Meeting Minutes 1966

MINUTES of a MEETING of the COMMITTEE of THE HAVELOCK NORTH SQUASH RACKETS CLUB, INC., held in the surgery of Dr. P. F. Foote, Havelock North on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6th, 1966.

PRESENT:   The President, Mr. J. Newbigin presided over the following members:
I. Featherstone, P.F. Foote, G.L. Cook, E. de Ridder, J. Grieve, G. Wall, B. Drown, A. Hutton, B.T. Logan and I. Maclean.

APOLOGIES:   These were received from J. Frumerin, I. Lawson and P. Hinton.

MINUTES of PREVIOUS MEETING:   Read and confirmed.

OUT of MINUTES:   Court fees – it was resolved that the court fees of 4/- be applicable to visiting players, as previously agreed.

Telephone.   This has been shifted to the kitchen and can be plugged in where it was previously when necessary.

Travelling Expenses of G. Lynch – a reply was received from Central Districts Assn., advising the matter had been taken up with the New Zealand Association.

ACCOUNTS:   Moved I. Featherstone, seconded E. de Ridder that the following accounts be paid:

Bunkers Ltd.   £3.6.0.
Crawfords Canvas Co.   £5.0.0.
D.H. Newbigin Ltd.   42.6.0.
Hart Printing House Ltd.   4.13.6.
Schweppes (NZ) Ltd.   7.9.9.
H.B. Farmers Co-op Assn.   £3.15.2.
S.E. Morgan & Sons Ltd.   £10.0.0.
H.B. Electric Power Board   31.12.6.
A.W. Holder & Sons Ltd.   1.9.5.


Inward:   Mrs. J. Arnst,
A.M. Dodds,
N.W. Stevens & Co. Ltd.,
N.Z. Squash Rackets Assn. (Inc.) (2)
Palmerston North Lawn Tennis & Squash Rackets Club Inc
Central Districts Assn. & circular
North Shore re refund of entrance fees.

State Fire & Accident
A.M. Dodds.

NEW MEMBERS:   Marie Hutchinson, I.A.W. & N.H. Nankervis, Tim Turvey, Cheryl Temperton, Gavin Yortt, Elizabeth Bayliss, Graham Harrison, Garry Temperton, Christopher Duff.

RESIGNATIONS:   A resignation was received from Mrs. Margaret Borwick.

Moved P.F. Foote, seconded E. de Ridder that the above new members and the resignation, be accepted.

These are to be held on October 10th, 11th & 12th this

year but consideration is to be given to holding them earlier next year.

RAFFLE:   Few books are being returned but the organisers feel members are holding them until the closing date.  An endeavour is to be made to have these books returned.  Also plans are under way to sell tickets on the street at the beginning of November.

The Hall has been booked and arrangements to engage an orchestra are to be proceeded with and Peter Morrison is to be given the opportunity to quote for the catering.

It was resolved on the motion of E. de Ridder, seconded I. Featherstone that members joining after the 1st September be charged at half the normal annual rate.   Carried.

An amendment proposed by G. Cook, seconded B. Logan amending the date to 1st October was lost.

There being no further business the meeting concluded at 9 p.m.

The next Meeting was arranged for Thursday November 3rd


EJD Newbigin

Bank Balance at [at] 6/10/66 :
National Bank   £1,250.11.2.
H.B. & Gisborne & Savings Bank   193.12.2.
Subscriptions received   £1,472.11.0.
Membership cards issued   322.

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Other minutes for 1966 are held at the Knowledge Bank


Business / Organisation

Havelock North Squash Rackets Club Incorporated

Format of the original

Typed document

Date published

6 October 1966


  • Mrs J Arnst
  • Elizabeth Bayliss
  • Mrs Margaret Borwick
  • G [Gary] L Cook
  • E [Eric] de Ridder
  • A M Dodds
  • B Drown
  • Christopher Duff
  • I [Ian] Featherstone
  • Dr P [Peter] F Foote
  • J [Jan] Frumerin
  • J [Jenny] Grieve
  • Graham Harrison
  • P [Pat] Hinton
  • Marie Hutchinson
  • A [Athol] Hutton
  • I [Ian] Lawson
  • B [Bruce] Logan
  • I [Isobel] Maclean
  • Peter Morrison
  • I A W Nankervis
  • N H Nankervis
  • J Newbigin
  • Cheryl Temperton
  • Garry Temperton
  • Tim Turvey
  • G [Graham] Wall
  • Gavin Yortt

Accession number


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