Meeting Minutes 1967

MINUTES of a MEETING of THE HAVELOCK NORTH SQUASH RACKETS CLUB INC. held on WEDNESDAY MARCH 22, 1967 at 8 p.m. in Dr. P.F. Foote’s surgery, Havelock North.

PRESENT:   Dr. P.F. Foote presided over the following:
Miss M. Joll, I. Featherstone, G. Wall, E. de Ridder, P. Morrison, B. Logan, G. Cook, B. Drown, R. Fraser and I. Maclean.

APOLOGIES:   No apologies were received.

MINUTES of PREVIOUS MEETING:   Read and confirmed.

Dr. Foote welcomed the committee on the first meeting of the new season and extended a warm welcome to the new members.

He outlined his plan towards the Club’s progress as:
Recruit new members
Coaching those members interested
Support as regards teams
Advertising – and suggested the medium of the Havelock North News.
Amenities to Club:
Insulation of roof
Social room and another court

ACCOUNTS:   Moved B. Logan, seconded G. Cook that the following accounts be approved for payment:

Schweppes (N.Z.) Ltd.   £3.13.0.
H.B. Electric Power Board   7.14.5.
N.Z. Squash Assn. Handbook   10.0.
J. E. Clapcott & Associates 13.7.5.
Hart Printing House Ltd.   3.3.4.
J. Danielson 6.0.0.
L.H. Williams   4.0.
R. Rogers 4.0.

Circulars N.Z. Squash Rackets Assn.
Central Districts Assn.
Wellington Districts Assn.
H.B. Squash Rackets Club Annual Report.
N.Z. Association re Dardir’s visit.
Auditor’s report.
State Fire Insurance Office.
J. Newbigin – Report on Management Committee Meeting.

Moved G. Cook and seconded P. Morrison that a sub committee be formed to handle correspondence received from the New Zealand and Districts Associations with the object of putting this correspondence before the committee.   Carried.

The committee formed: G. Cook and the secretary.

It was moved G. Cook and seconded by P. Morrison that the Club accept the quote of the State Fire Office to insure the glass at the courts and the secretary is to advise the company accordingly.

NEW MEMBERS:   Mr. & Mrs. N.K. Norwell.

Moved G. Cook, seconded R. Fraser that this application be accepted.

RESIGNATIONS:   These were received from the following:

Robyn J. King,   Elizabeth Upton,
Robin, Barbara & Diane Lett,
E.C. Agar,   Don & Annette Patterson,
Justine Shooter,   Ian McAleese,
Diane Grieve,   Anthony Cambie,
Juliet Rogers,   L.H. Williams,
P.R. Douglass,   N.J. Wolfe,
R. de Raat,   D. Cull,
S.H. Langley,   Joy & Don Hembrow,
Teresa Patterson,   M.J. & M.F. Elliott,
Alan Grover,   L.W. Hall.

Moved R. Fraser, seconded E. de Ridder that the above resignations be accepted.

SUB COMMITTEES:   The following sub committees were formed:

House: Peter Morrison.

Social: Ian Featherstone, R. Fraser & M. Joll.

Match: G. Wall & B. Drown.

MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE:   Some discussion took place on the selection of representatives for this Committee and it was moved by B. Drown and seconded by I. Feathersone [Featherstone] that two delegates be appointed by this Committee. These delegates elected were J. Newbigin and G. Cook.

Mr. G. Cook and Miss I. Maclean were appointed delegates to attend these General Meetings in Palmerston North on 31st March and 1st & 2nd April.

MEMBERSHIP CARDS:   Most of the committee agreed that although these cards were not functioning as originally intended, they did provide identification of members and as such should be continued.

DARDIR’S VISIT:   It was left to the Club Captain to approach those members whom he thought would be interested in having professional coaching from Dardir and a notice is being put on the Notice Board at the Courts inviting members to avail themselves of Dardir’s services.

CLUB AMENITIES:   The Chairman spoke on the future additions and amenities that the Club hoped to undertake and it was agreed that insulation of the roof in an endeavour to combat condensation be given urgent consideration. Dr. Foote offered to contact an insulation expert in Wellington who would come and give his advice free of charge.

A sub committee comprising G. wall and R. Fraser is to investigate the cost of extending the social area and

building the third court, and they are to report back to the next meeting. When this information’ is obtained, methods of raising the necessary finance and the prudency of such alterations can be investigated.

Committee Room:
Moved R. Fraser and seconded I. Featherstone that a suitable place to put the cash box be built in the Committee Room perhaps a door under the stairs and G. Wall is to get a builder to do the job.

Committee Room Keys:
The lock on the door is to be changed and one dozen new keys cut.

CLUB NIGHTS:   The first Club Night for the year will be on Tuesday April 4th and all members are to be advised of this by circular and asked to attend. The Club Captain intends to introduce as much variety as possible in an effort to improve attendances and Committee Members were asked to bring along any new members.

At the suggestion of P. Morrison, quick raffles are to be held in an effort to raise funds, such raffles to be continued so long as members support them.

INTER CLUB:   A full programme for the year has been drawn up by the Napier Club secretary with teams in A, B & C grades. This will give all who are interested a game. A suggestion was made that teams be selected from ladder placings only and with this incentive the ladders should work.

CLUB CREST:   The Committee agreed that the Club should have a crest and P. Morrison offered to make enquiries to obtain a suitable one.

HONORARIUMS:   For this year the Treasurer is to receive £25 and pay no subscription and the Secretary £15 with no subscription subscriptions for last year to be refunded.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 10.30 p.m.


PF Foote

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Other minutes for 1967 are held at the Knowledge Bank


Business / Organisation

Havelock North Squash Rackets Club Incorporated

Format of the original

Typed document

Date published

22 March 1967


  • E C Agar
  • Anthony Cambie
  • G [Gary] Cook
  • D Cull
  • Dadir
  • J Danielson
  • R de Raat
  • E [Eric] de Ridder
  • P R Douglass
  • B Drown
  • M F Elliott
  • M J Elliott
  • I [Ian] Featherstone
  • Dr P [Peter] F Foote
  • R [Rod] Fraser
  • Diane Grieve
  • Alan Grover
  • L W Hall
  • Don Hembrow
  • Joy Hembrow
  • Miss M [Margaret] Joll
  • Robyn J King
  • S H Langley
  • B [Bruce] Logan
  • I [Isobel] Maclean
  • Ian McAleese
  • P [Peter] Morrison
  • N K Norwell
  • Mrs N K Norwell
  • Annette Patterson
  • Don Patterson
  • Juliet Rogers
  • R Rogers
  • Justine Shooter
  • Elizabeth Upton
  • G [Graham] Wall
  • L H Williams
  • N J Wolfe

Accession number


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