House Quote 1936

Telephone No. 245

33 Wellesley Road,
NAPIER, 4th January 1936

Mrs K. Simmons

No. 206

Dr. to A. B. DAVIS & SONS LTD.


To building house as per contract   753.0.0
To 3⅓ yds [yards] extra concrete on foundation steps & blocks @  2.15.0   9.3.4
To 11 yds extra plastering on base & steps   3/-   1.18.0
To Plastering exterior texture finish with coloured cement in place of Roughcast. As quoted   7.10.0
To Distempering walls & oiling woodwork in 3 bedrooms & sewing room as quoted.   6.0.0
To distempering passage & oiling woodwork   1.7.6
To extra on 9 rolls paper @ 6d per roll   4.6
To extra 26 yds border @ 6d per yd   13.0
To extra 14 yds border @ 7d per yd   8.2
To putting tinted obscure glass to all fanlights instead of 21 oz clear 24ft @ 1/-   1.4.0
To putting glass panel in bathroom & bedroom doors 5/-   10.0
To forming bins and cupbds [cupboards] above, cupbd in sewing room, doors & drawers under
sink bench, cupbd doors to ceiling over buffet, forming wood-box, & carrying safe cupbd to ceiling, leadlights in doors of buffet.   13.10.0
Credit 1/4” ceiling in place 3/8   1.19.0
Credit hood over Living Room window   2.0.0
Credit on drain   5.0.0
By payments on account   685.0.0
By further credit on drain   2.10.0

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Quote for house at Springhill Station, Wakarara

Business / Organisation

AB Davis and Sons Limited

Format of the original


Date published

4 January 1936


  • Mrs K Simmons

Accession number


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