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- History of the Joll Family
History of the Joll Family
FAMILY REUNION 1990 67 – 69

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This Joll Family History is a limited edition of copies published by the Joll Family Reunion Committee 1990.
The history of any family involves people, and an attempt has been made to rekindle and record memories of the past, for the future generations. For with our past, we better understand who we are in the present. Our people left their imprint. They ventured and we glimpse their pioneer spirit.
Sadly as so often happens, very little early history was well recorded and some is entirely unknown. Accordingly some areas of the overall picture are rich in detail and others have faded away.
The following pages are dedicated with respect and gratitude to the Founders of our Family.
Esmene Chatterton (nee Joll)
Sincere thanks to Sydney Joll, who is the eldest living member of the Hawkes Bay branch of the Family. His research and writings from earlier years, and his continuing interest have been an invaluable source of information and inspiration.
The late Roy Joll also visited Cornwall confirming and adding further details. His writings form a part of this Family History.
Many other Family members have offered memorabilia and photographs which have strengthened links of knowledge spanning the years. Thank you.
Phyllis Lomas (nee Joll)

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“Be Forever Cornish”
This story of the Joll Family has been gathered from various sources. It is by no means complete but it contains a good deal of information which might have been lost with the passing of the older generation.
In gathering the material set out in these pages. Cornish Records and Parish Registers in Truro, Exetor [Exeter], Somerset House and the British Museum, have been consulted. Many quiet little villages around the edge of Bodmin Moor, where the family was seated from time immemorial have been visited.
In the Parish Registers of Alternun, Egloskerry, Lewannick, Warbstow and Calstock, the name frequently appears ever since the Records were first compiled in the sixteenth century.
Cornish the name is and ancient without doubt, but whether the present form is the original one or what forms it has appeared in over the ages. it is hard to say for certain.
Cornish family names are notoriously difficult to follow throughout the years, as in common with other English names they were subject to many variations of spelling, as the spread of education became general. Even during the last century or so, the same person might appear in the Parish Register as Joll, Jole, Jolles or Jolly, Joule or Jowle.
Authorities on the subject of British Family names, have suggested that names such as Jaul, Judhel, Juyl, Jeyl all come from the same stock. but Baring Gould is more specific and states that the name in the form of Jaul, was found in Cornwall before the Norman Conquest.
It is also of interest to note that the ancient Celtic name for the devil is “Joll”. and many Cornish people of the older generation gave holders of the name a certain amount of superstitious respect, if not a wide berth.
According to Lysons, family members were noted for their longevity “and strength”. In the folio pedigree VII Parochial History of Cornwall is found the name of John Joll of Altarnun, who died on 31st January 1783 aged 98 years, and his daughter Catherine, who died in 1814 aged 93 years, another daughter Mary, who died in 1826 aged 93 years and a third daughter Honor, died in 1825 aged 90 years. What a tragic little drama lay behind these entries. As if to suggest that even the advanced years attained by these old ladies was not enough to establish the family’s reputation for longevity, it is recorded that Honor, died from the effects of a fall downstairs and Mary, died of injuries the result of an attack by a ram.
The writer Hals, and later quoting him Baring Gould, mentions Peter Joll, Deacon in Altarnun Church, who died in the time of Charles II, aged 150 years. When he was 100 years of age, according to these writers, new black hair sprung from his head and new teeth grew in place of those he had lost. Perhaps it was not only because of his name that this old gentleman was popularly known as “Peter the Devil”.

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In the case of families like ours, whose roots are so firmly embedded in the land, the younger sons were continually branching out from their native Parishes and taking up land for themselves in other parts of Cornwall. It would appear that they kept as near as possible to the ancient home however, and until the eighteenth century at least they could usually be found within a few miles of Egloskerry, Wardstow, Altarnun, Lewannick and Calstock.
Like all Celtic peoples, Cornwall landowners were identified by the names of their lands and we thus find members of the clan described in Wills as “William Joll of Tredawle”, “William Joll of Hurden in Altarnun” etc.
An interesting point is that the Jolls were unusual in Cornish Society in the periods before industrialisation, for they appear to be literate. Jolls were often clerks or clergymen in charge of church property – the order of services and church legal matters, supporting the fact that they could read and write at a time when few others could. At Warleggan there is a plaque mentioning John Joll, clerk, at the time the tower was rebuilt at the end of the 18th century.
A few years later the same man presumably is described in the register in a footnote as “an impudent, vain, foolish fellow who denied the Vicar the key to the church door”. Obviously Vicar and clerk had had a disagreement.
In the Visitations of Cornwall there is a table showing Royal descent of a number of Cornish families, one of which is that of George Joll of Altarnun, who married Margaret Dowrish, in 1675. Margaret was heiress to Lewis Dowrish of Sandford in Devon, and when she died in 1694 she was buried at Altarnun as “Dame Margaret Joll”.
Whether we are descended from this branch of the family has not been established, though the use of the same names in our families in N.Z. suggests that this might be the case. An entry in the roll of Alumni of Exetor [Exeter] College Oxford, shows that George Joll, a grandson of George and Margaret, matriculated in 1718. In this roll is also shown the name of Thomas Joll, Secular Chaplain who graduated B.A. 1518.
As regards Josiah Joll of Calstock. whose Will was proved in Bodmin Registry in 1764, the following is an extract.
“– I leave to my daughter Ann, wife of William Knight £10, to my daughter Sarah Joll, £20 when she attains 21. Residue unto my wife Thomzin Joll and my son Samuel Joll, my Executors.” The son Samuel married on 6 December 1796, Sarah Bowhay, member of a well known Callington family, and according to the 1840 census he owned besides Tumple Farm, certain customary lands and houses. It is understood that these houses comprised quite a part of the village of Calstock.
Twice a day the tide surges up the channel into Plymouth Sound and swings left up the valley of the Tamar River. Near the end of its run on the Cornish side of the valley stands Calstock Town.
Anciently the boats of Phoenecian traders rode the tides to trade with the natives for the stream tin of the valley bottoms round Bodmin Moor, which they alloyed with the copper of Cyprus and sold at a handsome profit round the Mediteranean [Mediterranean] Sea.
Having bought as much tin as was available up to a full load, they bought from the riverside farmers what grain and meat they needed for the run home.
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Here near Calstock the Romans forded the river and on the Hingston Downs above the town fought the Britons of Cornwall. In turn the Romans left Britain, and the Saxons filled the void usurping what land they fancied along the river. They in turn had to submit to the Norman Conqueror and it is then that the written history of the area began.
Before that time monks and nuns from Ireland filled with missionary zeal had crossed to Wales and Cornwall. and setting up crosses and chapels preached very successfully a saving Christ. They defied the Ghoulies and Ghosties of the old religion and got away with it. They did sundry miraculous things.Save for the odd witch and magician the whole land was converted to Christianity, even if the old evil ones might prudently be still respected. Many of these monks or at least some of them kept records and fragments of their services.
With the Norman Conquest however, a new system was imposed. The Saxon Earls were replaced in most cases by Norman Overlords, whose holdings were theirs just as long as they did the King’s bidding and paid their feudal dues. Nothing was left to chance, for the King’s Domesday Book recorded their estates to the finest details – freeholders and tenants, vassals and serfs, oxen and ploughs, woodland arable and grazing, and just how many Spearmen and Bowmen must be supplied at the King’s demand.
Calstock district was entered in the same detail as the rest of England, and one early Joll ancestor, a Yeoman, was listed with all his landholding, stock and chattels, who must have considered himself fortunate that he was not dispossessed like so many of his kind. When succeeding Kings called up their levies for the recurring wars, mercenary freemen or adventurous sons were supplied to fulfil feudal obligations.
Over the years Joll fortunes waxed and waned as generations succeeded generations. His holdings expanded when wives brought dowries or inheritances, and when prosperous times enabled him to buy.
By Stewart times his fortune was at its peak. The family owned lands in Calstock, Egloskerry, Lewannick and Altarnun, as well as “customary lands” and shared grazing rights on Bodmin Moor. The old home farm now supported a stone Mansion called Harewood house. which possibly predated the Hareward of North. Joll aspired to the rank of Gentleman with all the privileges that that entailed, but his application to the Council of Attainment was not upheld. It was conceded that he had the necessary qualifications and would be promoted almost anywhere else in England. Here in Eastern Cornwall there were more “Gentlemen” than the area could conveniently sustain. He did however, win his appeal to the Bishop of the day, when someone tried to usurp his pew up front in Calstock Church. About this time the Parish clerk was also the Parish Tailor, and he found the vellum on which the records were kept a good source for the stiffening material in gentlemen’s coats. The result is there is a long gap in the family story, but the fact that Jolls held Tumple Farm in the Domesday Book and both before and after the gap in Parish records, seems to point to continuous occupation.
An example of the values of the day.
From the History Of Trigg Minor by Sir John Maclean “
Vol. 3. page 87. Subsidy Roll
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35 Henry 8th. 1543-1544 St Minver Parish
Nyclas Joll. In bonis (Goods)
20 shillings and 11 pence tax.
List Coin, stock, goods, plate, corn, merchandise: after deduction of debts, clothing for himself and family a levy of .. up to £5 – 4 pence.
£5 to £10 – 8 pence
£10 to £20 – 1 shilling and 4 pence.
Over £20 – 2 shillings
Real Estate charged at the same rate up to £20
Over £20 – 3 shillings.
So Nyclas’s assets were about £100 per annum, quite a wealthy man at that time.
When the stream tin was largely exhausted, shafts had been dug into the seams of tin and copper and arsenic, found throughout Cornwall, including the Downs and Valleys about Calstock. Miners came to the district and feeding them brought prosperity to the farmers. A shipyard developed on the riverbank, busy with converting the woods of these parts into fishing boats and coasters. Succeeding wars made great demands on the metals and victuals the land supplied, bringing great prosperity. Conversely peace brought recession and misery, especially so after Waterloo brought an end to the Napoleonic wars.
That seems to be the beginning of the end. Samuel, who died in 1807 and his Wife Sarah Bowhay who died in 1849, had retired “down along” to their house in the town, leaving a Manager “up along” on the farm near the old Norman Church above the valley. The old man’s tombstone now leaning against the wall of the churchyard, describes him as Yeoman of Calstock Town. His one daughter Anne, married one E. Brooming, and it is told that old Sam spent much more than he could afford on her children’s education. Not true of him however, for Anne Brooming was only four years old when he died. More than likely the estate had been impoverished by supplying dowries for Sam’s three sisters by his father Josiah, or even by Josiah’s father John, fragmenting the property in providing for four other sons and a daughter. No doubt Sarah, widowed at 33 with three young children and big with a fourth when her husband died, was grateful in later years that the post Waterloo depression did not strike Cornwall till her family were out of her care.
Samuel, the son named after his father, had married a daughter of a neighbouring farmer, Elizabeth Vanderband Treliving, and suffered with the family the frustration of the depression and the submission to his older brother’s authority. Perhaps the submission was the hardest to bear and perhaps he had a case. When one day Josiah, clouted him with a bridle he cried “Enough”.
“Where be e going on?” asked the brother.
“I be going to Plymouth,” said Sam. “to buy a farm in New Zealand Land Company”. Which he proceeded to do.
Agriculture was at a low ebb and the energetic or ambitious sons of the soil were desperately seeking for land in which to settle and support their families. The spirit of adventure was in the air, and rumours of lands awaiting settlement were on everybody’s lips.
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About the middle of the century a number of prominent people inspired by Edward Gibbon Wakefield, formed a Company with the idea of forming a settlement in New Zealand, and the idea was welcomed with joy by the younger sons of West Country Yeomen. In 1840 the expedition was on the way. The “Amelia Thompson” and “William Bryan” left Plymouth for New Plymouth on the other side of the world.
What his wife thought of the decision is not recorded, but on 2nd November 1841 we find Samuel and Elizabeth Joll and their five children aboard the “Timandra” and on their way to New Zealand. They arrived on 23rd February 1842.
Stoutest and best found of all the vessels sent out to New Plymouth. the barque Timandra, 382 tons, a top gallant forecastle with unusual space on the main deck and height between decks of 6 feet 5 inches. Commanded by Captain Skinner she made the passage direct in 113 days. Passengers totalled 212, the largest number sent out in any one of the six vessels.
They paid £3/19/5 per registered ton or £1517 for the voyage, subject to the terms and conditions etc.
The ships complement of officers and men was 22.
During the course of the journey 5 children and 1 adult died and 5 babies were born. Among the passengers was Mr. W. Davenish who brought out with him a small flock of South-down sheep, the first seen in New Zealand. One of the sheep, a ewe, took sick and was bled, then given a dose of salts with gruel – she gradually recovered. Later it was discovered that the two tooth ram was ill. He received the same treatment as the ewe but his blood was found to be inflamed and very little flowed and he died. When opened it was discovered that it had died of violent inflammation of the lungs so the remainder of the sheep were also bled. The passengers were either “emigrants” or “cabin passengers” and there was ill-feeling between the two. The language of the emigrants was objected to and they in turn objected to the “cabin passengers” exclusive use of the awninged poop deck, and also to their pretensions of organising the schoolroom but failure to work in it.
Female emigrants were allocated work by the company during the passage of Timandra from Plymouth to New Plymouth. From records of this work still in existence today we know Elizabeth JOLL spent some of her time on the ship sewing. Between 17 November 1841 and 19 January 1842 Elizabeth Joll was occupied with the sewing of the following garments:
5 men’s blue shirts
4 women’s white cotton shifts
5 boys’ blue shirts
4 girls’ white shifts
4 men’s grey shirts
4 boys’ grey shirts
According to the diary of D.M. Weekes who was a passenger on the ship, the voyage was not a particularly happy one and long
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before they reached New Zealand dissatisfaction with the conditions had reached a critical stage. One reason for this was the regulation of the New Zealand Company that chloride of lime should be sprinkled about in the emigrants berths. Some of them complained that it burnt their clothes, but was considered necessary for the preservation of their health that this regulation should be enforced. One morning towards the end of the journey, Samuel, endeavoured to prevent the constable from sprinkling the chloride in his berth. According to the ships log the chief mate – Mr. Thompson – took the bucket containing the liquid and commenced sprinkling it about Samuel’s berth. Samuel took hold of the bucket and in the ensuing scuffle it was overturned and its contents spilt and Thompson was threatened with being knocked down if he persisted. In spite of this another bucketful was sent for and when Samuel tried to prevent it being used, Thompson threw some over him. Samuel struck Thompson down and then made himself scarce when Thompson went off for the hand-bolts to restrain him. Shortly after noon the crew were mustered on the poop and the emigrants summoned aft. Dr. Forbs then read the Regulations respecting punishment, and the Captain ordered his men to bring Samuel to the poop and put the hand bolts on him. This was done after some show of resistance on the part of emigrants. In the evening Samuel acknowledged his fault and was released. Having thus recorded the official report it could only be fair to note Samuel’s version of the incident as handed down through family writings. According to him Mrs Joll was lying ill on the bed when a sailor whose duty it was to deal with their cabin, told her to get up and when she failed to do so he went to pull the bedclothes off her. This was too much for Samuel who being a powerful man, smartly knocked the sailor down. The latter then brought the Chief Officer to the scene and when Samuel was splashed with lime, he saw red and knocked him down too. A terrific struggle with several of the crew took place before he was restrained in irons as the Captain ordered. Apparently the apology requested from and given by him was no more than a matter of policy for once ashore he borrowed a canoe, paddled to the Timandra and advised the Captain not to come ashore. There is no family record of the Captain’s reply.
New Plymouth, in those days was a very different place from what it is now and the prospect was not at all what the settlers had been led to believe. No doubt Elizabeth and the younger children stayed in the whare provided in New Plymouth by the Company, while Samuel went down to Omata where his purchase was situated, to build a shelter, and work out future developments. Elizabeth joined him there and over the years bore him five more children. Land there certainly was in plenty, and a delightful climate but there was another side. The land was for the most part covered with dense forest, and much of the clear portion was occupied by savages who had not long given up cannibalism.
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The settlers immediately set to work to clear the sections allotted to them but in the meantime they had also to find some means to keep their families from starving until their first crops could be harvested. Many and varied were the means adopted and it is on record that Samuel Joll improvised the first wheeled vehicle in the town. This was a cart-like contraption which in the absence of horses and bullock which had not yet arrived in the settlement, was pulled by goats and dogs with its owner pushing when necessary.
As quoted “The old flour Mill on Carrington Road ground all the flour used by settlers in the early days, and considerable quantities were also exported to Wellington, carted to the beach by Mr. Samuel Joll, whose “team” was most unusual, and was the first conveyance on requisition in New Plymouth. It was not a “donkey chase” and it would be a difficult job to define it. It was the shape of a hand cart. The owner, Samuel Joll or one of sons, would act in the capacity of shaft “horse”, two goats coming next, then two dogs. a dog as leader, led by one of the sons! When an extra pull was needed “Sool ‘em boys” was shouted, with the desired effect! With this strange team many hundreds of tons were taken from the mill”.
For the first few years, the settlement struggled along beset by land disputes almost from the start, and after the purchase of the Bell Block in 1848 and the Waitara Block later, there was almost continuous trouble. The Atiawa Tribe under Wiremu Kingi had returned from Waikanae in that year. Although they permitted the pakeha to settle on the Bell Block in 1853 they came into conflict with the Government in 1860 over the Waitara purchase. The result was the, to them, disastrous Taranaki War which eventually spread throughout the North Island and lasted for years.
During these early years Samuel, had been busy establishing himself. The 1852 Census states that living in the JOLL home were: –
“3 male adults, 2 female adults, 1 male and 1 female between 7 and 14 years, 2 males and 1 female under 7 years. Total males = 6. Females = 4 and 1 male birth”.
At this time Samuel had 10½ acres of land comprising 3 acres farrow, 3¾ acres in crop, 2 acres in wheat, ¼ acre in potatoes, ½ acre in oats, ½ acre in other crops and ¼ acre in garden. His stock then consisted of 10 horned cattle and 10 swine. From N.Z. Company land records held at National Archives it is known that Samuel Joll also owned several town sections in New Plymouth. One of the sections may have been in Devon Street where the family later lived. When war broke out it looked as though all might have been in vain. He was now middle aged and his sons who were old enough had volunteered for service, so the family settled down in New Plymouth to await events.
The Maoris by this time were divided into two parties, the anti landselling whose patriotic war chant was: –
E kore Taranaki i makere atu “Taranaki shall not be lost”.
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and the landsellers, some of whom had doubtful titles. In any case Bell Block where the Joll and Harrison families both had farms and Waitara where Samuel’s eldest son, Samuel, finally settled, were in a constant state of inter tribal strife and the white settlers had a very anxious time.
The war dragged on for some months in 1860 and then things appeared to settle down, only to flare up again in 1863. By this time the second son John had gone to try his luck in Hawke’s Bay, and his elder brother was again settled on his farm, whilst Samuel Senior and his wife now remained in New Plymouth.
After the war’s aftermath had passed, Taranaki began to prosper and with it the Joll’s affairs.
The streets of New Plymouth in those days were of clay and in wet weather were a quadmire [quagmire]. In fact Butler in his “Early days of Taranaki” states that a bullock cart was stuck in the mud in one of the main streets for some months. The sequel to a similar incident was to be far reaching for Samuel Senior. One day a bullock dray became stuck fast in the middle of the town and despite the lurid language of the “bullocky” and lashings with his whip the team could not shift it. Our Cornishman who was never too patient, was incensed at the brutality of the driver and while the bullocks were straining their utmost he rushed into the mud and with his shoulder under the dray gave a mighty heave.
This was the answer and the dray gradually moved ahead but the human lever collapsed with an injured spine and was crippled ever after. In his later life, Samuel would sit outside his house in Devon Street and comment on the citizens and the country and life in general. It was on this account that he was nicknamed “Growler” Joll.
He died on 20th June 1879 aged 74 years and was buried at New Plymouth. His wife Elizabeth died on 15th June[July] 1882 and was buried beside him.
1) DEATH – JOLL. On the 20th June. Samuel Joll. aged 74. The funeral will leave late residence tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon, at 3 o’clock. (Taranaki Herald 21st June 1879.)
2) DEATH – JOLL. On the 15th July at New Plymouth, Elizabeth Vanderband Joll, aged 74 years. The funeral will leave the residence of Mr. Driller, Courteney Street, tomorrow (Sunday) at 3pm. (Taranaki Herald 15th July 1882.)
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Although the five oldest children of Samuel and Elizabeth were born in England, they arrived in New Zealand at such an early age that, together with their five younger brothers and sisters, they might reasonably be passed as first generation New Zealanders.
The family left Plymouth on 2nd November 1841, their five children at the time being Anne aged 11 years, Samuel aged 9 years, Sarah aged 7 years, John aged 3 years and Eliza aged 1 year .
Subsequent to the parents settling in New Zealand Samson was born in 1843, Thomas in 1845, Mary in 1847, Elizabeth in 1850 and David in 1852.
Anne Joll the eldest daughter born 1830, Calstock. Cornwall, married Albert Wills, 26th December 1850. Albert had arrived in New Zealand with his parents at the same time as the Joll family aboard the “Timandra”. Albert’s occupation was farming. The first 10 years together were spent in Taranaki where 7 children were born. A move was then made to Motueka, Nelson, presumably farming and 5 more births recorded. Sadly two of these were lost in infancy.
One son John, worked in Hawke’s Bay for his Uncle John Joll. He later entered the Church of England and for some time taught at Te Aute College. He was a fluent Maori speaker and eventually became Principal of Otaki Maori College. In 1893 the Rev. Thomas John Wills was curate of Ormondville and Makotuku.
A daughter Elizabeth married Franklin Martin about 1880.
Anne died aged 68 years at Motueka.
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SAMUEL JOLL OF WAITARA and Family … Samuel the eldest son was born at Calstock in 1832 and commenced working for his father as soon as they arrived in New Plymouth. In those days. a boy was considered old enough to work as soon as he was big enough to be useful. Samuel assisted his father with his stevedoring and carrying activities in the early days of the settlement and in clearing the bush and carting the timber when the family land was being improved. Like all young men of his generation in Taranaki he became an expert bushman and bullock driver and when the Maori wars broke out, he immediately enlisted in the Taranaki Bushrangers. He served all through the Taranaki war and was awarded the Queen’s medal.
At the news of discovery of gold at Ballarat and Bendigo in Australia, Samuel decided to try his luck. but he very soon decided that the lure of gold was a very precarious job. He accordingly procured a wagon and team of bullocks and did a roaring business transporting supplies to the “diggers” on the goldfields themselves.
When he had amassed a considerable sum, he returned home and took up the property at Waitara which became one of the finest farms in the district. He named it Riverdale.
Samuel married Elizabeth Langdon Jonas whose parents also came to New Zealand in the forties and there were thirteen children of the marriage. Samuel died in 1899 at Waitara.
Their eldest son Harry was born on his father’s farm at Waitara and as the large and historic Manukariki Pa was right next door, he soon was virtually bi-lingual. He spent the early years engaged in the usual pursuits open to healthy youths and became noted for his ability to handle teams of horses.
Harry, when married to Alison Shearer, took up land first at Waitara and then near Hawera where they spent some years, then returned to New Plymouth and finally settled in Auckland where he managed a business for Hellabys until his death.
Harry and Alison had twelve children and their descendants are settled in many parts of New Zealand. Three of the sons served overseas in the 1914-18 war and one was decorated for conspicuous gallantry. (See Colonel Weston’s book regarding the event).
Harry’s eldest son Shearer married Gwldys Boscawen, a member of the historic Cornish family of that name and had a family of 7. Shearer served in France in W.W.I.
Their son Harry did not marry and was drowned in Auckland Harbour in 1963.
Harry and Alison’s youngest son John, was born and educated in New Plymouth. He saw service in France during the World War I and on his return from overseas joined the firm of Newton King Ltd. John married A.M. Davidson and had one son and two daughters. His eldest daughter Sydney married A Lambourne who was employed by Burns Phelp and Co. in Suva, Fiji. and subsequently in London.
John’s son John enlisted in the Air Force at the age of 19 and had a distinguished record. He was awarded the D.F.M. and the D.F.C. and took part in many bombing raids over Germany during W.W.2. He retired with the rank of Squadron Leader.
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Established 21 April 1901. Situated Onaero Taranaki
Promoters Messrs H Joll Waitara & Black Onaero.
Bricks from this plant were used to build the New Plymouth Post Office then situated on Devon Street.
Price of Bricks Two pounds fifteen shillings per 1,000 at the Kiln
Three pounds fifteen shillings per 1,000 loaded in trucks at Waitara
Most people remember the brick works on Big Jim’s hill, but not so many the brickworks that were set up in Onaero in 1901. The bricks at that time sold for two pounds, 15 shillings per 1000 at the kiln, and a brick from the works is at present displayed at the Taranaki Museum with the name ‘Joll and Black’ set into it. The following story is from the Budget of April 26, 1901, and covers the opening of the brickworks.
“The formal opening of the Onaero Brick Tile and Pottery Company took place on Thursday, April 21, 1901, when a number of New Plymouth, Waitara, and district residents assembled at the works on the invitation of the promoters, Messrs H. Joll (Waitara) and Black (Onaero).
The party from New Plymouth, driven down in one of Mr J.W. West’s brakes, comprised Mesdames Dockrill, Brooking, Wallath, Pikett, Miss Ahier, and Messrs Dockrill, Hill, Crocker, Brooking, Wallath, Collis, Todd, Pikett, H. Hooker and Son, R.W. Rickmond, Ahier, Pardy (Herald), and Allsworth.
The whole of the machinery boiler, 8 h.p. engine, pug mill, and brick table were made by Messrs Luke and Co, Wellington.
The process of brickmaking is simplicity iteslf. The clay is run up in barrows from the pit nearby and tilted in a heap. A man feeds the clay into a wooden shute placed on top of the pugmill, which works in a cylinder, and the solidified clay is forced out the end of the pug in a continuous cake with a breadth the length of the brick when cut.
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An early photograph, dated about 1901, of a traction engine at the Onaero Brick Works.
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Samuels next son Thomas Langdon Joll eventually became the best known of the family and to this day his name is known and respected throughout Taranaki.
Thomas was born at Waitara and after the usual training on his father’s farm, he took up land near Hawera and soon had it broken in. Times were hard, however, and the local Maoris were still smarting over their real and fancied wrongs. The site of Te Ngutu-o-te-manu Pa was an ever present reminder of the bitter fighting of a few years previously and the local pakehas were continually having trouble with their Maori neighbours.
As were his brothers, Tom, was a fluent Maori Speaker, and soon obtained their confidence so that a bit later when he opened up his line of dairy factories. many of his first suppliers were Maoris.
The Joll Brothers like many other young Taranaki settlers soon had their farms cleared and in production, but the question now arose as to what to do with their produce and here is where Tom showed his genius.
On his farm at Okaiawa near Manaia, he established a small dairy factory and as business grew and his suppliers increased in number he built other factories throughout the district until he became the biggest private dairy factory owner in the Country or possibly the World.
As time went on and the name and expectation of the “T.L. Joll Dairy Co.” grew, more and more land became available for settlement and here again the founder showed his foresight. He had the credit and many of the now most prosperous families in South Taranaki firmly admit that their fathers owed their start to Tom Joll. He proudly stated that he never turned a willing young man down and he was seldom disappointed.
The Maoris were treated by him on exactly the same basis as their European neighbours and when he died as a result of an accident in Wellington, he was given a tangi as for one of their very highest chiefs.
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Thomas married Louisa Newsham who was a fit helpmate to him in his early days and they were survived by one child, Bruce Langdon Joll.
Bruce was born on the family farm and was educated at Wanganui Collegiate School. He inherited a large estate as the family dairy factories had been converted to Co-operative Companies and after his marriage to Annabel Raine he built a fine home in Hawera.
Bruce saw service in Gallipoli and in France in the 1914-18 war and held a Commission in the Taranaki Mounted Rifles. He was for some years prominent in the Racing World and won a sensational Taranaki Cup with “Cold Steel”. He died in 1945 and was survived by two daughters, June who married Dr. Watt of Rotorua Hospital and Rosemary who married R A. Johnston a Waipawa Solicitor.
Samuel’s third son John spent his childhood years in Waitara and as a young man went over to Hawke’s Bay where he was employed for some time on Mareakakaho [Maraekakaho] Station. Here he met and married Kate Wylie and the young couple returned to Taranaki where John took up land with his brother Tom at Okaiawa. He finally returned to Hawera where he died leaving a family of four daughters.
The fourth son Herbert, after the usual experience of farming on the family property went into business in Waitara as a General Merchant. The firm was established as a partnership with his brother Harry who later farmed in the district. The firm imported the first goods shipped direct from London. He married Fanny Biss and after her death he retired to Auckland where he died at a ripe old age. He had no family.
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Established 1879 situated Waitara Taranaki.
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The fifth son William Torrie Joll was brought up to farming and in common with his brothers soon acquired a sound knowledge of horses. He married Isabel Armstrong, daughter of Capt. Armstrong, a neighbour and one of his father’s Maori War Collegues [colleagues]. William and his brother Tom both represented Taranaki at Rugby Football and were members of the Surf Club boat crew. William served overseas in South Africa during the Boer War and also in Egypt and France during the 1914-18 war. He retired with the rank of Major.
He was a keen hunting man and for some time Master of the North Taranaki “Hunt”. William took over the old family farm at Waitara and on his death at the age of 80 years he was succeeded by his only son William. William Armstrong Joll was educated at New Plymouth Boys High School. He served in Italy in the 1939 war and died a few years after his return. He was a keen follower of the Hunt and a good golfer. He married Jean Hughes, daughter of the Rev. Hughes who had been a missionary in Africa. He left two daughters.
Samuel’s daughter Kate married Robert Cameron who farmed near Hawera and they had a large family. Robert Cameron lived to a great age despite the fact that he had one artificial leg. He was truly an example of the stuff that the pioneers were made of. It was told by one of the family that his leg was crushed in a railway accident, and he was taken in and held down on the kitchen table while his injured leg was amputated with a carving knife.
The next daughter Eva married Thomas Drown who finally settled in Hastings as an orchardist. Eva left two sons Leslie who served overseas in the 1914-18 war and took up land in Hastings and Ronald who retired as a senior Bank Manager. One of Ronald’s sons was killed in the Tangiwai disaster in 1953.
Samuel’s third daughter Mary married the Rev. Isaac Elliott and their three children were Rita, Herbert and Olive.
The fourth daughter Sarah also married a clergyman. the Rev. F. Young and they had a family of three, all daughters.
Another daughter Minnie, married Robert Tate, a cartage contractor of Waitara, who served on the first Borough Council there, in 1875. Of their children, Cliff was Town Clerk in Feilding for 25 years. and was awarded the M.B.E. for services to the community.
Varey – Stock Agent – later was in Real Estate and Auctioneer. Member of the Borough Council for 9 years. Deputy Mayor for the last 6 years of his term. He was “Father” to the Maori people and after his funeral service his body was solemnly farewelled from the Marae – his Marae. Few men have successfully embodied the true ideal of integration.
“Te Kotuku rerenga-tah.” The flight of the lone white heron passes but once.
Stanley worked in Thos. Borthwick & Sons Office, in Waitara, later Manager of T.B. Sons in Feilding.
Douglas farmed at Waitoitoi.
Cyril worked at Thos. Borthwick & Sons Office at Waitara. He served on the Borough Council in Waitara for many years.
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Cliff and Doug served in World War I and Cyril World War II.
All keen sportsmen – Rugby, tennis rowing and representatives for Taranaki in Rugby and tennis.
Phyllis married Dr. Don McAllister who set up a Medical Practice in Mosgiel.
Three youngest daughters never married – Clara, Alice and Nellie. They continued to live in the Riverdale Homestead. Alice sang in the Anglican Church choir and was active in church affairs. She spent some time in Auckland.
Clara lived in the Homestead till her death, and Nell was in a home in Auckland in her last years.
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Home of Samuel & Elizabeth Joll (Junior). Situated as the Homestead on Riverdale Farm. Replaced by William Joll about 1936
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SARAH JOLL… Samuel Senior and Elizabeth’s second daughter Sarah, born in Calstock 1834, married Robert Gilmour and settled in Raglan. Robert, was the founder and senior partner in the large coach building business of Gilmour, Joll and Williams.
Sarah had 12 children, with many now having descendants throughout New Zealand. In 1866 one of their children, Jean, at 5 years of age was a foundation pupil at the Raglan School. She married Rev. William Slade in the mid 1880’s. He was prominent in the Methodist Church, serving in Onehunga, Dunedin and Fiji. The Slade family consisted of Gilmour, William (who was also a Methodist Minister), Eileen (well known as a concert pianist in Auckland, and accompanying Gladys Moncrieff on one of her tours).
Eileen, married Tony Valentine. Another daughter Natalie, married Clive Johns, who was a partner in a flourishing Radio business still in existence in Auckland. Natalie was the only one to continue the line with two sons and a daughter. William did marry and had a daughter (Brenda Shore). She has no issue. The youngest of the Slade family was Marjorie.
Sarah Gilmour. at 53 years became ill with cancer. She went from Raglan to Auckland, perhaps in the hope of treatment. She died there but was shipped back to Raglan accompanied by two sons Alan and Charles, a daughter and a brother. She died 4.7.1887.
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ELIZA JOLL… was the third daughter and the youngest of the five Joll children to make the four month voyage from England aged just 10 months when the TIMANDRA left Plymouth in November 1841. Eliza would have celebrated her first birthday at sea shortly before the ship’s arrival in New Plymouth in February 1842. Twenty years later, at age 21, Eliza married Henry Hawken, a 26 year old blacksmith also originally from Cornwall, on 26 February 1862, in the Wesleyan Chapel, New Plymouth.
Their first child, Mary Elizabeth Hawken, was born in New Plymouth on 13 May 1863. It is believed that she died in infancy since no further mention of her has been found.
Some time between May 1863 and October 1864, Henry and Eliza left New Plymouth and settled in West Clive, Hawke’s Bay. Henry had a Blacksmith business in partnership with a brother-in-law. It was here that the rest of their children were born. Sarah Rebecca, arrived on 2 October 1864, followed by a third daughter, Alice Regina, on November 1867. Next came Ernest Redstone the first son born to Eliza and Henry, on 9 November 1871. Two years later the family was completed with the birth of a second son and fifth child whom Eliza and Henry with a touch of patriotism and perhaps nostalgia named Harry Cornwall Hawken, born in 1874.
The Hawken family arrived in Woodville in either 1877 or 1878 when the town like the district, was still standing bush. Eliza and Henry were thus among the pioneer settlers of Woodville. Their section was known locally as “Elm Branch Farm” and many a weary day was spent felling and clearing property.
Eliza died of heart failure at home, 38 Ormond Street, Woodville on November 1909 aged 64 years. Henry died 11 February 1913 also of heart failure. He was 77.
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Photos on previous page show: –
Henry Hawken with son Ernest Hawken on the horse.
Family Gathering.
Standing from left, David Joll, Eliza Hawken and Harry, Henry and Ernest, John Joll.
Seated: –
Mary Jane (David’s wife) Mary Ballantine nee Joll and child. Fanny (Johns wife)
Children include Sarah and Alice Hawken, four young sons of John and Fanny Joll.
SAMSON JOLL 1843 and the third son. First child born in New Zealand in the family, married M. Hilbert and as a young man came to Clive in Hawke’s Bay. Operated a Blacksmith business in partnership with his brother-in-law Henry Hawken. He was a Private Taranaki Rifles Vols. and Napier Rifles Vols. Active at Omaranui [Omarunui], Samson eventually settled in Wellington where he married for the second time, M. Atkinson. He owned considerable property in Karori where his name is perpetuated in “Joll Street”. He had no family. He died 1909.
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THOMAS JOLL… the fourth son, born 1845. Thomas spent his early years in Taranaki and at the age of 15 years was engaged in carting supplies to the troops at Waireka near Oakura, during the engagement with the Maoris. After the war he took up land and married Ann Langdon Jonas, a sister of his brother Samuel’s wife. Thomas and Ann, eventually settled in Hastings, where they raised a large family.
One daughter Linda, married Stanley Prime. He was called in the last intake of the First World War. He died in Camp with Flu as the war was ending. Linda and her sister Winifred, were accomplished musicians, and she used this skill for her support, teaching music.
Winifred, married Stanley’s brother, Cecil Prime.
Thomas and Ann’s eldest son Matthew, was brought up to farming in Hawke’s Bay, and finally settled as a timber merchant in Levin. He married J. Thompson. The next son, Leonard, married and settled in Gisborne, while the youngest son Ernest, married and settled in Hastings. He left no family.
After some time as a Widower, Thomas married a Widow by the name of Mrs. Sowry. Their engagement is related by one of her Granddaughters.
Many years ago after my Grandfather had died and Grandma was living on her own, we always visited her during our holidays, and often there would be a number of grandchildren there. One day, not being very well, I was sent into the sitting room with drawn blinds, to rest on the couch. I could hear the other children playing outside and was quite unaware that anyone else had entered the room until I heard Grandma’s voice saying “Yes. indeed. I think we could.” And a man’s voice replied. “Then let me put this ring on your finger, my dear.” There was silence for a few moments and I must have stirred, because Grandma said “Dear me, is that a child on the couch?” The man’s voice answered. “I believe it is, but she is asleep. Kiss me, my dear.” I heard them kiss and then Grandma said in her firm but gentle way. “Well, come my dear, we must tell the others.” Not until years later did I realise the humour of having witnessed my Grandmother accepting a proposal of marriage; nor did I at the time tell anyone that I was the first to know!
V.M. Dowrish.
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MARY JOLL… the fourth daughter Born 1847, married J.P. Ballantyne [JS Ballantine], a Scot who had a chequered career despite his high qualifications. He was a M.A. of Edinburgh University and soon after his marriage went over to Hawke’s Bay as Headmaster of the Clive School, then probably the most important school in the district. Ballantyne soon ran foul of the Rev. Colenso who was the then local inspector and the next we see is the young Scotsman being religated [relegated] to a smaller school at Patangata. He stuck this out for a short time during which his nephew John Henry Joll lived with him for some time and then he gave up his scholastic career and took up land near Hawera. He farmed in Taranaki for many years and left a family to carry on after his death.
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ELIZABETH JOLL … the youngest daughter born 1850 married Samuel Driller a blacksmith who was also something of a veterinarian and had two sons and a daughter. One son William settled in Hawke’s Bay. He retired after many years as Headmaster of Mangateretere School. The other son Francis settled in Wellington trained as a cabinet maker, then went into business as an indent agent. One of his daughters married Charles Gould, a member of the well known Christchurch family. Their son Brian M.A.-LLM became Rhodes Scholar and after leaving Oxford University joined the Foreign Office and subsequenly [subsequently] became a member of the House of Commons and a strong critic of the Common Market. Another grandson is a Judge in the Court in Hong Kong, another a surveyor, another Head of Music in a College in Lower Hutt.
Francis became Grand Master of a Lodge. Remembered for a strong dominant character he also gave to many charities. In 1963 donated an ambulance to the Wellington Free Ambulance Society in memory of his wife.
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DAVID JOLL … born 1852. The youngest of Samuel and Elizabeth’s children met an untimely death by accident aged only thirteen years.
He died on 13th March 1865, the very day of his thirteenth birthday. He was working for his father loading timber, carting it and unloading. When the load was discharged he jumped onto the cart, having one foot in the cart and one on the pole. He gave the bullocks a poke to make them go on faster. He did not look where he was going and the wheel caught against the gate post, slid up it and the cart upset and fell on David, the rail striking him on the head. H.J. Webber, Assistant Surgeon to the Taranaki Military Settlers was called to help. There was an extensive scalp wound and he believed there was a fracture of the base of the skull and rupture of the principal blood vessels to the brain. Such injury would produce almost instantaneous death.
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JOHN JOLL of Pukahu was born at Calstock in 1838 and accompanied his parents to New Zealand in the S.S.”Timandra”, arriving in New Plymouth in 1842.
John spent his childhood in New Plymouth and in common with his brothers soon became an experienced bushman and teamster. He also obtained a thorough grounding in farming as it had been carriedPhotos – on for centuries by his forbears in the old land, and of the Maori language and customs.
As soon as he was old enough to branch out for himself John began to look around for a suitable place to settle, and what better could he choose than Hawke’s Bay where Sir Donald McLean whom he no doubt saw, if not met in Taranaki, had recently purchased the Te Mata Heretaunga Block. Accordingly about 1860 we find this young man with a team of bullocks engaged in road construction and bush clearing works at Te Aute.
Hawke’s Bay was a wild and lawless place at this time and many a time “Taranaki Jack” must have been glad of his intimate knowledge of the Maoris and their customs and of his reputation for strength and ability to look after himself. when the necessity arose.
The Maoris in Hawke’s Bay at that time were more or less friendly though they were already beginning to wonder whether they had been a little too anxious to dispose of their lands to the Pakeha a few years before.
The principal chiefs in Hawke’s Bay, at that time were Pareha, Moananui, Karaitiana, Karauria, Hapuka and Tomoana and they had sold Heretaunga to Thos. Jensen and others, Maraekakaho to McLean, Te Mata to Chambers, Te Mahunga to Douglas and areas at Te Aute to Williams. Many of these sales were to the Government in the first instance but no matter what the circumstances were, the purchase price was soon dissipated and the Maoris started to complain that they had been cheated. Thos. Tanner was to receive the brunt of these complaints and though a Royal Commission of Enquiry into the sale of the Heretaunga Block found that he had dealt fairly in the circumstances it was many years before some of the claims were settled.
One of the most influential of the chiefs were mentioned. Te Hapuku had been very active in selling the tribal lands without always consulting other owners and in 1857, Te Moananui, Karaitiana and others had a pitched battle with him near Mangateretere and forced him to leave his Pa at Pakowai and live with his hapu at Te Hauke a few miles inland. His close relative Puhara was killed.
When John arrived in Hawke’s Bay, Hapuku had established himself near Poukawa Lake and had already granted a block of land at Te Aute for the establishment of a Maori College. This land was then being farmed by the Rev. Samuel Williams and it was here that the young man from Taranaki commenced his life in Hawke’s Bay. A life which ended tragically while full of promise a few short years later.
At this time the hills behind Poukawa and Te Aute were covered with heavy bush and the first task of the settlers was to provide road access to their holdings. Bridle tracks and rough bullock tracks were already in existence in places and John’s first job was a contract for road construction between Hapuku’s Pa at Te Hauke and Te Aute in Pukehou as the delivery station is called. Hapuku was not at all happy about the way things were shaping and as the road work progressed and more and more pakehas came into the district he began to have second thoughts about the wisdom of his former land selling activities.
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He began to sense that his influence would soon begin to wane also and he commenced to adopt obstructionist measures to halt the march of progress.
One day as John was approaching a newly completed piece of road with his bullock wagon loaded with crushed lime, he came upon Hapuka and a number of his followers standing in the way. “Stop.” ordered the chief, in his most arrogant tone.
“What have you in that dray?”
“Huka’” (sugar) replied John. and Hapuka’s followers laughed loudy [loudly]. The Chief himself, however, did not approve of such levity at his expense and the next morning the pakeha found that in the night the Maoris had sawn through the spokes of his wheels, thus holding up the works till they were replaced from Napier.
A short time before John arrived in Hawke’s Bay, Hapuku, Te Moananui and others had sold the Te Mata Block to the Government who subsequently sold it to John Chambers who had arrived from the Australian Gold Fields. The site of Havelock North was excluded from the original purchase as it was situated in the block of 8000 acres reserved for Karanima [Karanema], Hapuku’s son. When, however, this young chief died of measles shortly after the sale of Te Mata, Karanima’s Reserve was surveyed into town sections and the Village of Havelock North was established
By this time John had acquired a block of two or three hundred acres at Pukahu and was developing it into high producing farm. He built ditch and bank fences as his father had done in far away Cornwall and lined them with gorse cuttings which subsequently grew into hedges. He grew wheat and other crops and raised sheep and cattle to supply two butchers shops which he had established in Havelock North and Clive. In 1864 he met and married Fanny Jane the daughter of Valentine Harrison and built their first home where Dr. Foote’s surgery now stands on the Napier Road.
In the first few years fortune smiled on the young couple and in 1866 their eldest son Valentine Samuel was born. Next followed William in 1868, Henry in 1870, Robert in 1872, George Treliving Harley in 1874 and Alfred Earnest in 1876.
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These were times of great activity in the Province of Hawke’s Bay and although Waipukarau [Waipureku] or West Clive was the principal town after Napier other settlements were rapidly springing up. John acquired sections in Clive and when it was decided to run the railway through the swamp instead of the Middle Road (Patangata) he bought titles in Havelock North and Hastings as well. His business and farming ventures were flourishing and the only worry was the ever present likelihood of trouble with the Maoris who were constantly harangued by Hau Hau emissaries.
For the young wife these were halcyon days, though in common with all other women in the district she had a night of anxiety on the 14th of October, 1866. Most of the men including her husband and two brothers Alfred and Frederick Harrison were members of the Militia and when that night they heard the sound of galloping hoofs and the bugle call to assemble at Clive, the women’s feelings can hardly be imagined in those unsettled days. It was the eve of the Battle of Omaranui.
Fanny, who was born at Waiwakaiho. near New Plymouth in 1846, had spent most of her childhood years amongst the Maoris at Kihikihi and Rangiawahia in the Waikato. and was a fluent Maori speaker.
It was natural, therefore, that with Maoris all around she soon knew them all. She had been educated at a convent in Auckland where she lived with the wellknown Sheehan family, and had a knowledge of nursing and her services were eagerly sought in times of sickness. It is little wonder then that the Maoris warned her that trouble was brewing and that an attempt would be made by the Hau Haus to sack Tapui and expel the Pakehas from Hawkes Bay.
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After the fight at Omaranui the Maoris being defeated, Hawke’s Bay settled down peacefully, but it was a long time before the Harrison boys were free to roam the world once more. They had many stirring experiences in bush fighting whilst they harried Te Koote [Kooti] up the East Coast.
In 1869 John decided to build his home on the farm at Pukahu and the house was hardly finished when John Henry was born there, on the 2nd January 1870. Part of the old house still stands, and a Totara tree planted as a seedling to commemorate the birth of this child is now a large momenta of the Ashley Clinton farm of Alfred Harrison from whence it came.
The early seventies saw the family fortunes rapidly improving and as the children arrived, the young couple dreamed their dreams for the future. Valentine, William and Henry were attending a private school conducted by Mrs. Shephard, the wife of the Presbyterian Minister in Havelock North and it was planned to send them to the College at Wanganui in due course. One child Robert had been accidently drowned when an infant, but the others including George and Alfred were all active and strong and their future seemed assured.
At this time the Pukahu farm was fattening large numbers of bullocks not only for the shops but also to furnish meat to the contractors engaged in constructing the railway through the 40 mile bush at Te Aute. This was the source of the families prosperity and ultimately the cause of its great set back.
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One day John was drafting bullocks in the stockyard when one turned on him and gored him in the back. He was seriously injured and for the next two years was unable to leave his bed.
Everything possible that medical men of the time could do was done. but the patient gradually deteriorated until he died in 1879.
The Widow was then left to take stock of things and what a change the last two years had wrought. Here she was with five sons, the eldest 13 years of age, a sadly diminished farm, a number of town sections but no money to carry on with. During her husband’s illness, doctors in Napier had been in constant attendance and their fees were not light. The result was that when the bills came to hand, the only course was to hand over the deeds of title to sections of land. A much depleted estate was the result, John was buried in Havelock North Cemetery in 1879 and his widow was left with the five sons to educate and start in life.
The farm at Pukahu was leased and the widow shifted back to Havelock North until the elder boys were old enough to help on the farm. The family then shifted to Pukahu once more. They were hard times for a young woman left to her own devices but as her boys grew up, and the farm began to prosper again, the old home became a centre of social life for young people from far and near. Every Saturday in the winter the dining room floor was cleared
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and dancing and musical items were enjoyed under the watchful eye of the hostess. At twelve o’clock sharp all jollification had to cease and the young men were detailed off to escort the girls to their respective homes. Happy times in those far off days before Wireless. T.V., Electricity were even thought of in this land of ours.
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On his father’s death, Valentine, although only a boy, assumed his father’s mantle as regards his younger brothers and his boyhood was virtually ended from then on.
He gradually shouldered more and more of the responsibilities of the farm also.
In due course Valentine married Evelyn, daughter of Mr & Mrs John Fulford, who had come out from England and Jersey to establish brickworks in Napier and subsequently in Havelock North. Valentine leased the family farm and his mother settled in Havelock North again, this time in Joll Road, where she lived until her death in 1929 at the age of 82 years.
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The old Pukahu farm was a busy place in those days, with a large herd of cows being milked for the Hastings town supply. There were always a number of men employed. The farm produced its own milk, butter, cheese, fruit, vegetables etc.
Photo caption – Milking time at Pukahu. clapham. Series 84 34
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Valentine and his wife had three sons, John Stanley, Valentine Harley and Alfred Percy. As they grew up, they assisted on the farm and on the properties that their father had acquired at Paki Paki and Ngatarawa.
When the 1914-18 war broke out, Stanley enlisted and at the age of 20 went overseas to France where he was gassed and eventually invalided home. For some years he was under hospital treatment and when he was discharged, he married Grace Spencer one of his nurses and took over the running of the farm from his father who then retired. His interest lay in cropping rather than stock. An inventive mind lead to the creation of machinery, implements and gadgets to suit a job, but never developed further.
Stan always enjoyed a debate. His family named his small fishing boat on Lake Taupo the “Argumenta” for this reason.
His children were all daughters and he lived to 88 years of age in spite of the on going effects of damage done to his health during the war.
The second son Harley from his earliest years showed a decided bent for anything mechanical or scientific and after leaving Hastings High School, he worked at home for some years. His heart was not in farming, however, and he eventually took up engineering, at which he was regarded outstanding. He married Lorna Hingston and they had two sons and one daughter. Harley was 49 years of age when he died of a brain tumor.
The youngest son Percy took over his father’s farm at Ngatarawa, with his wife Amelia Schofield. A long involvement with stock and agricultural harvesting then took place. It was on the farm, then broken into 10 acre blocks, that he died at the age of 86 years in 1988. He and Amelia had 9 children. 2 boys and 7 girls.
Valentine did not enjoy good health after his retirement because of cancer and died in 1926 at the age of 60 years.
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William the second son of John and Fanny, was rather more restless than his brothers and when gold was discovered in Western Australia, he was soon on his way to try his luck. His Uncle Frederick Harrison had already gone over but William decided to spend some time seeing other parts of Australia first. He landed at Sydney and here met a plausible stranger who quickly relieved him of most of his cash. In disgust therefore, he left Sydney forthwith, and made his way to Coolgarlie [Coolgardie], determined to at least recoup his loss, if nothing more.
He found that his Uncle was doing very well for himself in a managerial and advisory capacity and very soon saw, as his Uncle Samuel Joll had many years before that the actual prospecting or mining itself was a gamble at which few were lucky, but that those who supplied the miners with the necessary supplies and equipment could not lose.
William immediately sought out a blacksmith who was sharpening picks at £1 a time and the two of them joined forces to their mutual advantage.
On his return to New Zealand he married Anne, daughter of Captain & Mrs. Wilson, who had settled in Havelock North, after an adventurous voyage from Scotland. The sailing vessel on which they came was wrecked on the Crozels and the passengers and crew were marooned for many months on those inhospitable shores.
William acquired a portion of the Hatuma block known as “The Gorge” which he farmed until he sold it to the Government in the nineteen twenties. He then returned to Auckland where he built himself a fine home at Northcote.
In his young days William was a keen volunteer and for some time held a commission as Lieutenant in the Waipawa Rifles.
He died in 1947, whilst on a visit to his brothers in Havelock North and was buried in the local cemetery. His wife died some years later, and was buried in Auckland. They had no family.
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The next son was John Henry, whose career was so bound up with the growth of Hawke’s Bay generally, and Havelock North in particular, that his life will be told more fully later.
The fourth son was George Treliving Harley who was born in 1874 at Pukahu and spent his early years in Havelock North and Pukahu. As a young man he was a very keen footballer and represented Hawke’s Bay against the visiting English team in 1904. After completing his time as a coachbuilder, he took up Mount Hassell Block of some 4,000 acres, at Patoka and deANDREW GILMOUR – SARAH (nee HARRIS).
Nina, Isobel, Eileen.veloped it into a fine sheep farm. It was a largely undeveloped district in those days and the only means of public transport was by the daily mail coach. Puketitiri the nearest township was about five miles away and was then a busy sawmilling centre surrounded by heavy bush.
Before these present days of truck transport all stock for these back country farms had to be driven on foot and what an interesting way to see the country. Most of George’s buying and droving in those early years of the century was done by John Henry and many an exciting week was spent on the road before the fern and manuka was cleared away and the roads sealed for cars.
The first days drive from Havelock North with sheep, was to Papakura Yards, near Pakowhai. The next day was through Puketapu and Wharerangi to the Newstead Woolshed, the next to the holding Yards near the Bridge at Rissington and finally to Patoka and then Mt. Hassell. The nights were spent in shearers’ whares or under the stars according to the weather.
For young boys a trip like this was a great adventure and when the traction engines from Holts Mills came roaring down the hills everything gave them a wide berth. The coaches also with their four and five horse teams were the speedsters of tANDREW GILMOUR – SARAH (nee HARRIS).
Nina, Isobel, Eileen.hose days and they could be seen approaching from afar by the clouds of dust that followed in their wake.
There were wild pigs to be seen rooting in the fern in the early morning and lovely stretches of native bush still standing at Orr’s Gorge and Little Bush whilst vast forests covered the foothills from Puketitiri, Te Pohue and further. Kiwis and Wekas were plentiful and such places as Ball’s Clearing were regarded as a botanists paradise.
Just prior to taking up this property, George married Ida Evans, a daughter of a neighbouring Pukahu farmer and they had one son Leonard in due course.
As the property became improved it became essential to employ more labour and when this became more and more difficult to procure after World War 1 broke out, George decided to sell out and buy a smaller place
He then acquired the property called “Risby” in St. Georges Road. Havelock North where his twin daughters Ida and Jean were born. This property, however, proved rather small for a man with a fast growing son and the family next shifted to “Mangapoaka” Whitukura [Whetukura].
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After farming “Mangapoaka” successfully for some years George decided for the sake of his younger children to move a little closer to civilization once more and he eventually acquired a large orchard on the Te Mata Road, Havelock North. Here he very quickly became prominent in fruitgrowing circles and was for some time President of the H.B. Fruitgrowers’ Association.
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Jean, Ida, and Leonard. George was a keen bowler and was for some time President of the local Club. He died in 1960 at the age of 86 years and his property was held by his son.
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Alfred the youngest son was born in 1876 and after spending some years as a building contractor he acquired an orchard property in Lucknow Road, Havelock North. Alfred married his cousin Mary, daughter of Frederick Harrison and had two sons and one daughter.
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The eldest son George, was associated with his father in building operations for a number of years and finally Joined the Maori Affairs Department where he became a District Building Supervisor.
George married Olive Spencer and had two daughters Joan and Marie.
The next son, Douglas joined the Health Department and became a Senior Inspector of Health. He married Marjory Cliff and had one son and two daughters.
Alfred had many interesting experiences in his younger days when assisting to re-locate Maori Settlements, after the Ngaruroro River was diverted through Omahu. The whole of the Omahu Pa had to be shifted and the Maoris knowing how the principal houses and the Meeting House had been built were quite confident that the task was beyond even “Pakehas” with their much vaunted skill.
Alfred could tell Maori stories most entertainingly and his description of the conversations which took place during these operations were most amusing.
The Principal Chief at Omahu at the time, just after the 1897 flood, was Meihana and after he and all his fellow tribesmen had sat around for weeks watching building after building being jacked up and skidded away on rollers, they were lost in admiration.
The Meeting House operation particularly intrigued them, as they fully expected it to fall to pieces, when they would have had a wonderful claim. “Alf” kept them out while he trussed it up securely inside and when he shifted it intact, the Maoris gave a sigh of wonder. Their spokesman said to the young Pakeha. “You win Arapata. te Pakeha he know te way, the Maori he don know te way, thats all.”
Alfred took keen interest in the affairs of the Havelock North town as it then was and was a member of the Town Board which carried out the first major work in straightening the Mangarau Stream which ran through his property. This creek formerly pursued a shallow, winding course most of the year, but occasionally it overflowed its banks at Marshall’s corner, and inundated the township itself.
When war broke out in 1939 and labour became difficult to procure, Alfred endeavoured to work his large property with the help of his daughter Myrtle alone. The strain was too much, however, and in 1942 he died suddenly at the age of 66 years.
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JOHN HENRY JOLL of Havelock North.
John Henry was the third son of John and Fanny Joll, and was born on his father’s farm at Pukahu, on the second of January 1870.
At the time of Henry’s birth, the homestead at Pukahu was not quite completed and a Totara tree was planted as a seedling to commemorate the event.
Pukahu in those days was a much more important place than it is now and boasted amongst other things an up to date Hotel “The Thistle Inn”. which was the social centre of the district and the place where Public Meetings were held.
The family property at the time was a fine one and in connection with it and the business in Havelock North and Clive, a number of men were employed. Some of these such as Harley, after whom one of the boys was named, belonged to aristocratic families in the Old Country and most of them had led adventurous lives before settling temporarily in Hawke’s Bay.
As soon as he was old enough, Henry accompanied his older brothers, Valentine and William to Mrs. Shepherd’s Private School in Havelock North and there and later at Havelock North Public School under Mr. Bissell he received his education.
At this time, Clive or Waipureku was one of the most important towns in Hawke’s Bay and as the father did a good deal of business there, and an Uncle, the Rev. Ballantyne [Ballantine] M.A. was headmaster of the local school, the family paid it frequent visits. Clive then had a polyglot population comprising old-time Whalers and their descendants, Maoris, halfcastes and adventurers from many lands. It was rather an unruly place at times and before the rivers had been bridged was usually well filled with bullock drivers and their teams awaiting the ferries to take them across to and from Port Ahuriri.
In the winter time, the rivers frequently overflowed their banks, and when easterly gales caused the sea to block up their mouths with shingle, Clive and the surrounding district for miles was covered with water. All of the houses there in the early days, were built on log piles for this reason.
Henry and his brothers lived a carefree life as young boys. The Heretaunga plains were then an unfenced wilderness of swamp and flax, with a few acres of bush covered higher ground here and there. Hastings was barely a village and the area between it and Pukahu was as yet unroaded.
There were large Maori settlements at Paki Paki, Willow Pa (near Bridge Pa), Taylor’s Pa (St Georges Road) and at Karamu across the Ngaruroro from Mangateretere and as their mother was in great demand with the Maoris on account of knowledge of their language and ability to deal with their ailments, the Joll boys soon got to know all the principal chief’s sons.
There was also a small Maori settlement beside the stream where the Hastings Municiple [Municipal] Theatre now stands and here the boys spent
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many happy hours fishing for eels with the Maori boys. It was a comparatively short ride across country with two or three small boys riding bareback on one horse. These carefree days were to end abruptly for him at nine years of age when his father died as a result of the accident previously mentioned. As well as handing over Deed of Land to pay medical expenses, his mother went out nursing and teaching Maori until she could arrange for someone to take over the remainder of the farm to settle the business affairs.
As soon as they were considered old enough to do odd jobs they were in much demand where care of horses were coANDREW GILMOUR – SARAH (nee HARRIS).
Nina, Isobel, Eileen.ncerned, and many a time Henry was called upon to escort the St. Hill girls to Waimarama on horse back. This might sound prosaic on the face of it, but when it is considered that the boy was about 13 years of age and his duties consisted of riding about 35 miles, a good part along a beach, which could only be traversed when the tide was out, delivering his charges, who were teenage young ladies and then returning by himself with the horses, it will be appreciated that ideas have changed considerably since those far off days.
Even in his old age Henry could hardly avoid a shudder as he called to mind the near terror which he had to fight against as he saw the darkness setting in and the tide getting closer to the cliffs in his lonely return rides. He could not hurry as he was by this time riding a tired horse, was nearly exhausted himself and leading one or two other horses.
After leaving school. Henry was apprenticed to Faulkner’s Foundry at Napier then the leading engineering concern in Hawke’s Bay and on completing his time, he joined Walter Kirkham, who had married his cousin Elizabeth Harrison and was in business in the Esk Valley. The time was now the early nineties of the last century, and the country inland from Napier was gradually beinANDREW GILMOUR – SARAH (nee HARRIS).
Nina, Isobel, Eileen.g opened up. The roads were still mostly bridle tracks and the one to Te Pohue led up the river bed for miles crossing and re-crossing the Stream at every bend. The hard shingle played havoc with unshod horses hoofs and as most of those travelling beyond “the valley” were Maoris from Te Harato [Haroto], Tararua and Taupo whose horses were in this category, they usually arrived in a pretty bad state. Henry rememberd the occasion when Te Kooti paid his final visit to Hawke’s Bay after he had been pardoned. He was accompanied by a large following of men, women and children, and the local smithy worked well into the night shoeing their horses before they were fit to continue on their journey.
It is not generally known, but told by a most reliable Maori that on this occasion Te Kooti visited the Chief Tura or Taylor at his village on St. Andrews Road, near Havelock North. Taylor was ill and Te Kooti’s aid as a tohunga was sought as he passed through. Our informant’s mother who met him there retained until her old age vivid recollections of his piercing eyes. “He could look right through you.” she said.
Te Kootl and his band proceeded south and when approaching Waipawa. according to our Maori friend he saw a whirlwind on the
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road in front of him. This was a warning from his familiar spirit that there was danger in the air and he accordingly avoided the town ahead. Little did he know at the time that the son of Capt. & Mrs. Wilson who were the victims of his Poverty Bay Massacre, was waiting for him there, with a loaded rifle, having vowed to kill him on sight. Young Wilson was restrained before he could carry out his threat, but the Maoris were quite convinced that he had supernatural prediction.
Every weekend, during the time that he worked at Eskdale, Henry rode home to Pukahu and it was then that his mother kept open house to the young friends of her sons from as far distant as Napier. There were dances and concerts and picnics and over all, the proud but watchful eye of the hostess, now approaching middle age. She had had several suitors, since her husband’s death but she had irrevocably dedicated herself to his memory and their family’s upbringing. In the tradition of their Yeomen ancestors, the boys had been brought up with the firm conviction that their destiny was on the land and any other occupation that they might temporarily adopt was merely a stepping stone to that end. Valentine, the oldest son had by this time married and taken over the Pukahu farm and their mother was settled in her final home in Joll Road, Havelock North.
Henry and his elder brother William, now entered into business on their own account in Havelock North but it was not long before they sold out and each took up their own blocks of land. In 1898, Henry was married to Elizabeth Caroline Frobath of Invercargill.
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They settled down in their first home, which stood where the Borough Council Office now stands. The house was a fine one set in spacious grounds and had been built as the Manse for the original Presbyterian Church next door. Here their eldest son Sydney was born on the 14th May, 1899. and their second son John Mackey, named after his maternal grandmother, nee Jessie Mackey was born on the 17th October 1900.
By this time Henry had acquired a valuable block of land between Havelock North and Pukahu, from Hugh Campbell of Breadlebane [Breadalbane] and which he called Campbell’s Block. He owned also the land on both sides of Joll Road adjoining his Mother’s land on the one side and what eventually became Fulford’s Brickyard on the other side. Accordingly he built a new house at the top of the rise above the Village and sold the Manse and the adjoining section on which the Church still stood.
The family steadily increased and after disposing of Campbell’s Block on the corner of the Maraekakaho, Paki Paki and Longlands Roads, Henry took up a property more of the type which he had been seeking for years. This was the Wahaparata Block, usually known as the “Mill Paddocks”. It is now covered with high producing orchards but in those days was one of the most valuable fat lamb and ryegrass farms in Hawke’s Bay.
Year after year, large areas of this property were split up for grass seed and when Pilchers traction engine and threshing mill appeared to harvest the crop, there was a scene of great activity. Large numbers of harvesters were employed on those occasions and the young boys had great fun chasing the mice which scattered as the hay stacks were threshed.
The Wahaparata Block was part of the Mangateretere East Native Block and was first acquired from Pene te Ua by John Chambers Snr. Later, however, it was found to be a Maori Fishing Reserve and the title reverted to Pene’s daughter Winipere te Ua. The stream which flowed through the block was very swift and near its confluence with the old Ngaruroro River, a flour mill was established in the early days of settlement. The water of the stream was diverted to turn the huge granite mill stones and when the Maoris saw the wheat being poured into the hoppers, they were reminded of the legendary whirlpool which almost engulfed their ancestors on the way to New Zealand. This was caused by a huge monster called “Parata” and the Whirlpools vortex was his mouth “Te waha o Parata”. Hence the name of this Block. The millstones are buried on the site.
Henry purchased this property from Winipene’s [Winipere’s] trustees, Paranaki te Ua and Bishop Bennett and farmed it successfully for many years. With the passing of time, however, it became increasingly evident that this was ideal land for intensive fruitgrowing and since his family had now increased to seven sons and one daughter, Henry began to dispose of it piecemeal, at the same time keeping on the look-out for a bigger hill country property on which the elder sons could assist and gain experience.
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In the meantime he entered into arrangements with Charles Ellison to farm the Te Puna Block on the Havelock North Hills in partnership and this arrangement continued until his partner’s death.
In the mid twenties the Te Mata Estate adjoining Te Puna was cut up and Henry at last attained his life’s ambition, a 500 acre farm on the Havelock North hills. His son John who was by then married, shifted into the homestead from where he farmed his own property which adjoined his father’s at the back and until the present time “Castle Hill” or “Te Hau” has remained in the family.
In 1912, as the result of a Public Meeting it was decided to form a Town Board for Havelock North and Henry was elected as a member which he remained until 1928. He was for some time Chairman, during which period the up to date water and sewerage systems were installed.
This was the busiest period of his life. Besides being a member of the Town Board and a member of the Napier Harbour Board he was also a member of the Executive of the Farmers’ Union and for many years Chairman of the Hawke’s Bay Branch.
During his period as Chairman of the Farmers’ Union, Henry attended regular meetings of the executive in Wellington where his speeches were listened to with obvious appreciation. He was a fine public speaker and a keen student of current affairs. At this time he was also a member of the Electoral Committee of the N.Z. Meat Board which was then under the Chairmanship of the Rev. Thomas Duncan.
When war broke out in 1914, Henry immediately offered his services but as he was then 44 years of age and the father of five children he was drafted to Home Defence Corps.
Hawke’s Bay was beginning to develop very rapidly after the war ended and the H.B. Hydro Electric League was formed for the purpose of investigating the possibilities of developing Lake Waikaremoana in this connection. A delegation of which Henry was a member inspected the proposed site and as a result the power station at Tuai was built.
In 1921, the usual aftermath of war set in and some of the first people to feel the full impact were the soldiers who had settled on the land on their return from the war. Commissions of Enquiry were set up to investigate their complaints and Henry was appointed Chairman of the Hawke’s Bay and East Coast bodies.
Another Commission on which Henry served as Chairman at this time was that set up to inaugurate the Smedley Estate at Wakarara for training young farmers. He was on this Committee from 1927 to 1929 when the estate was finally on its feet.
In 1930 he was Chairman of the Hawke’s Bay Rural Intermediate Credit Board and when the depression again set in, in the
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thirties he was appointed to the Mortgagors and Tenants Relief Commission on which he served from 1934 to 1937. Once again he travelled the length and breadth of the East Coast but in much greater comfort than before. However, the toll of the years was beginning to tell and though still fit he was becoming increasingly deaf. In the circumstances. he felt that he could no longer do justice to his office and accordingly regretfully decided to resign.
Henry was a shareholder in several companies and was a director of the firm of Headley Son and Stewart until its amalgamation with the Hawke’s Bay Farmers Co-op. He was a Manager and Elder of St. Columbas Church for many years and was a foundation member of Lodge Te Mata which was situated on land donated by him. As more and more of their father’s time became taken up with his public duties, one after another of the sons took over the day to day duties on the farm. Sydney had for many years been a Solicitor in Wellington. John had his own farm on the Waimarama Road. Rangi had taken over the ancestral farm at Pukahu. Roy was gaining farming experience at Mokapeka and Allan was at home. Rita and Dudley were also at home.
By this time Henry’s health was not as good as his active brain would have wished, but he still had the few acres around and across the road from the house and the property known as “Tods” about half a mile up Joll Road. He had bought Tod’s from a man of that name some 30 years before and it was here that he kept the family milking cows. As each of the boys became old enough to milk, he took over the duty of getting the cows and milking them, but it was not until Cargill’s time that the milking time became time of recreation. The family was then a large one and there were usually four or five cows to be milked, but unlike his older brothers, Cargill did not feel that they were a tie. More often than not some of his friends had milked them before he arose in the morning and after school at nights he usually acted as Supervisor whilst several of the neighbouring boys of his own age vied foANDREW GILMOUR – SARAH (nee HARRIS).
Nina, Isobel, Eileen.r the privilege of milking “Arrow” or some other quiet old cow.
Tod’s was a piece of good land but the hill soon became too valuable to hold for grazing and was sold for building sites. The flat, however, grew fine lucerne though it was subject to floods in winter. It was an ideal place for an elderly farmer to keep a few sheep and other stock and to keep in touch with his hill country further back.
When war broke out in 1939, Henry was nearly seventy years of age and though he was not fit to carry on the farm himself he refused to appeal for any of his sons to be exempted from Military Service. Sydney and Roy left New Zealand with the First Echelon and Allan and Rangi were soon to follow them into Camp, whilst Cargill who was then working on Kahuranaki Station had enlisted but had been held back through his Employers appealing. He subsequently went overseas to the Middle East and saw service in North Africa and Italy whilst Rangi went to the Islands and took part in several landings. Dudley who was under age when war broke out was in camp when it finished and was posted for guard duty in the Japanese P.O.W. Camp at Featherston.
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John served in the Home Guard.
The farm had to be carried on despite all, and the only daughter Rita, did yeoman service in this respect. With the help of John when necessary, she carried on the routine work and when at last the boys returned and Cargill leased the farm she took up her household duties as though it was all part of the plan.
The strain of the war years was great under any circumstances but to parents who had five sons serving overseas, it must have been terrific.
In 1944. Sydney and Roy returned from the Middle East, much to their parents relief, but the damage had already been done and one day when he was returning from a visit to “Tod’s” Henry had a slight stroke. He quickly recovered and apparently suffered no after effect, but he now realised that his days of strenuous exercise were done. His source of relaxation now became bowls and from then until the time of his death some six years later, he spent many happy times on bowling greens all over Hawke’s Bay. He was amongst the best players in the local club and was a member of the committee for many years. With his neat cropped beard, his massive shoulders and his keen sense of humour he was a popular figure on bowling greens wherever he went.
In due course Rangi, Cargill and Allan also returned from overseas and in 1946, Cargill leased the farm on the understanding that he would have the first option to purchase. Life soon reverted to normal as one after the other of the boys married and settled down and there was nothing the old people liked better than to visit the various farms and see their grand-children beginning to arrive.
In the thirties, Henry and a friend of his had gone for a tour of the Islands and the Samoans particularly had reminded ANDREW GILMOUR – SARAH (nee HARRIS).
Nina, Isobel, Eileen.him of the Maoris of his younger days. As he grew old, one of his regrets was that he had not been able to visit Cornwall, the land of his fathers, and he never tired of hearing Cornish jokes or of seeing pictures of the scenery, and of reading books about the Country of Cornwall and its history.
Henry was a great lover of animals and his horses “Young Jennie” and “Old Jennie” were wonderful help mates and companions in his early days of farming. During the long days of droving stock to Puketitiri when his brother George first took up Mt. Hassell, his only companions for many days on end were his old dog and the stock.”Sheilah” who was his mount in the Te Puna days, served him well for many years, but the days of horses, like his own, gradually passed away.
On the day of the Earthquake in 1931, Henry had driven the “old mare” as he called his horse of the time, to a section which he owned near the Hastings Racecourse. He was busy unloading some posts from the trap, when the mare became restive, and when the Quake actually came, he was so busy trying to pacify her that
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he did not realise what had happened until it was all over. Cargill who was mustering cattle on the hills, had the same experience as he was so busy trying to prevent them from stampeding in what he thought was a hurricane that he could hardly believe the stories he heard until he saw the damage when he passed through Havelock North later.
With the approach of old age, Henry’s deafness became more pronounced and for the last few years he spent more and more time reading and thinking. His brain was keen and active until the end however, and he enjoyed nothing better than an animated discussion on world affairs.
Early in December 1950, it became evident to the family that something more than old age was worrying their father, and much against his wish, the local Dr. Whyte, a son of the Minister who had married their parents over 50 years before was called in. The Dr. very soon decided that there was a case for hospital treatment and Henry was taken to the Hastings Memorial Hospital. He failed to respond to the treatment and in a short time he passed away on the 8th December 1950.
The old family plot is now full and when Henry was joined a few years later by his lifelong partner, their era was ended. The inscriptions of the gravestones however, bear much evidence that the traditional longevity of the Jolls is still being handed on.
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John Leslie
Rangi Cargill
Elizabeth Caroline John Henry
Mum Dad
Roy Sid Dudley
Cargill Rita Rangi Alan
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In New Zealand are to be found other families bearing the “Joll” name of descent and in most cases the relationship linking them in Cornwall has been established. Departures caused restlessness in many households. The time worn Bible of David Josiah Joll (Samuel’s elder brother) and his wife Mary Ann nee Cory, gives a glimpse in its pages in faded hand written notes, of the blend of joys and sorrows that was their experience. Births, marriages, departures, timely and untimely deaths. Of their nine children, four are known to have sailed to New Zealand, one to America. Included were all the sons of the family.
MARY, the eldest, born 1835, married John Waldron of Calstock. An entry in the Bible tells of his loss. John Waldron departed this life when by accident a laden wagon ran over his chest, December 1877, in New Zealand. What then became of Mary’s life has at this stage not been traced, but she died in 1886.
TOMSIN, born 1836, married Joseph Harris (Harries, as spelt in the Bible) at Calstock. They and their family became pioneers in New Zealand. Records show a varity [variety] of spelling for Tomsin, Thamizine, Thomizine and Harries became Harris.
In 1858, Joseph Henry and Tomsin (nee Joll) Harris landed in Auckland from the ship “Harewood”, with their young son John (Born Calstock 28.8.1857) Four more children were subsequently born in New Zealand: Mary-ann (Polly), Joseph Henry, Josiah and Sarah Jane.
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John established himself as a competent farmer at Woodville and was active in affairs there. On coming to Hawke’s Bay he was elected a member of the H.B. Hospital Board and became Chairman of the Old Peoples’ Home at Parke Island. In the good work of caring for the sick and aged, he threw the remaining years of his life with a devotion which made him an outstanding figure, loved and admired by his acquaintances. The old residents of Woodville remembered him as a kindly comrade, a man of the strictest integrity and a nature’s gentleman. He was married twice. The first marriage producing four sons and four daughters. The second marriage resulting in three sons. He died in 1927.
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Sir Lewis Harris
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Polly married Bill Reardon.
Joseph Henry was the father of Sir Lou [Lew] Harris, a Hawke’s Bay identity knighted for his services in philanthropic works.
Josiah went to sea. In 1922 Josiah returned to New Zealand in dramatic circumstances. He was Captain or First Officer of a sailing ship, the Helen B. Stirling, which foundered, in the Pacific. The crew were rescued by the H.M.A.S. Australia and brought to New Zealand. He returned to Canada after visiting his brothers in Hastings and contact has been lost with him and his descendants, if any.
Sarah Jane married Andrew Alexander Gilmour. One hundred and twenty years since the arrival of Joseph and Thomazine Harris in N.Z. their descendants, fifth generation New Zealanders live in this land of opportunity.
RICHARD JOLL was born at Calstock. It was on July 30, 1838. Monday morning by 6 o’clock, as recorded in the family Bible. On reaching 22 years of age Richard decided to migrate to N.Z. The fact that his Uncle Samuel was one of the pioneers of the New Plymouth settlement would, he no doubt reasoned, give him a head start in his new life.
With good connections and steady employment first as a carpenter, then as a builder – Richard appears to have become a citizen of substance. The N.Z. Registry of Electors for 1882 shows Richard Joll, Carpenter, of Manukau County, Auckland, as being entitled to vote by reason of owning 40 acres there, worth 50 pounds and property valued at 360 pounds in the Auckland Borough.
When gold was found at Thames, south-east of Auckland, Richard Joll joined the rush, and when it petered out, shifted farther south to Waihi. Here he followed the calling of mining carpenter with the Waihi Goldmining Company.
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Nina, Isobel, Eileen.
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In 1864 he married Lucy Martin, whose name is remembered in the given names of their son, Edward Martin (founder of the Western Australia branch of the family) and great-grandson Lindsay Martin. They raised a large family, believed to number 10, five girls and five boys, but, as was common in those times, the parents had to endure the sadness of premature deaths. Richard prospered financially, rising from carpenter to the profession of master builder, the calling of his father Josiah. When he met with his last illness, three of his sons had already died and his youngest daughter Lucy, was probably in bad health. Richard’s end in 1908, at the age of 70, came shortly after he had been admitted to Waihi Hospital for an abdominal operation. From his death certificate it appears his wife had predeceased him.
At the time Edward Martin (aged 33), the elder of the surviving sons, was working as a mining assayer, in the backblocks of Western Australia having served the assay department of the Waihi mine where his father worked as a carpenter. The other surviving son was W.R. Joll, a schoolmaster at Taupiri near Hamilton.
In seeking his fortune in far fields, Edward Martin may have been influenced by the example of his Uncle John, his father’s younger brother. John (known as John Cory from his mother’s maiden name) went to the United States, settled in Pennsylvania and then went west, possibly in the 1880’s. To this day, Joll descendants are to be found in Cleveland, Ohio and elsewhere. Of the circumstances that caused Edward Martin to migrate, and of the family rift apparently associated with it, nothing is known. However, the opportunities in Coolgardie and Kalgoorlie at the turn of the century must have beckoned strongly to a young man in his twenties who had completed four years, from 1891 to 1895, as a mines laboratory assistant.
In the years when professional qualifications were often earned on the job rather than in academia, this would have been accepted as fair grounding by employers on the Eastern Goldfields, to whom the young New Zealander showed his references. His first recorded employment in Western Australia was in 1901, where he was employed by the Great Boulder Perserverance Co. in the cyanide plant and assisting with experimental work. But family tradition tells of earlier work underground.
The years between 1895 and 1901 are unaccounted for. It is possible he left N.Z. immediately he had finished his four years in the assay department at Waihi and in Western Australia was forced to accept heavy work in the bowels of the earth before getting a congenial surface appointment.
In 1912, after more than a decade in W.A.. Edward Martin married. His bride was Grace Bertha McDonagh, a 29 year old woman of Irish-Cornish extraction and born in Victoria.
Ted went from strength to strength receiving posts of increasing responsibility, until he was appointed in 1914 as metallurgist of the Queen of the Hills, Meekatharra. This without full qualification would be surprising today, but in those times the recommendation of respected judges of ability meant more.
The years 1915-16 marked a big change in the fortunes of the Joll family. Edward suffered his first serious breakdown in health resulting in unemployment and financial insecurity, as he now had a wife and two small boys.
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Miners’ Pthisis, the scourge of the gold industry, was a form of pulmonary tuberculosis, the result of inhaled dust. What most people called “consumption”. He would not have been the first one to contract illness in the service of his company only to be clapped on the shoulder, shaken by the hand and fobbed off with vague promises of future re-employment.
In September 1916 he began work at the Royal Mint as a temporary assistant assayer taking the place of a man who had enlisted. He remained for nearly three years, when the position was reclaimed. Ted had taken out an insurance policy with AMP Society worth eventually nearly £600. He was financially prudent and saved enough to buy into a business when he could longer get employment.
He managed to secure another position with a Government Analyst, whose small analytical and explosives laboratories were attached to the Mines Apartment.
With employment and reasonable health, he was a companionable, relaxed parent who seemed to enjoy weekend outings as much as the children he took with him.
Ted Joll’s only remembered hobby was making home brews, supposedly non-alcoholic. These were fermented from packaged materials marketed under such names as Beeralla and Dinkum Hop following a boil-up in the washhouse copper – which served many purposes, including the drowning of unwanted kittens.
After wiring down the corks, he had his elder son crawl under the house to store them, where, after a period, exploding bottles betrayed over-usage of sugar.
Though not above telling lies about his children’s ages to suspicious tram conductors, driving hard bargains with shop assistants and relishing a battle of wits with the taxman, Ted Joll was a good citizen and family man.
After continued struggles with his health, Edward Joll died 7th August 1922 of pthisis and haemorrhage.
Life was then difficult for Grace Joll. She did not for many years, if at all, recover fully from the trauma of her husband’s death. Her initiative was paralysed by a moderated recurrent depression. When the boys, Edward and William were able to take up jobs, this provided a welcome addition to the family income. Edward was followed to Western Australia from NZ by his young sister Lucy, a lung-disease sufferer and possibly seeking health in a drier climate. It is believed she pre-deceased her brother, but when and where she died is unknown.
Edward Richard, eldest son of Edward and Grace, began work as a messenger for a Jewellers shop, then from 1929 to 1932 was messenger and office junior at W.A. Newspapers. He became graded journalist 1937 and experienced many classes of reporting, special writing, sub-editing and newspaper and magazine production.
In May 1940, Edward married Edith Sutton. Their family consisted of a daughter and a son Alison and Lindsay and with their marriages, four grandchildren, Clair, Anastasia, Madeline and Sebastian.
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William Albert studied Accountancy and qualified. Then in 1941 obtained a Diploma of Commerce at the University of W.A. He retired from State Public Service as Controller of Government Stores after holding senior positions in the Treasury.
William married Patricia Kenny in 1963. Their daughter Cynthia was born in 1965 and a second daughter Diane was born and lost in 1968.
The Joll family early in 1979. Ted describes the photo. There are now two more grandchildren. From left: My wife Ivy, daughter-in-law, Lois (nee Schurmann), brother Bill, myself. sister-in-law Tricia (nee Kenny), son Lindsay, daughter Alison (Mrs. M. Dixon) her former husband Michael Dixon.
In front: Claire Dixon (granddaughter) and niece, Cynthia.
JANE ANN JOLL was born June 30, 1840, Tuesday night, before 12 o’clock. Baptised 22 of October, 1843.” states the Bible record. Little is known of her life. Her married name may have been Millick and possible date of death in 1886.
ELIZABETH JOLL “was born October 10, 1843. Monday before 4 in the afternoon” Baptised 22nd October 1845. She married A. Craze 1873. Their son John Henry Josiah Craze was born 1874. We believe Elizabeth contributed some of the entries in the Family Bible that we value today.
JOHN CORY JOLL “was born April 5, 1846 Sunday night after 9.” John ventured to America settled in Pennsylvania and then went west. Today Joll descendants are to be found in Cleveland, Ohio and elsewhere. John married in 1873 Elizabeth (?), a son Philip Josiah was born, September 20 1876. It is recorded that Elizabeth died in America June 17 Sunday night 1877. Philip Josiah was 9 months old when he lost his mother. Emma (?) is mentioned as the second wife of John C. Joll, she died 1895.
EMMA JOLL “was born March 28 1848 Tuesday morning before 3” She died March 15 1849. aged 11 months.
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DAVID JOSIAH JOLL “was born September 19, 1851 Friday morning 8 o’clock.” David was 14 years old when he sailed from Calstock for New Zealand July 18 1865. The journey took just under 3 months, arriving October 12, 1865.
David Josiah made his way to Hastings in H.B. where he worked for J.N. Williams at Frimley. This eventually brought him in contact with the young lady who was to become his bride. Mary Jane Ebbett of County Cavan, Ireland, had journeyed out with her family and joined the Williams as nurse to their children. Mary Jane and David Josiah Joll were married December 25th, 1873 at her parent’s residence in Oak Avenue, Hastings. At the time of their marriage, they purchased land from the Williams. They called their home “Herewood” after the Joll family homestead at Calstock on Tamar, Cornwall.
Six children were born to them, forming the base for a thriving family of five generations.
David Josiah’s life was not a long one, his parents Bible records that he died 27th January 1887, in New Zealand. aged 35 years. He is buried at Havelock North.
Mary Jane remarried Edwin James Whibley. She died 15th July 1930, aged 81 years.
BENJAMIN born March 1862.
It is noted in the Bible, that Benjamin was 16 years and 4 months old when he sailed for New Zealand, aboard the ship City of Auckland, on a Thursday, 25th July, 4 O’clock in the morning.
After a 3 month voyage and nearly at their destination at 9pm the evening of the 22nd October they ran into bad weather. The Captain, mistaking Kapiti Island for Durville Island turned as though to go through Cook Strait and ran aground.
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To prevent panic aboard the ship the Captain drew his pistol and said he would shoot the first person who made for the boats. Eleven hours later the boats were lowered and cables attached which were released as they arrived at shore. This prevented them from broaching and capsizing in the rough seas. All hands were saved.
The ship besides carrying emigrants had aboard 300 tons of railway iron for Napier.
By the following morning the ship had sunk 8ft into the sand and was eventually lost completely.
Passengers were transferred to the Hinemoa and arrived four days later in Napier.
The next known fact about Benjamin was that he owned land in the Stortford Lodge area where he milked cows supplying a dairy company. However, after sometime he decided to return to Cornwall establishing a farm near Callington upon which a mine was also worked. In his retirement years he was involved in the running of a young ladies Boarding School along with other relatives of his. His year of death is unknown.
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The following are the faithfully recorded events of note, from the Bible of Josiah and Mary Ann Joll, as they were written.
Josiah and Mary Ann Joll Was married May 31, 1834.
Mary Sarah Joll was born January 5, 1835.
Monday 5 minutes before 4 in the morning.
Tomsin Joll was born February 21, 1836.
Sundy night 1/4 past 10 o’clock.
Richard Joll was born July 30, 1838.
Mondy morning by 6 o’clock.
Jane Ann Joll was born June 30, 1840.
Tuesday night 1/4 before 12 o’clock.
Baptised 22 of October 1843.
Elizabeth Joll was born October 10, 1843.
Mondy 1/4 before 4 in the afternoon.
Baptised 22 of October 1845.
John and Ann Cory married 22 October 1843.
And sailed for New Zealand November 30, 1843.
John Cory Joll was born April 5, 1846.
Sunday night 1/4 after 9.
Emma Joll was born March 28, 1848.
Tuesday morning 1/4 before 3.
Grandmother Cory died January 14, 1849.
Sundy morning 8 o’clock.
Emma Joll died March 15, 1849
Aged 11 months.
David Josiah Joll was born Sep 19, 1851.
Friday morning 8 o’clock.
John Harries was born August 28, 1857.
Friday morning.
Mary Ann Harries was born Sept.11, 1860.
In New Zealand.
Bengiman Joll Born March 18, 1862.
twenty minets after 6 in the Evening Wensday.
Joseph Henrey Harris was born January 5, 1863.
In New Zealand.
Grandfather Cory died March 8, 1863.
Sunday morning 5 o’clock.
Ann Joll was born 1. January 1864.
In New Zealand.
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Josiah Harries was born 20 June 1865.
In New Zealand.
David J. Joll Sailed for New Zealand.
July 18
David arrived October 12, 1865 Ship Ez ———?
Josiah Joll Died Jan. 14, 1872.
Burried 18. next.
Age 71 in Feb. coming.
John C Joll Married Sept.23, 1873.
In America.
C Joll married August 18 at Calstock Church 1873.
David Joll was married 25. of December 1873.
John Hennrey Josiah Craze Born 17, February.
Tues Night at 5 o’clock 1874.
Mary Hannah. Daughter of Jon & E Joll was Born in America.
Sept. 18. 1874. Friday Morning.
Half Past 8 in the morning.
Philip Josiah Joll son of John & E Joll.
Was Born Sept. 20, 1876 in America.
9 months old when he lost his Mother.
Elizabeth the Wife of J C Joll Died in America.
1877 June 17. Sunday night.
Thamzine Harries Died 1877.
in Hastings, New Zealand.
Sept. 12 Wednesday Morning half past 9.
Age 41 yrs. 7 months.
John Waldron. Departed this life by an Accident.
A laden waggon going over his chest.
18 Dec. 1877 in New Zealand.
1878 Benjamine Joll. Sailed for New Zealand.
July 25 Thursday Morning 4 o’clock.
Ship City of Auckland.
16 yrs. 4 months.
Wrecked Oct. 22. at 9 at night at Otaki.
Arrived on the Hinemoa at Hawke’s Bay.
26th Oct. Middle of the day.
Sarah Jane Harries 8 yrs. old Sept.23, 1878.
Sarah Married Nov. 7. 1878 in New Zealand.
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Aunt Brooming Died 6 Oct. 1882.
Aged 80 in the Coming February.
Aunt Joll Died in New Zealand, in the June before.
Jane Anne Millick Died May 25.
20 Minutes to Two. Tuesday Morning 1886.
Mary Ann Joll Died June 30th. 1886.
Wednesday Morning 20 Minutes to four.
Aged 71 this December before.
David Josiah Joll Died 27 January 1887.
In New Zealand. Aged 35 years.
Emma Joll second Wife of J C Joll.
Died in America. March 1895. Aged 63.
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Originating from John Joll of Saltash. Cornwall
In 1944, John Delbridge Joll, a school teacher. was appointed Headmaster of Kakaramea school in south Taranaki. Whilst he had had only a passing interest in “Joll origins” prior to that appointment, his interest was aroused by the school’s close proximity to a Joll Road. Enquiries revealed that the history of the Taranaki and Havelock North Jolls was well known, and that they were families of some substance in their respective areas. However, search as he might. John Delbridge Joll was unable to establish any link between the “Canterbury Jolls”, from which he was descended and the Taranaki or Havelock North families.
John Delbridge knew that his grandfather and grandmother had emigrated from Cornwall, but apart from that minute speck of knowledge, there was nothing else by way of acceptable evidence to suggest a familial link. And yet he, and the other Jolls with whom he came in contact as a consequence of his interest, were convinced that a relationship must exist because of the very strong physical resemblance of our family members with the other Jolls.
Over the years, contact was maintained between John Delbridge, Roy and Sid Joll, and as each new piece of information came to light it was shared by the latter two with John Delbridge. But still no link could be made. Nor was John just sitting hopeful that information would fall into his lap. He had tried to establish a greater knowledge of his side of the family. However, try as he might, he could only establish that his grandfather was James Clymo Joll, son of a Thomas Joll; that he had married Elizabeth Jane Delbridge (hence John’s second name) in the parish church at Camborne on June 6th, 1863. He also knew from anecdotal information that James Clymo was a bricklayer and plasterer and had worked as a foreman on the Lyttleton [Lyttelton] rail tunnel. The family are also reputed to have been camped under canvass on the banks of the Heathcote stream on the arrival in Canterbury.
But for the fact of the strong physical resemblance between members of the various Joll families, John Delbridge’s interest may have waned. No matter what information came to light, the connection between the various families could not be made. It was for this reason that in 1949 when on a trip to Great Britain, John’s sister, Grace Frances Elizabeth Joll (at that stage recently demobilized from the RNZAF and a librarian at the Parnell Library in Auckland) made as many enquiries as she could, both in London, and on the subsequent trips to Cornwall that she made. Again, her efforts were in vain. However, there was one interesting experience she had there which interestingly ties in with one of the stories told at the reunion and relating to a different incident. Grace was in Cornwall, and was speaking with a family of gypsies camped by the side of the road. Grace had a natural interest in people and would spend time getting to know them.
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The gypsies in turn, recognised a friendly approach and a long conversation ensued. It was at that time that the gypsies asked Grace her name. Their reaction to her surname being “Joll” was almost complete. The conversation was cut immediately short, and the gypsies set about breaking camp, and moving off with almost indecent haste. Grace could never understand why the name “Joll” had had that result. Perhaps, having heard the other story we now have some idea as to the motivation of the gypies! “Joll” being the ancient Celtic word for the Devil.
When chances arose, John Delbridge would again try to fit parts of the jigsaw together – but to no avail. He and his wife Norah Kathleen (nee Armstrong) travelled to Britain in 1970, where they pursued the matter further. What better than to travel to Camborne and visit the parish church there and try to look at the register. It is perhaps ironic that a Will Joll of Camborne in Cornwall had heard of this John Delbridge Joll who was a teacher in NZ, and had written to him seeking information. Clearly John Delbridge, who was always insistent and particular about responding to correspondence, never received the letter and therefore remained blissfully unaware of Will’s existence.
So, the church was visited. His enquiries for some inexplicable reason led nowhere, other than for the person to whom he was speaking asking where they were from. John Delbridge (known as Jack) replied that they had come from New Zealand. This excited the lady to whom they were talking who then told them that they had a New Zealander as a curate at the Church, and that she would therefore fetch the curate who would undoubtedly enjoy talking to someone from home. Imagine everyone’s surprise when in walked the curate, one Barry Kissell who had been to school with Jack’s two daughters; whose father Jack knew well; and who had spent many enjoyable hours at Jack’s home playing tennis – teenage parties etc. Quite a co-incidence – but still no further ahead with family trees.
In fact, Jack didn’t really have a chance to take things much further. It was on the return trip from Britain that Jack’s health deteriorated, and having arrived in New Zealand in October 1971, he died of cancer on February 6, 1972. At the time of Jack’s death, his son Thomas Alan (Tom) was going through Jack’s papers and came across the certified copy of the entry of James Clymo Jolls marriage in 1863, as provided by Somerset house. Also there were copies of James Clymo Joll’s death certificate, along with Jack’s father’s death certificate (also Thomas by name). From these, Tom was able to deduce that James Clymo had emigrated to New Zealand in the same year as he was married viz: 1863. Tom was also able to ascertain the name and occupation of James Clymo Joll’s father (also Thomas). Tom then decided to write out a series of questions which would require answering as a first step in progressing further with the genealogical mystery that Jack had been unable to unravel. Identifying the questions to be asked was one thing, but knowing where to go to get the answers was yet another.
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For a variety of reasons, Tom’s investigations were not pursued very vigorously. It was only when he received a visit from Roy Joll whilst Tom was living in Stratford that the interest was again reawakened. Once again, attempts by Tom and Roy to establish the link between the families came to nothing.
Not long after Roy’s return to the Hawke’s Bay, Tom received a letter from Roy advising him that the daughter of a relative of Roy’s had told him that a bible had been found in Camborne in Cornwall – a Joll family bible! This piece of information had apparently been advertised in a British genealogical magazine, and it was felt Roy may be interested. Because of our recent conversation, Roy knew that our branch of the family had come from Camborne, whereas his branch of the family had come from the Egloskerry area. He wondered therefore if it might provide information of interest in our quest to find out more of our side of the family. The address given to write to was that of a Mr B. G. Lessiter, of 98 College Street in Camborne. It was with some excitement that Tom wrote to this Mr. B. G. Lessiter, and in the letter listed all that was known about James Clymo Joll and the other relatives of James that had been established.
You can imagine the intensity of emotion which accompanied Tom’s opening of the reply from Mr Lessiter. Yes, it was Tom’s lucky day, so said Mr. Lessiter. The names that Tom had given him had enabled him to verify beyond doubt that the bible belonged to James’ parents. He was most happy for Tom to have it.
Tom wrote back immediately and suggested that if Brian Lessiter cared to pack it and send it by registered post, Tom would pay for the postage and packing. Brian replied stating that the bible would be sent as soon as possible. The tenor of the reply was so warm and friendly that it was clear that further correspondence would be welcomed.
It was thus that a series of letters went back and forth from Cornwall to Stratford, and strong ties between Tom and Brian were forged. But no bible! Every time Tom asked about it, Brian would urge him to be patient Nothing more – just “be patient”
Perhaps now, we should cross the 12,000 miles to Britain to give the background to the finding of the bible, and why the delay in sending it.
In an article written by David Thomas, B.A. (Deputy Churchwarden, Camborne Parish: Parish Clerke: Vice President and Honorary Recorder of the Camborne Old Cornwall Society; Member of the Royal Institution of Cornwall) on the finding of the bible and subsequent discoveries, the following was written:
When Mr Adrian Lessiter of Camborne, in early 1985, son of Mr. Brian and Mrs Celia Lessiter, of 98 College St Camborne stumbled upon a Joll family bible in Gurney’s Lane in Camborne, he was totally unaware as to the history which lay behind it, and to whom it belonged, and to whom it should be entrusted. There it lay, abandoned on open ground, and for anyone who cared to pick it up. It was close to the rear of the offices of Messrs Daniell and Thomas, the Camborne solicitors, and in fact as it subsequently turned out, rested less than four hundred yards from the still existent Camborne home of the 19th century Joll family.
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The bible was dated 1838 and in its front fly leaves was inscribed as follows:
Thomas and Eliza Joll married March 15 1838
William Joll born 21 October 1839
James Clymo Joll born 17th February 1842
Emeley Ann Joll born 8th December 1844
Eliza Joll born 16th February 1848
Mary Anna Joll born 22nd November 1850
Thomas Joll died 27th August 1882
“Who were these Jolls” (Not incidentally a Camborne name). What was their family history? A fascinating story unravelled itself
Fortunately for Tom, Adrian Lessiter, Brian’s son knew that his father and mother loved old books, and because of their active participation in matters of faith, knew that an old bible would be of particular interest to them. And indeed it was. Brian’s first thought was that the bible had been taken during a burglary. He therefore took it to the Police who attempted to trace its owners. To no avail. It was returned to Brian and Celia, who decided that it should remain on their bookshelf until ownership could be ascertained, one thing Brian was determined about, no-one would get the bible until they had satisfied Brian that they were bonafide owners of same. And there the bible sat for some time.
One day, Brian (by this time disabled as a result of an accident) was working in the workshop at the rear of his home in Camborne. Brian had established himself as a very competent woodworker since becoming disabled and his workshop was where he made many toys (for example Victorian rocking horses etc.) for sale. By chance the radio was going and there happened to be a BBC Cornwall, a talk back programme on genealogy. Brian suddenly thought of the bible. However, by the time he had got inside, got the bible, and then phoned the radio station, the programme had finished. The presenter was however, still in the station, and as luck would have it Brian was able to speak with him. The presenter could shed no light on the bible, other than to observe that “Joll” was a very old Cornish name (indeed one of the oldest), but that he would make a note to publish the finding of the bible in the genealogy magazine he had a lot to do with. He was as good as his word. and it was this entry that the relative of Roy Joll had read and written to him about.
Brian received this letter from New Zealand one morning, and asked himself, “who would be writing to me from New Zealand. I don’t know anybody there?” He then turned the letter over and saw it was sent by one T.A. Joll – and it still didn’t click.
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And then there was this sudden understanding – the bible – and Brian was hooked. Having verified that the names this T.A. Joll had given him corresponded with those in the bible, he became just so excited. He just had to share this with others. One of the others was David Thomas, whose article has already been quoted. He too became intrigued by this chain of events, and being the professional historian that he is, decided to do some further research on these Jolls.
You see, this was the delay. Tom couldn’t understand why Brian hadn’t sent the bible. Well it was because David was beavering away trying to find out more and more so that it could all be sent together. Perhaps then, we should return to David Thomas’ article, which continues:
“From correspondence between Mr. Thomas Joll of New Zealand and Mr Brian Lessiter, we already knew that James Clymo Joll of Camborne had married Elizabeth Jane Delbridge at Camborne Parish Church on 6th June, 1863. This James Clymo Joll was the self same man as the one mentioned in the bible being born in 1842. We were on the right lines!! It was also known by us that the Delbridge family were builders and masons in 19th century Camborne, and that originally their family had come from the nearby Parish of St. Agnes. At the top of Tehidy Road in Camborne, there is a row of stucco fronted houses still known by older residents as Delbridges Houses. James Clymo Joll and Elizabeth Jane Delbridge emigrated to New Zealand soon after their marriage in 1863. What was the earlier history of this family of Cornish Jolls?
“Consulting the Camborne Parish Church burial registers, I found that Thomas Joll was buried there on 30th August 1882 aged 75 years, and was of Union Street, Camborne. (Incidentally the same street where I myself live). His wife Eliza Joll followed him to the same grave on 13th June, 1888 aged 78 years. She had also died at Union Street, Camborne. Following up Thomas and Eliza Joll, we next discovered that the bible was indeed correct, and that Thomas Joll had married Eliza Clymo at Camborne Parish Church on 15 March, 1838. Thomas Joll was listed as a plasterer, being the son of William Joll, a Waterman, while Eliza Clymo was a tailoress, the daughter of James Clymo, miner, deceased.
“We must remember that in the 1830‘s whole streets of miner’s cottages were springing up in the town of Camborne, so there was a great demand for labourers in the building trade. It is probable that Thomas Joll came to Camborne to seek work at this time when Camborne was a mining boom town and subsequently married a Camborne girl. But where did he come from (there were no “Watermen” in Camborne), and what are his wife’s roots? The answers were not long in coming
“Consulting the 1881 census for the town of Camborne, taken in the spring of that year, only a year before Thomas’ death, we found that Thomas Joll, by then suffering from deafness, was living at 37 Union Street, Camborne. as Plasterer, and that he had been born at Saltash on the river Tamar some sixty miles away from Camborne. (This explained the occupation of his father
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William as a ‘waterman’ also). In the 1881 census, Eliza Joll (Thomas” wife) was listed, aged 70 as being born in Camborne. Also living with them in 1881 was their daughter, a Mary A. John, aged 27, also born in Camborne.
Tracing Eliza Clymo, I discovered that she was baptized at Camborne Parish Church on 11 April 1807, the daughter of James and Anne Clymo who married at Camborne Church on 2 April 1804. It was by this time obvious where James Clymo Joll had got his names from.
“Thomas Joll himself however, had been shown in the 1881 census as being born in Saltash. Consulting the Baptism Register of that ancient mother Church of Saint Stephen-by-Saltash. I found that indeed Thomas was baptized there on October 28th. 1804, the son of a William Jolls and Elizabeth his wife. Who were these William and Elizabeth Joll, and did Thomas have any brothers and sisters?
“William Joll’s marriage certificate of 1796 indicates that he was a widower. In fact on 15 September 1791 at St. Stephen-by-Saltash he, as a bachelor fisherman of Saltash had married Joan Pearn, spinster, also of Saltash. They appear to have had no children and his wife Joan must have died. It is a bit of a mystery as to what happened to her, for despite a search in the St. Stephen-by-Saltash Burial Registers, she was not buried there between 1791 and 1796. She may not have originally been from Saltash of course, and may have been buried in her own unknown native parish.
“As to William Joll, a search further back in the Saltash Baptism Registers revealed that he was baptised there on 11 March 1764 being the son of a John and Ann Joll. In their turn John Joll, Husbandman (i.e. a farmer or tenant farmer) of the parish of St. Stephen-by-Saltash, had married an Ann Marten there on 17 December, 1759. They appear to have had only three children (including William) before tragic circumstances overtook the family.
“William’s parents John and Ann Joll both died at about the same time of smallpox, John being buried at St. Stephens on 25 January 1766 aged 46 years, and his wife on 21 February 1766 aged 32 following her infant son Francis to the grave nine days after the small child.
“John Joll was 46 in 1766 and would therefore have been born about the year 1720. The Saltash registers were checked for his baptism around this time but could not be discovered him being born there. My guess therefore is that he was both born and baptised in another East Cornwall parish, close to the Saltash area.
All Mr Thomas’ work was accompanied by the relevant certificates and certified copies of entries in registers. The amount of work carried out on behalf of Tom Joll, and without his knowledge was immense. It was no wonder then that Brian Lessiter kept telling him to be patient.
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Then one morning in September 1986, at around 6:30a.m., the telephone rang in Tom Joll’s bedroom. A very strong Cornish accent asked Tom if he had any idea who might be speaking, and seemed somewhat amazed when Tom guessed correctly. However, even more amazing was that Brian Lessiter told Tom that he would be arriving in New Plymouth by air, from Cornwall in late October. Tom and Penny (Tom’s wife) still did not know much about Brian, despite the regular correspondence. Nor could they work out why Brian would fly right around the world to give them the family bible. At this stage he had not mentioned anything about all the research. Must be rich, mused Tom and Penny. For all they knew, he could be the Lord Mayor of Camborne, and hence it was that the spare bedroom in Tom and Penny’s home became known as the “Lord Mayor’s room”. We did know however, that we should look for a passenger on the plane who had a walking stick. (This was before Brian progressed to a wheelchair).
Well, the great day arrived, and Brian duly arrived. Once he was ensconced at Tom and Penny’s home, he said. “Well, my bird, this is what I have flown around the world to give you, here is your bible.” Tom was moved so greatly that as he fingered the pages of the old bible that meant so much, tears came to his eyes. And then Brian said, “and you aint seen nothing yet”. With a beam that only Brian is capable of, he produced Tom’s family tree, all written out and accompanied by the article written by David Thomas (which has been abridged in this paper). Along with all the history were all the certificates etc. Tom and Penny were speechless. Many people labour for years to find the sort of data that Brian had just given them on a plate.
It transpired that Brian was not rich at all. Indeed. they had five children. Celia, Brian’s wife, worked as a nurse in a geriatric hospital near Camborne, and Brian was himself off work as the result of his accident. Indeed, his condition had been compounded by a further mishap which meant that he was even unable to do the woodwork he had previously done in his garage. Tom and Penny were amazed to learn that he had sold all his wood working equipment to finance this trip around the world. Tom, towards the end of Brian’s three week stay in New Zealand, finally asked him why he, being no relation to the Jolls, would spend all that precious money to come out and give Tom his bible and family tree. Tom will never forget Brian’s response. Firstly said Brian, was the value of it and he was unwilling to trust it to the post. Then he also explained that he had been raised in orphanages as the result of unhappy circumstances early in his life. Then came the words which will never be forgotten – “Tom” said Brian. “I have never had a family. The most valuable gift I could ever give another man, therefore, is his”.
When Brian left New Zealand to return to Cornwall, there had been a very close and personal friendship forged between Brian, Tom and Penny. It was quite by chance that Tom and Penny had a chance to visit Cornwall in late 1987. Brian and Celia and their family treated Tom and Penny like royalty. Nothing was too much trouble. Apart from showing them around all the usual things one
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must see in Cornwall, Tom and Penny were treated to an introduction with their past. Imagine having morning tea in the old Joll family home in which the details of the emigration must have been discussed between James Clymo Joll, his fiancee Eliza, and James’ parents. Yes, the house had been identified and the occupants appraised of the situation. A trip down Gurney’s Lane where the bible was first found, and of course attendance at the Church where so many of Tom’s forebears had been baptised, married and buried.
The people of Camborne referred to Tom as a “son of Cornwall come home”, and my goodness the hospitality was the same as that reserved for the return of the prodigal son!! Before Tom left Cornwall he presented to the Church a leatherbound and suitably inscribed prayer book for the clergy, donated by Tom and his two sisters, Jacqueline and Kath in memory of the Jolls of Camborne and donated from their descendants of New Zealand.
Now in possession of Tom’s family tree, he and Esmene Chatterton began to examine where the possible link would be. We are satisfied that the John Joll born circa 1720 and mentioned by David Thomas, is the same John Joll appearing in the Joll family tree and shown as the brother of Francis, Giles, Digory, William and of course Josiah (born 1723) from whom the Taranaki and Havelock North Jolls are descended. The link was made!!
It was fitting therefore, that when the idea of the Joll reunion was mooted that Brian and Celia be invited, for without them Tom would not be aware of his roots, and would have had no call to be present at the reunion. Never thinking for one moment that Brian and Celia would be able to come, it was with real joy that Tom learnt of Brian and Celia’s intention to come out to New Zealand for it. The rest is known and on record, particularly on the video of the reunion.
To complete the New Zealand part of the family history James Clymo Joll and Elizabeth settled in Christchurch, N.Z. There were eight children of this union and music was very much a part of the family. It is said that Ernie and Charlie were the first two New Zealanders to sing in the Royal Albert during the First World War. Thomas married Emma Jane McCardle who was from a very musical family. Her father was the founder of the Royal Christchurch Music Society, and had actually come out to NZ as musical adviser to one of the Bishops of early Canterbury. Emma became NZ’s first resident accompaniest touring throughout both NZ and Australia. She later became a music and singing teacher. Thomas was a postal officer, and was transferred to Auckland from Christchurch around 1916. He was at one stage postal officer of the ships that sailed from Auckland to the western coast of North America.
Grace, the eldest was well remembered as both the Librarian at Parnell for many years, and for her work in later years as an Anglican Nun, a member of the order of the Holy Paraclete, when she ran a retreat house (St. Hilda’s) at Northcote in Auckland. In fact this house was the old Joll home. John, (better known as Jack) married Kathleen Armstrong of Cambridge and taught in many areas of NZ, ranging from Te Hua Hua in the Hokianga to Fairfax
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in Southland. However, most of his time was spent in and around the Rangitikei/Wanganui area. He left teaching for ten years and owned a bookshop in Marton. He then returned to teaching in Wanganui. The third surviving Joll child was Gwyneth who trained as a Karitane Nurse. She later married Elwyn Huston and lives today on the family farm just out of Matamata.
Kath and John had three children, two daughters Jackie and Kath, and one son – Thomas. Jackie graduated from Canterbury University in Zoology – married Michael Hartshorn who is now the Professor of Chemistry at Canterbury. She has four sons. Richard (completing a doctorate in chemistry at Canterbury University), David (completing medicine at Otago), Christopher (studying at Canterbury) and Andrew in his final year at Christchurch Boys High. Kath graduated from Victoria University in English, and later met and married Jack Barnett. Both Kath and Jackie have continued teaching, although in latter years Kath has turned her hand to community organisation and work within the CAB organisation in Britain. She is also a sitting Magistrate in Dorset. Jack is the Headmaster of a school in Dorset operated by the Anglican order of St. Francis (Franciscan Monks) – a school for emotionally deprived children. Kath has two sons, Sam and Tom. Sam is on route to Cambridge to study history. Tom is completing his final year of school in Beaminster, Dorset. Thomas graduated from Victoria University in Social Science and after many years specialising in the treatment of alcoholism and drug dependence is now Manager of Wanganui Base Hospital. He has three sons. Stephen who works in a garage in Auckland: David who is a zinc plater in Wanganui and Tony who is a student in Katikati.
Mr Brian Lessiter (left) and Mr Tom Joll with the 150-year-old family Bible.
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The exact union of this branch of the Joll family is not yet established but it is strongly felt that research and some good luck should find it.
George Richardson Joll arrived in New Zealand some time prior to 1881, and settled in Oamaru. As the two generations prior to George Richardson Joll were Methodist Ministers who were shifted from circuit to circuit around England every three years, he may not have sailed from Cornwall. Later members of his family understood that “two cousins by the name of Joll came out to New Zealand in the very early days, one of whom settled in Taranaki and one in Oamaru.
There is a large gap in the history of George Richardson Joll; all that is known is that he was a grocer in Oamaru when he was accidentally killed in 1893 at the age of 43.
Amongst later family papers were two family trees, the first drawn by A.G. Joll 1878 and the other an updated copy by L.F. Joll in 1933. Also a manuscript copy of a eulogy on the life of John Maw Joll (George Richardson Joll’s father). John Maw Joll was born at Thetford in Norfolk, February 21st 1806, twin brother of Samuel (who later became the Rev. Samuel Joll) their father, Digory Joll being at that time one of the Wesleyan Ministers stationed there. Their mother’s maiden name was Martha Maw.
When 15 years of age he left home to be apprenticed to a surgeon and apothecary at Spilsby. He became a member of a Mr. Richardson’s class, a highly esteemed privilege.
When twenty one he left Spilsby to visit Epworth. Here it was announced at a prayer meeting to the astonishment of many and of John himself that “Doctor Joll” would preach in the Wesleyan Chapel on the coming sabbath.
In the year 1828 Mr Joll was enaged [engaged] as a Home Missionary in Bourne. He lived the rest of his life in service to his church.
His natural disposition was humane and tender with a sunny smile and sparkling wit. He approached the affairs of the church with reverence, and spent thirty-five years in ministerial toil. He died after illness in 1866.
The senior members of the family in New Zealand today (1990) are; Alec Joll: Mosgiel, Len Joll: Auckland, and Frances and Eunice Joll in Gisborne.
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When your surname is JOLL, and happens to be one of the oldest family names in Hawke’s Bay of New Zealand and of Cornwall, organising a family reunion is no easy feat. Compiling the family tree, which has the names of over 1700 blood descendants in N.Z. is fascinating work.
The raising of a Cornish Flag and the distribution of twigs from a 100-year-old Totara Tree to Joll descendants, were among the highlights of the Family Reunion held at Pukahu Riverbend Camp, on 2nd, 3rd, 4th February, 1990.
An informal get-together was held on the Friday night, and folk wasted no time in seeking to discover who was who and how they all fitted into the Tree.
Next day, a family picnic was the attraction. There was fun to be had, trying ones hand at cross-cut sawing, tossing the sheaf, riding a tandem byke [bike] or taking a stately ride in a horse and gig. An early Farmall Tractor and a Field Marshall, pulled trailer loads of waving passengers around the field. Barbecue lunch followed, under the welcome shade of the trees, as Hawke’s Bay had put on one of its truly beautiful days. After lunch, an outline was given of the family’s history. which has been traced back to the name “Jaul” which appeared in the Domesday Book.
A cake decorated in Cornish colours, was cut by Mr. Syd Joll and Mr. Ron Drown, accompanied by Mrs. Leonie Mudgway, representing various family branches.
Photographs were taken and children were able to play in the nearby Pukahu area where the first Joll family to Hawke’s Bay settled.
Later, a dinner was held at Anderson Park. Havelock North. Justice was done to a fine spread.
Sunday brought family members together for a Thanksgiving. A group then formed to take a bus tour around historical spots. Because of the long association between the “Jolls” and the “Nimons” (who also were early settlers in Havelock North) John Nimon, of Nimon’s Bus Company, gifted the tour.
Special thanks to:-
Ivan Joll for the Video of the proceedings and recording a history,
Eileen Roberts for icing the Cake,
Joyce Joll for masses of typing,
Valerie Taylor for Art work,
Esmene’s family for the assistance and support to her over all preparations.
Samuel Joll Branch
Photo S.
Back Row. Tony Bridget. Mark Rowlands. David Jennings. Ross Jennings. Mathew Cameron. Stephen Cameron. Shirley Corkhill. Lewis Frank. David Drown. Hugh Clifford. Sonya Mathews. Hugh Mathews. Baby James. Zoe Clifford. Christine Grace. Janet Stavers. Susan Comber. Dorothy Wallis.
3rd Row. Gilbert Wallace. Jeanette Kahui. Gaylyne Joll. Robert Christie. David Baker. Peter Holt. Barbara Frank. Laurel Drown. Rose Drown. Jennifer Jennings. Margaret McColl. Vicki Rowlands. Lilian Silk. Brian Silk.
2nd Row. Tom Lane. Margaret Shaw. Dudley Lane. Margaret Baker. John Watt. June Watt. William Watt. Gordon Drown. Ron Drown. Marie Drown. Josephine Heaton. Raewyn Grace. Ronald Grace. Nancy Fredricks. Alison Bliss.
Front Row. Paul Grace. William Ross. Lynda Bridget. Betsy Larmer. Judith Christie. Margaret Satherlevy [Satherley]. Caroline Grace. Brett Grace. Sarah Grace. Bridgette Grace. Brenda Wallace. Jarrad Wallace. Bradley Grace.
John Joll Branch
Photo J
Top Row. Sharon Chatterton. Graham Chatterton. Phyllis Lomas. Christine Chatterton. Keith Taylor. Valerie Taylor. Dudley Joll. Grant Lomas. Jane Lomas. Elizabeth Joll. Lindsay Joll. Margaret Joll. Caroline Joll. Johnathan Black. Mark Tidman. Shane Joll. Jocelyn Black. John Black. Gordon Matson. Ivan Joll. Ralph Joll.
3rd Row. Kelvin McBeth. James Joll. Glenys McBeth. Pat Van Ashe. Jocelyn Joll. Gary Matson. Raewyn Matson. Anne Joll. Diane Joll. Nathan Joll. Cathleen Manning with Romana Manning. Joyce Joll.
2nd Row. Jeff Frost with Elizabeth Lindy Frost. Colin Goble. Keryn Goble. Diane Goble. Annemarie Goldsworthy. Lynette Goldsworthy. Russell Goldsworthy. John Joll Jnr. Jennie Joll with Nathan Joll. Katrina Roberts. Roschelle Chatterton. Debera Lomas with Andrea Helms. Bronwyn Chatterton
Front Row. Victor McBeth with Callum McBeth. Andrea McBeth. Lloyd Chatterton. Heath Goble. Esmene Chatterton. Rachael McBeth. Mark Plews. Timothy Plews. Johnathan Goldsworthy. Mathew McBeth. Daniel Goldsworthy. Nathan Goldsworthy. Daniel Joll. Timothy McBeth. Amanda Ierton. Victoria McBeth. Michael McBeth. Sarah Gibson. Sarah McBeth. Rebecca McBeth. Cameron McBeth. Elizabeth Goldsworthy. Tracey Lomas with Cameron Helms.
John Joll Branch (cont.)
Photo J
Top Row. Des Joll. Russell Ierton. Beryl Ierton. John Roberts. Eunice Matson. David Plews. Jane Plews. John Joll. Beverley Joll. Nicola Joll. Stanley Roberts. Noel Roberts. Wynne Carthew. Phillip Galyer.
3rd Row. Daren Chatterton. Beryl Joll. Lois Joll. Beryl Smith. Ruth Roberts. Eileen Roberts. Beth Roberts. Joan Carthew. Nancy Joll. Peter Joll. Ralph Gibson. George Lomas. Ruth McBeth. Hamish McBeth. Bruce McBeth
2nd Row. Juana Chatterton. Steven Bright. Damien Roberts. Collette Roberts. Debbie Bright with Hannah Bright. Sydney Joll. Alan Joll with Samuel and Lucinda Joll. Lisa Galyer. Robin Galyer with Cherie Galyer. Janice Gibson.
Front Row. Elisa Ireton. Craig McBeth. Hannah Gibson. Emily McBeth. Felicity Joll. Rachael Bright. Anna McBeth. Cameron Chatterton. Charlotte Ierton. Kate Joll. Rebecca Bright. Emma Joll. Mark Joll. Suzette Matson. Rachael Helms. George Helms. Samuel Gibson. Mathew Gibson. Jocelyn-Faye Tidman.
John Joll Branch (cont.)
Photo 42
Back Row. Avril Eade. Carol Torr. Chris Taehen. Ian Brunton. Kevin Joll. Malcolm Brunton. Michelle Brunton. Brian Jones. Svenn Joll-Jensen. Les Jones. Gene Hollis. Ida Jones. Jean Brunton. Karen Jones.
Middle Row. Marie Decasto. Karlyn Boardman. Susan Joll. Julie Joll. Marion Lange. Joan McCracken. Maryann Joll. Judith Joll-Jensen. Anne Hollis. Peter Joll. Lois Joll. Graham Jones with Michael Jones. Ross Lange.
Front Row. Daniel Taehen. Michelle Taehen. Annemarie Maddren. Kelly Boardman. Doug Joll. Rachael Lange. Stephen Lange. Hilton Joll. Gregory Joll. Tony Joll. Virginia Joll. Melanie Joll. Odilia McCracken & Michael Allen McCracken & Wendy Fiona Taehen.
Seated on Ground. Tyron Hollis. Richard Jones. Luke Hollis.
Thomas Joll Branch
Photo T.
Back Row. Stuart Green. Val Parker. Kerry Joll. Brian Walls. Keith Duffin. Brent Joll. Keith Joll. Ian Joll. Earl Richfield.
Middle Row. Rickey Parker. Barbara Green. Ngaire Hinder. Neville Joll. Keith Sterland. Maureen Sterland. Anne Joll. Pauline Joll. Trudi Joll.
Front Row. Bev Wallis. Beverley Johnson. Lorraine Carpentor. Reta Phillips. Margaret Gordon. Mollie Joll. Alison Carle. Nola Duffin. Judith Richfield.
Driller Branch
Photo D.
Back Row. Fred Johnson Doug Short. Steven Built. Edward Booth Lois Hogg Annie Driller George Driller. Colin Driller. John Wallis Ian Wilson.
Middle Row. Linda Johnson Marjory Johnson Ngaire Scott. Karen Built. Marie Booth Muriel Allen Eunice Driller Reena Wallis. Naomi Wilson
Front Row. Marcus Driller. Jared Wilson Geoffry Wallis Megan Driller Joy Wallis Mathew Driller. Cameron Wilson Daniel Wallis Samuel Wilson
David Joll Branch
Photo Dj
Back Row. Darryl Barrett Aaran Barrett William Beetham. Anne Beetham John Beck. Pat Beck. Richard Beck Michael Berry Bruce Carswell.
Middle Row. Fiona Rose Raymond Barrett. Suzanne Barrett. Kay Beetham Laurel Burdett. Cathy Berry. Colleen Berry. Karen Carswell.
Front Row. Joanne Rose Keith Rose Diane Rose Garth Mudgway Leonie Mudgway. Zoe Carswell. Clifford Ashcroft. Margaret Ashcroft. Pat Seyb.
Page 68
In the early days of 88,
Two Kiwi Grans said, “Twas not too late.”
To travel the world our roots to find,
With Norway, Calstock and York in mind.
We travelled all Britain, taking in Plymouth and Poole.
St. Ives. Drake’s Way, – on all we can drool.
To Cambourne now to see Joll relations,
Found William and Pauline, who’s lots of citations,
Cornish legends and history – were loth to leave,
Can’t wait for the postman, copies to receive.
Now, Brian Lessiter – to meet him – what fun!
He took the Joll family Bible to N.Z. (found by his son.)
Brian, such an enthusiastic, cheerful great guy.
Was competing in Disabled Olympics in Korea bye and bye.
Goodbye “Sweethearts” as he kissed us Goodbye.
Brian! Come to N.Z. sometime Heremai and Kai!
(1990 Brian and Celia made their way.
To celebrate the Joll reunion in the Bay.
And what a thrill it is to see
Their names honorary upon the Family Tree.)
To Calstock, where Joll’s came from, we went by slow train.
A winding cobble-stoned street off a lane,
My Great Greats came to Waitara in early days.
I puffed up the mountainous hill – took photos of graves.
Breathtaking views from the church so old,
Baptised, married, buried there – Jolls from the fold.
Such delight, my nostalgia was complete,
To see six Bellringers playing church bells – what a treat.
If all our ancestors, we could visualise,
Sams, Johns, Digory, Josiah and Giles,[M]
Of all their deeds, would we be proud?
Or would we put them under a cloud?
In ’41, “Timandra” Ship got under weigh,
From Plymouth to New Plymouth – 14 weeks I’d say!
Of Samuel Joll, I’d like to think,
Of his courage and nerve, we could share a link.
Samuel objected to lime in his berth.
But Chief Mate sprinkled it for all he’s worth.
“Give the bucket to me.” Sam said.
The bucket fell down, but the lime was spread.
A scuffle took place!
Who was going to save face?
Sam, struck down Thompson – the Chief Mate.
The Captain spoke “It’s irons for you Joll – it is your fate! ”
Sam said “I’d rather die, than call a holt.”
The emigrants didn’t want Sam in bolts.
So later, Sam acknowledged his faults.
Page 69
To stand up tall, and fight for your rights,
Takes courage and strength, and some inward fights,
Samuel had initiative and daring,
Kept thinking how his family were faring.
When in New Plymouth, Sam’s family did settle,
Again he used his brains and mettle,
He carted hundreds of tons of flour – from mill to the beach.
An ordinary conveyance was out of his reach!
The shape of a handcart, with Sam as shaft horse,
Two goats came next, then two dogs en force,
A dog as leader, led by a son,
With this strange team “a job well done.”
When an extra strong pull was needed,
“Sool em up boys,” Sam’s cry was heeded.
Now Sam’s son Sam, married Elizabeth Jonas,
They had thirteen children, what a bonus!!
Henry, Tom, Jack, Kate and Eva,
Mary, Minnie, Sarah and Clara,
Herbert, Will and last of all – Nell,
The “Riverdale” Homestead some tales could tell!
Ten of them married, lived in Waitara at first,
With their talents and flair gave the small town a boost.
As time went on, the families scattered,
The blood bond is there, and that has mattered,
Many descendants, gathered in Havelock this year,
We met old friends, made new friends – all so dear.
Back to Peter, Leonard, Vanderband and Treliving too.
Now here is a question that requires a view.
If YOU could meet these ancestors all waiting in a queue
Nancy Fredricks.
Re-union Committee
Esmene & Lloyd Chatterton
Joan McCracken
Jim & Anne Joll
Phyllis Lomas
Peter Joll
Margaret Joll
John Joll
Marion Lange
Jocelyn Black
Valerie Taylor
Joyce Joll
Graham Jones
Page 70
11.12.1598 Oliver Craven To Charity Joll Fowey
16.01.1607 Thomas Waillis To Emily Joll Egloshayle
13.07.1607 John Joll To Elizabeth Wedge Launceston
16.06.1610 Degory Roger to Jone Joll Egloshayle
16.06.1610 John Joll (Clerk) To Ursula Prouse Egloshayle
28.09.1613 Thomas Joll Son of John (Clerk) To Jillian Pym Egloshayle
10.04.1621 John Seriant To Dorothy Joll Egloshayle
04.03.1643 Thomas Joll To Jane Lark Egloshayle
18.12.1645 George Joll Baptised At Sandford, Married by Licence. (see 02.01.1674)
29.12.1659 Nicholas Menwynick To Nathaniah Joll, Altarnun (daughter of Leonard Joll(s)
05.01.1666 Thomas Joll To Frances Wearne Jacobstow
11.03.1672 Thomas Joll To Dunes Jope Launceston
02.01.1675 George Joll To Margaret Dowrich Exeter
25.06.1681 Adam Joll To Ann Bastyn At St. Steven In Branell
21.04.1683 John Joll, Son Of John & Margaret, Bapt Trewin Buried 31.01.1783, Aged 100. At St.
08.05.1683 Matthew Joll To Temperence Beard Altarnun
29.04.1685 Thomas Joll To Jane Penhaigan St. Petroc Minor
04.06.1689 Stephen Mitchel To Alice Joll Wordstow
01.09.1691 John Jolly To Philippa Joll (Widow) Sheviocke
09.06.1692 George Joll Buried Altarnun
10.06.1694 Margaret Buried As Dame Margaret Joll Altarnun
16.10.1694 Charles Joll To Mary Congdon Launceston
24.07.1695 Henry Joll to Mary Howard Launceston
12.11.1695 Philip Philip (Philp To Frances Joll Wordstow
18.02.1697 George Joll To Grace Drew South Petherwyn
03.06.1700 George Joll To Elizabeth Hocking Kenwyn Truro
11.04.1706 William Joll Died Aged 80 Lewannick
16.02.1713 John Joll To Jane Mill 0f Bridgerule Week St. Mary
25.04.1713 John Weevil To Katherine Joll Lewannick
24.10.1721 John Cornish To Philippa Joll Poundstock
01.11.1714 John Joll To Joan Steere John died 1740, Joan died 1723 Lewannick
21.04.1721 John Ridgment To Jane Joll 0f Tresmoor Wordstow
09.05.1726 Degory Daw To Elizabeth Joll Wordstow
24.07.1726 John Joll To Mary Cullen Falmouth
John died 1749. Falmouth
Sons Of John & Mary Falmouth
George Bapt. 5.01.1731 Falmouth
Benjamin Bapt. 11.09.1737 Falmouth
Page 71
27.04.1728 John Joll To Grace Congdon Lauceston
20.06.1730 William Rowe To Mary Joll St.Clether
15.11.1730 John Jeffry To Bridgette Joll Week St. Mary
29.08.1732 Benjamin Thomas To Jane Joll St. Clether
16.11.1735 Nathaniel Joll To Honor Dyer St. Breock
05.03.1738 William Dennis To Elizabeth Joll Poughill
23.05.1738 Honor Joll daughter of John Bapt. Altarnun
Married John Pode Stock Damerel
Honor Died 1818
John Died 1810
03.11.1740 George Joll Died aged 68 Lewannick
02.03.1741 Thomas Hicks To Elizabeth Joll St. Minver
13.07.1751 Francis Joll To Joan Pooly Warleggan
1752 Warleggan Parish Records.
That John Joll (a vain, ignorant fellow), denied the minister of Warleggan the
keys to the church door, in the Year Of Our Lord 1752.
08.10.1754 Henry Congdon To Joan Joll Wordstow
18.07.1764 George Joll To Mary Headon Kirkhamton
03.02.1769 Richard Sargeant To Anne Joll South Petherwyn
14.06.1769 Digory Joll To Elizabeth Knight Linkinhorn
26.03.1770 John Pode To Honor Joll Stoke Damerel
26.01.1771 Samuel Joll To Elizabeth Wotton St. Teath
08.12.1773 John Joll To Prudence Arthur Warleggan
04.11.1774 William Hawke To Anne Joll St. Breock
04.03.1787 Francis Joll To Elizabeth Nicholls Padstow
07.06.1787 John Lander To Prudence Joll (Widow Of John Joll, Nee Arthur?
09.05.1789 John Roach (Sojourner) To Elizabeth Joll Minster
29.10.1791 Jame Joll to Mary Remmet St Stephen in Branell
29.10.1791 Nathaniel Joll To Frances Blake St Stephen in Branell
(Jame Of Cuby & Nathaniel 0f Warleggan A Double Wedding, Brothers 0r Cousins?
. . 1802 . William Warner To Harriet Joll St. George, Hanover Square
. . 17?? John Joll to Margaret ? Falmouth
Children Of The Above …. Born as follows
09.07.1804 Francis Baptised 29.07.1804 Falmouth
08.12.1806 Ann ” 04.01.1807 Falmouth
11.10.1810 John Borlase ” 17.01.1811 Falmouth
Page 72
. .1840 John Joll, Coal Dealer, 23 Arundel Cres. Plymouth
17.03.1866 John Henry Joll Baptised St. Peters. Plymouth
17.03.1870 Nathaniel Joll Baptised St. Peters. Plymouth
25.12.1890 John Joll To Eliza Sara Falmouth
Children of The Above … Birth – Death
Ada Aurial 1893-1972 Falmouth
John Melville 1895-1969 Falmouth
Frederick Cecil 1896-1976 Falmouth
Clementine Pretoria -1937 Falmouth
William Horace 1902-1957 Falmouth
Francis Reginald 1904-1904 Falmouth
Cornwall record Office
County Hall Truro TR1 3AY
Tel Truro (0872) 73698 & 74282
Telex 45491 CWLLCC
Fax Truro (0872) 70340
MARRIAGES solemnized in the Parish of Calstock in the County of Cornwall in the Year 1829
Samuel Joll of this Parish and Elizabeth Vanderbunt Treliving of this Parish were married in this Church by Banns with Consent of – this 16th Day of May in the Year One thousand eight hundred and 29
By me William Moorhead[?] Curate
This Marriage was solemnized between us Samuel Joll
Elizabeth Vanderbunt Treliving
In the Presence of Samuel Treliving
Amelia [Amb?]
No. 273
Page 73
Charles JOLL Warlstow 1699
Degory JOLL Warlstow 1643
Degory JOLL Warlstow 1684
Degory JOLL St. Gennys 1687
Elizabeth JOLL Laneast 1676
Ezekiel JOLL Altarnun 1665
George JOLL Altarnun 1692
John JOLL Warlstow 1587
John (or Adam) JOLL St. Minver 1597
John JOLL Lewannick 1624
John JOLL Egloskerry 1629
John JOLL Warlstow 1629
John JOLL Otterham 1678
John JOLL Altarnun 1695
Leonard JOLL Altarnun 1615
Leonard JOLL Altarnun 1689
Mary JOLL St. Stephen-by-Launceston 1664
Richard JOLL Altarnun 1699
Robert JOLL Warlstow 1618
Stephen JOLL St. Juliot 1623
Thomas JOLL Egloskerry 1628
Thomas JOLL Warlstow 1638
William JOLL Lewannick 1585
William JOLL Altarnun 1646
William JOLL Calstock 1685
Priscilla JOLL Altarnun 1703
George JOLL Truro 1709
John JOLL Poundstook 1712
Mary JOLL Lewannick 1714
Joan JOLL Lewannick 1723
George JOLL Altarnun 1731
Josiah JOLL Calstock 1784
John JOLL Warleggan 1786
John JOLL Lewannick 1786
William JOLL Calstock 1796
Francis (Innkeeper) Bodmin 1802
Digory (Farmer) Callington 1806
Page 74
Samuel JOLL (yeoman) Calstock 1807
Elizabeth (Widow) Callington 1809
Mary (Widow) Calstock 1810
Elizabeth (Widow) St. Clements 1829
George (Yeoman) Stratton 1837
No Research has been entered into which would authenticate the claims of this Historiography.
This historiography was prepared individually for the Joll surname on November 26, 1973 at the request of
Mr. Steven R. Joll
The coat-of-arms illustrated left was drawn by a heraldic artist based upon information about the Joll surname and its association with heraldry. In the language of the ancient heralds, the arms are described as follows:
“Quartered: 1st, or; the letter “J” sa.; 2nd and 3rd qu.; a sea-horse sejant vert; 4th, sa.; an orle or. Charged with a small inner shield arq.”
The Joll arms is translated:
Divided into quarters: 1st quarter, gold background; a black initial “J”, 2nd and 3rd quarters, red background; a green sea-horse sitting erect; 4th quarter, black background; a gold inner border. A small silver inner shield placed over all.
A sea-horse symbolizes naval pursuits, dominion. Seven vivid colors were chosen for use on shields of armor-clad knights to easily identify them at a distance. The heraldic colors gold, silver, purple, blue, green, black, and red were preserved on colorless drawings by dot and line symbols. The Joll Coat-of-Arms incorporated silver. The metal silver represents serenity and nobility.
Information available indicates that in 1972 there were less than 300 households in the U.S. with the old and distinguished Joll name. In comparison, some family names represent over 400,000 households in the United States.
This report does not represent individual lineage of the Joll family tree and no genealogical representation is intended or implied.
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