Little Pup Magazine Article 1990

[February/March 1990, Issue 1]


Reprinted from the Napier “Daily Telegraph”

This Cadillac car, featured in The Daily Telegraph’s Show Week supplement last Tuesday, was indeed a car with a history, former Hawke’s Bay A and P Society general committee member Mr G.H. Lloyd recalls.

At the driving wheel in the picture at right is Mr Lloyd’s father, the late Mr G.H. Lloyd senior, though the car belonged to the late Mr. Harry Nelson, of Woodville.

In 1908, Mr. Lloyd junior recalls, his father and Mr. Nelson travelled from Woodville to the Hawke’s Bay Spring Show in that car. On arrival it was promptly seized by the Cadillac dealers and polished up for their stand, as car displays were rare at shows in those early years.

On the return trip to Woodville, Mr. Nelson decided to try the car for speed.

“With timepiece in hand my father watched for the next mile post,” Mr Lloyd said. “He hung on as the car bounced over the rough shingle highway. “As the next mile post came up, Dad shouted, ‘Gad, Harry, only two minutes. That’s 30 miles an hour. Shut her off before she blows up!”

There really was never any fear of this well made car blowing up, Mr. Lloyd added.

In later years, Mr. Lloyd senior frequently outpaced the trains plying between Napier and Hastings, making the trip in 40 minutes.

The Nelsons had several cars in 1908 at Waikoko, including four cylinder Cadillacs. This “one-lunger” was always referred to as “The Pup”.

In later years “The Pup” was relegated to use as the gardener’s “hack”, carting lawn clipping and gardening gear.

When Waikoko was sold to the A and P Society in the mid-20s the chattels were auctioned, and according to Mr Lloyd “The Pup” was knocked down to Mr. Gerry Wolfe, of Napier, for seven pounds.

The late Mr. Wolfe kept the car many years, and it was used in street processions and at other functions in Napier.

About 1950 Mr. Wolfe sold the car to Surfers Paradise museum owner Mr. Giltrap for Two hundred and Sixty Pounds.

Mr. Lloyd said the historic little Cadillac was the late Mr Giltrap’s favourite car. Moreover, when he drove it from Sydney to Brisbane (as on occasions he did) many were the traffic jams as others slowed down on the busy highway to admire the little vehicle travelling along at its sedate 25mph.

“The car holds pride of place in the museum alongside the famous ‘Genevieve’,” said Mr. Lloyd. “The little ex Waikoko car, I can tell you, is admired by thousands every year.”


[April/May 1990, Issue 2]


Little “Pup”

In the past many members have told me that the only interesting things printed in Beaded Wheels is in “For Sale”. I received my first copy thirty three years ago (Vol 3 No. 11). I still have every copy and they are all bound and all read too! I feel that their content and quality has always been excellent value. This issue (Feb-Mar) is full of snippets that bring on nostalgia; Arthur Blanck in the Buick. In 1939 we were together at Wellington Training College and he shared a Model T “Jitney” – the Husheer Pierce Arrows. There were two Pierce Arrows one red and one green in that stable and two large Studebakers. During the war when Mr Husheer was interned, I used to go to his home with the garage foreman and put batteries into the cars and start them every three months to keep them from deterioration – then Digby Youngs article “Little Pup”! Included in this letter are negatives of the rest of the “litter” to which Little Pup belonged, including a snap of Little Pup as the wheelbarrow. The gardener, Bill Horne, is standing on it. These photos came from the Horne family album and were given to me some years ago by the daughter of the family who is a friend of long standing. Many years ago I saw an article and photo in an early “Autocar” magazine (possibly I think it is in our Branch Library) concerning a Maudsley with a special body, built for Mr William Nelson of Tomoana and exported to N.Z. for use on his farm. By the way, not many people know that the Tomoana Freezing Works were built in the first place solely to supply gelatine to the family factories in England, and there were all sorts of experiments to find uses for the waste meat and bone from the works! However that is aside from little Pup.

The cars in the photos and their occupants are from left to right;
Alldays and Onion – Lionel Nelson (2nd son) and his wife
Humber – William Nelson (Founder) and his 2nd wife
Lanchester – Bill Horne

These photos were taken in the grounds of the family home, Waikoko. I have also included a photo of a early Humber owned by my Wife’s uncle in Hastings in the early ’20s and one of my father’s 1923 Austin 7. The photo was taken in 1926 – I am in the

Photos, Top & Middle,
Alldays & Onions, Humber, Little Pup, Lanchester.
Right, Little Pup as a gardener’s wheelbarrow (Motorised)


passenger seat looking a trifle younger than I do at present. The Austin ended its days stripped down and carrying prisoners across Manuka Corduroy tracks through the swamps around the Erua Prison near National Park at the base of Ruapehu. It was the only vehicle light enough to do so. Thank you Digby for stirring me into contributing an article I intended to do some years ago.


Top. Humber, Ken Rieper’s Wife’s Uncle’s car.
Above. Austin Seven. Ken Rieper in passenger seat.

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