Meeting Minutes 1984


PRESENT:   Messrs. M. Baty, S. Signal, H. Chappell, P. Keesing, T. Flanagan, F. Wilkins, G. Martin, D. Holloway, R. Ormandy. Mesdames J. Wrigley, J. Signal, M. Norman.

APOLOGIES:   Mr. B. Smith, Mrs. J. Wilkins.

It was moved by J. Signal that the apologies be accepted.  Seconded J. Wrigley.

MINUTES:  The minutes of the meeting of 16 October were circularised, and it was moved by J. Wrigley, that they be taken as read.  Seconded J. Signal.


1.   Carpark. A meeting was held on 5 November with representatives of the Tennis Club, Squash Club and Borough Council to discuss the need for a greater car parking area.  The Council will redefine the parking lines, but in the long term the need to tar seal another area was understood, but as this would require major funding the Council were not able to say when we could hope that this could be done.  The need to seal existing pot holes was also brought to the Council’s attention.
2.   The Committee dinner held at the Old Flame restaurant on 19 November was a success.


INWARDS:  H.B.-Gisb. Dist. S.R.A.   Notice of A.G.M. nominations, Motions & remits.
H.B.-Gisb. Dist. S.R.A.   Letter of thanks for E. Grade National Hosting.   Re. Hertz Masters Reports.
Dodgers Softball Club.   Reply to letter of 22/10/84.
A. Andrew.   Report on N.Z. Masters Tour.
T. Taafe [Taaffe].   Resignation as Hon. Auditor.
OUTWARDS:  Dodgers Softball Club.   Re. damage to building.
S. Weekes.   Letter of thanks for prize cards.
J. Attree   Letter of thanks for extra cleaning and rubbish removal.


1.   P. Keesing to report to the President of the Dodgers Softball Club, regarding unsupervised players still practising against the building.
2.   S. Pinfold to be nominated by the Club for the Presidency of the District.

It was moved by P. Wilkins that all correspondence be accepted.  Sec. S. Signal.

ACCOUNTS   Total accounts to pay   1972.34
Balance a E &C 14/11/84   873.62
Deficit Balance   1098.72

Balance in Investment   5814.00

It was moved by S. Signal that all accounts be passed for payment.  Sec. T. Flanagan.


There was one senior transfer in, and one senior transfer out, plus two senior resignations.  S. Signal moved that these be accepted.  Seconded R. Ormandy.


DISTRICT:  No report.

HOUSE:  P. Wilkins advised the committee of the situation regarding the drainage problem from the kitchen sink, and the basin in the men’s changing room.  It was decided that new waste pipes costing approx. $100 be laid, with the direction in the kitchen that no tea leaves to be emptied in that sink.  The cracked hand basin in the men’s changing room to be replaced with a plastic one.  S. Signal to action an insurance claim for the cracked basin.


Sumner Interclub started on 14/11/84, and will be held every week – Havelock have three teams entered.  J. Logan has organised this Interclub.

Havelock’s responsibility for organising winter Interclub stands, and concern was expressed at finding a suitable candidate for this job.

BAR:  A bar shout was held last Sunday.  D. Holloway reported that there have been two more attempted break ins on the bar door since the last burglary.


1.   DISTRICT A.G.M.   The only nomination being put forward by the Committee is that of Sue Pinfold as President.  M. Norman to contact Sue and Peter Brown to ascertain their interest in taking on the District Junior Co-ordinator position.

2.   Hon. AUDITOR.   S. Signal advised the Committee of the difficulty in finding a replacement for T. Taafe.  He is to continue to seek a replacement, but if unable to find a person for this Office by the A.G.M. the Club Rules pertaining to this situation (10c ) will be effected.

3.   CLUB A.G.M.   Ten nominations for Committee personnel were received by the due date, plus nominations for President, Treasurer and Club Captain.  A lengthy discussion was held on the lack of nominations for the positions of Secretary, Chairman and Ladies Club Captain.  Committee members were asked to seek nominees for these positions for the A.G.M.  Failing the election of a Chairman, at the A.G.M., H. Chappell offered to be caretaker Chairman for a year, on the understanding that an existing Committee member take up this Office in 1986.  A suggestion was also made that B. Weekes be approached to ascertain whether she would consider being Secretary as per Rule 9 i. if there is no one elected from the floor at the A.G.M.

4.   BUDGET & SUBSCRIPTION SCALE.   S. Signal presented the budget for 1985 and the recommended subscription scale for the 1984/85 season.  A discussion took place on the need for the increase in subscriptions – 5%, following last year’s rise.  It was moved by P. Keesing that the recommended subscription scale as presented be adopted for presentation to the A.G.M.  Seconded H. Chappell… Motion carried.

5.    B. WEEKES.   The Committee decided that a letter of thanks be sent to B. Weekes to thank her for her work on behalf of the Club, and in appreciation of her time and efforts the Club give her and her husband a complimentary dinner at a restaurant of her choice.

B. Weekes has offered to make savouries for the A.G.M. which was accepted gratefully.,

6.   NATIONAL TEE-SHIRTS.   H. Chappell enquired as to the sales of the Tee-shirts, and was advised that 37 remained.  They are to be on sale at the A.G.M. and from the bar at a cost of $6 for one and $10 for two.

7.   HONORARIUM.   M. Baty moved that the Secretary and Treasurer receive a free subscription in lieu of an honorarium.  Seconded J. Signal.

8.   ACKNOWLEDGMENT.   M. Baty thanked all the Committee for their support throughout his year as Chairman, and expressed his enjoyment of the Committee’s work for the year.

9.   VOTE OF THANKS.   S. Signal expressed a vote of thanks to M. Baty and M. Norman for their work for the Club for the past few years, on their retirement from the Committee.

There being no further business the meeting was declared closed at 10.03 p.m.


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Other minutes for 1984 are held at the Knowledge Bank


Business / Organisation

Havelock North Squash Rackets Club Incorporated

Format of the original

Typed document

Date published

20 November 1984


  • A Andrew
  • J Attree
  • M Baty
  • Peter Brown
  • Sue Brown
  • H [Heugh] Chappell
  • T Flanagan
  • D Holloway
  • P Keesing
  • J Logan
  • G Martin
  • Mrs M Norman
  • R Ormandy
  • S [Sue] Pinfold
  • Mrs J Signal
  • S Signal
  • B Smith
  • T [Terry] Taaffe
  • Mrs B Weekes
  • S Weekes
  • F Wilkins
  • Mrs J Wilkins
  • Mrs J Wrigley

Accession number


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