotten to give us the test,
Note a word, not a smile, we’ll all have a rest.
“Angel,” IIIa Girls.
The day was here,
The Steeplechase near,
And all around,
Upon the ground,
Uttering moans,
Followed by groans,
Lay the boys,
Whose daily joys,
Were shattered irreparably.
The whistle blew,
The juniors knew
Zero hour had come,
Every one of them dumb.
Around the course,
Imitating a horse,
That’s spurred on to win,
Oh, what a sin
To boy and horse inseparably.
Mac. IVe Boys.
“God save thee worried Schoolboy!
From the fiends that plague thee thus!
Why look’st thou so? Hast stubbed thy toe?
Hast missed thy usual bus?”
He laughed aloud, and all the while
His eyes went round and round,
“Gadzooks,” said he, “that this should be,
I dread the awful sound!”
“Oh what can ail thee, poor old chap;
You look so pale and wan,”
“Fear not,” he said. “I’ll tell the tale.”
Said I, “Just carry on.”
“One day they marched us into Hall,
And bade us joyful sing;
No drill to-day, rain’s come to stay,
Now start your carolling.
“We sang and sang, tenor, bass, soprano,
The minahs startled fled.
A hundred hundred keys arose
I thought that I was dead.
“Oh boy, it is a frightful thing
To hear the High School sing,
The choir can charm away my fears,
I remember what they’ve done for years,
But shades of Crosby Bing!
“Inkspots” VI Boys.
The atrium was the room in a Roman house where they kept the idle.
Tena Koe – New type of potato.
Tena Koe – Japanese General.
Jinnah, strange to relate, was not confused with a member of the Staff.
R. M. Sturm (head).
R. F. A. Anthony
J. N. Bradshaw*
N. G. Cooper
J. B. Jones
D. A. Rawlinson
T. J. Robertson
B. C. Oliver
Form IIIc: H. K. Huddleston
Form IIIg: I. T. Robinson
Form IIIe: K. Nuku
Form IVg: C. Trask
Form IVe: K. D. Ross
Form IVc: B. J. Reid
Form Vb: I. A. Anthony
Form Va: T. D. Quinlivan
Form VI: B. F. Tuohy
Purple: R. M. Sturm
Blue: N. G. Cooper
Green: I. Jack
Gold: B. C. Oliver
R. A. Sivewright.
Master in Charge: Mr. E. S. Craven.
1st XV: N. G. Cooper (Capt.)
2nd XV: I. S. Macdonald (Capt.)
Master in Charge: Mr. L. Matheson.
1st XI: I. S. MacDonald (Capt.)
2nd XI: N. G. Cooper (Capt.)
Master in Charge: Mr. S. I. Jones.
Committee: House Captains. Secretaries: T. J. B. Ritchie, G. McCormick.
Mr. T. S. Atkinson and House Captains.
Mr. A. Aitken, Mr. R. R. Alexander and Form VIa.
Mr. S. I. Jones and Form VI.
A. C. Yule.
O.C.: Major S. I. Jones, E. D.
2 i/c.: Major R. J. M. Fowler, E. D.
Battalion headquarters:
R.S.M.: W.O.I R.M. Sturm.
Armoury: Sgt. E. P. Boyd.
Orderly Room Clerks: Sgt. I. Jack, Cpl. P. G. Liley.
“A” Company.
Coy. Commander: Capt. S. Rockell.
Lieut. R. R. Alexander.
C.S.M.: W.O.II R. F. A. Anthony.
No. 1 Sgt. R. L. Stewart.
No. 2 Sgt. M. J. Sim
No. 3 Sgt. J. B. Jones
No. 4 Sgt. R. A. Sivewright
“B” Company
Coy. Commander: Lieut. C. B. Floyd.
Mr. A. E. Davies.
C.S.M.: W.O.II T. J. Robertson.
No. 5 Sgt. T. J. B. Ritchie
No. 6 Sgt. H. Mackay
No. 7 Sgt. B. F. Tuohy
No. 8 Sgt. C. Spence
Lieut. N. Wilde, Mr. M. Eade, Sgt. B. J. Perry, Cpl. C. R. McLanachan.
O.C.: Capt. A. Aitken.
Flt. Commander: Capt. E. S. Craven.
Flt. Sgt. Rawlinson. Flt. Sgt. Oliver. Flt. Sgt. Foster.
A Flight: Sgt. H. F. Priest. B. Flight: Sgt. E. B. Jenkinson.
*Left during year.
During the 1946-47 season the School fielded three teams, one in the Junior A grade, two in the Junior B grade. Unfortunately the two Junior B teams were withdrawn through lack of grounds. The First XI finished second in the Junior A competition. Waymouth left for England after the first game this year and Martin did not return to School.
We should like to thank Mr. Matheson, Mr. Wilde and Mr. Floyd for the enthusiasm with which they looked after the teams.
The best bowling average this year was gained by J. Martin.
Representative honours were won by MacDonald, Martin and Totty. We congratulate all of them.
School v. Napier Boys’ High School. – This was played at Napier in the third term, 1946. The weather was ideal and the pitch in good condition though there were slight cracks showing. Napier batted first and scored 125. Bowling for School, Blewden took 5 for 13. In their second innings Napier compiled 181 (G. Martin 3 for 24, J. Martin 2 for 19). School in their first innings made 79 (B. Murdoch 26). School again failed to equal Napier’s score in the second inning, making 123. J. Martin scored 45 not out, MacDonald 16. This was an outright loss for School by 104 runs.
v. Havelock – School opened the season with an outright win over Havelock. School made 139 (Murdoch 39, G. Martin 35, MacDonald 31).
Havelock made 29 and 47. The best bowling was that of G. Martin 3 for 16, Blewden 5 for 20.
v. St Johns – School lost this match by 61 run on the first innings. School made 45. St Johns made 112 (G. Martin 3 for 20, Blewden 3 for 24).
v. Midland – School made 46. (G. Martin 26) Midland made 70. Walmsley 4 for 28, Martin 2 for 7). School batted again and made 62 (MacDonald 23, Martin 16). Stumps were drawn and School lost on the first innings.
v. Whakatu-Mahora – School won by 12 runs on the 1st innings. Whakatu-Mahora batted first and made 88. Bowling for School, MacDonald 4 for 25, Totty 4 for 20. School replied with 100 (J. Martin 20, Sivewright 16). Whakatu-Mahora were 5 down for 23 at stumps (Martin 2 for 7, MacDonald 2 for 9).
v. Hastings – School batted and made 28. Hastings scored 88 (J. Martin 5 for 30, Totty 3 for 24). School were 4 down for 53 at stumps. First innings loss for School.
v. St Johns – School batted and made 114 for 8 wickets declared (D. Yule 31, Baker 21). St John’s made 20 (MacDonald 8 for 9), and 30, (Totty 3 for 13, Baker 5 for 14). An outright win for School.
v. Midland – School batted and made 183 for 7 wickets declared (MacDonald 72 not out, Yule G., 32) Midland made 71 (MacDonald 7 for 21, Baker 2 for 6). Stumps were drawn during Midland’s second innings. A first innings win for School.
v. Havelock North – School had an outright win. Havelock made 40 in their first innings (MacDonald 5 for 13, Murdoch 4 for 16). School made 142 (D. Yule 46, G. Martin 20, MacDonald 19). Havelock North made 65 in their second innings (Martin 6 for 12).
No. of innings Highest score Times not out Total no. of runs Av.
G. Martin 8 35 1 157 22.4
K. Baker 8 49 2 107 16.9
I MacDonald 16 72* 1 191 12.7
J. Martin 18 45* 5 163 12.5
B. Murdoch 7 39 – 86 12.2
D. Yule 11 46 – 120 10.9
G. Yule 9 32 – 83 9.2
C. Spence 13 42 – 109 8.3
L. Totty 10 26* 1 74 8.2
R. Sivewright 12 18* 1 88 8.0
R. Blewden 14 14 3 79 7.1
J. Reid 6 18 1 37 6.1
S. Walmsley 8 7* 4 22 5.5
T. Robertson 4 7* 1 9 3.0
S. Woon 7 11 – 18 2.5
M. Sim 4 5 – 10 2.5
T. Ritchie 7 9 – 19 2.5
*Not out.
Overs Maidens Runs Wickets Av.
R. Blewden 81 26 124 29 4.9
I. MacDonald 129 37 261 50 5.1
B. Murdoch 35 8 54 10 5.4
J. Martin 104 25 224 38 5.5
K. Baker 17 3 47 8 5.9
L. Totty 39 7 120 17 7.1
G. Martin 50 6 152 15 10.2
S. Walmsley 51 9 170 16 10.6
During the past season tennis has again proved most popular. With the acquisition of five new tennis nets, and the improved condition of the grass courts, the general standard of tennis throughout the School has improved.
Last year’s championships were keenly contested by a large number of entrants. In the final of the Singles Championship R. Blewden (Purple) defeated J. B. Jones (Purple) after an exciting match 6-5, 6-2. In the doubles, L. Jones and R. Blewden defeated B. Murdoch and B. Barton 6-3, 4-6, 6-2, after a hard fought game.
Last year our tennis team gained a well-earned victory over Napier Boys’ High School, and it is to be hoped that in the forthcoming season more inter-school or competitive games will be played.
Once again the match between a team of Old Boys and the School on Parents’ and Old Pupils’ Day proved a great success, and some very enjoyable games were played. Old Boys’ lost the day by seven matches to two.
The results are as follows, the School players being mentioned first: –
R. Blewden lost to I. Thom 5-9, L. Jones beat M. Cameron 6-4, B. Jones beat T. D. Sturm 6-5, J. Joll lost to G. Will 3-6, B. Murdock beat G. Apperly 6-2, I. Macdonald beat R. Jones 6-5, E. Welch beat D. Warren 9-1.
R. Blewden and L. Jones lost to I. Thom and T. D. Sturm 4-9, B. Jones and J. Joll beat M. Cameron and Sturm 6-3, B. Murdoch and I. Macdonald beat D. Warren and Apperly 9-0.
In conclusion we should like to thank Mr. Aitken and Mr. Alexander for the unflagging interest they have shown in our tennis, and also Mr. Russell, for the constant attention he has given our courts.
(I.C.J. AND J.B.J.)
The Annual Swimming Sports were held in the Maddison Baths on the 27th February. Although the day was sunny, there was a cold wind blowing, which was unpleasant for the competitors, but which did not discourage the large crowd of spectators. There was keen competition in all events and Green House emerged the winners with 73 points. Purple followed with 69 points and Blue was third with 45 points. We tactfully stop at this point.
We wish to thank Miss T. Eves, who judged the diving, and Mr. Atkinson, who once again so efficiently organized and conducted the sports.
The Senior Championship was won by Sivewright, of Purple House, with 33 points, the runner-up being K. Baker (Green) with 17 points.
The Junior Championship was won by R. Baker (Green) with 19 points and Mossman (Purple) was runner-up with 18 points. A close competition.
The House Relay was quite up to the standards of other years, Blue winning from Green.
This year one record was equalled and one broken.
25 yards Senior Breaststroke – B. H. Murdoch equalled his own record of 16 1-5secs., 1946.
25 yards Senior Backstroke – I. C. Jack, 17secs, broke his own record of 17 3-5secs., 1943.
The detailed results are as follows: –
25 Yards Senior – First heat: K. Baker (Gr) 1, Firth (P) 2, Macdonald (Go) 3. Time, 13 4-5secs. Second Heat: Bradshaw (Gr) 1, Sivewright (P) 2, Pryor (Go) 3. Time, 13 secs. Final: Sivewright (P) 1, K. Baker (Gr) 2, Bradshaw (Gr) 3. Time 13 4-5secs.
25 Yards Junior – First heat: Southon (B) 1, Arrell (Gr) 2, R. Jones (P) 3. Time, 15 1-5secs. Second heat: Mossman (P) 1, R. Baker (Gr) 2, Kay (B) 3. Time, 14 4-5secs. Final: Mossman (P) 1, R. Baker (Gr) 2, Southon (B) 3. Time, 14 4-5 secs.
50 Yards Senior – First heat: K. Baker (Gr) 1, Parkes (Gr) 2, Firth (P) 3. Time, 32 1-5secs. Second heat: Sivewright (P) 1, Pryor (Go) 2, Bradshaw (Gr) 3. Time, 32 1-5secs. Final: Sivewright (P) 1, K. Baker (Gr) 2, Pryor (Go) 3. Time, 31secs.
50 Yards Junior – First heat: Mossman (P) 1, Arrell (Gr) 2, Huddleston (Go) 3. Time, 32 3-5secs. Second heat: R. Baker (Gr) 1, Sutherland (P) 2, Tolley (Go) 3. Time, 35 secs. Final: Mossman (P) 1, R. Baker (Gr) 2, Tolley (Go) 3.
75 Yards Senior – Sivewright (P) 1, K. Baker (GR) 2, Parkes (Gr) 3.
75 Yards Junior- R. Baker (Gr) 1, Mossman (P) 2, Southon (B) 3. Time, 54secs.
100 Yards Senior – K. Baker (Gr) 1, Sivewright (P) 2, Mackay (Go) 3. Time, 69 1-5secs.
220 Yards Senior – Sivewright (P) 1, K. Baker (Gr) 2, Parkes (Gr) 3, Time, 2.55 1-5secs.
220 Yards Junior – Mossman (P) 1, R. Baker (Gr) 2, Tolley (Go) 3. Time, 3.19 1-5secs.
25 Yards Junior Breaststroke- First heat: Murdoch 1, Comrie 2, Carrington 3, Time 16 1-5secs. (equalled record). Second heat: Frater 1, Jones 2, Dobson 3. Time 16 4-5secs. Final: Murdoch (B) 1, Frater (Gr) 2, Comrie (Go) 3. Time 16 3-5secs.
25 Yards Junior Breaststroke-First heat: Smith 1, Jones 2, Hodgkinson 3. Time, 21 4-5secs. Second heat: Kay 1, Thomas 2, Wilson 3, Time, 21 4-5secs. Final: R. Jones (P) 1, Smith (B) 2, Kay (B) 3. Time, 21 secs.
25 Yards Senior Backstroke – First heat: Jack (Gr) 1, Perry (B) 2, Jones (P) 3. Time 17secs. (a record). Second heat: Mackay (Go) 1. Sivewright (P) 2, Blewden (P) 3. Final: Sivewright (P) 1, Jack (Gr) 2, Perry (B) 3. Time, 17 1-5secs.
25 Yards junior Backstroke – Sutherland (P) 1, Arrell (Gr) 2, Heaps (GR) 3. Time 20 3-5secs.
Senior Diving – Sivewright (P) 1, McDonald (Go) 2, Totty (B) 3.
Junior Diving – R. Baker (Gr) 1, Arrell (Gr) 2, Milne (Go) 3.
25 Yards Senior – H. Cameron (Gr) 2, Bennett (Go) 2, Chapman (B) 3.
25 Yards Junior – Sullivan (Gr) 1, Dillon (B) 2, Tolley (Go) 3.
50 Yards Senior – H. Cameron (Gr) 1, Huddleston (B) 2, Chapman (B) 3.
50 Yards Junior – Southon (B) 1, Thomas (B) 2, Robinson (B) 3.
Pyjama Race – Crisp (P) 1, Baker (Go) 2, Pierce (P) 3.
House Relay – Blue 1, Green 2, Purple 3.
House Championship – Green 73 points 1, Purple 69 points 2, Blue 45 points 3.
25 Yards Junior – 13 1-5secs., A. McDougall, 1930: S. J. Fergusson, 1942.
25 Yards Senior – 12 1-5 secs., W. Beckett, 1942.
50 yards Junior – 30 secs., S. J. Fergusson, 1942.
50 Yards Senior – 28 1-5secs., C. N. Eves, 1936; E. McCracken, 1641; W. Beckett, 1942.
75 Yards Junior – 48 3-5 secs., S. J. Fergusson, 1942.
75 Yards Senior – 46 2-5secs., W. Beckett, 1942.
100 Yards Senior – 66 secs., T. M. de Denne, 1934.
220 Yards Junior – 3 mins. 10 1-5 secs., S. J. Fergusson, 1942.
220 Yards Senior – 2 mins. 49 4-5 secs. E. McCracken, 1941.
25 Yards Junior Breaststroke – 18 1-5 secs., K. Frater, 1946.
25 Yards Senior Breaststroke – 16 1-5 secs., B. H. Murdoch, 1946, 1947.
25 Yards Senior Backstroke – 17secs. I. C. Jack, 1947.
(T.J.R. and B.A.W.)
We gather from the file of “Heretaungans” that the previous 25 Athletic Sports were completely successful. The 26th meeting was no exception, being conducted smoothly and efficiently in all departments. The weather, the deciding factor in all athletic sports, was kind to us, the day being fine and calm, and this good fortune, together with the first-class condition of the grounds, made the day a most enjoyable one for all concerned.
Our thanks go to all those who assisted to make the sports the success they were. The School was also very pleased to see such a large number of Old Pupils among the many visitors.
As usual, the inter-house relay was the most exciting event of the day, resulting in a win for Gold House. Purple were second, and Blue third.
Gold also won the Boys’ House Championship, with 115 points. Blue was second with 74 points and Purple and Green gained 65 points and 53 points respectively.
The aggregate points were: –
Gold 233
Purple 209
Green 112
Blue 107
The Senior Championship was won by B. A. Wallace (Blue House) with 19 points, followed by T. J. Robertson (Purple) with 15 points.
D. Dagg (Gold) was Intermediate Champion with 20 points, runner-up being R. Le Geyt (Purple) with 11 points.
The Junior Championship went to R. Thomas (Gold) with 20 points; N. Glass (Green) was runner-up with 14 points.
The following records were broken during the sports: –
Intermediate – Mile: R. Le Geyt, 4 min. 59 4-5 secs., broke record of 5 min., C. D. Goldstone, 1941.
880 Yards: R. Le Geyt, 2 min. 17 secs. Broke the record of 2 min. 17 3-5 secs., C. D. Goldstone, 1941
High Jump: R. Blewden 4ft. 11ins., broke the record of 4ft. 10ins., I. Thompson 1933 and W. Beckett 1941.
Following are the results :-
School 880 yards – Gold 1, Blue 2, Green 3.
House Relay – Gold 1, Purple 2, Blue 3.
Throwing the Cricket Ball – Cooper (B) 1, Macdonald (Go) 2, Martin (Go) 3. Distance, 101 yds.
Long Jump, Junior- Glass (Gr) 1, Read (Gr) 2, Thomas (Go) 3. Distance 15ft. 3¼ins.
Long Jump, Intermediate- Watson (B) 1, Hangar (P) 2, Hawkes (Gr) 3. Distance, 17ft. ¾ins.
Long Jump, Senior – Stewart (Go) 1, Tuohy (Go) 2, Robertson (P) 3. Distance, 18ft. 4ins.
Hop, Step and Jump, Junior – Read (Gr) 1, Glass (Gr) 2, Lay (P) 3. Distance, 30ft. 9½ins.
Hop, Step and Jump, Intermediate- Watson (B) 1, Botherway (Go) 2, Walford (B) 3. Distance 33ft. 11½ ins.
Hop, Step and Jump, Senior – Jenkinson (Go) 1, Robertson (P) 2, Tuohy (Go) 3. Distance, 36 ft. 9½ ins.
High Jump, Junior – Scott (P) 1, Thomas (Go) 2, Trask (Gr) 3. Height, 4ft. 2½ ins.
High Jump, Intermediate – Blewden (P) 1, Conway (Gr) 2, Newton (B) 3. Height, 4ft. 11ins (a record)
High Jump, Senior – Tomlins (Gr) 1, Stewart (Go) 2, Chapman (B) 3. Height, 4 ft. 10 ins.
100 Yards Junior – Thomas (Go) 1, Glass (Gr) 2, Clapperton (B) 3. Time, 12 3-5 secs.
100 Yards Intermediate – Dagg (Go) 1, Conway (Gr) 2, Shepard (Go) 3. Time, 11 3-5 secs.
100 Yards Senior – Robertson (P) 1, Macdonald (Go) 2, Wallace (B) 3. Time, 10 3-5 secs.
220 Yards Junior – First heat: Thomas (Go) 1, Bowen (Gr) 2, Glass (Gr) 3. Time, 28 2-5secs. Second heat: Clapperton (B) 1, Small (P) 2, Brain (GR) 3. Time, 28 2-5 secs. Final: Clapperton (B) 1, Thomas (Go) 2, Small (P) 3. Time, 28 1-5 secs.
220 Yards Intermediate – First heat: Dagg (Go) 1, Conway (Gr) 2, Piniaha (Gr) 3. Time, 25 secs. Second heat: Walford (B) 1, Payne (B) 2, Morgan (P) 3. Time, 26 1-5secs. Final: Dagg (Go) 1, Walford (B) 2, Conway (Gr) 3. Time, 25 3-5 secs.
220 yards Senior – First heat: MacDonald (Go) 1, Stewart (Go) 2, Tuohy (Go) 3. Time, 25 secs. Second heat: Wallace (B) 1, Robertson (P) 2, McCutcheon (B) 3. Time, 24 2-5secs. Final: Robertson (P) 1, Wallace (B) [2], Macdonald (Go) 3. Time, 24 secs.
440 yards Junior – Clapperton (B) 1, Bowen (Gr) 2, Thomas (Go) 3. Time, 65 3-5secs.
440 Yards Intermediate – Dagg (Go) 1, Firth (P) 2, R. Le Geyt (P) 3. Time, 60 1-5secs.
440 Yards Senior – Wallace (B) 1, MacDonald (Go) 2, Robertson (P) 3. Time, 57-3-5secs.
880 Yards Junior – Petherick (P) 1, Thomas (Go) 2, Bowen (Gr) 3. Time, 2 min. 34 3-5secs.
880 Yards Intermediate – Le Geyt (P) 1, Firth (P) 2, Smith (B) 3. Time, 2mins. 17 secs. (a record)
880 Yards Senior – Wallace (B) 1, Macdonald (Go) 2, Anthony (B) 3. Time, 2mins. 16 1-5secs.
One Mile Junior – Thomas (Go) 1, Rogers (B) 2, Milne (Gr) 3. Time, 5mins. 33 2-5 secs.
One Mile Intermediate – Le Geyt (P) 1, Smith (B) 2, Colvin (Gr) 3. Time, 4mins. 59 4-5 secs (a record)
One Mile Senior – Wallace (B) 1, Anthony (B) 2, Stewart (Go) 3. Time, 4mins. 58 4-5secs.
120 Yards Junior Hurdles: – First heat: Milne (Gr) 1, Second heat: Glass (Gr) 1, Third Heat: Clapperton (B) 1. Fastest second: Scott (P). Final- Milne (Gr) 1, Glass (Gr) 2, Scott (P) 3. Time, 19secs.
120 Yards Intermediate Hurdles – First heat: Dagg (Gr) 1. Second heat: Hawkes (Gr) 1. Third heat: Lay (-) 1. Fastest Second: Smith. Final: Dagg (Go) 1, Hawkes (Gr) 2, Smith (B) 3. Time, 18 1-5secs.
120 Yards Senior Hurdles – First heat: Jones (P) 1, Second heat: Stewart (Go) 1. Third heat: Jenkinson (Go) 1, Fasted second: Wallace (B). Final: Jones (P) 1, Stewart (Go) 2, Jenkinson (Go) 3. Time, 16 3-5secs.
100 Yards Senior – Stewart (Go) 1, Mackay 2, Jones (P) 3.
100 Yards Junior – Smillie 1, Josephs 2, Donaldson 3.
220 Yards Senior – Oliver (Go) 1, Anthony (B) 2, Baker 3.
220 Yards Junior – Nimon 1, Donaldson 2, Bainbridge 3.
440 Yards Senior – Hawkes (Gr) 1, Hodgson 2, Chudley 3.
440 Yards Junior – Gilmer 1, Brain 2, Bishop 3.
880 Yards Senior – Nielson 1, Cousens 2, Murdoch (B) 3.
880 Yards Junior – Brain 1, Orsborn 2, Collier 3.
120 Yards Hurdles Senior – Apatu 1, MacIntyre 2, Dobson 3.
120 Yards Hurdles Junior – Collier 1, Fulford 2, Rogers 3.
Long Jump, Senior – 19ft. 11ins., P. A. Graham 1925.
Long Jump, Intermediate – 17ft. 9ins., I. S. Macdonald 1946.
Long Jump, Junior – 16ft. 3ins., G. B. Thorpe, 1943.
Hop, Step and Jump, Senior – 40ft. 2 ins., P. H. Graham, 1926.
Hop, Step and Jump, Intermediate – 37ft. 7 ins., E. M. Christy 1943.
Hop, Step and Jump, Junior -33ft 7ins., P. Edwards, 1944.
High Jump, Senior – 5ft. 3ins., P. A. Graham 1927, C. T. Taaffe 1934.
High Jump, Intermediate – 4ft 11ins., R. J. Blewden 1947.
High Jump, Junior – 4ft 7½ins., P. Edwards 1944.
Throwing Cricket Ball – 105 yards 1ft. 8ins. N. G. O. Cooper, 1946.
120 Yards Hurdles, Senior – 16 secs., E. W. Howard, 1936.
120 Yards Hurdles Intermediate – 17 secs., G. B. Thorpe, 1944.
120 Yards Hurdles, Junior – 18 3-5 secs., K.A. Clarke, 1942.
100 Yards Senior – 10 2-5 secs., P. F. Sharpley 1932.
100 Yards Intermediate – 11 secs., K. Taylor,1940, J. G. Martin, 1945
100 Yards Junior – 11 4-5 secs., I. S. Macdonald 1945.
220 Yards, Senior – 23 3-5 secs., E. W. Howard 1936.
220 Yards, Intermediate – 24 4-5secs., J. G. Martin, 1945.
220 Yards, Junior – 27 4-5secs., A. Hay, 1941
440 Yards, Senior – 53 3-5secs., E. G. Apsey 1930.
440 Yards Intermediate – 58 3-5secs., J. G. Martin, 1945.
440 Yards, Intermediate – 58 3-5secs., J. G. Martin, 1945.
440 Yards, Junior – 64 1-5secs., J. P. Firth 1946.
880 Yards, Senior – 2mins., 5 2-5secs., K. N. Le Comte 1946.
880 Yards, Intermediate – 2mins. 17 3-5secs., R. Le Geyt, 1947.
880 Yards, Junior – 2mins. 27 4-5secs., K. W. Turnbull 1941.
One Mile Senior – 4mins. 54 2-5secs., A. G. Soppit, 1939.
One Mile Intermediate – 4mins., 59 4 -5secs., R. Le Geyt 1947.
One Mile Junior – 5mins., 30secs., R. Le Geyt 1946.
The Steeplechase this year was held on Tuesday, September 30th, over the usual course of approximately five miles. Anthony was the winner of the Senior Championship and MacDonald was the winner of the Junior Championship. In the House Championship, Green House won by a comfortable margin.
At the entrance to the Racecourse, Anthony was in the lead, closely followed by Wallace and Smith, with Cooper, W., Jenkinson, Boyd and Comrie bringing up the rear of the leading bunch. Turning into Oliphant Road, the order remained the same, but going along that road the runners became more spread out, and the order of the leaders had changed slightly by the time Maraekakaho Road was reached. Anthony led the way down Maraekakaho Road from Smith, Wallace, Gardner, Cooper, Comrie and Tuohy. Anthony steadily increased his lead, and at the corner of Heathcote and Southland Roads he was some 150 yards ahead of Smith. There was another 80 yards back to Gardner and Cooper. Then came Tuohy and Comrie, 50 yards back. At Tollemache Road Anthony was 120 yards ahead of Smith, who was caught shortly afterwards by Cooper and Tuohy. Murdoch Road Corner saw Anthony 250 yards ahead of Smith and Tuohy together, with Cooper just behind.
At the School grounds Anthony came in with a clear 300 yards lead from Tuohy, who held second place, Cooper was 10 yards behind him in third place, and Smith finished a close fourth.
Senior Championship: – Anthony (B) 1, Tuohy (Go) 2, Cooper (B) 3.
Points gained were as follows: –
Anthony, R. 1st 30
Cooper 3rd 28
Smith 4th 27
Wallace 11th 20
Cooper 12th 19
McMurray 14th 17
Payne 17th 14
Brice 20th 11
Nielsen 23rd 8
Cousens 26th 5
Total 179
Tuohy 2nd 29
Comrie 6th 25
Boyd 7th 24
Tweedie 10th 21
Anthony, I. 15th 16
Spence 21st 10
Jenkinson 24th 7
Baker 25th 6
Warren 29th 2
Botherway 30th 1
Total 141
Russell 8th 23
Sim 9th 22
Elliott 13th 18
Conway 19th 12
Hawkes 22nd 9
Thompson 27th 4
Total 88
Gardner 5th 26
Corbin 16th 15
Jones 18th 13
Loach 28th 3
Total 57
Gilmer led the juniors into the Racecourse, closely followed by Clapperton, Bridges, Trask and Thomas. Turning into Maraekakaho Road Bridges moved up into first place, Gilmer having dropped back, and running with Clapperton and MacDonald. The rest of the field was well spread out. At the corner of Heathcote and Southland Roads Clapperton and MacDonald had taken the lead, with 20 yards back to Bridges and 120 yards to Thomas, Donaldson and Gilmer. The position of the first four runners was the same at the corner of Tollemarche Road and Railway Road. This order was maintained until the home stretch through the School grounds was reached, and here MacDonald in a good finish went away from Clapperton, to finish first by 20 yards. Bridges finished third, and Thomas supplanted Gilmer in fourth place.
Junior Championship: – MacDonald (Go) 1, Clapperton (B) 2, Bridges (B) 3.
Points gained were as follows: –
Donaldson 5th 41
Gilmer 6th 40
Trask 7th 39
Milne 8th 38
McNeilly 9th 37
Bowen 10th 36
Davis 13th 33
Myhill 17th 29
Sankey 20th 26
Hortop 22nd 24
Harvey 27th 19
Pettersen 33rd 13
Barker 35th 11
Dunn 37th 9
Reid 44th 2
Total 397
MacDonald 1st 45
Thomas 4th 42
Flack 15th 31
Liley 23rd 23
Clarke 24th 22
Collins 26th 20
Burns 29th 17
Sowersby 34th 12
Huddleston 36th 10
Total 222
Clapperton 2nd 44
Bridges 3rd 43
Glew 11th 35
Single 14th 32
Cochrane 16th 30
Rodgers 18th 28
Brown 25th 21
Brian 32nd 14
Grieg 39th 7
Robinson 40th 6
Hill 43rd 3
Southon 45th 1
Total 264
Campbell 12th 34
Brian 19th 27
Lay 21st 25
Potts 28th 18
Bishop 30th 16
Hunt 31st 15
Scarfe 38th 8
Cameron 41st 5
Pearce 42nd 4
Total 152
(N.G.O.C. and T.J.R.)
Once again football took place in our winter activities – approximately 150 boys taking part in Saturday competition games, and almost the whole School participating in Tuesday games.
This season proved comparatively successful for the First XV. The return of six old caps gave promise of a good team. This proved to be correct, for in Saturday games we held our own against older and heavier opponents, finishing runners-up to Old Boys Colts. In School games, however, we met with no success, being decisively defeated by Napier, and losing to Dannevirke and Gisborne in hard-fought games. Dannevirke had a narrow but well-merited victory over us.
Congratulations must go to Sturm, Zelcer, Baker, McCutcheon, Robertson and Cooper, all of whom gained Third Grade representative honours.
K. Baker is to be congratulated on being awarded the Old Boys’ Cup, presented to the most improved player during the season.
First XV caps this year were awarded to Cooper, Sturm, Robertson, Chapman, Tomlins, Wallace, Baker, Zelcer, Sivewright, McCutcheon, Adler, Quinlivan, Yule, Comrie, Jenkinson, Anthony and Stewart.
No serious casualties were suffered during the season.
Finally we should like to thank Mr. Craven for his capable coaching throughout the season. We sincerely thank our Dannevirke hosts, and also Napier for their cordial reception of our team. We also extend our thanks to those parents who so kindly billeted members of the Gisborne team during their visit, and also Miss Luke and the Sixth Form Girls for so successfully arranging receptions. And last but not least we thank those referees who controlled our inter-school games.
Games played 16; Won 11; Lost 4; Drawn 1; Points For 226; Against 84.
v. Napier B.H.S. – This game was played in Napier and resulted in a decisive win for our opponents. Little can be said of the game except that Napier, with their superior weight in the forward division, completely monopolized the ball throughout, and it was only occasionally that our backs handled the ball. What impressed us were the Napier forwards, very heavy and fast players, who could gain possession of the ball and then join up with their backs in passing rushes. The score, 25-3 was a true indication of the run of play, as in the final stages of the game Napier had it all their own way, repeatedly pressing home attacks over a very much lighter and very tired team. Our points came from a penalty goal by Cooper. Mr. Butler was referee.
Napier 25, School 3.
v. Gisborne H.S. – This game was played on our own grounds under ideal weather conditions. The game, except for the first quarter of an hour in the second spell was very even and hard fought. The back divisions of both teams were fairly even and hard fought. The back divisions of both teams were fairly even, with the honours going to Gisborne on account
Photo –
FIRST XV, 1947.
Back Row: R. L. Stewart, R. J. Comrie, T. D. Quinlivan, Mr. E. S. Craven (Coach), R. F. A. Anthony, B. E. Jenkinson. M. Tomlins.
Middle Row: N. Adler, B. A. Wallace, T. J. Robertson (vice-captain), N. G. O. Cooper, (capt.), R. M. Sturm, R. C. Chapman, C. McCutcheon.
Front Row: R. A. Sivewright, H. Zelcer, D. A. Yule, K. A. Baker.
of their determined play early in the second half. However, in the forwards Gisborne were definitely superior, and were the deciding factor. After leading 3-0 at the interval, Gisborne attacked vigorously after the resumption of the game, and ran up nine points in approximately 15 minutes. However, we rallied and were unlucky not to score on several occasions after lively exchanges. Scorers for Gisborne were Bignell (two tries), Stainton and Preston a try each.
Gisborne 12, School nil.
v. Dannevirke H.S. – In this game we were narrowly defeated after a hard game of fluctuating fortunes. The ground was in a slippery state after heavy rain, but the ball never became too greasy to handle. We opened the scoring with a particularly good blind-side move by Baker, our halfback. There was no further score in the first half, play ranging up and down the field. Dannevirke were gaining more than their share of the ball, but our defence was sound, and we exploited any mistake to the fullest degree. In the second spell we were attacking strongly when Boyd, Dannevirke breakaway, intercepted in his own 25 and raced almost 75 yards before being caught from behind by Cooper. However, from the resulting scrummage on our line Dannevirke scored and converted the try. We scored our second try when Cooper kicked through from the half-way and followed up fast to score near the posts. Baker converted. Dannevirke returned to the attack, and Potae picked up from a ruck and scored. With scores equal and only a short time to go, play became very bright, and Dannevirke, exploiting the quick-heel from a ruck, caught our defence napping and scored a well-deserved try. Mr. Setford refereed.
Dannevirke 11, School 8.
This year the 2nd XV played in the Fourth Grade competition, and finished the season one point ahead of Te Aute A. Though our forwards were usually lighter they played well, and the backs used their superior speed to advantage. The team settled down very early in the season and developed a very fine combination. We hope Mr. Fowler was satisfied with the team’s improvement, and that he was pleased with our performance. The team scored 341 points in the season, and we attribute our success to the efficient coaching we received.
The team this year consisted of: MacDonald (Capt.), Hawkes, (vice-capt.), Blewden, Tuohy, Apatu, Baker, Walford, Reid, Pineaha, Kay, Wilson, Shepperd, Anthony, Parkes, Gurran, McNab, Pryor, Sim, Cooper.
We played two school games both against Napier Boys’ High School. We lost the first game 9-0, and the second 21-5. We were outweighed in all departments but our backs were always dangerous. Several boys gained places in the Hastings representative team. Backs were Hawkes, MacDonald, Pineaha, Tuohy, Walford, Apatu. Kay was the only forward who played. Gurran, who was selected, injured his foot before the game.
We played two inter-School games, the first, a hard game against Waipawa D.H.S. 1st XV, which resulted in a draw 3-3. The team comprised: – Read, Baker H., Hawthorn, Thompson, Elliot, Collier, Baker R., Morgan, Botherway, Goldman, Libby R., Brice (capt), Jones, Nuku,
Libby T.
In the second game our opponents, Napier B.H.S. 3rd XV, were definitely superior in the first ten minutes of the game, scoring 13 points. Spurred on by this reverse, we rallied and finished the game two points ahead. The final score was Napier 13, School 15. Several alterations were made for this game, the team comprising Read, Chudley, Hawthorn, Thompson, Elliot, Collier, Baker R., Botherway, Morgan, Goldman, Kamau, Brice (capt.), Jones, Nuku, Libby T. Incidentally, we were the only team to defeat Napier in an inter-school game this year, thereby breaking Napier’s fine record.
We again entered the 5th Grade Competition. Against us we found Te Aute A, Te Aute B, St. John’s and Hastings. The end of the competition found us several points ahead, and for this result and our other successes, we feel that our thanks and grateful appreciation are due to Mr. Rockel, without whose able coaching we would have a much less formidable showing.
(For boys who are not in 1st. and 2nd XV’s).
First round.
Senior – Green 6, Gold 6, Blue 6, Purple 6.
Intermediate – Green 10, Purple 10, Blue 2, Gold 2.
Junior – Green 11, Gold 6, Purple 6, Blue 1.
Second Round.
Senior – Green 10, Blue 5, Gold 3, Purple 2.
Intermediate – Green 10, Purple 7, Blue 5, Gold 2.
Junior – Green 10, Blue 2, Purple 2, Gold 0.
Third Round.
Senior – Green 10, Gold 6, Blue 4, Purple 2.
Intermediate – Green 10, Blue 6, Purple 4, Gold 0.
Junior – Green 7, Purple 10, Blue 3, Gold 0.
Total: – Green 84, Purple 49, Blue 34, Green 25.
Blue proved to be definitely the best House, as the following results show: –
Senior – Blue 18, Green 12, Purple 6, Gold 0.
Intermediate – Blue 10, Purple 10, Gold 2, Green 0.
Junior – Blue 6, Green 3, Purple 2, Gold 1.
Blue 34, 1st, Purple 18, 2nd; Green 15, 3rd; Gold 3, 4th.
Although drill this year has often been interrupted by unfavourable weather, a regular system of training has been carried out. The Friday period has been devoted to weapon and infantry training, together with shooting. Concentration on foot-drill with the “rookies” has proved successful, and a
very evident improvement has been shown in their deportment. Thus the Battalion, while becoming proficient in weapon training, has also maintained a regular drill standard.
Barracks: – Once again the second week of school was devoted to military training. Unfortunately, bad weather during three of the four days, upset our curriculum somewhat, and we had to postpone all outside training. For the one fine day, however, we followed a circuit which compromised rifle training, Bren L.M.G., infantry training, lectures and tabloid athletics. As in past years a selected number of N.C.O.’s were given special training from which they derived considerable benefit. We should like to thank those instructors whose assistance has been mainly responsible for making the Battalion what it is to-day. The following were with us during Barracks :- W.O. II Ogle, W.O. II Galloway, Staff-Sgt. McShane, Sgt. Brown, Sgt. Henry, Sgt. Humphries and Cpl. Bolton.
A number of Cadet N.C.O.’s who had attended a Cadet Course at Linton in January assisted the Instructors, who at the close of Barracks complimented them on their high standard of proficiency.
Organization: – With the Battalion further increased in strength, we have found it necessary to increase the numbers in each platoon. A. Coy remains the same as last year, and consists of four platoons made up of senior school. B. Coy has four platoons of first year boys.
Instruction: – Unfortunately, N.C.O. classes this year have not been possible. We hope, however, that they will be continued in the near future. The cadets who have attended the course at Linton all benefited from their course, will be glad to hear that a similar course will be held next year.
Equipment: – Once again the Armoury has been maintained in excellent condition. The equipment has not increased since last year, and still consists of 100 Mark IV rifles, 9 Bren L.M.G. and 10 .22 S.M.L.E. rifles. Now that there is a surplus of war material we hope that our equipment will be further increased.
Brooke-Taylor Cup Competition: – Last year we again held the annual competition for the Brooke-Taylor Cup. The drill was of a very high standard, and we are grateful to Staff-Sgt. McShane and Cpl. Bolton, who acted as judges. The results are as follows: – 1st, No. 7 Platoon, Sgt. Ritchie; 2nd No. 1 Flight A.T.C., Sgt. Custance; 3rd No. 8 Platoon, Sgt. Mackay. Congratulations to Sgt. Ritchie, whose platoon consisted of first year boys.
In conclusion we should like to thank the officers, instructors and our own N.C.O.’s who have worked so hard to maintain the standard of the unit.
Although the A.T.C. has not regained its full strength since the conclusion of the war, it is still holding its own, with two flights under Sgts. Priest and Jenkinson.
Drill parades are held weekly, and Physical Culture is included.
We are awaiting a new programme of instruction from Headquarters, and then we shall know our peace-time role.
Two camps were held in the summer. An N.C.O. instruction course at Ohakea was attended by F/Sgts. Rawlinson, Oliver and Foster. A cadet camp was also held at Paraparaumu.
We warmly welcome Mr. Eade as a new officer to our Unit. Our thanks are due to F/Sgt. Humphrieys, R.N.Z.A.F. for his excellent instruction and the interest he takes in the welfare of our unit.
Shooting continues to be one of our main activities. During Barracks all cadets had at least one period of shooting, and the recruits, as well as the cadets, made good progress with aiming practice outside the range.
Since Barracks a rotation system has been in operation, 16 cadets going to the range each Friday.
We now have the use of 24 S.M.L.E. rifles, and contrary to the view of some of the cadets, they are all zeroed correctly. A new addition to the range equipment is a device for “snap” practices, which should be of great assistance to those shooting in the .303 practices.
After a postponement of a fortnight owing to bad weather, a practice shoot was held on 19th July. The actual trophy shoot was held in the following week-end. The scores returned were very good and go to show what even one practice can do. The team is to be congratulated on gaining second place in the Central Military District.
Details (possible 80). –
500yds Appln. 500-100 F/M. Rapid Snap Total
Cpl. C. McLanachan 13 20 18 20 71
Sgt. H. Mackay 16 18 14 16 64
Sgt. B. Perry 16 14 16 16 62
Cadet W. Crombie 11 16 13 20 60
Owing to the rain on the previous Saturday the Classification shoot was not held until October 18th. In the morning all cadets of 17 years and over shot their Classification Practices, and in the afternoon they all had Bren Shooting. The two Coleman Shield teams had a practice on the 200 yards range.
The Company Cup was won by Perry, who had a lead of two points from his nearest rival, McLanachan.
The four practices were: –
1 Grouping at 100yds, possible 25.
2 Application at 200yds, possible 25.
3 Snap shooting at 200yds, possible 15.
4 Timed (60secs) at 200yds, possible 25.
The following were the best five scores: –
1 2 3 4 Total
Sgt. Perry, B. 20 24 12 24 80
Cpl. McLanachan, C. 25 19 12 22 78
Cdt. Macdonald, I. 20 22 12 22 76
Cpl. Brice, D. 20 22 9 22 73
Cdt. Jenkinson, B. 20 21 9 23 73
On 27th October two teams of cadets represented the School in the Coleman Shield shoot at Roy’s Hill. The previous Friday being a holiday, the two teams were out at Roy’s Hill bright and early for a practice on the 200 and 300 yards ranges. We take this opportunity of thanking Mr. Sim, Tuohy, and Quinlivan, who by supplying the transport made the practice possible, and also the officers who conducted the shoot.
There were nine secondary school teams competing for the Shield, from as far north as Gisborne and as far south as Dannevirke. Competition was keen, the winning team being Wairoa District High School, with a total of 1,036 points. Our A team was fourth with a total of 892 points.
Some of the team were successful in winning prize money, the most successful being Perry, who was third in the aggregate, two points behind the winner.
No. 1 Practice was Application at 200yds (possible 25). No. 2 Snap at 200yds (possible 50). No. 3 Rapid (45secs) at 200yds (possible 50). No. 4 Application at 300yds (possible 50). No. 5 Rapid at 33yds (possible 50).
The following are the scores of the two teams: –
A. Team
1 2 3 4 5 Total
Sgt. Perry, B. 23 38 45 24 41 171
Cdt. Macdonald, I. 25 27 42 16 32 142
Cpl. Apatu, R. 19 36 39 10 22 126
Cpl. McLanachan, C. 21 12 39 19 34 125
Sgt. Sim, M. 23 21 31 19 30 124
Cpl. Quinlivan, D. 18 0 39 15 30 102
Sgt. Mackay, H 21 29 36 3 13 102
Total 892
B. Team.
1 2 3 4 5 Total
Cdt. Jenkinson, B. 22 36 30 20 25 133
Sgt. Tuohy, B. 22 32 34 11 30 129
Cdt. Crombie, W. 23 8 36 17 22 106
Cpl. Hawkes, D. 23 32 8 22 20 105
W.O. I. Sturm, R. 15 17 23 16 31 102
Cdt. Carrington, F. 20 0 35 15 28 98
Cpl. Brice, D. 22 5 25 18 18 88
Total 761
The team comprised ten cadets under 17 years of age. The shoot was held under perfect conditions, some good scores being returned. The team’s average was 75, of a possible 100.
Detailed results are as follows: –
Application Rapid Total
Cpl. Quinlivan, D. 44 42 86
Cdt. Macdonald, I. 22 43 85
Cdt. Crombie, W. 36 47 83
Sgt. Sim, M. 40 42 82
Cdt. Carrington, F. 40 42 82
Sgt. Tuohy, B. 36 43 79
Cpl. McLanachan, C. 38 40 78
Cdt. Thompson, D. 27 33 60
Cdt. Payne, C. 29 31 60
Cdt. Duthie, J. 28 27 55
In conclusion we should like to thank Lieut. Wilde, who has given so much of his time in coaching us, and also Mr. Eade, who has assisted him during recent months. We also thank the range n.c.o.’s, and the sub-area staff for their assistance.
(R.H.M., B.J.P.)
With the arrival of Mr. Fallwell, this year physical training has been introduced into the boys’ side of the School.
There were some doubts as to what P.T. would be like, but these were soon dispelled, and enthusiasm is so high that the boys are asking for extra periods.
Mr. Smithells, Director of Physical Education, visited us at the beginning of the third term, and his instruction in the
art of volley-ball has aroused keen interest. Special courts are set out in the play area, and these are always in use.
We are looking forward to some coaching in athletics and swimming during the coming season.
Under the leadership of Mr. J. C. Henderson, our group has spent a very successful and profitable year. The membership has increased to 16, with an average attendance of eight.
The weekly meetings of the Union, held each Tuesday lunch-time, continue to be our main activity. On several occasions we have been addressed by visiting speakers.
Two memorable “squashes” were held this year, one of which was combined with the Girls’ Union. Another meeting with the girls was that held to meet Miss McGregor and Dr. V. Martin. A very enjoyable evening was spent.
We say “thank you” to all those who helped to make these evenings so enjoyable. In the August holidays two of our members spent a very enjoyable week in camp. This camp was held in the Pohangina Valley in the Manawatu.
We express our thanks to Mr. J. C. Henderson for so ably leading our Union.
SWIMMING Green Purple
FOOTBALL Blue Purple
Choruses written by B. F. Tuohy for Shakespearian excerpts.
Hear me, for I will speak of ancient days,
When Caesar’s legions marched through Gaelic lands,
When Romans feared the power he had accrued
And struck him down upon the Ides of March.
Yet, ere his body had in death grown cold,
His slayers league had in dissension split.
Rash Cassius, of bribery accused
And Brutus, his accuser, now will play
Their parts again as in the days of yore
And live again their quarrel as before.
Now hist’ry is unveiled before our eyes,
And Time slips back and shows a Cardinal
Once favoured of the King but now reject,
Great Wolsey – now no longer powerful,
Despised, hated, and taunted bitterly
By lords and earls – faces his stricken age.
But one alone is faithful to him still,
And with devoted Cromwell’s loving aid,
He finds the solace of his passing life:
Spiritual content, surcease from strife.
We slip from London to Verona gay,
And feebleness gives place upon our stage
To love. But Juliet is a Capulet,
And Romeo a Montague, and these
Proud families have long been kept apart
By deadly enmity. But love, true love,
Can conquer opposition to its plan,
And overcome the most enforced ban.
Henry V, King Hal, as he was called,
Has conquered France and has subjected it
Beneath his domination. But his heart
Has fallen captive to the loveliness
Of Katherine, Princess of France. With fond,
Light words of love he now entreats her heart,
So that in life they ne’er should be apart.
The scene is set; the curtain draws, the Duke
Of Venice sits in judgment in the court.
Antonio the Merchant has been bound
To pay, if he could not redeem his debt,
A pound of flesh to Shylock, who, despised,
Reviled, browbeaten by the court, remains
Immovable to threats and prayers alike.
But have no fear, for old Bellario
Has sent Portia disguised as a man.
She saves his life, and Shylock leaves the court
Without the pound of flesh for which he fought.
The year is closing now,
The final year, a time of work.
We’ve tried to make the vow
Come true, to try, and not to shirk.
The year’s behind us now,
A chapter short, signed and sealed.
Our Life’s ship turns its prow
To sail those waters just revealed.
The year has served us now;
We’ll use the earned reward
To build our life and not allow
A stop, but all we can afford.
The year’s fulfilment now,
One journey ends, and one begins.
The chance has come to show them how
Knowledge triumphs, study wins.
The year’s accomplished now,
The course appointed has been run.
The Past to us its gifts endow,
May we complete the road begun.
OII. VIa Boys.
The waves climbed slowly o’er the glist’ning sands,
And lapped about the driftwood on the beach
That had been borne by sea from many lands,
And now lay once again within its reach.
A branch from some hot jungle stranded lay
Beside a log from some Pacific isle;
A board from some ships lifeboat far away,
All drifted there o’er many a heaving mile.
On what far distant shore will they be cast?
The world is wide, the ocean never still.
Are they to find a resting place at last,
Or shall the sea retain them at its will?
The sea more mighty than all human hand.
Forever ebbs and flows upon the sand.
K. C. Vb Girls.
Blue sky outside, sun warm,
Sun warm and hot on gleaming hair.
Mind wanders. “Hic laborandum est”
Root of all success. Reflect. Ahead of me,
Hand ploughs through dark hair,
Can’t concentrate. Brain tired, sun warm,
Sun warm and hot on bended heads.
Gowned figure’s eyes preoccupied
Leaves green on trees outside.
Drowsy. Brain tired. Those men that died
Once sat here. Cruel. Why?
Promise blasted, bud never bloomed
Sun warm, sun warm and hot.
Desert rats. Sun warm, sun warm and hot.
Sun burned. Dogged they took a lot,
Swallowed dust, plodded on. Sun warm,
Sun warm and hot
Oh curse the sun.
Wind sways trees, laves leaves with coolness
Why die? Why live? Life sweet.
Ae. VIb Girls.
The leaves
Have changed their former green for a warmer and more vivid hue.
They are live flames now and every twig and bough is coloured
With them. Brown and red, amber flecked with russet
And the rich warm gold of a glowing peach
Or a chrysanthemum.
In spring we heralded the thing so young and green
That touched each one. Now, their span nearly run,
They attain true glory, like the golden triumph of a happy life.
Spring was charming but too youthful to know great Truths.
Maturer autumn brings the truthful side of life
Nearer to us. All things must end.
Even the one red leaf, the last of its clan,
That dances as often as dance it can,
Must leave off dancing
Soon or late, and follow Fate to another
Less transient world.
N.E.B. VIa.
They were like us – Young, spirited and strong;
Filled with the joys of living and of life.
They sipped not of that cup they loved for long.
Oppression came, and war with all its strife.
“Twas for a love of home and land they went;
They knew it right to fight ‘gainst tyranny.
Toward the goal of freedom they were bent.
They cared not what the cost of it might be.
That freedom came to us with crimson soiled.
A heritage stained dark with blood and sweat.
Achieved was the goal for which they toiled.
True Valour! We must never them forget.
Sleep on, oh mighty dead – amidst decay.
Our thoughts are with thee on Anzac Day.
M.B. Vb Girls
I dreamed last night the strangest dream; it folded back the years.
I walked beneath an archway, and my eyes were filled with tears.
For lo, there stood a building that my childhood days recall,
Outstanding ‘gainst the western sky, the School Assembly Hall.
The open door was standing wide, as if it welcomed me,
And I entered soft that sacred place, in fear my dream would flee.
There seated right before me, with sad, unseeing eyes,
Were those who to the War had gone, and died to save our lives.
Each room and passage has echoed with the stamp of their tireless feet,
And there’s not an inch of playground that’s not been their retreat.
But now they sat silent before me, and the ghostly light revealed
The sorrow in their faces, and the scars of the battlefield.
Some were lame and wounded, some could not see the day;
I too felt the pain of their wounds as I seemed to hear them say,
“We went cheerfully to battle, but we were all too young to die,
In Freedom’s name we took up the gage, and kept clouds of war from your sky.”
I waited a moment, troubled, and of one accord they rose
And sang that stirring hearty song that every one of us knows,
“The Huia black and the scarlet band;” then the glorious picture broke.
The ghostly vision was swept away, and trembling I awoke.
They did not seek a glorious fame when they went to join the strife:
I can still see them hurrying on the road that leads to Life.
They clearly heard the battle call, books scarcely laid aside,
And ere their life had scarce begun, they had fought and won and died.
We remember the words of our stirring song in all our triumphs and joys;
And though the years must pass away, they’ll always be our boys.
V.W.D. Va Girls.
Take me back to the plains of New Zealand,
For the years are drifting by;
Take me back to the plains of my homeland
Just once more before I die.
Take me back across the Oceans,
Let me see the Southern Sun;
Let me see again my Homeland,
Let my exile soon be done.
Send me back through realms of ether
Take me there from lands afar;
Take me o’er that space of water
To that land of the Southern Star.
Let me see again my homeland
Let me see that sunny morn,
Hills and vales of old New Zealand,
That dear land where I was born.
S.P.Q.R. Va Boys.
I looked through years but yesterday, my son,
And saw a vision of that School where I
So many years ago did go to learn
Those gentle arts, though time has flown by,
I never have forgot nor ever will.
The old School; years of happiness that ne’er
Again shall be. The Huia, shining red;
I see it still, the symbol of the School.
In southern lands where I was wont roam.
I see her still, the cradle of an age;
An age in which the pen alone is great,
Where men will wield the pen and not the sword,
Preserve us from the fear of horrid war.
And keep the nations of the world at peace.
Remember well, my son, that Maori call,
Which men far greater heard in former years,
And marched in triumph through those darkest days
When that dread spectre war was in our lands.
Remember, too those valiant ones who gave
Their lives that we might live to carry on
The glorious traditions of our race,
That ever will persist and grow in strength.
As long as e’er the Sun shall rise and set.
Take heed. Before you hold the sacred word,
A goal to reach when you life’s journey take.
“Akina!” Forward, onward, upward go,
And then your life will be the proof, my son.
Valthor Va Boys.
Falling, falling, falling over the cliff. My nerves twitch, I am awake. The clock in the tower strikes, one, two, three, four o’clock. I stir, rub my eyes, and startled, look about me.
The room is dark, except for a silver beam. It is silent save for the breathing of my kindred. I look at the shadows, some great, some small. They are trees, bushes and plants; forming many fantastic shapes. But wait, what’s this? Why, ‘tis a white lily, reflecting the moon’s bright rays, and likened unto a shining metal. Hark! I hear a sound, perhaps my imagination. No, there it is again. Ah, the music of the breeze, the rustling leaves and twigs falling, all in time, as though some unknown hand were playing, an unknown, unnatural melody.
Then a different scene before my eyes appears. The brightness of the moon, in all her splendour, her heralds the twinkling stars, her brethren, the planets. All are so bright, as if an unknown, supernatural being, had lighted the sky. Never before have I seen a moon so bright, as though it were a new polished sovereign from the mint. I study the background, the skies are like the deepest grey-blue.
The colour before my eyes gradually changes. Clouds, the purple heralds of day, gradually creep into my vision. Suddenly, as if some deity had stirred, a cloud, clothed in all the colours of the spectrum, comes and hides the moon. Immediately all the stars, except the slowly-fading morning star, vanish, as if some spiritual hand had turned out their light.
The sky slowly and gradually becomes lighter and lighter, the shadows of night disappear, the objects become more clear; all at once a brighter light fills the sky. The King of day hath come to regain his throne, and once more, for twelve hours to reign.
Never shall I forget this strange, immortal scene, which came by chance, or fate – who knows? – into my life, for ever to be remembered.
A.M. IVg Girls.
Suddenly finding myself back in the Elizabethan age and in a busy street, I repaired at once to the nearest clothes shop and changed my suit for more befitting the times, as I had become the victim of many jeers from the London citizens.
As I stood in front of the tailor’s mirror I presented a rather gaudy spectacle with silver-buckled shoes, blue stockings, blue pantaloons slashed with gold, an embroidered doublet and a blue cloak with gold lining. As a crowning glory I wore a blue hat with a beautiful gold feather.
I issued forth, dressed as any other moderately wealthy man of the times, but with an uneasy mind, for the tailor would not accept the money I offered him. His objection was that they were not coins at all, and pointing to one side of the coin he said:
“Ah! My fine fellow, look here? Whose head is this? And all this round the edge? Surely this is some date, but to be sure it must be before our Lord, for as I live this is the seventeenth century.”
I had tried to explain and to take the coins away from the old fellow, but he persisted in his examination, alternately biting the coins I had given him and muttering to himself, so that I was able to slip out the door and make off along the street.
I suddenly became conscious of someone talking close to my ear, and there was music somewhere, soft and distant, but becoming more distinct. Then something fell with a bang and a fire was leaping before me.
“My goodness! Did you hear about some fellow who gave a tailor false money for his suit and then made off?” she said. “Why! You’ve been asleep, and you haven’t heard a word. Just look at that! I was telling you about a man. . . ”
“Yes, yes, I heard every word,” I said to my wife, and picking up my book, turned the radio down and resumed my reading.
N.D. Va Girls.
The three following articles were contributed by Scouts who visited the International Jamboree.
While they were in England the Scouts of the New Zealand Contingent were given two lots of ten days’ leave, and during this time the boys scattered all over the British Isles. In my first leave I went to Hastings, which is a popular seaside resort, and which contains many places of interest, such as “The Conqueror’s Castle,” built about 1100 A. D. Also, of more modern fame, are St. Clement’s Caves, which are of sandstone formation, and which were used during the last war as air raid shelters. Just out of Hastings is “Battle Abbey,” where “1066” took place and “‘arold got it in the oiye.” [Harold got it in the eye]. Scattered through Sussex, in which county Hastings is, are many quaint old English villages, the best known being Rye, which has the world famous Mermaid Inn and Street.
Returning from our first leave we practiced marching for the parade at Buckingham Palace, where we, together with the other Empire contingents, were reviewed by the Royal Family.
On August 5th we crossed the “ditch” to attend the sixth world Jamboree. Arriving at the camp about 9 p.m., we queued-up for a meal, and began to pitch tents at midnight – the joys of camping. The next day was spent in tidying up the camp and building a palisade around it so that it would take the form of a Maori pa. We spent our free time in visiting the camps of the various countries, swapping souvenirs and learning new
scouting ideas. One day our patrol accompanied a French patrol on a hike over the hills behind the camp. From the top there was a marvellous view of the “Jam,” and it was then I realized for the first time the vastness of the camp. Very few of the scouts under canvas saw all the different camps.
After the “Jam” the contingent went out on its second term of leave. I first of all went to Jersey, which is rightly called the “Gem of the Isles”. All round the island are remains of the extensive German fortifications. I flew back to Southampton, which still shows the scars of its six years’ ordeal. My final visit was to Surrey, which is one of the most beautiful counties of England.
While we were in camp we [were] given leave on two days a week, and we spent this seeing the various points of interest in and about London. Difficulty was encountered at first with the underground, scouts more often than not being still on the platform when the train left, or on the wrong train.
The New Zealand Contingent was quite surprised by the amount of hospitality which was showered on them by the British public. Many offers of billets were forwarded to Headquarters, but because of the number of relatives and friends found in the Home Counties we were unable to take advantage of these generous offers.
Contrary to all reports and expectations the New Zealand Contingent did not starve.
C.B.M. VIb.
If a traveller wished to go to England to-day, he would scarcely be going on a pleasure trip, and so he would not be very particular which ship route he took. In pre-war years, however, this decision must have been a very difficult one for the would-be tourist to make. Innumerable pamphlets are obtainable from the shipping companies, but these usually give an exaggerated description of the pleasures of the ports-of-call. I propose to give an account of a voyage from New Zealand to England via the Panama Canal, and the return trip via the Suez Canal.
Leaving Wellington, your vessel strikes off in a north-easterly direction. Normally, the first stop would be at Panama, but sometimes, when there are passengers or goods to be delivered, the anchor is dropped off Pitcairn Island, famous for the part it played in “Mutiny on the Bounty.” Here the islanders come off the island in boats laden with oranges, bananas, and souvenirs. The islanders have a very good idea of the value of their goods, and nothing is bought very cheaply. In appearance the islanders closely resemble the Maoris, and their dress, though not of modern pattern, is very colourful. They speak English very well, as it is only to be expected, as they are descendants of English sailors.
The next stop after Pitcairn Island is Balboa, the port on the Pacific end of the Panama Canal. Panama City is only a few miles inland from Balboa, and here the passenger catches a glimpse of American life. In the native quarter of the city he learns a little of the American Negroes, and sees the conditions in which they live. Perhaps the most beautiful section of Panama City is the Spanish quarter, where the magnificent bungalows and beautiful gardens have to be seen to be believed. A few miles out of Panama City are the ruins of old Panama City, built by the Spaniards and sacked by Morgan. Adding a little colour to these dismal ruins are stalls bearing such curious inscriptions as “Coco-Cola” and “Pepsi-Cola.”
When the sight-seeing tour is over, the ship proceeds up that masterpiece of engineering, the Panama Canal. The popular opinion concerning the locks in the Panama Canal is that they are there for the purpose of raising or lowering the ships to suit the different levels of the two oceans. This is not so. Except for the tides, there is no difference at all in the levels of the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.
When work on the Panama Canal was commenced, it was found that there was a large natural valley situated in the piece of land through which the Canal now runs. It was thought that if this were filled with water, then ships could be raised to its level, sail through it, and then be lowered to the level of the sea. So they filled this valley, which is now known as Gatun Lake, and is the largest man-made lake in the world.
When the vessel finally leaves Christobel (the port at the Atlantic end of the Canal), she will probably make for Curacao, a popular re-fuelling island in the Dutch West Indies. The capital of Curacao is Willemstad, a very clean and modern city. Dutch is the chief language spoken, but quite a number of the population speak English, or perhaps I should say, American. The chief industry is, of course, oil-refining. The oil is brought to the island by tankers, but some is also pumped under the ocean from Aruba, a nearby island. At Willemstad it is very hard to get rid of the nauseating smell of crude oil. No doubt the citizens of Willemstad grow accustomed to it, but at first the smell is overpowering.
After leaving Curacao, some ships call at New York, but usually they go direct to England. It is worth remembering that when travelling by this route, the International date line is crossed a few days out of Wellington, and one has the unusual experience of having two days of the same date.
Leaving England on the return trip, the vessel rounds the coast of Spain into the Mediterranean, through which she steams until she arrives at Port Said, the Egyptian port at the northern entrance to the Suez Canal. At the entrance of the Canal there used to be a huge statue of M. de Lesseps, who constructed the canal. Unfortunately, this was destroyed by rioters on 12th September. As soon as the ship anchors, she is surrounded by colourful bumboats, manned by the natives, vulgarly known as “Wogs.” Among their wares are rugs, hand-bags, travelling bags, Egyptian wallets,
knives, truncheons, candy, and innumerable other articles, for all of which they ask a price about ten times too high. A typical bartering conversation goes as follows:-
Passenger: How much?
Wog: Six bob.
Passenger: Two bob.
Wog: Three bob.
Passenger: Two bob
Wog: Two and sixpence.
Passenger: Two bob.
Wog: O. K.
Then the Wog throws a line up to the passenger to which is attached a basket. The passenger pulls the basket up and puts his money in it. When the Wog has his money he places the article in the basket and the passenger pulls it up and throws the line back. This type of bartering goes on all day, until the ship is ready to leave. Then she steams through the Canal, which is about 97 miles long, with a width varying from 196 feet to 327 feet, according to the nature of the soil. At the southern end of the canal the ship anchors until she obtains the permission of the authorities to enter the Red Sea. Then follows an exceedingly hot and uncomfortable journey of about 1500 miles down to Aden, in the southern part of Arabia. This is a very dry, volcanic type of place, and is only important as a port of call for re-fuelling. There are no fresh water springs in Aden at all, and so all water has to be carried there. Aden was important during the war as an R.A.F. base, and a large aerodrome still operates. There is very little to be bought there, and very little to see.
Leaving Aden, the ship steams up the Gulf of Aden, towards India. The next stop varies, and we shall suppose the ship anchors at Colombo, the capital of Ceylon. This is a very clean city, and the natives are a better type than those at Port Said and Aden. The globe-trotter catches his first glimpse of rickshaws, those very comfortable little vehicles pulled by fleet-footed natives. Many Eastern souvenirs may be bought at Colombo. Very popular are the little ivory elephants. Tea, which is grown extensively in Ceylon, may be bought very cheaply.
The next stop is invariably at Australia, but the actual port depends on the cargo and the wants of the passengers. A popular stopping place is Freemantle, in Western Australia. A few miles up the Swan river from Freemantle, is the city of Perth, the capital of Western Australia. After leaving Perth, your vessel may call at Melbourne, Sydney, or some other port, or go direct to Wellington or Auckland.
Altogether, I think that the more pleasant trip is the one via Panama. The ship may not stop as often, but the ports she does call at are clean, interesting, and better from the point of view of private purchase.
G. McC. VI Boys.
During my stay in England I spent 10 days in Edinburgh. There is so much to be seen in the capital city of Scotland. From Arthur’s Seat, which overlooks the whole of Edinburgh, one can see the old castle, which dates back many centuries. The Royal Mile, which runs from the castle to Holyrood Palace, is full of interest. Walking down one passes such places as Saint Giles Cathedral, John Knox’s house and the “Heart of Midlothian.” The Floral Clock, which really works, and Scott’s Monument, are in the gardens in the centre of Edinburgh. While I was there the Royal Family were staying at Holyrood Palace, and I was afforded many glimpses of them.
I spent a day viewing the fleet assembled on the Clyde. Anchored there were the largest ships of the British Navy, and viewed from the aircraft carrier “Illustrious” it was a magnificent sight.
From Edinburgh I went to Stratford-on-Avon, where I saw Shakespeare’s birthplace and Ann Hathaway’s Cottage. In the afternoon I went to see the production of “Romeo and Juliet,” in the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre. In Stratford-on-Avon everything from cafes to garages is named after Shakespeare.
Torquay, in Devon, was the next stop and from there I saw Widdicombe, famous for Widdicombe Fair and “Tom Pearce and his grey mare.” Exeter and Exeter Cathedral were badly bombed during the war. I visited the River Dart with Dartmouth Naval College at its mouth one afternoon.
Kent’s Cavern, which has been excavated for prehistoric animal skeletons has a marvellous range of colours caused by different metals in the earth. Of all England, Devon was the nearest I saw to home, although there are hedges instead of fences.
On a trip through the Midlands I went through Coventry, which was bombed badly during the war. I stayed at a small coal-mining town near Birmingham for a few days and for the first night could not understand much of what they said, their accent being so broad.
Around London we saw much of interest such as Windsor Castle, Eton, Buckingham Palace, Tower Bridge. London is a big place and takes weeks of touring to see it all, but I am quite sure that we saw in weeks what the average tourist sees in months.
C. F. Goldie – prominent golfer.
Wedgewood – type of wood used for making “wedgie” shoes.
We gratefully acknowledge the following advance subscriptions to “The Heretaungan,” and commend the practice to other Old Pupils. The annual subscription, if paid in advance, is 2/-, including postage. Otherwise the price is 2/6 per copy: –
M. Cameron 1947-49
A. I. E. Jones 1947-54
E. A. Coxon 1947-51
H. H. Powdrell 1947
W. C. F. Leicester 1947
R. L. Harding 1947-53
G. A. Taylor 1947
R. E. Wattie 1947-53
W. G. Lowe 1947-48
H. A. H. Insull 1947
R. D. Timms 1947-48
H. Sheridan 1947
W. T. Chaplin 1947-48
H. M. Campbell 1947-49
D. G. Maney 1947-49
Gladys Symes 1947-50
E. A. Murley 1947-49
S. G. White 1947-49
V. T. Gunn 1947-50
N. O. Yorke 1947
T. G. S. Morrin 1947-49
L. W. D. Ball 1947-49
Brightie Gray 1947
T. C. Horton 1947-49
B. H. Wakelin 1947-50
R. Herbison 1947-50
E. McMullan 1947
J. J. O’Neill 1947-50
D. E. Rixon 1947-50
Sybil Laing 1947-50
A. C. M. Laing 1947-50
I. H. Kitt 1947-50
Zeta Hendry 1947-51
Mrs A.M. Williams 1947-51
Income and Expenditure Account.
To General Expenses 7 6 11
To Grant to Heretaungan 5 0 0
To Grant to Mrs. Smith for Materials Sale of Works 5 0 0
To Printer’s Blocks 1 7 6
18 14 5
To Surplus for year transferred to Accumulated Fund 19 12 10
£38 7 3
By Subscriptions: Current 6 7 6
Permanent 32 11 0
Less cost badges issued 4 9 1
34 9 5
By Interest recv’d P.O.S.B. 3 17 10
£38 7 3
Swimming Bath Fund.
To Cost of Supper to Tomoana Players (½-share) 1 15 11
To Cost of 2 Theatre seats for Best Ticket Sales. 5 8
2 1 7
To Expenses Annual Ball 82 5 2
To Balance carried forward 49 9 4
£133 16 1
By Sundry Donations 2 6 0
Surplus from Dance 8 3 7
Tomoana Players (half proceeds of Play) 41 1 4
Annual Ball receipts 67 5 3
C. B. Wilkinson (Raffle etc.) 14 19 11
82 5 2
£133 16 1
Balance Sheet as at 31st December, 1946.
Subs. Paid in Advance 4 0 0
Less cost of Badges issued 2 5 2
1 14 10
Grant to Heretaungan 5 0 0
Assembly Hall Furnishing Fund Provision to meet cost of Music Stool 18 0 0
Old Pupils War Memorial Fund. Transfer Balance Of War Purposes Fund 70 0 0
Swimming Bath Fund 49 9 4
Accumulated Funds:
Balance at 1st Jan. 1946 87 17 8
Add surplus of Income over Expenditure for year 19 12 10
107 10 6
£251 14 8
Cash in hand 1 1 0
Old Pupils’ War Memorial Fund 70 0 0
Assembly Hall Furnishing Fund 18 0 0
Swimming Bath Fund 49 9 4
P. O. Savings Bank 98 6 1
235 15 5
Blazer Badges 3 6 0
Metal Badges 14 3
Printers Metal Blocks 18 0
Wellington Brch. Loan A/c. 10 0 0
£251 14 8
Hastings. 14th March, 1946.
I. H. THOM, Hon. Auditor.
The President, Mr. C. B. Wilkinson, presided over an attendance of some 70 Old Pupils, who through the meeting showed a keen interest in the affairs of the School and the Association: –
Membership: The roll of members totalled 164, made up of two Life Members, 51 current, 32 advance and 79 permanent members. It is pleasing to note that more Old Pupils are availing themselves of the permanent membership at £1/1/-, their numbers having increased by 31 this year, as against 15 the previous year.
Mr. S. I. Jones is to be heartily congratulated on his election as a Life Member at the last Annual Meeting.
Finance: The financial position is shown to be very satisfactory, with a healthy growth of the Swimming Baths Fund. This Fund benefited by £41/1/4 as a result of the generous action of the Tomoana Players in making a donation of half the profits from their performance of “Private Secretary.” It is hoped that future Committees will explore every possible avenue to swell this fund to a really good figure.
Badges: The small supply received early in the year is almost exhausted and we are now awaiting delivery of a new order.
Social Function: The Annual Ball was re-instituted after having lapsed during the war years. We are pleased to recall that it was a definite social success, if not a financial one. However, the lessons learned will be of assistance in improving the financial aspect of future balls.
A small dance was held later in the season, in the Buffalo Hall, and proved an all round success. It was unfortunate that suitable dates could not be arranged to enable more of these functions to be held, and I trust the incoming committee will give this question early consideration.
Acknowledgements: Firstly my thanks are due to all the members of the committee who have assisted me during the past year. To the Honorary Secretaries, Miss P. Goldstone and Mr. K. Dane, my special thanks are due. Miss Goldstone is not seeking re-election and the loss will be a big one as she has done yeoman service for many years. Mr. Dane has had the burden of handling two jobs – those of Secretary and Treasurer and considering the high pressure of his normal work, his efforts on behalf of the Association are indeed appreciated. Both Vice-Presidents are retiring and not seeking re-election, and to Mrs. Armstrong especially, the Association is much indebted for her long and willing service. Special mention is due to Miss G. Symes, who is always a willing worker when some supper is required at any function. I thank also Mr. I. H. Thom, the Hon. Auditor, Messrs. Wilson,
Beuth and Wilson for the use of their office for meetings, the Press for its co-operation whenever required and last but not least, Mrs. T. A. Hill who once again proved a tower of strength as superintendent of the supper arrangements for the ball.
Following the adoption of the Report and Statement of Accounts, officers for the year were elected as follows: –
Patron: Mr. W. A. G. Penlington.
President: Mr. J. G. Seton.
Vice-Presidents: Miss G. Symes, Mr. W. McGavock.
Hon. Secretary: Mr. K. W. Dane.
Hon. Treasurer: Mr. T. D. Sturm.
Hon. Auditor: Mr. I. H. Thom.
Committee: Mrs. E. M. Smith, Misses V. Leicester, L. McNaughton, L. Mawson, J. Curline, Messrs. S. I. Jones, N. Herries, R. Brown, J. W. Drury, E. J. Garnett.
The newly-elected President then asked the Association’s patron to address the meeting. Mr. Penlington said it was always a pleasure to meet Old Pupils. “The School is not only those at present there, but also those who have passed through it. The aim of the School,” he said, “was to turn out successful human beings, and I have kept my eyes open to see how successful they have become.”
Mr. Penlington went on to say that the School was growing rapidly, and that the number of pupils now exceeded 590. New buildings are going up at the School, and the recently-completed cooking-room is said to be one of the best of its kind in New Zealand.
In reply to a question from the president, Mr. Jones said that when forwarding copies of “The Heretaungan” to Old Boys at present serving in the J-Force, he would see that they were accompanied with a card stating that they were from the Old Pupils’ Association.
In connection with the war memorial, Mr. Wilkinson said that there was £70 in hand and he suggested that a bronze plate, similar to the one for World War I., be made in honour of those Old Boys who had made the supreme sacrifice. Underneath the names engraved, on the suggestion of Mr. Penlington, will be the words: “Not easily to grow old, or fade beneath the dust of time.”
The question of recorders for Old Pupils’ pages of “The Heretaungan” was mentioned, and was left to the incoming executive.
In moving a hearty vote of thanks to the retiring officers, Mr. Jones said that Mr. C. B. Wilkinson had done much during
his year of office to revive interest in the affairs of the Association. Miss P. Goldstone had been a most efficient secretary for seven years, and the Association had been fortunate in having her services during the busy war years. The motion was carried by acclamation.
At the conclusion of the meeting supper was served by the Old Girls on the committee.
The Ball was the outstanding event of the Association’s activities, and was a marked success in every way. The Assembly Hall presented a most attractive scene, particularly during the presentation of the debutantes. We are indebted to the “H. B. Herald-Tribune” for the following account: –
Representatives of the Hastings High School Board of Governors and the High School Association, as well as many past pupils of the School and their friends, attended in large numbers the 1947 ball sponsored by the Old Pupils’ Association in the Hastings Assembly Hall. During the evening, the presentation of several debutantes was made to Mrs. Penlington, who was accompanied by Mr. W. A. G. Penlington, patron of the Association. Other members of the party seated on the stage were Mr. E. D. Anderson, representing the Board of Governors, and Mrs. Anderson, Mr. J. G. Seton, president of the Old Pupils’ Association, Miss G. Symes, vice-president, and members of the Staff. Apologies were received from the Mayor and Mayoress, Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Rainbow, the Hon. E. L. and Mrs. Cullen, Mr. G. E. G. Rogers, president of the High School Association, and Mrs. Rogers.
As a result of the function, the School Swimming Bath funds are expected to be considerably benefited.
The presentation of the white-clad debutantes by their escorts in formal dress was followed with interest, this being the first such occasion in the history of the Association. Mrs. T. Bell played background music for the ceremony, which was arranged by Miss Jean Ballantyne, the debutantes being as follows: – June Bainbridge, Shirley Beale, Lynette Castles, Betsy Cowan, Margaret Fail, Jacqueline Heighway, Marie McCormick, Pamela Mummery, Betty Treacher, Shirley Unwin, Joy Thear, and Patricia Miller.
School colours were carried out in tinges of red and blue floral and other decorations around the ballroom and on the stage, while the Akina banner was prominently displayed. Supper-room arrangements were vases of Iceland poppies and
bowls of mixed flowers on the long tables, the buffet supper preparations being the work of Mrs T. A. Hill and helpers. A particularly happy atmosphere prevailed among the dancers on the crowded floor. Music was played by Les. Henry’s Orchestra, Mr. Otto Jonson acting as M.C.
In July of this year Flight Lieutenant G. P. Tomlins, R.N.Z.A.F., was awarded the Belgian Croix de Guerre for distinguished service rendered in the liberation of Belgium from the enemy.
In March, Lieutenant John Redward, who has already been mentioned in dispatches for service with the Australians in Syria, was again mentioned for distinguished service while a prisoner of war in South Eastern and Eastern Asia from February 1942 until his liberation in August, 1945.
Wing Commander E. W. Tacon, D.S.O., D.F.C. and Bar, A.F.C., Captain of the King’s Flight, has been gazetted a Member of the Victorian Order for his services during the Royal Tour of South Africa.
The School heartily congratulates each of them.
The following Old Boys were invested at a public investiture held by His Excellency the Governor-General in Napier on the evening of October 21st, 1947: –
Military Cross.
Major T. G. S. Morrin.
Captain T. R. Tomoana.
Distinguished Flying Cross.
Flight Lieutenant K. G. Allington.
Flight Lieutenant E. C. W. Anderson.
Flight Lieutenant N. H. Bawden.
Flight Lieutenant A. W. Burge.
Flying Officer M. McL. Milne.
Pilot Officer A. N. Oliver.
Distinguished Service Cross.
Electrical Artificer H. B. Pitt, R.N.Z.N.
Military Medal.
Trooper W.C. Farquharson.
Sapper R. S. Natusch.
British Empire Medal.
Lieutenant K. R. D. Drummond.
The School congratulates them all most heartily.
We regret to report the death by accident of two Old Boys. Both were killed in October of this year.
Patrick George Land, the younger son of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Land, Havelock North, was at School 1938-40. Always interested in military work, he enlisted in the Territorials at an early age, and during the War he served first in the Pacific and then with the N.Z. Division in Italy until the cessation of hostilities. At the time of his death he was working as a farm cadet in the Gisborne district. His elder brother, Ian, was killed in England while serving with the R.N.Z.A.F.
Herbert Edward (“Buster”) Beatson, the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Beatson, Ohukia, Dannevirke, was at School 1929-31. After leaving School he was engaged in farming in the Hastings and Dannevirke districts, and his genial disposition won him many friends in both places.
On behalf of the School and Old Pupils we offer our deepest sympathy to the parents and relatives of both these old boys in their great and unexpected loss.
We regret also to report the untimely passing on November 18, of an Old Girl, Betty Anita King (nee Hodgkinson), the young wife of an old Boy, Ross King, and the mother of an infant son. The late Mrs. King and her husband had lived in the Gisborne district since the latter’s return from overseas service and her death, after a short illness, was a great shock to their many friends in Hastings.
The School offers its deep sympathy to her husband, her parents and her relatives.
A. C. Ritchie (1933-38), who until the end of last year was Registrar in the Neurosurgical Department of the Auckland Hospital, sailed in March for England. He is now in Sir Howard Florey’s laboratory in Oxford, where he will be doing two or three years’ work for a D. Phil. in pathology. We reciprocate the greetings he sent to the School before leaving New Zealand.
A. R. (Tony) Wilkins (1938-40) left in September for England, where he is taking a course in oil production preparatory to his appointment to a position with British Petroleum Co. in New Zealand. He is at present in South Wales, and will be going to London shortly. He expects to return to New Zealand towards the end of next year.
P. F. Sharpley (1928-33), who since his demobilization, has taken a two years’ course in physical education at Loughbrough College, England, returned to New Zealand in October after seven years’ absence, to take up his duties as coach for the Hawke’s Bay A.A.A. Centre. Frank’s knowledge and enthusiasm has won a ready response from local athletes, and the results of his coaching should soon be apparent.
Flight Lieutenant Ross Hill (1934-37), who is on loan to R.A.F from R.N.Z.A.F., is a member of the Commonwealth Air Squadron, and was navigator of the Avro York transport plane which landed at Ohakea in October in the course of a routine flight. Wing Commander E. W. Tacon returned to New Zealand in this plane. On the return trip a few days later the plane circled Hastings and Havelock North. Either Ross’s navigation was faulty, or he wanted to see his native town before going back to England.
Donald Davies (1933-34) was a recent visitor to School. For some years he has been engaged in theatre work in Australia, and at present is in New Zealand with Kerridge Productions in the capacity of stage manager. He hopes to be in Hastings again before returning to Australia.
N. B. Fippard (1918-19), who was a member of the School Board of Governors on a previous occasion, was again elected this year.
At the first meeting of the new Board he was elected chairman, and so becomes the first Old Boy to occupy the position. He recently won the Gold Medal of the New Zealand Society of Accountants for his thesis on Farm Accounts. We offer him our sincere congratulations.
Neil D. Anderson (1940-44), was successful in gaining his commission as Sub-Lieutenant in the Royal New Zealand Navy in May of this year. At present he is studying at the Royal Naval College, Greenwich, to qualify for promotion to Lieutenant. We offer him our best wishes.
Lieutenant (E.) Leigh Taylor (1937-41) was a recent visitor to School. He left for England to join the Navy at the end of 1942 and returned in September of this year. He expects
to join H.M.S.”Bellona” in December. Incidentally he brought a wife back with him.
J. H. N. Waymouth (1942-46) is now a Cadet in H.M.S “Devonshire,” which is engaged in a Mediterranean cruise, and is based at Malta. John will be sitting for his midshipman’s exam. in December. We wish him luck.
A. I. E. Jones (1905-08), who for some years was Assistant Inspector of the Bank of New South Wales in New Zealand, was appointed Inspector at the end of last year. His headquarters are in Wellington.
F. A. Harper (1909-10) is now manager of the City House branch of the same bank in Pitt Street, Sydney.
Harold Tickner (1912-13) is chief accountant at Head Office of the Union Bank of Australasia in Melbourne.
F. N. Tritt (1929-33), who is on the staff of Dannevirke High School, is presenting Mathematics for Honours this year.
C. F. S. Caldwell (1931-33) who has been on the staff of Nelson College since his return from a long period of service overseas.
C. H. D. Faulknor (1905), one of the older generation of Old Boys, was the contractor for the new girls’ service wing and the additions to the engineering block. We think he can be proud of the job.
J. W. Drury (1931-34) has recently gone into partnership with Mr. E. D. Anderson, Public Accountant, under the name of Anderson and Drury.
L. J. Webb (1929-34) has this year been admitted into partnership with Mr. R. D. Brown under the name of Brown, Webb and Co., Public Accountants.
The recent local body elections resulted in the re-election of two Old Boy Councillors, G. H. Roach (1905-07) and G. W. B. McCormick (1916). We congratulate them both. H. G. Apperley (1912-13) was in 10th place in a field of 20, and a few more votes would have made him a Councillor.
Old Boys further afield will be pleased to learn that the Club is still flourishing, and that it has just concluded an enjoyable season of rugby, interspersed with regular social gatherings. And just in case mention of the latter should bring forth a knowing “Oh yes” from past members, we hasten to explain that the Club is again running fortnightly dances during the season.
As usual there was no shortage of players when practices began, and the Committee decided to enter two teams in the third grade competition – a decision which was justified by subsequent performances.
For the second year in succession the seniors were runners-up in the competition. Endeavouring always to play bright open football, they were popular with the onlookers and deserved the victories which came their way. Perhaps next year they will be able to climb the other rung of the ladder.
The junior competition was upset by a number of defaulted games. In fact there were too many of these to enable keen rivalry to be maintained throughout the season. The Club’s team won the championship comfortably and, although the opposition was sometimes not of the strongest, this did not detract from the type of game our boys played.
From the Club’s point of view the third grade results could not have been better, as our “Thirds” were runners-up to our “Colts.” Rarely has such exciting football been seen as when the two teams were matched against each other.
Otto Jonson’s Fourths had more losses than wins, but enthusiasm was present in its usual good measure. Maybe the secret of Otto’s success with his boys is that he himself refuses to grow old. Anyway, as long as the Club’s lower grades are at such strength, there will be no need to worry about filling the ranks of the Seniors.
The usual friendly games were played as circumstances permitted, and trips away were enjoyed by all concerned. Also, the Old Girls’ IX was defeated in the annual game of basketball – or was it football?
Field Day went off in fine style and a good representation from all teams was present to compete for the Blackmore Cup – won again by the Thirds.
As a climax to the season we were again successful in winning the Black and White Shield, presented to the Club with the highest aggregate of wins in all grades. This shield is for competition throughout the province and the Club is aware of the honour of winning it.
As mentioned previously social activities were not neglected. The Saturday dances and the Annual Ball were most successful, and a smoke concert at the end of the season was well attended.
In 1949 the Club will be celebrating its silver jubilee and the committee has been doing some advance planning in this direction. Although it is too early to finalize details, all members, past and present, could well note King’s Day week-end of 1949. Something should be happening round about that time.
At this stage we usually give the names of Old Boys active in the Club, but to sort up five teams, coaches and executive committee would take up too much space. Instead we would refer those interested to the Club’s register which contains the playing and administrative records of every member since 1924 – the year the Club was born.
President: N. B. FIPPARD
Club Captain: P. A. GRAHAM
Hon. Secretary: J. HENDERSON
During the past season our club fielded two teams, one Senior A. Intertown and a Senior B. intertown. The senior A finished second in the competition, while our senior B. team topped its particular section.
Although none of our players gained a place in the Hawke’s Bay team, K. Dyer, E. McCracken and J. Henderson played in the Hastings Gannet Cup team at Easter and also in the Hastings team that played Central Hawke’s Bay while T. Henseman, B. Woon and G. Martin were picked for the Hastings Senior B. team.
The best individual performance during the season was that of E. McCracken, who made 146 not out against Rugby. This was the highest score made by a senior player in Hastings. He also finished 12th on the Hawke’s Bay batting list. J. Henderson finished 5th in the bowling averages.
The Club will be pleased to receive any Old Boys into its ranks. Not only can they be sure of getting good cricket; they can also carry on the pleasant associations they made on the School playing fields. Any cricketer who leaves this year is urged to get in touch with the Club’s Secretary.
The club was able to field four teams this year, one senior A, two senior B, and one fourth grade.
Our senior team won the senior A competition, the King’s birthday tournament cup, and the Hawke’s Bay Championship shield. Our senior B1 team won their competition, the King’s Birthday tournament cup and Old Boys cup for the team winning the most points on the club field day.
This year, for the first time, the club held a field day at Cornwall Park when sports events were contested by the four teams. The Old Boys football club presented us with a very handsome trophy for the team gaining the most points during the day, the winning team being the B1 team. Our coach, Miss Symes, presented a cup for the club champion of the day, and this was won by Lois Carr, of the senior team.
Representative honours were gained this year by the following players:
Senior: Betty Bridgland, Lyall Mawson, Lois Carr, and Stella Sant were in the Hawke’s Bay team and travelled to Nelson for the Dominion tournament, Joy Thear was selected for Hastings team.
B. Bridgland gained a place in the North Island team, and was emergency for N.Z. team.
Senior B: June Curline, Ngaire Eddy, Vivian Leicester, Pat Price and Zelda Sant were Hastings B grade representatives and travelled to Rotorua and Waipukurau.
Fourth grade: Beval Howard was in the Hastings 4th grade team.
The annual game of basketball between our senior team and a team from the Old Boys football club caused much interest. The boys still remain the holders of the shield for another season, the score being 23-20. The only way the girls are ever likely to win the shield is to learn a few of the boys’ rough tactics.
The Club has been holding dances in the Buffalo Hall during the season, and most enjoyable evenings have been spent by club members and members of the Old Boys football club. Again we had a most successful wind-up dance, when the trophies were presented by our president, Mrs. J. Pullen, an ex-club member.
The Club captain’s trophy presented by Miss Symes for the most improved and loyal member in the club, and the one attending most practices, was won this year by Pat Price senior B1 team. Silver buttons were again
presented to a member in each team, for the same qualifications. Those who qualified were: – Senior A, Joy Thear, Senior B1, Zelda Sant, Senior B2, Dorothy Waring, Fourth Grade, Noeline Murray. Silver buttons were also presented to the members of both the senior A and B1 team for their very fine efforts in gaining so many honours for the club during the season. The presentation of the shield to the Old Boys Basketball team was a very popular feature of the evening.
Finally a presentation was made by our club captain to our coach, Miss Gladys Symes, on behalf of club members in appreciation of the good work she had done in training our four teams. The success of the club was due largely to her untiring efforts.
Officers for 1947 season were: – Club Captain, Stella Sant. Vice- Captain, Lois Carr. Secretary, Nola Thear. Team captains: Senior A, Stella Sant, vice-captain, Lois Carr; Senior B1 Zelda Sant; vice-captain, Thelma Instone. Senior B2, Barbara Skeet; vice -captain, Betty Hellyer. Fourth grade, Beval Howard; vice-captain, Jean Cameron.
The following extracts are taken from a letter written by an Old Girl, Mrs. Ross Hill, to her parents in Auckland. If we had asked her permission to print it, it could not have appeared in this issue. We therefore apologize to her in advance, and plead the great interest of the subject matter at the present time.
I shall start from the beginning. We left here for London on Wednesday night and settled in at Nuffield Club. The following morning dawned wet and miserable and we went to Oxford Street where I bought a purse and a plastic raincoat in case the garden party was held in the rain. We were on tenterhooks all the time, wondering if it would be cancelled, but about three p.m. the rain ceased, and although the sky was never bright we had no rain until we were nearly home. We entered the gates of Buckingham Palace in a taxi about 3.45 p.m., wandered round for a while and then lined up with the rest of the guests – about 3000 – to see the Royal Family come out. We were standing on a rise and, had an excellent and close view of all of them. As they advanced the Band played the National Anthem; Servicemen and Guardsmen saluted and the King and Philip Mountbatten returned the salute. It was wonderfully impressive and gave one a marvellous feeling of pride. As the Royal Party came up to the guests, they separated and branched off in different directions. The crowd formed lanes down which each party walked towards the Royal tea marquee. Queen Mary, accompanied by the Duchesses of Kent and Gloucester and Princess Alexandra, came down the first lane in which we stood, and we had an excellent view of her. We had a scheme whereby we stood clustered at the end of each lane and as it opened up to let them through we were a little later moving than most and consequently finished right in the front line. After seeing Queen Mary, who looks awfully kind, and who was wearing a blue grey ensemble, we went over to see the King, Princess Elizabeth and Philip. We stood at the end again and got a very good view – the formed lanes are only 4 feet wide, so you will realize how close they are to those in front. I think the King is divine. His photos usually do not do him justice, as they usually show him as having a perfectly
smooth face, whereas in reality he is deeply bronzed, has many laughing crinkles round his eyes and mouth, and he has twinkling blue eyes. His lines give his face character which I think is completely lost in his ordinary photos. He looked a really happy and proud father, just like any ordinary man who was awfully pleased with his daughter’s engagement. Elizabeth, too, looked very sweet in a simple little fawny brown linen costume, and appeared radiantly happy. Philip was most attentive and watched Elizabeth most of the time. He is really handsome – debonair and carefree. He could have done with a haircut – kept taking his hat on and off swinging it around and actually “plopping” it back on his head. I should say he is a most likeable person. Having seen this party we then decided to concentrate on the Queen, who was accompanied by Margaret. I had better mention here that we had no chance of seeing Elizabeth’s ring as she did not take her gloves off until after tea, and then only when in the Royal Marquee. The Royal Party in the marquee would number approximately 100 – family, politicians and personal friends. On arrival at the Queen’s “queue” we found a break in the line and got in the front once again. Contrary to photos, I rather think that in the flesh, Princess Elizabeth is more attractive than her mother – maybe it was the engagement radiance, but she certainly looked wonderfully attractive. As we were watching the Queen and Princess Margaret come down the lines, one of the officials who was keeping the lanes clear said to Ross, “I see you are from New Zealand – I am too.” At that a little man on Ross’s right said to him, “I do like to see New Zealanders to the fore. They are a fine and loyal people. I know as I am an old Governor- General.” At that I looked at him and a lady with him, and gasped, “Of course – Lord and Lady Bledisloe.” She looked lovely in a flowing pink dress and hat with ostrich feathers. They looked very pleased at being recognized and chatted away to us most pleasantly. They said they had a wonderful reception at Hastings when there recently. Anyhow, after chatting for a while Lord Bledisloe said to us, “Stay here for while, and if given the opportunity, I will present you.” In a minute or two the Queen saw them and walked straight over to them. After they had said a few words to each other Lord Bledisloe said to the Queen, “May I present two New Zealand friends, Flight Lieutenant and Mrs. Ross Hill!” I should mention that when officials go along the lines and pick out someone they wish to present both the “presenter” and “presentees” stand out in the middle between the lines when the presentation is being made, in full view of everyone. It was a bit nerve-wracking. The Bledisloes were of course already “out” and as the Queen approached drew us with them. The Queen stepped up to me with a lovely smile and held out her hand. I took it and curtsied, or bobbed would be nearer the mark. She then shook hands with Ross, turned to me and as far as I remember, the conversation went as follows: –
Her Majesty: Are you here on holiday?
Myself: Yes, your Majesty.
And how long will you be here?
About another two years.
Do you like England and are you enjoying yourself?
I like England very much, and we are having a wonderful time.
You are really seeing it at its worst!
She then turned to Ross.
Her Majesty: Are you permanently in the R.A.F. or on loan to us?
Ross: I am on loan from R.N.Z.A.F., and am a member of the Commonwealth Squadron.
Oh! It is complete now, is it? I knew it was being formed, but thought it had not yet functioned.
It is only just completed, and has been operating since 1st April.
She then turned back to me as if she expected me to say something.
I was just about struck dumb but managed to get it out:
I know all N.Z. will be very thrilled at Princess Elizabeth’s engagement.
Do you think so?
I feel sure they will.
Oh? I am so glad to hear that. We are very happy about it, you know.
Then with a lovely smile to both of us she walked on. Lord Bledisloe turned to me and said “You managed that splendidly. You could not have said anything which would have pleased her more.” Then after a further little chat the Bledisloes left us and we wandered over to tea. We found it almost impossible to believe we had been talking to a Queen. She put us both so much at ease that it was hard to get the impression that it was Royalty with whom we had been conversing. When I mentioned the engagement she smiled so quietly, and you could see in her eyes that her thoughts went over to Elizabeth. She was just as natural as an ordinary mother – proud and happy about a daughter’s betrothal. A funny incident then happened. Out of all the people at the reception we knew only two, Ross’s Commanding Officer and his wife. Group Captain and Mrs. L-. We had just left the Bledisloes when a very small voice behind me said “Excuse me, but may I be allowed to speak to you Mrs. Hill?” It was Mrs. L- trying to appear very insignificant. Actually they were not watching the Queen when we were presented, but were talking to some friends. Then Group Captain L- happened to turn his head and saw us talking to the Queen. So he pinched his wife and said “For Heavens sake, look!” Funny that they, the only people there who knew us, should see us talking to the Queen. No doubt it will cost Ross a few pounds at the station. Later we again assembled on the lawns and saw the Royal Party return to the Palace. As the King walked past Ross was the only serviceman nearby. He didn’t quite know whether to salute or not, but finally decided he should, but left it a bit late. However, the King apparently saw it out of the corner of his eye because he stopped, turned to Ross and returned the salute. We then walked through the downstairs rooms of the Palace. They were of course very nice but not palatial. The morning of the party we had seen the Royal Family at the unveiling of the Battle of Britain Memorial at the Abbey.
We acknowledge with thanks the following exchanges: –
“The Knox Collegian”, “The Dilworthian”, The Wairarapa College Magazine, The Gisborne High School Magazine, “Criavara na Iona” (Iona College), “The Marlburian”, “Tararua”, (Horowhenua College), “The Pitonian”, (Hutt Valley Memorial Technical College), The Mawhera Gazette (Greymouth Technical High School), “The Memnonian” (Wellington
East Girls’ College), The Hutt Valley High School Magazine, The Timaru Girls’ High School Magazine, The New Plymouth Girls’ High School Magazine, The Hawera Technical High School Magazine, “The Torchbearer” (Napier Girls’ High School), The Waimate High School Magazine, “Taikaka” (Avondale Technical High School), “The Scindian”(Napier Boys’ High School), “Te Karere” (Queen Margaret’s Girls’ College),
“The Southlandian”, “The Woodford Chronicle”.
From England:
The Hastings Secondary Modern School for Boys’ Magazine. “Holmfirth”, Holme Valley Grammar School Magazine.
We must again apologize to our readers for our inability to clothe “The Heretaungan” in the red jacket of pre-war years, but supplies of our colour are not to be found in New Zealand.
We feel sure that the new type face is an improvement on the format of previous numbers. It is one of the latest in production, and we consider ourselves fortunate that it arrived by air mail from England just in time to be used in this issue.
Again we thank the printers for their cheerful forbearance and kindly co-operation.
The following information regarding the School is published by arrangement with the Hastings High School Board of Governors.
ADMISSION: – The School will re-open in 1948 on Tuesday, 3rd February.
New pupils may be enrolled on the proceeding Friday evening, Saturday afternoon and Monday afternoon.
Practically all pupils enter the School as holders of Free Places, which entitle them to receive free tuition until the end of the year in which they reach the age of 19. Free Places are held subject to satisfactory conduct, attendance and progress.
Pupils who are over age, or otherwise not eligible for a Free Place may attend the School on payment of Tuition Fees, which amount to £4 per term (3/10/- if paid within 30 days).
TRAVELLING: – Free Railway Tickets, or Railway Bus Tickets, will be granted to holders of Free Places who require to travel, provided that the Hastings High School is the High School nearest to their homes.
A Conveyance Allowance is obtainable by pupils who travel to School by private bus service. and a Boarding allowance of 10/- weekly by those who require to board.
STATIONARY [STATIONERY]: – Pupils must provide themselves with books, instruments and stationary for personal use.
A School Book Exchange has been established, at which new pupils may purchase second-hand books.
Applications for War Bursaries can be made on behalf of pupils whose fathers were killed or disabled. These Bursaries include annual grants to cover cost of books, etc., and, when necessary, cost of board or travelling.
Further particulars can be obtained from the Principal.
COURSES OF STUDY: – Aiming to meet the needs of all types of pupils, the School has developed a comprehensive range of courses of instruction. It is very desirable that, when enrolling pupils, parents should have considered what course will best suit each pupil’s aptitudes and intended future occupation.
(a) CLASSICAL, including French, Latin and Mathematics.
(b) ACADEMIC, including French and Mathematics.
(c) COMMERCIAL, including Shorthand, Typewriting and Bookkeeping.
(d) GENERAL, with no foreign languages.
(a) CLASSICAL, including French and Latin.
(b) ACADEMIC, including French.
(c) COMMERCIAL, including French and Bookkeeping.
(e) GENERAL, with no foreign languages.
EVENING CLASSES: – For the benefit of students who have taken up employment, Evening Classes are held in the following subjects: –
English, Shorthand, Cabinetmaking, Arithmetic, Typewriting, Arts and Crafts, Algebra, Bookkeeping, Accountancy Subjects, Geometry, Electricity, Plumbing, Dressmaking, Engineering, Motor Engineering.
Classes in any additional subjects will be held if there is a sufficient number of students requiring them. Information regarding Free Places, Fees, etc., can be obtained on application to the Principal.
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Abbreviations –
2 i/c – second in charge
A.A.A. – Amateur Athletic Association
A.F.C. – Air Force Cross
A.T.C. – Air Training Corps
Asst – Assistant
B. Sc. – Bachelor of Science
B.H.S. – Boys’ High School
Brch. – Branch
Capt. – Captain
Co. – company
Com., Comm. – Commerce
Cpl. – Corporal
D.F.C – Distinguished Flying Cross
D.H.S – District High School
D.S.O. – Distinguished Service Order
Dip. Ed – Diploma Education
Dip. H.Sc – Diploma of Horticulture Science
M. H.Sc. – Master of Horticulture Science
Lond. – London
Dr. – Doctor
Ed. – Editor
Flt. – Flight
G.H.S. – Girls’ High School
H.S. – High School
H.S.O.B. – High School Old Boys
Hon. – Honorable
Junr., Jnr. – Junior
L.M.G. – Light Machine Gun
Lieut. – Lieutenant
M. A. – Master of Arts
M.C. – Master of Ceremonies
N.C.O. – Non-Commissioned Officers
No. – Number
P.T. – Physical Training
R.N. – Royal Navy
R.N.Z.A.F. – Royal New Zealand Air Force.
Rev. – Reverend
S.M.L.E. – Short Magazine Lee Enfield
Sec. – seconds
Senr, Snr – Senior
Sgt. – Sergeant
v. – versus
W.O. – Warrant Officer
Yds – yards
Surnames in this programme –
Adamson, Addis, Adler, Agnew, Aitken, Albright, Aldridge, Alexander, Allington, Allison, Anderson, Anderson, Anthony, Apatu, Apperley, Arbuckle, Arnold, Arrell, Atkinson; Austin, Bainbridge, Baker, Ball, Barker, Barley, Barnet, Barnett, Barriball, Barton, Bateman, Bawden, Beale, Beere, Begg, Bennet, Berry, Bignell, Birch, Bishop, Bisson, Bixley, Black, Blake, Blewden, Blyth/Blythe, Bolton, Botherway, Bousfield, Bowen, Boyd, Boyes, Bradshaw, Brain, Breakwell, Brian, Brice, Bridges, Bridland, Brittin, Brock, Brough, Brown, Brownrigg, Browrigg, Buckingham, Bull, Bulled, Bullen, Burden, Burge, Burling, Burns, Burson, Butler, Caldwell, Callingham, Cameron, Campbell, Caradus, Carr, Carrington, Carrodus, Carswell, Carter, Cash, Caskey, Castles, Cate, Cater, Chaplin, Chapman, Chesham, Child, Chilton, Chipper, Christie, Chubb, Chudley, Clapperton, Clark, Clarke, Coates, Cochrane, Cody, Cody, Colbert, Coleman, Collier, Collins, Collins, Colvin, Comrie, Conway, Cook, Cooke, Cooper, Copeland, Corbett, Corbin, Cotton, Cousens, Cowan, Cox, Coxon, Craven, Crawford, Crisp, Crombie, Crooke, Custance, Dagg, Dane, Daniels, Davidson, Davies, Davis, Dawn, de Denne, Delaney, Dickey, Dillon, Dillon, Dobson, Doig, Donaldson, Donkin, Dorreen, Downer, Drummond, Drury, Druzianic, Dudding, Duff, Duigan, Duncan, Dunlop, Dunn, Duthie, Dyer, Dyson, Eade, Eastwood, Eban, Ebbett, Eddy, Edlin, Edwards, Elliott, Emmerson, Emmett, Epplett, Esler, Evans, Everndon, Eves, Eyles, Fairweather, Fallwell, Farnell, Farquharson, Faulknor, Ferbrache, Finlayson, Fippard, Firth, Flack, Fletcher, Fletcher, Floyd, Foddy, Foote, Foster, Fowler, Frame, France, Francis, Frater, Frear, Fulford, Galloway, Gardner, Garrick, Gillett, Gilmer, Gilmour, Glass, Glen, Glenny, Glew, Goldman, Goldstone, Goodall, Gordon, Graham, Grainger, Grave, Gray, Green, Greenfield, Greenside, Greenwood, Grieg, Grover, Gunn, Guppy, Gurran, Haggerty, Hall, Hallett, Hallgarth, Hangar, Hanna, Hannah, Hansen, Harding, Hardy, Hare, Harland, Harper, Harris, Harrison, Harvey, Hastings, Hawkes, Hawthorne, Hay, Hayes, Heaps, Heard, Hedge, Heighway, Heke, Hellyer, Helm, Henderson, Hendry, Henry, Henseman, Herbison, Hern, Herrick, Herries, Hickey, Hicks, Hickson, Hill, Hill, Hingston, Hodgkinson, Hodgson, Honour, Horton, Hortop, Howard, Howell, Howlett, Huata, Huddleston, Humphreys, Humphries, Hunt, Hunter, Hyrons, Ingram, Instone, Insull, Irving, Isaacson, Jack, Janett, Jenkinson, Jobey, Johnson, Johnston, Johnstone, Joll, Jones, Jones, Jones, Josephs, Kamau, Karaitiana, Kay, Kelly, Kenrick, King, Kitt, Knapp, Knight, Knowles, Knox, Knuckey, Kupa, Laing, Lambert, Land, Latton, Lay, Le Geyt, Le Quesne, Leete, Leicester, Libby, Liddington, Lilburne, Liley, Liley, Liley, Liley, Linyard, List, Little, Loach, Long, Lowe, Lowe, Luke, MacIntyre, Mackay, Mackersey, MacMurray, Maddison, Maddox, Mahue, Maney, Manning, Martin, Mather, Matheson, Mawson, McCarthy, McCormick, McCracken, McCutcheon, McDermott, McDonald, McDougal, McGavock, McGregor, McKay, McKeesick, McKenzie, McLanachan, McLaren, McLay, McLeod, McMillan, McMullan, McMurray, McMurtrie, McNab, McNaught, McNaughton, McNielly, McQuillan, McShane, McTarg, Menzies, Mihaere, Miles, Miller, Milne, Mitchell, Moana, Mockridge, Monk, Moore, Morcraft, Morgan, Morrin, Morris, Morton, Mosley, Mossman, Motley, Mountjoy, Murdoch, Murley, Murray, Murtagh, Murton, Musson, Mustchin, Myhill, Nathan, Natusch, Newton, Nia Nia, Nicholls, Nicol, Nielson, Nimon, Nimon, Nitschke, Noble, Nuku, O’Neill, Ogden, Ogle, Oliver, Orsborn, Osborn, Osborne, Ottaway, Paget, Painter, Pallesen, Parker, Parkes, Parkhill, Parlato, Patterson, Payne, Pearce, Penlington, Pepper, Perry, Person, Petersen, Petherick, Phillips, Pilcher, Pineaha, Pitt, Pocock, Polglase, Potae, Potts, Powdrell, Prendergast, Preston, Price, Priest, Proctor, Pryor, Pullen, Quinlivan, Rainbow, Rainey, Rattray, Rawiri, Rawlinson, Read, Redward, Rees, Reeve, Reid, Riach, Rich, Ritchie, Ritchie, Rixon, Roach, Roberts, Robertson, Robinson, Rockel, Rodgers, Rogers, Ross, Rosser, Rowe, Rowson, Rush-Munro, Rush-Munro, Russell, Rutherford, Sampson, Sankey, Sant, Scarfe, Scarff, Schofield, Scott, Setford, Seton, Shakespeare, Sharpin, Sharpley, Shaw, Shearer, Sheffield, Shelton, Shepard, Sheridan, Sherwood, Shields, Short, Sim, Simpson, Single, Sivewright, Skeet, Slater, Sleeman, Small, Smillie, Smith, Smith-Pilling, Smithells, Snaddon, Snell, Southon, Sowersby, Speers, Spence, Spencer, Spooner, Stainton, Stanley, Stansfield, Steeds, Steele, Stevens, Stevenson, Stewart, Stirling, Stout, Sturm, Sullivan, Sutherland, Sutton, Symes, Tacon, Taylor, Thayers, Thear, Thom, Thomas, Thompson, Tickner, Timms, Timu, Tindall, Tobin, Tolley, Tomlins, Tomlinson, Tomoana, Tong, Totty, Totty, Townsend, Trask, Tritt, Tuohy, Tweedie, Tweedie, Twigg, Twyford, Usherwood, Veresmith, Vogt, Waite, Wake, Wakefield, Wakelin, Wales, Walford, Wall, Wallace, Wallis, Walmsley, Ward, Waring, Warnes, Warren, Warren, Warren, Watford, Watson, Wattie, Way, Waymouth, Webb, Weekes, West, Whakaruru, White, Whitlock, Whyte, Wilde, Wilford, Wilkins, Wilkinson, Will, Williams, Williamson, Wilson, Wishart, Withers, Wong, Wood, Woodham, Woods, Woon, Wright, Wyeth, Yates, Yorke, Young, Yule, Yule, Yule, Yule, Yule, Zelcer, Ziabkin
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