Present Mr G Mulvanah (act chair) Mesdames Clare Michau and Anne Lane, Messrs Richard Edmunds, Dick Brunton, Richard Jones, Colin Dudley and the secretary.
Apologies were received from Mrs Beth Wood and Messrs Graeme Mills, Bill Brown and the Secretary.
Minutes of the meeting held on the 13th June having been circulated were taken as read and approved as a true and correct record.
Matters arising.
AGM The secretary outlined arrangements made for the A G M and these were approved.
Top Shop Richard Edmunds reported that he had the media lined up. There was a request from Broadcasting for a square banner, but after some discussion it was decided to proceed with one of triangular shape.
The relevant dates would be: –
Week commencing 4th September – editorial introduction
Week commencing 11th September commencing Top Shop promotion and continuing to Friday 29th September.
Week commencing 2nd October judging of entries
Tuesday 10th October Awards breakfast
H B Retails Assn will provide six $25 vouchers for lucky customers. Judges have yet to be obtained.
The secretary tabled a statement of income and expenditure showing a total of funds of $3361.59 and a current bank balance of $1861.59 and this was approved.
The secretary presented a list of the correspondence inwards and outwards since the last meeting and this was approved.
General Business
The Regional Retailing Survey was discussed at length as was Mr Rob Duckworth’s letter and it was decided that we support his very pertinent comments.
N Z Merchants AGM.
Mr Jones informed the meeting that there was no longer any subsidsation of the attendance of President and secretary from branch associations. Because of lack of registrations this year a Conference will not be held but there will be and A G M. Mr Barry Purdy is at present conducting nine Young Retailers on tour overseas. He also reported that subscription income was down and a new membership drive was under way. Pay Equity was a much more serious matter than most people realised.
Mr Mulvanah left the meeting at this point (4.05 p m) and Mr Dudley took the chair.
The secretary is to write to Mr Purdy, inviting him and Mr Michael Baines to attend our AGM and asking Barry to address the meeting briefly on the Pay Equity topic. Also to ask that in future press releases be faxed directly to Richard Edmunds who will forward them on.
The secretary is to endeavour to organise a luncheon on the day of the A G M for the executive to hold a meeting with Barry Purdy and Michael Baines.
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 10th September.
Confirmed RL Duckworth Date 12/9/89
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