Hydro-electric Power Scheme Letter 1920

A.M.I.C.E., A.M.I.E.E.

26th, March 1920

Sir Andrew Russell,
“Tunanui [Tuna Nui]”


Hydro-electric Power.

We have the honour to report as follows on the proposal to develop the waterpower on the Otukarara [Otekarara] Stream to supply your district with electric light and power.

The report is accompanied by two plans, No. 1 showing in outline the various ways of harnessing the stream, and No. 2 the location of the stations and settlers houses, and the outline of the transmission and distribution system.

Power requirements.
We shall consider first the amount of power to be provided. We assume that the eight stations and the thirty-two settlers will all be consumers, and that, due to increased settlement, an additional ten houses will be supplied.

It will be found that only about one third of the total number of lights installed, (which we estimate will be eight hundred of fifty candle-power each), will be switched on simultaneously. This will require at the power station an output of twenty-seven horse-power.

Electric Irons.
Ultimately there will be about sixty irons connected of which number one half will be in use simultaneously during the day and one quarter in the evening. These will increase the demand on the power station, at those times, by twenty-eight and fourteen horsepower, respectively.

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Proposed power scheme location on the Otekarara (Otukarara on older maps) Stream (more commonly known as the Willowford Stream), on the corner of Napier-Taihape Road and Willowford Roads, Waiwhare. The property was owned by the Ensor family at the time; in 2020 owned by David and Linda Ward (“Wrekin”).

Business / Organisation

HW Climie and Son

Format of the original

Typed document

Date published

9 March 1920

Creator / Author

  • H Richmond Climie

Accession number


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