Johnson’s Sale Advertisement

Seize this Opportunity!


For which we tender to the Public our heartiest thanks.

Surprising Showroom Clean-up Prices

40 Ladies’ Long Fitting Vests, short sleeves, worth 3/6
To be cleared out finally at 1/11 each all round

Lot of Assorted English Sample White Muslin Blouses, usually 4/11, 6/6, 7/6 each   Opportunity for Summer Wear 1/11 each all round

Special Lot of Ladies’ Smartly Cut Up-to-date Cloth and Tweed Skirts, worth from 10/6 to 17/6   Clean-up Price 4/6, 5/6, 6/11 each

Balance of all the Hat Flowers for Absolute Clearance

At this Absurd Price 3d each all round


6 only Ladies’ White Over Skirts, usually sold 10/6, 12/6
Look at this Ridiculous Price 1/11 each all round

3 only Ready-to-wear One Piece Dresses, usually sold 15/6, 17/6, 19/6
Wonderful Price 2/6 each

Earthquake Shock in Prices

Space is limited which makes it impossible to enumerate the hundreds of GENUINE BARGAINS awaiting you.

500 yards of Hoyle’s  World Renowned Washing Prints, in light and dark grounds, usually 8½d  and 9½d yard
Final Clean-up Price 6d yard all round

50 Frilled Tea Cosies in pretty designs, worth 3/6 each
Our last word in Price will be 1/11 each all round

300 pairs of Manufacturers’ Samples in Lace Curtains, all sizes (bought at a big discount). We mean Business, so here goes –
1/11, 2/6, 2/11, 3/6, 4/11, 5/6, 6/6 up. Clean-up Prices

400 yards of Assorted Golf and French Blousings, usually sold 1/-, 1/4, 1/6 yard
Clean-up Price 1/- Blouse Length of 2½ yards – Think

50 only left of those Extra Large Finished TOWELS, usually sold 2/11 pair
Clean-up Final Price 1/11 pair all round

Must now stop with this last appeal to you – 50 dozen only left of that SAMPLE LOT of Table Napery of all descriptions
Final Clean-up Prices 3d, 4d, 6d, 9d, 1/-, 1/3, 1/6, 1/9, 1/11
Get in Early!

Ladies, here’s News Worth Having.

Johnson says – “Clear the Dresses and Silks out, never mind what they cost.”
” RIGHT,” so Smash goes the Prices.

Come along and secure your pick of 400 yards of Assorted Colors in Mousseline De Soie Muslins in leading tones, usually 1/6 1/9, 1/11 yd
Never mind the cost, so Smash 8d yard all round

Come early and take your pick of 30 pieces of New Season’s Dress Linens in all shades, in double widths, usually 1/4, 1/6, I/8 yard
Never mind the cost, so Smash 8d yard all round

Step in and see a whole lot of Assorted Lines in Dress Fabrics of different kinds, regularly sold 1/11, 2/3, 2/11, 3/6, 3/11 yard
Never mind the cost, so Smash 6d, 9d, 1/-, 1/3, 1/6 yard all round

Chic New Line of Japanese Crepes in assorted self shades, going to be the rage of the Season
Never mind the cost, so Smash 8d yard all round

Special Lot of Assorted Silks in dainty shades, usually sold 1/9, 1/11 yard
Never mind the cost, so Smash 8d yard all round

Also White and Cream Jap. Silks, 27 inches wide that will please you
At 1/11 yard

Latest Throw-out – a few ends of Printed Voiles, usually l/- yard
Never mind the cost, so Final Smash 6d yard all round

Please observe we stock only PRIESTLEY’S BLACKS.

We have had a Gay Old Time at our busy
NO WONDER, when such Low Prices reign supreme.

Think, Good Mothers ! – 50 pairs only left, of Children’s Cashmere Sox, nicely embroidered, usually 1/3 and 1/6 pair
Last word in Price, 3d pair all round

Think what this means to you ! – 6 Ladies’ Quality Handkerchiefs for 10½d, worth 4 ½d each. Only 3 boxes left – Be Early !

100 Black Japanned Hair Pins in a Dainty Box
For 1d only at Johnson’s

2 pairs of Good Black Cashmere Stockings for 1/11, usually sold 1/11 pair.
Think – We want your Custom !

Just Come Across – 50 pieces of Assorted Ribbons, marked 6d yd. Johnson says “never mind the cost”
AT HIS WORD 3d yard all round

SAVINGS – Bother this Limited Space – Purses 6d, 9d, 1/-
Peggy Bags 6d, 9d, 1/- – Novelty Neckwear in abundance 1/- all round – Gloves 6d, 9d, l/- pair – Silk Insertions 9d yard – Lock Nets 9d yard – Children’s Cashmere Hose 6d pair – Real Suede Gloves 2/11 pair – Laces 6d dozen.

250 pairs Ladies’ Grey Lisle Thread Hose, usually sold 1/11 pair
Correct wear for Season, to go 2 pairs for 1/11 – Sell Quickly


We still have a few Men’s Overcoats – were 65/-    Now 18/6 and 19/6

60 MEN’S BOXED SUITS, Colonial, well made and correct shape, all to go at exactly Half Price, viz.: – 47/6 for 23/9, 57/6 for 28/9, 65/- for 32/6   These figures are genuine, and not faked for advertisement

25 pairs of All-Wool Trousers, worth 9/6
Will be sold at 5/11

20 pairs of Striped Saddle Tweed Trousers
Your opportunity is now, at 7/3

We still have a few pairs of Men’s Golf Hose, and for the final appeal

Now make them – 4/6 now 1/11, 5/6 now 2/3, 6/6 now 2/11, 10/6 now 5/6

6 only Boys’ Kaiapoi Navy Serge Norfolk Suits, sizes 15 to 18, usual price 32/6   Now 10/6 each

50 dozen Boys’ Linen Collars, Eton shape, were 9d   Now 2d

Men’s Military Shape, 2 ¼, 2 ½, and 2 ¾ inches high, were 9d each   Now 2/6 doz


HART & CO. Printers Hastings.

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