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Eagle, The 1966
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The Eagle
A full year has elapsed since the closing of the Second Vatican Council. A year is a short span in the story of the Church. The past twelve months have seen plans and initial efforts for carrying out the resolutions of the Council Fathers. Pope Paul succinctly expressed this post-conciliar task in an audience given last December to the higher superiors of the Marist Fathers who were then deliberating in Rome. ‘The Council has ended,’ he said, ‘the Council now begins.’ The Pope’s paradox voices a profound truth. Targets have been put before the Catholic world, ideals restated, guidelines laid down. All of us are asked to follow them courageously so that we can fulfil in our daily lives the constructive ideals placed before us. The Vatican Council is an event which must continue.
Historically, Vatican II, as it is commonly called, with more than two thousand bishops in its deliberations was large by world standards and by far the largest ecumenical Council ever. Nevertheless its size is not related to the interest it continues to arouse or to the impact it has made and will yet make on the twentieth century. Vatican II has made its impression on men of good will everywhere. The convening of the Council Pope John gladly confessed as an inspiration of the Holy Spirit, and under the guidance of the Spirit new horizons have opened, new forces for renewal unleashed which no bishop could have foreseen.
Renewal, updating, are key words, objectives which epitomise Vatican II. Renewal is not destruction; updating is not replacement. Timeless truths remain unchanged; it is the accent, the angle of approach which is new. New insights help the Catholic to grasp truth more fruitfully, while our non-catholic brothers have come to see what they hold in common with us is more important than what divides. Peter is still on the rock. The building Christ founded on Peter has not shifted. The winds of change have blown away the dust which had settled over the years to prove a refreshing and invigorating force for the indefectible Church. A more flexible administration, a greater measure of decentralisation are healthy trends to encourage better adaptation at the national level. A heavier accent on personal responsibility with less direction from the letter of the law is the sign of a trust and a vitality which blend well with the enterprising spirit of the age.
Our times are exciting and challenging for Christian youth. If the accent has come down more heavily on personal responsibility, correspondingly greater is the demand for personal generosity. The call for renewal is a call to greater commitment to the cause of Christ and greater involvement in the implication of belief. The Catholic youth of today is very much in the world, yet he is not to be of the world. Youth wants the courage of its convictions, a goal for its initiative. Christian education gives point and direction to the energies youth unleashes. Each boy who passes through St. John’s has the duty to be an inspiration and encouragement to his fellows. Our New Zealand society needs leaders. There are always the many who are content to follow less inspiring ideals and work for more easily attainable objectives. The doctrinaire Catholic does not proffer the Church much help, for information though valuable is not an ultimate, but a basis for belief and act. Information is meant to breed conviction, and conviction commitment.
‘The Council has ended; the Council now begins.’ If Pope Paul’s aspirations and the Council’s planning are to be effective in our country, renewal must inspire enthusiasm for its ideals and fire the Catholic man to make himself responsible for their fulfilment. How regrettable if indifference ‘quench the Spirit’!
1st XV.
Coach: Rev. Fr. P. F. Dooley, S.M.
Captain: D. J. Caccioppoli
Vice-Captain: M. J. Foley.
2nd XV.
Coach: Rev. Fr. P. A. Walsh, S.M.
Captain: A. P. Walsh.
Vice-Captain: M. Jensen.
6th Grade.
Coach: Rev. Fr. J. M. Neville, S.M.
Captain: P. L. Willis.
7th Grade A
Coach: Rev. Fr. C. F. Duggan, S.M.
Captain: N. J. Sievers.
7th Grade B.
Coach: Rev. Fr. M. Twomey, S.M.
Captain: P. F. Finlayson.
8th Grade A.
Coach: Rev. Fr. M. F. Crombie, S.M.
Captain: G. K. Bryant.
8th Grade B.
Coach: Mr. A. Waikari.
Captain: P. J. Casey.
Napier 5th Grade:
Coach: Rev. Fr. J. A. Temm, S.M.
Captain: C. A. Wiig
Napier 6th Grade.
Coach: Rev. Fr. M. L. Cross, S.M.
Captain: S. J. Liddle.
Napier 7th Grade.
Coach: Mr J. Marshall.
Captain: J. Chittenden.
1st XI.
Coach: Rev. Fr. P. F. Dooley, S.M.
Captain: M. J. Foley.
Vice-Captain: A. J. Talbet.
2nd XI
Coaches: Rev. Fr. J. A. Temm, S.M. and Rev. Fr. M. L. Cross, S.M.
Captain: M. D. Waldren.
3rd XI.
Coach: Rev. Fr. Twomey, S.M.
Captain: N. D. Bryant.
Addis, Keiron J.
Affleck, Maurice J.
Aitchison, Martin D.
Aldridge, Patrick J.T
Aranui, William J.
Arnold, Peter E.
Bakker, Herman
Balfour, Peter R.P.
Barker, Gregory W.
Barnes, Peter B.
Basher, Joseph P.
Bastion, Kevin P.
Bastion, Paul B.
Bastion, Philip A.
Beall, Philip S.
Begley, Michael A.
Beveridge, Garry N.
Bloore, Kevin
Bloore, Ian M.
Blunsden, Christopher M.T
Bongiovanni, John J.
Brady, Graham A.
Brady, Vaughan G.
Breuer, David K.
Breuer, Timothy J.
Bright, Lawrence M.
Brockett, Stephen J.
Brown, Christopher
Brown, Clive G.
Brown, Ray F.
Bryant, Gerard K.
Bryant, Noel D.
Buck, Neil S.
Buck, Paul S.
Buckley, Robert G.
Burge, Garry K.
Burton, Roy A.
Cabot, John F.
Cabot, Nicholas
Caccioppoli, Damian J.
Caccioppoli, Vincent J.
Carr, Michael C.
Carrington, Alan J.
Carroll, Damien R.
Casey, Philip J.
Cassin, Barry J.
Cassin, John T.
Cassin, Kevin M.
Chittenden, John
Clareburt, Gregory P.
Clifton, Michael G.
Cockrane, James D.
Coker, Kerry J.
Coleman, John
Condon, Ian C.
Conole, Brendan J.
Cosgrove, Graeme M.
Cowan, Christopher J.
Cowan, Gerald M.
Cowan, Philip G.
Cowie, Paul D.
Daly, Michael J. E.
Daly, Patrick F.
David, Tristan W. K.
Dawson, Rodney A.
Dick, Rodney J.
Dinneen, Mark P.
Dinneen, Paul D.
Dodunski, Howard R.
Drane, Jeffrey M.
Duke, Paul L.
Dunnett, Peter J.
Dysart, Kenneth M.
Eagle, Michael R.
Edwards, John W.
Epplett, Darryl J.
Epplett, Preston J.
Escott, Gilbert J.
Fahey, John P.
Fahey, Peter J.
Fail, Bernard
Fergusson, Richard J.
Finlayson, Paul F.
Flynn, Desmond C.
Flynn, Keith A.
Foley, Mark A
Foley, Michael J.
Fox, Allan R.
Franklin, Paul J.
Gallagher, John P.
Gavin, Peter G.
Geddes, Christopher L.
Geor, Lawrence L.
Gibb, Christopher S.
Gitmans, Lambertus H.
Glenny, Phillip C.
Goulter, Graham D.
Greig, Terrence M.
Gunn, Martin B.
Guthrie, John J.
Guthrie, Patrick M.
Haggerty, James
Haggerty, William F.
Hague, Kevin M.
Haliciopoulos, Evangelos
Hall, Gerald T.
Hanaray, Vernon
Hannah, John F.
Harbottle, Frederick J.
Harker, Philip G.
Hawkes, Graham E.
Hawkes, Kevin J.
Hay, Mark C.
Hay, Stephen F.
Hayden, John G.
Hayden, Peter J.
Hayes, William G.
Head, David L.
Henderson, Nepe G.
Hill, Anthony T.
Horan, Gerard F.
Horan, Kevin J.
Houlahan, Kevin C.
Huckstep, Graham S.
Hurst, Anthony J.
Innes, Roger C.
Jackson, Anthony J.
James, Brendan H.
Jeffares, John E.
Jensen, Michael
Jillings, Alan L.
Jonas, Andrew R.
Keenan, Charles J.
Keogh, Michael J.
Kidd, Christopher H.
Kinney, Gregory J.
Koko, Manuel J.
Koorey, David J.
Larsen, Michael J.
Layton, Kevin P.
Lewis, Peter J.
Lewis, Robert J.
Liddle, Stephen J.
Liddle, Thomas G.
Longhurst, Anthony D.
Ludlow, Anthony R.
Luxford, Michael L.
Mahony, Brian J.
Mahony, Brendan J.
Mahony, Timothy J.
Manaena, Thomas J.
Marsh, Anthony L.
Marshall, Peter J.
Matson, Neil B. J.
McCann, Patrick G.
McCann, Timothy B.
McCarthy, Michael B.
McGrath, Kevin J.
McIntosh, Christopher M.
McIvor, Paul J.
McKay, Kelvin
McKinley, Mark G.
McKinley, Patrick F.
McKinley, Paul B.
McMillan, Anthony D.
McMinn, Douglas P.
Minett, Allan J.
Montaperto, Andrew V.
Monteagle, Michael
Mooney, Peter J.
Moran, David J.
Moran, Peter J.
Morrissey, Rory P.
Moughan, Christopher J.
Mullany, Harril J.
Murphy, John W.
Newrick, John F.
Neville, Kevin A.
Nicholas, Gary J.
Noa, Edward T.
O’Connell, Peter J.
O’Connor, Kevin F.
O’Donnell, Michael J.
O’Rourke, Dennis J.
O’Shaughnessy, Michael P.
Oliver, John R.
Oliver, Paul E.
Orme, Brian P.
Oulaghan, Wayne S.
Page, Brian L.
Patterson, Michael J.
Pearcey, Kevin J.
Perry, Michael J.
Pinn, Brian K.
Pipe, David B.
Plowman, Kevin F.
Plunkett, Colin R.
Podjursky, Stephen C.
Potts, Graeme K.
Potts, Russell G.
Prendeville, Brian V.
Quinn, Gary P.
Quinn, Roger M.
Quirk, Brian P.
Rae, Daryl J.
Reeks, Ian C.
Richards, Garry E.
Richards, Malcolm W.
Roberts, Ian J.
Roberts, John
Roberts, Lionel B.
Robertson, Paul J.
Robin, Take
Robinson, Christopher J.
Rouse, Thomas M.
Russell, Christopher P.
Russell, Roger T.
Russell, William P.
Ryan, Mark T.
Sherwood, Anthony J.
Sievers, Nicholas J.
Sinden, Michael D.
Smith, Randall J.
Solomone, Kafoa
Stachnik, George
Stanley, Allan A.
Talbot, Alan J.
Talbot, Bruce W.
Talbot, Terence J.
Unverricht, Mark J.
Unverricht, Vincent J.
Usherwood, Brian J.
Waldren, Murray, D.
Walker, William
Wallace, John J.
Wallace, Simon J. L.
Wallis, Brett D.
Walsh, Anthony P.
Walsh, Graeme J.
Ward, Alan P.
Watson, John C.
Watson, Neil E.
Whitehouse, Mark.
Wickstead, David P.
Wiig, Christopher A.
Williams, Christopher G.
Willis, Peter L.
Wilson, Lewis R.
Wong, Percy P.
Woodham, John M.
Woodham, Peter W.
Wright, Graeme E.
Yates, Adrian P.
Yates, Bryan P.
Yates, Kevin J.
STAFF, 1966
REV. FR. C. E. DEVONPORT, S.M., M.A., Rector.
REV FR. C. F. DUGGAN, S.M., Master of Discipline.
REV. FR. J. A. TEMM, S.M., B.A.
REV. FR. M. O’C. TWOMEY, S.M., B.Sc.
REV. FR. M. L. CROSS, S.M., Chaplain.
REV. FR. P. F. DOOLEY, S.M., Sportsmaster.
M. J. Foley (Head), D. J. Caccioppoli, K. J. Coker, P. J. Hayden, K. J. Horan, P. F. McKinley, R. P. Morrissey, B. K. Pinn, A. P. Walsh, B. P. Yates.
St. Vincent de Paul Society:
Chaplain: Rev. Fr. M. L. Cross, S.M.
President: A. P. Walsh.
Senior Public Speaking:
Master in Charge: Rev. Fr. M. F. Crombie, S.M.
President: A. W. Walsh.
Secretary: P. J. Hayden.
The Eagle:
Editor: Rev. Fr. M. F. Crombie, S.M.
Old Boys’ Editor: Rev. Fr. M. L. Cross, S.M.
Sportsmaster: Rev. Fr. P. F. Dooley, S.M.
Sportsroom: C. S. Gibb.
Master in Charge: Rev. Fr. M. Twomey, S.M.
R. M. Quinn.
Librarians: K. J. Horan (Head), I. M. Bloore, P. J. Epplett, P. F. Finlayson, N. M. Matson, R. M. Quinn.
Youth Catholic Students:
Chaplain: Rev. Fr. M. F. Crombie, S.M.
President: A. P. Walsh.
Junior Public Speaking:
Master in Charge: Rev. Fr. P. A. Walsh, S.M.
Pres.: M. D. Waldren. Sec.: P. J. Aldridge.
A. T. Hill and R. J. Lewis
L. L. Geor and I. M. Bloore.
Master in Charge: Rev. Fr. J. M. Neville, S.M.
House Captains:
Reignier: R. P. Morrissey.
Forest: P. J. Hayden.
Colin: P. F. McKinley.
Very Reverend and Reverend Fathers, Parents, Friends of St. John’s College, and boys.
Before proceeding with the distribution of Sports Prizes, I am very pleased to welcome you all here this evening to our Annual Break-up Ceremony; and I am very gratified to see you here in such good numbers. Your presence, showing as it does your interest in the college, is a source of encouragement to me and to the other members of the staff.
I express a special word of welcome to our special guests this evening-to Father Spring, Parish Priest of Napier, and Father Minehan representing Father Kennedy, Parish Priest of Meeanee. A number of our boys come from the Napier and Meeanee parishes, and both Father Spring and Father Kennedy are good friends of the college. I welcome also Father Buckley, representing Father Geaney, Parish Friest [Priest] of Hastings. Also, representing the two associations so vitally a part of the college, Mr A. Brady, President of the Old Boys’ Association, and Mrs Brady; and Mr. L. G. Ludlow, President of the Parents and Friends Association, and Mrs Ludlow. Since they took over their presidential duties about two years ago, both Mr. Brady and Mr. Ludlow have been active workers for the college. Probably never before have the presidents of these two associations had so much to do, nor done it better.
The scholastic year which has just finished has been an important one in the history of the college. In the background of all our thoughts and activities has been the fact that this is the Silver Jubilee year of the school. It is just 25 years since men and women of faith established the original St. John’s College in Frederick Street. Its beginnings were small and unpretentious, and faced with many difficuties [difficulties] but they founded the
Standing: R. G. Buckley, R. P. Morrissey, B. P. Yates, P. F. McKinley, K. J. Horan.
Sitting: B. K. Pinn, P. J. Hayden, M. J. Foley, K. J. Coker, K. C. Houlahan, A. P. Walsh.
college well and is has prospered. Throughout the 25 years it has been blessed, and its achievements have been considerable; and today is has an important place among the Catholic educational institutions in New Zealand. The achievements of its Old Boys are more than adequate proof of the good quality of the education they received at St. John’s.
The Silver Jubilee celebrations were held during Labour Week end, and it was very gratifying to see the way in which the Old Boys returned to their school for the occasion, and joined in the celebrations with evident pleasure and pride. I thank the Old Boys’ Association, and most particularly the members of the Jubilee Committee, for the work they did, (not only during that week-end but also during many months beforehand), to make Labour Week-end a memorable one in the history of the college. It is dangerous to select any one for special mention, but I am sure that I am on safe ground in thanking particularly Dr. Tony Foley of Napier who was Chairman of the Jubilee Committee. None worked harder than he did to make our celebrations a success, though perhaps equalling him in effort were Fr. Cross and his two helpers, Brian Gardner and Brian Avison, who were responsible for the production of that invaluable document, the Jubilee Magazine. The magazine not only gives us a good history of the first 25 years, but will also be a constant source of interest and inspiration to future boys at St John’s.
I hope that the love for and loyalty to the college which our jubilee celebrations re-enkindled in the hearts of our Old Boys will remain with them for many years, and will grow even greater.
Photo caption –
Back Row: B. J. Usherwood, K. Solomone, M. B. Gunn, A. R. Jones, M. G. Clifton, B. L. Page, N. J. Sievers.
Third Row: S. J. Wallace, M. A. Foley, A. J. Talbot, R. M. Quinn, J. F. Cabot, P. M. Guthrie, G. N. Beveridge, R. J. Dick.
Second Row: T. B. McCann, S. F. Hay, J. M. Woodham, G. A. Brady, P. W. Woodham, M. J. Keogh, D. J. Caccioppoli, P. L. Duke, J. G. Hayden.
Sitting: G. K. Bryant, M. A. Begley, W. S. Oulaaghan [Oulaghan], M. J. O’Donnell, P. R. Balfour, S. J. Brockett, D. J. O’Rourke, T. J. Breuer, K. M. Cassin.Absent: P. F. Daly, E. Haliciopoulos.
Back Row: M. D. Aitchison, W. F. Haggerty, L. H. Gitmans, I. M. Bloore, D. C. Flynn, A. R. Ludlow, J. F. Hannah.
Third Row: J. Roberts, B. J. Conole, J. T. Cassin, G. J. Escott, P. B. Bastion, P. D. Dinneen, P. R. Harbottle, C. R. Plunkett.
Second Row: G. J. Walsh, P. J. Epplett, N. Cabot. P. F. Finlayson, P. B. Barnes, N. B. Matson, J. P. Fahey, J. F. Newrick, L. L. Geor.
Sitting: P. D. Cowie, J. Haggerty, M. Jensen, W. P. Russell, T. J. Talbot, D. J. Koorey, P. E. Oliver, G. F. Burge, P. P. Wong, C. H. Kidd.
Absent: C. G. Williams, B. P. Quirk, S. C. Podjursky.
The present boys join with me in thanking the Parents and Friends Association for their own special jubilee celebrations and dinner which the Association provided for them last week. The dinner was a grand success, fully enjoyed by the boys, and will long live in their memories.
To mark the jubilee the Old Boys’ Association has presented a scholarship to the college. It is known as the St. John’s College Old Boys’ Association Jubilee Scholarship. It is valued at 100 pounds and covers the tuition fees at the college for 4 years. I have pleasure in announcing that the winner of the scholarship, determined by an examination held last month is Christopher Robinson of the Marist Brothers School, Napier. I congratulate him on winning the scholarship; and I thank the Old Boys’ Association for it. I hope that other associations and societies will copy its example and donate scholarships to the College.
It was only fitting that during this year when the Old Boys were so active in their work for the school that we should be able to record with pride the ordination to the priesthood of two more of them – Fr. John Unverricht and Fr. Kevin Perry, both of the Society of Mary. This brings the total number of Old Boy priests to 16, and there are at present a good many in seminaries and religious houses of training in New Zealand and overseas. The number of vocations to the religious and priestly life among Old Boys is a reason for gratutude [gratitude] to God and His Blessed Mother.
The roll this year was 253 – the largest so far ever. Accommodation was scarcely adequate but we were able to manage. A minimum of three new rooms is necessary with the present roll for more convenient teaching. It is intended
that new rooms be added but nothing positive has yet been done. We hope that smoething [something] will be done in the very near future.
The year began with three new members on the staff – Fr. Crombie who came with nine years experience as rector of St. Patrick’s High School in Timaru, and Fr. Dooley and Fr. Walsh who came from St Patrick’s College in Wellington. All three have fitted in well into the pattern of work at the college. They replaced Fr. Delaney who went to Parorangi as rector, Fr. Gibbs and Fr. Hanley. Fr. Gibbs left after 9 years on the staff. I want to pay tribute to him for the invaluable work for the boys which he did during those 9 years, in the classroom, on the field of sport, and particularly in the exercise of his priestly powers and in spiritual guidance. And this he did despite indifferent personal health. Through this year he has been teaching at a school run by the Marist Fathers at Belambi (a suburb of Sydney) in Australia. Reports indicate that he has been enjoying an improved state of health. Fr. Hanley did not return to St. John’s after the completion of his Second Novitiate in May but took up duties at St. Augustine’ College in Wanganui. He had worked at St. John’s for 7 years during which time he did invaluable work in the classroom, in sport, in the cadet unit, as Master of Discipline, and most important in the chapel. Many Old Boys have a debt of gratitude to both Fr. Gibbs and Fr. Hanley.
It would appear that there will be only one change in the present staff when we resume next year. Fr. Callaghan has been transferred to other work. He has been on the staff since 1958, and so he has worked for the boys at St. John’s for the last eight years. His work has been mainly in the upper school teaching languages – Latin and English, though
Back Row: K. F. O’Connor, K. J. McGrath, L. M. Bright, T. M. Greig, J. B. Jeffares. P. J. Moran.
Third Row: K. P. Bastion, M. L. Luxford, P. J. Mclvor, J. W. Murphy, G. Stachnik, T. G. Liddle, B. D. Wallis.
Second Row: A. J. Carrington, C. P. Russell, C. S. Gibbs, K. F. Ploughman, A. D. McMillan, C. G. Brown, K. J. Pearcey, P. J. Fahey.
Sitting: J. W. Edwards, L. B. Roberts, C. M. Mclntosh, P. A. Bastion, P. S. Buck, G. K. Potts, C. J. Keenan, G. J. Kinney, A. D. Longhurst. Absent: N. E. Watson.
when occasion demanded it his work has brought him into the lower school. His obvious cultural qualities and his quiet and patient demeanour have earned for him the respect of the staff and boys alike. Boys who have gone onto university particularly have praised the high standard of his teaching. It is well known that he is an authority on educational theory and practice. Great as his work in this field has been it is in the exercise of his functions as a priest both inside and outside the chapel that his greatest work has been done, both through the example of his own life and by the sound advice which he has given to those seeking guidance. We are sorry to see Fr. Callaghan leaving us, and we wish him every success and blessing in the work which he undertakes in the future.
I have always been convinced that ours is a difficult school in which to teach. The daily grind seems to take more out of the staff there than elsewhere. I was interested recently to overhear two new members of the staff say that they had never before been so worn out at the end of a school year. It would be difficult to pin-point the reason for this. Possibly the Hawke’s Bay climate has something to do with it; possibly also the fact that the Fathers do not live at the school. Perhaps it is just that modern youth is getting more and more difficult, especially the youth who attend the college. I do think that we have an undue proportion of boys at the collect who show little interest in their studies, and do not respond to the efforts made by the Fathers. Interests outside the college must be partly to blame. A check-up on the activities of the boys outside school hours brings to light some startling things – the hours spent watching television (even many junior boys can tell you all about the late programmes), the number who work at jobs in the early morning or after
Photo caption –
Back Row: E. T. Noa, T. M. Rouse, C. J. Cowan, B. J. Mahony, G. T. Hall, G. P. Clareburt, K McKay.
Third Row: K. M. Hague, M. R. Eagle, P. J. Robertson, B. V. Prendeville, M. B. McCarthy, M. G. McKinley, A. T. Hill, C. A. Wiig.
Second Row: H. J. Mullany, M. D. Waldren, A. L. Jillings, M. J. Patterson, G. F. Horan, J. P. Gallagher, R. A. Dawson, R. C. Innes, K. J. Hawkes.
Sitting: K. J. Addis, S. J. Liddle, M. J. Koko, A. J. Sherwood, P. G. Gavin, P. E. Arnold, R. F. Brown, P. J. Aldridge, N. D. Bryant.
school, and sometimes even both; the number of evenings taken up with social or club engagements. It is commonly said among the staff that Mondays are almost useless pedagogically speaking – many boys need the day off to rest, apparently after the activities of the weekend. A boy cannot possibly do well at his studies unless they are given the first attention during the scholastic year.
On the other hand the college does have a section of boys who are ambitious, put great effort into their studies and achieve a good standard in them. This year the boys in the Sixth Form have been particularly attentive to their work. The top of St John’s is equal to the top of any school. Only today word was received from Wellington that one of the boys in Upper 6, John Harvey, has received a Post Office Engineering Study Award which he will take up next year.
The Universities Entrance Board intends to introduce a new examination for pupils up [in] the Upper Sixth Form next year. It will be known as the University Bursaries Examination. At present boys in Upper 6 just have to do a good year’s work and they are then awarded the Higher School Certificate. Only those, very few in number, who sit the University Entrance Scholarship have to face up to an examination. The new Bursaries Examination will be welcomed as giving the boys something definite for which to work.
I want to thank the staff, the Fathers and Mr. Waikari, for their work during the year and their loyalty to me; especially Fr. Duggan who as Master of Dicipline [Discipline] has borne much of the burden of the day by day running of the school.
Public Speaking classes were well attended both by junior and senior boys, and a good competition was held in October. The boys were also successful
Back Row: V. J. Caccioppoli, V. J. Unverricht, L. R. Wilson, J. P. Basher, A. A. Stanley, M. J. Larsen, P. B. McKinley.
Third Row: M. J. Unverricht, P. L. Willis, N. G. Henderson, M. T. Ryan, G. M. Cosgrove, V. Hanaray, R. T. Russell, R. G. Potts.
Second Row: R. G. Lewis, A. J. Jackson, G. E. Richards, W. J. Aranui, A. V. Montaperto, F. G. Barker, T. J. Manaena, G. P. Quinn, A. J. Minett.
Sitting: D. J. Moran, D. K. Breuer. A. R. Fox, K. M. Dysart, K. P. Layton, P. J. Casey, D. J. Rae, G. J. Nicholas, P. S. Beall. Absent: B. J. Cassin, M. J. Perry.
in open competition. The school team came second in the Catholic Secondary Schools Competition for the O’Shea Shield last May. Individual boys also had some success in other competitions.
Five boys had a unique educational experience in the second term holidays when they went to Wellington as the St. John’s representatives at the Leadership Course conduction by the Marist Fathers.
Sport has had its usual place in the year’s activities. The complete education of a boy at school takes place in the classroom, in the chapel, and on the playing field. At school a boy is a member of a group and to benefit fully he must take an active part in all the activities of the group. Most of the boys took part in football, and a number played cricket. Athletics also was popular. If results in competition alone are looked at, this year has not been one of our better years. Nevertheless with only mediocre materials with which to work Fr. Dooley did achieve satisfactory results with our representative football and cricket team.
The training of the boys in the knowledge and practice of their faith and the building of character is the principal work of a school as a Catholic school. In Christian Doctrine class the boys learn to know Christ better. We are most fortunate in having our own chapel where the boys can regularly participate in the liturgy of the Church. The Annual Retreat of three days was again held this year. If a boy does not advance in the knowledge and practice of his faith it is because he does not use the means at his disposal to do so.
I often wonder how we would get on at St. John’s if we did not have our Parents and Friends Association. The obvious interest of its members in the
Photo caption –
Back Row: M. J. Affleck, G. S. Huckstep, D. B. Pipe, J. J. Bongiovanni, G. D. Goulter.
Third Row: M. P. Dinneen, M. C. Hay, W. G. Hayes, G. W. Barker, F. C. Glenny, H. R. Dodunski, M. P. O’Shaugnessy.
Second Row: R. J. Smith, G. E. Wright, G. M. Cowan, G. E. Hawkes, K. Bloore, M. C. Carr, P. J. Mooney, B. H. James.
Sitting; P. J. Mahony, J. R. Oliver, C. J. Robinson, B. W. Talbot. B. A. Fail, D. Carroll, J. Chittenden, J. J. Guthrie, M. J. Daly. Absent: C. J. Moughan.
welfare of the school, and their work for the school, is a constant source of admiration to the Fathers. The highlight of their achievement this year was the official opening of the baths last February, with all expenses paid shortly after. No words of mine could ever adequately describe the devotion of the Ladies’ Committee and the work which they put into catering for our many functions, more numerous this year than usual because of the jubilee. I can only simply say ‘Thank you’.
We have so many friends who have been most generous to us. We are very conscious of our debt of gratitude. To them all I express my thanks.
I want particularly to thank the Parish Priests of Hastings, Napier and Meeanee – and their assistants – for their continued interest and encouragement. I congratulate Fr. Stewart on 50 years of priesthood, and Fr. Fisher on 25 years – both are assistants in Hastings parish and both have always shown a lively interest in the school.
To the boys who are leaving school I express the hope that their associations with the school are not finished. I recommend that they become active members of the Old Boys’ Association; and I can assure them that the Fathers will follow their careers with interest , and will be always pleased to meet them again.
And to you all – Fathers, parents, friends and boys I offer my sincere wishes for a Happy Christmas and God’s blessings for the New Year.
Back Row: J. M. Drane, C. M. Blunsdon, N. S. Buck, A. J. Hurst, J. J. Wallace, P. G. Cowan, A. P. Yates, I. J. Roberts, B. P. Orme.
Middle Row: K. J. Yates, D. L. Head, R. A. Burton, J. Coleman, J. C. Watson, I. C. Condon, K. A. Flynn, A. P. Wind.
Sitting: P. G. McCann, P. J. O’Connell, M. D. Hinden, P. J. Marshall, A. L. Marsh, M. Monteagle, C. Brown, M. W. Richards, P. J. Lewis.
Absent: P. J. Dunnett.
Dux (Joseph Burns Memorial Gold Medal): Peter Walker.
Next in Merit: Denis Duffy and Dean Parker.
Christian Dictrine [Doctrine] (Gold Medal presented by the Marist Fathers, Hastings) : Michael Wintringham.
Next in Merit: Dean Parker and Gregory Beacham.
Blue Ribbon (Cup presented by St. Patrick’s Parish, Napier, for excellence in conduct, classwork and games): Michael Wintringham.
Next in Merit: Barry Keehan, Francis Power, Denis Duffy.
Senior Diligence (Cup presented by Mr. Tom Donovan): Denis Duffy.
Next in Merit: Michael Keogh, Rory Morrissey, Michael O’Donnell, and Kevin Houlahan.
Senior Board of Honour (Cup presented by K. & P. Munroe for highest total of Weekly Notes): Denis Duffy.
Next in Merit: Daniel Doohan and Michael Wintringham.
Dr. Kitchen Cup for the most improved boy in classwork, games and school conduct; Michael Foley.
Next in Merit: Paul Duke.
Lower Sixth Form: Rory Morrissey.
Next in Merit: Michael Foley and Anthony Walsh.
Upper Fifth Form: John Woodham.
Next in Merit: Peter Woodham, and Timothy McCann.
Lower Fifth Form: Paul Nicholas, Garry Beveridge (1st equal).
Next in Merit: Stephen Hay and Dennis O’Rourke.
Form Four Professional: Lawrence Geor.
Next in Merit: Ian Bloore and Percy Wong.
Form Four General: Paul McIvor.
Next in Merit: Paul Cowie, Gregory Kinney.
Form Three Professional: Murray Waldren.
Next in Merit: Kevin Hawkes, Patrick Aldridge.
Form Three General: Barry Cassin.
Next in Merit: Kelvin McKay, Peter Arnold.
Upper Sixth Form: 2. Denis Duffy.
3. Dean Parker.
Next in Merit: Michael Wintringham, Rowan Mooney, Andrew Easton.
Lower Sixth Form: 1. Brian Pinn.
2. Anthony Walsh.
3. Michael Foley.
Next in Merit: Kevin Horan, Patrick McKinley, Kerry Coker.
Upper Fifth Form: 1. Simon Wallace.
2. Mark Foley.
3. John Woodham.
Next in Merit: Timothy McCann, Peter Balfour, Alan Henderson.
Lower Fifth Form: 1: Dennis O’Rourke.
2. Stephen Hay.
3. Garry Beveridge.
Next in Merit: Neil Watson, Trevor Ahern, John Hayden.
Form 4 Professional: 1. Percy Wong.
2. Ian Bloore.
3. Neil Matson.
Next in Merit: Timothy Mahony, Christopher Kidd, Lawrence Geor.
Form 4 General 1. Paul Cowie.
2. Gregory Kinney.
3. Paul McIvor.
Next in Merit: Kevin O’Connor, Herman Bakker, Lionel Roberts.
Form 3 Professional: 1. Kevin Hawkes.
2. Patrick Aldridge.
3. Thomas Rouse.
Next in Merit: Murray Waldren, Anthony Hill, John Gallagher.
Form 3 General: 1. Peter Arnold.
2. Kelvin McKay.
3. Christopher Wigg.
Next in Merit: Robert Lewis, Kenneth Dysart, Thomas Manaena.
Fifth Form: Timothy McCann.
Next in Merit: Gerard Bryant, Damian Caccioppoli, Paul Finlayson, Wayne Oulaghan.
Fourth Form: Desmond Flynn.
Next in Merit: Preston Epplett, David Cochrane, Graeme Potts.
Third Form: Manuel Koko.
Next in Merit: Keiron Addis, Anthony Hill, Barry Cassin and Robert Lewis.
Senior (Brian Burns Memorial Cup): Michael Wintringham.
Fifth Form: Garry Beveridge.
Fourth Form: Christopher Williams.
Third Form: Michael Eagle.
Senior Sprints Champion (Cup presented by Fr. L. Spring, S.M.): Francis Power.
Senior Distance Champion (Brian Brady Memorial Cup): Donald Nightingale.
Intermediate Sprints Champion (Fr. Seymour Memorial Cup): Neil Watson.
Intermediate Distance Champion (P. Du Fresne Cup): Martin Gunn.
Junior Sprints Champion (Watson Shield): Christopher Kidd
Junior Field Events (Cup): Graeme Walsh.
Under 13 ½ Sprints Champion: Murray Waldren.
Senior Champion (Napier Parish Cup): Barry Keehan.
Intermediate Champion (Willis Cup): David Wickstead.
Junior Champion (Verschaffelt Cup): Paul Dinneen.
Under 14 Champion: Christopher Kidd.
Under 13 Champion: Gregory Clareburt.
Open Diving (Les Willis Memorial Cup): Patrick Guthrie.
Trophy presented by J Taylor for best defensive back in 1st XV: Donald Nightingale.
M.B.O.B. Football Club Cup for the most improved player in the 1st XV: Damian Caccioppoli.
Mr. and Mrs. Bellam Cup for best forward in the 1st XV: Michael Swindell.
Celtic Football Club Cup for best Junior Footballer: Michael Mudford.
Cup for best all-round cricketer in 1st XI: Donald Nightingale.
Most Promising Junior: Peter Willis.
Senior Singles Champion: Paul Finlayson.
Runner-up Paul Nicholas.
Junior Singles Champion: Michael Jensen.
Runner up: Christophel Receveur.
Old Boys’ Shield for Inter-House Competition: Colin House. Captain: Francis Power.
Gilligan Cup for boy who scores most points for his house: Donald Nightingale.
Higher School Certificates: Gregory Beacham, Gary Conroy, Denis Duffy, Andrew Easton, John Harvey, Barry Keehan, Patrick Maloney, Rowan Mooney, Dean Parker, Francis Power, Peter Walker, Michael Wintringham.
Endorsed School Certificates: Robert Buckley, John Cabot, Brian Cassin, Kevin Cassin, Kerry Coker, Paul Duke, Michael Flavell, Michael Foley, Peter Hayden, Kevin Horan, Kevin Houlahan, Michael Keogh, Michael McGuinness, Patrick McKinley, Rory Morrissey, Donald Nightingale, Michael O’Donnell, Alan Talbot, Anthony Walsh, Bryan Yates.
Credit Pass University Scholarship examination.
University Scholarship, Credit pass: Walker, P. B.
University Entrance: Buckley, R. G., Coker, K. J.; Connell, S. G.; Foley, M. J.; Hayden, P. J.; Horan, K. J.; Houlahan, K. C.; McKinley, P. F.; Morrissey, R. P.; Pinn, B. K.; Swindell, M. H.; Walsh, A. P.; Yates, B. P.
School Certificate: Balfour, P. R.; Begley M. A.; Beveridge, G. N.; Brady, G. A.; Breuer, T. J.; Brockett, S. J.; Caccioppoli, D. J.; Clifton, M. G.; Cormac, K. F.; Daly, P. F.; Dick R. J.; Doohan, D. P.; Foley, M. A.; Gunn, M. B; Guthrie, P. M.; Hay S. F.; Hayden. J. G.; Henderson, A. F.; Jensen, R. A.; Jonas, A. R.; Larsen, G. B.; Logan, D. M.; McCann, T. B. J.; O’Rourke, D. J.; Oulaghan, W. S.; Page, B. L.; Quinn, R. M.; Sievers, N. J.; Usherwood, B. J.; Wallace, S. J. L.; Woodham, J. M.; Woodham, P. W
Certificate of Education: Addis, B. P.; Ahern, T. J.; Barnes, B. P.; Brown, C. G.; Caccioppoli, A. R.; Carrington, A. J.; Fahey, P. J.; Finlayson P. F.; Haliciopoulos, E.; Haggerty, W. F.; Hannah J. F.; Kearney, J. C.; Liddle T. G.; Ludlow, A. R,; McCann, M J.; McGrath, K. J.; Martin, T. P.; Nicholas, P. J.; Pearcey, K. J.; Plowman, T. D.; Taylor, R. F.; Wallis, B. D.; Watson, N. E.; Wickstead, D.P.
Chambers of Commerce: Ahern, T. J., (Bookkeeping); Beveridge, G. N. (Office Practice, Handwriting, English); Bryant, G. K. (Bookkeeping); Caccioppoli, A. R. (Bookkeeping); Doohan, D P. (Bookkeeping); Gunn, M. B. (Bookkeeping); Hay, S. F. (English); Hayden, J. G. (Bookkeeping); Jonas, A. R. (English); McGrath. K. J. (Bookkeeping, English); Quinn, R. M. (Bookkeeping, English); Usherwood, B. J. (Bookkeeping, English).
As a fitting tribute to the Silver Jubilee of St. John’s last year, a formal dinner was arranged by the Parents’ and Friends’ Association for the staff and pupils of the school.
The dinner was held on the evening of November 30 at the Hastings Football Club gymnasium, the Chairman of the Jubilee Committee, Doctor A. Foley, acting as Toastmaster, and the official guests including Rev. Fr. Geaney, Parish Priest of Hastings, Mr A. Brady, President of the Old Boys’ Association, Mr G. Ludlow, President of the Parents’ and Friends’ Association, and Frs, Dowling, Fisher, and Kerins, Fr Dowling being the first Rector of College, and Frs, Fisher and Kerins past members of the staff.
Almost every member of the school was present to sit down to the excellent dinner laid on by the ladies committee of the P.F.A.
ST JOHN’S COLLEGE Silver Jubilee 1941-1965
(From Left): Fr. Dooley, Fr. Duggan, Fr. Kerins (former teacher), Mr. G. Ludlow, Fr. Callaghan, Fra. Geaney, Dr. A. Foley (chairman Jubilee Committee), Fr. Devonport, Fr. Dowling (first Rector). Mr. A. Brady (President of Old Boys’ Association), Fr. Fisher (former teacher).
Shortly after the toast, [to] the Queen, Michael Wintringham, head prefect of the College, rose and before proposing the toast to “The School”, spoke on the need for the St. John’s pupil to recognise the true value of the College. The reply was given by the Rector, Rev. Fr. Devonport.
After a short break at this point, during which the staff were obliged to autograph the menus of some vast number of boys, Dean Parker proposed the toast to the staff, past and present. As senior member of the College Staff, Fr. Callaghan replied to this, and, in light-hearted vein, urged the boys to stop the age-old game of “baiting the teacher” and learn to co-operate with him and receive the full benefit of their education.
The third toast was to the Old Boys’ Association, and this was proposed by Gary Conroy, who traced the history and stressed the need of the Association. Mr A Brady replied on behalf of the Old Boys’ Association.
Fourth and last toast was to the Parents’ and Friends’ Association. In proposing it, Barry Keehan noted that but for the Association, there would have been no jubilee dinner. In reply, Mr. G. Ludlow, President of the P.F.A., listed a few of the many ways in which his association has aided the College.
A tremendous round of applause greeted the next announcement that Fr. Dowling was to speak and the manner in which the boys listened to his words with such undivided attention showed just how deeply all respected him.
Rev. Fr. Geaney was last to speak and he stated that he had always held a personal interest in the College. One of the joys resulting from this, he added, was seeing the different pupils maturing and eventually taking their places in society.
Finally, the Toastmaster thanked the ladies committee on behalf of the school for having given up so much time and going to so much trouble in the preparation of the dinner. The boys responded gallantly to this with an extra-long round of applause.
Guests, staff, pupils all held the evening to be a tremendous success. It is to be hoped that a formal school dinner will become an annual event, for not only is the dinner educational and most enjoyable, it is one of the best means the College has of fostering school spirit and deepening school loyalty.
Dean Parker.
Starting a new venture in the life of a college is a somewhat hazardous undertaking. There are many things to be considered: the time it will take, the expense involved, the response and interest it will evoke; all of which must be set against the value to be achieved for the boys and the school as a whole. When such an undertaking is in the realm of music and drama, there is added the further, inherent problem of ability. This year the Rector and Staff pondered on these matters and came to the conclusion that the results would be worth-while – and a new venture was begun – a College Drama Club was formed.
Early in March an open meeting was held to explain the purpose of the club and to propose a musical and dramatic production to be presented later in the year. The scheme met with enthusiastic response. More than a hundred boys signed the membership register and many more fifth-formers were eager to join but were deterred from doing so by the thought of that bogeyman around the corner – the School Certificate Examinations. Of those that did sign, many felt diffident about performing in public, but when it was explained that productions of this kind required a great number of willing helpers off stage as well as on, and that a bevy of charming young ladies from St. Joseph’s College had consented to take part, a small army of stagehands was recruited.
Prudence was the measure used in selecting a suitable programme. As this was our first production, it was wisely thought that we should avoid being over-ambitious. It was decided, therefore, to prepare a short operetta as the main feature, and to supplement this with a varied first-half consisting of choral and solo items and a third form play. In this way we hoped to give our audiences a balanced evening’s entertainment and allow as many members to take part as possible. The operetta chosen was Gilbert and Sullivan’s “Trial by Jury” – a forty-five minute musical satire on British court proceedings and the judiciary. This opera has delighted listeners since its first production at the Savoy Opera House, London, in 1875. It has all the ingredients of good fun: rollicking choruses, extravagant solos, witty dialogue, and a resolution of plot, which if not becoming the wisdom of Solomon, admirably caricatures the judicial judgements of the nineteenth century English courts. Arthur Sullivan’s music, of course, is demanding. Great attention also is required in presenting the mood and meaning of the libretto if the wit of his teammate, W. S. Gilbert, is not to be lost. There are some who criticise schools for attempting these operas, but in many respects they are most suitable. At least they offer a challenge which is readily accepted and met, for the most part, with a competence beyond the years and experience of the performers.
Having decided on a suitable programme, then, auditions were held and rehearsals got under way. The venue for these was the 5.P. room at the college. Almost every Friday night for three months, the cast – numbering over eighty members – assembled and applied themselves to the tedious business of learning their parts and repeating them again and again to the producer’s satisfaction. This is hard work, and it is a tribute to the goodwill of those involved that never once did their interest or enthusiasm wane. They gave up their Friday night free time regularly and willingly – many travelling from Napier;
some biking from the outlying districts of Hastings; all bearing the inconveniences involved cheerfully. Such an attitude augured well for the ultimate success of the show.
Willing co-operation, however, was not the prerogative of the cast alone; it was a significant feature of all associated with the production. A special word of grateful thanks must be extended here to the Principal, Sister M. Annunciata, the Singing Mistress, Sister M. Hyacinth, and the girls of St. Joseph’s College. An invitation to St Joseph’s to join us with the production was graciously received by Sr. Annunciata and extended to the senior girls. As a result, our Drama Club had the benefit of the charm and talent of those five and twenty young maids who have become so essential a part of the Gilbert and Sullivan opera. All who heard the St. Joseph’s girls remarked on their fine singing, a quality which was only matched by the charm and grace of their acting. We at St John’s were delighted to be associated with them. We can honestly say that without their wholehearted support the show would not have gone on. We hope that this year merely marks the first of many similar ventures. The hard work and happy memories we have shared can only redound to a mutual enrichment.
After a tiring week’s work, the thought of spending Friday evenings accompanying a large group of youngsters on the piano must certainly have been spine-chilling. This, however, was the lot of Miss Marie Thomson week after week. That she never complained, was always patient, understanding, and ever ready to help, surely illustrates how fortunate we were in having her services. The small gift the cast gave her on the final night was but a faint expression of the debt we all felt we owed her. Wherever we turned we seemed to meet the same generous spirit. Mothers will no doubt appreciate what a wonderful windfall it was to have Mrs. N. Brady and Mrs. R. Murray as our costumers. Mrs. Murray is Wardrobe Mistress for the Hastings Light Opera Company, and all who met her were inspired by her dedicated enthusiasm in promoting the art of musical stage productions. The glittering array of costumes which made the audiences gasp in astonishment, were lent free of charge by the Company. We can only hope that in years to come many involved in our show will further show will further their interest in music and drama in such an association. There are many other good people to whom we are indebted. Mrs H. Swindell spent hours of her valuable time perfecting the stage movements of the leading actors; Mrs T. Hayden, Miss R. Geor, and a team of willing helpers attacked the mammoth job of make-up with an efficient cheerfulness that was a joy to watch. Our special thanks are extended to Mr G. Murray and Mr C. Wright for their work on the stage lighting, to Mr. F. Geor for the use of materials and workshop, to the Parents and Friends Association for their encouragement and help in attending to the Front of the House arrangements, and to all who helped in so many ways.
The opening night arrived all too quickly, but we had been well prepared. Two dress rehearsals, one particularly enjoyable one at the Holy Family Home for the Aged, and another at the Orphans’ Hall had seen to this. Nevertheless, there was a certain air of trepidation present when the curtain went up and Fr. Walsh had to have recourse to “Ivan and the Dumbells” to elicit smiles. The opening choral items were well received by the large audiences on each of the three nights. The soloists then braved the spotlights. Tristan David gave a piano recital, Glynn Williams an amusing recitation, Peter Fahey a trumpet solo, and Harril Mullany an excellent
piano rendition of “Excerpts from Porgy and Bess.” Each gained sustained applause, particularly Harril whose youthfulness and technical ability astonished those listening. The cast of the play “The Best Laid Plans” gave to their performance a sparkle and freshness that made it thoroughly enjoyable. The Napier audience, in particular, were in such a happy mood by the end of it that the success of the evening there was assured. Perhaps it was a paradox suggested by the diminutive Third-Formers playing such roles as “Slick Jack”, “Bungler Bill”, “Primrose the Butler”, Policemen and Detectives, or perhaps they read more of the local scene into the characterization than the script intended, whatever the reason they were highly appreciative. The players, well-drilled by Fr. P. Dooley, were: D. Carroll, J. Bongiovanni, M. Affleck, B. James, B. Talbot, J. Guthrie, C. Robinson and B. Mahony. Their efforts and obvious talents promise well for the future of the Drama Club.
As indeed one who takes Judge’s part in “Trial by Jury” should, Peter Hayden virtually ‘stole’ the show. In Peter the club has an actor and singer of extraordinary ability. To the portrayal of the Learned Judge he brought his own blend of dignity, suavity and, at just the right moments, extravagant farce.
The Defendant, a likeable scoundrel, was intelligently developed and handled with appropriate nonchalance by Rory Morrissey, and opposite him, adding colour and pathos to the situation in her wedding dress, was the Plaintiff, exquisitely sung by Frances Scarratt. So impressive were his histrionics and so plaintive his pleading, that Michael Foley, as Counsel, brought tears to the eyes of the old folk and a great deal of merriment to those who appreciated the glorious satire. Lawrence Geor and Bert Gitmans gave a polished performance in their role as Ushers of the Court.
The entry of the Bridesmaids made us realise once again the invaluable work done by the wardrobe mistresses. The charm and grace of Teresa Woodham, Heather Luxford, Janice Hill, Vera Green, Marie Watson, Colleen Ahern, Kathryn Singer, Donna Pattison, Antoinette Kamp and Anne Gallagher,
Photo caption – THE CHOIR REHEARSES.
were matched by the excellence of their singing. They certainly did credit to their singing mistress, Sr. M. Hyacinth. With such a tantalizing vision before them, it is little wonder that each member of the Jury played his part with gusto, though, thankfully, courtroom frolics were never overdone.
The twelve ‘Good men and True” : were: P. Fahey, J. Hannah, P. Guthrie, P. Woodham, J. Woodham, G. Beveridge, B. Usherwood, S. Hay, B. Pinn, J. Cabot, G. Bryant, I. Bloore.
The Chorus gave many junior members of the College Drama Club a chance to take part and to train for major parts in future years. Those taking part were: Angela Caccioppoli, Jose Receveur, Margaret Hart, Christine Goninon, Linda Holleron, Colleen Greville, Dawn Monteagle, Marie Kelliher, Jacqueline Hurst, Jennifer Sims, Eileen Hawkes, Carmel O’Boyle, Faye Woodhead, Sandra Stevens, Marilyn Boyes, Mary Thompson, Kathleen Daly, K. Houlahan, A. Jonas, B. Yates, D. Caccioppoli, R. Buckley, M. Keogh, P. Duke, M. Koko, G. Horan, P. Aldridge, S. Liddle, P. Gavin, A. Montaperto, T. Manaena, R. Innes, H. Mullany, E. Noa, J. Aranui, M. Patterson, R. Dawson, M. Eagle, D. Pipe, G. Huckstep, A Ward, A. March, C. Moughan, B. Fail, B. James, G. Barker, N. Buck, P. Mooney, R. Fergusson, J. Drane, M. Dinneen, P. O’Connell, A. Yates, G. Goulter.
The accompaniment was supplied by a String Orchestra led by Graeme Winn, ably supported by Leslie Hindle, Judy Coutes, Rona Woodcock, Jane Hendry, Allan Stevens, Jan Van Asche, Peter Sulzberger, and for one or two particular performances, by other generous and dedicated instrumentalists all of whom gave their time willingly and without recompense.
No production such as ours is possible without a devoted team of “Back Stage Boys”. We were fortunate this year in having an excellent and competent
Photo caption – “… AND A GOOD JUDGE, TOO.”
tent crew. A. Walsh, C. Kidd, G. Walsh, G. Potts, A. Ludlow, P. Moran, P. Buck, C. Keenan and L. Geor, spent many hours building and painting the stage scenery besides seeing to the smooth running of the show.
Well, the curtains have come down on a highly successful year for the Drama Club. This, our first venture, has proved more than worthwhile. Many friends have been made, much has been learned, and all have happy memories to recall in later years. What has been planned for next year? There is a rumour around that it is to be the Mikado. We’ll wait and see.
At last year’s Break-up ceremony we learned that FR. CALLAGHAN, a staff member since 1958 and one of the best known Marist teachers of English and Latin, was finishing his teaching career. In a period of over thirty years Father had taught at St. Patrick’s, Wellington, St John’s, Lismore, Australia, Silverstream, and St. Bede’s. Many of Fr. Callaghan’s attributes and accomplishments come to mind. There was the care and thoroughness which stamped his work. There was a respect for words which went hand in hand with a distaste for the spurious or second best. Carefully prepared statements or utterances earned him a just reputation as a literary critic of discrimination, a fine speaker, and a redoubtable champion of what he valued best in educational theory and practice. In his English classes and his coaching in Public Speaker he worked to instil in his pupils a taste for good reading, and a facility with the spoken word. Outside of the class room, he had in earlier years proved himself an able and enthusiastic 1st XI coach in two large Marist colleges.
One can admire talent, yet it remains, though admirable, a cold thing. With it Fr. Callaghan allies the warmth of a humility which is at once conscious of limitations and open minded enough to appreciate – if it could not agree with – another’s point of view. A dry humour which lurks unsuspected sometimes under a more serious mien was never better evidenced than in an able reply made last year at the boys’ Jubilee dinner to the toast of the Staff. A delicious irony ran through the whole speech which was none the less engaging if there were some boys who did not grasp the point of it. Other traits can cause amusement; they also endear. St. John’s wishes Fr. Callaghan many more years of priestly ministry in other sections of the Lord’s vineyard. We are able to express our good wishes in print; there are so many past pupils in New Zealand and Australia who join with us in gratitude for their indebtedness to a respected teacher and fine friend.
As Fr. Callaghan’s replacement we welcome FR. J. A. TEMM, S.M., who came to us from the Second Novitiate, or more immediately from New Caledonia where he had spent the Christmas vacation perfecting oral French. Fr.
Photo caption – FR. C. J. CALLAGHAN, S.M., M.A.
Temm taught at St Patrick’s, Wellington, and in recent years was in charge of Languages at St. Augustine’s Wanganui. Fr. Temm makes a valuable contribution to this side of our curriculum.
A seed is sown. Tiny it is, yet given time, warmth, and moisture it grows into a mature tree. One hundred and fifty years ago the seed of the Marist Family tree with its several branches was sown in the centuries-old basilica of Fourviere, the Marian shrine overlooking the ancient city of Lyons in the South of France. 23rd July 1816. Eight newly-ordained priests and four of their fellow seminarians pledged themselves to form, when circumstances in those unsettled times permitted, a society dedicated to the apostolate under the aegis of the Mother of God, who had been the support of the apostles and the infant Church.
Venerable Father John Claude Colin, Founder of the MARIST FATHERS, confessed that the idea of such a religious body had long been in his mind. But he was a timid, retiring man; that he should found such a society had not occurred to him. At the Lyons diocesan seminary, another student Jean Claude Corveille, a man whose assurance was a foil to Fr. Colin’s diffidence, thought of an institute to be known as the Society of Mary whose historical mission in the Church would parallel that of the Society of Jesus. Meetings and discussions with interested seminarists encouraged the idea to crystallise. Hence the pledge made to work for its realisation. Three branches were envisaged for this Marist tree to correspond with the three branches traditionally found in religious families, a branch of priests, another of nuns, a Third Order for lay people.
The newly ordained found themselves scattered over two dioceses. Some with the lapse of time lost their enthusiasm for the project. One, whom we now venerate as Blessed Marcellin Champagnat, seeing the urgent need for a band of Brothers who would attend to the education of country children growing up illiterate and ignorant of their faith, the very next year, 1817, gathered together the first of the MARIST BROTHERS of the Schools who now number ten thousand and educate more than four hundred thousand primary and secondary pupils in over eight hundred schools and colleges.
By 1823 the MARIST SISTERS had made their humble beginnings. Though we do not know them here in Hawke’s Bay, they are to be found in the work of education in the Old World and the New. In our own country they are found among Maori and pakeha, doing work similar to their commitments throughout the Pacific.
With its prospective members engaged in their parochial ministry and with diocesan authorities understandably reluctant to part with hard-working devoted priests, progress towards a definitive Society of Mary was delayed till 1836 when, hastened by the needs of Oceania, papal approval was at last granted. Fr. Colin was elected Superior General for life and the first twenty Marist Fathers took their religious vows.
The THIRD ORDER, was born in 1824, flourished after an uncertain start under the inspiring directorship of the now St. Peter Julian Eymard. The Third Order offers its members a share in the spiritual privileges of the Marist Fathers while firing them with fervour for the apostolate. The Hastings group boasts more than a hundred members in addition to those in Meeanee and Napier. It was from the Third Order as Fr. Colin had foreseen that there developed another religious foundation, the MISSIONARY SISTERS OF THE SOCIETY OF MARY, better known to us in this country as the Leper Sisters.
To mark the achievements of one hundred and fifty years, some forty thousand Marists, priests, religious, lay men and women from Norway to the Argentine, from Invercargill to Glasgow, have met to acknowledge their indebtedness for the graces given and the work accomplished. New Zealand celebrations like those in Napier last September, are particularly appropriate in that Fr. Colin has been called the Father of Oceanians and all branches of the tree that grew from the tiny seed have co-operated in
bringing the Church to these southern lands and sustaining the faith now so firmly planted.
As in the previous two years the Marist Fathers’ Leadership Conference held in the September holidays for selected boys from their schools had ‘Futuna’ as its venue. On 7th September forty five delegates were welcomed by the Very Reverend Fr. M. Bourke, Provincial superior of the Marist Fathers, and addressed by His Lordship Bishop Snedden who formally opened the 1966 Conference. These brief opening formalities over, delegates settled into the crowded rutine [routine] of conference talks and discussions and mixed informally with delegates from other schools – a valuable experience which contributes in no small measure to the over-all success of the Conference. Liaison Officers from each college represented joined with members of the central organising committee in attending to the many details of organisation and mixed freely with delegates so that the informal family spirit which we like to think of as a characteristic of Marist Colleges was perhaps even more in evidence during the Conference than in the more staid routine of a school term. Such contacts are mutually rewarding. From discussions between delegate and delegate and speakers it is hoped that our senior boys will be more alert to their responsibilities in the field of social, intellectual, political and economic life. Hence the annual Leadership Conference.
The theme for 1966 was ‘The Challenge of the World’. Stress was laid on the fact that the Church, and the world itself, expects the educated Christian to be intensely and personally concerned with the social and economic problems that beset modern life. The key-note is sounded in the opening words of Vatican II’s Constitution on
the Church in the Modern World. ‘The joys and hopes, the griefs and anxieties of the men of this age, especially the poor and afflicted; these too are the joys and hopes, the griefs and anxieties of the followers of Christ. Indeed nothing genuinely human fails to raise an echo in their hearts; for theirs too is a community of men linked with mankind and its history by the strongest bonds. Profound and rapid changes are spreading over the world. Triggered by the intelligence and creative activity of man, these changes recoil upon his decisions and desires, both individual and collective. While extending his own power in every direction, he does not always succeed in subjecting it to his own welfare. Never before has man had so keen an understanding of freedom; yet new forms of social and psychological slavery make their appearance. The laity by their vocation seek the kingdom of God by engaging in temporal affairs and ordering them to the plan of God. They are called there by God so that they can work for the sanctification of the world from within like leaven.’ Thus our terms of reference laid down by Vatican II. Our speakers made it clear that a good man can exert influence for good without being an important man in an influential position. Always leadership spells service of others whether in the sphere of civic, cultural, or economic life.
Thursday brought cold, showery weather which was minimised by the cheery warmth of ‘Futuna’ and a conducted tour over the New Zealand Institute of Atomic Research where Mr. T. A. Rafter, the Director, spoke to us and had us as lunch guests in the fine cafeteria with its view over the waters of the harbour to the city on the hills lying beyond. Friday’s highlight was the evening Mass celebrated by Bishop
Photo caption –
Standing: S. F. Hay, P. W. Woodham.
Seated: A. J. Talbot, M. J. Foley, M. A Foley.
Snedden with the course organisers and liaison officers as concelebrants. The bishop’s sermon on the unity of the priesthood, so eloquently expressed in the concelebrated Mass, and the participation of the congregation in the sacrifice through their Baptism and Confirmation put before us these vital truths of our faith in forceful yet simple language. Friday also brought our own school paper on ‘Ecumenism and Catholic Youth’, a paper, read by Peter Woodham, which triggered spirited discussion in the audience.
“ECUMENISM”, which means the movement for the restoration of unity among Christians, is a word that we often see in print or hear in speech. Much of what is said refers to the sphere of theology and is the immediate concern of theologians. But, and it is a big ‘but’, this important matter is not to remain the preserve of theologians. A truly fruitful ecumenism must be felt in the market place as well as discussed from the rostrum and written learnedly in books. It is clearly the mind of Pope Paul as it was the mind of the bishops at the Vatican Council that ecumenism is the responsibility of everyone, and that every Catholic is expected to take an active and intelligent part. Dr. Oscar Bullman, an American non-Catholic observer at the Council spoke with enthusiasm of the decree on ecumenism. ‘This’, he said, ‘is more than the opening of a door; new ground has been broken.” It is the clear duty of Catholic youth to whom the Council looks with high hopes to be aware of its duties in the matter and willing to honour its obligations.
Remembering that ecumenism is the concern of everyone and that all Catholics are expected to take an active and intelligent part in ecumenism, it is fair to ask what can Catholic youth be expected to do; How can we help fulfil
the prayer of Christ after the Last Supper ‘that they may be one as Thou, Father, in Me and I in Thee’? The suggestions I shall make highlight some of the more obvious and more important ways of honouring our obligations; they are not meant to be exhaustive. They are to trigger your thought and stimulate discussion.
I would give priority to the need for the witness of a sincere Catholic life. For this there is no substitute. Deeds speak louder than words. What Catholic youth does and says must bear witness to the faith that is in us. Above all we are to be good men, honourable, truthful, sincere. In the eyes of our fellows who are non-Catholics we are the Church. Inevitably they will tend to judge the Church by what they know of us on the football field, in our conduct, in our social contacts. Anything devious or dishonourable is a disservice to the faith and to religion at large. In these simple, day-by-day matters we will express the Council’s ideal of renewal. It is so important that we put our own house in order and keep it in order. The more vigorous our Catholic life, the closer we are bound to Our Lord and the deeper our love of others.
Our non-Catholic cousins treasure God’s word. We respect their sincerity and their beliefs even though we disagree with their point of view. We do well to be sympathetic and understanding. It would be wrong to give them the impression that we can compromise in essentials, wrong to play down the differences that lie in the way of fuller unity. Nevertheless, what we hold common is a bond. So many of them have a love of Scripture and more than a nodding acquaintance with it. Our own prayerful Scripture reading and love of God’s word, something expected of an educated Catholic, has ecumenical value.
Understanding of the non-Catholic point of view means that one knows something of their beliefs. Such knowledge is valuable. Even more important, though, is that we have a solid and informed grasp of our own. For us Christian Doctrine is no fringe activity, but an activity at the heart of our education. It can be pushed into second place unconsciously because it does not fall within the University Entrance syllabus, is non-examinable, not accreditable, outside the range of Bursary or University Scholarship. Early this year when Catholic observers were made so welcome at a Youth Conference in Hamilton, regrets were expressed that the Catholics had so little to say when asked questions. Ecumenism will not be promoted by the rowdy, indiscreet Catholic, it is true; it is also true that the dumb Catholic will make a smaller contribution than he might. Yes, the Church wants well-informed Catholics whose knowledge of their religion is as mature and wide as their knowledge of secular matters. Yes, the Church wants well-informed Catholics whose knowledge of their religion is as mature and wide as their knowledge of secular matters.
Finally, Christ prayed ‘that they may be one’; unity charitably finds its place in our prayer if we have the mind of Christ and something of His love for our brethren.’
Saturday, cold and dull early, brightened towards midday by which time we were ensconced at Silverstream. This day our numbers were swelled by some thirty five delegates from other Catholic and state colleges in Wellington and the Hutt Valley. The Right Honourable Sir Walter Nash opened proceedings. He so enjoyed the atmosphere that after leaving at midday for another appointment, he returned for the afternoon deliberations and for the dinner at ‘Futuna’ that night.
An important innovation this year was an ecumenical panel discussion chaired by Fr. F. Durning, S.M., Catholic chaplain at Canterbury University, who had as fellow speakers the Reverend C. Harrison, Director of Anglican radio and television, and the Reverend K. McRae, Presbyterian minister, Director of the Hutt Valley Marriage Guidance Council. Questions from ten groups ranged over a wide area and continued outside over cups of tea in the afternoon sunshine when the formal discussion was over. Two further talks on ‘Maori and Pakeha – One People’ and ‘The Lesson of V.S.A.’ bought us to 5.30 p.m. and a return to Karori for the dinner which we sat down to at eight. The dinner, gastronomically
all that boys in our age group could desire and quantitatively generous, was a fine tribute to the Brothers of the Society of Mary, who had provided for us handsomely throughout the Conference. Traditional formalities for such an occasion, even to the candlelight, were observed. The Honourable Sir Thaddeus McCarthy, himself an Old Boy of St. Bede’s College, gave a superb speech, spiced with impish wit, on qualities of industry, integrity, and courage which underlay the lives of world famous leaders he had known. Relaxation over coffee was followed by more vigorous and diversified forms of relaxation into the small hours Our gratitude goes out to organisers, speakers, hosts and all who made the Conference possible and highly successful.
Our delegates were Michael Foley as Head Prefect, Mark Foley, Stephen Hay, Alan Talbot and Peter Woodham. In retrospect they look back gratefully for the inspiration of the speakers and indeed of the whole Conference atmosphere which gave participants a moral and awareness it would be difficult to capture elsewhere.
Each year in July we hold this solemnity to honour the College patron whose festal day falls just after Christmas. The day was blessed with fine sunny weather. When our visitors, Hawke’s Bay clergy, second novices, a few parents and friends, arrived at 11.15 a.m. for Solemn High Mass the day had more in common with a mild day in spring than with what might be expected in mid-July. The Rector was celebrant of the Mass; his assistants, Fr. Neville and Fr. Twomey. The Choir sang with understanding and good harmony the music of the Mass and several appropriate hymns. A visiting Marist Father from the second novitiate, Fr. J. F. Healey, preached on the well-known text YOU ARE TO BE MY WITNESSES IN JERUSALEM AND THROUGHOUT JUDEA, IN SAMARIA, YES, AND TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH. (Acts, 1.8.)
‘Over the last few years’, Fr. Healey said, ‘I have had the good fortune to see the faith in practice in the lives of so many of the youth of New Zealand who work or study in the Capital city. Among those who have edified and impressed because of their love of the Mass, frequentation of the sacraments and their constant practice of the faith have been Old Boys of St. John’s College. This evidence of true Catholic living has given me an appreciation of this Marist College, a high esteem for the spirit which must influence these young men to maintain and consolidate their Christian living in a world fraught with pitfalls, temptations, and difficulties. It is pleasing today to join you, Fathers and boys, gathered to honour your patron, St John.
Fr. Healey reminded us that a patron gives more than his name to a college; he gives something of his spirit and that spirit is to be an inspiration. As an impetuous youth, St John sought Christ, listened to Him, and followed Him. For John, Christ had a special love.
‘As St. John was a witness to Christ, so must you be in your lives. In the recent Vatican Council one theme which dominates the decrees and documents is the demand that we be witnesses to Christ. You at St John’s must be witnesses at home, in school, in your parish. Do you, like those Old Boys in Wellington, show your love “by the true test of action”, FIDE ET VERITATE?
At the end of the Vatican Council there was a powerful plea directed to youth. I quote a few sentences. Apply them to yourselves. “It is to you, young men of the world, that the Council addresses its final message. For it is you who are to receive the torch from the hands of your elders and to live in the world at the period of the most gigantic transformations ever realised in its history. It is you, who receiving the best of example from your parents and your teachers, are to form the society of tomorrow. You will either save yourselves or you will perish with it. It is for you, especially for you, that the Church now comes through her Council to enkindle your light, the light which illumines the future, your future.
It is in the name of God and His Son Jesus that we exhort you to open your
hearts to the dimensions of the world, to heed the appeal of your brothers, to place your youthful energies at their service. Be generous, pure, respectful, sincere, and build in enthusiasm a better world than your elders. The Church looks to you with confidence and with love.”
This is the challenge. There is your calling. Imitate St John; love God and your fellow man. Live up to the motto of your college and prove your love “by the true test of action.” Always keep close to Mary your mother and in your lives be witnesses to Jesus Christ.’
Mass over, our visitors stayed for a buffet lunch; the school enjoyed a half-holiday.
Crisp sunshine, golden sand, line after line of white-crested “curlers”, and all the fun of swimming and surfing is too glorious a prospect to be marred by the tragedy of drowning. No doubt this was what some 40 boys had in mind when they signed up for a course in life-saving this year.
The course began early in the second term, and for two days a week the candidates spent most of their lunch-hour learning the theoretical and practical drill required for proficiency. The College was fortunate in having the services of two able and devoted men to surpervise the instruction. Mr. Bill Gorely and Mr. Barrie Dennehy, both active members of the Westshore Surf Lifesaving Club, generously gave their time to direct and assist in the training. Their dedication to such a worthwhile cause was an inspiration to boys and staff alike. We can only hope that the debt of gratitude we owe them will be repaid in the future by many of the trainees themselves becoming active members of the Surf Lifesaving Club.
At the beginning of the second term, thirty-three candidates sat the Royal Life Saving Society’s Resuscitation Examination. All passed. They were: P. Hayden, R. Buckley, K. Coker, A. Jonas, N. Sievers, P. Guthrie, W. Haggerty, M. Jensen, C. Plunkett, F. Harbottle, C. Kidd, G. Walsh, B. Quirk, P. Dinneen, P. Cowie, P. Bastion, T. Talbot, N. Cabot, J. Fahey, M. Aitchison, D. Koorey, P. Aldridge, G. Clareburt, K. Hawkes, A. Jillings, M. Eagle, S. Liddle, M. Patterson, D. Breuer, G. Horan, M. Prendeville, B. Mahony, M. Dinneen.
It is expected that nine boys will sit the Instructor’s Examination and the rest go for their Bronze Medallion before the end of the year. This group of well-trained and qualified lifesavers, the College hopes to offer all present and future boys a similar course.
This important aspect of our activities has interested a moderate number of both junior and senior boys. Our own form contests were held in the third term in which the following boyd gained first place:
Sixth Form: Garry Beveridge.
Fifth Form: Glynn Williams.
Fourth Form: Brian Prendeville.
3rd Form: John Bongiovanni.
We are grateful to Mr. J. Donovan who judged the finals and gave helpful criticism to the contestants.
Outside of the School there was the contest for the Anthony Eden Cup, a contest sponsored annually by the
Photo caption – EXPERTS ON THE JOB.
Royal Overseas League. Our entrant, Rory Morrissey, spoke clearly and well although suffering from a heavy cold.
The most important event as usual was the O’Shea Shield contest held this year at Sacred Heart College, Lower Hutt. Our thanks go to our hosts for their kindness and the excellent arrangements made and to St. Bernard’s College for the provision of billets for several of the team. We should like to assure the Sisters of the Mission that the fire detected in their fine assembly hall so soon after the contest finished on the Sunday night was not sparked by any fiery impromptu statements early in the evening.
Our representatives were:-
Debate: P. J. Hayden (leader), J. M. Woodham, S. J. Wallace.
Oratory: G. N. Beveridge.
Religious Questions: R. P. Morrissey.
Elocution: C. G. Williams.
Junior Speech: M. R. Eagle
Congratulations go to both Gynn Wlliams, who was placed third in the Elocution section, and Michael Eagle, who won the Junior Prepared Speech.
This year the annual retreat took on a slightly different form from previous years. It was spread over five school days’ the first three were for the upper school, the remaining two for the lower forms. This change was welcomed by the senior boys because when the whole school takes part, the retreat has to be adjusted to fit the juniors. The introduction of a Bible liturgy provided a chance for active participation and much spiritual food for thought.
The idea of renewal ran through the retreat. It is a time when a boy should put aside wordly [worldly] affairs and turn his entire attention to his own spiritual good. He examines himself, discovers his weaknesses, and makes sincere resolutions
Photo caption –
Standing: C. G. Williams, G. N. Beveridge, S. J. L. Wallace. M. R. Eagle.
Seated: J. M. Woodham, P. J. Hayden, R. P. Morrissey.
for the future. In order to do this thoroughly, the rule of silence must be kept.
A retreat can only be as successful as a boy makes it. The priest can create the atmosphere and put forward ideas. Only if the boy makes an effort will his retreat be fruitful.
The exercises were conducted by Fr. G. J. Connolly, S.M. Each day there were three instructions, the rosary, Stations of the Cross, Mass, and Benediction. There were amply opportunities for Confession The ceremonies closed with the Papal Blessing.
The staff and boys of St John’s extend their sympathy to all associated with us in various way who suffered bereavements during the year.
We offer our sympathy to Fr. Fisher in the death of his mother and sister; to Fr. Neville, of the present staff, in the death of a brother; to Mr. J. Escott in the death of his father; to Miss Mary Aldridge in the death of her father; to Mrs James and Brendan in the death of a son and older brother; to Messrs. Kevin, Brian, and Trevor Walsh in the death of their mother; to Fr. J. Stewart in the death of his sister; to Mrs R. F. Geor, in the death of her father; to Fr. H. Smith and Fr. J. Aitken in their bereavements.
Our sympathies to Mrs. Hamilton and her family on the death of Mr. Hamilton during the year, after a long illness.
Mr. Hamilton was the centre of the family on which St, John’s relied so much in the early days.
His business brought with it a wide circle of friends who respected him both for his ability and his integrity. But his real happiness was in the home surrounded by the children, and it was there that we in variably found him, keeping the peace with that quiet humour which he pre served right to the end.
No one was more proud than he when his son, Fr. Don Hamilton, was ordained. A few years later Mr. Hamilton was received into the Church, a fitting reward for one who had always been so ready to co-operate in Mrs. Hamilton’s unceasing variety of activities for Church and school.
May his soul rest in peace.
A. K. Hill, S.M.
The news of the untimely death of Lawrence Russell came as a great shock to all who knew him at St. John’s. It was hard to realise that one who was so active on the field of sport and who only two years ago took such a part in college life should now be cut off in the flower of his youth.
Lawrence was at St. John’s from 1961-64. He was a prominent footballer in the lower grades and was a member of the 1st XV during his last year. He made his mark as a fast, moving, loose forward and could always be depended
on to give of his best. In Athletics he held the Junior Shot Put and Hop, Step, and Jump records and gained a place in the inter-Secondary School Sports in the field events. He was always a keen member of the Cadet Unit and in his last year he was A Coy C.S.M.
Lawrence was blessed with a cheer ful and obliging disposition. His was a manly character and the resignation and fortitude with which he accepted his sickness could not fail to impress and inspire all who knew him.
L. J. Hanley, S.M.
Prior to the feast of St. Peter Chanel our customary novena for vocations was held. Each day the novena prayer was recited in class groups and visiting speakers spoke in chapel to the assembled school. Brother John, superior of the Marist Brothers in Napier, spoke on the vocation of a Brother, Fr. J. Thornhill, S.M., an Australian Marist Father from the Second Novitiate at Greenmeadows, spoke of the religious life, and Fr. T. Duffy, parish priest of Hastings West parish, spoke on the priesthood and the diocesan priest. The feast itself was celebrated with Mass and a sermon on the missions preached by Fr. D. W. Mullin, S.M., of the Tongan Mission.
The addition of 240 new books and some 30 others donated by kind well-wishers has brought the total number of books on the library catalogue to 2,100.
The lower forms have made regular use of the library. Naturally, considering the age of these borrowers, their preference was for adventure stories, war stories and like books dealing with factual and exciting events. In so far as one can trace a pattern, the upper forms preferred books from the Fiction and Biography sections. However, possibly because of the pressure of public examinations, a hurdle to be surmounted at the end of the year, and possibly also because of the lure of television, only half of this senior group of pupils have taken more than two books a term. This does not mean that senior boys have not patronised the library. The magazine section has become increasingly popular and the additions to the reference books have proved the wisdom of giving particular attention to stocking this section in 1966. We have improved our coverage of Asian, South Pacific, European, and Ancient History. Particularly valuable is the Oxford New Zealand Encyclopaedia, which gives a general outline of New Zealand past and present. The school owes a considerable debt of gratitude to the boy librarians, particularly Kevin Horan, Head Librarian, and to other helpers who undertook willingly the work of cataloguing and preparing our new books for circulation, a job which consumed a lot of their free time. Their attendance during the dinner break, something most take for granted, is a silent, but invaluable service to the cultural needs of St. John’s.
Especial favourite of fourth formers is the fourteen volume New Standard Encyclopaedia; it has proved an invaluable aid to Geographers in search of information on North America. The scientifically and mathematically minded have enjoyed the Life series which is well illustrated and informative. The religious section has benefited by the Dictionary of Catholic Biography, a life of Pope John XXIII, and a handsomely-bound Confraternity version of the Bible.
We record our appreciation of books given us by Mr. J. Escott, Fr. H. A. Smith, S.M., and Fr. R. I Fisher, S.M., and Michael O’Donnell.
Demands made on space for classes have meant that the library has never had a room it could call its own. This unhappy state of affairs should cease next year once our new classroom block is occupied Then it is hoped that classes can be taken to the library and made familiar with its cataloguing system and its contents. So from the time he arrives in the third form a boy could be familiar with the library contents and routine. Availability of new classrooms will permit more to be done in the way of class reference libraries. Upper sixth already find theirs invaluable; excellent use has been made of it all the year.
The third swimming sports held in the St. John’s swimming baths enjoyed fine, warm weather. They contributed also to breaking up the week, when the weather is so hot and “class” is so dreary. The senior championship was won by P. Guthrie from D. Wickstead; the intermediate (under 16) by P. Dinneen from F. Harbottle; the junior (under 15) by K. Hawkes from M. Patterson; the under 14 by M. Dinneen from G. Horan; and under 13 by C. Robinson. Two afternoons were needed to complete the events, Monday and Wednesday, the 7th and 9th of February. The Open Dive and a special 220-yard race were completed later the same week.
33 1-3 yards freestyle: P. Guthrie 1, D. Wickstead 2, G. Beveridge 3. 17.6 secs (record)
66 2-3 yards freestyle: D. Wickstead 1, P. Guthrie 2, G. Beveridge 3. 41 secs.
100 yards freestyle: P. Guthrie 1, D. Wickstead 2, K. Coker 3. 65.2 secs.
33 1-3 yards backstroke: B. Yates 1, P. Guthrie 2, M. Keogh 3. 23.6 secs.
33 1-3 yards breaststroke: P. Hayden 1, W. Haggerty 2, K. Coker 3. 27.1 secs.
33 1-3 yards freestyle: P. Dinneen 1, F. Harbottle 2, P. Cowie 3. 18.1 secs.
66 2-3 yards freestyle: P. Dinneen 1, F. Harbottle 2, M. Clifton 3. 40.6 secs (record).
100 yards freestyle: P. Dinneen 1, F. Harbottle 2, M. Clifton 3. 64.3 secs (record).
33 1-3 yards backstroke: P. Dinneen 1, F. Harbottle 2, J. Fahey 3. 23.3 secs (record).
33 1-3 yards breaststroke: P. Cowie 1, P. Dinneen 2, F. Harbottle 3. 24.7 secs (record).
33 1-3 yards freestyle: C. Kidd 1, J. Aranui 2, M. Patterson 3. 19.3 secs (record).
66 2-3 yards: M. Patterson 1, K. Hawkes 2, C. Kidd 3. 45.2 secs.
100 yards freestyle: M. Patterson 1, K. Hawke’s 2, W. Russell 3. 72 secs.
33 1-3 yards backstroke: K. Hawkes 1, W. Russell 2, M. Patterson 3. 26.7 secs.
33 1-3 yards breaststroke: C. Kidd 1, K. Hawkes 2, J. Gallagher 3. 24.5 secs (record).
33 1-3 yards freestyle: M. Dinneen 1, G. Horan 2, D. Pipe 3. 20.3 secs.
66 2-3 yards freestyle: M. Dinneen 1, G. Horan 2, D. Pipe 3, 47.4 secs.
100 yards freestyle: M. Dinneen 1, B. James 2, J. Guthrie 3. 74.9 secs.
33 1-3 yards backstroke: J. Coleman 1, G. Horan 2, D. Pipe 3. 26 secs.
33 1-3 yards breaststroke: M. Dinneen 1, D. Pipe 2, A. Yates 3. 33.8 secs.
33 1-3 yards freestyle: C. Robinson 1, P. Mooney 2, C. Brown 3. 25.9 secs.
66 2-3 yards freestyle: G. Wright 1, C. Robinson 2, B. Talbot 3. 60.1 secs.
33 1-3 yards backstroke: P. Mooney 1, C. Robinson 2, G. Wright 3. 28.3 secs.
Senior: T. Breuer 1, G. Bryant 2, P. Guthrie 3.
Intermediate: V. Brady 1, D. Koorey and M. Clifton 2 equal.
Junior: T. Talbot 1, A. Longhurst 2, L. Wilson 3.
Under 14: M. Dinneen 1, B. Talbot 2, A. Ward and B. James 3 equal.
Open: T. Talbot 1, V. Brady 2, T. Breuer, A. Longhurst and B. Talbot 3 equal.
33 1-3 yards freestyle B: N. Sievers 1, B. Pinn 2, P. Duke 3, 19.1 secs C: T. Breuer 1, G. Bryant 2, K. Pearcey 3. 19.6 secs.
66 2-3 yards freestyle B: N. Sievers 1, R Buckley 2, B Yates 3. 45.5 secs. C: T Breuer 1, G. Bryant 2, K. Pearcey 3. 45.3 secs.
100 yards freestyle B: P. McKinley 1, G. Beveridge 2, R. Buckley 3. 71.0 secs.
33 1-3 yards backstroke: K. Coker 1, R. Buckley 2, B. Pinn 3. 25.6 secs.
33 1-3 yards freestyle B: V. Brady 1, C. Plunkett 2, C. Russell 3. 20.3 secs. C: M. Jensen 1, J. Haggerty 2, N Matson 3. 22.2 secs.
66 2-3 yards freestyle: C. Russell 1, C. Plunkett 2, P. Fahey 3. 47.4 secs.
33 1-3 yards breaststroke: J. Haggerty 1, I. Reeks 2, J. Fahey 3. 27.3 secs.
33 1-3 yards freestyle B: B. J. Cowan 1, B. Conole 2, M. Waldren 3. 20.2 secs. C: R. Potts 1, A. Longhurst and L. Wilson 2 equal. 20.8 sec. D: G. Bryant 1, G. Potts 2, C. Gibb 3. 22.1 sec. E. C. Keenan 1, K. Dysart 2, M. Ryan 3. 20.2 secs.
66 2-3 yards freestyle B: J. Aranui 1, W. Russell 2, B. Conole 3. 45.5 secs. C: C. Keenan 1, J. Cowan 2, A. Longhurst 3. 48.1 secs.
D: C. Gibb 1, G Bryant 2, L. Roberts 3. 53.3 secs.
33 1-3 yards breaststroke B: M. Ryan 1, N. Bryan 2, A. Longhurst 3. 31.1 secs.
33 1-3 yards freestyle B: D. Rae 1, M Perry 2, J. Watson 3, 21.6 secs. C: B. Mahony 1, D. Morgan 2, S. Liddle 3. 24.8 secs. D: R. Fergusson 1, N. Buck 2, K. Bloore 3. 26.1 secs. E: J. Chittenden 1, B. Talbot 2, J. Drane 3. 23.6 secs.
66 2-3 yards freestyle B: D. Rae 1, M. Perry 2, J. Guthrie 3. 53 secs. C: J. Watson 1, D: Moran 2, J. Chittenden 3. 53.3 secs.
33 1-3 yards breaststroke B: G. Clareburt 1, M. Hay 2, J. Coleman 3. 32.1secs. C: M Perry 1, D. Rae 2, D. Moran 3. 32.1 secs. D: P. Aldridge 1, P Marshall 2, B. Talbot 3. 33 secs.
33 1-2 yards backstroke B: A. Sherwood 1, S. Liddle 2, G. Clareburt 3. 29.1 secs. C: R. Russell 1, J. Watson 2, J. Chittenden 3. 24.1 secs.
220 yards freestyle, race 1: P. Dinneen 1, P. Guthrie 2, P. Cowie 3. 2min 40secs.
Race 2: M. Dinneen 1, K. Hawkes 2. 3min. 4.6 secs.
33 1-3 yards freestyle:
Senior, Heat 1: P. Guthrie and D. Wickstead 1 equal, K. Coker 3, 18.2secs. Heat 2: G. Beveridge 1, P. McKinley 2, M. Keogh 3. 18.5 secs.
Intermediate, Heat 1: P. Dinneen 1, G. Walsh 2, M. Aitchison 3. 19.6 secs. Heat 2: F. Harbottle 1, M. Clifton 2, P. Cowie 3. 18.3 secs.
Junior, Heat 1: C. Kidd 1, K. Hawkes 2, W. Russell 3. 20.4 secs. Heat 2: M. Patterson 1, J. Aranui 2, M. Waldren 3. 20.4 secs.
Under 14, Heat 1: D. Pipe 1, A. Yates 2, A. Sherwood 3. 21.3 secs. Heat 2: G. Horan 1, M. Dinneen 2, B. James 3. 20 secs.
4 x 33 1-3 yards freestyle:
Senior: Forest 1, Colin 2, Reignier 3. 77.1 secs.
Intermediate: Reignier (Walsh Cowie, Brady, Harbottle) 1, Colin 2, Forest 3. 79. 4 secs. (record).
Junior: Colin 1, Reignier, Forest 3. 86 secs.
Under 14: Colin 1, Reignier 2, Forest 3. 91.2 secs.
Besides records already noted above, the following times are the best in the last three years at the College baths and so become new SCHOOL RECORDS:
66 2-3 yards freestyle: 39.4 secs., B. Keehan 1965 100 yards freestyle: 65.1 secs., B. Keehan 1965 33 1-3 yards backstroke: 22.3 secs., L. Seed 1964 33 1-3 yards breaststroke: 26.8 secs., K. Cormack 1965.
33 1-3 yards freestyle: 18 secs., D. Wickstead 1965
33 1-3 yards freestyle: 20secs., P. Guthrie 1964, P. Dinneen 1965. 66 1-3 yards freestyle: 43.8 secs. P. Dinneen 1965.
Times for other events will become records in 1967.
The aim of this fine Catholic lay organisation is the personal sanctification of each member. As a means to this desirable end, a member undertakes charitable works that fall within his competence. It was with this in mind in 1960 that Fr. Gill, then the Rector of the College, and Mr M. Maloney, Secretary of the Hastings Parish Conference, established a Junior Conference a {at} St. John’s. Since then the Society has functioned smoothly and effectively at the same time making itself more secure.
Our Conference now comprises fifteen members. Meetings are held each Wednesday during the lunch break under the direction of the chaplain, Fr. Cross. However, our boys do not meet only once a week. A weekly visit is made to the adjacent Holy Family Home, stamps are collected for the Missions, funds are contributed for local charitable works, and correspondence with Marist missionaries in the Pacific Islands is maintained.
It is easy to see that work of this kind is praiseworthy and regarding for those who take part. Boys who will return to school in 1967 would be well advised to give serious consideration to membership in the St. Vincent de Paul Society.
Commonly known in New Zealand as the Y.C.S., this group is geared to making its members more aware of their opportunities to be apostoles [apostles]. So towards the end of February this year through the initiative of some sixth formers a preliminary meeting discussed whether it was opportune to form such a group. Towards the end of last year three boys had attended a Study Day in Wanganui and another two enjoyed the same valuable experience early this year. They wished to revive the Y.C.S. which had flourished here in the fifties and early sixties.
It was decided that there would be two groups, one for Napier boys, the other for Hastings boys. Considerations of time and place of meetings decided this. The Napier group, whose members were already Legionaries, felt that they
would be glad to belong to both organisations. Experience has shown that their commendable generosity was making too many demands on time. In light of this experience, the Hastings group, limited for the time being to sixth formers, will gladly take any prospective Napier members who may wish to join. The accent to date has been on formation; the aim to have convinced members, rather than many members. A man’s apostolate is the expression of his faith in Christ, his consciousness of what it is to be a Christian.
The editor records his thanks to his many co-operators in producing The Eagle. He is indebted to members of the staff who have supplied copy, to boys in the sixth form who have provided some contributions or who have helped in gathering advertising copy. To our photograhpers [photographers], Mr. Stuart Johnson and Mr. Bob Gardiner for their willingness to help, and to Fr. Geaney and some boys who supplied occasional photos. To the staff of Hart Printing House and particularly Mr. Dave Logan for their friendly and efficient attention to the many details of our magazine. To Mr. Keith Stinson for his prompt interest and the help he has given in getting ‘blocks’ made for our photos.
The Eagle offers its congratulations to its first Rector and a former teacher who celebrate this year jubilees of ordination.
Fr. John Dowling guided the first two years of our life as a school. He was a prominent and popular figure at the Silver Jubilee in October last year. Though retired some years from teaching, Fr. Dowling is actively engaged in Wanganui in parochial work. It is in Wanganui he celebrates his golden jubilee as a priest.
Fr. I. J. Mather, a staff member in the early ‘60’s and now attached to the parochial staff of St. Mary of the Angels, Wellington, this month keeps his Silver Jubilee of ordination. His former pupils join with us in wishing him health and jubilee greetings.
Fr. W. Buckley, S. M., of the Sacred Heart parish, earlier this year achieved his Golden Jubilee of Religious Profession. To him also our warm wishes and congratulations.
St. John’s through The Eagle gladly recognises many kindnesses not acknowledged elsewhere in this issue.
In the first place we acknowledge the helpful tuition in reading given for a notable part of the year to some of our boys. These kind ladies, Mesdames P. Brockett, K. Bryant, R. Cabot, J. Gallagher, R. Kidd, G. Ludlow, R. Woodham, and M. Keogh were able to see for themselves the value of the time devoted and the efforts made in the marked improvement their pupils recorded.
Our thanks for Mr. Fred Geor for the use of his workshop. To Mrs K. Walsh for her work in the administration block. To Mrs T. McGeehan for the gift of a carpet to the chapel. Mrs. McGeehan takes with her our best wishes to Nelson where she is now living. To Miss M. Matthews, Mr. and Mrs. G. Cacciopppoli for their gifts of fruit, vegetables, and cakes. To Mrs. D. McAnulty for the two cakes raffled by the boys for travelling expenses. To Mr. V. Gunn for holiday care of the lawns. To Miss M. Aldridge and Mrs. B. Unverricht for their care of the chapel. To Dennis Logan for giving a Cup for Tennis, and to Mr. Syd Boyle for donating a football. We are indebted likewise to the late Mary Ellen Murphy for a Christian Doctrine prize. To the Headmaster of Colenso High School and to the Board for the use of the School Hall for our Napier drama production.
On going to press we are glad to acknowledge the gift of a sports trophy. This comes from the Nightingale brothers, six of whom are Old Boys. George was a first-year pupil and Don finished only last year. The trophy, which will be known as the Nightingale Trophy is to be awarded for sport to the boy who in any year has tried with determination , but who has not been awarded a trophy.
The 1966 rugby season, though not a great one, was at least a good one for St. John’s as our 10 teams gained more wins than losses in the overall count. All teams experienced exciting wins and also disappointments, but, if the important thing is not so much the winning or the losing as the honesty of the effort in striving, then the coaches this year had reason to be satisfied with their teams. Not only was there effort in games bringing fairly good records to their teams, but also there was enthusiasm which led to extensive and persistent voluntary lunchtime practices requiring the use of the dozen old footballs patched up to be kept in service until they fall apart.
Though no team was unbeaten, two teams shared the honour of not being beaten more than once. They were the Hastings eighth grade B and the Napier fifth grade. Representative honours were gained by two members of the first fifteen in the Hastings third grade, Peter Hayden, as hooker, and Chris Kidd as prop. Michael Jensen represented the second fifteen as half-back in the fourth grade reps, and five eighth graders were chosen to represent Hastings also.
To get sports teams drilled and trained and to get matches organised for visiting teams requires a lot of co-operation and willing service from many people and we are fortunate to have had such willing service at all times. We are grateful to all these, especially the coaches, and to those people who provided billets for the St. Augustine’ boys.
1. St. John’s on attack v. St. Augustine’s. Gunn, McGrath and Kidd are there.
2. St. Augustine’s turn. Watson chases Ahern.
3. Hannah scores. Foley, Guthrie and Coker get there too.
4. Gunn picks up the ball to score.
The first fifteen this year was a much more successful team than its predecessor and it was also capable of greater football though it did not possess the great speed of some of last year’s backs. When the team finally settled down to its routine, it was competent in all phases of play though one or two combinations had off days and there was some lack of experience among the backs. The forwards were fortunate in having four of last year’s team among them and their experience combined fitness and keenness was mainly responsible for a fairly good record. Thirteen wins were gained out of a possible sixteen in local games, and of the three lost, one could have been won handsomely with an ounce of luck and another was played under a great handicap, with players out and injuries not sufficiently well healed. However, the team had the satisfaction of winning the knock-out competition.
Won 26-6
This game was played at St. John’s on a dry ground but in cool, windy weather. St Augustine’s were given first use of the wind and at halftime led 6-3 from a try by M. Carson and a penalty by B. Ahern to a penalty by Alan Talbot. In this half St. Augustine’s attacked most of the time and almost scored two or three times, but determined defence especially by Watson and Coker kept them out. St John’s too, had a share of attacking play that almost brought a try. The forwards, especially the loose men, McGrath, Clifton and Kidd made some good driving moves.
In the second half St. John’s soon went into the lead when Gunn raced through and gathered in a long kick by Guthrie and scored. Caccioppoli converted to make the score 8-6. From then on St. John’s kept St. Augustine’s mainly on defence by using the wind well and three further tries were scored, by
Can he do it? Coker gets up for the ball in the line-out in Parorangi game. Clifton, McGrath, Keogh, Caccioppoli and Buckley await the outcome.
Gunn, Hannah and Bright. Two of these were converted by Caccioppoli and one by Talbot who also kicked a penalty.
In this game St. Augustine’s luck failed them both in the game and through an injury to their fullback who had to leave the field halfway through the second half. We look forward to meeting them in Wanganui next year.
Lost 3-31
For the third year in succession St. Paul’s proved far superior to St. John’s. The game was played at St. John’s in fine, warm weather on a dry, firm ground and it was a game of fast movement in which St. Paul’s showed skill in both backs and forwards. Their score was made up of 7 tries and five conversions while St. John’s came from a field-goal by Guthrie. The score was a fair indication of the game as the St John’s forwards could not match their opponents in the line-outs and scrums, and the Parorangi backs ran hard and made no mistakes. A fine feature of St. Paul’s play was their very high and accurate punting whether to probe the defence or to relieve pressure to keep the game alive.
Though St. John’s were decisively beaten in this game, they did not come out of it without merit. Down 18 nil at half-time, they played much better football in the second-half. However the last 10 minutes saw St. Paul’s score three more tries, two of which were converted.
Lost 0-16.
The game, which this year was played at Macallister Park, Wellington, was disappointing for us, though the St. Pat’s team that won the game was a very good one. In this game St. John’s encountered mud and puddles for the first time and injuries to four players weakened the team. St. Pat’s won the game through the sound play of their heavy forward pack combined with an excellent backline which outwitted the St. John’s backs on three or four occasions in the first spell. With the fullback
Photo caption – Keogh, Caccioppoli and McGrath occupied as they watch Foley feed the back against Parorangi.
coming into the backline, their first five eighths bypassed the second five eighths and, with another player missed out, the ball came quickly to the speedy winger Hill. Hill raced for the line, scoring 3 tries and just missing a fourth.
Down 13 nil at half-time, St. John’s planned to open the game up making use of the breeze and the sun at their backs but the St. Pat’s forwards denied them a great deal of the ball and with what ball they did get they did not try hard enough to play an open game. St. John’s almost scored one try when Bright broke through, but Watson was recalled for a forward pass from Gunn and the only score in the second half was a try to St. Pat’s by their left winger, Sullivan, when he won a race for the ball.
In spite of this loss St. John’s enjoyed the trip and the hospitality of the St Pat’s team and we look forward to our next game with them.
v. H.H.S.O.B. – Won 14-3. Tries by McGrath, Watson, Bright and Foley. Conversion by Caccioppoli.
v. Celtic – Won 6-0. Try by Gunn, penalty by Caccioppoli.
v. Havelock – Won 19-0. Tries by Watson, Bright (2), McGrath and Duke. Conversions by G. Walsh and Caccioppoli.
v. Hastings – Lost 11-6. Caccioppoli 2 penalties.
v. High School – Lost 8-6. Foley 2 tries.
v. Lindisfarne – Won 9-6. Tries by Bright and Gunn, penalty by Caccioppoli.
v. Hastings – Won 14-8. Tries by Gunn (2), Watson and Kidd. Talbot a conversion.
v. H.H.S.O.B. – Won 11-0. Tries by Watson, Gunn, Coker. Conversion Talbot.
v. High School-Lost 16-6. Try by Walsh. Penalty by Caccioppoli.
v. Havelock North-Won 16-0. Tries by McGrath, Bright and Watson. Talbot 2 conversions and a penalty.
v. Celtic – Won 15-0. Tries by Bright, Gunn and Guthrie. Talbot 3 conversions.
v. Lindisfarne – won by default.
v. Celtic – Won 15-0. Tries by Gunn (3), Hannah and Coker.
v. Hastings. Won by a touchdown after 3-all draw. Try by Bright.
v. Hastings – Won 8-0. Tries by Duke and Bright. Conversion by Caccioppoli.
v. Havelock North – Won 19-9. Tries by Gunn, Kidd and Talbot. Two conversions and 2 penalties by Talbot.
From the point of view of games won the record book will not show 1966 as a particularly successful year for the Second Fifteen, however, from the point of view of keenness, effort and improved performances it was a heartening one. The spirit which each member brought to the game was especially praiseworthy. It was evident from the moment they went on to the field that the team was there to enjoy their game of Rugby, and to win or lose, that was what they did. This attitude can best be summed up by a remark one of the team members made on arriving home after a Saturday match, “Marvellous game, Mum … Lost, of course!”
Nevertheless, there is a lesson to be learned from this. No team will enjoy its Rugby unless it has some measure of success, and this will only come about if each member plays his part. That means, of course, that each player must know the job he has to do, and do it to the best of his ability. Such fundamentals as tackling, correct handling, passing and positional play, must be so well known that they are almost second nature. It is said that a chain is only as strong as it weakest link, so too is a rugby team. If any player fails to tackle, mishandles the ball, or is not fit enough to keep up with the run of play, he lets the team down. In rugby, as in so many other fields of endeavour, regular, serious and dedicated practice is absolutely essential.
Anthony Walsh, as Captain, did a sound job in leading the team. Michael Jensen gave a polished and often brilliant performance as half-back. He thoroughly deserved being selected for the Hastings
Fourth Grade Representative team. Other players worthy of mention were G. Beveridge, F. Harbottle, J. Woodham, P. Woodham and B. Mahoney.
The game with Parorangi was hard fought and thrilling. The fact that we went down by only one point to such a good team was no disgrace. Had we made the most of our opportunities it would have been a different story.
Team Members:
A. P. Walsh (Capt.), W. F. Haggerty, J. M. Woodham, P. W. Woodham, G. N. Beveridge, B. L. Page, G. A. Brady, B. P. Yates, B. P. Quirk, M. S. Jensen, F. J. Harbottle, P. D. Cowie, M. L. Luxford, L. L. Geor, C. P. Russell, M. D. Aitchison, V. J. Caccioppoli, B. J. Mahony, D. P. McMinn, K. Solomone.
v. Hastings High School B – Lost 3-12.
v. Hastings High School Old Boys – Lost 0-19.
v. Hastings – Won 13-3.
v. Karamu – Won by default.
v. Hastings High School A – Lost 0-3.
v. Te Aute – Lost 3-13.
v. Karamu – Lost 15-16.
v. Hastings High School B – Won 17-8.
v. Hastings High School A – Lost 0-8.
v. Hastings – Won 11-0.
v. Hastings High School Old Boys – Lost 8-12.
v. Te Aute College – Won 20-0.
v. St. Paul’s College, Parorangi – Lost 5-6.
Summary: Play 13. Won 5, Lost 8, Points for 95, against 100.
Photo caption –
2nd XV.
Back Row: V. J. Caccioppoli, B. L. Page, K. Solomone, W. F. Haggetry [Haggerty], P. D. Cowie.
Middle Row: C. P. Russell, J. M. Woodham, G. A. Brady, P. W. Woodham, M. D. Aitcheson, B. J. Mahony.
Seated: L. L. Geor, F. J. Harbottle, M. Jensen, A. P. Walsh, B. P. Yates, D. P. Wickstead, M. L. Luxford.
The season had rather a varied pattern with some heavy losses and one or two remarkable wins. The lack of inside backs was a source of concern, but two forwards soon adapted their game to these conditions and they did it remarkably well. Perhaps the hard core of lineout forwards was not as evident as previously, but loose marauders were excellent. Good goal kicking from two fine kickers accounted for many points, though equally as many tries were scored as goals kicked. The team members can take a great deal of satisfaction from the season for, even though beaten, they played their games well.
The team: P. Willis (capt.); M. Koko (vice-captain); B. Conole; T. Greig; C. Brown; B. Gitmans; G. Richards; J. Fahey; R. Potts; J. Aranui; J. Hayden; G. Horan; C. McIntosh; S. Hay; B. Usherwood; P. Fahey; B. Pinn, S. Brockett; I. Bloore.
v. H.S. A., lost 5-24; v. H.S. B., won 23-3; v. Karamu, won 6-3; v. C.H.B., won 18-15; v. H.S. B., won 14-0; v. C.H.B., won 15-3, v. Karamu, lost 9-27; v. H.S. A., lost 3-6; v. Karamu, lost 9-21.
Summary: Played 9, won 5, lost 4. Points for 102; against 102.
The team this year was ably captained by N. Sievers and was chosen from the following: M. O’Donnell, R. Quinn, P. Balfour, A. Jillings, T. Manaena, R. Russell, H. Dodunski, Mark Foley, W. Oulaghan, K. Houlahan, V. Unverricht, K. O’Connor, P. Epplett, J. Gallagher, G. Potts, A. Ludlow, P. Daly.
They played well as a team and achieved a fair measure of success. They enjoyed their football even tough they suffered defeat on a couple of occasions. They lost to Central by 5-3 and to Te Aute by 12-11. The other games were won or drawn.
This team had a forward pack which on its best days was equal to most they met in the grade. It lacked sufficient backs of ability and speed. This is evident from the scores put up against it. Those who filled the back positions, often in a strange position, played to their best. This is particularly true of the captain, P. Finlayson, a fullback playing in the first five-eights position, who so often kept up pressure on opponents by his strong kicking. There was no one with sufficient pace to catch a speedy opponent once away. This led to many tries often against the run of play.
Regular players were: P. Finlayson (Captain), T. Breuer (vice-captain,), M. Begley, P. Buck, M. Carr, A. Carrington, J. Cochrane, R. Dawson, K. Flynn, J. Haggerty, G. Hawkes, T. Liddle, A. Jonas, T. McCann, M. Patterson, M. Perry, J. Watson, G. Williams.
Results: v. Karamu A: Lost 3-19; v. St John’s A: Lost 3-28; v. H.S. B: lost 3-10; v. C.H.B.: Lost 0-21; v. H.S. A: Lost 0-15; v. H.S. C: Drew 6-6; v. C.H.B.: Lost 6-15; v. Te Aute: Lost 12-26; v. H.S. B.: Lost 3-14; v. Lindisfarne: Lost 6-21.
This team had a very successful season in terms of results – only one loss in eleven games. All credit therefore to those who trained seriously, were loyal at practices after school, played well or to the best of their ability, and co-operated in every way. Several players somewhat new to Rugby did improve as a consequence and should face future seasons with more confidence.
The group was a strong one in many respects: with a good captain in half-back Chris Wiig, and out outstanding full-back Doug McMinn, who kicked many goals. No wonder he was later called to a higher team with equal success. Our main try-scorer was Tony Jackson, a real sprinter in the three-quarter line, who could round off the forwards’ efforts at obtaining the ball. They worked well in scrums, lineouts and loose play, but lacked finish all too often, or clung to that ball as did some backs, instead of passing to team mates. Some players were over-confident, persistent with their own views and casual about practices. They made the season less enjoyable for themselves and others.
The team: C.A. Wiig (capt); D. P. McMinn; P. B. McKinley; A. J. Jackson; P. Bastion; N. B. Matson; K. P. Bastion; J. J. Bongiovanni; P. D. Dinneen; M. G. McKinley; T. M. Rouse; C. R. Plunkett; K. McKay; J. P. Basher; M. J. Larsen; P. C. Glenny; G. P. Clareburt; P. J. Franklin; R. J. Smith.
v. Colenso, drew 0-0; v. N.B.H.S., won 13-0; v. N.B.H.S., won 30-6; v. Taradale, won 9-0; v. Colenso, won 16-0; v. N.B.H.S., drew 3-3; v. N.B.H.S., won 13-11; v. Technical, lost 0-5; v. Eskview, won 20-5; v. N.B.H.S., won 6-3; v. Colenso, won 6-5.
As in previous years, the Napier team suffered from a lack on unified practice. With key players living in Taradale and others having after-school jobs, the team did not meet once with time for an effective workout.
Even so a successful and enjoyable season resulted for those who worked for it. There was sufficient talent to meet most opposition on equal terms. Worthy of praise are: Stephen Liddle, captain, and certainly a leader by example from the side of the scrum. At half-back Ian Roberts showed a talent of above-average kind. He had a natural nippiness from the base of the scrum that could be most useful in attack if not overdone. Ken Dysart was the rock on which many an opposition back came to grief. His fullback play left little to be desired. All these three were chosen for the Napier Rep. team.
Among the others Kevin Hague was a good partner for his captain. Graeme Wright improved each game as he realised his strength. None gave himself more consistently to the game than Peter Arnold.
The team: S. Liddle (capt.); K. Dysart (vice-capt.); J. Edwards; P. Oliver; P. Bastion; I. Roberts; M. Affleck; P. Dunnett; P. Arnold; G. Wright; R. Fergusson; P. Mooney; P. Gavin; K. Hague; K. Layton; A. Minett; D. Head; P. Aldridge; J. Guthrie; B. James.
v. N.B.H.S., won 14-3; v. Tech. O.B., won 15-3; v. N.B.H.S., won 6-5; v. Taradale, lost 8-9; v. Clive, won 6-0; v. N.B.H.S., lost 3-8; v. N.B.H.S., lost 5-8; v. Colenso, won 6-3, v. N.B.H.S., won 16-0.
Summary: Played 9, won 6, lost 3. Points for 70; against 39.
The College wishes to express its gratitude to Mr. J. Marshall of Napier who gave most generously of his time to these young players. As a coach Mr. Marshall spent many hours passing on to this team the basic skills and correct approach to the game. There could be no doubt of his own love of rugby and his desire to help the formation of young men.
Only eleven players were supplied from the College, but with the generous help of the Marist Brothers a team was fielded each week. Though not winners of many games, they were able to enjoy themselves and will surely show in the future the benefit of such sound training.
The team: J. Chittenden; M. O’Shaughnessy; B. Mahony; B. Orme; B. Fail; M. Sinden; P. O’Connell; M. Dinneen; J. Oliver; C. Robinson; D. Carroll; C. Blunsdon.
v. Tech O.B., lost 0-20; v. Taradale, won 6-5; v. Marist lost 3-27; v. N.B.H.S., lost; v. Colenso, won 3-0, v. Colenso, lost 3-14; v. Tech. O.B., lost 3-9.
Summary: Played 7, won 2, lost 5. Points for 18; against 75.
This team could call on twenty-one players. There was a nucleus of twelve who played every week and others who were selected on what might be called a roster system to ensure that all who wanted to play had a game at least one week in three. This, though good for sportsmanship, penalises effectiveness. In part our less inspiring performances stemmed from this, but more from the weaknesses our forwards showed as a pack and costly faults in back play.
N. Bryant proved to be a resourceful first five-eighths. Waldren, powerfully built and a strong runner, was moved from the forwards to second five-eighths where he gave our line valuable thrust.
Addis, best at centre, scored some valuable tries. L. Roberts on the left wing was our most improved player. A strong runner, he learned to run hard and at the end of the season was reliable on defence. G. Bryant, captain and No. 8, was a solid player and sound leader. J. Cassin was vigorous and played well in the tight and in the loose. Eagle and Podjursky were always sound. In the first part of the season we lacked a half-back who could get the ball away quickly and cleanly. T. Talbot, light for this grade, was tried in this position and proved a willing learner. Dick, a ranging flanker, was moved to fullback where he served us well.
In most competitions a team can look forward to some easier games. This was not true of our grade. Early in the season, B teams were drawn against each other, leaving A teams to do battle week after week. So it was that after going down twice to Karamu A, we enjoyed success when we defeated them, weakened by the loss of two of their players, in the final game of the season.
The team:
G. K. Bryant (Capt.), K. J. Addis, P. S. Beall, K. Bloore, N. D. Bryant, N. Buck, G. K. Burge, J. T. Cassin, R. J. Dick, M. R. Eagle, D. J. Koorey, A. D. Longhurst, K. J. Hawkes, D. Pipe, S. C. Podjursky, W. P. Russell, A. J. Sherwood, T. J. Talbot, M. D. Waldren, A. Yates.
v. H.B.H.S. A: Drew 3-3. v. C.H.B.C. B: Won 6-3; v. H.B.H.S. A: Drew 8-8; v. Te Aute: Won 8-3; v. Karamu A: Lost 3-11; v. C.H.B.C. A: Won 9-3; v. H.B.H.S. A: Lost 0-6; v. H.B.H.S. B: Drew 8-8; v. Karamu A: Lost 8-13; v. Te Aute: Won 12-3; v. Karamu A: Won 9-3.
Played 11. Won 5; Drew 3; Lost 3. Points for 74, against 65.
The 8th Grade B team played consistently well through the season, and suffered only one defeat. The forwards, though often lighter than their opponents, had dash and vigour, and contributed largely to the team’s successes. The backs also made the most of any opportunities that came their way, and many a time completed a determined run with a fine try. There were occasional lapses in ball handling and tackling, but none so serious as not to be overcome with further playing experience. More important was their willingness of the team to learn and their constant efforts to play good, hard-running rugby. For this they deserve congratulations, as well as for the way they regularly turned out on Saturdays even when it meant some inconvenience. Finally, a word of thanks to Mr. J. Casey for his encouragement and help.
The team: P. Casey (capt.); D. Breuer; D. Moran; R. Brown; M. Daly; P. Cowan; J. Drane; A. Hurst; M. Richards, C. Brown; P. Lewis; B. Talbot; M. Ryan; M. Hay; W. Hayes (vice-capt.); P. Marshall; P. McCann; A. Marsh; M. Monteagle; J. Coleman; G. Goulter; A. Fox; D. Rae.
Summary: Played 8, won 5, drew 2; lost 1.
On Wednesday, 13th July St. John’s held its annual school dance in the Premiere Hall. The evening was of particular significance because we were hosts to the visiting St. Augustine’s 1st XV. Also invited were girls from Sacred Heart and St. Joseph’s Colleges and representative from Hastings Boys’ High School, Hastings Girls’ High School, and Lindisfarne College.
With music amply provided by the Len Whittle Combo, the dance was rapidly under way. Nobody needed any second request from our Master Ceremonies, Mr. Martin, and the floor resembled a lake in a high wind.
The St. Augustine’s boys gave a spirited rendering of the ‘Sloop John B.’ when we prevailed on them to take the microphone and say a few words. The dance was voted by many as the best ever. We extend our thanks to the Ladies’ Committee who provided the supper and to the boys who decorated the hall to give it the attractive, festive atmosphere which characterised it. Nor do we forget the 180 young people whose infectious gaiety made the evening an unqualified success.
The athletic season was indeed a very pleasant one. Excellent facilities at the College provided great scope for training and it was gratifying to see the boys using these to further their ability and development. However, we must not forget the number who doggedly kept to their “Road Work”, and those who regularly completed in the local Club Meetings.
In the first term the College Championship Meeting was held early in March, and although no records were broken, the overall competition was keen and championship points evenly spread. The grading system enables all boys to compete with others of their own age and ability and helps the younger ones to establish themselves in their respective events. The long, hot spell of weather made conditions ideal which added to the enjoyment of the meeting.
Championships results as follows:
Senior Sprints – G. Brady 7, R. Morrissey 5; P. Duke 3.
Distance: M. Gunn 5; S. Brockett 4; A. Talbot 3.
Field events: D. Wickstead 7; P. Duke and K. Pearcey 4.
Intermediate Sprints – P. Cowie 4; A. Jillings and P. Guthrie 3.
Distance F. Newrick and M. Clifton 5; B. Mahony 2.
Field events: J. Fahey 9; P. Cowie and G. Walsh 3.
Junior Sprints – H. Dodunski and D. Pipe 6; R. Potts 2.
Distance: D. Moran 4; J. Gallagher 3; R. Brown 2.
Field: J. Cowan 6; M. Waldren 5; H. Dodunski 3.
Under 13 1/2 Sprints – G. Wright 9; B. Talbot 5; G. Goulter 3.
Field events: B. Talbot 6; A. Ward and A. Yates 3.
At the end of March a team competed in the inter-Secondary Schools meeting in Napier. This was an amazing meeting by any standards. A perfect day, an excellent track, and sixteen records broken made it a day to remember. With 350 athletes from 35 schools the competition was as keen as any meeting anywhere in the country. Our most successful competitor was H. Dodunski who ran second in the Junior 100yds and 220yds. Several of the others qualified for the finals of their events while the Junior and Intermediate Relay teams ran second in their events.
In the third term another meeting was held graded on a House Points basis and proved most successful. Whether it was sunshine after the frost or the rivalry of the Houses, this day saw one record made and two equalled. F. Newrick won an excellently judged race to take the Intermediate 880 yards from the pacemaker M. Clifton and set the new record of 2.13.1. P. Guthrie ran 57.0 secs for the Intermediate 440yds. and H. Dodunski 11.4 for the Junior 100 yds. to equal the existing record in each case.
Our account of the season’s activities would be incomplete did we not record our sincere thanks to the members of the Parents and Friends Association for the valuable help they gave us in conducting the sports days. Their help is always greatly valued.
UNDER 13 1/2
75 yards: A Grade: G. Wright, B. Talbot, P. Mooney. Time, 9.8 secs. B Grade: K. Yates, G. Goulter, A. Ward. Time 10 secs. C Grade: J. Drane, N. Buck, P. Lewis. Time 10.4 secs.
100 yards: A Grade: G. Wright, G. Goulder, B. Talbot. Time 13 secs. B Grade: K. Bloore, P. Mooney, P. Lewis. Time 13.6 secs.
220 yards: A Grade: G. Wright, B. Talbot, G. Goulter. Time 29.6 secs. B Grade: B. Fail, G. Glenny, A. Ward. Time 31.8s secs. C Grade: K. Bloore, N. Buck, J. Drane. Time 31 secs.
High Jump: B. Talbot, A. Ward, A. Yates. Height: 4ft 1¼ ins.
Long Jump: B. Talbot, A. Yates, A. Ward. Distance: 15ft 3ins.
100 yards: A Grade: H. Dodunski, D. Pipe, G. Hayes. Time 11.8 secs. B Grade: M. Waldren, T. Manaena, G. Horan. Time 13 secs. C Grade: P. Harker, A. Fox, B, Cassin. Time 13.8 secs. D Grade: G. Clareburt, M. McKinley, J. Gavin. Time 13.8 secs. E Grade: B. James, C. Moughan, B. Mahony. Time 13.8 secs. F. Grade: B. Orme, I. Roberts, J. Coleman. Time 13.4 secs.
220 yards: A Grade: H. Dodunski, R. Potts, D. Pipe. Time 26.8 secs. B Grade: P. Harker, J. Gallagher, N. Bryant. 29.2 secs. C Grade: G. Horan, A. Fox, C. Wiig. Time 28 secs. D Grade: M. McKinley, J. Gavin, G. Clareburt. Time 30.4
secs. E Grade: K. Flynn, W. Walker, I. Roberts. Time 29.8 secs. F Grade: B. Orme, B. James, J. Chittenden. Time 29.8 secs.
440 yards: A Grade: D. Pipe, M. Waldren, N. Bryant. Time 68 secs. B. Grade: B. Patterson, T. Manaena, P. Aldridge. Time 71.6 secs. C Grade: K. Flynn, T. Brown, A. Yates. Time 69.6 secs. D Grade: B. Talbot, I. Roberts, B. Orme. Time 69.6 secs.
880 yards: A Grade: J. Gallagher, R. Potts, D. Morran. Time mins 29.8 secs. B Grade: B. Patterson, S. Liddle, G. Horan. Time 2 mins 31.4 secs. C Grade: J. Watson, B. Fail, I Roberts. 2 mins 32. 2 secs.
One Mile: A Grade: D. Moran, R. Brown. Time 5 mins 41 secs. B Grade: S. Liddle M. McKinley, P. Aldridge. Time 6 mins 5.6 secs. C Grade: J. Watson, B. Fail, G Huckstep. Time 5 mins 52.8 secs.
High Jump: A Grade: M. Perry, J. Cowan, G. Hayes. Height 4ft 3ins. B Grade: N. Bryant, J. Gallagher, M. Waldren. Height 4ft 1½ins. C Grade: K. Flynn, R. Fergusson, M. Sinden. Height: 4ft 2¼ins.
Long Jump: A Grade: H. Dodunski, M. Waldren, G. Hayes. Distance 15ft 1″. B Grade: T. Manaena, P. McKinley. Distance 12ft 8½”. C Grade N. Bryant, S. Liddle, M. Patterson. Distance 13ft 6ins. D Grade: R. Fergusson, B. James, M. Affleck. Distance 12ft 4½ins.
Shot Put: A Grade: J. Cowan, R. Russell, D. Pipe. Distance 28ft 1in. B Grade: M. Waldren, P. McKinley, L. Wilson. Distance 24ft 1in. C Grade: J. Gallagher, T. Rouse, G. Clareburt. Distance 23ft 5½ins. D Grade: K. Flynn, S. Liddle, J. Bongiovanni. Distance 24ft 3½ins. E Grade: K. Bloore, J. Coleman, B. James. Distance 23ft 2½in.
100 yards: A Grade: A. Jillings, P. Cowie, J. Fahey. Time 11.6 secs. B Grade: P. Guthrie, G. Walsh, A. Jackson. Time 12 secs. C Grade: J. Cochrane, T. Greig, G. Potts. 12.2 secs. D Grade: C. Russell, T. David, L. Roberts. Time 12.2 secs. E Grade: I. Bloore, M. O’Connor, F. Harbottle. Time 12.8 secs. F. Grade: N. Matson, D. McMinn, P. Wong. Time 12 secs. G Grade: P. Epplett, D. Flynn, B. Conole. Time 12.6 secs. H. Grade: K. Yates, K. Addis, P. Arnold. Time 13 secs. I Grade: A. Stanley, M. Condon, P. Cowan. Time 13 secs.
220 yards: A Grade: C. Kidd, L. Bright, B. Gitmans. Time 26.4 secs. B Grade: P. Guthrie, J. Cochrane, G. Stachnik. Time 26.6 secs. C Grade: P. Cowie, N. Matson, T. David. Time 25.6 secs. D. Grade: A. Jackson, V. Caccioppoli, P. Wong. Time 25.2 secs. E Grade: D. McMinn, M. O’Connor, P. Epplett. Time 27.8 secs. F Grade: G. Richards, K. Layton, P. Willis. Time 27.4 secs.
440 yards: A Grade: P. Guthrie, P. Cowie, M. Clifton. Time 60.8 secs. B Grade: V. Caccioppoli, P. Bastion, B. Mahony. Time 64.8 secs. C Grade: N. Matson, T. David, S. Podjursky. Time 64.8 secs.
880 yards: A Grade: F. Newrick, M. Clifton, P. Cowie. Time 2 mins 15.2 secs. B Grade: T. David, K. Layton, P. McIvor. Time 2 mins 26 secs.
One Mile: A Grade: M. Clifton, F. Newrick, B. Mahony. Time 5 mins 26 secs. B. Grade: J. Cassin, A. Jillings, V. Hanaray. 6 mins 4.3 secs.
Photo caption –
Pat Guthrie, equalled Intermediate 440: 57 secs.
Frank Newrick, Intermediate 880; 2.13.1. new record.
Howard Dodunski, equalled Junior 100yds.: 11.4 secs
High Jump: A Grade: J. Fahey, M. Clifton, P. Cowie. Height 4 ft 9¼ins. B Grade: A. Jackson, V. Brady, P. McIvor. Height 4 ft 3½ins. C Grade: I. Bloore, P. Epplett, T. Talbot. Height 4 ft 3½ins.
Long Jump: A Grade: J. Fahey, P. Cowie, P. Guthrie and A. Jillings. Distance 16 ft 7ins. B Grade: G. Walsh, C Kidd, L. Bright. Distance 15 ft 1 in. C Grade: I. Bloore, P. Epplett, M. O’Connor. Distance 14 ft 11 ins. D Grade: A. Stanley, A. Hill, R. Dawson. 12 ft 4 ins.
Hop-Step: A Grade: J. Fahey, M. Clifton, B. Gittmans. Distance 35 ft 2½ins. B Grade: R. Dawson, P. McIvor. Distance 27 ft 2 ins.
Shot Put: A Grade: G. Walsh, C. Kidd, C. Russell. Distance 37 ft 10½ins. B Grade: I. Bloore, B. Conole. Distance 36 ft 3 ins. C Grade: P. Willis, M. Condon, A. Jillings. Distance 31 ft 2½ins.
100 yards: A Grade: G. Brady, R. Morrissey, N. Watson. Time 11.4 secs. B Grade: B. Yates, A Walsh, G. Escott. Time 11.8 secs. C Grade: P. McKinley, P. Balfour, R. Buckley. Time 12 secs. D Grade: K. McGrath, B. Usherwood, M. O’Donnell. Time 12.8 secs. E Grade: P. Buck, R. Dick, T. Breuer. Time 13 secs.
220 yards: A Grade: G. Brady, R. Morrissey, N. Watson. Time 24.8 secs. B Grade: B. Yates, B. Page, A. Walsh. Time 25.8 secs. C Grade: K. Coker, J. Hayden, B. Pinn. Time 27.2 secs. D Grade: J. Woodham, M. Keogh, A. Jonas. Time 27 secs. E Grade: P. Buck, R. Dick, T. Breuer. Time 28.6 secs.
440 yards: A Grade: P. Duke, G. Brady, R. Morrissey. Time 59.8 secs. B Grade: A. Walsh, W. Haggerty, M. Keogh. Time 66 secs.
880 yards: A Grade: M. Gunn, A. Talbot, S. Brockett. Time 2 mins 15.8 secs. B Grade: P. Balfour, D. O’Rourke, G. Beveridge. Time 2 mins 20.4 secs.
One Mile: A Grade: S. Brockett, M. Gunn, A. Talbot. Time 5 mins 24.4 secs. B Grade: P. Buck, W. Haggerty, K. McGrath. Time 5 mins 32.8 secs.
High Jump: A Grade: D. Wickstead, K. Pearcey, P. Duke. Height 5 ft 0½ins. B Grade: K. McGrath, J. Woodham, K. Coker. Height 4 ft 7¾ins.
Long Jump: A Grade: P. Duke, G. Brady, G. Escsott. Distance 16 ft. B Grade: A. Walsh, K. Horan, M. Begley. Distance 14 ft 7½ins. C Grade: M. Keogh, A. Jonas, P. Woodham. Distance 15 ft.
Hop-Step: A Grade: D. Wickstead, K. Pearcey, A. Talbot. Distance 34 ft 10 ins. B Grade: K. Horan M. O’Donnell, A Jonas. Distance 30 ft 2 ins.
Shot Put: A Grade: P. McKinley, R. Buckley, D. Wickstead. Distance 30 ft 3½ins. B Grade: I. Bloore, M. Gunn, K. McGrath. Distance 30 ft 11 ins.
St. John’s is fortunate in its robust Parents and Friends Association. This staunch organisation has been the envy of other schools who have heard of its vigour. Unobtrusively, but successfully, since its foundation ten years ago the P.F.A. has bound parents past and present and other friends closely to the College and channelled their interest along constructive lines.
The present executive is: Messrs. G. Ludlow (President), K. Bryant (Secretary), T. Houlahan (Treasurer), D. Aitchison, C. Bastion, P. Brockett, J. Escott, G. Fahey, V. Gunn, R. Geor, H. Jonas, K. Keehan, V. Ploughman, L. Quirk, S. Russell, P. Walsh, J. Waldren, Dr. A. Foley. The Old Boys’ Representative was Mr. B. Avison who has been succeeded by Mr. B. Keogh.
The Ladies Committee: Mesdames R. Kidd (convenor), H. Jonas, R. Woodham, V. Hanaray, G. Ludlow, D. Gibb, C. Podjursky, J. Talbot, V. Gunn, P. Brockett, R. Brown, C. Bastion, A. Foley.
A highly successful meeting in Napier, and in Hastings the Annual General Meeting, with the Fathers-and-Sons and Mother-and-Sons evenings brought parents and staff members together for valuable contact and useful discussion on boys’ progress or difficulties.
Financially, close on 800 pounds was raised through the Social Club. Of this sum, most has already been disbursed to meet existing obligations and to provide a movie projector which is to be followed by a film strip projector, two most helpful acquisitions for the College.
While the Association wishes to record its appreciation of the help given by boys in their projects, the College gladly takes this opportunity to express its indebtedness to the executive and the Ladies’ Committee for making possible so many pleasant functions, and to parents generally who have rallied behind the lead given by the committees.
It is a pleasant task to offer our good wishes to Parish Priest and curate of Hastings West, the new parish created early this year. Fr. Duffy and Fr. McCarten have shown in their months here a lively interest in their boys and in St. John’s, an interest which we at the College appreciate. With our good wishes are linked hopes for happy years of work in Hastings.
As a result of a waning interest in cricket the number of our teams was reduced from four to three in the third term last year. Usually in the third term it is hard to field all the teams that have played in the first term because of players’ preoccupation with School Certificate and University Entrance exams. However, there seemed to be very few cricketers among the third year boys in the school and as a result five new recruits for the first elevn [eleven] were in the fourth form last year and one was in the third form. This could mean that the prospects for the first eleven are bright for next year and the following year, but taking the best players from the lower grade teams has made their task a lot harder.
Nevertheless these have faced up to their task manfully and coaches have been pleased with their performances.
First Eleven.
The first two or three games of the 1966 season brought the realities of more serious cricket home to several members of this young team with great effect. Where a casual approach to batting had sufficed in the lower grade they soon learned that even moderate success in batting requires severe determination and care together with a knowledge of strokes. The need for determination and concentration can be learned only from experience. Ability to play strokes can be acquired only by practicing strokes. Without these fundamentals there can be only limited success in cricket and without them cricket is worthless. These are the things that give cricket its peculiar value among sports.
We feel that the new members of the first eleven this year learned some hard lessons and for the most part they responded well.
College Game v. St. Augustine’s College at Cook’s Garden, Wanganui, 24th-25th March.
Once again St. Augustine’ proved their superiority over St. John’s in no uncertain terms. They were able to declare in both innings with good totals scored in quick time, and they made fairly fast work of the dismissal of the top two-thirds of the St. John’s team in the first innings. Nevertheless the St. John’s team both in bowling and in batting were able to show that they possessed some appreciation of the game in the second innings.
The game was probably lost in the first hour by fast inaccurate bowling on a very fast pitch. This bowling was not up to the standard achieved in some of the earlier games and it set us off on the wrong foot. However, if the bowling was not so good, the fielding was quite sharp. Courageous and desperate efforts were made to trap the fast-moving ball at the expense of soiled clothing and bruised limbs from the hard ground.
St. Augustine’s batted from 2.30 to 5.15 when they declared with 191 for 5. St. John’s then batted from 5.26 until play was stopped shortly before six because the sun on the horizon made visibility too difficult for batting at one end. This beginning was a confident one though the score was only 14 for one at stumps. The next morning was not so good. Perhaps the long train journey and dance in the evening made the first day too long, for our best batsmen did not perform well. Only Quirk and Conole had any success, adding 25 for the ninth wicket.
St. Augustine’s found runs harder to get in the second innings but they were intent on getting runs fast in order to give us a fair total to chase with enough time to get us out. In this innings our bowling was more accurate and should have been rewarded with six or seven wickets but unfortunately this time the fielding was not quite so faultless. Two very easy catches were dropped and a reasonably-easy run-out was missed. However, none of these things affected the match at all. St. Augustine’s would have given us much the same sort of proposition in any case.
St. John’s began their final innings needing 182 runs for 135 minutes and in the available time scored 156 in spite of an unfortunate run-out and the quick
loss of Quirk and G. Walsh, two of our faster-scoring batsmen. For this bright and thrilling innings some credit must go to Foley and Roberts for doing their work thoroughly in the beginning. Willis, a fourth form boy, batted well until he was run out for the second time in the match. Bloore batted soundly for a while, but went out just as he was getting into his stride. Fahey went in with a score of three for forty-four. We needed 139 in 104 minutes. he began carefully and a little awkwardly and seemed unable to play his scoring shots though getting odd runs here and there. However, after afternoon tea he wasted no time, and hit every loose ball he got as hard as possible and, had he not gone out unexpectedly to a spectacular catch, the 50 runs required in about 20 minutes seemed quite possible, especially since Talbot took 20 off the last three overs he faced.
Though Fahey’s score of 68 was the highest for the match and it included many lusty hits, equally important to us was the determined defence of Tony Walsh in the final overs to stave off an outright defeat.
Details of the match:-
St. Augustine’s first innings: 191 for 5 decl. (Quirk, 5 for 45)
St John’s first innings: 96 (Quirk 29, Conole 24 not out, G. Walsh 15, Foley 10).
St Augustine’s second innings: 87 for 3 decl. St John’s second innings: 156 for 9 (Fahey 69, Talbot 20 not out, Roberts 18, McGrath 10, Foley 10).
Results of Other Matches.
1965 Third Term: –
v. Midland-Rugby. Lost outright by 2 runs. Midland 84 (Flavell 6 for 27, Nightingale 4 for 21). St. John’s 57, Midland second innings 109 (McGuinness 3 for 18). St. John’s second innings 134 (Talbot 18, O Donnell 18).
v. Colenso United. Won outright by an innings and 80 runs. St. John’s 179 (McGuinness 24, Nightingale 14, Flavell 17, Talbot 16, Keehan 10). Colenso 34 (Flavell 6 for 6, Nightingale 3 for 7). Second innings 65 (Fahey 4 for 13).
v. Lindisfarne. Won on first innings by 16 runs. Lindisfarne 82 (Flavell 6 for 29, Nightingale 3 for 30). St. John’s 98 (Flavell 30, Foley 20, Talbot 20, Nightingale 14, McGuinness 13). Lindisfarne 182 (Nightingale 5 for 64). St John’s 69 for 8.
v. Whakatu-Mahora. Won on first innings by 35 runs (second day not played because of rain. Whakatu 67 (Fr. Taylor 5 for 16, Fahey 3 for 16). St. John’s 102 (Foley 45, Keenhan 20).
1966 Season:
v. Lindisfarne. Lost outright by 119 runs and innings. St. John’s 12. Lindisfarne 182 (Talbot 1 for 27), 3 declared. St John’s 52 (Bloore 13).
v. Whakatu-Mahora. Lost. St John’s 93 (Foley 37, McGrath 21). Whakatu 85 (Talbot 3 for 13, Fahey 3 for 42). St. John’s 71 (Talbot 16). Whakatu 84 for 7 decl. (Fahey 2 for 17, Quirk 2 for 24).
v. Taradale. Lost. St. John’s 30. Taradale 105 for 4 decl. (Fahey 2 for 50). St John’s 107 (Willis 30, Foley 12, Fr. Dooley 29). Taradale 34 for 1 (Talbot 1 for 20).
v. Napier B.H.S. 3rds: S. John’s 58 and 54 (Sievers 32). N.B.H.S. 132. Outright Loss.
v. Hastings B.H.S. 3rds: St John’s 44 and 64/9 (Bastion 20; Willis 20). H.B.H.S. 101. 1st Innings Loss.
v. Colenso H.S. 3rds: St. John’s 165/5 decl. (Willis 50 n.o.). Colenso H.S. 68. 1st Innings Win.
v. Lindisfarne: St. John’s 60 and 24/4 Lindisfarne 105. 1st Innings Loss.
v. Napier B.H.S. 4ths: St. John’s 181/6 decl. (Willis 101 no.o). N.B.H.S. 30 and 35 (Greig 8/10; Balfour 6/7). Outright Win.
Team: P. Balfour (captain)., K. Bastion, J. Roberts, N. Sievers, N. Matson, P. Oliver, M. Waldren, D. McMinn, M. McKinley, T. Greig, P. Epplett, B. Mahony, T. Manaena, G. Horan.
A reduction of the number of players especially third and fourth formers led to the third form team having the above name. As matters turned out this team comprised both third and fourth formers. This had the advantage of giving all promising and really dedicated players an opportunity to play without penalising their inexperience and comparative lack of skill. They had the confidence which came from a captain and others of last year leading them in all the intricacies of cricket as a competitive sport, the best sport for schoolboys! Cricket requires so many good qualities and helps to develop them through the example of other players. It demands individual skill which must be put at the service of the whole team. One or two really good players may be the chief cause of success but any willing and energetic player can still contribute much to the result and can quite properly share in the glory of victory. The St. John’s third eleven had some such players this year. It also had more than several gifted and really promising players. Let’s hope they keep up this year’s keenness. A cricketer is one who practices as well as plays.
Results: Third Term, 1965:-
v. Taradale. St John’s 18 and 5 down for 6. Taradale 84 (Willis 3 for 22, Bryant 3 for 25). Lost by 66 runs on the 1st innings.
v. Hastings H.S. 5ths: St. John’s 31 and 41. High School 73 (Willis 7 for 23). Lost outright by an innings and 1 run.
v. Lindisfarne. St. John’s 40 (Willis 12, McKinley 10), and 16 for 4. Lindisfarne 32 (Willis 5 for 10, Bryant 4 for 16). Lost by 3 runs on 1st innings.
v. Hastings H.S. 4ths. St John’s 20 (Willis 11) and 84 (Willis 46, Beall 9). High School 129. Lost outright by an innings and 25 runs.
v. Karamu H.S. 2nds: St John’s 13 and 9. Karamu 55 (Willis 3 for 22) and 28 for 4 decl. (Bryant 3 for 9). Outright loss by 61 runs.
v. Taradale. St John’s 14 and 28 for 5 at stumps (Waldren 11 not out). Taradale 49 (Willis 7 for 19) and 35 for 4 decl. (Willis 3 for 8). Lost by 35 runs on 1st innings.
The 1965 team was: P. Willis (capt.), M. McKinley (vice-capt.), P. Beall, N. Bryant, M. Eagle, J. Gallagher, G. Horan, S. Liddle, B. Mahony, T. Manaena, M. Perry, M. Waldren.
1966 SEASON:
v. Hastings H.S. 5ths: St. John’s 7 and 39 (Burton 13, Roberts 10). High School 7 for 48 decl. (Roberts 4 for 7, Hayes 2 for 3). Lost outright by an innings and 2 runs.
v. Lindisfarne. St John’s 51 (Roberts 25, Burton 12) and 22 for 1 (Bryant 10 n.o., McKinley 10). Lindisfarne 45 (Bryant 3 for 2, Burton 3 for 6, Beall 1 for 0 runs), and 25 Roberts 6 for 8 runs, Bryant 3 for 13). Won outright by 9 wickets.
v. Hastings H.S. 6ths. St John’s 56 (Talbot 24) and 58 (Roberts 16, Talbot 16). High School 47 (Bryant 5 for 5, Hayes 2 for 11, Roberts 7o 6m,1w) and 55 for 9 at stumps (Bryant 5 for 28). Won on 1st innings by 9 runs.
v. Karamu H.S. St. John’s 74 (Roberts 28, Hayes 13) and 96 (Talbot 28, Beall 23, Eagle 12). Karamu 80 (Hayes 3 for 2) and 91 for 6 (Roberts 4 for 33). Lost outright by 4 wickets.
v. Taradale. St John’s 140 (Eagle 28, Beall 25, Bryant 20, Roberts 11). Taradale 77 (Hayes 4 for 14). Won on 1st innings.
Scores were higher and in general much more consistent. Scores of 140, 96, 91 etc had never been obtained in previous years.
Team captain was fourth former N. Bryant who played 4 games. Other were (number of games played in brackets after name):- M. Affleck (1), K. Bloore (4), P. Beall (3), R. Burton (4), M. Eagle (2), G. Hayes (5), P. Lewis (5), M. McKinley (2), S. Liddle (2), Brian Mahony (3), J. Oliver (5), I. Roberts (5), B. Talbot (4), A. Ward (2).
First Week.
Tuesday, 1st February brings a temperature of 84 degrees and 250 boys of whom 33 are in Lower 6.
Wednesday brings regular round of classes and swimming to relieve the tension.
Friday brings the announcement of prefects and speculations are at an end.
Second Week.
Preliminaries of Swimming Sports at different times during the week.
Pat Guthrie wins Open Dive at lunch break Friday.
Third Week.
A permanent class programme.
A depressing Saturday’s cricket in humidity and heat is relieved by Willis’ century in Napier.
Fourth Week.
The architect inspects the site for the proposed classroom block. He cannot, we feel, start soon enough!
Fifth Week.
Paul Finlayson is selected for the Hawke’s Bay Junior Tennis team.
An Old Boys XI draw with present boys in a Sunday afternoon match.
Fr. Callaghan farewelled before leaving for Christchurch.
First stirrings of preparation for the O’Shea Shield contest at end of term.
Noon Mass for First Friday.
Fr. Walsh, deacon for the gospel, Upper 6 recite the Proper.
Sixth Week.
Requiem Mass for Fr Neville’s brother who died in Wellington. R.I.P.
A lunch-hour meeting to ascertain feeling about a Gilbert and Sullivan production draws 70 enthusiasts.
Mr. B. J. McLeod, Vocational Guidance Officer, spends two days interviewing.
Vange returns to swell 6B numbers to 35.
Annual General Meetings of Parents and Friends Association.
An encouraging number of ladies are willing to help with the reading course.
Seventh Week.
Sports held Tuesday in ideal conditions. Friday night ushers in the Gilbert and Sullivan practices: Trial By Jury is the opera.
Ninth Week.
Instructors for the Lifesaving begin lunch-hour training sessions.
Our O’Shea Shield team is selected after elimination debates have been heard.
Marching practice breaks out for Anzac Day parade.
Saturday afternoon sees first 1st XV selection practice.
Tenth Week.
Holy Week brings to Christian Doctrine classes the Passion story and preview of Easter ritual.
Varied after-school activities – Gilbert and Sullivan, Public Speaking, football.
Easter Recess begins 3.30 Thursday.
Eleventh Week.
Classes resume Wednesday.
Fr. B. J. Ryan, S.M., Leadership Course organiser, addresses sixth formers.
Examination programme posted.
Brother John of the Marist Brothers, Napier, speaks on the history of the Brothers.
1st XV win their first competition games 13-3.
Twelfth Week.
Fr. Duffy, parish priest of St. Marys, speaks on the Priesthood and answers multitudinous questions.
Wednesday brings the year’s first frost of 2.5 degrees.
Thursday’s speaker is Fr. John Thornhill, S.M., of Sydney, who speaks on the religious life.
Thirteenth Week.
Anzac Day with Requiem and parade to Cenotaph.
Peter Fahey sounds the Last Post and Reveille.
Exams begin on Tuesday for seniors.
Thursday and the Feast of St. Peter Chanel.
Photo caption –
R. J. Dick, M. J. Foley, M. A. Foley, J. J. Wallace.
An appropriate sermon preached by Fr. D. J. Mullins, S.M., formerly of St. John’s staff and now of the Tongan mission.
Debaters contend verbally with St. Joseph’s team after school Friday.
Fourteenth Week.
Junior exams begin Tuesday.
The first term Eaglet is hatched on Thursday.
Term ends this afternoon.
First Week.
Our Lady Help of Christians, Tuesday, and the first Mass of the term.
Saturday brings 9-6 victory on time to 1st XV over Lindisfarne.
Second Week.
70 Seniors enjoy Karamu High School’s production of The Importance of Being Earnest.
1st June bring Hastings 11 degrees of frost and Napier 16!
Third Week.
Queens’ Birthday weekend. Napier 6th grade runners-up in seven-a-side tournament.
Many St. John’s hands help with a house-to-house collection for Handicapped Children.
Fourth Week.
Mr. Thompson of the Hawke’s Bay Education Board speaks to sixth formers on primary and secondary teaching.
Address on V.S.A. given by Mr. Groves of the Junior Chamber of Commerce to a sixth form audience.
Corso collection on Saturday morning.
Fifth Week.
Two unlicensed vehicles of our motorised column detected by the Law.
Sixth Week.
Retreat for seniors Monday-Wednesday; for juniors Thursday-Friday: Preacher, Fr. G. J. Connolly, S.M.
Essays for N.Z. Insurance Co. Contest handed in for our entry to be selected.
Seventh week.
Five seminarians come ‘on section’ from Greenmeadows; one Old Boy in their ranks, Reverend B. Malone (1957-61).
Mark Foley’s essay entered for the contest.
Rory Morrissey selected as our speaker in the Overseas League speech contest.
Tickets on sale for Drama Club’s production.
Friday rain and the threat of more cancels tomorrow morning’s football.
Eighth Week.
Patients of the Holy Family Home enjoy a preview of the Opera and third form play on Sunday afternoon.
Enthusiastic choir members hear a tape of yesterday’s singing at lunch break.
U6 artists decorate Premiere, Tuesday, for School Dance.
St. Augustine’s boys arrive and are taken to billets.
Visitors and their billeters arrive mid-morning, Wednesday, to disappear wisely till 1.30. Afternoon brings 26-6 victory; evening an enjoyable dance.
Thursday morning class mildly delayed to farewell the visitors.
Michael McCarthy from Wellington added to 4P roll.
Friday brings the Solemnity of St. John. Solemn High Mass at 11.15. Half-holiday to follow.
In the evening the final Friday practice before the concert.
Ninth Week.
Full dress rehearsal in Orphan’s Hall, Sunday afternoon.
Monday brings the Bank Education officer to speak to Commercial Practice boys from 3rd to 5th forms.
Evening brings premiere of Opera. A grand success, Hall almost full, patrons delighted.
The lettering is added to the gates erected last September.
Heavy rain does not deter tonight’s audience. After the performance bouquets presented to Angelina and our helpers.
Wednesday afternoon sees Potts-Keenan-Kidd-Walsh-Moran Furniture Removals active returning props from the Hall.
Saturday’s football records only one loss. All Opera props removed to Colenso High School Hall in Napier for final performance tonight. Seminarians communicate their enthusiasm to the audience which is the most responsive to date.
Tenth Week.
Monday – ‘the tumult and the shouting dies’ – once more ‘Business as Usual’.
Choir practice after school for tenors and basses who form our contingent for the Combined Secondary Schools’ Choir.
Overseas League Speech Contest tonight, but St. John’s are not in the money.
Entries accepted for our own Speech Contest to be held in the third term.
Eleventh Week.
Thursday and a practice in the Municipal Theatre for combined choirs.
Parorangi boys arrive and claim two victories. Later in the afternoon 8th grade players defeat a Ross Shield team at Akina.
Twelfth Week.
The rector, some of the staff, sixth forms, 5P, 4G, attend Lawrence Russell’s Requiem.
Water is lying on the ground as a result of yesterday’s heavy rain.
An entrance for trucks bringing materials for the new block is made through an adjoining property thanks to the good offices of the owner.
A Requiem in our chapel on Thursday for Lawrence Russell at which his family are present.
At Friday’s assembly the names of our delegates to the Leadership Course are announced.
Andy Easton appears on vacation from Vic.
Saturday morning’s tests bring 100% pass for our Lifesavers.
Thirteenth Week.
The Eaglet goes to press. Exams for juniors begin Wednesday.
1st XV practice on Thursday on a sodden ground behind the posts. Sickness causes some last-minute adjustments to the team.
Friday brings end of term. Team leaves for Wellington at midday; afternoon brings Assembly, Benediction, cleaning of rooms. The Eaglet II is hatched and sold.
Jim Cowan emerges as the national winner in the Holeproof competition.
First Week.
Tuesday 13th September – a dull day reflect the mood of dull minds. 13th thought appropriate day to recommence class.
Contractors at work on new block after three weeks’ delay because of rain and sodden ground. The stump is blasted and a lot of cubic feet of earth too.
Phptp caption –
Kevin, Paul, Phillip Bastion.
Kevin, Bryan, Adrian Yates.
Terry, Alan, Bruce Talbot.
The Mothers-and-Sons evening produces some spectacular indoor bowls on the part of Mrs. Robertson, Paul and like-wise one of the staff.
Second Week.
Three-hour exams for seniors; audio and visual testing for fourth forms.
Thursday afternoon brings usual classes, Phys. Ed and sunshine.
After Friday’s assembly Leadership delegates give a Teach-In on conference which occupies a full hour.
Third Week.
Concrete is poured for floor of new building.
A cricket pitch has been prepared; some tentative practice at lunch time.
The Rector leaves on Wednesday at midday to represent us at the funeral of Fr. John Parker, S.M., Rector of Silverstream. We have our own Mass here the following day.
Class photos taken in brilliant sunshine before morning break.
Saturday morning classes for seniors today.
Fourth Week.
A large crane moves in on our building site to help with the pouring of concrete into the boxing for the pillars.
Running track has been cut over the week-end.
Paul Robertson leaves for Out-Patients after morning break and returns with right hand in plaster. No more bowls for a while!
Saturday morning brings senior classes, the Cross Country in Napier; Brian Fairlie, our Davis Cup player, and other celebrities, give demonstrations at Karamu High School courts this afternoon.
Schools’ Cross Country run in Napier.
Fifth Week.
Bronze Medallion hopefuls begin lunchtime training by swimming 9 lengths of the baths in clear, cold water.
Preliminaries for 6th form Speech Contest are held after school on Wednesday and three finalists are selected by Fr. Walsh.
Friday showers have washed out the lines on the running track so the re-marking has to be done after class.
Saturday brings brilliant sunshine on top of a frost. And it is 15th October! A pleasant sports meeting. Frank Newrick slices 1.9 secs off the Intermediate 220; Pat Guthrie equals Intermediate 440 record; Howard Dodunski equals Junior 440.
Sixth Week.
Michael Carr’s poultry entries in the Show carry on the Easton tradition.
Show Day, but morning classes for seniors.
Friday and 4G at half strength. John Oliver finishes the day hospitalised.
Seventh Week.
With exams a month away 5M has drastically retrenched its televiewing hours.
Photo captions –
Finals of the Speech Contest for all forms are held on Thursday night, judged by Mr. J. Donovan, an Old Boy. The audience enjoys a wide variety of styles and topics. Prenderville’s dissertation on polyphony amuses judge and people.
Saturday brings the start of cricket.
Eighth Week
Chamber of Commerce exams begin.
November 1 brings classes for willing seniors.
Wednesday draws a lunch-time crowd to the baths.
Light rain drifted across the court, as the two teams took up their positions. A small crowd of enthusiasts braved the conditions to watch the annual basketball fixture between Sacred Heart and St. John’s. Sacred Heart won the toss and played with the slope. With “Ranfurly Shield fever” in their blood, St. John’s stormed onto the attack, but were driven back when caught offside. The girls soon had the boys at sixes and sevens, and ran the ball all over the court. M. Gunn drew on “Ooh” from the crowd as he leapt desperately for the ball. St. John’s goalie failed to raise the flags and the first half ended with the score of 6-0.
At halftime the boys reviewed their desperate position, while they sucked on their oranges. They threw the peels in the bag and rolled up their sleeves with grim determination. They immediately burst into attack, but were heading for the wrongend [wrong end]. A quick passing rush took them deep down into enemy territory, and ended in K. Coker putting the ball through the hoop. St John’s were back in the game. B. Pinn was the well-oiled pivot on which the St. John’s attack turned, while down at the Sacred Heart goalmouth, B. Buckley seemed to have a bad attack of “St. Vitus’s Dance” Soon strength overcame grace, and P. Guthrie and P. Hayden gained the upper hand. In the midfield J. Woodham was playing a great game and gaining valuable possession, but the game ended in a 12-all draw. After a discussion it was decided to play on for the winning point. St. John’s ball; Pinn … to Guthrie … to Hayden … to Woodham … to Coker and the basketball crown remained in the College. Final Score – 13-12.
Meanwhile over on court two the B Team was having a great tussle. Although the possession was even, Sacred Heart had the edge in the goal shooting department, and ran out the winners by 9-5.
– K.J.C.
In the third term in 1965 St. John’s entered teams in the three divisions of the inter-college tennis tournament and had some success in the intermediate and junior divisions. Paul Nicholas and Paul Finlayson did very well to win the intermediate doubles and Finlayson also won the singles.
There has also been a junior team playing regularly in the inter-college competition and it has had a fair measure of success. The team consists of Mark Hay (captain), Philip Casey, John Gallagher, Graham Huckstep, Graham Hawkes, Graeme Wright.
The need for added accommodation at the college is being felt most acutely in the Sixth Forms. When the college was built in Jervois Street ten years ago the Sixth Form classes were small. Consequently
one ordinary classroom was divided in two by a partition wall-one third of the room for Upper 6 and two thirds for Lower 6. This arrangement was adequate for the time, but since then the Sixth Forms have grown in size. This year the Lower Sixth Form section of the room has 35 boys in a space which would comfortably seat only half that number. Two of the rooms in the new building will be for the Sixth Forms.
The new block when completed will also solve a number of other problems. The present arrangement of having the library at the back of a room which is used as a regular classroom is very unsatisfactory. When this class is shifted into one of the new rooms, space will be available to set up a library adequate for the needs of the college. The new classrooms will also make it possible to keep the Chemistry and Physics Laboratories for Science classes only; at present they are being used as regular classrooms because there is nowhere else to take some classes. One of the rooms will be fitted out for the use of visual aids in teaching the boys.
Perhaps most important of all, singing classes will no longer need to be held in the chapel.
The new block is being built on the same design as the existing high one. It will have four classrooms at the higher level. The underneath part will be closed in and subdivided to provide many amenities which the college lacks at present – a First Aid Room, a ladies cloak room, a meeting room for clubs and sodalities, a cloak room for the boys, a sportsroom, a workshop, and a storage place for the tractor and mowers. The bicycle stand will be continued along the outside back wall.
We acknowledge a debt of gratitude to Mr J. Smith who has generously allowed the contractor access to the building site through his property in Jervois Street. This has saved the college the inconvenience of having trucks and machinery using the main entrance and passing close to the existing buildings where classes are being taught.
With the success of the Jubilee behind us, the Committee gave thought to expansion. It was not hard to obtain an enthusiastic group in Wellington to help pioneer the first branch of the Old Boys’ Association.
On Saturday, August 13th, an official social was held at St. Patrick’s College, Wellington. The Rev. Fr. C. E. Devonport, S.M., Rector of St John’s, travelled from Hastings to be present at this auspicious occasion.
Old Boys and past members of the staff, to a number in excess of thirty, gathered in an atmosphere described as most sociable. One could not help but thinking that here was the beginning of a branch that was going to be large in numbers, strong in administration and active towards the betterment of the Parent Body.
The formal part of the evening was chaired by the acting chairman, John Lundon. He told the gathering of the need of the branch, and went on to welcome the party who had travelled from Hastings for the setting up of the branch.
Father Devonport addressed the gathering and was most enthusiastic about the expansion. He told the gathering that if it was at all possible he would attend the functions to be organised by the branch on any future occasion.
Allan Brady, the President of the Old Boys’ Association at that time, thanked the committee who had organised the evening and Father Devonport, Father M. Cross, S M., Jim Halpin, Brian Avison and John Wilding for travelling from Hastings for the evening. He then outlined the mechanics of the setting up of the branch.
It was with great pleasure that Very Rev. Fr. M. Bourke, S.M., who is now Provincial of the Society of Mary in New Zealand, was welcomed to the evening. As second Rector to the College, he had much to do with the consolidating work after the College was founded. That he found time to attend this function despite a heavy programme of other duties is indicative of his interest in the old boys and St. John’s. He was to be seen moving around the various groups, renewing old acquaintances and getting to know new faces. The recorder would venture that he left the gathering only after meeting every old boy present. The Old Boys’ Association records its gratitude to Fr. Bourke for his continued interest. Rev. Fr. A. K. Hill, S.M., made the third of the rectors of the College present on this night. Those who know Fr. Hill recognize this gesture as typical of his generosity and devotion to the work of our schools. Thank you, Father, for spending those happy hours with us.
Light refreshment, supplemented by the appropriate liquid, was enjoyed during the evening. One group, who arrived just after eight o’clock and intending to stay for an hour was seen to be leaving just after midnight. The social side of the evening was drawn to a close some time after the clock stuck twelve, and all agreed it was a most successful evening.
The names of those who attended are fittingly recorded below. The recorder apologies to any loyal old boy who gave support to the evening and whose name has been omitted.
Staff: Rev. Fr. N. J. Scambary, S.M.; Rev. Fr. C. D. Taylor, S.M.; Rev. Fr. P. J. Gibbs, SM.; Rev. Fr. K. F. O’Donoghue, S.M.
Old Boys: Rev. Fr. P. J. McCann, S.M.; Rev. Fr. J. C. Bryant, S.M.; Rev. Fr. P. J. Salamonsen, S.M.; Rev. Fr. F. M. Bliss, S.M.; Rev. Fr. K. P. Perry, S.M.; Stewart Duggan; Frank McGrath; Michael Petrus; Gary Plowman; Kevin Gilligan; John Wilding; John Lundon; Brian Avison; Keith Munroe; Frank Moloney, Frank O’Shaughnessy, Robin Richardson, Stan Witkowski, Bill Kerrisk, Peter Chapman; Maurice Comber; Melvyn Greenslade; John Plunkett; Michael Francis; Chris Rees.
Now a few notes about the Old Boys in general. The facts recorded here are but few, but we can only ask
you, the Old Boys, as we have done in the past: please send us the information about yourself or other Old Boys you know of. Requests for the yearly College magazine for this year and the years to come have begun what we hope will be a steadily growing record of the achievements and well-being of our Old Boys. To do this we must have a constant flow of information from you, the Old Boys of the College. Your marriage is probably the biggest event in your life. Do allow us to record the fact. We welcome a photograph of your wedding and will, if possible, enter it into the growing record of our Old Boys of whom we can be justly proud.
Gerald Arbuckle (1947-51) Rev. Fr. Congratulations to Father on achieving his full degree from Cambridge University. It is now: M.A. (Cantab.)
John Murfitt (1948-61). Now we have a tutor at the Faculty of Law in the University of Auckland. John deserves full credit for his LLB. Best wishes in studies being pursued.
Robert Malcolm MacDonald (1956-57). Now a motor mechanic at de Pelichet, McLeod. Malcolm has seen the fruit of his six years in the H.B. Hockey team this year when the team won the Rothman’s Cup at the N.Z. Tournament.
Neil MacDonald (1958-61). Recently stationed in Singapore, Neil is now on his way to England to help take the H.M.N.Z. Hickleton, a minesweeper, to the old country. At 21, Neil may be the youngest Petty Officer in the N.Z. Navy; our congratulations and best wishes for the future.
Reference is made elsewhere of the marriage of the third member of the family – forward the MacDonald Clan! The same Ian Sidney has the C.H.B. golf championship now added to his many achievements in this sport. Add to this the H.B. championship for the second time, and its clear Ian is going from strength to –
York Davis (1952-56) has been a “Hero,” and done it “charmingly” according to the musical critic in the “Ottawa Citizen”. Apparently “A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum” and York had a lot to do with it. May we hear more of such success in this field.
Terry Coyle (1952-56) continues his winning-way in the playwright field. In March “The Fibber”, Terry’s new half-hour television play, won first equal in the N.Z. Playrights’ [Playwright] Association’s competition. “A flair for dramatic dialogue, a sense of character, and dramatic tension” were phrases used by a critic to commend the effort.
John Salamonsen (1953-63) has been selected for a period of three years service with the Bank of New South Wales in Sydney. After only one year in the Napier branch, such an opportunity says much for John’s devotion to his work. With Peter (1950-54) a priest teaching at St. Patrick’s, Wellington, and Robert (1954-58) now a fully qualified doctor, Mr. and Mrs. Salamonsen, well-known benefactors of St. John’s, have much to be proud of in their sons. The College joins in their pride.
David Herbert (1944-46) is now calling the tune at the Terminus Hotel in Napier. Rumour hath it that “The Vatican”, as it’s affectionately called, is sending up the odd request that that Shield will remain in the Bay for quite some time – business booms wherever it goes.
Anthony Allen (1951-54). With pleasure we record that Tony has won the Maud Gledden Travelling Scholarship at the University of West Australia. He goes to the Imperial College, London, to take a Ph.D. in Hydro-Geology. It is said the Scholarship is worth in the vicinity of $A3,600.
Michael Allen (1952-56) is now working on the McCarthy River Scheme in the Gulf of Carpentaria. He is now married to an Australian girl. Best wishes to both.
A brief look now at those of last year’s leavers whom we have managed to keep a tag on:
At Universities:
Andrew Easton: Victoria – Science.
Patrick Moloney: Victoria – Commerce.
Rohan Mooney; Dean Parker; Peter Walker; Michael Swindell – All pursuing the Arts.
John Harvey: Canterbury – Engineering.
Gregory Beacham: Otago – Medical Intermediate.
In other fields:-
Barry Keehan – Petone Pharmacy School.
Gary Conroy – In the office of “Europa”, Napier.
Denis Duffy – Applying himself to Philosophy at Greenmeadows.
Frank Power – Social Security Department in Wellington.
Michael Wintringham – Preparing for an onslaught of the Universities next year.
Brian Cassin – In the pay office of Wattie’s Hastings.
Dennis Logan – ‘insuring’ his future at Noble Lowndes (N.Z.) Ltd., in Auckland.
Stephen Connell – Social Security Department in Napier.
Michael Flavell – On a managerial course at McKenzies in Napier.
Michael McGuinness – In the office of the Whakatu Freezing Works.
Donald Nightingale – On a Quantity Surveying course in Hastings.
Daniel Doohan – Apprentice carpenter. Recently seen helping lay the foundations of the new wing at the College.
Alan Henderson – In the Customs Office in Napier.
Ricky Jensen – Farming around Tutira.
To these mentioned and to all others who have now taken their part in the business world, the Old Boys’ Association offers its prayers and best wishes for a successful start in life that will do credit to the College. To the beginners and all our Old Boys: God bless you.
Our congratulations and best wishes to those Old Boys who are known to us as having married during the year; their names are listed below. The same good wishes accompany any others whose marriages may have been inadvertently omitted from this year’s publication of THE EAGLE.
Batistic – Kuridza. In the Sacred Heart Church, Hastings, on 8th January, by Rev. Fr. D. L. Hickey, S.M., John Stephen Bastistic [Batistic] (1954-56 to Miss Olga Kuridza of Hastings.
O’Keefe – Jones. In Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Havelock North, on 29th January, by Rev. Fr. C. F. Duggan, S.M., Patrick Bernard O’Keefe (1956-57) to Miss Kara Myfanwy Jones of Hastings. Best man: Peter Michael O’Keefe (1949-50).
Long – Murphy. In Sacred Heart Church, Hastings, on 5th February, by Rev. Fr. W. B. Buckley, S.M., Raymond Clive Long (1954-56) to Miss Catherine Anne Murphy of Hastings. Best man: Raymond Francis Green (1955-57).
Blunsden – Jones. In St Patrick’s Church, Napier, on 12th February, by Rev. Fr. L. Brice, S.M., Desmond James Blunsden (1960) to Miss Doris Isobell Jones of Napier.
McAnulty – Swannell. In St. Patrick’s Church, Napier on 12th February, by Rev. Fr. J. R. Aitken, S.M., David Michael McAnulty (1956-60) to Miss Erin Raewyn Swannell of Napier.
Hill – Whyte. In St Patrick’s Church, Napier, on 19th February, by Rev. Fr. J. R. Aitken, S.M., Charles Trevor Hill (1957-58) to Miss Langia Louise Whyte of Gisborne.
Kelly – Luxford. In Sacred Heart Church, Hastings, on 19th February, by Rev. R. I. Fisher, S.M., Brian Arthur Kelly (1956-57) to Miss Roxanne Elizabeth Luxford of Hastings. Best man: Brian Roger Plummer (1956-59).
Russell – Calnan. In Sacred Heart Church, Hastings, on 16th April, by Rev. Fr. T. A. Duffy, Howard Francis Russell (1957-61) to Miss Loraine Mina Calnan of Hastings.
Russell – Metz. In St Patrick’s Church, Huntington, Long Island, U.S.A., on 30th July, John Kingsley Russell (1955-58) to Miss Carole Anne Metz of Monticello.
Gibb – Turner. In Sacred Heart Church, Hastings, on 10th September, by Rev. Fr. W. B. Buckley, S.M., Peter David Gibb (1959-63) to Miss Susan Carol Turner of Hastings. Best man: Robert John Fleming (1959-63).
Dockary – Lister. In the Catholic Church, Clive, on 23rd April, by Rev. Fr. M. L. Cross, S.M. (1946-50), Gary Brian Dockary (1956-57) to Miss Barbara Joyce Lister of Clive. Best man: Ross Lawrence Ferguson (1956-57).
Cunningham – Billington: In St. Patrick’s Church, Napier, on 23rd April, by Rev. Fr. R. I. Fisher, S.M., John Charles Cunningham (1956-57) to Miss Elaine Pearle Billington of Napier. Best man: Michael Edward Cunningham (1956-57).
Brown – Morris. In St Patrick’s Church, Napier on 14th May, by Rev. Fr. A. S. Ward, S.M., Edwin Ernest Brown (1960-61) to Miss Kathleen Joy Morris of Kaitangata.
Gannaway – Alexander. In St Patrick’s Church, Napier, on 18th June, by Rev. Fr. J. R. Aitken, S.M., Peter Adrian Gannaway (1957-59) to Miss Wendy Teresa Alexander of Napier. Best man: Lawrence Joseph Gannaway (1949).
Murfitt – Williams. In Sacred Heart Church, Hastings on 25th June by Rev. Fr. R. I. Fisher, S.M., Brian Gordon Murfitt (1956-58) to Miss Yvonne Marie Williams of Hastings.
MacDonald – Jeffares. In Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Havelock North, on 16th April, by Rev. Fr. R. I. Fisher, S.M., Ian Sidney MacDonald (1954-57) to Miss Frances Patricia Jeffares of Taradale. Best man: Robert Malcolm MacDonald (1956-57).
Buckley – Brodie. In St. Patrick’s Church, Napier. on 20th October, by Rev. Fr. J. R. Aitken, S.M., Dennis B. Buckley (1957-60) to Miss Mary Kathryn Brodie of Hastings.
McQuade – Padman. In Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Havelock North, on 25th June, by Rev. Fr. K. J. McCarten, Anthony Murray McQuade (1954-57) to Miss Lynne Rosalie Padman of Havelock North.
Caccioppoli – Gilbert. At St Mary’s Church, Rotorua, on 4th June, by Rev. Fr. Kofler, Gerard Michael Caccioppoli to Rhonda Elizabeth Gilbert. Best man: John Cacciopppoli (1958-60). Groomsman: Leonard Caccioppoli (1958-60).
Hall – Talbot. In Sacred Heart Church, Hastings, on 20th August, by Rev. Fr. R. I. Fisher, S.M., Trevor Norman Hall (1958) to Miss Maureen Talbot of Hastings.
Coe – Bulled. In Sacred Heart Church, Hastings, on 1st October, by Rev. Fr. R. I. Fisher, S.M., Paul John Cowe (1961-62) to Miss Rosalie Bulled of Hastings.
Coyle – Smith. In St Patrick’s Church, Napier, on 2nd July, By Rev. Fr. E. H. Blasoni, S.M. (1952-56), Terence Michael Coyle (1952-56) to Miss Patricia Ellen Smith of Blenheim. Best man: Bryan John Johnson (1944-45).
Morrissey – Wells. In St. Patrick’s Church, Napier, on 5th November, by Rev. Fr. J. R. Aitken, S.M., Gary Anthony Morrissey (1954-60) to Miss Karma Ashleigh Wells, Napier. Best man: Louis Patrick McElwee (1954-59).
Caccioppoli – Samson. At Peter’s Chanel’s Church, Hastings on 12th November, By Rev. Fr. T. A. Duffy, John Aloysius Caccioppoli to Lynette Margaret Samson. Best man: Leonard Caccioppoli (1958-60). Groomsman: Gerard Caccioppoli (1956-59).
Dunnett – Evans: In Patrick’s Church, Napier, on 22nd October, by Rev. Fr. J. R. Aitken, S.M., Mark William Dunnett (1957-60) to Miss Carolyn Louise Evans of Napier.
O’Connor – Gardner. In Sacred Heart Church, Hastings, on 5th November, by Rev. Fr. R. I. Fisher, S.M., Michael Edward O’Connor (1955) to Miss Janet Gardner. Best man: Terence O’Connor (1952).
Cassin – Munro. In St Mary’s Church, Meeanee, on 15th October, by Rev. Fr. A. Kennedy, S.M., Gregory Mark Cassin (1955-57) to Miss Anne Shirley Munro of Wanganui. Best man: Murray Greene (1955-57).
Walley – O’Dowd. In Sacred Heart Church, Hastings, on 19th November, by Rev. Fr. C. E. Devonport, S.M., Philip Lawrence Walley to Miss Cecily Elizabeth O’Dowd.
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Surnames in this booklet –
Addis, Affleck, Aitchison, Aldridge, Aranui, Arnold, Bakker, Balfour, Barker, Barnes, Basher, Bastion, Beall, Begley, Beveridge, Bloore, Blunsdon, Bongiovanni, Brady, Breuer, Bright, Brockett, Brown, Bryant, Buck, Buckley, Burge, Burton, Cabot, Caccioppoli, Carr, Carrington, Carroll, Casey, Cassin, Chittenden, Clareburt, Clifton, Cochrane, Coker, Coleman, Condon, Conole, Cosgrove, Cowan, Cowie, Daly, David, Dawson, Dick, Dinneen, Dodunski, Drane, Duke, Dunnett, Dysart, Eagle, Edwards, Epplett, Escott, Fahey, Fail, Fergusson, Finlayson, Flynn, Foley, Fox, Franklin, Gallagher, Gavin, Geddes, Geor, Gibb, Gitmans, Glenny, Goulter, Greig, Gunn, Guthrie, Haggerty, Hague, Hall, Haliciopoulos, Hanaray, Hannah, Harbottle, Harker, Hawkes, Hay, Hayden, Hayes, Head, Henderson, Hill, Horan, Houlahan, Huckstep, Hurst, Innes, Jackson, James, Jeffares, Jensen, Jillings, Jonas, Keenan, Keogh, Kidd, Kinney, Koko, Koorey, Larsen, Layton, Lewis, Liddle, Longhurst, Ludlow, Luxford, MacCann, Mahony, Manaena, Marsh, Marshall, Matson, McCann, McCarthy, McGrath, McIntosh, McIvor, McKay, McKinley, McMinn, Minett, Montaperto, Monteagle, Mooney, Moran, Morrissey, Moughan, Mullany, Murphy, Neville, Newrick, Nicholas, Noa, O’Connell, O’Connor, O’Donnell, Oliver, O’Rourke, O’Shaughnessy, Oulaghan, Page, Patterson, Pearcey, Perry, Pinn, Pipe, Plowman, Plunkett, Podjursky, Potts, Prendeville, Quinn, Quirk, Rae, Reeks, Richards, Roberts, Robertson, Robin, Robinson, Rouse, Russell, Ryan, Sherwood, Sievers, Sinden, Smith, Solomone, Stachnik, Stanley, Talbot, Unverricht, Usherwood, Waldren, Walker, Wallace, Wallis, Walsh, Ward, Watson, Whitehouse, Wickstead, Wiig, Williams, Willis, Wilson, Wong, Woodham, Wright, Yates
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